In a hurry ? Eat SHREDDE WHEAT the man-sized meal The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA GOOD ADVICE FOR SETTLERS Canadian Press. -Old Country papers are overflowing with haters progressive and conservative"' on the subject of cml&ratfnn In Canada. In the Ctlasftow Herald, "Winnipeg" gives his views onlhe matter a follows: VI have just read flic Ion? articles sent you lv A. C. Hunter, of Walkerville, pnlario. As I also- know the Dominiitn fairly well; (from Halifax to Vaucou-vefj. IV would Just like to snv thtit what he stales Is pretty ueacjhe hard at it correct, r.nngranls are getting n xdloxv tlifc farm "And slav' Q and "bud i I Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday the Prince 1 Rupert Daily News. Limi led. Thin! Avenue, t H. F. PUI.LEN", Manuring Editor. TTT- Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, April C, 1026. tumbling over each other in Cuh ada. They .will often licit y'mt If they riinl you straight in your 'Statement. The hank managers .soon Ket to know you, al.-o vonr affair.. If you are n steady hard . i worker, they will often lie your uiven oy uia countryman .invest friend. Remember tliis---, Writing on Immigration jyou cannot expect to get nirtie ithiin.vmir fnml fni !i rutf cAi'tv f.i)XjfOX, Eng., April (liy , it1 takes a mailer of four Vefh! ..-.I! . .I. .. . . . ... 1 . befmc you ran possibly see much progress. So don I be disap pointed. II is bound to he all 'bntlay' and hard, hard work be fore the -'return is seen. Many lose heart and 'throw up' their homesteads. Yes, you must have rit, and some determination to a- i a succeed, for remember il is bit lerly cold for around three moulds (some, say five month! and then the summer is oflen very, very warm, when yon nixtil Work Not Play run gre(at opportunity in, tHug, ojtt L "If If you you buy buy a a car ear don't don't thej'chanee, but aft A. (I. ltunfi---3and leave your ground to g: le fltll Is Ihnm them ttO so clearly lniflv thev !; mnsi.!weeds. mna 'ti-n.L. I I., ..... game a. mi m;mv u fp nnvv At. 1 fW.'ph.t. jyst say in passing tbaMSledd it will kiep you. yno.jiiiia i-.ijiifiiwina tint miii-sunic jjf us us now lo worKeir tor sev-oithe prairie and drift into lUleral months and got nothing lowrus or perhaps into one of theffroin- the fanner but promises. blM cities, where they gel rnor; That complaint is too true. I've M-dj T" "c1 you musl be d heard that tale orien. So ask hujjdy hfah witlr the-hammer an.ljyour banker about your employer saw;, and 'forget' abopl wbrklriif taking a job for a few months onlvieight hours per day. ir in-1 Homesteaders are mnch letter nvjiru hi your iiomesieaj you-ou now uian they were 20 years WHl,get plenty to do. Jel fotnr ofdjiuj (riend. to locale reasOnr alvjnear you. . If you are thinking .of goinc fnrf'.I would sayr-Keep outside your.diwir every "man who pleiidi. l&J 'ou to take a . mortgage, donTt listen lo him, thousands. ba lost their homes through - - - r IWlening to lhee men: nav fo'. vviiTC you need, or do without itfill ago hat with a car. tele- fihone, wireless, etc., they are. not o Isolaletl from the world. If ymi undersland about farming and have the grit to stick it,, riiy advice is in go, providing you can get out under this new t'.'l hCheme. You have a rare. chance, as you will he assisted many ways. Hofore, emiffranls nao a very poor ctiance of tnnK tbi new 3 scheme ydiilW'tfoitd, unless IIihv had several bavga preal chance and I wouldj'dollars behind tlierii. A. C. Ilun-ccyrninly say, iin. Don't .takolter' article is very cormd; he inr with you except dollars.jliad some had luck. I could give yoUiJcan easily buy there cheaply jinany-brighler pictures, if Hn 3uiUMbH.t yrui need. Take all fheilhiiik of going out, I'm sure I dollars: you ca gather and todsewiH be delighted to have a chat Ihr-tu in a bank The hanks ifrA . jvflh iVem," Put on the kettle-Mrs. Housewife, and make yourself a cup of BOVRIL You yill accomplish more you will renew your strength and energy jfyou stop in the midst of the day's work, put on the kettle, make yourself' a cup of hot, energizing Bovnl. And it is so easy to do a spoonful of Bovnl, a pinch of salt, in a cup of boiling water. That's all -but how it will refresh : you up". Try it! 30VRIL 18 SO GOOD tOR VOU mt CAPTURING BOOTLEGGER Exploit of Flight Lieut. Earl Mac. Leod Is Described In Mac-Lean's Magazine . ..drothy' u: Hell, well known t!anadian writer, is the author ol ;ierie,s of articles npp'Hrin iu .Mae L.canV .MaKaVine vntilled "Cthada's 'l'ejxcetime Afr Con ijueisl.'' tiviUe.i 4if the Roya'l yan'adifin Ai f Force ale dealt with afiif in flie current number of the ihagazine ;appears the - following nccjjiinl of ;m exploit of Flight' Lieutenant Marl .MacLeod.-'" who' is wen Known nere, ;iain' iieeii m ijharge of the aerial fisheries jiatrol at tliis port during the past three years: "In Hie location and running down of ruin-runners' craft which iufe,t the Pacific coast, the flyjng boals have been of in-(stini;1fe value lo the Customs, One of the cleverest bits of flying ever reported in Canada was done, b,v..Flighl-Liedt Carl Mac-Leod,,on jonp. of fhese ii.ttlitlon-.,' iVi'h tbiSVresUn that a desoerate uani1forifooilegiev Was artyled jwid Ihe contraband cargo cai- turedi". "With a custonis official on board, the seaplane set uiil in caien ul .a tur said to be some where'uff ihe coast of Vancouver Inland1 with a cargo of liquor. After- making a careful survey Ihe tug wa sighted, Knowing her to le btfavily artuVd, .Maclnxl drdppeij ilowu behind an inland and skimnu'd along the water oil ; of sight and sound of the unsus pecting ui. Judging his distance ( a nicety be suddenly liried the machine up over the timbered stiore, and cutting off his engine lie moment he hail cleared the lifee tops, he dived, struck the wsile'r wilh scarcely a splash, ami gliding up behind the tug, ran the front cockpit of the plane to within (wo feet or the stern of the boat. The cuslums officer stepped from the plan to the tug, ami, emerging from behind she pilot house, presented the niuzzle of his gun to the astonished crew.' Had MacLeod been a moment 'fate Cutting off 'his engine, had he mi-judged the speed Of (he plane or the boat by a bair's breadth; had be humped (lie side of the tug in landing, the alarm would have been given and the crew' undoubtedly would have opened fire with disastrous results." FINE ARTS, TRAVEL AND HISTORY IN NEW B00KS0F LIBRARY Tin following are mamr new books recently added lo Ibo ish'elvcs of the tu-al puhlic Fine Arts '"heller, Shacks and Shanties." by Heard. ''Talc's of. Southern llivers." by (Jrey Literature 'The Habitant," by Drumninn.L "Jlomer's Iliad," '.translation,. "Dickens and Oilier Viclori- a'ni!",,-:by (juiller-Couch. "tair I'riucous," i,y Hostand. 'Jlalladt of a Cheechako." bv Service. "I'laVs in I'rosO'aild'Verse." hv Travel 'In Hriirhteat Africa." hv Akelcy. "Lure of French 'Chateaux." hv (ostling "Lilc of the Ancient VaL" by Ttalkie "London llivcr." by Tomlinson. "Hook of the West," by 'Oame Trails In Uritish Col-umhla," hy Williams. HlBtoPH 'Old Province Tale'," by Mr,-! Median. i "Decisive llaltles," of Modern Times,'' by Whitton. ANNUAL DAFFODIL BALL LAST EVENING Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Scored Usual Annual 8uccess The annual Daffodil Hall held in the I.O.DX Hall last nltflil under the auspices or Hie Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E.. nuoved to be one or the most successful dances held in the city in a lon while. The hall was daintily deeor.iled u-itli . ...... Jiunvtiiui lllllliriltl. elTects and over 50 couples' uioroupjily enjoyed duneing In; the excellent music turnlshcd bv ' f -THE. DAILY-. KBW3 ,4 Ttiet&K JAferlLj), 102fi. Motorists Already Benefit By New Tire Warranty Instituted January First, 1926 :"' .a- ' 1 r. TT .' THElMAN IN THEMOON ay: IV " u i Will) will gel kitchen fire. WITH Ihe the iirosoeei TUKSK chilly riiornirifrs find I'm .-itlil Mil .IIIIiit in, In I. ...I til up and light lh, elevalor leased and of a sawmill oper- Is Your Back The Weak Point Then jet your kidneys rif ht by mint Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills . Very few people are In perfect health. There is a Weak spot nomewhwe. When you ret tired or your sjttfm seta a little run down you feel the effecti at your weakpot. If your weak apot hi your back, then you may inspect that your kidneys are not In perfect owier. The back aches or Is weak and orei you may have head-aches; there will tie dryn ot the akin, pains in the limbs and disorders of tho bladder. The oulckest way to repilate the kidneys Is hy usln Vr, Chaw's Kidney-Liver Pills. They are hound to he effective Iwcauae they arouiw the action ef the kidneys, liver and liowels and thereby ensure the elimination of joUona from the system. TT Is now three months since the Tire Manufacturers A of Canada put Into effect the 90-day Warranty 0T1 tires. It will be remembered that, starting Jan. 1st, 1926, nil standard tires have been sold in Canada under h full guarantee against defects of workmanship or material for 90 days from the date of first road-wear (180 days In the case of solid tires). The benefits of this policy to the motorist were pointed out at the time of Its announcement. You were told of the great Improvements made In tiro construction. You were told of the high average mileage being given by standard tires- mileage so good that the old basis of adjustment had ceased to mean anything. You were told why Tire Manufacturers now sell their tires under this Warrant)', knowing that any defect Mill show up within 90 days. The success of the 90-day Warranty's loo In the United States, during the past two years, was reasonable assurance that the Warranty would also benefit motorists In Canada. Already those benefits are apparent. The practically complete elimination of the professional adjustment-seeker Is reducing tire cons to the motoring public. Using the old adjustment as a bait to sell poor tires Is almost a thing of the past. Every honest motorist who wishes only to get good value for his tire money is protected as he never was before. Now that the motoring season is really beginning, the benefit of the 90-day Warranty will become more and more apparent. Tire Manufacturers Division Till! mudpack beauty culture idea may he nil rfpht but its a vood idea to kitp it on the out-ide or (he face. I.OVK is like a fire il usuatU bn-aks out at mhl. SISTKH has discarded the roll lops and now sports a hot water bottle at night. How times d" hanpe. Kndeavor lo rle to tlie occasion as the yeast rnke said tie dour-'h.. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert April 6, 1916 Liberals claim hjoo money in millions is beiiiff spent hy Hut , - .-.II., If I!' III III 'If , .1 ' lossin? fin odd deeidVi",,'I-''no,n! 'i miinilions graft. dime, to r. "k,. "' " " " ' .": in id . .:v,t . r-i....i.. v.r 1 1 ... i li is said that friends lif Ihe'gov- trrnmenl' are mnKiii forlniies itf 1 ii rii ins" 'over eoulrncds lo dummy ' ' r 'coiupanles. W. T. Donnellr.rdesiirncr of the I'rlnce lluperl .iiry,,dock, Is here inspect u the p ant, which is j Hearing rbhipletfnn. r , A large n.udlence, presided over by W. K. William;, alleiided Ihe I'resbyterbin rorlnlglitly i.luli's closing tnectin last night. T'hoe contributing lo tho jiro- Kmiii inriiiiii'o .irs. nay, .miss llrnnd, Mrs. 0. L. Monroe, Mrs. William Mlllai-i Mr. and Mts. S Darton. Miss Kathleen tlnmi t l..l... J'.lb.l. !... f It ... . .i.Miu win i n-, .iirn. i ii. j'aierson, Mrs. T. t;. Duncan, Miss Margaret McColl, Mr. CorkhJII. Mm. Norman Mackliilosh, principal and Mrs. .1. 0. Hrady and Miss Irwin. Onlooker Surely, Mose, you don't expect to catch fish in that si ream? Mose No, ah, I don't expeel to. I'ne Jitsl showlnc mv old woman I had no time lo turn do wringer. The RUBBER ASSOCIATION of CANADA Retard Building, Toronto Arthur's orchestra consisting ifi II. Arthur, jr., drum; Mrs. II. 1. Ponder, jiiano. and Oavhl Knst- mati, .saxaphone. it. Illanco acted as master of ceremonies De lightful refreshment were served at miduichl under the direc tion of Mrs. 1. Mrl. Hunlcr-as- sisled by Mrs. T. Andrew with Mrs. Carroll in charre of. the culinary department. Mrs. s. Darion acted as sre.ncral convenor for the dance assisted hy tin ladies oI the order., Mrs. I)avid Thomson, was ronvenor for the il!'rni3itn-.asil'd by members of the , Olteen Mary ChanleiSnnd muslu atuY'tnocriiin yas iir tjo' band of-, Mr. i: A. woodland. W. Jlra'A offieialed a't the door. atinK asain it will now be O.K. to (to shopping for real estate bargain. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers, DimeiiMOii, Hlnplap, IV 'inih, Floor iiik, V Joint, ilustic Olid llevel Hiding, nod Kir Boat Lumber, Fir and CoIIoiiwihmI Veneer, Mouldings Hluilgles, Kolored .Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods Sash ami Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As bestos Cement, Mnrdwull Plaster. Plotter of Pari, Piasler Hoard, Lime, lljilraled Lime. Fireclay. BRICKS, EtcCommon Hrirk, Fire Hrirk, Pressed llrh'k. Agricultural Tile, Vilrified Pipe. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS NiiiM, Hiiihling Poper, Tar Paper ' riubliProid Hoofings, Johns. Mnnville's be.ios lloor lugs. Asphalt, Asjihall Hoofiiig apers, Siml and Gravel, - NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kilchen Mango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' 8moked Dally by Canadian Fish & fold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News"