T.UE SOTIE thai, afill rtayi ,-ui'i I tuner .t I-1 1 ni-aui, iniemia n a , vmulrr of Mud rnr im iei for ''"' and tiff of laud, at lullotta. mini iirlni ( a tm.l planted at me Ilia, 1st 1. . 'alel Jannar aih. IStA. Tfinllta JtVI I1ICITTY... , HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. j Olairlei af Qaalt Ranga a. Tttt; viTtri: that. nr iiaya after ) I. T. J, lleattr. Inlemia In. apply m tht Mlnl.ier f land. f"T a fleenet Pm.peel rnr rnal an.l petroleum, 'ier in arrea of lan.1, aa Mlna.- : ''miiM-nelii at a p." I planii-d Al lha r)'irlhi-t ronier of 1.n a, llanle, S, 1 marked TJ.It.'a nrihwei. rorner. tfenee .1.111 h an rltaln. Ihenee rt J rhalna, ihen.-a north. 0 rhalna. thenea seal ao rhaln. In point r.f rmnniNireinenl Inealed January th. lOfn. TlinlllA JtMl! ftriTTY. HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. rai a Inra Dlatrlct af Caaat Ranja B. , . , . MEMORY HOUSES 'FISH CROWS AND apply lo iHrtrolmin t - . bi i-oimr ui serin ii, tii. , tu,, ... ami marked TJ.D.'a n.iriurati , . . . tiM-nrr Muiri i.ain, tneorr Interesting aaaI aawn. m r irn ill av I lldlll. tyt nam UZILTM LAaiO UTPMCT. DUkt af Caaat Ra S. -hi: iimi. itir liT rwr B'in mt-U ta afi m ' iaat f a nnriar - i aiM a i i BlaMm al f f ---final . TA .1 aMilM TJJI. aMil . i rMM. "r ilia. IS, HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Oiatrlat af Caaat fWaa a. I. karl ' INrcr Malta " eNaaa. "' '. to 1 outi nf nm '' I lhal, .Mr Aftrr n-all liMiia h- aw-" -f land J a limn 'f eal IM l-infwni nf Uim. rmiaaia t ii I ai JrtJolMi ai IN j - nf rttMi V T. I. ai.l maiif-fl TJ.R.' onfill liWtii. MMiik a rtMtttv lK liam itixnrf rwf lb rKaia. ' ham. la ibHi ..f nw tit- lit Jirrt January II in. f j tnniit nm nr rr il HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt af Caaat Raa. S. w Vina iim. .mi iiar afe T i tieaii). IniemU i aii ml v m.,r .,f 4n) fftr a ftrrnei' W fi mal ami ilrlmfn aiti-a r laevt a foBi.' n al a tl Manlc-I i- i al . i ineiieement. -V.T." - -r"".'":.:-n. HAZELTON DEAD BOARD ORDER HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. I m. r iaii.i. a. i..iii Indian jack Miner Deals With Question ua -. ! . rii4in. i.. pmm r ,, uraveyard are Described In Letter to Eastern News- i a jiiiunry JIlOTfT Sib, sib. I ifit. 'I. TIIOMl" i VLL1 BKITIV HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct af CMI Ranga 0. Relics In papers MIA.l-l.TOX. li.i:.. April (J. Jjanndi.m pre., . The "House. There j. a dirrcrenre or opfn- Of Memory" in Hm Indian prate- "" tatne of Mm fish til , .v ii r. imi. iii ni)a arvr ia ii here nr.. .I..-....II... . ... n, il..l. .o.., r.....i i. J " urn- " " - """i "ii nir T . rwailj. intend. In aimlt Ui nj ilnnier ik land. tweiwe'ian-l Uoi !n the lMiiioiiloii Jour- 4,":'- That is why a letter writ- '. ' sr. r.fS,i SLr;.n('- 'l'"ilnuUwOiw1I,fM,p. jkl. l'.v J-T-k Miner lo Or.m . TiMtL? K'i"'?. V 'r tHIlr'iiV playlM.iiM.,,!' iy ar, .a.r. rm nll of inl NMI of IHKII or u l.lliilxlicl unhl nl n?ain.l trnnV;. II M Ui tint haiiir on' ,i iiiifl hImink, llif liot(mpi nf a yoiinif woman i inH in htr liaiii.nr. Tli (.ii lurr U fa.tiii and tniily Willi mi Mini ilamp. ml Clip Mri-oii fvrn iil iH.k l.ravrlv furili HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Ditukt af Caal Ranaa S. Tii ottn urn. am tara r-r alair 1.1 i halli. HHeni in am4jr ta thr Mkh af likl far a itrMtra i., pf.firri lt r.i and yiiroteam mrr .ti vrr- "f MM. a Tnlfcimar i iiiii Wail al a fmi plaHlxl lu aib al Hit nanlie4 narnrr nf Ij' . Rar .. and urird TJJI,' aoili- ral . nurlh cHalaa iWori ft aa rlwat. IhHtor aHtilb ham- ihnio ei S rSMln. In nl nf Imratrd ianuaM lb. IttS. TH'iH iKMK r TTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Biatptcl at Ceaat Raa aa S. Tir mitih thai, aitit afirr 4U 1. T i twaii). MMntil In aftjr Iv iim inidi it una. rar a nwi miimim-i tvt rmi aid llriirim nver '..m irw nf land. a. fnllnv: r.nwii-n-Tit al a lxi 4ailed al the kMtam "rft-i ul '! 17. Tit. I. ftafil 1. ana tHtrLid TJ.R" Hlirl rami ihMrf IKirIB Sa rtu, Ibrnrr raM rtuiftv thrarr nulb rhahiv tlwwrr m-M an rnabi. In muni f euii aiRi Nwfil. -4 IMaian 1 1 lV. lt TWQ,aa IWf "ILWTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Otatrlct af Ooaal Raaa S. TUI MilliT lhal. altli nil allrr din- ii J twain. MH4 autHl In im- vimiih 4 Uml. r a iiwir la rwuH" ' enal and laSnaelltll trf aia f af Lixt. a fln:-(-im.iu.wini al a rtanft al Ihf anh rl earner nf "eeli t. Tp. I flauar A. ami marked TJ.B.' -llie-i mtner. Ibeuo- i1h la eballt. Ilien"-fal .ruin., im-rwe annih aa Hum-ilietirr ri e rhain. m "l "f n jr-iiMl January Itlh. If. Til"."" IW OfATTY, HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Ditulct af Caaat Rat S. Tli: xttiri; thai. ui iiaira after dale I. T. 1. fteativ. Inlemi In apfy In the VlinUler "f Mtvl. fnr a Irrenrr In (nief ri rial and fielmlemil er aia arre nf land. a fi.lln: r.initnenelnt .MfMneliia al al a a run plinl.-il at In i li : inw iJ u.li a Tn. I-i h.rlie.i ennw-r ni im in. .ii . and marled Tia-i uneiliaeli ami inarked TJ.Ba iiiilhea.l enrner. ok nr MMiih ae tbam. Itiefiee ' iiain. herr tint Ih M rtiairi. l 6 rliains InitiMnl nf ejil riiitii He.1 Jamitrr I lib. IS. TIIHMt JltllA ItrTT'lV HAItLTON LAND 01 STRICT. Oiatrkl af Coaal Ram S. HI i.1irr Hut. ltlr data after ' ' i lietliv inietMia la aprlr In Vinltei .f umt fur a lleenre trux'i- Tim- rnal ami rielrnleimi I" am-., nf la ml. a rlsnw: ''m-mt al a fmi i tanied ai the ..-al rnrner nf Sertinn IA. Tp. I. ., and marked TJ.B.'a aniiim-a.! Iheie Vinrlb n rtu in v I an i-lialns lle-nre amiih 0 rhnn. ea.l an rluinv In milfit vt rum-Hienl ami Jaimtrv nth. 1st. TIHiMta ItMia irTTV. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Diatrktl af Caaat Ranaa a. 1 mr. lnjni; mal, tlur data after I. T J. fw-all. iniemia In anlr m Mlnl.ier nr l.anda for A lleenre m.lel fur enal and petroleum r A 10 arret c.f land, a fullnwa: innietirlna al a rxl nlantml al the Tne enrtirr iif Jerimn ii, TP. f .i im-nr wrtrlb ehaln. lliener et iuin. Iheiire anuia . aa rnain, inrmT ,(l aa num. In aanl vf eintmieoeinieiit Inealed Janaarv aih. iSf. Tlloa Jlvia IHATTT, HAItLTON "LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrtct af Coaal Ransa 8. tut M1irt: lint; aitty flay Ailef dale I T. i. fleam. Inleml. In apply l im- llni.ler nf jind fnr a lleetier ! prnMieel fnr nial ami pelmleUTil ..411 arrea nf land. a fnllnma: i .MWnennni al a mwl. lanie.l at the uirlhur.l "irner nr 'eelhoi Sf. Tp. 3. nanav '- n'' m'"! TJ R. nnMhe.t enrm-i HielM wMilh rhamv Inenee ,ai rhain. It-ner rmrih no ehalna. tlM-iiii- ml elaaina. In pninl nr mm "7.-1" i.nuarr I lib. ISIA. TlloM-it J . t'FATTT ..I. .1 IlK Itrfi.nieneina ai a i--. knmhea.i .-..rm-r nf ertlon l. T" TP. II. Iiaiiae . I ml liuiked T.J.n. .Miiiteai and liiaiked TJ.U.'a ftorlliweat , rwiier. Ihenee mirili ." "T "7 r th-nre mulb n rhalna. Ihenee e,t a Hwf inriirr """.p 7""7: il fl et.ai'n. lUn nftrlh A rlllltH. iluuirw ea.l 0 ehaln. 0 l'lnl H rom- in-nea xe. no rhaln. In muni cr on nt.-iirrment. i'TXXtt nriTTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Ceaat Ranga S. TlkV vn tr" that, amy laya arier Inlen.1. In apply in dale I T 1. Realty. the Vrnioer nf I and. fnr a llrenra I prn.perl t cwl knil pelmleutn merr4lTI'rea i.r laml. a. ..Ilowat-ritii"nrlnj at A . Mante.1 10 mllej aoiiili "f the norhet rnrner nr l.il ?i Iianre 1. anil marked T.l.B.'a north-ea.l Ihenre aniilh all rhaln., thene.. V.t ao rnama. iN-nee north ao rhalna. "all io of n-m-Ineiieiiiienl. Uieni-e 1 rhaU.. In l.inl . .... .e.,e.l "'rSiVhM'M' tfTTY, HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT, Dlairlrt af Coaal Ranja S. Tiki- MITICK Hut. all ly ..Uaya dale 1. T..I. neatly. .A'V- "'t -" -.-v., Mini.ier ur i.an.iv i"r a rier Intend, in apply to ll.-enre ne 1. t.j, lii-il v. inlena. in. arriy " nM.rV-ri f r rnal and netroienui the Mlnl.ier nf laml. fnr A tVenr "IfreaiT.f laml, a fnllowa: In prn.ner r..r eoal and I mletim nier x?' 'n, ,t the jver flin rrea of land, as T"ll"W;r; ".'.'JTSS oirnVr nf aeetlon 13. Tp. I A. rniomenrin at a Pnl nhnte.l al th p;'''h.wV 1 "r marked T.J.na norihwe.t .imrlhweal rnrner nf l.nt A. ninte S. ftanaa I. 'j , , nrnr nd marked T.l.B.'a m.rtheaM rorner. rt-in er. ; 'Vhenee nrtn 0 rhaln. main., in pnini ii .....1.11,, r.... . jin.tir ian, ta?B. Ilrd January' Plht 1S. . I Lw,,,d ''P oJiS JAVES BEATTY. rir, lir- ihi nuin i rf.ft. . nofinuril Ill llllf milH-r PrMlMllllllla " '", I 1114 14 W 11,11 0 .ftVM Zm: '"'n r'KiK! KvHllnr. 10 or 15 rVi-Nitnh, 0,1 ' "Hl'TMil i Vrnil nW- jtnl Jinuarj 1 p. ifitiii i.r r. mUotl HM.r a irunk filli.,i:l'l.i,"'lA fft'il Hm mwn in IIir sib. i. Jw HI TTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dltulcl at Caail S. UI, -'mi i. iraii nit uif HAZILTON LAND DISTRICT. Drttrki r.Oeaat Ras 6. Akl "THI IBil. will la ': I T i Hi-ail). UllfKl will( liin urili lc ..f ailniiiiiii'iil AV,M"'r-'M' 1 '') woiil.l nr. I (-aI dn i T J ill. inlfiuf. li 4il) i e" ln inu I l tinlr tl I IjikI. I. a (irMH-; t.TMllil -j , -.i fur fui twi i'irmnij fraiii iu ti-r iff timl. fo1(:-- , - .IH al a. i (-lanlol at im '.ifwr bf im . Tn, ,, I ami imri-il lJH . Mtnilui Ibnirii tn-rili rhaina. llmwvj e .'Im u UiriM-r wHiih ta chin. . .a" "l i lull". In uhui uf r4H iH-ri . In in aifl M IM w'illT, i.. riir rMi aii jreMnn 1 lim nf laM. a (Mln; -. im al a ll Hnlnl al .. i I..I1IW tj wiMMi 1, Jit. f, ami luarkMI TJ.I1.' wHln. mm. nnrllt S riaiiw. iinfn - i.j.n. itrtM rhata .i flutll-, lu rftil u( rn Bi- '.i j! -i uur Slh, lf tlloH "mmh "ttv. MIILT0N LAND DISTRICT. DUtU ( Ooaal Rae. S. UI '-IKI: Uul mtt ilir i j iwu inuii ii. a u -in ii IM rf !-' ' l IM . t. .if laiwi. a aflH f .r al t MI 4aMHI at 1 "irr .4 '"IKIi . Tlfc t. aiHl fulflrtl TJ.IV tMPl-i. vmtu ( HalaM, lirgn1 Ihmrr iwnb f Mia. sv rhami. I pnh4 f run. ' anuarjr Slh. ISM. , MAI ELTON LAND DISTRICT. O'atrttl af Caaat R S. "iini. inai. whi naf iiw Krallt. tntud l M4 l t ia4. r a urrp't r. nril a1 iwlrHm rn at a ft t4an4 al it rr nl MvtlM , TpL I. ' iMrM TJ.It aMttbra! nnffh a HMt, tftHU" ltm MMIk rbaaa. rkaiai. In i4M nf rtwa- 1n Df" l Ihcir uwnn- wlion ' IJ' -hllmr., mi 1. 1 Mini fiill-lcnBlli cm4ni tilcinn. thai I of a woman of pcrliTip :,, ,rei. ' w ',t)fr.iftili wrilfim I'.row roiilripr-. llui the furl i thai Mr. llnni'oii l.'wi' fvpl.-m-alfoii j i lit.- fi.d itow' tiatiH 'littriihf ift'ftt Ho- lial.it of mir rrowNjmf(fJi, I. m, i-xliono lv iiii-fraTfitie ilm'l U jnt oiniply foni..-N inn to for ,, rimrf un-r in Ho- ia.cr of On-farlft. foUnwiii Ihr ronlrocrny. Habits. Similar .Vow. .lr. olAlrfiicni N lliiiuuli iWyiiifc Iimi ami I laa s ta te ti Hn ' UIoIm-, Iricn lo In lir lilll ' tioiiio, ' maki- ii. fiHicvp Hi.il tlir IiulnU t.oiii, th loiii hir)i i. jiainlcl f lln I a - ta iim. mIihIi i. a iriflo in ulial won lt cait'iiiiI wild a j iiallT. H'.ir.T i-xirnucly m front yanl, l a wliitf dnth--o . lialiu in.in ...ir rm. Tiii i r-4 lanl. uml hi it lie Iht i tr J !-! i I ! iiii-i.m.ih lor wlule lnili. an oil lani a ml koim- v- mm .infn a lilll- m triokH. Atxavr, in Ihi1 r i'ii lr. i !. Iln'ir fiinrieroii li.iliiu air liir loOLins ?la.. ami on tlirjull Hu- -am.v J'..i an iiriiira-walU arc Imnv kirt. a li:iwl.'t"". N-i u lake ihi li.ilnl of inir two fiair of rorct. ami nth'r!-anailiiui vsilil poo!-. l i a or' HolliiiiK. Wutiirra of thr Virsin 1 laopr one that will WfiKh twrlve f "J 0nl alnl an tarlnl lo tlir niril-. wlule in Hu- wtlrrn a naamiai ... iUH ....... - i m r, i " 1 1 ti 1111 inii mirt'du. ; " rn an-) win m-iii luur" On- many-aaMml lilll liome, 'teen ami vo.rlilv mor. anil ercrlc.i o I he mrmor) of an Hfir tialit an pxartl) the amv eleon-ypar-oW ttirt, lit for iloli ami lo) a wHI her riot hunt ifiadlr on niinintuM' fur-niinre n urn1! mirry. THR DAILY NEWS i - ... v,PACCTFIVE HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang S, - - : - .... 8 v ji ttrmonirwr that "I'rows am i:rw" wlifnrvpr or wlirreYcr t you e llnm anil I hoy will all an.l do w rong. Hft tw. Caught the Crows I hair irorsl tlii. continent So for months I h-l my niinr TtkE MiTHT. that. ale I. T. J. Ileal I), ml I he Viiu.ler Af Mml lit tiriwiwl t.ir. enal And. .KIpaeumjJ .f r Ai". jerea -M land, a f.dtfw ITUIuneuriua ai a !'.-. i.j wnillies i-onirr, Serllnn 17. Tp. S.I. flanre :.. ami marVi-d TJ.B.'a aniilhel ennirr, lliem-a mirth o rbaln, Ihener ,.a. ,t .IwlUk. Ilienee MiMlh A num.. Ihenee e. u rfialnv In point of mill- melieenieill. l.iM-alnl Januarr ain. y?n. TM'MtS JIVKA BKITTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Olalrkt af Csaat Ranaa 6. T.UF T.iTirr. Il.at, amy day lair I. T. J. Beatiy. hilethl. In apply tn llu- Mlnl.ier r I ami. fnr in iimnwri, ir- enal arnt a iirenre tM-lroleuin rm ... . . a.... a l..r itin arrea nr la ml. a. rolinws: Tkkt' MITIIT IIUII. lliy liays nirr.iMi.iin I-; 1, ."iir i i t j rtealtr. Iniemta tn apply l.il.iilh of In mirtlnneO r..rn.-r .r 10 , , nmaiwrt fnT enal anu inneuill , n.nier. Ihenre smith AO rliain. Ihenra .! an rham, Itwnra north !il ehalns tlienei- wen no liiaina. tn xni nr e,.m liwneemenl. Kit Jannary Mh. t 10n. TIHIMIA JtMK nriTTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga S. Ttki: mitiCJ. mat. aim days after dale I. .T..J. B.ally. Inlands In apply to Oie Mhswier -JkT J.anl rnr a iirenre in "prnvpert fvr e.al and frrnleum over l ere nf land. a full: Couanenrlna at, I Jmm.1 plaulril at the iini-ilieat a-nrner of erlnn SI. Tp. . rune S. and marked T.J.R.'a nnrtheaO rorlM-r. Ihenee. ftoi.lt) a rhslQ.. Ihrni-e veu Aft rhaln. Ihenee norlh an rhaln., ilienee ea.l ae rhalna, tn. point tit com-melieenieill. . Uu-aie.) January III. I VIA.. TIIOMia JMK8 -BFATTY. HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Ooaal Ranga K. TlkK MiTICK that. aJily liya after ilale I. X J, in-ativ. Intend, tni apply 10 the Minister or Und fi A llcenrr M iieiisprrt for eiuil and pilrolem over. l arri-a of land, aa, rMLiwa: -fNihHilenrrujt It a pnt plant.-O al 10 1 ham. M.nth "of the oiilhwet corner or Sei-tlr4) II, TP. Ik, Iianre ... ami .irwiken T.J.n.i" nnnneaat rorner Tnsli Ihenee aniilli AO ihaliK. theni-e wejf rhalna. l fll 0 enr iut Ilienee PiiHh All rhalna. lln-nr .'ra.t an rlialua, .in itnlnt f .eiainnenet Jii f.ent.k I ni'Medime mlniita afierklelve , nuit-SilrM. LetVeen the Till anrtfAjh'or ll, ' I ii. w . j . 1. rr.il . i, Willie 'In alaklnri Out Deri. Urtde Miller, Lskt Kiiblya, B.C. Mie fisti in Xoemb.r and threw them 011 the sriiiii.l.,and cutcred them with an old oil cloth canvas, allow nip the sun to shine on tlieui, and so forth; well, now, he-lime me, by the time I got the trap made my bail was jii.t ri?hl and ripe. Hut first of all I cul an old dead horse up and put about two third of it under iuil i.-fi a portion .nilsi.li'. Then early Hie next morning I went and riillisl all the meat under. We '.nk niaiiuie forks atid niovcd the 'lull rip lit under where we. wauled the crtws. The fiAh.doiililed ahiVtrebjed the ipiaufiiV.tif. crows tinder jtUi net 10 what:lhere were )he pniiiiuls; 4-i- aiiilVjl eenieil that all the rrows in the cminto were fiphtinp lo pet- under fot jut n taste of lliose dead fish. when. to their surprise they were instantaneously in captivity. S10 In One Haul N"tW the net i only Iwenty feet wide ami scienly Teet lonp and 1 Wiiip'bi 510 the first catch. WBiy. hles your life, pive me a few skunV Icarrassrs and enouph dead tish n In I a Jack Miner crow nel Dyspepsia t Caused Her Agony After Every Meal Mra. M. 'Wdwll, J333 Hemlock Pt, Vancouver, KG, tritrt-- Aftrr auf-frinj; for ywra witti apony, from dj-apf psii and indigoftion, after every meal, I started taking- sad rot Well relief I tept rlffM ca until I h4 nej tkree buttles and was complete! relieved of y tronbla. yom. I eia est anvthuif I wiah vritk-out bAvinf any bad after effects." 'Pot up only by Tka T. ItilUra P1 Umitad, Tikraai., Oat. twc-iity-.ijx feel wiilc ami one liumli-eil Teol Ions in each county, iiinl I will ealch seiciily-rive nor lour unie in iai irw . year, icuuie Unio lako up tlie crowicnl of tho.c iie mlmer in Jumping tmrf ami then an.l all j,ro!l.-iii ami when I hail the iietjihat county the first winter. ovr ami Hir wny the crow, arc or Iraji roiniili.-loil the unit iues- whether they lie American crow inrrfai.iiirT rfni.eit me to wnke tii tion wa how ami what kin. I of !or fi.Ji crow they are all Mack, to ! ePriMin-s of it. In Mn- to Ufe. Well.-wlien I was ; !t.-ini-iiili-r, 1 haie Ji.-I.J an old Itoha I pouitled a hlrli n Uiir- a im), we oftea .e.ired moreiiiyine enrw ii by the tail while lin erowV hmU in one litll eurJ.ers than w'c could-or would! een little unhati-lu-.l rolling fluliT of tree. I eiT-n aw a eat, the re-ulk was niu ot them ' .ew-. nut ot her mouth. This crow' nel on tu telrRrnjili 8j,iled. ami the Jt'Sl thins; toiwa only one trip he was ntak-vire and the thought nf how to lien eKs?. the n-si cruw bail l iivf to her yoiiiiK, bul of cour.e leoreae ftieir nunilr- arnuel . cyr got wa aK-nl uckerr, o'it was her last. Figure for your-iry nene in my Ilvins room, ht.t fall before. I .lart.sl in the seir this crow had rol.hed at least The pun i a failure, in fact I business I aw An. Ilrown, me iifltwo birds' nests on this one trin. am not entirely in fator of a pun 'our leadin? KiiiK.ilite risher-lfinw many trips w ill she make ramjiahni n II is neh a pood ex- men. an. I he as.tirred nie I coi-Jit i-ai-h day to these youns frows en for iih to ;et out with a nin .ae all hi spoileil fish and fish 'and how lon ure they in nest e-haiiltonLAnd district. ' hMiJ ami so forthv irovidiiiR 1 j lon they fly out ami work for OiaUKl af Caaat gni inein " on me hock - neioro me --- - . itioms.Mves? ,, . How (.I.ILIJ many is .3 she 19.1V .C health officers put him off. then ilit-tii destrny pnnidiiiR s'fie Hit lemi .'VI1lJ,o', o:l,,,,'l "T ,mr KTupsiille ;0S find them? 1 have watched . rnr a MeeaVurayinen. Mr. IXervli Itortran.l. a crow after she had stolen into i and i;Mx,em,-n.i !nd i... li" anHN ,.,.k.i i.. tu watch i. Tor r... all ,,nf .. . - . wan I in I prass hopper.s. for her lotinp why did she ciune past iO many meadows and pasture fields where prasshoppers are by 'lie thousand.. Eating Corn Now another writer seems to tin n I us to believe crows will nijltl' 'sit corn. HuritkP the winterV- moutl)s I keep enru under myj goo-1 net which is sixty feel' wide and a hundred ami twenty reel loup where I catch the geese ;o tap them, therefore my wing lipped ?:eee, have to po. uuder; Utere .to Teeil, This (ret them UMt tii poinp luiiler aiid eilllr mate's -thejn lo.be fearjess of it .iiiit encojlnipes thonv'lo Ieo.l .vild ones under when they, come in the sprinp. Well now. this ,-orn is on the ice and during llte iast month 1 have often seen, from fifty to one hundred cows Imder there at once. If these crows an not after the com they inu si surely 1k fish crows lojik-inp llimtiph the ice for moroTisli as we are entirely out of fislj at lnVrow net. .Vpiin withiii1: one balf mile, of where I see' the eVows under the goose net paling )rn, I fotitrd seven t'orn iiorers in one hill of corn stubble, rind I view this corn borer a a Very erious .Tiroposilion and what flnv the crows eat will never. Je nolieed, but ir all the inseclfver-qiis liinls the crows have destroyed the last fen years had been left and allow ed to increase when Uio I'tiropean corn borer lnolh was libernled in our beautiful Camilla, .she would batejrbeen gobbled up before shetf-rt had 'i mo to wink al a male. Only a Joke In elosinp, in repnrd lo the 'row and Die corn borer, the crfivy were here In countless Uinusnriiis Vefore the corn borer Sirrived and Hie corn' liorer has Increased In such an alarniius stale in the mi-M of these crows tlinl I understand our pove'rn-merit is wisely fnkifkk sdeps to tiitike us 'burn, bury or ensilape our corn stalks, for. as for the crow- controlling it, this is only Aluminum Percolators of the well'' In four sizes, From $1.75 to $2.50 Each Thompson Hardware Co., Itcir 4 joke and reminds me of a school teacher who hurriedly ;:.Te a little boy the following stun to figure out for his home wurk: "If n well was twenty feel deep and n neighbor's cat fell in and they 'j.ut the lonfr ladder down to iter ii aere. r land. a. taianw: m .ancillary and pot a nst or-aSisist juissv in helping hetseir mn'ir"'' J"UPenBanVr,:M,c,, nU' n,n ""m lu "'yfr?. tower hlf-'li inlo the air ahdj.uit and she was clinibinp up two aitd luarkeii tj.b.a iine nr.t ItiHiee tftlU rbama. impi-e eiiainv ineiK-e wrtilb la rhalna, iin. eorner. t.riMtii.es even if there were onlyis a mile and a half before shclsleps and fallinff back ten, how iKeneeioiiP hundml pounds. Wvll, I ?olj.arted to come iIowti. If sbejlon? will it lake puss to pel out i ei aa riiiiiiv in imnt i.r nanntenrv BieflL i.iealed Januarr lit, lit. IHHHIS Mill: er.lTTV. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. DlaUlct of Caaat Ranfa S. TUT. OTin: Hwi. amy .lays after dale 1. T. J. Ileal I) , intemta in apply In la- l lniler f lmt fnr a neenra In peiMla-rl fnr nl pelri'lemn iter r.ia aere '! lami. a riiuw: rnnunem-inr al I rl aanled inn mile M.ulb nr the n.inei rnrwr .r ii tc, lianae i. ami marked TJ R.'a .nito- i-,rfiM-r. tiiem-e nnrib aa -tm. Ihenee eal rlialnt. Ihenee snillh an i-liain. tm-nee e.l ao rlialna. lo t4nl Of eia-ntrn'tieeinent. I.ix-aieil Januarr Alh, l. TlloUlA 1 V K ftTATTY. HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT.- Dlatrlct of Tiki: akl- vitiri oTICfcr Caaal Ranaa B. Uul. ainy dl after dale I. T. J. neatly, inieim in apply in ik. uini.ir nr land fur a licence. After Johnny had his slate chuck full of fisures hi mother called him tor supper and he hastily shouted loudly, statinp il hi luolher had kept still anolher minute he would have had this at (or corn borer to I BBBBBBBBBBBBBr minuLvsat Jack Miner. ' ; CORNER CLUB .. -- Hears Third of Pastor E. Q. Turner's Lecture Series -The repul.tr Meeting of the Corner Club Wa held hist iiisht :it Jh'e- Raplist l!hurr;h pavlor' to focar ilieiiriril ji-clure of a serbv bj Rev. K. 0 Turner. The .subject was: '"Hie t'hallenpe of Ihr New lniHr World of Thouplit' and the irtatter as prosenled hi the speaker proved of alisorfiin? interest u all. Nejl week tin J closinp lecture of lliis series-will he delivered as "The tthul-lenpe of the Trend or Civilixn tion.- TMiTiTTirr PRICE ysT Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men s iuits, cleaned and pressed 12.00 Men's Suits, sponged and pressed $1.00 Men's Pauls, cleaned and pressed 11.00 Men's Pants, sponped and pressed ... 50o Men's Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, from.. $2.00. Men's Overcoats, sponped and pressed '51.00 Ladles' List Ladies Suits, dark' colors . rtL, $2.00 Ladles -Suits, light colors ... ... .... 2.50 Ladies' Skirts, dark colors ... ..i ... . Kino Ladies Skirts, liphl colors .. . .. ... . 1,.2 Ladies' Skirts, pleated ajid . cieaneil t I.-Vdieft kirls, pressed only; $1.00 Ladies' Skirts, pleated $1.00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best nr a mf ro.ftiCHr' LAUNORr & DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 GRANT'S Best Procurable o . r . i T (THE OFUCINAli Pmre Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BatilaJ aaa aaaiaanaal y W.Hi.ai Gt.M Ii Swa LiautW. CarahiUak aa4 Balmaw.Claal.M lAatManaa, Dsll-aa Sk-Cliaj.n. iinliaj. aSSSSSl I This advertisement is not published or displayed by Um Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Uritiib Columbia.