iiiiy Vovcmbcr 17. 102G. C Lifebuoy's cleanly health odour quickly vanishes-tiic protection remains. omes 59 In winter, Lifebuoy, the all-year-round soap for hands and face, bath and shampoo, is especially good because: Jt does not remove those natural oils which axe necessary tonkin health. Irs mild, ccamy, anuseptiq.lather goes . ,t.ri. -deep into -the 'rtoteJV'Brahsing and purifying. , It rids the hands and face of cold germs which, getting into the nose and mouth, would cause colds real protection against winter's worst ilk. ' Lifebuoy, the ultra-refined, world's most widely used soap, is an inexpensive protective necessity. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP furffies andf protects r0tm c"tc y sasw m a oiviuw DUBARRY'S Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries Dav ( renm. Ilath Salt. Uath Salt Tablet. I are I'owder. t omplcxlon Soap. Night Cream. Ilath Crystal. Ilath Soap. Shaving Soap. Perfume. The Dutmrry .Manicure Outfit and the Dubarry Combina-lon (' make u delightful gift. Combinations of Hath Salts ":! IL'Ii Soap; Hath SalU. Hatb Soap and Talcum I'owder; :nv lesion Soap, Perfume aud Face I'owder, in artlatlc cases. SOMETHING 1)1 ITKHKNT Shaving Soap in nn nssort- Ik, orated China and Wood Howls will make u strong v'xl to the men. .Ormes Ltd. Jhe Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Ave. and Cth Street. The Hexnll Store. Phones 82 and 200. Come in and See! Some excellent value- in KYNocirs celebrated scotch Overcoats Also ENGLISH HEAVER CLOTHS. ETC. JjWi.OO nnd up v,'ly Underwear, Socks, etc., Curss Macklna'wa nnd I'ants. Th'rd Aenue. Steve King Phone (Jmuiw. union steamships limited ... . ... ttt in.,... milling mini nmrr nr" , ..... He. HimI, 0, V,:K- VICTORIA. hHOiiMin IU ami Alerl IW. w VANn.v;l,( ''0" lU' f," NU,ml"' V1CTOUIA. Alert Hay '" r,M,'M,X A. AMCC A KM. STIWAUT and Nans Hlvrr Would Sit Up Most of Night In bad nerve would twitch and jerk so he could not sleep This letter gives you some Idea of bow distressing nervous ailments be come. It also points to the best method of restoring exhausted nerves. Mr. E. P. Schoolcraft, Clarenceville, Que. writes: "I suffered for three years with rriy nerves. I tried most everything, but without relief. I could not sleep at night, my nerves were so unstrung. I would twitch first one leg and then the other. Some nights I would sit up most of the night, unable to sleep. I became so bad that I could not sit still. I bought a box of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and felt slightly better by the time I . had taken It. When 1 had used a full treatment I was an entirely different man I felt better, slept better and worked better." premier poincare inspected schools Alsace-Lorraine METZ. Prance.. Nov. 17. Raymond Potneare. Premier of France and Minister of Finance, recently took a few day off the problem of the economic and financial altuatlon and ha been acting a a school inspector In the eli te of Alsace and Lorraine. Darting about In hi limousine, the Premier played no favorites, lie dropped in during classes at Hebrew schools. Catholic and Protestant institutions and the undenominational establishments of the French State. He sat patiently through lectures on Egyptian history li the "Lyeees" or high schools and patted tnauy a little blonde Lorraine head In the kindergartens of Mete and vlcmity. M. Potncare says this contact with the rising generation has renewed his own youth. School, and colleges have always had a fascination for him. He earn of a teaching family. His uncle laieten and hi brother Henri were both famous scltnltat. It was only his early taking to poliue that kept him from becoming a' law professor. GREAT BALL PLAYER wac tvdiic d rnnn I H Local and Personal Arthur' Tax I. Phone 078. tr B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Coal Coal. "the best.' Phone 15. P. R. 293 If )ou want :a'rnil ftixxl time, come to the ilooeUall -tonight. Mr. J. B Roerlg and children left on this afternoon's train' bound for Illjt dance and Ml UUtrlliutlon of prize at the JIiMwe Hall tonight. ;. A. W. Llpsin returned to the city on the .Prince Oeorge this sfternoon from a brief business trip to Vancouver. There Is still tlree to get your Christ mas cards for overseas mall at Rose, Cowan it Latta's. Phone 234. II 1J 1 lllUu 11. jJUU oeorae Frtdav moraine. i Toronto Globe) Georgia favorite son. Tyrua Raymond Oobb. ha resigned a manager of the Detroit baseball team, and steps out of the game with the reputation of being I the greatest player In the history or the 271 J. C. Gavlgan sailed last night by the Cardena for Vancouver on a business trip, He will be back In ten day. Accounts up to November 12 totalling 1.922.26 were passed ior payment at last night's meeting of -the city council. The halibut schooner Bltka,. which ; lost her rudder on the banks recently : I went on dry dock today to have another j one installed. Urgent meeting of all Orangemen at the home of A. M. Davis. Sixth Avenue Bast, tonight, Wednesday at 8 pjn. J. A. Teng, WM. Out of respect of the late Dr. Cameron, the social and literary meeting , will not take place at the Cathedral : Thursday evening. 270 mother. Prince I- Another reduction In price or our ; famous Edson Coal. Egg or stove , 12.60 Prince Rupert Feed Store. Phone 68 or 358. 272. ' Mrs. J. A. Hlnton. who has been enjoying a holiday rlsltUn the south. ; returned to the city ;On the Prince ; Ooorge this afternoon. I Mlea Muriel Bowen. who baa been visiting in the city with her Cuii;illaii l-rplon member requested In attend monthly itC tonight. Wednesday at 8 p.m. samurt It. Maroluill, president. Bert Morgan returned to the city on : I diamond sport. The qualities that made the Prinec George this afternoon after I the fiery and spectacular Georgian tha having spent three weeks. In Vancouver ' ' "11 be Ituth" of more than two decade oti a eomblned business and holiday eontrtbuted to hi success a a business trip. ( man. but while he leave the game with a fortune to ahow for hU effort with Charles Docking, general manager of experleiwe gained In that period could recent Sartoe ceremonial in Victoria, teach him to handle men. Leaders are horn .nt nnnnt tw m.di. J. M. Allen, sales manager or the year. TOO LATE TO CMSSIPY LOST. -LADVS OOLD WRIST WATCH. Initial F.A.C.. between Clapp block and Munro IJro. corner. Finder please return to Dally Newa office, neward. FOH SALE -- THE KING GEORGE 1 Hotel and Cafe, containing SO rooms J fully furnished For particulars ap- (plv T McClymont. tf j ANNOUNCEMENTS llupert East November IS. United Church Bazaar. .1 Anglican Church bazaar, November 33 Baptist bcr S3. Ladles' Aid Bazaar, Novcm- Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work. December 1. r United Church Baeaar.,. December , 1 Atlnlr Cars I.O.D.E. -Bridge, Dec. 3. Native Sous of Cauada first Annual Bali. Moose Hall, December 10. Established 11)23. KXTItACTION OF TEETH :Vv nir i'quinnctl to administer ' either locnl or gvnurnl aucsthetica in our moUcrn aurirery; 'thua 'Bnv-! iiiK our patients a hoapietnl fee ' , 1 A . . II. , . 111 fvcry case, in most enses tins savinK umountes to ten dollars. DP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Muck. Phone 10i Ouaranty Saving Is Loan Society of stroyca. At a wtne tasting contest m Wle-1 Vancouver, arrlvedln the city on the baden. Oermany. It wa found that, j Prince Oeorge this afternoon In the though hock I generally not believed course of a business trip to this dls- to be p'reeerved beyond 60 year, a large number of choice wine had re- tained their qualities over a hundred trlct Maude Mays arrived on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver to make arrangements for the funeral of her sister the late Mrs. Alberta Dan iel, a ho died last week In the Prince Rupert Oeueral Hospital from shock and burns resulting from the burning earlier in the week of her house on Ninth Avenue West. The Universal Trading Company's Pre-Chrlstmas clearing sale has started off with a rush. The show 'Windows display dally extraordinary bargains In men's and boys' wearshoes, underwear, sweaters, shirt, etc. In many cases marked to clear at less thau half price special Watch the show bargains dally windows for - 1 I Advertise in the Dally News PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Estsd by SANTAL MIDY B sure to gt the Qtnuln Look for the word "MIDY" Sold by all druggist GIFT Gi fts for Brides Gifts for Birthday. black Ink only. This exquisite blue and gold Petit Buffet Tray 32 pieces of CoMMtwnT Plate; ample silver for six coven. The perfect gift. Complete $38.95. The Grosvenor Coffee Service, to match the Grosvenor Com-uuxrrr Plate flat silverware, a masterpiece of tilvcr-smirhing a regal gift. bat and bait, and hl Influence upon tne the Granby Co.. is a passenger on the Unite 6 States national pastime ha been Prtace George todar returning to An vox such that it is a better r;ame for hiaiafter a visit to the company" opera- HAMATE WA'J I ARllF w. .... ..1 1 .. v.. ...v .. Uuti m th. .tn isliilnuLi II nJ Linituli M..a fi.jcu . v. .w t . . .... HUM.' " ' , tie of leadership, Cobb we a marvellous player, but a 8. C. Thomson returned to the city very mediocre manager. Not even ni'on the Prince George this aTtemOon - iv.. . from a holldav trln in the south in I BELLING HAM, Ainerlean national f!ure nd all thr the oourae oT which he attended the ' wh!ch t3ok P yesterday at the Utah- L. It. Choquette. ex-mayor of the city (the cu pan dsaucer. and Mr. Murray. i of Nelson. 1 a business visitor In the the oushrlon. city. He arrived from the south on ! the Prince Oeorge this afternoon and Communications addressed to the will return to Vancouver on Ue same Constantinople governmen: must be In vcsl Friday morning. The first dsy of the Moose bazaar yesterday proved very successful, the festivities coming to a close In the evening with a concert by the Moose orchestra under the direction of Ar-'thur Bcale. The big two day affair will come to a close with a dance and I the prize drawings tonight. A. J. Phllllpson appeared before Magistrate H . F. McLeod In the provincial police court this afternoon charged with having furs In his possession without permit during the close season. The case was adjourned until tomorrow afternoon when a similar charge frgalnst the Richmond Pur Co. will also be heard. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL AND STEAMER WINTER SERVICE; 1 The winter schedule of the Canadian National Railways, also the Coast Steam- ships becomes effective on Sunday. No- j vcmber 14th. After that date, trains will leave Prince Rupert each Monday. ! Wednesday and Saturday at 11.30 am.. 1 and arrive here each Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday at 330 pjn. The as. "Prince Rupert" will arrive from the South each Wednesday at 1030 an.. and saU southbound each Friday 1 at 9 00 ajn. Sailings for Stewsrt and 1 Anyox will be each Wednesday at 10.00 pjn. There Is no change In the Queen; Charlotte Islands service. 269 , THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National Railway have made arrangement to operate tourist and standard sleeping cars through lrora the Pacific Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax In cou- j ncctlon with Old Country sailings dur- j ing November and December. For full Information regarding rate reservations, paw porta, etc., call at City Ticket OSlcei Canadian National Railways. 828 Third Avenue. Phone 260. ; HOTEL ARRIVAL Savoy W. S. Cooper. Oreenvllle. l'rlnre Rupert Mrs. J. A. Douglas. Carlisle Cannery. O. II. TJernan. A. C. Knight and r. WH PAGE THREE DAY Gifts for Anniversaries Presentation Gifts Showing How Completely Community Plate Meets Qift Requirements COMMUNITY PLATE WEEK in Prince Rupert Fourth Day Unfortunatelv few cifts come up to the cxpecta- , tions of those who receive them. It is always so difficult to choose for others unless one plays absolute!) safe and gives Comaiukity Plate. No woman ever has too much table tsilver. Its enduring loveliness is a constant source of delight, its richness is fascinating beyond measure; the pride of ownership never wanes. And Community Plate the loveliest of all modern silverware; offers an immense choice of gift sets and gift pieces, within the bounds of any amount you tnsh to spend. Having given Community Plate you can on future gift occasions, send additional pieces to complete "her" set. A most satisfactory and inexpensive way to take care of your gift obligations. Community Plate Qifts On View At All The Better Shops Silver Services of the Finest Plate. AT SUGAR CO. FIRE Nov. 17. The fire Idaho sugar corporation warehouse caused damage amounting to 1100.000 and . 125.000 sacks of sugar were de- I. O. 11. E. TEA In the raffle that were held during the afternoon. Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton won the bridge cloth; Mrs. D. C. Stuart, SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, T1IRIF-T-SERV1CE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRV CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners l'hone 118 and we will do the rest. IcanadianT pacific saiiiravX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wraiifell, Juneuu and skujnuv Nov. IS, !; Dee. 13, Si). To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Nov. 2, 19. lec. S, 17. PKIM'KS UEATKICK. lor Hutedale. Kt llella llella. Omii I'alN, Nuiuu, Alert Ituy. Campbell Klver, and Vancouver exery Saturday. 11 a.m. Agrnry for all Steamship Line. full Information from V. Kril KI. (leneral Agent. k Corner of 4th street and 3rd Avenue, l'rlnre Kuert, 1LC. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop ia Prince Rupert as low as I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. ! and Mrs. J. A. Brown and Miss Ada Drown. Hocsall Sawmill. ; Central ! J. W. Thorn, Jasper;. M. E. Oallagher. j Edmonton; J. B. Tunbeile, Prince lan. Vancouver; Mrs. J. O Raven and Oeorge; P. J. Johnson, W. F. Taylor and i Mrs, C. Raven. Terrace: H. McOulro, j W. H, Thome, ON H.; D. McKenzle, New ( Stewart: J. W. Colbura, Vauawdol; Mr. Hazelton. 4 $50. oo GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 38? 243 Second Avenue Went, l'rluce Rupert