...... . 25 i ami in TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Standi Kxchanjre Hulkling V JIATT VIDKCK, Prop. X I No. 2G'J. CRIMINAL CASE li.ifUlOV IX III1IIMI IMIItIA ihl r r.n.(ii:ii to mmi.tu- La Tin: mu At ion :7 It u expected that ix introduced into th at regular! the H-i'd to criminal appta "urHI The nutter 1" tint i! la understood the ii i.i la wUJtiig to meet pui of view as preeW C seat Lapomte. wfco has I rnre with tb Brtttob h question. j 9- by the Judicial oom-frwy ' Council last Mirth Tn.iuee upheld the rtftit privy OurtsU In the if Kadrn versus Altoec- i Canada appeal. It ami wia no apprau t l x, unci! in criminal pro-. Naden case, however, was granted under an EATTLE TRAM SYSTEM LOSING lv ILW I It f t VI III VII IIMI ITII ' KII TO l'tti:I..NT IHNK- iti en v or coNt i:it Njv i1- In order to pre- C ;e Municipal Street Rall-I irrhaaea in 1010 tor 15.- 3 into bankruptcy, the n-' of the elty council n;aure permitting muni rr.ake a las levy of not more tr. ' i pay tne principal and ,i bonds. The trouble la :a impetltlou of prlvateiy- EWFOU NDLAND ARGUMENT ENDS "';, VANCOUVER. Nav. 17 Albert Orauer nrU graduate last year of the University of BC and now attending the University of Call-form is selected as the Rhodes Scholsr to take up residence at Oiforii in October neit. - number on the bridge. Two officer ho were locked in their ; oabiiu managed to Mure revolver nd t midnight breaking opes te doors, . twM te bridge, thot and killed the ' two pirate and secured e:titrol of the The remaining ptrataw. seeing that their pUni ere defeated, seferd Chief Ettf i&eer Cormaek and ualng him a a shield, rushed the bridge In a body. Here the two defender turned loose a deadly (lie. eleven pirates befog killed and earmark wounded In the chest and leg Beaming that their efforts to retake t bridge were futile, the pirate fired the flrat class accommodations, hoping to make tee bridge too hot for the of. fleer, but the wtnd earned the flames I MM It'll V OC IIC. MAN IOI( OMOItll WATERFRONT WATER SERVICE DISCUSSED (Mini II leeli thai lUllway 'niiuiiy Miuulil ilu iMinirlliliig In the Mittlrr The question ot supplying wter to waterfront concerns again cropped up nicht'a council meeting. Edward Upsett. who Is building wharf and store east of Cow Bay. hd been en deavoring to get surance of a uppiy. The council felt that the railway com pany should make the connection but. if It refused to do anytning. n then be UD to the City In connection with thla matter will also be taken up the question of better -.ir service for the fishing fleet at I Cow Bay Aid. Ursen referred to re I- m:lts MHVI lhst h,d m,de by fisher r:iii:s Jl'IKiMCNT mfn ,nd boat owners In this regard. NflON, Nov IT i,.,.m.t tav " re r.hc Judicial committee of r mncil appeal in the Ubrador ' tn which Canada and -ttd eanh seek to prove own- a certain m-ii.i4 rxt trrl. . - .n a the "rniil" , ccl udrmnt i a.-. A v ... w ivovi IIUi COLLISION IN ST. LAWRENCE Q''tBF.C Nnu it iru. i..i rv"' t ..... .... lKsd. nocneinga, badly aam- - cnea 43 mile below Que-'ullowin . ii.i '"n vwiiniou vius morning 'h v t to- " " '"ignicr wopoia during it .B i;muI re reported and ... turning in tinder her own LESS FALL WHEAT IS SOWN THIS SEASON OTTAWA, Nov 17 Canada's total area estimated tq be aown to iau 30 exclusive of wheat up to October British Columbia, Is 807.000 acres com-pared with 003.600 in 1025, according to a crop report Just Issued, NOVA SCOTIA APPEAL TO PRIVY COUNCIL HALIFAX. Nov. 17. - The Supreme granted leave for the Court yesterday Nova Scotia Government to appea.1 to the judicial committee of the Prlyy It desjre to Council in a case Involving system of Pro-mii. abolish the bi-ewnera ml O vcrameut. t Wail Jl ITI.AM HOTTING THERE BEFORE WAR m.ti, h.mu to in: ( oMri.i:ii:o mith M U tllllK 1 1 KM Kill rt K ciiam: or i m: lot VANCOUVER. Nov.-11 Rolling stock valued at 13.000.00) when shipped from Oreat Britain prior to the outbreak of war for delivery via Canada and China to the Imperial Russian Government. mhlt since have tain unpaid lor at Montreal. PttUburg. Tscoma. and Port CoultUm. Is reported sold to the Soviet O or eminent by a New York firm, according to wary published today in the sun The stock eanaiatt cf 4XJOO bjx car. aft . simI-away from tcHtlral. crematjttg IjisMcst, 03-a4My rafl-ya but Xie the dead oodles or we pirates wno naajguage road of Russia, ine atsrocnoerra been lUUed. The rraainlag ptr then.parta ot XO0 hive Iain eipoted to the evseptd la two lifeboat. Mean hue the flames attracted the attention of the gunboat Bluebell, which earn eloikjaMe. plsced a guard aboard Ue Sunning and then pursued the pars lea. one boat containing ten belnt overtaken One pirate Jumped orerboard attd wa drowned whHe nine were element at Port Ooqulttam tor many JTra. The amount of tnouay Inrolvrd In the deal is not mentioned by the Sun. which say There la a definite ruanr, lacking authoritative verification, however, that the deal between the New York firm, which purchased the components psrta of the 4,000 bjx car a year ago. and the Soviet government, has been completed.' KILLED HER HUSBAND IN THEIR HOME MltS M.H(IAKI:T .MrKAi; MIOT IIIM TIIUOI till IIKAO IV l'ltt: hKM'l! Ol" fONSTAIILi: tlCIOItlA, Nov. II. Mr. Maf gnrrl Mtltae tlit ami killed her liiioliitnd In Hielr liome here till iiiuriiliig In the pre-eme uf l"ollte (i.n.lalile Mriing. Kerenll) the couple -hatl trouble ami a ewrIUii wa gmnteil. Thh liioriilng McKae, urroui; an e I by Coiutahlr Mro:ig, prw-erdeil tn the Iiiiut In nnlrr dial Mrllae mlglit citllrct lii lielon;liieH anil a he leareil tliileucr on the part of Hlfe. hail nWnl tliut he If ur1-rtl mIIt protrctliin. VMini Me It nr uml the iiiutable enlrrrd the hnue. Mr. Mtltae pnw lelel ut Hie pHlUemau's presence. Alter it few iiiliiutr olie left the riMMii unit went iiplnln. While her InMiuiitl was lirniling over packing a sullrne the noinuil reappeared anil flrril n retolter Mnt Iwfore I'l.ii.iulil Niriiii riiiilil Interfere. j the bullet striking her liiMwndn - Hie hriul. The mlUe unnouhieil that a rharce of murder would he laid ugaliitt Mrs, Mi-Kae, uml mi Inquest will he held Thursday. PRINCE JOHN IS BEING TIED UP HERE FOR WINTER G.N.H. teamer Prince John, which ar rived this week with a cargo of cosl U to be tied up for the winter at the local dry dock and while here will have her annual overhaul work undertaken Cupt. Mnbbs and other officer of tho Vetuel will salt Friday morning tor Van couver. The Prince Charles, due from the south tomorrow morning, will remain In the Prince Hupert-Queen Charlotte I-liiudJ. -Vancouver run indefinitely PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PKINCE ItUPEKT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1926. MAJOR GOODSElL, of Ausf-alia, world's champion single sculls oarsman, wlia vuil rare Pat Hannon, champion of New Zealand, nex Febiuary at Loi AnKcle.i Major is not a title. 'ut Goodc-dl's Christian name. Apoplectic Stroke Causes Sudden Death of Minister First Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron, Itrilliant Student and (lifted Orator, Collapsed Yesterday Afternoon in Down Town Store Coming as a shock to the entire community, the death occurred with tragic suddenness yesterday afternoon of Rev. Charles J. Cameron, I'hlD., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Deceased had entered the jewellery store of Max Heilbroner to obtain a couple of bq.xes in which to enclose gifts he was sending to his little grand daughters in Vancouver and was conversing in his. usual jolly man ner with the proprietor and attendants of the store when he sud denly gasped and appeared to crumble. Mr. Heilbroner rushed to Assistance and had grasped him as he fell to the floor. Dr. J. A. West wa Immediately called but, when Queen's. His ardor for clean sports he arrived on the scene within five: never diminished and he was ever to minutes, life waa extinct, draU being be found among the most enthusiastic declared due to epsplexy. The time of of the fanv death was 3.42 pm. Deceased had been: After his graduation from University, apparently In his usual health and per-1 the late Or. Cameron held Important sons who had c;n him only yeV.erday j position in the Presbyterian ministry remarked that he looked most fit. at such cities as Kingston. Boston. Phil- The late Dr. Cameron was born In addphla and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, some sixty t Same ten years ago. being of keen mind year ago. He received his early educi- and energetic phyalque. his health broke ttojt In the'Boston Grammar S:hxl and down and he retired from the active later attended Harvard and Queen's. At 1 ministry, coming to Vancouver to re- the Utter Institution, where he was a classmate of Rev. Dr. II. R. Grant, for merly ot this city, he received the King Edward medal for classic while a sophomore, an achievement that had never previously: and ha not since, been Besides being a keen and brilliant scholar, the late Dr. Cameron during his youth and early manhood participated actively In athletics having been cap tain of the Harvard track team and president of an athletic organization at aide with his sons. esti:i:mi:i itv all While the late Dr. Cameron had been In Prince Rupert hardly a year, hi genial manner and happy disposition endeared him to many friends who, though they ma, have been brief acquaintances, feel lu his passing, as It a real old friend had gone. He was a" brilliant and dramatic speaker and a deep student ot Shakespeare, having been respinslble for the recent organ-Icon ttnued on page six) Witness in Narcotic Smuggling Case Tells of Plans Laid to Hijack Rivals in Criminal Act VANCOUVER, N'ovember 17. llt-jacking or a rival drug-run-ning syndicate was ordered by one of the company principals, Verne l'artlow, secret service agent, testified in the police court Tuesday when the trial qf three Itnliansaiul three Orientals charged with narcotic drug smuggling was resumed. Partlow told on thestand of elnborate'JbIi(iis'i;lin6Unced by Lee . .1 . . . . : i t , .1 Circulation 153S Sales 415 M( KIX TO KIN" ON PROIimmoN TICKET KINGSTON. Nov. 17. Former Attorney General Nlcile. who resigned foil owing differences of opinion with Premier Ferguson oa the liquor policy announced this morning that he would It a candidate on the Prohibition ticket. MACHINE FROM OLD i:oy utm, one oi tne accusett, 10 retrieve vaiuauie cirug parcels uc. silver dropped' overboard from liners plying to the Orient. The hl-jack-ing incident catno about, l'artlow said, when some one aboard the liner refused to sell his bundle but de- elded to drop It overboard for a rival concern. Partlow aaid they were In-atructed -to follow the liner and watch when the drug ere dropped and try to pick them up. It anyone else got re uot seen to(?t. PIllVkK HI AN I Mil II Council Accepts Offer of Terrjre Man for Exciter Which Originally Co-t $5(0 The city coudcU last night decided to accept the offer of a Terrace man to rent an exciter from the old Cow Bay power plant at 10 per month, the rent to be applied to the ultimate purchase price of the machine. The matter wa brought up by Alt!. Brown, chairman of the utilities committee .who thought the offer should be accepted. The machine the superintendent had said would be of no further use to the city. The original price was $500. Other members of the council felt that the city should be given proper security for the ultimate purchase or safe return ot the machine. It wa flully decided to accept the offer, ar rangements with the purchaser to be made by the chairman of the commit tee, superintendent and city solicitor. COLONEL BIGGAR TO RESIGN POSITION TO ENTER FINANCIAL FIRM OTTAWA, Nov 17. -Colonel O. M. Blg-gsr has resigned the position ot chief electoral officer of Canada carrying a salary of 1 12.000 a year to accept a posl tlon with a financial firm. Announce' ment to that effect will be made after Premier King returns from London, it Is reported here. CRUSHED BENEATH A L0ADJ)F GRAVEL NEW WESTMINSTER. Nov. 17 Crushed beneath a loaded truck which toppled oyer on him while working in gravel pit hear here, today. Harry Kel-lock. 52 years ot age. diet! a few hour. later at the hospltsl. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat be the aole transport ageucles for the Tremler company at first, witness told ot effort Porter Idaho made to extend the business to other Surf Inlet ... there ftrst they were to tell them they liner but before this expansion of bual- were customs of fleet and take the nes took place, the custom men acted bundle away front them. The plan tall rd br ause 'tit dr Bid. ..: 1J9V4 ..... 1.76 punwcll 1.05 Glacier .03 Vj Granby 34.00 fall from the llner'a deck. lHowe Sound While the EmnreM liner appeared to L. A; L 41.00 .05 !i l.9 .07 .02 1, Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Vra Five Cunts A TTLE WITH P1RA TES ON STUMER WCT0R1A WOMAN SHOT HUSBAND PRESENCE OF POLICE ksperate Battle with Pirates on Board Steamer Sunning in Which British Pluck and Ingenuity Won I: KONG, November 17 -A desvrate battle took place 'x British steamer Sunning. Monday, the vessel arriving g ail the mark of the bloody conflicts between pirates era and crew of the vessel. They reported 12 pirates (Downed and nine captured. t::i;if to the story told by the officers of the Sunnlnir. . c rushed the rails last Monday as the watch was being ; ' . i ,unkly overpowered the nearby officers and at the 1 XHlh ,01 " ihanh cars, most l .vrs took control of the shin bv nuttlnir two of their or WHICH aim: AT port to. 0 APPEALS TO PRIVY COUNCIL - ( SOVIET BUYS ROLLING STOCK Seize Draft for $75,207 Being Sent Vancouver Consolidated Exporters SEATTLE, November 17. Springing a coup in their war against Canadian liquor houses alleged to have defrauded the United States of inepme taxes in excess of a million dollars, agents of. the internal revenue intelligence department yesterday halted the process of the mails. Through assistant district attorney McKinley they secured an order from Federal Judge Metterer directing Postmaster Perkins to turn into court a letter' containing a bank draft for $75,207. The draft, according to the petition upon which the order of the court was predicated, was belnt, sent from Lea Alleles Id the Ccnao::- pi-fcll 1 IT TlA 1 TP dated Exporters Corporation Llm-d at AMtS AM Kl I A I Vancouver. B.C.. in crier, it is alleged. JUilLllU VXli I lsVil A J to defraud the United Btatej of tacoaie - BRING wm T HALIBUT tttTttttttrt tttt v 2tEYEK.lL t.S. BOTTOMS MARKETED I LAST 1 111 CATCHES IIF.IlE THIS Asked. 182 1.09 oo V4 36 00 43.00 .09 2.03 .0814 .02 ft Matrimony deplete the rank of and the company was placed under ar- popular London mancquln so rapidly that fashion house are In despair. MORNING Halibut arrivals marketed through the Fish Exchange this morning totalled T 1 14.S.S00 pounds of -vhlch American boats sold 137.000 psund at prices ranging from 142c and 8c to 16.1c and 10c. while two Canadian sold 8,500 : pounds for 17ic and 9c and lCJJe a'nd 9c: -Tfcs hst .Included saver! bur Amcr- lean schooner whichj after unloading here will proceed to Seattle and other theme ports for the winter, the close season now beingon. The arrival were as follows: AMERICAN Arrow. 32.0C0 pounds, and Tahoma, 15.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries. Atlantic. 27,000 pounds, and Fairway, 18.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. Corona. 12.000 pounds, and Tatoosh. 35.000 pounds to Canadian Pish 5t Cold Slorace Co. CINAIllAN Gibson, 6.000 pounds, to Canadian Flrh & Cold Storage Co. White Lily 2.500 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. ARCHIE WATT IN ACCIDENT WOMAN KILLED UV CAR DRIVEN UV MASTER MECHANIC Ol' RAILWAY AT PRINCE (iEOKUE PRINCE GEORGE. Nov. 17. A verdict ot unavoidable accident wus brought In yesterday at an Inquest on tho death of Mrs. Susan A. Tllton ot this city who was struck Monday by an auto driven by Archie Watt. CJtJL master mechanic here. The accident happeued at the bottom of a rather eteep grade during a very heavy 'fog. Mr. Tllton who was crossing the street, saw the car when about, half way across the street and she ttopped. As the car swung to go iround her. (he attempted to cross and -an right tn front of It. Mrs. Tllton leaves a husband and three children. YUKON RIVER CLOSED TODAY TANANA, Nov. 17 - Winter dosed In the Yukon River here today, Last year the fall run of slush Ice caked and froze to a standstill on November 8. Today two below r.ero Is the lowest reached with four Inches of snow on the ground. LARGE DEFICIT ON P.G.E. RAILWAY FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 VICTORIA. Nov. 17. The balance sheet ot the P.G.E, for the year ending June 30, show an operating deficit of e27S.OOO and a total Investment of the line ot 450.000,000 with additional asset amounting to half a million.