1 PAGE SIX NOW YOU CAN BUY FOR THE o 3 PRICE OF Z PD A Co. Tooth Paste PD A Co. Vanishing Cream PD A Co. Shaving Cream PD A Co. Almond Cream PD A Co. Tar Shampoo For a 1 1 in i led time only we will give you free any one of the above items providing you purchase two of them. You get. $.1.50 value for $1.00. Don't miss this! Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists We deliver. Phone 94 Drygoods Art Needlework Attractions Clearly stamped on best quality linen ready to embroider Luncheon Sets $1.10 Dresser Scarfs 65c Bedspreads, hemstitched $4.00 Pillow Cases . . $1.23 & $1.63 Centres $1.25 Aprons, all colors 75c Come in and get your Xmas Supply Early Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Great Variety of Ladies Silk Stockings In all the latest colors "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 If your head aches, or reading or work strains your eyes, or if you are the least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows that we know huw to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland (JIIUHAIK OI'TO.METKIST 27 Years Practice Sl Third Avenue. Ojip. (J.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack 50 Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. PUBLICWORKS EMPLOYEES TO GET MORE PAY . t ALLMiElt l . U TIIOItlZi:i ACTION Ol' Dtr.WtT.MLNT IS KIUIITUt UY CITV COUNCIL, There was considerable discussion at last night's council meeting on the matter of adjustments that had been made in connection with the wages of employees of the public works depart ment. Apparently some men, after heavy street work had been completed, were set back from strawbos&es to laborers and accordingly reduced la wages, others employees not having to do with street work being similarly reduced. Aid. Casey and other members of the council felt that the department had been out of order In reducing wages of the Board of Works, held that it was not a matter of reducing wages but was a reorganization of the department. It was decided that the salary of J. Joy. driver of the nlghUoll truck, be restored to (158 per month; that Jack McBae. city foreman who had been reduced to strawboss. be paid (S per day instead of 5, he formerly having received $7 per day. and that the pay of George Ferguson, in charge of plank road repairs, and Mike Lubotlna. of the waterworks department, be 5 per day instead of (4.60. There was a great deal of discussion cf an unimportant nature on these SOMK EXCISE! New : Supplies of Mens Clothing arriving regularly. For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. .Miller - Proprietor. MILK Cali pri'D of li.tkets is uilvanced (0 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 Commencing November i. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. and Peanut Tubes "No, I don't want anything to do I mXnil lJtZ "aBulkley Valley Holds First have done it had I known you were' ever going to get up again." Vancouver. Province. Advertise In The Dally News $5.00 a month (Only $60.00 a Year) Gives you immediate possession to either Lot 17, Block 32, Sec 7 or Lot 23, Block 2, Sec 8 or M 3, Block 32, Sec 8. You'll make no mistake in buying one of these lots, as they are located on streets, surrounded by well-kept homes, that are occupied by the kind of people who make good neighbors. Buy now when prices are low and terms are easy, and before another year rolls around, you will be mighty happy over your investment. Take my advice, put some of your surplus dollars in Prince Rupert now. I Don't delay, this Is a real money-making opportunity, the kind that comes but once in a lifetime. Take advantage of it, G. C. Walker Cor. 2nd Ave. and 4th St. 1 bottle Heinz Worcester Saure 50c ; streatham. Altogether I 12 tins Soup $1.10 1 Chili Sauce 40c 1 Worcester Sauce 50c ! Total $2.00 Our Apple deal is tstil 1 on for a 1 day or two. A few bokes left. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. NVfmber 1926 ft hiking up his Sleeve but the world in his filaments! There's magic performance in every Peanut Tube. Get a set today, put them in and watch them work. volts 1 ampere-Economical. Amateurs! build a Peanut Tube Set;. Victor Northern Electric $3.00 each fm Seed Show at Smithers Where Fine Display Made by Farmers SMITHERS, November 17. Some remarkable samples of of the soil were on display? at the Boy Scout Hall in Smithers last Friday on the occasion of Central British Columbia's first seed j show. The show was held under the auspices of. the Provincial De-! partment of Agriculture in co-operation with the Dominion Seed) Branch and the success of the undertaking was in a large measure j oue to me enoris oi u. . mompson, field inspector, who has been stationed in the district this summer. The prize list consisted of twelve classes with cash prizes for first, second and third, and there was Heinz Tomato Soup SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS keen competition in all the (testes but one. In two classes, timothy seed and Netted Gem ten entries each. potatoes there were R. O. Sutton, district agriculturist of the Prince Oeorge d strict, acted at Jud-e and the following is a result of the awards: Class 1. Oats 1, ft. P. White. Telkwa: 1 2. Chas. A. Chpman..01eninns; 3, Wm. . Rolling. Wucdpecker. , Class 2. Wheat I, T. M. Dockrill. Telkwa; 2. Chas. A. Chapman. Glentanna; is, M. Kirkhoff. Woodpecker. Class 3. Barley I. T. M. DxkrtU. Telk- 12 Tins for $1.10 I Class 4, Pall Rys Ho entries. The regular price of this Soup is ! aM" 5- neld pi- w- Koutwj. 9 f, or. i rft .. ,,, Woodpecker: 2, J. Q. DjnaMson. Telkwa! .... .... . 1 .. '3. J. C. K. St-alv. Smithers. I we nave imecn dozen to sell) '(v, . , , , ,,, . -, Class 6, Timothy Seed , I. Chas. Bir- jai per oozen. ne want you ret, Barret Lake; 2. J. Ktefe. Francois to buy, along with this Soup, (Lake; 3. Chas. A. Chapman. Olsntarma. il bottle Heinz Chili Sauce .. 40c I Class 7. Meadow rescue l. wm. El- : Uson. Ootea Lake; 2, Percy Boden. ' Oass B. Potatoes. Early St. Oeorge. certified seed 1. F. M. Dxkrlll. Telkwa; i E. Carger. Round Lake; 3. Chaa. A. i Chapman. Olentanna. Class B, Potatoes, Oold Coin, certified see I, Emmett Wakefield. Deep Creek: 2, Wm. Bruce. Driftwood; 3, F. M. Dock-rill. Telkwa. Class 10. Potatoes. Netted Oem, cer- 'Victoria Cross Cocoa, 5 lbs. for tme(1 -. Kirkhoff. woodpecker; i California' Table' Figs,' 5 'lbs i for nn; ri ?n" Potatoes, commercial , , long . ' "."W",', V'',", F- M- Dockrill. Telkwa; 2. P. OUbsrt, Ihompsons Seedless Raisins, 25 Driftwood; 3. Carl Wakefield. D;ep lbs. for $3.50 creek. I Our Christmas Crackers and. Class 12. Potatoes, commercial (round) Stockings have arrived. Buy now.j 1 J- w DatesDti. Driftwood; 2. p. j ' Huber. Smithers. 7ne ,ucces of the show has given . n 1 OO Rn I KllirnPrC td drnrarC reat encouragement to the farmers of V(lUlVUWU V. VllUVVrlU Limited Phones 45 and 574 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of f'ui Trimmings at low price B. C. FUR Co. Naxt Q.W.V.'a. Third Ava. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 57S DENTIST I the district and plans are already under way to make it an annual event. At the close of the fair. Mr. Thompson selected a number of the exhibits and 'made arrangements for them to be en-I tered In the Provincial Seed Show being ' held in Victoria this month, where they 1 I arc expected to more than hold their (own with the products from other parts of the province. In opening the show. Dr. II. C. Wrinch, jM-P. for Skeena, In his remarks, atated that he was very much surprised and at the eame time very much pleased to see j such a fine collection of seeds that had (been grown and matured In Central ! British Columbia. There was one other ! seed, however, that' he did not see ex-jhiblted and which be felt aure would ; prove a success if grown for commercial J purposes ,and that was lied Clover seed, j He said that some of this seed had 1?cn grown and ripened in the valley this summer and. itsquillty had been of the I very best. He cqrijldered that as clover , wan such a soiiWood when plowed in j that It would be very profitable to go in 1 for this seed as well as timothy seed. The total value of Imports and exports of he Philippine Islands for the year 1025 reached 1288.610.000. compared with $24366,000 for 1B24. The Kona coffee crop, grown on the ' southwestern side of the Island of Ha-1 wall, is expected to reach 60,000 bags' thU year, a record, J WORD OF DEATH In II Land I'eroHinr lminrl or Allln stmiur l i . or cassiar lU4rt. task MTli;E iltti i he CarHx-er OuM ... ....... im ., p rrcisivrru imninr rn- liaiiy iifN-ratifir within the ITovmr of Art- tlai. f. .In ...I... ,u.Mll..ik.. . . ruuil- iiftlj.nifl I . a,-., r . . p. ...... i . . . uf ll-r riIUwl deiu'rllM-d Isadt oaittH-nrtnn at a ixi nUnlMl ilx.ui inn fe dlUBt in Eaiterts dlrwli fni, tlie .rih Wesl eorwr or jut ittt. tk lars illtvrtl daloi. sllusted SI Ilk- tiHMilb at Wanti Kr. i Tssu Arm of Tiih iJkr Oj-urv ia s iH-tnM-l) rtlr.n.-n if. Irei. iiH-nw Csfterlr 1 0 tm. ihrnc otlTl.r ISO r4 ssom- r lr, i., hlfti wsiee mark, thmre Wetl.-rU ! fei w.re i.r laws t potat of nsinrtiPNrrenietil and rutUlet- urn Mmrr ur lot. Located Ibis Uitt dsv of Aliml. it (Siinwdt If. MeS. mSEH. B. C I. Areoi i Land act. nolle or Inltntlen le Jkpplr to Lsss Lsns . irtri. irxt Hmir ii Jlw llsrltur. Ouen I rhsrMI,. riin. tui -OTii:f ihsi s merviile Csnnen Comtiany. Ltd.. Vanroaver. B.C.. . rurMitim Flh Parkors. lnietw1 to siinly rr a l-s-of the rotlnwinv dwrllrd (andu t:nmiieeirif si s pt planted st the wmthrsM mrner if in Tosu Mlnrral Claim. rlMtnt tfte -sierlv loMitHisry in a nwrtfcerlj fHfnkm it rbsln: Hwnrr OitrlliMcli-rfs' H rtulim la hlrti mark; thenrr saMilws.lerljr a Mi tit lilrh waler iiwrk II rrislfH; thenre siiuthwrl rrlf I rti.HX. nwre lie lew. II pwHil f MNjiMirmnetnpnt, evuinmnr ' SOMfcllVlLLE fANMfrnr OiMPtY. Lto Aripiii-am . . . . ,"''r F lher. listed H.tii.nilxr ih, tgfr. Cash and Carry Prices UrSTAIKS STOKE Sixth Street The prices listed below arc non service. Any parcel too heavy to be carried will be delivered for a small extra charge. No phone nor C.O.D. Orders in this department. 25 boxes Jumble Pack Mcintosh Apples, while they last, per box $1.2J Highland Spuds, per sack . . $1.79 Droken Shelled Walnuts, per lb MEAT SPECIALS ENDED AFFAIR! I.O.H.E. Affair at Hume of Mr. 1). C. Stuart Ejht.mmi ll S)iiiwthy fur Mr. Cuiiktuii The musical program was cancelled and the affair brought to a close as soon as possible yesterday afternoon when word reached the tea being held by Queen Mary Chapter. I OD E., at the home of Mra. D. C. Stuart of the sudden passing of Rev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron. It was at the tea that Mrs 1 Cameron received the sad message. The affair was a success financially, the sum of (38 being realized. APOPLECTIC STROKE CAUSES SUDDEN DEATH OF MINISTER FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (continued from page one) Uatlon of a Shskespcare Society in rrlnce Rupert. I Deceased was high in Masonic ranks. He was a member of Leavenworth Lodge ! No. 2. A.P. & Ail., of Leavenworth, j irnap;er no. a. UJiu, of the DC. Con-aistery. Scottish Rile. Vancouver, and a noble of Abdallah Temple. AA.OJiiIB Leavenworth. Kansas. To the widow in her deep bereavement Is being extended the entire sympathy of the community generally, regardless of religious beliefs. Beside Mra. Cameron deceased leaves to mourn hi loss two sons. Oeorge and Ian. Vancouver barristers; tvt daughters. Mrs. Oinlei Mr-Leod and Mrs. Margaret Seymour, also of Vancouver, as well as a slater. Miss Margaret Cameron of Vancouver. A brother was the late Oeorge Cameron, a famous Canadian peet. The bsdy wUl be forwarded on Friday morning by the steamer rrlnce Oeorge to Vancouver where interment will uke place and for which city the mourning widow, accompanied by Mrs W H. WUson-Murray. left this morning Arrangements fur services to be held here wilt be made at a meeting of the ! Hoard of Directors of the Presbyterian ! Church tonight. noticc or iKTtTfn to apply FOR LEASE 39c blew Lamb, per lb !. Leg Lamb, per lb 3'c Shoulder Lamb, per lb 30c Pot Itoast 8c, 10c, 12V2c Cambridge Sausage, per lb... 15c Liberty Steak, 3 lbs 23c1 Ture Jams, Jellies and Marma lade, 1'h glass, your choice 2!)c Pagers' Golden Syrup, 2 lb. tin l'Jc Hogers Golden Syrup, G lb. tin 42c Ked Arrow Sodas, pkg 22c IVameal Back Baton, sliced, per it). 4.-)t. Pure Lard, 3 lb. tin f,9c Pure Lard, C lb. tin $l.ir, Pure Lard, 10 lb. tin $2.29 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. 39c Lard in bulk, per lb 17'2e St. Charles. Pacific, or Carnation Milk, 9 tins for . $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co Silverware Community Plate Rogers 1847 . and a full line of Sterling Silver at standard pi China and Glassware in our Basement Store at real values Max Heiibroner 527-529 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Robert Fraser, Shirley Mason And strong cant. In - "Desert Go A typical Western thriller by Zanc iin COMEDY "HOU ACE (HIE ELY. JUMOIL AESOI-S FILM FABLES Adminftion .... 35c and 10c d" These Chilly Nights Ilr-iinre heal in (In liui.-e. 1 b.ir rei f . Full -liijtniul uf Gurney Oxford Headers For eriiiiiiiny uii1 r(lu - n. y ihf annul Im- . . Call and iniecl our lm k. We ui.. run t a hmhj.I. ! Condor Electric Lamp In all sizes Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Remnants Half-orice TJiriLSDAY MOItNING H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. I,,,onc ,J- 3rd Ave. and I ulton Great Clean Sweep SA.LE SPECIAL IIAHGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY, TIIUICSDAY AND FRIDAY. 51 INCH WOOL COATINGS Value to W.76. See windows. To clear, ier yard ... -, ' LADIES' COMBINATIONS Spring needle. Values to $7.G(). Sizes 32 to 40. From ...;.f:UI5 to S " SHETLAND FLOSS WOOL , Regular 15c. Only a few left. 12 for ....j...... l KNITTING WOOL Regular 35c. Only a few left. G for ISM1 WOMEN'S TWEED COATS Values to $:)2.00. Four only. To clear at Mrs. Frizzell's Udlm' and Chlldren'M Readylo-Wear. Thin1 vc