jdi November 17, 102(1. flVdn TnEJOATLY NF.W3 PAGE FIVE His Girl's Watch Christmas We have received nome . jrood values In jtirln' nt watcfici at a reaon-u Ip price. The movement 1 fifteen i, welled and the cae i a :. luir quality of oJd fill-. t m the white or yellow i, 'J with ribbon attachment. Ve Kuarantec them to b a i fnctory an we do all our Th. price In $3..'0. 9 r JOHflgULGE no A (Jewellers sQtTtlE STORE WITH THE CLOCK BENT'S LadlrV Kendy-lcMVcnr fu: received a Hj)endid line of LADIES AND .MISS MS Winter Coats ho latest material and : "j 'ir- end a fine eleHon Af'.ernoon I)rre also DreKset for sport k- ,r m Bizea .10 to 44. Prices from Klt:.."0 J. BENT Third Avenue. I'hone 651. 1.YIRY MAN WITH FOttSKWT ) Vft MOW MAKES X V ' . m - xi a Y u don't need a telescope ' e that Winter l. com " "jr The man wlib lMk-t-hcad will fill up his bin v. h jtood coal now and keep old nt a wife distance. We have n battery of men, arks and tractor and lots f ual ammunition awaitinir ' ur call to defend the home gainst cold. Albert & McCaflery Limited Phones 11G and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone ft, CtrtaRe, Warehousing, and Distrllnitlnn. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Oravel. W Bpeclallic In Plan ana Pumltur Covins. TUGBOATS Dy Phones 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. Night Phono. 687,. 533, Qrnen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS. LTD. GEO. U. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LUMBER We nro niamifaoluring Wiugli ntul drossiul luin-I'Pi" I'Mko gnuii bout rplnr. Ilnlibut ntul sal-nioii boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Lid. PHONE 502 TRUNK SEWER I is proposed; VIUUV.VT MMIIITTII) V M1V LjlM.tK HOl'I.D mki:t t i.on(j iixt ni;i;i 1 The city engineer, H. A. McUid, has; devised aehewe' wbe reby. at an etl-mated coet of 135.000. a trunk aewerl line may be Wum to serve practically 1) ' th.j portion of the city whleh are! 631 provMMj with such twice.' Ills report was submitted to the council j l-.t night and. aftpr brief discussion. was Md on the uu far further con-kid ration. The mavor eiDreued himuif ; brtng hi favor of the project and It U powtble that the necmsary bylaw providing for the construction of the line may be put before, the people at the January election. The report of the engineer waa aa follows: t beg to aubmlt thl report on trunk rewer for your conatderatlon. A number of report together with I plana hare been made by different engineer but have been too eiteoalve for , city thu re to' undertake. So I hare evolved a solution by a system which utiluee a ateel pipe sewer eighteen Inch U' diameter for the outlet contiguous to Hay a Creek which area I bounded by a red line on the aceomoauvlnc man. To make into report without going to , tli etpense of a urvey I hare baned by computation on the data compiled i'v previous engineer and which la on nie in thu office Until thu report 1 approved 1 tee no necessity for further eapendtiure in thl regard. Ttiu sire of pipe laid to grade will 'lake rare of thl wc'ion Indicated above ! lor many year. When the city grow to I (he eatent that tht pipe I too small jtlien a art of duplicate electrleaUy I driven pump may be added to pump the sewage through thl outlet or another pipe may be oo retracted a teen fit at the Urn. Oy tbt method a system ran be built up from year to year without any very large capital outlay durliut any one year for tbla rrtnon, i jo 1 reeonunead that ttorm water be taken care of separately 'Branch eewera can be constructed from thl trunk line by the local improvement plan initiated by the count n or by petition from time to i:m u ornasloo may warrant their construction uch an outlet could be built for ap proximately la 000. and the practically the whole wttled portion of the city w.ll .e ejiil sewer facilities WOODWORTH REPORT MADE 'till M il. Mf'llil." to ll:l..Y MtK- imi iti:rtm to im IMH, MAT WMl report from the city engineer tug-getting repair that might be made to the Wooaworth tke dam waa presented to the city council Iat night and. owing u. the fact that it waa felt aucn re-lp:r could not be undertaken at thl (time when there were heavy call on i lie municipal power tyetetn which ccf Ud 'not be met If there were any eueh In- trtrupiiona aa the emptying of the dam, t . u decided to lay the report on. the table for the eenalderaUen of next year's 1 1 ounrll The report of the engineer, which wa accompanied by a recommendation from the Board of Work that the report be adopted and the work proceeded wlti. utatVd tl the fornu had never been r.moved from the dam and. before any jtrheme of repair could be decided up- , on it would be neceaary to remove :m form at an evimated cott of MOO or 1500. A for the pipeline, which 'lie had alto been aked to lnpec, the ' engineer atated that aome of the JolnU had never been cauura oeiorr uu. miirh work had been done, the ' urge in the pipe nd the throb In the light ayticm'had been eradicated. Work ' nu the concrete pier. Mr. McLean"! re-j port auted. might be left over for whil Therrmoval of the form. Mr. : McLean tuted. could be done by empty-; mg the dam or u.ing a diver. The i dam would probably hate to be emptied to make the repair, j Aid Brown atated that, with the 'rleaior working and other heavy de-! mand t made Jor power. It would be uiadvuable to put the power plant I tnnorarllV out of operation. It might take two or three week or po- Vbly a montn to ao me oi.-... ...h. mMii that the city would be I - J. ThJ unable to meet tne power ouu., ... dam hod gone aa it waa jor j he did not we that a delay from now demanda were lessened until the power would hurt much. At for the removal of the throb In 'the light tyttem. Aid. Brown pointed out that the engineer differed with the superintendent who .aid-the dry dock machine had taken up the throb. Mr McLean replied that the throb 1 had been eliminated before the dry dock A v it witli a U ?-rajritjric A SAW Slays sharp longer Cuts easier. Snws faster aiMONDS CANADA AW CO. LTD. MONTRUi. VANCOUVtR. T. HN. N.... TORONTO mm Ill till ii 2T2 .D' m. TT if al- i I A9LnBvTSIB.'JB mr. iia plant atarled operations. lot the Canadian National Railways, the After further discussion, the report following resolution waa unanimously wa referred ta the 10H council. carried at laat night's' meeting of the CITY COUNCIL IS INSULTED TAKKS n ( I lMli:iX OX IIKIIAl.F OF M WOK AMI MIlMllI RS n)lt IIIH. TKICT ItlUl.XHOIMl HANtJFKT t NO SKATS OK HONOR IteMiliitlon Win ImmI Objecting to Nriillnr, I'laiM ill Iti-rent IMniier An a ribuke to the Prince Rupert Board of Trade for having allegedly member of parliament for the district at the bunquet given, last week In honor of Sir Henry Thornton, president ( city council- "Whereas, the cltliena of Prince Uu pcH and the electors of Skrena d.Urlct were maliciously Iniulted by the Prince tlupert Board of Trade at the compli mentary dinner given lu honor of Sir Henry Thornton and party on November 10 through the said Board of Trade Inviting His Worship the Mayor and J. C. Brady. M.P. to attend the dinner, then refusing them aeata of honor at the guests table which was, properly due to the high office they each respectively hold. "Therefore, be It resolved, by this body, the Prince Itupert City Council, In meeting assembled, that we deeply rraent the insult Imposed by the Prince Rupert Board of Trade against the citizens of Prince Itupert and Bkeena trlct. And, b It further resolved, that a Creates Confidence tr ti HE Ford car is the most simply designed auto' mobile in the world. , It is entirely without superfluous parts, yet has everything needed for efficient operation. It is easily handled by the inexperi enced, and it has won the confidence of veteran or experienced motorists. . V Because of its proven quality, over twelve million owners have chosen the Ford car as their ideal for prac tical transportation. tiGARS : TRUCKS TRACTORS PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL QUALITY copy of this resolution be Incorporated in the minutes of this nietUug and also that a copy be sent to the secretary of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade." CITIZENS A(i(lHIK.Vll) The resolution was proposed by Aid. George B. Casey who wished to make It clear that no political motive waa Involved therein. A great many fair-minded and well-meaning citizen had seen the incident and felt aggrieved that the mayor and member of parlia ment, having been specially invited, were placed at a side table and left to face the wall. It was generally deemed to be a very small action which waa resented by the people and this resolution was submitted aa a means of redress and to tell the Board of Trade that it had not only Insulted the peo- ! pie of Prince Rupert but the people of the entile riding of Skeena. The resolution was seconded by Aid, Larsen. Aid. Perry wanted to hear more about the Incident as he had not attended the banquet. He could hardly believe that such an affront had been Intentional. It surely must have been a mistake. In answer to Aid. Brown's question, the mayor atated that he had been Invited to attend the banquet In his official capacity. The resolution was the n unanimously carried. WATER NOTICE IIIVKRSIOX AMI V.sE. TAKE NOTICE that Ooase Packing Company, Limited, whose addreaa is Vancouver. B.C., will apply for a licence to take ar.fi use 100.000 gallons per day of water: out of Unnamed stream, which flow northwesterly and drains into Captaln'a Cove at head of Captain' Cove. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet from mouth and will be used for commercial and domestic purpose upon the land described a Lot 1253. Range 4. Coast Dutrlct This notice was posted on th puad on th 4th day of No I vember, 1928. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the 'Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C Objection to the application may h filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Building. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty day after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the ftrat of this notice Is November fubllcation 0. 1926. OOSSE PACKINQ COMPANY LTD. Applicant. By J. r. Strang. Agent. PULP TIMHKR SALE X8II0. Sealed Tenders marked, "Tender on X8440." will be received by the Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January. 1937. for the purchase of Pulst Licence X8440. to. cut timber situated on (Jraham Island. Queen Chaetotte Islands - District. Thirty years will be allowed for the removal of the timber All tender must comply with Section IS of th "Forest Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars may v be had from th Chief Forester, Victoria, SC. 4