Iny, June 3, 1020, r I 55 to 5 0 MORE MUSIC Electrically Hccorded by the exclusive Hrunswick Light Kay Electrical Process Here are the first of the New Longcr-Pfoying Brunswick Records: MERRYMAKEILS CARNIVAL on both aides by the 3lrrymaker MAUCIIE SLAVE Parts 1 and 2 by Xw York Philharmonic Orchestra Win. MenzrltxTg Conducting Hear the Latent June ICecordi now at J. Lome MacLaren, Ltd. PREVENT FOREST ... ., FIRES YOU CAN HELP Ormes Ltd, Pioneer Druggists. Ave. and 6th Street p r MMaya - B.C. FOREST SERVICE In Exceptional Offer e h vo a few EASTMAN KODAKS thai are shop rn i.iiil al-u some moil el- have ! n withdrawn ami lire bv it new -criev I'll are all uttered at u dis- k 1 1 1 oi 25 , off catalogue price. SHIPMENT OF MELBA TOILETERIES HAS JUST ARRIVED Melbu Bt)- are now mudc in Canada and Ihe price hem reduced. v . Faco Powders , . ... 50c and $1.00 . Tnlcoum Powders 5o V Dusting Powders SI .50 fc Creams' 50o 'Compacts $150 and 60c Houae ouo The IteMill Slore. Phones 82 and 200 lite Enamel Infants Baths Plain and lie. oraled, I rum $2.25 to $6.00 .ompson Hardware Co., Ltd. IE 101 255 3rd Avenue. '4 AMES KERR, WELL KNOWN TRAVELLER DIES IN VICTORIA Was Representative of Tucketts Ulnars and Tobaccos and Was Taken III Here About a. Month Ago ;i',": ' Mhhv Tiu'.ir acquaintances' of leccaN:!, wbn urn well known, in Hit cily and iltiTXrici as traveller for )'ueketts' cigar am to- nnrros. will regret to learn of Ihc deal li of James Kerr which look place in Ihe Hoyal Jubilee Hospital, Virloria, oh Salurda morning. Iat, The laic Mr. Kerr wan JioVrt in Ulasgow, Scotland ami w llijrly nine years, jtf atuviMI'e, hrill been a res Men I! w iviurin ur lourieeij yeiirs ar.o is surviveu uy a wiqow anil lliree children residing at 1117 Prjn-ceiM Avenue in (hat clly. Deceased paid his last visit here about a month ago. He came north, on the' gasoline cruiser, Pride of the West and, being stricken with an attack of Influenra, -wan obliged ly enler hospital here. Later he relumed to bin home in Victoria but fail-i'd to recover from Ihc Nines' W. C. Wilcox of Welcome Harbor, Porrher Island, is a vis itor in, lown. He will he here lor mo next ween or so, Nomination of officer loiA tme at a meeting of the Car-e-ilcr's I'ltion lal in k hi. 'lite lection will take place early et mo'!h. .. II. Francis, former reside!.' of the city and now of Decrfietd Missouri, arrived in the city from the Kal yesterday. He ia here In eonneclion with local properly' holding. F. W. Hart talU tonlifht by Ihe Prince (leorge for Vancou ver where lie expecln In attend 4 ttalhcriiig of very ohl" tiniern of Ihe southern metropolis.. Ho v'ill be away from the city a few ilayl. Owln? to it being a ta!ulor Imlblny. e,n ebeihilel for th city jo!ice court today are ad jniiriied lill tomorrow. Char ge againtthe Prince Hupcrt K.iirv nf linlnttnn of I lit Muliir i-tttrte Ael an1 agaiiiHt the eily for obstruction of a flreel arn due for hearing. Dr. ami Mrs. Huzh I- Kcer. leyside of Vancouver ar' visiHiut irt the cBy a the guests of Mr, Keetileyhie'f molhor, Mrs, .1. Ill PJllsiiuo. Fourth Avenue, VeL 0 Salvrihiy afleruooit, lr Kcenlcyslde, who is a disting iihed graduate of the University or Hritish Columbia, 'Will address Ihe Women's Canadian Club on "!)uiiip Canadian Prob lems," Mrs. F. II. IniVcrnet, C7 Fourth Avenue Kasl, has relumed to the city atfer an ab sence of several inonlhs in the course of which she visited Oreenville, South Carolina, where her son. Horace Hit Vernet resides, Toronto, .New York, Motion, Washington and olhei Kaslern cities. Miss Alice l)u Vernet is still in Toronto .where she will remain for some lime longer. HOTEL ARRIVALS v Prince Rupert J. K. Agnew, Seattle: W. ( F.lliolt, J. Mcllugh, J. Kirkup, II. li. Wilcox, K. Naieue. (1. Slllilll nnil It l!lmil Siiniit-.i.i M. Itella, Victoria; Hev. F.. Hod-son, .Ocean Falls; Mr. anil Mrs4 f. A. Ho.H,. Toronlo; V.. M. Del-rick. ; C. Hearn, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ilrown, Fx- stnll itiver; Mrs. P. H. Hailcr and daughter and Mrs. M. I. Hutchinson, Hegina; (ieorge Mc Afee, Oeorgelown. Central L. F. Coles and F. H. Walker. Vancouver; T. Van Dyk, cily; S. Sherskey, C.N.H.; W. M. Carroll Saskaloun; C. 11. Francis, Deer- field. Mo. Inw 1 V" t nditiestiqn vciv-c,1'! THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREH Local and Personal I'hone 16. P.IL Coal Co. til Arthur's Taxi. I'hone 078. tf B.C. Undertakers.!- Phone 41. , t'litt-j t " . ? " (Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo.-l.0O. Hyde Transfer. Phon- 580. v. tf Pageant,' "Where. West Meet liasl." Social and refreshment,! Mclropolc Hall, Friday evening ai p.m. auspice miner ixa- gue. Admission. 3.ic. 1 30 Capl.'nel 11. lynday, ex aminer of master and males,! will arrive here" o;t Monday lot conduct .examinations fur local candidates. , Mra. Tupper of the Huiieil Table Supply laff sails lliltl evening on Ihc Prince (ieorgcl for Vancouver , amL ScalUc on a vacation I rip. The Women's Cnnadian Club will he addres.od liy Dr. Hugiil I.. Keeney sides, on Saturday, June 5, at -3 p.m. 'in the liostor.l Hall. Subject. pome Canadian Mrs. A. Keith will ail loniglit on the Prince fleorge for Van-I couver where "he will spend! several week veiling wtMil friends. Later Mrs. Keith and Mrs. W. Heverblge plan on mak ing a trip to California. The remains of the late Char les Venn, prominent. Metlakatla native, who .died yesterday morning, wre shipped to Metla' katla yenterday afternoon by Ihe H.C. Undertakers, Interment will lake place al ihe village to morrow afternoon, Archdeacon O. A. llix officiating. W. H. Vicker, relirin? chlpf of the city police ffyce. sails Ibis evenfng on Ihe Prince tJf-orgc for Victoria where be will 'as sume' bi new duties with thtf fiame Department under the provincial jtolice. Mrs. Vickets and daughter will remain here for some time longer before moving south to take up their residence. Mrs. K. A. Hood of this city b reveled the sad intelligene of the death of her mother, Mr. Victoria Auslinson at the age of C. in Flneid, Nor ay, on. June i. Keside. Mrs. Hood. anolher child of the deceased in Canada is Carl Auslinson, Vancouver. Mrs. Hood isiled bei mother ia Ihe Old Country about two years ago. The kllenlfon of tluv public i called to the fact that lender5 will be received by he Finance Committee of Ihe City Council for the purchase of lot 18, block 15, section 5. The rock lis- been removed from Ihls lot and il has been graded lo street level. Tenders to be in tin. office of the City Clerk market 'Tender Tor Lot" not later than 5 p.m.' Friday, June I, IU2C I'.. F. Jones, City clerk. 12!) Waiter Owen, assistant super intendent of provincial police.l who, with Inspector t?piller and other local officers, made a Irip yesterday to Porl F.ssington to niake a survey uf Ihe surroundings of the murder or the lat Miss Loielta JChisholm oil May 23, will remain here until tlie V ...."u.l., .-...I ,.r 1........ K. II. Pollard, J. K. Miller and J.i . " " Mi . iimiifcii. nun uir ki line, is proceeded with early next week It Is possible, that it might be necessary for him to slay over for the Assizes. There were no new developments lo be announced ,in connection with IIuj case, Mr. Owen slated Ibis morii-itig. : - W M. Carroll. CVlL road master al Saskatoon, fs?a vlsilcrr in the cily today reislered at tho Central Hotel. On a vacation Irip (o the Pacific Coast lo recuperate front serious Injuries ho sustained some years ago, be arrived front Ihe Last -tin yesler- idny afternoon's train and avHI sail tonight on Ibij.d'rliico I'eojrgo for VaueouycriojVe he will visit for rtt)huv ,thnk.;Ki Mr. Carroll has been toadmaslne i with the Canadian .Norlh'ern and Canadian National Hallways for over Iwenly years, Jiavlng been Willi the fi.lUl. fop seViMnl Villi jbefore ho Joined Ihe t3...H. He .Is under 1. A. M;Plie.xstin, f'or-,mer superinlendent hero ,aud now al Saskalo'on. I WinrhpdPP itely owing to unfavorable. weather conditions. 130' f am moving lo new localior.l next SI. Jlegis and ConimodoNM tlafes and am sellinig every sboci ami rubber al rost or less. Cornel and see the prices. ieo. Hill, Ihe Shoeman. 131 While deTinite word has not vet been received, it is understood that Mr. Justice Aulay Morrison will preside at the session of the Supreme Court assize wliicli will otun .in the city next Thursday;- " ' 'lliomas MoMeektirbf this eily ajnl Henry McCartney or Anyox! left by lliis iiiorniiKs train en-route lo the Old Country. Mr i McMeekiu wUI visit his former, home in Scotland while Mr. Me-; Carlney will visit in Ireland. i Hev. K. llodson of Ocean Fall) who arrived in the city yester-i lay, will return to the paper lown on the Prince lieorsc to night. -On Monday next ho leave:: Ocean Falls for La stern Canada on business iu eonneclion with Ihe endowment of Caledonia dio cese. Louis F. Coles, piano lune for many years with lirinsmead. London, Kugland, Marlin-Ormc Oil aw a and Maon and Hiscb. Toronto. Ilepairs and adjust ments of player pianos and grands a specially.- Orders may lert al the : Central HotcL Plione 15. yigeant T. Van' Dyk. chief 7aiue 'enforcement officer for Northern llrltili Columbia un der Ihe provincial policej relur-ed to Ihe cily from Prince Oeorge yesterday aflernooTi. He niadu a triii recently to the Peace Hiver district with Walter Owen, assistant superinlendent of piovincial police. C.P.H. steamer Princess Mary, Cap!. Thomas till IT, southbound from Alaska ports lo Vancouver. Is due here Saturday morning. This is Ihe last trip of Ihe season of Ihe Princess Mary which will be relieved for the summer by the steamers Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte and Princess Alice on a' nioro frequent service designed especially for lourlsl traffic. NOTICE OF SALE TENDtHS for lira urrhae ot ivt.i Imm.iih r I" i(-i muted a tun .VU7 and AVI 48, cuiiUlnlnir r orrtclal K'nlv Ht,S7 frrl ot lo(. rut flMin Tliubrr Sale XM18O and now Ivmic al krinmvi Hltrr, Oardnrr Canal, will 1 re-rrlvwl, liy JtKII-Irl t'orrsler at 1'rlnce lw-IH-rt m in ilmhi nt Jinx' I Jlli, t f 26, Tlx. Uisit price, wlilili 1 tlm lowest irmler ai'Ttalilp, i 111.40 (ht lliounmt twl, eaiup run. T-ndr must lie ai-siinaiilf(t by t.h, rcrliried I'lieum- or ihisUI money ordfr im.vshlo lu n.c. Vorest lipanrh, rrtvehn the total l.l.t, oi), lit or total araln atmvn inemioiied. Iirlivery will lie iiiad in I lit nnieriil irndervr on Iial of a rlie.k M-aV lo lir ntad lifn.rr dJte of oih'IiIik or tenders ami an adjustment of iiiniev lendeied will It made iirvord-Inaly. The hmhekl or any lender ntl n--f.i-JIy ae-pi-rt. I'or furllior irt rtlrul-tr. apnly lu DU trlct itretter, Vriuce Uupert, B.C. Jf Mild, Blended Cigarette Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices it Prince Hunerl Tennis Club ruiiriuinieiil niwliinnoil imlffin-ll Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL IcANADlANj PACincf vVaaiiaray Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE OEOROE and PRINCE RUPERT will Ieaf PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and liilcnneillale liluU. THURSDAYS ami SUNDAYS at 11 p.m. AUd S.S. PRINCE CHARLES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, and JUNE 9 at 4 p.m. tor AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, 10 p.m. for STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES rortuifhlly for VANCOUVER tla QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally rxcrpl Sunday at It. 30 ajn. for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, all points Eastern Canada, t nlted Slates. Agency all Ocaan Staamahlp Llnaa. l'e Canadian allonal Espress tor Money orders, Fort-um Cheques, elc also for ywir next ahlpnienL City Tlcaat Ofllca, 62S Third A fa., Prlnca RuparU Phona 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert: To Katchlaan, Wranoalt, Junaau, and Skagway Juna 7, 14, 1S, 2S, 2S; July 2, S, 9, 12 To Vancoutar, Victoria, and Statu Jun. 4, 12, 19, 23, 30; July 4, 7, 11, 14, 1S, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campball Rlar, and Vancouae atary Salwrday 11 a.m. for Buladala, Swanaon Bay, Eatt Balla Balla, Ocaan Fall. Namu. Alrt Bay. Atney for all Stoamanlp Llnaa. Pull lalormatl fr W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral At)t. 0rne of 4lh Strt and 3rd Afanu. Prlne Rupart. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Salllnt from Prlne Rupert. ' or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Sanan Bay. and AUrt Bay, TuMday, S P.M. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bat, and Bwanao Bay. Baturday, 10 A.BL Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlae Cannarlee. Thuraday p.m. For PORT S.taPSON. ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. ta Bad Ayanca. J. Baraalay, Ait. Prlaxei Rupaft, SLO. . ,. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 198 Simmon's Sleel Heils, Springs, mill Psleriiio6rMaU tressesj In every room. ' 52 Itooius, Hot and Cold Water,4 Halhs and Shuwers, bleain llenteil. K eclrie LlahL i"A- : i w T ' -i '1" Corner of Third Ave and Sixth 8L ;V. t PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 03