When Raot Run SOLO SEVEN-EIGHTHS J.N'iMLV, June . a. - Jlobeit i, "0 yt-arit f ngv, depart -maiiagrr of h brokerage i, vslio won the firl prize in Calcutta sweepstakes on Hie rby race. which took plan Ion li retained ,only oiio- 4ilh of (he ticket which h lli approximately Ki.250 for: self lie liati uipoeti oi w, ilnder of !he tirkel for a i healed amount which after, Inaeli bad won had a total c ur aboyl (150.n00. hop wan hard at work al k'offlec when the race was He ha a ,n 1 1 years or F unit a daughter 8. He tol l ! reporters who Interviewed! tluil he would eonlinue work II ho wan loo old to worm 'more iBERTOLliS TO BE HANGED leal Against Death Sentence Falls and Date for Execu tion Set fltToniA, June 3. The up- court dismissed the apet Alex Oebertoli, Ihe Vaneoii- lonpshoreman, 'a?ainsl th' till sentence imposed up.n li al a reeeiu ancouver as afler he had been found Illy of murder In roiiuerlioii Hi Hie death of I'rosser Tim who died froiii Injuries -e- led In a scuffle wilh Oeber- al Hielr cabin In lloguu's py, ftelicrloll )s 'o le hauled oil STERIOUS REASON FOR NORGE STOPPING AT TELLER, ALASKA MMK. Juno a. r.xA. Kmlierla file, flrsl, pilot of tho diriwiliH" who afrlyeil here Moudny in J eller slated that the Noive enough gasoline In lihvo n Hie nirshifT to Oonlova in Ihenr Alaska in perfect sly Isked Will' ho stonn'ed at Tel- IrAlhi'i'. Ihan at iNome, Noblle Uieil "I ilou't caro lo iiuswdp ibsorlb( to tho Dally News. THOMSON ARRANGES FAIR ATTRACTIONS VANCOlVKIt, June J. Arrangement, arc being hi between .Manager Malhcson of Vancouver exhibition and .Manager Thomson of Prince Itu-Mrl fair to Vend several all mr lions and exhibit from here to the northern city. THANKS TO KING F)RPROCLAMATION House of Commons Endoriatlon of British Government on Strike LONDON. June 3. -An ad.lies of thanks to Ihe Kiug for his proclamation continuing Hiq slate of emergency becuiise ol Ihe roal strike va carried In Hie House of Commons by n ole of 2J lo KM). ' An atleiupt by some of tin labor .members to criticize tin King was quickly Mpiashed by Mr. Speaker staling that what he had done was done on tho ud vice of his ministry. ELEVATOR CvWANIES 0. OPPOSE GRAIN CHANGES OTTAWA. June 3. The grain i elevator companies have launch ed an attack on Ihe proposed amendment to Hio Canada drain Acl charging it would destroy fair eoniputllioH. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Deli-oil 1-7, Cleveland 13-0. Washington 5-1, New Yorjt 0. Philadelphia of a storm which swept North; erii '-Oklahoma last night. 1-3, llostnit 5-1, Chicago it. l..l.oqtA W ... , H 'ifNatlonftl 'Loague' ''1' ' New York 5-2, I'lilladelphl t-7. lloslon 12-12, Htooklyn 5-11. SI. Louis 1 1, Chicago 0. KILLED BY STORM PAWKUSKA, Okla., Juno 3. .Six persons are dead as a result Welcomed by Ian Mackenzie Vancouver on Behalf of Premier Oliver TOWN IN QUEBEC IS SWEPT BY FIRE AND 57 BUILDINGS RAZED U L' V. KC, June 3. fifty seven Huililiugs "were destroyed nl an estimated loss of a million dollars in a file that svvcnl Itiviere du l.oiipo yesterday afternoon. Hulltlings razed wen Included five Warehouses, ten stores, and 12 dwellings in llic commercial seclTon of tho (own. McGILLlVRAY HEAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M(N I HCAL,. Juno a. Ilev. Al J. Mcfllllivray of Ouelph was elected tnoderalor of Ihe Pres-hylet'iaii Church in Canada at Ihe first" sederunt of the Oenera. Assembly, NO HALIBUT SALE 'Thtri was mi sale oT haliliul lit-tluyr isli Kxchamge this morn. iiigYjhe(only vessel in behig tho .;i..J..rA. xis. .. i.,iii. . Jiuft . 25 TAXI and. If Boston Grill Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhers at Anytime. floor fur hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Av W NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, a ail i f PRINCE best for the RUPERT and ana vn at. I'n. , The latest WATT VIDECK, Prop. least., Phons 487. JLa. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. AVI,, NO, 120. PJll.NCK HUPBHT. H.ll.,1 Till' His DAY, Jl K 3, 102.0. Vterdy'j Circulation, 1113 iHPaify 49K'.w' "LWLLLL' ' lL wC ,7 r jBBBBBWj? '' SIMII.NO (JLKAXINO OF TIIK SPHINX. Photo shows (he (irand Old Man of Hie Desert wilh its slone paw.s uncovered and a scaffold perched on one shoulder during the process of repairing the damage wrought by lime and sand. CONVENTION OF Finn Appointed Acting Director MOOSE TODAY! of Biological Station at Prince VA.N'COL'Vi:il, June 3.A con vention of northwest Moose or- ler openeil here this morning, 0,- fioO delegates being present. largely from Washington, Orc- oi, Ualiroriiia and Idaho. ' The convention was officially welcomed by Ian Mackenzie, M.L.A., on behalf of Premier Ollvv'riiiud Mayor Taylor for the r.ll orVaneouver. In his presidential addros, J. C. Iterens of .Seattle declared Hie Moose knew no broader Irrtus of explaining the objects of the nssocihlion than that it was to help all. Rupert; Dybhavn on Committee OTTAWA, June ;t. At the annual meeting of the Biological Hoard of Oauada, which was attended by John Dybhavn o, Prince llupert, D. H. rinn was appointed acting direclor" of t)ic Pacific eierimenlal slaliou at Prince llupert, pending lhefia decision as to the appointment oT a direclor. John Dyjdiavti of Prince llupert. Dr. C II. O'Douoghtte .of Winnipeg, and Dr. A. II. Hub hiiisuu of Vancouver were fclecled members of Hie Pacific sub-executive committee wilh Jqhu Dybhavn chairman of the commillee, and V. A. Clemens iXil MAN FOUGHT OWN SHADOW Hit Himself In Plate Glass When on Way Home Early This Morning SPOKANE, June 3. When Adolph Guldahl, a laborer, thought he saw a man walking beside him on the street early this morning he became frightened and swung a heavy fist In tho direction of his unwelcome companion and crashed through a large plate glass window. On the arrival of the police they found Guldahl was fighting his own shadow In the win. dow and was arrested charged with drunkenness. In demonstrating how he broke the window, prisoner narrowly missed smashing the nose of the desk sergeant at headquarters. ENGLISH TRAFFIC ; .' i IN OPIUM POISONS WORLD SAYS CHUA iNanaimo, secretary. Or. A. P. Kntght. chairman of Ihe hoard, resigned his mem bership on Ihe boanl. lie had litem a member since its organ jtzaiion ami ror rourteen years ihad iieeu its chairman Ills jplai'f as chairman was taken by Dr. J. Playrair McMurrlch; of ; Toronto Iniversity with Jc J. lOiwie as seere!ary-lfeasurer. BIRTHDAY OF KING GEORGE His Majesty Is 61 Years Old To day Having Been Born In 1S65 Today is Ihe sixty-first blrlh- i'lay of King (ieorge V. His Majesty was born on June 3 18(15, son of the late Kiug Kdward VII. and Queen Alexandra, He ahs married on July C, 18M, to VicluriU: Many .born May 20 f8(7, dmlghterof the Oukq of Teck and succeeded lo the crown oh Ihe- death of his father, May , into. Them are five child ren, Kdward Albert, heir-appar out lo the throne, born June 23 18M; Prince Albert Frederick Duke of York, born December il'..IvA, June 3. ChaoPing 15. 1805: Princess Victoria Alex i.iiua,- unna s representative on andra Alice May. Duchess of Hie League of Aalioiis opium, Lascelles, born April 25 1897 advisory rommllloe charged Hint Prince Henry: William, b'orn Ihe Knglish Iraffic On. opium Oi March 31, t0(i; Prince, Ooorge poisoning the-.enllr iworhl. (Kdward, born December '20,, 1002 .mes. Street Sales, ? til he liked the appearance of uriuMied steel that was seen al PRinR FIVE CENTS. UPROAR fi OTTAWA HOUSE OF COMMONS ARCHDEACON R1X ENTHUSES OVER BEAUTIES OF PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Iproar in Commons on Use of Words in Debate bjectiq ion to Premier King declaring stahmtht untrue and later Donald Suthei land has to retract insinuation OTTAWA, J ij lie ;l. Air uproar wan ireuled in Hie House Oinimons. Yesterday when I lie House was rilling a u eom- Sllee or Hie whole. Discussing amendments lit the Immigra-1 it Acl, Premier Mnrkriizie King clmruderized the statement! Donald .Stilhcrliiiid, Conservative, Hint IrgMaliun before the ; iiisc wiit the reMill of u bargain helween Liberal and Labor puibors u 'iinlrne. Uiuscrvulives demanded that (he word he withdrawn hut jnirniun Huff ruled lliat it win not iiiiiarliaiiientary and on up- RST PRIZE DERBY SWEEP mr or Clqnty 1t Working Hard In Oflfco peal to lliu ruling or the chair .was sustained. 1 : Mr. Milhcrlaud Ihen declared 'lliiil he "wasn't surprised al the .ruling of the chair" ami Liberals ; Mrougly objected to the. worilj : "surprised." Chairman Dulfi ruled Dial the word ii withdrawn Thousand Ml"' afler roniidcrahio wrangling on both side's .Mr. Sutherland retracted and ralm again returned. Unrivalled Scenic Attractions of Prince Rupert and District Pointed Out by Archdeacon Rix That lite ?(eiue excellence of Prinrc Itnpert is one of Ihe grealet asel.- of the city, wtis the lalenienl made ly Arch- , deacon llix in an address al the Hotary Clnh luncheon eter-iday. The Archdeacon enthused over the pu$.iuilUic of the ; district from that point of vjew and urged that more be made of it. People seemed to have nu understanding of (he beauties of the scenery here. Take the view from the American Consulate on, round Avenue. It was unrivalled. Ihe harbor looms up from Ihere aud the scene is such as could be appreciated by -.jo.ie i ruin any part of the .ond. There were the sunsets, tie storms and calm, the boats Jim. i; ami ttoin?, bul best of SITUATION IN EGYPT TENSE Prince llupert as a lownslle, a.I wonderiul scenic possibili-- AcquitUl by Appeal Court of As Ihe Archd.acon said. What cs. Mssjns of Slp 8Uck ,. . as a flat lown? H was suited , . or nolhing but unlenlng. Ilerei " ".! jalure asisted to make the place, beautiful. The overhaugini WARSHIP AT ALEXANDRA blufrs were wonderful. The po-, , . r,l,sh . P dfn8 "" compareJ Abilities were beyond ud.9 He strongly urged that persistent: as Prolesi gainst Action of Natives and continuous efforts be made, to beautify the city and to keep' it neat and tidy and to improves iU public gardens. si far IjtUe care bad been lakeiiaof the town- Sunken Gardens The speaker drew special at- vikioii to (lie possibilities ol a Unkeu garden nl (he 'old hotel sile. There was the pond and the beautiful native trees and very little work was needed to make It a second Itutcliarl Gardens i I had all the surroundings for a l.iir.g of beauty and would be a meat attraction lo tourists. One jf the fuiesl things the Hotary lub could do would be to' make in adult playground here in rivalry to the children's play ground of the (lyros. The place was infinitely ahead of other places in its possibilities. Turning then to attractions outside of the city, the speaker referred lo the possibilities of beautifying Kaien Island and opening it up. Stanley Park he thought, had nothing lo compare with this island, lloads around ant! up Hie mountain diould be built. The view from the mountain was equalled hi few places. Kerrcational trips outside of the city were lo be. found in every direction. There was the fish ing and hunting of the district which could be capitalized. The Metlakalla Indian village could be made a show place and the wonderful scenery of the places eany reached by boat were worth a yreal ileal. Later they would be appreciated, he fell sure. People, If they knew of it, would gladly pay any money to get there. The Arclhleacon then took his hearers on a 'trip to Skagway. Lake Kennelt ami All in Lake and showed pictures which he (md collected both showing parts bf Prince llupert and the district rhere were pictures of the niala mides and huskies and of various points of Interest. Stewart and other Portland Canal points had splendid scenic attractions vime day all these would be ap predated. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE. Wheat H.C. Silver Daly Aiuska . Dunweil .i. Independence L. A Us, Premier Porter Idaho . Silver Crest . u'rf. Inlet Hid. 117 2.03 Asko( 2.'I0 ..'50 1.88 . ,1.95 .08 .00' 09 i M2 2.1 If .2.15 .08 ti li2VSff'U5 LONDON, J Una 3. -Ureal Hrit-a in has sent a hole to "the Egyptian government reserving "complete liberty of -acHon". re. garding llic .rcceni acquittal of s)x persons charged with assassinating Sir Lee Stack, Hrit-ih Sirdar of the Imperial army in t2t. A warship is being sent to Alexandria as a precautionary measure and Judge Felix. Kerr-shaw, liritish presiding Judge of ipr-eal court, which acquitted the men, has resigned as a protest against the action of the native judges In outvoting him to adiieve what he ''terms' a mis-parriajre of justice. LIQUOR SEIZED CANADIAN PORT merlcan Customs Officers Act ed Illegally In Interfering With Excursionists at Victoria VICTORIA, June 3. Investi gation into Hie seizure of Iiipior rom American excursionists Of Kv'erett when boarding Hip Prin- ess Charlotte Monday ,by two 'niUnl States customs" officers revealed that Ihe act was illegal ind that the men" violated Cana- lian law. They seized itovern- meiil sealed Iiipior ; on Hritish lerrttory. Not evwi a Canadian customs officer could seize it under similar circumstances Police intervention could have been secured and the men ar- esied on a chargp Of theft and tssault. SECOND AVENUE STORE ROBBED Goods Estimated at $200 Re moved From Gratton Shop In Burglary; During Night Goods estimated by the owner lr. be valued at about ?200 were; akon Trout Hie store of Wilfrid Oration, Second Avenue, during the night. The burglary was discovered early. dhT morning vyhen -Mr. Oration arrived lo opeii his store for the day. Knlry was inade" by fqreing a rear window which was found pfien, 'J'he city detachment, of iho provincial police was at onp&tiqtlttei) and ngw; ba ihveslgntiq"t of the bunghny in hand. 1 '4 I!