PAGE 8IX 35c 25 PER CENT OFF TRIMMED HATS VENUS PURE SILK, HOSIERY $1.25 " 1 : ; - i DIMITY 1 jHplcndid quality l-ORlish Checked Dimity for children's wear, ladies garments ""for intimate wear, nihl-dresses, etc. (Jolbrs "in-r elude Jielio, peach, rose, flesh, maize, gray. TilUe, pea - green. Thirty - six inches wide. Per yard : WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 STOP THAT COUGH Take a bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60c Rupert Pharmacy Presoriplion Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. DRYG00DS Department Ilayou Sklk's, all tripet and colors, per yard . . 75c Luca Silk Hloofiier.. all aliudes, per pair .. $1.75 Moodit's .Silk Hlariiner. all xhades, per pair . . 51.25 Silk Vests $1.00 and $1.60 each. Pride of the Vu?t Silk Hose, all the latest shades $1.00 and $1.50 ' Men' Hand Knit Jazz Sweater-. .. .. $6.25 Come v in and, inspect our Uuk, we will' be felad to show yon. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Millinery "Demers" Wo aim to please Phone 27, ' P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S.' Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (Jffice Hour- -V to 6, X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone t. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, r.oal Sand bnd Gravel We Specialize In Plans and Furniture Covlnpj. NO FURTHER WORD OF DROWNING ON Q.C. ISLANDS) No further word has hecn re-eciveiL at local headquarters of .the provincial police regardfn ' . fie two boys", llalph Smith, and Itonald Hay, feared to have been' drowned near ' Oueen Charlotte, City frcinia canoe which vaf recovered latvweck. Holli lad! were .very young, llalph Smith,1 16, eiiitf the son or Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith of Ahholsford and lloitaltj Hay, 15, the son of Mr. ami Mr$K (iiiberl llay, also; e n.t.-i ..-, " .... . hi ..niijuisioni. me lornicrsi falher is a millwright at Queen! Lhar.oUo CUy, the hoys paving heen visiting him there. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a m. Dupby Island Itainin?, south-' east female. baloincler, t'y,82: temperature, 55; sea -. rough; 8 p.m. soke molorsliip Oregon. Ketchikan for. .Scattlc,5l miles from Ketchikan. j Dead Tree, point- Haropietcr. 30.08; temperature. VG. I Hull Harbor Overcast. Ifczlit I southeast vlnd; barometer, 2'J.- 92; temperature, 53; ltaht swell; 0 p.m. spoke tanker .Mina Urea abeam Hull Harbor it 7 p.m. WATER NOTICE Dherclcn and Uie. TkE .VlTICK thai OinoJ "parkin. I'm l imited, whie address i tti llow street, Vait-nuvt-r. B.t.. will apply tr a licence I, lake and ue i ixi.tixi i-allon xt itit l water ul uf a stream, tnme nnkiioun which flow inrttM'aM and dnn Into Shannon Bay almur l.cno terl iu,nibrt- frty from iK.rlht'il oirtiw 4SH. U-a ai l April 4. iy. The water will tr diverted fn-ni ih tiream at a lv fit altuui io0 fn-l rnmi muutd aut alwui Vhi, reel wpM by miuih rrom uutlM-at rur-iipr M lit. aiul will if uxkI for rannr puriKi npoji th Camirv lie frtrnW i Lot 15; shann.ii .Ha. '.'.. Ilan1. Thl nollcf wa j-tieil mi tlv rruund on iw i.-iin iay m uty. ipsb. a ripv or itiU nollfi' and an atnllrailnn imruani llnTftn and l tin- "V.alr Ad," will Lp fllrd in lli i,rrire uf IIm Water He nroer at rrinre Hufx-rt B.4:. ObJprtlun- tlif appliratlon Inav hn fllid with 1th- 'aid Water Hrrt rder ur wtth th liitiiif. -oiirp nr water ittitDi-. eariianipui uutui- Mrtoria. BX... Uhfn thlrtx davi Tier t first ipiTaniKe of thK tlntlrr In a local itesnarer The dale of !!: ftol pitliliraiion uf this n dice a June GOSSE I'Ailklvr, r.O. LTD.. Appll-ant By J. f Stranr. Afenr ! WEEK-END SPECIALS GROCERY DEPT. Harks Tomato Catsup .... 19c Del Moute Pork and Heans. tin .Soap Flakeji in bilTk' 2. lbs. 29c Oatmeal. Toilet tfpap, carton 21c llogers' Golden Syrup, 5 lbs. tins Shredded Cocoanul in bulk, lb. ...... Haby Puffed Ilaisius, 7 7ac S.H. Sauce, square .liot tic .. 19c Campbell's TomaloiSoup, tin 13c teadyi-cut Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. .. 35c V it ii I Dinah Molasses, 5 lb. tin. special .... 39c Sprins Clothes J'ins, 0 dozen for . .. 25c Toilet Paper Itolls. 5 for .. 19a lbs. for . $1.00 Wheat (irauutes, 6 lb. sacks for 39c Oj,'ilvlc's Hulled Oats, 8 lb. sacks for 49c Special on Robin Hood Flour 9t lb. Colton Sack's .. .. $5.00 We have only 20 sacks at this special price. Wild iroe Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sauks, special 59c Jam Special j0 pails Pure Jam, assorted Varieties, to be cleared at per pail "... , 49o This is cW annual clearance sale on odd lines",. prior to arrival of new season's Jan). Wc carry over no old slock. ' Orange Special j i 00 dozen small size Oraifees, 13 lor, . . . . , . 25o PROVISIONS Pure Lard,. 3 lb. palls ,. ,. 69c 5 lb. jialls ... A. .... $1.14 10 lb. pails ... .$2.25 Hreakfasl liaron, machine sliced Jier lb,, ... ... ... , , . . 45o H.C. J'resh1 Pullet 3 tlozen for ... . ....... $1.00 yohleu' Loaf Cheese, per Hi. 40c 5 III. boxes ;. $1.85 Visit, our Delicatessen Dept. l.veryininijf for picnic Parties: Wired Cooked Ham. Cold Jtoast Pork. Hologna, Jellied I'onRue. Bamlwich Spread, Olives, Pickles, Fancy Cheese, etc.- Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 aj'e Perfection, in ourVlm1y is Due to 94 Years Experience SdoderhamAl?rts flCANADiAN PrRYE WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hritish Columbia. i'nund for San I strvuner Hums Lake, nip. 61. i'edro; 0 p.m. uraeao, Seattle Kelclifkan; 6.35 p.m. spoke steamer (UUicrine , llellin-imm for Ketchikan. 335 miles .rom Ketchikan. Noon WEATHER REPORT. Terrace, rain, calm. temp. 15 Anyox, rain, ealin, temp. 51. Stewart, .rain, calm, lemp. 50 Haiclton, partly cloudy," calm, temp. iO cloudy, . oaltfi. Sealed Trader. addrraed In tlie un-dertued. and endomd for llie "Oilt-aUurtlim and equipment uf one forty-foot Motor Ijiincft, will be rerelted Up ii noon. June tt, IVI0. l'lin, upei-irii-aliims and form of ten. der may be tiblainrd at the orftre of Itw OiMrlct K'orexer. ikMirt . IHine, Prince anpert, on dpll r Trn iMdlara (iu.tiu win.h will be refunded ir plan and -ei-irii jtion are returned In rl "ondition within tliirtr day from June Ut. iu-.. mi: '--, or mij iruucr 1101 ucr rlljr anepted. O. Ft XAUEX, fi'-l"ly Mlnl'ter of Land. APPLICATION FOR BEER PARLOR LICENSE Thirty days' from dale hereof, we Intend inaktnr apRlli-atlon In tlie I'ruvlnrlal i.nvrninn-111 ror the Hulallatlon and uper-illnn of a Beer parlor lo be located In Jie in tan Kall llolel, at orean I'alU, IMCIMi: MILLS, LIMITKU. May at. IJ. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to La Land In Land Itrcordina; Uliliict nf Prince fliiperl, and ltuile on Moreby Inland, viiktii l oariiiiie uniup. m unnamed in-el. three mile wulh ofjie L Beche In el. TAkK MITICE that The Canadian Flh-'na; Company. Limited, cf Vanrtniver. -upatnin Salinnn cinner. Intend to apply for a leae of ihe rollowlnr dearribed and: i:oninieni Inir at a rvm nlntel t head if Inlet m t 14 mile north of unnamed 1 -.. iii'ik wi zi, ciimiii,; iiiciire ulh iO rhalii: ttienre eal to rhaln. now 1... ti-,r. line; thence north-fly follow in thore line to r.o.C.. and ontllnlnir 4U acre. iiHire or le. Tilt CAADIA FISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant. A Per William Alrred Bower. Dated lh April, Chiffon Hosiery $1.75 to $3.00. We have added lo our linen or Hosiery the DIANA HOSF. and we can now offer you Chiffon' lloso from I 75 up. v The'Dlana frjr .. . $1.75 The Normandle for . $2.50 The Kayser Tor' . . . . $3.00 'Ihe colors are Atmosphere. Otinmelal, .Sunburn, Fashion, lllack, Peach and Fallow. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Cor. 3rd & 7th. Phone 645 THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, June X ONTARIO CITIES AND PROGRESS THEY MAKE List Complied of Populations of Centres and Date of Incor poratlon of Each. The cities of Ontario are sel dom lined up for popular insper. lion to as:e and number of in habitants. In, the following INt the assessed population as given by the latest Ontario blue hooks is used in nearly every instance: Date of Present City . ,,,y licor-, Toronto Kingston...,. ... ... Hamillon ,. .... ... London .... . Ottawa ".jg . .St. Catherine. Hraniroril Helleville .... V.. Ouclph .... -'JL. Sl. Thomas . Stratford Windsor Glial ham 9 YEARS OLDlM, i peterboromh.... Fort AViliiam,,.. Port Arthur1.... Kilehener .... . Sarnia (ialt .... .. Wellaml Sault Sle.-Maiie Owen :ound ... Oshawa . poration .. t;tt I8H3 1 8 Hi 1851-5 ...... Population-519,1211 I2(),yi5 01,8(1) 1851-5 117,239 I87G 21,111 1877 , 29,il8 1877-8 12,21 i 1879 18,875 1881 17,327 1885 18,125 1892 17,177 1895 11.18." 1901 1 0,1 1H 1901 ID.D.Pi 1905 21.001 1908 20,98:1 1908 16,351 1912 2 1,280 1911 15,271 1915 12,880 1917 8,703 1918 21.2HS five ar east uf Toronto, 0liawn is the NF.W YOIIK; June 3. Changes in spelling oLJl,.no0 yord are Heeded to make (lie English lan-yuane phouelic, the siuiplified spelliiii; board reports. The board advocates one spelling for each of the 13 soumU in the language. .Sniither4, cloudy, mild, temp ' instead of 78 i-pelliiiKs : sound for conooiiunts and for vowels, now in use. A commillri was elected per 18.0 to Teleraidi Creek, rain. ealm.'Joi" . a dehwation from Oreat temp. 60. jfireal Hritain in a conference at tlie esqiiirenrenuial celeliratinil in Philadelphia to make I .'nil lilt an international language. ALICE ARM Ralph K. (irjtfitlis of Spoltaiie and Dr. C. L4 .Itlon of SeatJI- -directors of th-lveystone Mfninv Co., were visitor) here rerent'y to make an examination nf tin Sunset property on lloundy Creek which their company ha under bund. The.v were rfeiMiiit- papiod by Itowlaiid Kini', well known Spokane inininV enslner and vice-president of the U. M I'assell Co. Sain Moore lias left for Anyox where he expects to pcmj the next few monies. Mrs. Helen Xuclcli has returned here ufter speutling the win tcr in Prince liupcrt where foi some time she was seriously ill in the hospital. N. II. Hoaney. limber inspector from Powell .liver, was a reccri visitor here to examine the lim ber owned by (he (iruiihy Co. aud J. O. rrclliewur. KILLED THELEPROSY GERM BY FREEZING HKIILIN. June 3. Processor S. Paldrook ol the L'niversily of sLslhonta amiounces that he has i succeeded in killinsr Hie leprosy perm by means of ffuezlntf. SWEDISH CABINET OUT STOCKHOLM, June 3. The cabinet or A. TryKoer reslned lafter an mherse vole in both j houses of parliament on the 'SrOVeril lllonl'a nnnnililiit tnnul nnl. . ' . . sr 'j 1 1. j. .mil, j-.t IO)'. , j ; .,, AN OBLIQINcTwHIP. Algernon L man, will yoii arountl lown? way, my good drive me alt Mon Hon Homme Yeh, If 1 can get a harness lu fit you. The benefit! foolball match scheduled for Inniffhl is post-, poned until further notice VON HINDENBURG LADY CENTRE SOCIAL LIFE llLHI.IN, June 3. M.lrKarelKi von Hindenhuiit:. tlan(,'hter-in-law of the president, has made roimI as the actinic first lady of the laud, in the oplu'.on of Her-linV society leailers. The presidential palaru has become the centre of the capllol's social Hfo. YouiiRlVau von HindenburK, nee Hardness von ,Mareuhollj!, has acted as. hostess at more function tluring the first year of the soldier-president's administration than Fntii F.bert did lur-iiiK' ili" more than fe years of her'hiisbantrs ' presidency, lle-siIe"s i.sistinr at llmdcilnirtf;i social runctinns, Mhi'Karete von llind'iiliui aNo holds a weekly reception of her own. Jamef--What tlid Mrs. Ilrown! mean when she told yoif nee ,o darken her dour anam? John- oh. I was Just dr.wui4 on it with charcoal. KAVIOALC WATCH PROTCCTION ACT Tile llr ii-H .iliilntiia liihlni a. Park inr t:4nnant I.ihiMihI. h.n ! !.- n.. lite I hat il In- under o-lm uf I lie uM rt, deuttid Wllfi tlM' .Mliiller r I'ublH Wuik. al oilaita. ami in the i.rnr. ,,r llie Ol.lrlrl ltft.rir ut lue Unit Ileal 1 irT iiiBiriei hi irini- Huiwri i i Hperl, ,Hj: . a ih--rimiMi r die a aii-i i lie p!ii -r a wharf or ei aji-l build !, riieren PP4HI t be 1'iitlt toi all it rvrum p. rti'.n ,,f Iim1 .itiute abuitl two al Mir-ball milej. went r Allirurd Ha, fktdciltle InJrl, fronllui nu Lul lit. Unveil ClurMle ln.rn;. and knuwu 11 ill. am uie miller I lul afieT the eiplr in .'jjl Mill uue unMiin mm, itu- .i.k ..f ,h in n I-. K "f1 Plrt4lralmi ,-f Ou n tllrr lrit.l. 1.1. I lU.O I AlllHuUta fKllim i. ''klnr . .j. ..... for Ketchikan, 389 miles from'.. 1 11,0 ,"y , ' " . . IW '! inij-ier in .!r m i-hui,? n l new I II) I I plan, and fi.r leaie i nmirwi. iia, ..Li be incorporated east of the capital in the p.t twenty year. Pembroke and lr:iwatl are com in2 a,on ni',,,,v wiU "on b'' Highy I.landllainin?. stronjt southeast wind; barometer. 29.- ,,ur "g o: temperature, 51; sea rotiKh. bead Tree Point Harometer, i0.08; temperature, 18. Hull Harbor Overcast, -freih -outheast wiinl; haromeler. 29.-8; temperature; 50; sea il:es. CHANGES IN SPELLING OF MANY WORDS ASKED FOR SIMPLIFICATION an I WiitkK. al hi. rtir m ,he li r u I uliarf i.r pwr awl ImlMmfv thereon. lialnl al I'rlnre Htiivi It i Inl 311 ray im nil. ivf. Bill fUM (OM'Urm llIIIMi 4. ri.klM, i;ii. .T!. Hy ll SidlriUira VIliiw, i Mnn.iM a iKxnul i CAKAGIA NATIONAL RAILWAYS, . WdOrn Rtflcn. "KM l.l rtMiins wtu h rueo.d at lot' nrfir f the Hnf-t l.naineer. Wtmil pea-. Manitoba, unlll twrlt,- n'rhnk lion. tkelv, the t ilia day uf June. . fur Ikr fi4MHinr Work: ll. Mi'.rurtii.ii .,r runiwinm VT mile luiir. Lr Hn ti juv iii tt.T.I. Ml). uear,sk4iMm, AH-rrn. nd. lnlaMl)Mi ( lrnl lu nm ml coiterlt pa Snulber iiKuioa in Urtlnb CiduutMa. I'latw. pecUiralliw aihl rmn of em-tract ma) Im aeeii and form of Irmter. I uliUlned al Ihe i,mre ir ilnel tnrlneer. Whinine: liuirtrl Inaliieer al aiKt-0 rr. Vtrtoria. MnemUMi and iii IOIvimihi tnwutft al rnnre nuirt. m arjr. Remiu ami I'rlnre Mbort . c.y Hly trem ai awaw jiw. Tr-)ef will not be roii.idered ulle. fiiade m (he fnrtu Mipplted br the Hall way upn). ur arniiopaiiiei b an rrfdeil rheue iM a r bartered bank ral i lire per rrni nr I lie value uf ine payable pi the order ut Ihe Treaeiir r. idian NatkMul lutlway. Tue hiseil or auy lewder Hot here rlly aeeepinl. W. .V AMi. timet l Maixcer. mumper. vn. Jtw I, Itt. 1 WATER NOTICE. All Dltirtlca and Um. TUI' MlTIIII: Ihil iu.e earkmt I lilnOed. wU"Mp add re., i lii nw Street. )neouer. B.C. !1il f-if a lirenec, (u lake aiM e in iiimi (alloii tier iln it water uul of a lream. iun unknnwn. nirn it-tut rrtiieM and dram into ShaMHin nay about lua feel .rlerlt norlhel earner Lot III. b-u. OvtA Alfll I. !. li t . r,.i kae. Tlie water wilt be dtterled rrsii the itreara) at a point ahtMll I 'frel (run iikiuIIi bf ttnk and IUT feet et of northeatl Tiftfie l.ol III), atul will I um-iI for rannri IHtrptwe mew tlie ijiincry lte. drrriliet lt 411. luntem Hay: 0.1'. IU Till notice wan t .led ,41 llie ari'tiiut on he fSth da) of Mat. If i mp) 4 tin noore ami an appllratl4i trjuni thereto and to the "Water Art. ttil." will be flleil in Ihe office of th Water lie eorder at Prlnc lliitierl. II 1: obiertlnti. I tlie application may l filed Willi Hie td Water Itecrder or With Ihe Itiaun troller of Water hiahl, ParlKmeiil BulM !n. Victoria. Il l . wlthiti thirty, day arier tlie rtrl amraranee of bl re,l.-e In local IMWkl,Mlier 1 lie dale nf tlie first imhlii ti' ii J tlil n illre ( J me ' I Hie. liossK I'ACklMl 1:0. I.TH Appli'aid 1 J. ' Strantr, A cent The Best Place to Buy Groceries WE OFFER THIS WEEK: Pork and Beans Delmonte, small tins, 12 tins for $1.00 Libby's, large tins, 7 tins for 95c Libby's Pickles and Olives Sweet, Sour, Clurw or Mixed. any,60c bottle, 3 for ,. $1.25 Heinz Catsup , 3 Unities for 95c Libby's Asparagus Tips Larue size, 3 foi 95c Spiail size, 5 for $1.00 Quaker Canned Corn 7 tins for ... ... .., $1.00 Strawberry Jam P.inpress or Malkin's Host Pure . 85c McLaren's Pure Baking Powder 5 Hi. tin Tor $1.35 Hesl Creamery Holler in billk- 2 pound for 85o We specialize In Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Strawberries and Bananas B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 JUNE BRIDES' SILVERWARE and Cut Glass Sale Never before have we assembled iueh a . beautiful and distinctive pieces to sell at iueh 1 of low prices. You will do wo!l to give them your cu!Tlin3,I Of particular Importance Is the offering of Hodo. t d'' Community Plato and William Rodgers' flatwareo we aro giving a special discount during the mono. H, o . .t r .'. ..... '"ONuni ocicnunc upucai Work Ours is the best and moil modern equipon r, , Parlor In the North. Our specialist has had C years experience In fitting and .testing eyei. qJ ",e,,,n are always reasonable and our work dependable iv vile .consultation. " " Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North aTjaaaajaa .. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIQHT ONLY at 7 and 0 "Too Much Money" . Atlapli-d 1 1 "in I -1 a- i .ink-will - 'I'n nailli'. Miliily nf tin- itntlii:!s iltiticMi' '.. avtiplmiie. Mil ha Ih'i-t, ut luxurious i.n Irriim pricelesi pearls in her illniy pa peaH tear In the end. l! I a hut I lint- win hilt It !- a i idd w ii IO v) I !lte Cmic .' of husband ami Wile. A puulopluy fur lli"- moitey ami for llwe with not enough Mn-iir4Hllti many )H-w filmed oh board tli- ' y "I'ranronia." Nulable ei: ' ' Lewis S. Stone, Anna Q. Nllsson, Robert Cain, Dti Gtynne, Edward Elkus, Ann urody and "'li. COMEDY--"IS MARRIAGE THE DUNK?"1 AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission 35c and 10c SOFT FINISH Ail flat pteee- wii-liei). .riiiicl iini Wearing apparel prartualh iv.i.h I. a quire- u Itllle retoin liiiig will) It ui'l khi Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per pi Your liuiiilli returned within I PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kipper "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 0, W Prince Rupert, B.C. Everything for the Builder LUMBER. -We liuve the most complete "';h r l'm' iJiiiicii.sioiis, shlpliip, fir finish, fioui-"fr N voneeis, clc, ill Norllicrii ll.C We can supply everything In a building from lh datlon to the last piece or finish. lleroru buying inspect our" stuck. U will I'M yul1' prices ore right. Albert & McCaff ery, U1 Phones 110 and 117