y ,08, December 24, 1020 THE DAIL7 NEWS PAGE FIVE WATERFRONT WHIFFS S. M. Playford Sales Syst em Scientist's observations on halibut fishing Cuts Looae on Thor JohnnonN Stock of herring reduction to be engaged in by High Grade Men's Wear Bushbynew Seattle halibut boats at A erne : Impo rters FOR ONK DAY WE WILL PRINCE T wee at (TTTING Al.l FOlt.MBU SALE PRICES TO FRAGMENTS For Christmas we have Bargains in Everything ti man wear. Not hot air. hut burning price. Seeing In believing. Come and judge for yourvelf. We ifive you just a little more for your money. Thor Johnson The Men' Store. Amazingly Truthful I Reproduction Making every record do Its This new Urunswick uhklv won the hearts of music lover everywhere. The rase, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come n and say I want to hear the new J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street XMAS PERFUMES From the best French, English, American and Canadian makers from "r to $1 ;..") Perfume Set from to $20.00 French Ivory and Torlolseshell (!nod Manicure SeK from $-. to Toilet Sets to WW.00 Alo by the single piece. Military llrunhes Shnvlnir Hrushes, Fancy Slntionery, Chocolates elc. ski: ouk windows Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Phone 21 GIVE USEFUL GIFTS! Our stock of Ha'rdwarc offers many Gift" that combine beauty with utility. A visit to our store will help to solve the problem, "What shall 1 give?" A l ew nuRRrsuon P - Alarm Clocks Razors Cnrvlnu Sets Scissors Fry's Oven (Jlass Aluminum Roasters Aluminum Percolators Electric Irons Electric Heaters hlectrlc Curling n Irons 1 ....... nt aa a X' 'I. .! "Let Your I lirisimns un- -- STORK'S HARDWARE LTD, v i',wi Office ilt'411 GIVE TO TUB PEOPLE OF RUPERT Suits Second Avenue rNONOOAui am aicoaei GIFTS Specialists We deliver Pmut Knlviv. Sknteti ' FlashllKhlH Fishing Rods Electric Percolators Electric Soldering Irons Roys' Carpenter's Tool Chest Dlsntori Hand Saws Stainless Steel Cutlery tilali Rogers ' tommunuy naie 7- ih. tlK,.fnl irl Kind. at i The situation on the halibut ,oxs, writes Wm. F. Thompson, Director of Investigations, Interna-' 'iiopal Fisheries Commission, in the Pacific Fisherman. This Is par ticularly true of the banks in Hecate Straits, Dijon's Entrance and off Goose Island. That the decline previous to 1914 has cpntipuedi js not aoubted by those fishermen who have followed events caret I fully. The catch per skate of gear was 400 or 500 pounds to ii in vmz, was 14:5 pounds in 1914, during 192C was below 45 pounds. The fall, it will be noticed, was not very different in rapidity In the 'two period. 143 pound being one-third ? '?! 4!..PUn?$. b"Dg 11fht,Vrom the various trip, have been as Mian Vliotuiru Ul But the past two yean have seen somewhat of a revival of fishing on southern banks by larger vessels landing fish In aoutbern porta. The revival Is commonly ascribed to the use of am all hooka. The fish caught seem unduly small in size, and the of percentage ,utet 0, ge4r wltn imll, hook, 4n(J small chickens very high, so that the 547 ,kltei 0I gear Urge hoolu agitation for prohibition of use of this MU, numbtr c, mh Unilta WM small gear has become very strong. In 79fli cUl,lTe 0, tn0M uken , Kt consequence, the International Fisheries ,u of one kln(1 0I ge or b. lnartrd Commission, during It operation of the and broken ikaU, ,Terage ,en4ta Scandla the past summer, tried these uken DJ thf tmt WM 2, , ta. hook thoroughly. cb 4nd Ukea by the ,wje vu The small hooks. No. 6284. were put;26.4 lnenei dlnrence to ,verage on Un pound ganglngs. and the skate. ,engtn WM thereIore mw Aentb, ot thus rigged were run alternately in the;Incn , tbe alBtItRet ,n welghu thu same strings with skates rigged with . about presented was lour ouncea la large hooks. No 6283. on sixteen-pound the 6H pounds which a fish of thl sUe ganging. All gear was nine feet be-' weigh, tween hooks, which were 210 to the But hta cttchel on clu,. skate. Every fUh taken Inboard was ' ,veIy fUn or rcnlcken- banks were measured, and bank with medium fish : 0I compared bj means ttrlctly paired as well aa banka with small were tried. tk4t the difference became leas mark-The resulU are worthy of remark, and td Thus for the fishing off Timbered are bated upon a great deal of expert-, Uiet. the average fish Uken by small mtKt" gear wa 24 J Inches, that Uken by Oreatly to the surprise of the In- Urge wtt 2ia ,nchM. Wnen fuhln vestlgatora. the size, uken by the oB Tow H1 ,nd XUitm the ,Terg.t small hooka were not greatly different ,ength uken by WM 28J tochtSi from those Uken by the large. This , by Urge 26.1 inches. When on the ;held for all seu of gear made during 0r,j Orounds (Goose Island), the res-the summer of 1826. The fact wa uvt average sizes were 24i Inches clear, that fish were caught regardless 4nd 2a lnchtt A a.nch fish weighs oi me aire oi nooas. line or dh. a school of small fish wa encountered. that sire wa Uken by both large and and small hooks. It large fish wera met. both hoots took that size. It seem necessary for us to conclude that he small hocks, although Uklng very IlghUy smaller fish, were not what might be termed unduly destrucUvt be- cause of th ataea they took. Th daU I IN PnOHATE. IN TIIK M'PKCMC I'Ol'ur or IUUTIMI COU .MBIA ,a l AtoUnUlrl,oa Act UltT In the Matter of the EsUte of Andrew Aim. otnerwue. known a Ander. t Aim. Deceased, miesiaie. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor. Judge Robertson. Ui 16th day of ! December. AA 1926. I wa appointed i Administrator of the eUte of Andrew Aim olherwlM known as Anders Aim. deceased, and all parties having claim s rains t the said esute are hereby re- quired to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or before the 17th day of January, Ail. 1927, and all parties In- , debted to th.e estate ar required W pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT. OfflcWAdKto?,0 Dated the 2t day of December, A D. 1926. 1 IV Pltnit ITP IN THE Sl'PHEME COl'HT OI" ItKITIMI cm r.Miiiv tn ka ll.H.p .r th, 1lmlnUtMtlnn Act: and - In the Matter of the Estate of Clark Edward Branson. Deceased. Intestate, TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor. Judge Robertson, the 15th day of i December. AJJ. 1926, I wa appointed ! Administrator of the eute of Clark Edwara uronson, aeceasea, ana an panics . - .- having claims against the said esute are 'the vartqus years t shown in the ac-hereby reoulred to furnish aame, pro- icompanylng figure Not merely is the ' per y verified to me on or before the . f 16th dav ot January. AJJ. 1927, and al!iten'rl rt i prlc remarkable, m.,v.Kt. k but parties Indebted to the estste are re-1 the dost approach, pt the price paid - - - - - .... W . IA1, .1 m nt Mil A. WA IT. : Official Administrator. LAND ACT NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LfAsK L.NI trjg . KfsKK ,mnr, ..,, the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlott IaUnd. to tn, proyjace ot BrttUh ColumbU, and being about one and halt miles from Pta NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for a lease of cg w tt, north shore of Crescent Inlet about J?"""1, "E0 Jif.f - - - j thence southwesterly 20 chains; thence southeasterly 20 chains; thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing forty (40 acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27. 1926. LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LAND In PTlnce Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currie. Vancouver, B.C., occupation fish packer. Intends to apply for a lease ot mi he following described Und- commencing at a post planted at northeast corner abou Jt 1.000 feet wes- atl fm mlnv' oaV (Mtan Inlrt" thinrT wVtrlv M chains; thence southerly about 12 chains; tnence easterly 30 cnain: tnence northerly about 12 chains, and containing acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. Yakuut. A report on this Is promised for a later date. VtOltKlNO OIF VAKl'TAT The Skandia arrived at Prince Rupert November 30. from her first trip of the eason. having 'efteattle early;' in the month and worked on the Yakutat touting 60.000 lbs., too badly hooked for tagging were brought aboard, ex- mlned for scientific daU. and brought to Prince Rupert In Ice. She left again for the banks immediately after dis charging. The plankton net has been used In an effort to take halibut spawn, but spawning ha not yet advanced far enough to produce results of valu In line. Preparations are being mad by the Rupert Marine Products Ltd. to lnaut a new departure at the Tucks plant. In line with hi progres s(ve policy, the energetic head of th coucern, George a. Bushby, will emui- ate the example of Alaska Interests which have been for several year ln fully pursued here as.lt Is ln Alaska. nslipiMEVS ELECTION On Tuesdsy next. December 28, b-tween the hous ot ten and six, Votes Dated the 16th day of December. AI;i,atM' wnen lt 'vuW P' t0 cten nd,bnks since then. Nine hundred hall-I9J8; :,n1 thes m11 'lsh- The mu hook but were tagged on the trip, the fish NAVKiAHLE WATEltS PROTEC TION ACT K.s.C, rilAPTKU 115 Edward Lipsett. Limited, of the City of Vancouver, hereby give notice that he ha under Section 7 of the said Act de- posited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and in' the office of ""L..1.1': tlon of the site and the plan of wharf proposed to be built In the Harbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lot 2, Block O 8ectlon 1. Mi,? 923. And Take Notice that after the explra- tLon..oronew.mon.tn ,ro1..the ?.lc f the first publication of this notice, Ed- ward Lipsett Limited will, under tlon 7 of the said Act, applv to the Minister oi i-uonc at nis ouice vtprsi 0mm.ni h.v ,,..n nave neer in the citv of Ottawa for snnrov.i 0fummaney spawned the said site and plans and for leave to construci tne aia wnari. December 1926. IN PRORATE in the srpitKMK rornT or huitisii on muia In the Matter ot the Administration Aot; and In the Matter of the Estate o( Albert Daniels. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor, Judge Robertson, the ISth day ot December, AD. 1936, I was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish some, properly verified to me on or before the leth day ot January, A.D. 1927, and at) parties indebted to the estate are reoulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, DO. Dated th 10th day ul December, A D. 1926. v banks south of Icy Straits is erl- aembled to show thia by Richard Butt of the Commission' scientific stall, and a later detailed report will be published. The data given here ar preliminary la nature. For all the trips made during the 0, 1926. there were fished 644 a .5 poUndi, Por the sake of emphasli- thu tll.M grn0unt of difference. .h. . nrM.n4 . .r .n. tn. Mch type of gear the percenUge of the! ,.. toul ,,,,, catch which fell . at nrh each unit unit In in'v ! ,fngth helght 0, Une, iboTe thebiw indicate the percenus of the, bJ?Dtli nUh whlea to of h 0.11.. i.ncth. There is. It is -Uln Pum ' n0 r. tr" pe ln n the tne size sizes ' uteq. ITnnnNCY t- MAI4- C.iaR But thtre " great difference la 1 the efficiency of th two typea of gear. , Wherever tried, the small gear 'rly 0 per cent more fUh. n con- : crete figure, the average number of ... ...... w .o, - ' "u tor the small hook and T-6 for the lig. tot a total of 1.243 skates. Thl . 1H ,hw,K, A f ' would hold very closely for two vessel I ri.kinv th im kind, nr car ri hv . . 1 ,1G, This, then, was the secret of the last ! two MMOn, 0f successful operation! V . I .upon the "baby chicken" grounds. The1 small hooks were more efficient, and It lraP W PT bck W toe old nearly-exhausted, grounds, and to of pick up the cheaper grades of fish. AI1 the blame for the landings of small chickens should not be placed on 1 the small hooka and line gear. The , prices patd for these small chickens have been rising. If anything more rapidly than those for the medium 24 hiithut h"out. a a phenomenon nhenomenon which wmcn occur occuri in n very declining fishery. The rise ln price received In Seattle by certain wu 2S and Julv S for iu , "fvuiu rM. The time' Was bound to come sooner or merely hastened th day. A few more: year ot decline among the larger fish and a few more years of rising prices would see another revival of small halibut fishing, Df course, there are other things -' .. . ... , which should.be ald. One ot them Is that rcKardleas ot how many baby ! chtcXen.- are Uken off th. banks, th.r ' re starttlngly few breeder left. A very good cours would eem to be to this I protect a . few of , the ,.1 larger fish as . well as th chickens so that they could ! breed at least once. Our observation , . ....... . ... . ... that th vast majority of the gurat fish that are taken south ot Cape Inlt and i r not given a cnance to reach spawn- ing sire. The reason Is easy to se ; when, a at Cape Chacon. In a year and six months as high at 75 per cent ot a the herring reduction business. Arrange-lot ot tagged fish ar recaptured. Iments are now being made to manu-WASTE OP lisil jfacture herring oil and. fertilizer at the Our experiment indicate to us that;loc establishment nd, aa oon aa the 1(1 any ordinary fishing on the chicken flsh appear, probably nexA month, two giounds, a great mas of the' smallest j elner, which are to be engaged, will fish taken are "shucked" oil by the start catching them and the boats ot fishermen, o roughly as to kill them. the Hal.P. neet will do the packing. The small-hook fisherman la not alone This will permit of operatlona being In sinning thu. Both large ana; small rrled on during months wlten there 1 hooks kll a great manj iUch tlh. In 1 not the usual supply ot halibut ftntj conclusion. It Is urged very earnestly ealmon offal. There seems no reason that some more drasuc and effective this line should not be aa ucces- way ot protecting these baby chickens must be devised than, the temporary measure of prohibiting small hooks and UgbA gear, Th effect ot small gear upon larger wish to all their Customers and Friends Th e Compliments of the Season A Very and Merry Christmas hallbu art being tried this winter by, will be taken simultaneously at Ketchl-the Scandla on th spawning bank oil kafl. Seattle and her In th annual Happy New Year BOSTON : CAFE Christmas Day Special Dinner $150 Ice Celery Relishes .Mixed Olives Soup . ; Cream of Chicken Consomme Royal Starter Fish Boiled D.C Salmon Cardinal Sauce T':. 'Sweet Entree Compote of Peaches with , Rice. ' row, ; Stuffed Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce Vegetable Cauliflower AuGratln or Green Peas Dessert English Plum Puddjng Hard Sauce Hot Mince Pie Fruit Jelly Christmas Cake Ice Cream Canadian Cheese Tea election ot Union agent at Prince Rupert. Three candidates are In the running for the post hero: Capt. Jack, Morrison, th present agent; Harry Meagher former agent, and. Dave Miln. prominent In local fishermen's affairs. Loul Locker, the well known Porcher Iilaud logging magnate, with Hoim twenty member of his outfit, arrived ln town thl week to spend the festive season under the bright light. A party ot Christmas shoppers from Osland, including Joe Krlsmussen. John Johnson, Mrs, Orlmason and MUs Winnie Anderson, school teacher, were ln town last week-end. They were back again yesterday to conclude their bargain hunting. Blx or seven men employed at "th Rupert Marine ProducU' plant at Tuck (continued on page tlx) Fresh Shrimp Cocktail 4 Coffee Milk LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6.3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or! ;Mptor Service, f Coal, Snid. ant) Gravel. , We Specialize, in Piarni ami Furniture Maying. George Rorie CHAUTEHEn ACCOUNT ANT AND AUDITOR ' " hoa HT ' - B-9n4 Aent yif Prlue KNiert