ill PAGE FOUla S. if r !:l I ' "WWJW'la, no, Wednesday, July 7. in.-, BRINGING .... UP ' FATHER . By George McManus Perrectionm ourWhisty is Due to Experience iinnnrniuu .tir PI- KTYUHIe) 2 CANADIAN KYfc WHISKY VAS OZ,Z This advertisement is not ,publis!icdActr.i1isplayjcd by the LiquSr Control Hoard or' by , the Oovernmcnt of British. Columbia; BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, . Has been taken over from George Kerr by J. Preece late with Sealy and Doodson Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Vallev r Phone 178 SUMMr.R SUGGESTIONS Yo 0 D Dy Jack Pino, Cedar, Dlrch and Spruce ,er load $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack ., 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phonei CS7,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTSLTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxqulslte Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave . 111 th2 tPi:e.cR of TERMNIALS WON W. h. Terminals 2 0 Cold Storage 1 1 Moose 0 2 MINE. FOOTBALL GAME D created Moose 4 to 1 In' City Championship Match Last Evening Olorious weather prevailed for the'.Mobley Cup City Championship football frame between the Grand Terminal Club anil the Moose, which was played last evening before ft Targe , crowd 61 spoptalors. This wax Ilio third fjame of the series ahd, the Moose were eajrer lo refjisler their first win but they were defeated t to 1. The Terminals won the toss and elected to kick uphill. Afle; 10 minutes play, the Moosa were awarded a penally, but Sam Cur-rie. shot straight at the jroal Keeper who cleared. Play was transferred lo the other end anil, after some jrood combination, the Terminal scored from a scramble in front of jroal. Shortly after, a faulty clearance by Curvich " erfabled . Wilson to i'qua,lize for the .Moose. For, a lime- play was of a scrappy nh-ture, with the ' Moosp bavin? siishtly the better of the arKU- iv ... i'y lermirials however, took full advantage of a mis- kiclr by Skinner, who was poorly covered, and Dickens gave the Pcrminals tlie- lead with a shot which gave Campbell no clianco The score at half time wat: Terminals 2, Moose I. ' Second Half Play was fast and interesting on fesnmiiiK allhough bitli srdei kept the ball in the air far too much. Dickens had bad luck with a splendid shot from 30 vards out which struck the bar iwith Campbell well beaten'. Ter minals continued to have the belter of the play and a splendid clearance by 11. Menzies resulted n Dickens scoring a third goal for them, although it appeared that both be and I)e Jong were olfside. Five minutes later, from a free kick well placed by Paddy O'Dortncll, W. Mitchell had real hard luck with, a fine overhead kick. The Moose made a splendid rally after this and much goo work was spoiled by wretched shooting. Tw'o particularly good opportunities went beggintr Terminals pressed again and O Donncll, after-some clever work sent out to l-'arquhar, who put m a perfect centre .from , which Dickens scored thfc Terminal fourth goal. This player missed a fine chanc to score immed: alely after, completely missing the ball on the goal line. Sporting Spirit Dickers clever play was feature oj. a well contested ame fought in t. sporting spirit. Ter minals were god value for the) four to one win. The standing of the teams i as follows: Pis. I BASEBALL TEAM 0 RETURNS HOME Lost Three Games, But Came Close to Winning Third of Series. The Prince Hupert baseball learn returned to town nt 5 o'clock last night on the power boat P. H. T. from Ketchikan where it was defeated in the three ame of the Fourlji of July series, nl Iho'ugh it came very close to win nlng the bird. The first ame on Sunday re sulted in a score of 7 to 5. Prince ' FOOTBALL. Kdilnr. Daily News. UupeM vas loaned the Mitchellf Kpnltinf.1 htllnrt frtt Hi nntalnn arid it looked as IfUhe game was on ice until the field went lo pieces in the fiftji inning and the Kelehikanitps wrested victory from a s'e'emihg rout. ' As "as the case in the series here , last week, fielding tcrrpr.f lost the g'ame for the locals; .Thofj, hetriiiKan team was air ttglii on the field while Prince Hupert was weak. The. first two games were to nine Innings and the third to seven. All the players, together with Harry Love and flcrtr"e It. Tile, relumed to -town last evening. They bar! .a rainy eleven hour trip north on Saturday night, but the return was in twelve hours under Ideal weather conditions. Charles K6l6m and Dick (ireenwcl!, who also made the trip, will be back on the Princess Alice this afternoon on which vessel will also reldrn James and Aler. Mitchell and the lliigh School drill trim which gave- an exhibition in Ketchikan streets on Mon- tsrht. SPORT CKAT Slewart had the best celebi ' ion in ils history on Domini"., i Day this year. At 6 o'clock in tie . inofniQg, the, towa w awakeneTl mb d salute' -'hf 21 Ij-namite ciplosionV.nnd Ihere as somefhing doingiall day tons from Hint time until the band concert in Ihc evening by Ufl Kincolilji band. After the parad. in ine morning in which men ere number df floats, th- field sports commenced. A tin of war was won by the crew p: the: steamer Mogul from tnanu represcpling the Premier Tran: Dunwell mine anil United Ser ires. Club.. Tommy Whiteley Flosie" won the horse, race with T. W. McDonald's "Padd? O'Dowd" second. Hyder dn fcaled Stewart by 23 to 15 in i baseball game. In The Letter Box In the interest of sport 1 would like to give publicity., to Hie follow-in? occurrence at last nighl's football game: , In I he first half, Splro fiurvir'.i wore an eye shade in goal,.' On tlie change over I asked JhSni for il and put il on. AJTev "minutes after play rpsume.1, the referee, Mr- Kr'ar.r said to me "lake II ofr;' I called his attention tn the fad that nurvich hail worn it in this goal. He said "Take ii off or get olT the field." What is a referee an imparl lal official who can not bo questioned? R. II. SKINN Kit POLITICAL Ni:WS. Kdilor, Dally News. Judging from yffur ediloria! I O 1926 mi Int-l Fcarunc Scnvicc. !. suppose we are lo be treated lo the usual electioneering tirades and boosts add reports of speeches and political editorials that makn newspapers unbeatable. This may be very Inter estlng lo those who have lived in Canada n long lime and are citizens of Ihe country and un derstand Ihe politics but I am an Amerlenn and do not care a boot about MncKeiizle King or Arthur Meighen or any of the Other little two by twice politl- Gri Brtt.ia ritkM rrvd U anted II For Sale with Sehenkler and IJalfour com- I Fr Rent prisfn the Prince Hupert battery, restilte'l in a 13 to 1 score. The third ame, also on Mon employi -s. j Sir Hide Haggard, the famous author, pu-sedf tli rough l'rince Hupert Indii. He arrived from Victoria ui lhls niprnipg s sleamer and procerled Kast hj train. A lange an lieirce last nigh attended a cos unie concert stag ed by Miss Aileen Fcrfuce, as whcn te. p'Lw sPCECH woouo tse &WJS! nut i . i sisted by Jamiji Hamilton Howe, her brother, J. W. Wilson nianist. FOUND. At Mme picnic. Re n turned Soldiers button and pair of child's shoes. Apply Daily New rtTfice. W. A. Thompson of Los An- MlIfH VKU PAIirilT geles, who. was in this dllrl It) 10. arrived lasl week ti LESSER SLAVE-LAKE r-r' f :"' ' '.rrr iiinirui ji. which nu t . .i .. . I i.-iivn, , T..I- ' i ..... '"H'"1111' Slave Iiak' ha-t-beeft a prolific source o' revenue for Alberta fisherme.i this season. Ilnrlrff Ilia utVfltirr fiahln.n- Ben Six bears-'have been killed llil 'priiiig by the crew ot lb (ieorgia River Mining Co. tlruin I I - . . . T I ll.l l 1 I I I . , son. lrsflrwr from Mnv 1(5 to June r ' ' of lliat ,liMrlcl lM Vf" 25, ijclusive, 131,7(50 pounds iv-li'iefinli ware IhIpii nut. n u-ell .nnr. no? ..n.' nf nlekerel: A car driven by Mrs. M. J. St ' ii . in.. i i t I tr, l?R nnnn.l f In-.V fUll 19 .lair III IIIC HIMTHIIIC IIHIIO a mi 000 pound of lulliben, and COO carrying her Infnnt child and G rounds nf nercli. One thousand " -air plunged irom in ' I 1 . 1 .. .mini i nf linn- v-ero iinl riivml ircei on i lie in leu area area 01 Last year there was rt greater "Viler, railing ten feet ami laml suimly of whilefish taken out but "'Pr Pide down, rnrlunately this year Ihe fisherman have par- nne was hurt licularly soiiuht, more pickerel As the whilefish are more desired in A daughter was born on Jun the fall season. Iyist year 212,- M nt Ihe Stewart Hospital 000 pounds nf pickerel were taken -ir. ami Airs, win rraser out and 100,000 pounds of. J tick fish. Miss llealrice Horslman, wl STEWART has been nllending school Ii Prince Rupert, Is home for Ihe holiday. Miss .V Sanson of Victoria I Miss Helen Hell has returned .iere visiting wilh Mrs. R, T. from nil exiehded Visit outside Crosby. I ' J-red Mellor, after having spent three months engaged in sign palnlinff here, has relurhed to Victoria. Miss H, A. Wilson, who tenches school in the Okiinugim dlstrhM, has arrived here to spend tlv summer vacation visiting wilh Work Is being resumed on the Mr. and Mrs, J. flrauseh have Vkloi'ia mines, iwo tunnel con inn Stewart on a trip lo Norway, tracts hhvlhg been let to 1 Horslman. Holts of honor In Ihe Stewart public school were awarded, n follow: proficiency, Violet Wn on; deportment, Honnln Campbell; regularity and piinciuallly, I.enh llorsliiian. Advertise In the Dally News. 11 "JJje a DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word' in advance. No Advertuement taken for lets than 50c day, ended in a 5-1 score. VHhi La'mhie in the box for Prince Ru-ieians at Ottawa There are a JLldE: i it.. I i. i a i s n,-n, wir iiieuix wnro a.ica.i -u; oL of us .do not .want to rca,! . EVKXTI AI.l.Y v.nll waul ...r Canadian polHics all the time so can't you, sir, fcive us som. old world news and local hap penings and let the politician fiM their owiieity batuesi , "'" t "khow editors tiave "htAvribi aliout 'politics s.nne of ,flic!,-lliri ut we don I want it every day all over the paper. I hope you will be sensible and let Ottawa alone as much as possible ami Lnow and t licit- give us a little news about Washington and Seattle and some of the American cities and politics. Kxeuse my mating suggestion itnl there oro a lot of us Americans here nndwe ought lo b considered in - JJi'e newsnaners. July 7, 1926. own home. Why not tiialfij a beginning now? i'J.OO down and i.fl0 per ninnlh buys a b " splendid reidntia! So! oa Kightli Avenue West. Prioe . I K3.00. Geo. AlkfV '' TOT ffiTparriculars. SUMMER RESORTS. T l!i)I?O.V CaYdnef Phdnolrapli and 115 records in first class condition; also household furni lure for sale at a bargain. Phone lllue 23. 3tl Second ' Avenue West. lrt even if we are aliens. It OH SAhK.JIolel Masselt. A UNITED STATIS. ffwd bargairtrlll health cnus. (The Mfl thing - tTnitedh for selliw. Apply William States" can do is to join Canada. Hudson, ,MafilL IkG, Itecoijie -a eitizeniny friend, ann then' read Canadian political news.- Kditor.)f Ten Years Ago In, Prince Rupert- FOIt SAI.K. Canaries, Iralned roller singer 25.0(1' eael.. Saiisfaetion or money hack. 113(1 Seventh Avenue P.O. Hoy IQ'J. if FOll SALK.-Hj'd, coll spring and UlAtllVSS, Uidiolstered sellei-. Apply 215 Seventh Avenue W. . ; 15. G00 pleadrA boat for sale for , 8275. , Easy. terms. Phne Red The Retail Merchants Associa-H-AKKI.SK LODOI" near. Terrace. ion or tins city lias agreed, tiding statutory declaration eel iijg tll4UJlsjArI' l?J nervi Satunlayiflernoon as Oie't weekly half-hotlday for slor.i Visit I.akele llthlii Hoi Springs. I.ithla is one of th; Hnest minea), waters known for rheninalfsm. G'tfod ' fly fishing for rainbow trout In I.akclse lake and river. Motofs meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected lo TerMCu J. Hruco Johnstone, manager. FOUND TO RENT Articles Lost and Found, &c FOll HF.NT. I.arsen huiblinR at . j71, TbirI Avnue Hint; sU room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street f.r. Apply ,.. Jljuiv Transfer, 130 Second Avenue. KOtiJlPjih--l'Wo "first '-clas. modern ffaU. Monarch ranges. water pain;- ona iiirnisncii. Wentonliaver Hros. 'UIl.MSIIFD Housekeeping Honms to rent by the day, week or month, phone lied f.07. tf HODSKS Tor llent. Some are furnished, -.'0 and up. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Fast. FOn HF.NT. FurnUhed housekeeping u i t e, Mussallerr; Apartments. Phone 18. tf FOR HUNT. Four room suite. hot water healed. Apply 8mlt A- Matlet. - ' BOARD AND ROOM. BOAM). The Inlander. 83n Second Avenue. Phone 137. I (OA HI) AND ItOOM. SS Third Avenue. Phone lied 33fi. CHEVROLET. ON and after Jury I, overtime rales will t atiari(el on Sun days and pnhlte holidays and after 7 on wrek-iUya. Act. Overtime will be chnrel at the rale of time nud one half over the renjiUr lsM hour day. NN'recking ervlce dsy. and nishl. KAIFN i.nAOK. PAItKKH S OAHAflF. JAS. ifl'MFH. ON and after July I. overtime rates will be Hiargrd mi Sundays and puiilii- holiday and after 7 p.m. on week days. This is necessary lo comply wilh the "Hours of Work" Act. Overtime will be charged at the rate of time and one half over, the regular eight hour day. Wrecking service day and night. PARKF.H OAHAUK. KAII'N OAHAOK. JAS. Hl'NTF.R. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Cnll Oeorge, Paul or CIusl) Sir and Seven Passenger Slude bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Fmpress Hotel. GOOD EATS Opposite llenson's Studio, Third Avenue. RF.AI. 1IOMF. COOKFD MK.M.H Mrs. I'nger, proprieliess. Phone H'ack 700. Wednesday, July 7 "gh 13:42 a m. 17.5- f! 23:51 p.m. 2o.rt " '"W 5:55 a.m. 3.1) " 17:17 p.m. 8.1 " Thursday, July 8 '" 12:58 p.m. J8.0 ff. '"w (1:11 a.m. 18:3 1 p.m. Friday, July 9 High ...... ... 0:33 13M0 pitn. r 7:23 a.m. 10:18 p.m. 3.3 WHAT 1 Pi 1 Ik-f Tr fJ7r MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOINO. For th till Mondsys, Wliiitiri sod Stiurdin T Vtncoutt UonOsys . Tiwwityi . Thcnwtijr SilUf.Ur stiunfyn : I' M.. July S. ft. ts. II 1. IS. 14. IT tl iNiy-t. s. . it, it. i. ti. ti T. North Qun Chrlotto V4Kt T South Qyn Chrltl OTP Whirl fl.f.P SHIIoil tt A A trvt St JM Ate A rttlton SI, Irt Ar. "Jt ih 8t .. i For Viu.r u i;. in i r II vm. .i I T ;ri li rm,.SUwirt ef,miw fWsjrs L T, frt s tlmpn n hut mtt Point ThvtUy Ts'SloU Point to pa. July l (ml f. im-cosina. From th f al Mondtjr. Sdn.lin m TriAtji, u I. ! .. a. rrm Vtteutof NhUr pa W'rvir 10.10 i a. rmisr r..P H.Hr t. f. t. il. i. iw .- rm anioi, Sllc Arm, lltM A rr,iw raraittr salar.Mfit . . from Port Olmpton on- Nui Nitw Plnt IBtiltW rrom ! Potitt inlr J. 1. to. it. n. f. f. to tl From Nonh Qwooa Chrltl ThiirxMr i From Ooulh Quoon Chorion Jul? 7 MM . BOX COUC0TIOM Onhm k AIHb Ars 11 Ar. 4 lh SI. . . B t. Follfth SI . IS . A ThMMVMn it't, I umrvt.Il. , SIS A lltr Cmr cirri m a a fMum si. flti b.i. ...V em 0t. Whrf . . . tm Bondotl A., p H, r,M. o sis i.Jk tf III IS Itl l.fl Stl I IS I II tf III III I.H IIS III lift III Ml I'. Ill) f i II : r I S.U SSS- 1 I A ACS i is tin in SO III III IS Ml tS.16 lit (It IS II is :i IS ft 1 III STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS MntHMr . PHhf Ruprrl TiH-jtv . rnlii ThNrwM-r- . Prliwr rturK slrity--. Coiilt M . Prfaer OMirrr . . " , Prhwv Kotlrlm . From Vnu,r SiinAijr-i rantrnt . . . . Mimrt) . rnor rjiuk t t-ti m. r It AM In lit ! Wfrttfiltf ot. Prinr Rmrt 10 tin :a. rrMijr . CjiiiU tn. Fhiloy . rnnr nuprrt . . in i i . sunnity . rnnr. nritrir is For Port timpon tn- No Rl,r rrMty . Caul m. From Prt .limpoon intf fltao llr Slturdtjr- M. Clltlo tm. For Stowtrt, Anfoi oral Allto Arm SnmtljrM. rtrrtrnt .. I pm. From ttrwtrt, Antot n Allc Arm Tuilty -. crrtrn o.m. Tor lUwirt intf Anroi M;vlv - . Prtm-ti i htrht I n rriiuv -m. Prlnr nupen 4 From SUwtrl ' tnd An,i ThiiMrtty rrtnrr. Ctmrlrt .s Situntt.v Prlnrr nnpr-rt For North Qus Chtrlolt Ulanda ViithUv- . itinro rharlM i a. rrom North Qun Chorion Itlind Thnriljv. . prinr i:hrlrs o For South Qun Chariot! July l erlnrf John . r ."t July l Prdim Ji.Ihi ,. .. From South Qun Chorlott July 1 1'iinm John July II . I'rfiire John C.N.R. TRAINS For tot Polly trri Aumloy ol 11.10 xn. From Coat-Polly nrrpt Turartay ol J.S0 p.m. LAND ACT. l.n: O.'-t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4-Nll ttntlon to Apply to Uatt In Ourn rhorlollr itlamlo Land Hi runllno Imirlrt of Prlnr niirl. ' Jlliiolnl t iiiilco urt Ar Allifiril f. rkiiiroat IiIkI. nl rn,niii. i.i. ini lit jwrn Im rloi ir liliirlri rAkK MiTli:K Ihat th II.C. nliln loi-lilnir i:nnruiiiy. Mil., nf Voin-tm- iriipolliin Soliunn Cannrra, It m" lo apply ror o lio or the follow In m orrlliHi Foromiorc:-rtiimrnrln ol o pnat ptanM ot tho hwr.t rnrnrr of l.oi iu; ihi-nrn ir . tiii'rly ami roan-rly foiiowino- I lie llnr ' nl III wairr mark ill ri,.in. ...... n I. o i !'J lh PTIIiwmI rnrnrr 'or .nl 11-8.1 thrnrit wt-ai't rhmnai ihrnrr; uiiillie 'r 2",7 fl. 18.3 3.0 " 8.3 " Ik" ""trny, miinwinii a linr- noroilri the line of tiirh wairr mark. 04 ham-morn of Ii..., tinrp t,,, ) ruin IK film nf rniniiirnrrinrtii, and ronlalninl IT ori-Mmoir nr lia. iiniTisii nuMiMitiA risniNn and PACkl.MO COMPAHV LTI. r.1r " Sherwood, Aim'-Ootid n.i.j ... loth . April, mi.