October Sra, i962 Saskatchewan Roughriders just k Glenn Dobbs as Gerry Duguid hn the air to knock the ball nps Won the game 16-9 at he last-place Roughrider CP PHOTO) ORTS ROUND-UP By GAYLE TALBOT i 4] The pitehless wonders of ip to their wonderful rookie get them off on the right foot ees in the World Serie ¢ } f hor = Ye ct y ¥ wn * th pulied mairpiy Matiager Casey Steng: nal rite the Yanke« workout terday that he wa tarting Reynosa, hi ony 20-fame winner, early so Unat he might emergency arose bring mek im the fourth eon Wii be avaliable though Stengel Sain both as premise pi # cistine tior f ‘ ‘ Ws f ' aise a t * heduler ‘ ta Ke t ive ! ’ it ted Yes at Ebbets Fielc ut fi ‘Ag ue ma r t ¥ i ' ‘ int exh r 1 oe ¢ ‘ e preci } re playoff, Dressen contin i reathe fire and defi pat wiDge me? fdesibiy to bolstai t al¢ of his crew ive told them there's no re DiMaagh and Henrich n the Yankees to scare you ‘ike here used to be Dreeert acid hev're only the best in the American League-——not a great) i I'm not worrléd about nelir pitehing after facine fel w4 like Robin Roberts and Sal we Magiie In the National Leagus Remember When Qne of the world’s greatest portsnien, Sir Thomas Liptor ied 21 years ago today. He had Pent vast sums in five unsuc cessful attempts to win the world’s classic of yatching, the America's Cup, his Jast challeng having been made the year be fore hig death REE: me " is 6 . bi ty Og % 7% eM ; "Us, Toronto Argonaiits’ high-scoring Cal Alouettes’ line with the winning “ Argos trimmed the luckless Larks ane r 7,000 The touchdown Was Curtis's ninth in the Big Four this season. (CP PHOTO) ie fe once in hile talks with news-| } Spares va Northern Dist.; Old- | seven miles from the road but) tween the eyes, a feat not often) | accomplished by 14 inches will cost £150. | Michigan Wins First Choice In Football NEW YORK (AP) — Mic higan State is solid choice as the No i college fodtball team in the United States in the Associated Press’ first weekly pot! Sports writers and broadeast- ers gave the Spartans 52 of the 83 first-place votes cast and an impressive total of 752 points nearly twice that of No. 2 team, lilinois Point totals are arrived at by awarding 10 for a first place vote nine for seeond ete Maryiane s Sugar Bowl cham- pions gained third place over Missonr and Auburn. Califorria Was named fourth and Texas fifth Completing the top ten. in order, were Georgia Tech, South- ern California, Wiscossin: Kan- sae and Duke, The Yop ten, with first-place votes in parentheses Points 1. Michigan State (52) 752 2. Tilinois (4 435 3 7 ary land (7 383 4 Hfornia 371 ; ioe 5) 565 6. Georgia Teeh 342 &. Southern California (5) 243 8. Wisconsin (1 207 9. Kansas 163 16. Duke 130 ON THE ALLEYS Kaye Paul Leads Ladies; 701 Triple Kaye Paul came through with three good games for a 701 ount to lead the parade in the adies fivi-pin bowling leawne inia week She put togetner games of 228, 260 and 204 to heip Lyons win two games and the totc!- pin count from Savoy Hotel in A” Division Jessie Shenton of New Laur- ele had high single game of 288 In’ B" Division, Joyee Keays on MeKavys had high three of 639 and Marg McGreish of Toil- rolled high single of 231 Here are results of gates A” Division: Stars 4, Lucky Strike 0 Sunrise 4 Dom's Dept. 0; Lyons 3, Savoy 1: An nelttes 3, New Laurel 1; Clover- ieais 3, Gordon & Anderson I Mansons 3, Dibb Printitig 1 B Division McKays 4 Oooks 0; Bulgers 3. 75 Taxi 1; ollers 3, Commercial 1 Co-op 3. 7th Avenue Market 1: Big Sisters 3, Rupert Radio 1; P. R Plumbers 2, Skeena Grocery 2 men's five-pin bowling eague i sot to go Monday th 18 teams already in the There iil room for more leaits and entries may be mate i} aveyv Here is the opening night hedule 7 pw Wallie Schemencki vs Family Market CNR No. 1 vs Timber Wolves; North Star ve Wood Butcher Frank Moore Mansons; J.C.C. vs Firemen Tommy Sedgewick vs Kaien , Industries 9 pam Short Cireults vs Cook's Jewelera; Can. General Electde v¢ Welson Bros Mal)- etts ve 70 Cabs The 1962-53 mixed Ten-Pin Bowling leawue season gets un- Gerway on Sunday with six ‘teams taking to the aileys Game time is 7:15 pm Here is the starting sehedul timers vs Tiny Mites; Chumps vs MC City Musician Bags First Bull Moose Mike Colussi, city accordion. | ist. got his first moose _ this! week hunting at Endako and / Mrs. Colussi thinks a lot of her husband's ability to supply the | eason’s steaks | But Mike got it the hard way. | He not only shot the moose | also shot the big animal be-/ The hunter said the bull) moose was charging him dead} oh when he shot at about 50 yards i Job of getting the “steaks” out of the woods took more than a day, with the aid of a ann _) OF DOP UBD a Rg hae Py the well in ce ort, Ost romwake? NORTH BAY. Ont. W@-—A 1,500-poune ton of an automobile near here today Its ocewpante fled, hour later once atte. sgsifilieainndltsis With Pressure Cooker G.E. Standard Range G.E. Apartment Range BROTHER ACT—A prother act to end all brother acts is this bareball team made up of nine sons of Mr. and Mrs. Miwin Bingley, entered in the Lanark County; Ont., rural league. Left to right are: Errol, Brian, Lyall, Arnold. Ronald, ¥ ernon, Ray, Biair and Clive. Mr. and Mrs. Bingley ate Managers of the team i (CP PHOTO) Yanks Hold Edge in Mound Strength NEW YORK (AP)—-If piteh- fhe fall classic against Brook- ing means anything in a world lyn Dodgers, now in its foarte | series. avid it usually does, New ware York Yankees ate off to a head Reynolds, who became a 20- tart it; their quest of a fourth garme winner for the first time consecutive world’s champion- this season, and Vie Rasehi ship 16-6) and Eddie Lopat (10-5) | Headed by Allie Reynolds, the were nominated to start the American league's earned-run hree games for the Yariks | leade:, Casey Stengel’s itrone Johnny Sain (11-6), Bob Kuz- mounc staff is well rested for a &-8), Tom Gorman (6-2) ” “ and Ray Scarborough (6-6) are Novelist Shapiro ass" oo" The Dodger pitching corps, | Turns Playwright resemblance ends. Joe Black, LONDON @ s their phenomenal rookie, drew . th nani eo ih ; Shapiro Ata po a vat the opening game assignment Man and novelist. adds a a against Reynolds (20-8) largely dimension to his writing career 0% the strength of his excellent | in November record in relief. But the fast-/ A former Canadian war corres. ?2itine Negro hurler, who posted pondent, Shapiro wiil see } a 15-4 record during the regular first play open at the Theatre C@™paign and won the first Royal in Brisiol Nov ser game, made only two play, entitled “The Bri among his 56 appearances Prince Rupert, B.C. i rhe run for three weeks and will be @9¢ completed one game. recast for its London opening Going the distance has been Probably in Dec Janu- ome of the things the members ary f the Brooklyn staff have been The Bridge: desc by Unable to de frequently. Only Shapiro as a “remote tion” of his novel Por Cari Erskine (14-6) has hurled ra #8 many as 10 complete games, Dark Journey,” will be produced Preacher Roe (11-2) has gone by Henry Sherek, | be per- all the way eight times and Billy Loes (13-8) has pitched LA-Z-BOY — Ash for it by name. formed by Old Vic < which selects, one. new play.a. seven complete jobs. It's richer, robust, full-bodied... year , Yankee pitchers, on the other pana 109.00. blended to satisfy the taste of Sherek said he h O Use ind, have shown much better id — Columbians. Try it... Shapiro's play 4s a “siedge-ham ute-going propensities. Rey- . you'll like Captain Morgan mer’ "tO break the Ar t in hold ‘ Mn ae) MEG molds with 24 complete games on h Canadiar tUnate was tops with Raschi 13, Lopat Black Label Rum. theatre ind Sain 8, aiso weil up ther®. It is about time Canad inMi her own feet in the theatre WORLD SERIES COMPARISON RS At MALS Ca Ga | Captain organ world, and in Shapiro w ave q@| (Compiled by the Associated Press} lack Lede first-class playwright said Hi yodgers : ; Sherek : Blac boon Yankees Cc RUM Polise said O. J. Undersood of Younéstown returning from a partridge hunt when the animal jumped or fell from @ eliff. ‘The moose suffered two broken legs. Despite its Injuries the animal tried to charge the e moos* landed Stewart, B.C Although castitig far the Brig-: Roe, Dodgers 2 FURNITURE LTD. Fylly Aged in Small Oak Casks tol opening is not complete, two! Black, Dodgers 15 4 “A good place to buy—for over well-known British stage nartes,| Gorman, Yankees 6 2 a quatter of a century” , Pauline Jainesdn ah Juries Raschi, Yankees 16 6 §27-~3rd Ave. Phone 775 a : Neville, will be among the per- | Reynelds, Yankees 20 8 THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE UQUOR CONTROL formers Er Dodgers 14 6 Clavsitied Ads Fay BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITIGH COLUMBIA Lo Yankees 10 5 : cS Labine, Dodgers 8 4 ith Gas Well Branca, Dodgers 42 Sain, Yankees 1s ‘ Loes, Dodgers 13 8 In Ft. St John Wade, Dodgers li: 3 CALGARY Pacific Petrol. Xuzava, Yankees ... eums Lid. and Asseriates today | ® itherford, Dodgers Si. John -field-of. northeastern | MeDonald, Yankees British Columbia, near Alberta) Miller, Yankees se on border. The well is rated at a | Moore, Dodgers 12 daily potential of 1,000,000 cubic Lehman, Dodgers 1 2 feet of gas Landrum, Dodgers a caida aoe Everyone can take more photoflash pictures at these new Gas and Oi! Combination $307.50 : aA IC low | prices —you can make every shot a “PRIZEWINNER” by using G-E Photoflash Lamps . . . day or night, inside or outdoors. Onio, Electric and Oit Combination ___ $391.80 Model 52-A Oil Range oe. $262.00 Model 61-A Oil Range ie $292.00 Be sure to ask us about the ‘ ‘Pilot Light’ Be sure of perfect lighting—all the time— _ | Pheteflesh Lemp “SM™....... for every picture. Be sure you get G-E when Photefiash Lamp No. 6..... TODAY ... at your local drug store, camera Pheteflash Lamp No. 31....., canoe and a team of horses. TV TO RUSSIA LONDON - (CP) - The first Brit. | ish television set for Russia was) ordered at the National Radio| show held at Earl's Court recent- | ly. The model with a screen 19) feature on the Enterprise Oil Range. Low Down Payment with easy Monthly Payment ae ot DON'T FORGET GYRO “APPLE DAY” shop, chain or department store. New Low | "renetath Lome No. $0...... "s tegested »Now 18 cents Photeflush Lamp No. 5..........New 17 cents +. Now 19 cents Pheteflash Lamp No. t1.........Now you buy. Get your G-E Photoflash lamps Shatetiadh: Lacan te 2 ++. Now 31 cents ++. Now 29 cents Similar price reductions on blue and infra-red photo- Prices ... the same complete dependability, | **"*"2 wide range of other phorosraphic lamps, list prices). tomp Division Head Office: Terente—Sales Offices from Coast to Coast Miia ~ vin sone LTTE McRAE BROS. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED SE-752R Big Moose Lands Atop Aula ole ih Was ear, ee sald the rievuse continued to try to make charges at ‘ bystanders on the stumps of its broken front tees. ft cied ik $459 Northern 8.C. Power Co. Ltd. fesner Block — Phone 216 ‘COOK ELECTRICALLY’ G.F. Push Button Range