iine'day, -Till)- 7, 1D26. For Two Days Qnliyl Assorted, sizes. Almost all the New Materials See Store Windows They're all CALF MOOSE BOTTLE FED Projector Want Without MIIK. to Try to Save Wild Cwatur. 1 1 HIT WUI.IAM, July 7. An viiir story of how nn or-a alf moose wan adopted and ' 'I by two prospectors in t ! V matt Lake, district of Northern 1 a ,d is tul. I by William Car-f Cobalt, Out., who recently from the norlli. n'ceillnir by canoe up a small am which fim Into Woman ' Mir two prospectors nriticed any moose near the rdiie of a iili They returned a few - later and Dip animal was 'hero. On Investigation, the of the molher was found lv submerged in the water. I'm' cow had i been shot through i" head. Apeordlnjr tn Mr. ttarvell, Hi df permitted the prospectors lo ess II. A teapot with a cloth il lo the spout and a mixture '' 'ondensed milk and wafer, was died Inln service. The cnlf adlly ndolped this strange con-apilon as II foster inolher. The imrty relurned Ihe next ilay and etched a lent near the spot whero 'hey found the orphan nmoe. It welcomed Ihelr arrival ly run-"n lileallnfr toward them. For two weeks Ihe calf foll.owv cd Iho prospector all over the Mirroundln country. The men did without milk Ihcmjclvcs but help nupply eventually ran out. and jmiel made from flour nnd wuler wan resorted to. Seemingly this concoction did not agree with Ihe calf, as it, refused, to touch It. The baby moose was found dead,. one inornlnsc. near the fpot where lis mother had Iichi killed. Mrs. O. II, Monro and fnmlly lofl yesterday for Terrace wjiore they w ill spend jthe summer vnca. I ion, having taken the residence llioie of J II. Thompson of this city. $2500 Demers' Great ' of about 30 Dresses t in one great unrepeatable price offering Summer Dresses, Silk Dresses, Tom WHILE THEY LAST ADVERTISED PINKS AND SOLD THEM ALL Ketchikan Man Tells of Result of Recent Campaign of Cannera - KKTCIIIKAN, July, 7. Jlralify-;mr indeed are Ihe. result of the idverliin? campaign beim; put hroiipliout' the country by th-ink salmon packers of Eolith-astern Alaska, according to viclor Klfendahl of the Sunny I'otnl Packing company who ha icea one of those, instrumental n inaugurating the. cuiiipaipn. National advertising is expen sive nu.d the 0O,000 used for 'lurcliasiiw spane In the national periodicals of tlto country ha been found 1nitdei.ti.iti but never- lit'leas u xicp in the right direc-lon. ' In some of the middle veslern towns where n check up hi been made it Is found thai lie sale of pink salmon has in-1 reused 300 per cen One of the big factors toover-'oinc has been that red salmon, clling. nt the grocery store for 10 cent a can U considered a superior product, as the pink salmon ordinarily demands but iliout half Hint amount. For General Good It is the aim of those now engaged In the advertising cam palgn to see that that product shall be, a credit, that all the ad- yerse, hurtful cheap propaganda of destructive politicians may be 'discredited, and that the money spent, for bringinsr the product 'n Ihe attention of the puhllo Inay be for Ihe general good of the Industry and or Alaska. tit. the current issues of leading household magailnes are o.me. of Ihe salmon adyerllslni,' In colors, with appeJUjng recipes accompanying them. These will be followed by others In the nexl Issues. Demand Increases. I Fince,.' Iho sliirt or the. ndver-tlsliw campaign, thedQinand for nlnk salmon has Increased so materially that all the surplus stocks are belntf cleaned up and DRESSES orrow and Friday A Two Day Sale A Genuine $5-00 I H each on display. :iere will Ite none on Iho tnarkot w hen I lie new park is ready fo; distribution. Mr. Klfendahl is in hopes that the demand lor pink nlmon will! continue lo such a degree that the prosperity or everybody con nected in any way Willi (tie industry may reap the harvest. CLAIM FOR INJURY TO LEG IS REJECTED Alex McLeman Asks City Council About His Demand for $1,000 Alex Mel.cman, who broke his leg several months ago when he slipped from a sidewalk, was informed at last riighlV council lueellug that the. city, was not dipocd lo meet his- claim of SI. 000 for injuries sustaineiL. Just as the meeting was about! to adjourn, Mr. Mel.cman rose to ask what had been decided with respect to his claim. II was nearly eight . months since the accident had occurred. He claimed Ilia! the clly va responsible and, if his demand was not met, he whs going lo take legal action. Mayor Newton told Mr. Mc-I.cman that his case had been considered by the finnnce com- mltlce and it had been decided that the claim of 9l,00ft was unreasonable. The jnatler hail been finally Ion with the solicitor to denl with. , Aid. Casey qualified'tho mhyor's statement wilh.the infirmaIlol I hut the ma(tec had been left with the city soUcUnr to inform Mr. Mel.cman that his' request couhl not.ne met. The advice of the solicitor was that Ihe city could nol he. hold liable. Mr. Mcl.enian had been offered. ? 1 00 by the, council, not because tho city deemed ilsrlf liable but merelyi to assist him in his nils fprJune. Mr. Mel.cman had .seen fit lo reject that oiTer. He was now, at liberty to laJio-any action he saw fit. Advertise vin the Daily News. THE DAILY KEW3 Thursday at Puhli morning, Never such PROTEST: AGAINST PAVING BORDEN ST. City Council Receives Communi cation from Agents of A. . De Bernls, Owner of Section 5 Property Agents of A. Ie lternis, owner' of lots .' and C. idock.lt. section j 5. had a communication, before, the city council last night protecting against Ihe. proposed paving of ltorden trcet on the grounds that the estimated cost was excessive and tljat the work wo nol slriclly nccesjiary. The letter stated thai Mr. le lternis liod investctl extensively i. Prince Itupi rt property and that he was holding u difficul ty. The communication waf re- ferred to ihe Hi ard of Works. MOVIE DIRECTOR IS ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT JASPERJPLAYGROUND Irving Cummlngs, After Finishing "The Country Beyond," will Return In Winter. VANOUYHH, July 7. Claiming that film companies can find unequalled scenic locatitins for the next len years in Jasper National I'ark, Irving Cummlngs, noted filni director of Hollywood, staled today that Canada should be, proud to tell tho world of tho attractions which the playground offers, lie ndvanres tho. view that once the wonders of the park are known, film directors seeking new locations will utilize tho many beautiful spots there. Mr. Cummlngs has Just finished filming Curwood's Canadian story "The Country lteyond" wilh jiS company comprfslng sonm of the well known stars of filmdom They are the pioneer picture com pany lo exploit Ihe wonders of the park as locations, and Mr. Cum mlngs claims nothing elsewhere In America can touch tho scenery It required a too. pack horse train on a' three, day hike to transport For Two Days FOR c Retail Sale Two Day Snap. a chance in a, lifetime $25.00 Dresses for $5.00l the equipment and baggage to Maligno I.aU. where a camp was made or ten days. Mr. Cuiufuings intends to re-turn'nex! winter to direct a snow, picture in the glaciers. BOBBED HAIR NOW ADOPTED BY COURT QUEEN OF ROUMANIA m CHAUKST. July 7. All Rumanian society women are bob bing or shingling their hair and ) een Oiieen Marie is being urged! lo follow their example. She would like to do so, but the kin; refuses Ip aHowber to clip her beautiful chestnut - brown tresses, on Uie ground that it would ill become one who has to wear a crownV The Queen, however, has allowed her ladics-in-wating and her daughters to fall in with the prevalent fashion if they so desiro. Some of the barbers of Huchar- ejl have closed their doors to men on the ground that their pro fits from shaving and hair cut ting are little or nothing Compared lo what they arc able to charge the ever growinji number of women who desire their hair bobbed, banged,, shiivglcd or dyed. CAR, REACHED NORTH FINALLYWRECKED Piled Up on Rocks of Hudson Bay on Way to Darren Lands. , WTNNIPKO, July 7. Tho fate of the first automobile to be taken into the so-called barren lands of northern Canada, was a. sad one. "Kskimo" Harris, who is a well-established trader In the country northwest of the Hudson Ilay, snipped a small car along with his rreiaht several months ago. He' intended, to uso the car in hi travels between the widely separated posts among tho Kski mo. After untold hardships, Mr. Harris gpl.tluycar to Port Nelson and adapting the motor to aNvhalo $5G0 " Woollen Dresses WHILE THEY LAST boat, set out for Fort Churchill further up the bay. When within a few miles of his destination a . torm arose and despite every effort, the craft was wrecked anil piled up on the rooks near the old fort. Harris escaped without serious injury. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Sections ,1S2 n4 221. H Tilt .VATTtll or application No. 1349 fur tbe raoerllatluu o( a cbariY. A.XD I.N Tilt MATTfcR or an Afree-mtnt or Option to Purcluir. data) Oh 1Mb Dectiuber. HI, and 'ia-istred the 6lti January, IB 13 on application re reivrd the 3rd January. IIJ, u .No. 7 tOU, Iwlwtwu GKUHUL T. k..E. or Uk I'lrat Cart, aud OOHLio.N C. tMVLIlao.N of Hie Second Carl, rovenni tbe rollowinf property : Lou fevrn (71, lhl l, nine ten (lu,. eleven lti, twelve (tt. thirteen (13. f on r teen (lit, rineea US), and mtren Block, one (In and Lou nine (Si, ten (10), eleven (it). or DlJirlfl Lut number mi hundred, ami rriy-oiie (641). Hanire rive (S), Coast blitnrl. Map 85U. Sallsrarlory proof of brearh. of coven-mill and rvniry and recovery or alH) by the vtMidnr-or-owner nf the land, aubiert lo Ihe above Atreement or option to Vurrhaie, hannr been riled In Ihu vrrice, TAkE NOTICE that an application has been made In cancel ln renUtratlon of Ihe above mentioned Arrecment or Option in Hirrhae, and which Is reg-IMered. In lleitlster of Cbarires Volume I, Folio tt?, as No. 711)0. and that in support of surb iirpllctl.ii ha Iieen produced a declaration or OKtmOE THOMAS KANE dated MW nth October, I8il, and a declaration of STANLEY WALT tit TAYLOH, dated the Hth .November. IVS. provlnr the breach or covenants and re-entry and recovery nr rxi!He4lon is aroresaid. IT IS MY IN- (3D) davs from the service or this notice to cancel Ihe reKlslrallon or Ihe option to purchase or Aa-reenienl upon tbe register and thermion the estate of the pur-cr.a.'er In Ihe land described In the said Atrccnirnt or Option to Purchase, shall cease and determine, unless you shall take and prosecute the proper proceeding in esiannsn your riaini, ir any, 10 ine said lands nr to prevrnt such proposed act ii in on my part. II.AIT-I. ! lilt- I.MM flTl,.IlJ w,,,. Prince Ituperl. B.C. this First day of. rune. A.u. IJ. II. F. Marl.EOD. Benstrar of TtUes. To flirdon C. Enimerson. K.sq. MINERAL ACT. Nolle of, Application for Csrttflcata el improvamvnu. Mineral. Mill irtroiip, roaslstlniOf . Mln rsl llilI Nn r1 Mineral Kill .to. 1. Mtn eral lllll No. 3. and .' Summit Mineral Claims, situate In Ihe Skeena Mlnlnit Dlvl Hon or No. I District on, the South-eastern end of Iron Mountain. kitlmM Valley. Uwful holders, W; J. ilnolwln. Free Miner's Certificate No. 01IC. Charles K. Moore, Free Miner's Certificate .No. 3I7C, TAKE NOTICE Owl I. Charles E. Moore. Free Miner's Certificate No. SI7C. arent for the owners. Intend at the end of Utv days from .the, due hereof, to applv to the Mininr rtentrder for a Certl-fletile of Improvejnents for Ihe purpose of nhtslnlns. Crown Ortul op the above claims. And further take notice that action under section s& nr the Mineral Act mut he commenced, before, the lssuanre.nt.tucb! Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 17th day of April, tm. I PAQh FIVS Only! Almost all) colr ors. All' new styles. included- WATER NOTICE. Use and Slorag. TAKE .NOTICE Hut J. M. nuffner. vhose adilress is Atlln, B. c, will, apply for a lin-uce to Use and ie 70 C. . S. and to MOrtt 4 C. r. S. i.r wlef) i.MM of lift of July. Creek, whicb riu souih westerly and 'drains Into Allin Lake, about 6 miles Durtli of Allin. Ttie storafe dam will be located at or near llw foot or a chain of small lakes. TlH eapartty of the reservoir lu i crt-a.ed Is about, Kin inllln.il cubic fret, and It wU irkxKl about tl arres of land, ijiy eluding, til lakes. Tbe water will tie dlr verted from the stream at a point about and below tbe proposed dam ab.m I S miles westerly or west line or 4tH of July Mineral, Claim, and will be used for power for luuiinr puriHises upon the lulnes, described as Allin, Silver-Lead Mines and II u truer linmps of Mineral, Claims. Tbls iHittre was posted nn the (round on tbe tcth day or June, Itt. A copy of this notice aud an application pursuant thereto and to Ihe "Water Art. Ill," wUt be filed In the office or the Wsiler Itecorder at Allin. Objections to the application may be filed wilh the said Wter Recorder or wilh ihe comptroller or Water Rights, parliament HuilduifS. Victoria. B. C, within thirty, days arter Hot appearance or this notice in a local newruier. The date or the first publication of this notice Is July . It. . ' j. m. Rirr.NEn. Applicant LAND ACT. Notjce of Intention la Apply to Laaee Land In Prince Rupert Laud Recording IHs-trict or prince Rupert, and situate in the vicinity of Rose Spil. Uraham Island, Oueen Charlotte District. TAkE NOTICE that Lanxara Fishliur k Pack in r Coininy, Limited, of Victoria. B.C- occupaiioii canners. lulertd to applA fori tease of. the, following described lUuiimenclnr at i post rlmcit, at ihe northeast corner 'of Lot' No. 4ti thence to low LLr mark: thence In a borill- easterly direction two miles; thence southeasterly two chains; theuce southwesterly twit, mile In point of commencement, and ronlalnlnv St acres, more or less. 'LANOAHA, ' MSIII.VI rsi.ai.iu CO. LTD. Per E. II. Simpson, A rent. Applicant. Paled June 4; Hts. LAND ACT, ..!.. t ...... , , , , an,, b.Mrfll District of Prince Rupert and situate on A II in Lake about 3 miles southwest of .sum lownue. ,,l ll'I, ,, . .14 I., ...p., of Atlin. In the Province of British Coliint-. tua. urrupaiiiHi neriiuiiii . imin. wui , I. . . .hnl. r, .... . pml.al,n In ... nil,. ,i,tnii ,u ai'i'ij " ch.ye the' followln. descrlbedMfn.U:: L.IMllllieilclllr SI I"'" l'inirl a, southeast corner or nlacler.Bay, In Allin Lake situated .as above: thence following tmn shore, line. west, to chains; ttenre south SO chains : thence east Jrt chains; tlwure nnrlh 0 chains, to point, or 1 commencement. EDWIN JULES EOUEnT. . applicant. . Dated May i. Its. ' LAND ACT. Notice ef Intantlon to Apply te Lease Land In Prince Rupert land nrcnrdinir Dis trtrl of Coast Hanre 3, and sltutte on TSorlh Harhnel Island. TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Ssvanson, of Prince Rupert, -occupation Mariner. In. tends lo apply for a lease, of, the follow-In described lamts i Commenrlnir II I pnal planted at the south end of North, nacnacJ Islamli thence round the island at hlfh water mark, and eonialntnr; 10 arres, more or . less, j ' ALFREDS SANSON. , Applicant. Dated Asm IT. till.