Ecclealastal Commissioners Granting Permits to Clubs to Use Grounds , LONDON, -ay 13.4'lloif 1 i k 1 y (lo i lip a ennsidernlile: increase in Sunday games in ami around London (his year. AllliouRp;Vtl,(i llalniislNi.j flol! Clilh has .een Hip fj-s ,i secure a weenee permuting Hundny play " applications nf one or two oilier golfyelub have lippn favor ahiy received liy Hie Krclesiasli cnl Commissioner, from' whom the grounds of a Irirge inimher nf sports chilis are leased! The appliratiops (if n .liumber of tennis rjiih have been granted, and tlip Commission also inlend to allow howls (n be played, on Sunday, afternoons. May be Withdrawn The leases from Hip Cnmhiis sinners contain a clause pro hilliting Sunday play, but earlr Ibis year, after Inn? cnnsidera lloh, Hie Commissioners decided lo allow clubs lo apply for a special licpnre for Sunday play. The leases, will not be altered, and the permission will be Riven by way nf a licence .which can be withdrawn at the Commissioner.' pleasure. The regulations are slflct. May is not In begin before two o clock in the summer and ono o'clock In the winter, no pal-l labor whatever Is In be employed ainf the club houses are not In be opened until Hie time when the piny i. permitted nnd are lo be closed when play ceases, flirt Commission have received a lae number nf applications from sports clubs. Objection to Cricket ' "Twenty years ago tennis wan a game," said an official of the Commission in an interview ''.Vow it is a life pursuit. I; anyone slarled playing a gramophone on a-Sunday Ihelr licence would probably. be taken away There must Jip no competition with other clubs on a Sunday And no tournaments. The Commissioners will not allow cricket on a Sunday. It would involve Sjinday.laJior. 'riire must Je friurfdWn Id lortk lifter- the wicket and paid Umpires, Kill (here is no demand for Sunday cricket, in London. No Sunday Labor "The golf frames will not be permitted to have matches on indayr Medal cumpelltio'ns will be barred. Sunday golfers cannot have caddies. If a man is not keen enough to carry his own clubs he must go some Where else. If members wan I Ihe" greens cut in the morning they Can cut . lliem themselves. Xo football will be allowed on Sundays. The competitive element is bound to enter into fool bull and It attracts crowds, "The concession is meant for those mythical people who have no time for games during the week. I have never been able to find them myself. Nobody leaves work later than six o'clock in IllCje days, .and in I lie summer inonlhs I hey hiive three clear holirs of daylight". The nrartice of jHe .omjnlssionerst will now rt'ipritacii veiy closely lo thai, Cl lliet:!.ondon Counlj' Council. It llasiheen recoguied bv Hie Com riiissjon Hint Ihe modern young person will not be conlpnl with l)ie ancient Sunday. used to Ije a miserable flay i "We do not allow play In the mornings, because they ought. In go to church then, but II is felt by I lie Commission that you cannot expect the modern person lo be Idle all day when there .' a chance of innocent exercise. Sunday play is largely. a ques lion of big, towns. There is no demand for it In the villages. The agricultural laborer on a Sunday would rather lean ovei (he gate and smoke." Newspaper Comment Commenting on Ihe modern tendency t h e; Manchester (2uardiai says: The Kcclfislastieal Commit Pioners, who own a number nf sports grounds in London, have tackled the question of Sunday panics . ,yiM( more courage and tolerance -Mian somp of (hp mun ' Icipalllies have shown. Tho Commissioner have decided to allow Jf6lf, tennis and bowl. They have laid down strict conditions, most of them designed to prevent the employment of paid labor; Oric regulation pro-jiihllrt piny hefore one o'clock, this, an iofflclal exidniris, he-cause piople ought to jo to t t and tennis, hut it. may .be rea sonable to regard the football crowd as a noisy assemblage Ilk to disturb the peace of oilier people's -Sunday. The -same rin- jerllon fan- hardly be ' taken to the decorous speclator. of.rtc- kel. The commissioner's ban (he. pame' because, they say, it hv volves the eiilployini'.nl o i groUitduien and paid umpires. Ihe Sunday labor argument i.4 i weak Jiatrier to ppo.e.-agqin.l a re.lsonable increase of the mean of rccreaflort in Sundajs. No corporation dreams of shut ting liji its public parks becad Ihe opening of Ihem necessitalt the employment of a few par!. keepers. They argue thai the Innocent pleasure of thdiisailrs must not lie denied in order to give a free Sunday lo a few individuals. That admits a prin ciple whose expansion will bil difficult lo slop. RACING SEASON BEGINS MAY 22 Spring Meet at Woodbine Opens on May 22 With 07th King's Plate Event BED. YOU CANT CHEW L'yuv I J I I UU A - CrL J a - J V 92l m'sT t FtAnmt Stnvict. I.c. ,' .1 t CitB;tni ,,Ut wmi. church on Sunday morning. Tin Cnntmissintters will nol. allow football "because the compel:. live element is bound lo enler lillo fdnllmll and it attracts crowds," The discrimination is ralher subtle. The "competitive element is nol unknown in golf admirably fulfilled its purpose of encouraging Hie breeding of! IhorouighbriNls in the province, j Two-year-olds come into the limelight with the Victoria' Slakes, 5.nno added, on May 22:! the Coronation Slakes with 5,-' 0 milled, on May 2(5, and Ihel !eeral other races over the shorter distance. Skinner and T. Black, The kick off will be it 0.30 sharp and O. Krauo will referee. f Municipal sports In Unilei Stales and Canada made, heavy (gain hold in players ami spec talor ih I02!i according to llU' year book of the Maygroiind and iiecreaiiou .Association or ,nier lea which ha Just been publish ed. A gross attendance. of more than twenty million was report hand tent about 12 by 10. Ait' ply I'nllen, Haily News. 1 YOUNO .MAN WANTS WOllK. any kind, 35c per hour. Mionc Black 20J... Hi WANTKI . Young girl for housework,' sleep otll. Mione Hed .i2t). ' tf eil at municipal league game of baseball, football. hasketbal!, volley ball, quoils, etc. This wa a gain or 2,3011.00 ovor 1 1 I . Baseball continues lo top the lisl of snorls ii r.oinil.'iritv. showing lili;7f.8 players in 318? cities with niore than 11,000,0011 altend'ance, "The figures for ID21 wer li0(.2: ulrfvers In 207 ellies, with more than 10,-800,000 attidance. Baskelhal! and quoits run almost neek ami i. . it. i ... .. jicru in ine reiurns, earn re norling over 0.1.000 nl.ivir - 1 "7 The seconii match of the Junior FnOlball League will tako place tomorrow afternoon when Borden St reef Srhonl will mcl Hie. illali ScYnWd. il l.einif t f first apiieaKifice this season of Borden Slreel. 'Hie teams will lie as follows: Borden Sfreef Tad a Walte, Alberl Styles,' Kami Miwa. An- itus Mcltonatff, ' Bronson lluni, Yoshi V.itl: Jriiimi. Lee, Kridie Shiilh tcaplain), Hoy Wick. Frank Millerd and Nick (Hmicli. resenes, Oeorge Minns, Willie l isber and lleddy Iteynolds. High School Oeorge McLean Douglas Scon, Allan Cross, Oor- don Veireck (captain). Allan Cross, Billy CoHison, .limmie Bryant, Bobby livine, Bill Murray. John Comadina, Trevor Hi'!, I an Morrison and Bobbie Stalk- er. Mr. Seymour Hicks In "Hello Australians,' jusl published. tells of one funny mistake he made when he arrived "down tinder." "A tall, goiiiMooViiu man was brought. roinicj tiiity moid wheji the ciirtntn feH'.qti imy fifsl per-ormaiie'i lie) j.wiis extremely complimentary; jruiil' orjiiniitual inenu. who Had introduced me lo hlln. salil. le is one of. our grealc producers.' Are yonf I emiuired. Dronia or musical comedy?" wool, said the bronzed one. Yorkshire Post. EDUCATIONAL AND HISTORICAL TOUR The Canadian National Hall way will operate (i forlV-thiTc day Personally Conducted Kriuca llonal Tour lo Kijrope Ibis Sum mer. sailing -via Ihe s.. "Aihonlrt" from Monireni, July direct lo Olasgow. Proceed ing from there, Ihe parly will visit different point of Inleresi in Scotland, Hnglnnd Holland, Belgium Sw itzerland and l'rance, also an opportunity lo visit the Haltleflebls. Reluming lo Norland, will ail from Liverpool on S.S. "Auratiia" August L'l, fo Mimheal. Considering the num ber"of points Visaed, the accom modal Ion provided, and enler. lalninenl offered, this is one nl Ihe lowesl priced Tour ever operated In Kunipe., Full particulars," feservalloiM, elc, from anyifAgenlr CN. Hail-way, or It. IV McNnugfilon, Dis-Irlcl t'assengeff'iVgcnl, Prince Hupert. v , 7H h.p. Vulcan engine, un! year old M...$ 20 fool cabin eruln r, new 12 vb.p. engin' priced itt (m"iI.(KI 28 fool cabin rrtllcr, 15 h.p. oil engine i, 200.00 Small iieeder with Ford en gine, priced at $250,110 20 h p. Buffalo engine Ao6.0ii III h.p. Studeh.iker engine, 200.(0 0 h.p. (iuarnnlce, price 275.(l(i C h.p. Kellenherg englpe 200.00 5 cylinder 10 h.p. auto engine IOd.iH I Cylinder I lodge engine wttii tarler ftOQ.Oii I c) Under Chevrolet eiti', with tarh'r looo reel 'i Inch Hark haul cable, price rte per font. Wee MrOregor Snsvs. falling and loickiiig saws, Oilclirlsl iarks. ele. More than fo.l.orio vnunir 'Northern Kxrhangn. 21.1 Second t 'I .. . . I ' . . '.. ! veriim Ohunn 9H i'iiiiieii tii vurniuiii tail i " ",.' .. ? 1 25.00 Car' Sar $U5.0(i $35.00 oak rolllop ilesk $18.00 oak ft fool standing deiik 35 00 ? 150.00 mahogaiiT desk and three chairs $75.00 $10.00 Cheek proleclor il5.0P BHOS. FOIl SAI.K Five roomed hoiirt On two. ot, furnished; all In garden nnd berry hushes, tl-750.00 on terms. Apply T. Mo- Clymnnl. tf i i i FOIl SALK. 89 foot Iroller. Just completed; all gear. Full par-ilcular. address Box 30.1 Haily New offlw. 115 FOIl RALK-Seeondfiand furni- tore and relaiininl future' from Hoyal Hotel. Apply Hi Third Avenue. . I'Oll SALK. Oerhard HelnUmau IMano, on easy monthly payments. Walker's Music Store. FOIl SALI! Three roomed hou. plastered; good location. $55(.. McCaffery A Olbbons, Lid. I. ' . J ?"' ... r FOIl SAL!:. 88 Chrysler ttfa'cU . Iied a few mouth. -Applv Howe V Mc.Vully. U FOIl SALK. Baby lowgy. almol new. Phone lied 101. HI TO RENT FOIl HKNT.-Modern four room ed flat, with Monarch range, In Clapp block. Weslenhaver Bros. TJHNISIIKI) Housekeeping llooms to rent by the day, week or month. Phone lied 007. tf I'Oll HKNT. Furnished housekeeping suite, Milnllem Apartments. Phone 1 8. tf FOIl HKNT. Four room stille, hot waler healed. Apply Siniti A Mallet. SKVK.V Boom Hon-.- lo fienl Apply 522 Klghlii Ave. 'Wesi. I'Oll llKNT.- Mo.lern house: five room and hath, Muliro Bros MODKIlN FLAT for Ilcnt. Apply Max llellbroner if Hljtli PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, May 14 2:30 a.m. 2I.B II. 1 5:27 p.m. 10,2 '"w :il a.m. 2,3 21:12 p.m. 7,7 Saturday, May 15 '"w"'. -' Ii:07 i.nij 2I.0 ff , ,; I.SIS. p.m. IH.I -- "11.1 a.m. d.i 21 :53 p.m. 8;7 " BOARD AND ROOM. BOAIH). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. BOAitl), (looms and Furnished Suite. Palmer House. If FOUND FOUND. Three keys on ring. Apply Daily Nws office. AUCTION SALE Thursday, May 1:1. at 2.30 p.m. CtmsistiiiK of 1'lano, dining llunaboiil $(112.50 Touring ( Coupe . ... Tudor Sedan .. Fordor Sedan Light Delivery Chassis I'rnek niiaosl $788.00 I8I5.0U $87!M)ft fOISJil $101.0(1 $0I7.0 '- All prlres Include self-starl- eh government txe and freight. Nallonul ly Payment Plan available. S. E PARKER, LTD. 210 Second Avenue. TAXI Phone C7 Tail (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) SI and Seven Passenger Slude bakers at vonr disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Acros from Kmpress Hotel. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposile Benson' Sludlo, (H)OD MF.ALS. OOOD CAKF.S Hoffee or Tea Served. ItKAL IIOMK COOKKD MI?ALS. Mr. IJnger. Proprlelre. FURNITURE. New n ii il Qi., llire Slnre. We lluv. sell nn.l ! change New and Secondhand Hood. GEO. PAPAnnPtii na Third sv Ohnne rtf WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood M.fiO a load. Dry Fir Wood o.nn a load, f'ul lo any length. Klndllnn, $7.00 a load, Fir Furnace Wood $7.00 n load, , ' A, ISAACSON I'hoiu Black 401, geaI Cove. PAQ2 tfdttf. J'ritJa DAILY NEWO SUNDAY GAMES BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ENGLAND TODAY 19M 1 NOW TMPeoWAWAV VOUf MPlpiijBY COLX I HAD NO I ' I I ll AorANdH f iii CHlJWlMc? qOr-1 A'"T IS Time for too to cq to I'OIHJNTO, May I I. (Cana dian Press,. Horse racing in Maslefn Canada will be given a fine start this season, following the precedent of the pasl, by the spring meeting at Woodbine l'ark,. (he Toronto track of the Ontario Jockey Cluh. . This com mences under Canadian Itaciiif-' ssoclalion rules on May 22 and concludes on May 29, The C7th renewel of the King's IMale, oldest raring fixture; run continuously on this continent, will as Usual be the opening 'day feature. Seven Hurdle Races Beside the" King's Mate, a number of important races car rying hinge added amounts and catering particularly In Canadian and Ontario-bred horses will be rim during the week at the Toronto .rack. The attention given fo sleeplechasinx by the inclusion in the program of seen hurdle, ra'cnsj featured by the 'oobjbe and , .A in tree, Steeple chases', is anotlier1 attractive as pect of the Woodbine meet. l'Wo candidates for lhi-King s Male who will le strongly sup. polled because of their good record last season, ate the lllver- dale Stable's filly Attack, by Al- well-Callant Foe, and the Sea-grain Slable's bay pebiing Hap. lite, by Hapshurg-Betty ,jnd. )aeiiMirl. owned Jiy J. C. Flet cher; the Seagram Slahlo's Uuarlzite, and C. Miller's Mete trix arc other outstanding on Irani. Prize of $7,000 The King's Male, 50 guineas, the aid of His Majesty and 10,- 000 added by the Ontario Jockey Cub, was run at Ouelph, Loudon, Si. .Catharines, Hamilton, Whit by, .Kingston, Woodstock, Olta wa and West Toronto before il became a permanent fixture at Ihe Ontario Jockey Cluh' track in 1883, The first race in I860 was run at Wet Toronto, over a mile and a half. The distance was reduced In; 1887 to. a, mile and a quarter, and In 1U24 In a rnlle and a furlong. The. race is for Ihree-year-olds and upward, owned by a British resident in Ontario, bred and traitied in the province, mat nave never won any except a race exclusively for two-year-olds, The winner receives $7,000 and the guineas; second $1,500 and third $1,000, Since its inception, the race has Steeplechase The U'tiodbine Sleeidechnse. $7,500 ftildeii. is line nf Hie miwl i.itlportalu long dislance;i'aces on UiU part of (lie rnntinenU II is a two and a half mile handicap for four-year-olds diwl u it ward TITe Win free Tleeplechase, 65,- 0(10 ailded, is one of the fea tures of the closing tlay's pro gram, lihd throughout tin meet tng are five .other races for Ihe chasers. The. 3 If h running of the To ronto Cup. handicap with $111. ono added, for three-year-olds .1ltd upward, features Ihe holi day program on May 2 1 together wilh the Woodbine Sleeplechase. while the llreeder's Stakes, for Canadian-bred three-year-olds, .villi o,Ollo added. Is another race attracting the finest horses iti the east. Oilier important rnces are the King Kdwanl (Sold Cup, William Ilemlrie Memorial llaiidlcnp and Woodstock Plate. Afler the Woodbine meeting Thorncliffe l'ark operates for a Acek. followed by meetings at Hamilton, Fori Krle and Windsor, before racing swings lo FOOTBALL TEAM OF NAVAL RESERVE IS FORMED AT MEETING There was a meeilng at the headquarter of Hie Hoyal Can adian Naval Volunteer Ileserve last night for the purpose of organizing a team for the Jnlerme- llaie roolball League. Applica tion forms were filled in for fifteen men ami it was arranged to have practices on Sundav mornings at the Acnqwlis Hill grounds. A. L. Sharp presided nl the meeting. SPORT CHAT Ihe players shuffled around In sueh a manner that l! is difficult at this lime to specu late on the tillimate jeslilt ol activities between the three learns, and some pew blood he. ing introduced, the ctlrlhlii will rise tonight at the Acropolis Hill grounds on the 11)20 Senior soccer season whei the Moose ami Orand, Terminal Club will meet in Ihe 'ripening match -f Ihe Stuart Shield series. 'IT third team in the league Is the CobI Storage which, on Monria) night, will play with Ihe Orand Terminals. Here Is the wliy they will line up tonight: Orand Terminal Club' goal Vic Menzies; full backs, II. Men- aniMl. Howe; half JiacksA A Dirkcfis, .1. Farquhar and l. While; forwards, (1. Wiper, W. Mitchell, Oeorge Howe, O. Own nnd ll. Waller's. "' " Moose Ooal, S. Hawthorn; full backs, I'esulerast and J. Currle; half hacks, O, "Mllcliell. S. .Currlc (captain), atlri.O'. 1'. Tinker; forwards, l. (lurvich, I Hodgkinson, J. Hamilton, -IL anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per, word inadvance.r No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c .Vsjt FOB SALE WANTKI) lo I'uirhase. Second Full SAI.K. 2H fool fish boat. Articles Lott and Found,5c MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOlha ...-, nrgw .in, .... rliif Siul) rnti) . . TiuriHl). 8lr0ir :.!... Mi c. ill, T ll Arm. . . " -.. . ' - n. UV.In.ul.i. ' 'l . ..I... r Aitik p.i.1.- "m fit it, ii T A.,,. rh..i-i . ...... - U -'.ii. ifiM Fau.. . V.v u. tn frm tfc Ixl - i at AITiri'IlIX K u-lll hrt hAl.l SI . u u 171 l liinl AVeiuiii Hast nil I uMr V tliirn). . i It M .... iihiiii piiiir, arm roir. limbic .1" n , Viy t II mo, Iwds. hurvHiix. ehlrron-i lTTit.,t a itu Itl.tfastia I 11 IImIiI .111.. I. months ete. I'hilpoll. Kvttt A- (,., Ltd.. AiieO.meer. "Zy?!"'Xt AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES I0230ldmoi!l.- Touring $750.00 IU22 Oldstnoiiile Tournwf 1650.00 1041 I'i.-.i T...I... tif.nn.i Ml 17. OR C011ICTI0SI Orhm Ailm tin 11 At L tlk l Uis . k muA i roro iiMinr wmn fiza.nniM Shrrbnx.i 1023 Ford Tudr S..lan 1 100 Oil jH te ourM i Ford Light leJivery $$00.(o; A, ,u" " Ford Ll.t lelvi.ry 1 1 $6.00 ! $l f rim We give inirly .day free servlr-'ith mn,u on above rar and liberal e. oit Bkit. vice on new earn. atb"! VN" KAIEN GARAGE. ft-Dealer In Chevrolet and ail, (ieiiernl Motor Product. Wrecking Seri-i- Dm and Niulr. Pin-lie Till: IOUD MtiHUl iUi.MPANY OF CANADA. .ip.n publication Of Hie iiii' ff i-liange, linmedi-ately isiui tin- fallowing NEW PRICES tM Ue tM l 1m ir A r 'itni i Jrd f lk S( 4 M. r r t I I r f ' it t I r STEAMSHIP MOVEM ft Vtvtr ShimU) . ttli, f .1 1 iwMtir Ihtirfclir r - t Sitrdr i. PrM tuti Mty it i" Hif f- . I ftm Vtntntr SnuWjr . h1J Vlnrtiy SilMhMf I'' vr ii p M. V.y il i'. in ,. c III t StT t rr pn nmpi t4 1 I'Hitlf CKIU frm Port tlmpt 4 Smi - 1 lur1ir 'UU ff tUitt- vijr ii - . etfifs vt' ' ' Var l I'"' i Prom Altai Vr 11 -. PHV ' Pof IWwtrt, '"' 4 SiinfUr rrn Wr.liM.hUv I' f Prom Itooort, Ttiur.iUr . Vrtut " f Sl.inly- . f rln f -J Prom tiowtrt SillMtty IN. prlnf' Por Quo Chorlollo JUM- Mty It, pi ' My V prm Prom 0s OhorlolU Uta- Mtjr 17 -o mi; ' C.N.R. TRAINS Pr tut Iitllr eirrpt HimAn 1 Prom tl . ....... 1 . .1 . TIMBER SALE X7l rlrd Trndrr 'H ' Pllrlfl riirflrr, IHit a Ihf Jih dy if Jiiiw SDillfl lfllt', CM, , ' iMnnl nn'Kiire. nf tli ml ItaUatu mI( ,.,. -ml VTP " 0 Innt I t,t iinitier lK, -J tiirlhor (urilniHr ,,,',,1,1 f rlrr, VlrlnrM, nr mr I'rlnri- Hiifrl, . I' TIMBER SALE X W" . . . ..... prrMIx' srairn Tennir ' ,hl PMrlrl fnrr.lrr Iwn "'" " ', Ihr lilt ty of IP. IV t S0M. fel liiurd mriH'" , lctr. Illinium .ml lui n ,"' Tmn lot til. fa Hill 111 ii-.vm id (iri.f.-r . ,h, wtK ir, viriorli, or am v i'nnct nuptri. B.C.