iday, May 14, 1926. JfcfeW THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 BIM aMJJ, TJfcBBBBki" TRAP LICENSES Local and Personal ARE OPPOSED ECKIE Phone 15. P.K. Coal Co. tf Trades and Labor Counelf Does Arthur's, Taki. Phone 678. tf New Dressy Oxfords H.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41 ALL the Etylc that a wcll-drcsscd mati could ...t.u t .1... r. -.f i - WID1I Iwl, 1IUS IUIHIWII OHU Wiai, Ul ya a strictly moderate price. Ask your dealer to yj show you Leckies. J. LUCK IE CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER, B.C. i. imely suggestions a na nrw nc nnnnr oai to en. Hmrvkb 0 virir& 04 1. o ... ... auw ' r i rr Miuif; -him hi-iimimii i r mi. IND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM 50c l-ur Uir hand mill f.i -e i;ul fur u-e alter -fa nif,' tiup v.. 'i" i.- i on. i a en f nki ! ' i-iiii i'm 'u wwwaiiu., ww Hudd Itruiii. ervu and Itudy. (iverconic. (gn''. ensure -mind hep mid supplies u reserve of strength. Kittii lirn-li in a carton. Twenty per cent off all French Ivory Goods II, 1Mlf(l Chocolate Uc lit. b b. Ilox 2 00 0 15 LID Rexal Druggists Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND iii vwry muni. f Piiiaiid Lila tic France Si.oo Pitiutiil llau de (Jiiiniiie Ir. $1.35 Rupert Brand" ippers 8moked Dally by i p?.i o n ij Oi i ti nan an Nsn v inn nraae i.o.. .u. Prince Rupert, B.C. ishermeiis aiippiies FISH LINES, HOOkS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices incatf fnnninaliamfvfft Ltd Second Avenue and McBrldo St. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HQTEL J. ZARELLI,' Proprietor. ' una . - . - " . Simmons 'Sled Hod;', i&rfiig-. v'M"1 OsleuuvMut- :. 02 MtMinis. Hot und Colli AVuler, llalhs ami anuwers. illll IIIMll'll IIHI I IMII I IITII I Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PniNCE RUPERT, B.C. Kali'i r.l iiyv ,-i fid '-M dnday f i re- tf 5c lay aO AVallac-eMl v . Don't ml 5)5c days, Saturday and Monday at Wallace's. Crystal Firelighters, 18 fo 91.00. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf S.S. Princess Louise callo for Vancouver and Victoria Saturday noon. 1 1 1 a l'oolball luniglil, Acroioli- Hill at ft.30. Moose v. Uraud 'IVnninals. Special in Hosiery, 'Under wear, ' (ilovc, Corcets, Dress ood at Wallace'. A. T. KckolT leaves liy tin- i'ruire CliarleA Sunday nlfflil for the koiiIIi on a brief buiu' I rip. Julin Joliiioii, failing to in the. city police court till morning in ;iiiwer to a charsff' of drinlleniip, forXviliHl bail, in MM' um n za. K. itoupau, inaiiascr of I.owj Inlft cinnery, and hi daucliter. Mi I.ila lioucau, an viitorc n the rily, havlner arrived on the Catala thi niornintf. The Canadian Kih & Coll Stnrase CVi.' packer I'redclia i beiuir taken on dry dock this af ternoon for cleaning and paint lnf and minor repair. I titon steamer Catala; Capl. A 4ii!inloni'. arrived in port at 7:15 (hit inornln from Vancouver and way-port and ailed at I for the Naa nnd Skeent! Hivrr. The vpil I due bark here foullibound at 10 o'clock U'liiorrow morning. A .Mi'i.ausfUiln ecn aeiKrer louriiijr car driven by JauWs U't n:ul a Ford coupe, the occu- panl if uliieli werr I). Halfour and J. .Vluu. collided at 1 IXo ti niirhi at th eorner of l'ut ton Strft aii'l Third Aenin'. The larger ear wn roniinK down Fulton Street and the Miialler up Third Aenue. Hiiiide-aiile i.iin.iui' wa uone ny noiu nia rhijUflii, The aecidenl w;i re. ported fo Hie police thi inoriiiii? liy J. Hoes. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ieore A. Maclinnald. Hal noral; II. Hoskin, (i. V. At- Kinou, Mr. and Mr. (ieor?e I' l.iltle and C. It. Me.Millaij, Van-eouver: A. Mael.ean, Sniithcr; Mr. I.. F. Champion and .Mis II. t.lianipion, Anyox: C. Hon- eau. Mi I.ila ltoueau and Vie tor Caron, Lowe itilel. Central I. Fort in, S. Ilobiiion and' 1. I.. C.N.U.: J. A. FiU-latr'k and P. H. Haker, New Wetniinter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iii tin- Muter of Hie Mtitt' of Jiilm oIuihI, NoTIl t l liereliy riven I ha I all lr in havint e alma aiain! the lale oiiiu.1. who ilml ai Uir ..r Prin-e uuiri. in iue rniriii.T i.r Hrlllli i:l-uiulila. nil the (ill) (lav of Jitiwai . Iun. ml l.i wli.iw real tori hthihI elle lrieri Pr.iliale er rranlfil hy the Sil prrini' miri or llrltlah Cclutnlila in Aivll ii. ivdt. I" jnnn nviiiiam ur Prim-e im rl, Ii. i... ar.' rf(m-teil lo wml by n-rl irl-etl xil prepaiu. r rtfllver In Ilk iinilrrKimetl full lurtlrnlara In uHllnr nf thvlp rliiina and lateinenl r tlielr e. niuiua, ami uir nature inerenr. and Die ei-iirni ur any new by tliem, July ertfied by tiatuliiry derlarallnn Ann me iHiiice mat arter the ml day f June. IB. the ueruior mil iii,mi-kI In ilitrlbiite the aet ir the ile.ea-erl aiiuinir Hie pernii enlllli'd llierel. Iiavlna- jrrani iiniy in uie ciftlliK nr unicli Mid eirmiiir man men nave mnire. uiipn mis lit aiy or miv. Hit. ' joii nvitiiivN' nr I'rjnre- niierl. n.C. Kverulor of the KMateT of John Olund. Poreated. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Nolle of Application for late Llcanca. MITIlK 1 HI-nHIY (IIVI'N thai mi the Hlli day or June iwxl tlu undi-ralriieil Intend t" spi't.V 10 the l.lqnnr ion I nil Hoard fur a llienre tn reMrl or pre-ml' tlinate on Main street. Maxell, H. C. aim Mpon the Inmli ilearritu-d al I.ol J. Blnrk II, May 9 4 A.f rrlnee Huierl I. mid lti-jrl,iran,H liistrlrt in the Pro-Jlnre nf nrltlsh Columbia, ror the ante ir bi-er by the plan op by flie upen boltlu rur limlunUnti on Hie premises. Daleit at I'rinee huixirt, n.C, litis Sill rlay or May. m. n. ii, oavu:s, - - . . . Appllranl. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaied by SANTAL MIDY a aur to gat th Otnulnt. Look for thword"MIDV" Sold by til drutfitU TUj trrateat of akin remedlea will nmrrn thoae tun afllk-tloni lluit have mule yoar lift a burden. That inUAxnUe Itching, burning mtui diiccmfurt will dmpv" undrr the muic oC I liia renv4r. It ba bemled man? curt pfo-dqudcc4 bofU ni will reach tout csu. Tit frit $1.00 built nttnn yea ft fttt kuk. Ttt D. D. I), ft. If. O RIMES LIMITED SNOW AS AN ASSET T0J1TIES OF EAST Speaker Urges Advertising Win ter Attractions of Snow, and Ice OTTAWA, May 11. 'If tit city father would leave a HUP; more now on Uie streets ami pend the nloney in advertising Ottawa a u winter reort, a well a a unimei. then thou and of lourisl could be at traded befp. with Jmuunc berfe fit to the oily and citizens," aid J. C. Camplielif of die N.ition.i Park ltranfjli,;i)epai linent of tin Interior, lo jnember of tlieJ-llkt I .ml ft e of Ottawa, "Montreal and nuebec havt shown Hie vrtiyV -taid Mr. Camp- liell. "and Ottawa ha just com nieneed to follow -uil. Moving pirture uch a that recentJy laken in Ottawa, howin? tlu ckiing possibilities, are of inl ine use attracting value." Mr. Campbell slated that mil lion of dollar came into th'j dominion iluriny Hie summer. owiuit to Hie tourisi traffic; and that tin sum could be double. if Hie attraction 1 the winter seacon could be made known. WORK OF BAKERIES THROUGHOUT CANADA TORONTO. May li - An eH mate of Hie materials used in Hie bakeries of (Canada ha been made and also a complete rec or.l of output showing I he fol lowing- result: 2.700,000 barrels or flour. 3.000.0110 pound of malt. 1.000.000 pouml of yeast. :i6r,no barrel of alt. I i. I oo.OOO pounds or unar. 7i5.000 pouiit or butter. 1.150,000 pounds of lard. 5,750,000 pound or shortening IOjIooo gallons ol crtNim. 335.500 gallon of rresh milk. 1,175,000 pound cond'd milk. 080,000 pound pow'd milk. 2,116,000 dozen effif. 3.100.000 pound ot fruit. 20(,O0O pounds lirtiut. 217,500 pound nf i lucose. S'J.lim gallon of syrup on Record as Opposed lo Attempted Move Tbt' rugtifar tiKAitirtfe'" of- the I'rades ud liabor4 Council' wa held last nijriit' with a ','ood at- (einlance df delegate (ire sent and President S. 1). Macdouald iu the hair. President Macdouald having inentroncd that a strong effort was being made lo force the ;ro eminent' hand into issuing rap license with the cannery trust one of the. bis factors in Hie effort, the following resolu tiou, opposing the issuing of trap license, was carried unani moudly: Whereas, certain salmon trap licenses were issued in District No. 2, during the season 1U25, and Whereas, it is Uie declared policy of (.lie Department of Marine and Fisheries not (o is sue such license in future in District No. 2, and Whereas certain powerful in teresl engaged in the fishin industry of thi province are en deavoring lo have the Depart ment alter their declared policy, and obtain licenses for salmon trap for the season 1D2C, and Whereas the issuance of such license would permit a method or fishing known, to be the most leadly and destructive in ex istence, and would, if permitted for any length of time, result in the total depletion of the fisher ies, and in hundreds of salmon fishermen losing their mean ot livelihood; I'herefore be ii resolved that the Prince Rupert Trades and I-abor Council, in rngular meeting assembled, protest against the issuance of salmon trap 11 ceues in District No. 2, and re ipiesi that the Department of Marine and Fisheries abide Uy Hs declared policy OS 'refusing lo issue same, it being detrimental to Uie interests uf salmon lisliermeii to do so, and He it Turtlier resofveli that copy ot this resolution be for warded lo the member for Skeena Fred Slork, M.P., with the re quest that he use his best en demur lo prevent the issuance nf salmon trap license, and also (hat copies of this resolution be forwarded lo the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Marino and Fisheries, Ottawa. British Strike A motion was passed instruct ing the secretary of ihe council to gel in touch with President Turn Moore or the Trades & Labor Congress of Canada protesting agaft-sl the altitude of President (irecn uf the American Federation of Labor who had criticized the' general strike in (real Hritain. The council also gave the local executive power to assist the ltrilish strikers, fi ll) J.uuo pounds or ciiocoiate.,J,!inciitiJ. jf it s0 tiec,,,s ,,vce 38H.800 pound Of COCOaillll. 'jiry . ! 8,000 pounds cocoa butter. $1,121,000 of otlter material. Complete Output 112.000,(100 loave of bread. Having under, consideration Ihe proposal of staging a Labor! exhibit at the forthcoming c.xhi- union, a committee consisting or 111 Ion fancy bicuil.; James Hlack. ,J..J. dillis, Harvey 1.830,027 of bun $(,0,33.323 of pus and cake $70,000 of puddings. TORONTO THE GOOD Fraser, A. McLcod and Jack Ital'-lifonl was delegated to go further into the matter. A resolution was passed protesting against the decision of the city council lo make a charge NOW WirifFH PITY for night soil collection. The iiv ii iiivuui via a i . ... . , ...... There Greater Than In any Other jUllillijir Mils IIUIUIUU I illoi'i-imin.-if itrv i i ii. .. ..' .... rf increase in uuvoiino uaiinijuciiijr unfair and CARD OF THANKS lames F.ckert and family de lORONIO, May It. the .Mail,sjrl. 0 convey their sincere, say editorially: : J thanks lo their many friend for Juvenile delimiueiicy shows a n,,. knl,i expression of ym marked increase in "Canada, ao- ( i,aHiv received during their re cording to a DUtietm or Hie do- C1. iiereavenienl minion Hureau or Statistic, ithr - 11 I lie greatest increases in lnronto among the cities, and in Ontario among; the province. Thi ls,Q"V AAA not creditable to our .social con- Q vfjVUvl lition. nr to the influence of ... Hie hptne.'anil hou,drcceivo 'tho! At AITIPri ...V. .1 If,1 l,n.ul,ln.,.ll..H I llLyai llllll.lllllli vi'iiapit'iitiHiu King" Hencli, Manitoba, is quol-ed in Ihe Hullelin ns saying 'It I not society but Hip 'home thai are al fault, and 1 am convinced Mint there is no need of the radical reformation suggested in our punitive system. Quite true the hoinei may be so infected liy gen- ernl Condition? or orIely ns lo bo demoralized and slack, hut tor thi condition the parenU, I onlunit, nre surely ; responsible nnd primarily to Manic," Subscribe to the Daj)yNews. n . a mm Vhiit is the mailer with our boys Ilen PooiriP JlliilLl and girls? Judge fiysnrt of the UbC 1 dllllt is Pacific Milk is used by some 80,000 women, or rather cooks, for camp chefs use a, igreat quantity, too. This approval by four in. five .of the women in the territory I where Pacific Milk is available K proor of its belter quality and more natural flavor. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. 4 i C.TS wnsr O ; X- 4rs.Experience TORONTO aaaa HI says Here's a blessing in disguise (7 3 nothing unusual V rO in the appearance of Sun- . I'ght Soap but what a wealth of goodness it contains. On washday it wades into the work with vigour, turns the clothes out gloriously clean and sweet'smelling and best of all, its purity is backed by a $5,000 guarantee. This means protection to fabrics. Your household linen deserves Sunlight, Sunlight Soap largest selling LaundrySoap in the World MADE BY Lever Brothers Limited laalliiaaaaaaaaalaasi' Sold Evei'ywhere Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete -slock of Gilchrist Jacks and purls iu Ihe Norlh. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavics, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. II will pay you lo see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE QEORQE and PRINCE CHARLES will leave PRINCE RUPERT rur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Inlenitediatt pulnla, THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS' at 11 p.m. lor STEWART and AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, p.m. lor STEWART ONLY. SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorulglllly ror VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally rxrept Sunday at 1 1-30 ajn. ror PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all point Eastern Canada, l ulled States. Agancy all Octan Sttamthlp Llnat. I'se Canadian National Kipress ror Money Orders, t'ortuKn Clietues, etc also ror your ni-il AhlpnK'DL City Tkktt Oftlca, S28 Third Ava., Prlnca RuparL Phona 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Satllnti from prince Rupert, r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, twanaon Say. anal Alart Say, Tuaadat, I M. Cor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay. and Swanaoe Bav. taturoai. 10 A- For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. Foe PORT SiWPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday. S p.m. UtS td Avaui-a. 4. Baraalay, Afaat. PrlM Rweaet. B.a TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE s J r . .1 , LSlsls ' asm ,vi iuw gg,wniuujll VJ?Ar? 7 I - -y .' ' " . . Vi eneooci or acoryiso lff- ti ta aitaneMOMaO ilvlictlivlT Ouim KO.a The Original Labtl -w l.ok for it at Ihe Vend or 'a end inalat oa ViJ I a .-Ufc3 j tKUtUKASL This advertineincnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of . British Colurobia Vv ; , ' v..:. . ., ,