25 TAXI Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave, and 6th St , MATT VIDEOK, Prop. vvi vi 1 1 n 11, . f. u, lie Shrine ami also Vancoil- Shriucrs expressed them- Ho morning a partial- rly apprvrnii im of (he effort be I'l-mre Hnpert people lo theiu a hearty welcome. said i icy oii ul ipille- real- iic amount of work it must 'luki' .- pul up Hie arches lo pi'riitt..' Hi" Exhibition tfo Ihi' purpose for wliicli lie tig Used- Hue Win' iiiuj noi ueen 10 re lUipcri Ik fore spoke of iriric lo foul o modem dy here. The iloro Ihey Rilerpd were Vxeellent, the display quite up lo dale pood shown therein of She ery (acs. sneliis, would ten on Granville rtreel in vm- or Douglas Slrccl. Br a n UKe prtlirc nu- hey said, and we would mollier Jay or two here." iRRANTS OUT LIQUOR CASES it Two Hundred People Im jllcatod In Indictments Brought at Seattle KA l I'ld-., May It. II win tied here Uiiluv that the in- luals accused in Iho 37 In cuts relumed hy Iho dram after liquor investigations jlym Into Canada and Hast- lulled Stales number in Ihe El hliorhood of two hundred. inly sht warrants- are already ind more arc being pre pa red. understood that. Hoy 01m- M is Indicted twice In the Jl txroup, WORD RECEIVED 10M RADIO OPERATOR AND NEWSPAPERMAN SW YOJIK. May U. - The York Times' says Unlay no hus been received sinca li 18 from William I.vou. pler leoriVHiHindent, ' and tllundy. I. s. arniy nulio ou- r, who were- sent to establish' Idlo station at point.' Harrow 'lay messages from Iho lifdsen parly on U(0 airship re. "'if 'Oyi Uty '1 ' u. " 4 : ei inimeiialely so uiat luey ean ouider them oer the week end. The indications, he said, were brighter for agreement. The Trades Union Cougre official' said there was a marked easimt of leiisenesM in the situation ihroiwhoul the country. Employers Mere being lucreusingly in clined to dlcu a reaonalde tiai for work. AUu-il wh 4iniiouneed that an agreement had been reached be Iwceti Ihi! London Liidercroiind lilectric Hallway Company and it employer under which the un leraroiind stem and the affili ated tram and bus Hues will shortly rrsunie normal sen ice. Government Proposals The government' new pro posals fur mediation of the min ing dispute, include the estab Uhmeiil of a national wages board similar to the prercul Hml it omnanics ilo 1101 sur render their legal right to claim for damages arising front sink the resumption of railway hor board. The sub- l sidy, which is eharaeterlred as further financial asslstanco . to the industry," will amount to Cj, (mn.lMMi and while it is in effect lie miners are lo accept an un named reduction. Minimum wages oilier than in subsistence rales amount are to be deter ntincif In joint conference Resumption of Work Iteports rcceiw'd from alt sections of the country indicate. Ihal the unions and employers hae got together lo such pn extent that industry should riighl itself .shortly I'lie resumption of work of Ihe railwayiuen was settled r.ii the basis that employees who went on strike, be taken back a non as traffic conditions wa mill and work can be found seniority to be die guiding priu i iple In each grade. Unions Admit Wrong The trade unions admit thai hy railing the strike they com-milled a wrongful net against Mid companies ami li is agree . ! others responsible. Tho unions also lugren, lo liisiruQ n.oii- members not to strik wilhoul previous negotiation win. ihe companies and not tC i.ncouraae supervisory employee to lake part in strikes. Tlic unions fuVlher agree to witliobi support or any kind In members Joining iinaulhorited strikes. - -: -7. - . .Udin Hybhavtt leti 011 uus mornitig's train for llnj East. He will allcnd Ihe aimmil meeting of the biological board of Ottawa ,.11.1 will also visit Now York, Hos- toti and other points on business. 11.. .vi.i.els lo be away about three weeks. ai... 11 Mi-rirtiurall sailed on the Prince Oeorgo last night -for Ocean Falls. HARRY ASTORIA CASBOAT WINNER Drawing For "Let's Go" Took Place Lest Night at Yacht Club Floats Ticket No. fi, Iie!d by Harry Astoria, is the winner of the gasoline IkmiI "Lei's do" which was ruffled by member of the Prince Ituperl Hawing & Yiichl Chili for the estate of the late Harry Hay. The lucky ticket whs drawn at the Yuclil Club head quarter last night by J. . 6?ootl in the presence of officers of Ihe club, and other witnesses The "Ut's tin" is a S8 fool seven fool bourn half cabin boat with n US ,h.p. Peerless medium duty rtminii and full ciiipmcnl. lamslw.iy Steamship & Harge Uo.'h steamer Maruiion, after having been up , fop plato re plaeeuienli.-'vvao taken olf the dry ilock this afternoon and .will proceed Hi her headquartcrsi ai Auyox. , VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal 1.53 Hid. Asked ('.. P. 11 15(1.00 ' I I.C. Silver I .0 l.5 Dunwell v 1.05 1.80 (JlaiMonc ..12 .35 lliutKon . .nn Hnwe ound ....... Itn.no 31.00 Indian. .la r &Xn: li .li Mannoti m .OH. Prenijer Porl)''r Idaho .. Silvercresl Surf Inlet 2.20 .OH Vi It V, .00 .Olt'. II .07 V RUTH COMING BACK TO FORM : CLOUTED TO BLEACHERS Winning Streak of Philadelphia Stopped by Chicago: Yesterday Batting Day NEW YOHIv, May 11. Habe Itiilli is abreast df his terrific home run pace of IU2I when he established a record Of 50 fur the season. Hy clouting the ball Into Ihe right field bleachers Iwioe yelerday in a came against Cleveland for the ninth and tenth homers he duplicated Hie. total he Had at the same tialo five years ago. Hoth the major leagues were the scene of terrific batting yes terday, nineteen doubles, eleven trebles, and fixe home runs being chalked up in eight games. Helroit and Hostou used eight pitchers in llieir effort, to slopi the butting rim. Philadelphia's winning streak of nine games was slopped by Chicago. American Leaque Chicago 10. Philadelphia 2. Cleveland New York 13. Detroit l.'l, Huston 0. St. Louis ;. Washington G. National League Philadelphia 0, Pi(sburg 0. Hrooklyn-Chicago postponed. Hoston I. Cincinnati 1. New York I'.'. St. Louis I. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL ON CHARGE OF MURDER VA.NCOL'VHll, May It. John Andhan was committed for trial yesterday on a charge, (if murder ing his wife who died in the bos pltal from congestion of the brain following an alleged strug-Kle between the couple in (hair home on. April 23L'.'-'- PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper phinck mpeiit, h.c, fiiiuay. may m. ma. Veiltutjri cireuUtiuo, Ut rKH'NV AL Or HUM L FITII : MOSLK.XtS IN LOMtON etebra.ng Hie ramoiis Indian itusl. Photo shows the worshippers on the prayer c rpel a! the new Moiiu So ithrields TORONTO MOW IS AFTER ELEVATOR milo.YH. May II The HartMir Hoard of this port plan- to take up with III ltiiilnloa Cov- "-"f'rw m?nV IH -1 Un en rTtt IHicsdde moment I h e malfer of federal asi-i-iinee for an idevator. V h o n il'itiiiiiiisioiM'r llosg Was resident Ot Hie jloard of Trade a de-puli(loi went lo i H I aw a and urged the coirslrtio-linn of a . large grain elevator for the port but no money was voted Tor Hie project. The application, to be renewed with tliulidOa of haviir,' the fJoverumen! eoustriK-l one at an enrly date. Amundsen's Airship Norge Has Failed to Report and Fears Are Expressed for Safety of Party If t:.v It Tim iliiivn .,1 111,. Hunt il.v iiifi lln ill. ripibieNorge I!i, Kings Hay fi fly arrows Hie Pole lo Nome aw Ihe world anxiously awaiting word from her uavul radio tation at lliiiehiulirook Island, near (iordovu. II was reported o the Asvieialcd Press early this morning that they had nicked a mlenoiis message which said the Norge passed Point I. ii iov at iiomi t stcnliiy. Eastern standard lime. The dislaiue nun Harrow to N'mie is u.'it miles, only an eleven hour voyage for the dirigible. Fears are fHl that Amundsen and his sixteen companions may hae met disasti-r, uf a falling baiiimeter yesterday ititlkated tlif posihility nf a slorni and pi-'tilaliou is rife as to whether tin' giant airship could withstand By Making Two Homers Yester-'sncli ferocious disturbance qf the day He Overtakes His Record : elements as fre.iucnUy sweep of Five Years Ago ' larr.issthe norlli. On the other m fc t li:iM.I il i Itntii.v ,.l miili1i4 lh:it Ainuiidsen may be explorinigf tho AiTtiivates or" may have turned back toward Spitsbergen. WOMEN ELDERS TO BE ALLOWED UNITED CHURCH VANCOl VEIL May It. The conference- Of the I niled IJhureh voted yesterday to permit women lo become elders. The vole was taken aHer an amendment which would postpone action another year had been defeated. UP TO CANADIANS AS TO WHETHER R ACE IS HELD THIS SEASON Captain Bon Pino of American Schooner Columbia Says Halifax Was Too Busy Talking Politics HALIFAX. May IL Tljftie Pkelihood that an international fishinv schooner race may be held this year if the people, of this city rise to the occasion On pi 11 in Hen Pine of the (ilouces ter Schooner Columbia, which being repaired on the ways here says it rests with them. Las year they were too busy talking politics but this year be thinks Ihey might bo ready for a. race The Columbia, ho says," Is' the boal lhal should defend Auiori Can honors. ..v .V-J Subscribe lis Ihe Dally News. Boston Grill Large Upslair pining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. n i r n I I PRIOR FIVE CENTS. MUNDSEN'S AIRSHIP NORGE IS AWAITED LD COUNTRY STRIKERS EXPECTED TO BE BACK TOMORROW EXCEPT MINERS iners to Get Lower Wages is Proposed in j the Settlement Plan 1 i tation is clearing in Britain where railways have signed up with men and other 1 industries resuming I LONDON, May It. The HriLsh tndittrial crisis begun to i rapidly unlay. 'Ilit ruilwayiiien. wliii liuil remained out it i aiuling tin official termination or (lit! general strike, j ei mi agreement wilh Ihe companies a I noun inday mi'', lie will if resiinirn as soon ;is tMissiiiie wiiii l lie expcciuiioiii normalcy will be reached y -tomorrow. I I' einier Haliiwiu (old Parliament today that he had framed! oai fur llu sollleinciil of Ihe miners lrike ami lliul Ihcse lerii la etl in Ihe hands nf lioth (he men and llieir employ e PRECIAT1VE .OCAL EFFORTS of Vliltors Express Them-tut In Regard to Prince Rupert'a Welcome lumber of the litlng- mciii-i fuf liueli Temple of (hp Lapital or roiana in Throes of Revolution Government claims majority of troops loyal and revolt will be crushed; other reports tell different story PA1US, Muy 1 1. Eighteen persons are dead and. eighteen wounded as a result of street fighting during the jh.-1 X hours Jin Warsaw, u communication from the Polish government to ; Ihe embassy hero stales. Oilier advices say that complete con-i fusion prevails in Warsaw and lhal unless mediation succeeds. civu war is iiieviiuuic. The government claim that the majority of the troops are loyal lo them and counts upon crushing the revolt and establishing order quickly. HKIII.I.N, May l i. Uovcrn- - ment air forces are reported to igf nn 1 lTPPP have bombed the revolutionary IVilSS VI A WHW l...,.,ln,i:,rlor. nf U.-.r-hal Ii!-nl- llHUU l'lil A IMlUU ski m AV-irsaw and it is' estimated nut i5n persons have been killed : n the slrifc thus Tar. Foreign-j .Ts are fleeing troui the. country, acconliicg to advices reaching here. Iteports state (hat Marshal Pil-suoski had captured llelveilen Palace after a terrific battle and that several cabinet ministers wefr takei iirKohtirk auiPtflat IM! -Ma' Ness will' be Queen whohveity is in the hands o tiol?l- MaCarotval lt'-b Ueld WvoW TrSb'Tis. Vjni.lare my-UiWIWarit-lin.1- Peace Restored - LONDON. May I i. The Poiisii Legation received a telegram today at noon from Warsaw saying peace and order had been restored (nenv SEVENTY-ONE TONS OF HALIBUT SOLD AT EXCHANGE TODAY Ten halibut schooner arrived from Hie banks this morni'i? with a total r t l.i.000 pound., of fish for sale on the local Et- cliangi'. Fou 1 American boats had 'JT.OOO pounds and six Ca.i-aiiians, 10.000 pound. Prices were fairly even for both Amer ican and Canadian fish with first class halibut bringing 'from I so lo I Vc and second class 7p. Arrivals and sales were as fol lows: , American ' Akutan, 13,000 pounds, to the Canadian t-is i'iV Cold blora'.'C Co. President, 21,000 pounds, and Eastern Point, 5,000 pound, lo Ihe Hoolh Fisheries Co. Leviathan, 25,000 pounds, lo the All hi Fisheries. Canadian M. M. Christopher, 12,500 pounds, and Marguerite, 3,500 pounds, to the Canadian Fish Cold Storage ilo. Scrub, 1 J, 000 pounds, and Mayflower 0,500 pounds, to Hit M 1 in Fisheries. Hraut, 5,500 pounds, and Helen 7,000 pounds, to tho Hoyal Fish Co. Salmon Taplow, lllO red and 80 bites, to Hie Atliti Fisheries at I;ic ami 3e. The American sctiooiicr Yemia arrived with 28,000 pounds this afleruoon and will sell her catch lomurrow DOMINION TO PASS ON WOMEN ELDERS YANCOl YElt, May i 1. The resolution passed by the provin cial conference' of the United Church in regard to their rigid to become elders will' be sub milled to the Dominion conference 'of the Church :at Montreal In 4uh. ' ,I,-'':'"KH ELECTEDQUEEN Her Maids of Honor at May Fes tival Will be Misses Oral Ross and Linnea Elks. Her maids of honor will JV Misses Oral lloss and Liunea Hanson. The girl were voted upon in the schools and the re-suit or Hi.' vote was announced this 'morning at Hie Fair Office. MINERS SENT JAIL ENGLAND Sixty-eight Implicated In Inter fering With Road Transports and One Fined DOXCA.STEH, Eng., May IL Siily-eht miners were sentenced to three months hard la-v injr for breach of emergency reg ulations durum Hie general strike by interfering with road trans ports The leader in addition was fined 20 or two mouths' extra penalty. CHAOS REIGNED AT LIVERPOOL LIYEUPOOL. May 11. Complete industrial chaos reigned aiming the Mersey docks yesterday when 50.000 volunteer workers were sent home on the an nouncement being made that the strike was over, and the failure of the regular workers to report. PETER BLACK GIVES NEW FOOTBALL CUP Has Presented Trophy for Per petual Competition In Intermediate-Soccer League Peter Hlack, Iho popular pro prietor nf 'tho Centra; ItoteL ha shown Ills; igood .spnryng , spirit by donating a hahdsomc cup Un perpetual competition1 in the Intermediate .Football . League it was announced this afternoon by Fred Wermig, secretary of (be Prince Ituperl, Foolbalt Association. Theie.are' Hirer learns il. the running for the. leaguo this year- Y Mat, s-Viilor High e1ioo1 ami Hoyal'Caiuulian Naval YoUmleer Heservet 'The, dalfi ol Hie, opening of the 'season, has hoi yet ! i'en set. Y