Friday. Ma? n "PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS HIGH GRADE Silk and Fibre Hosiery ly Hie milkers of the famous Winsome Maid .Silk Hose, in Ulaok, Flesh, lab. Crystal Gray, etc Per pair Hoc-lion's Modioli's Hochgu's Modioli's Modioli's' . Modioli' lb. ... Modioli' per lb, $1.00 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 ANOTHER FRESH SHIPMENT OF Gaudy Chocolates, 1 Hi. . $1.00 Chocolates, - lb. . ..... ... $2.00 special Chocolates ... .. $2.75 Special Chocolates $4.00 Almond Crisp, per $1.00 llglk Creams, per ... 75c Clfocolute lirazils. $1.25 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Mound Steak, 2 lbs. .. 45c Shoulder Steak, per lb. 15o Pot Moasl Ileef, per lb. 15c Prime llili Moast, per lb. 20c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. 55o Veal Cullelf, per lb.'.. 25c Slew Veal. 2 lbs 25c Shoulder Veal, per lb. 18c Lamb Chops, per lb. , . 35c Pork Chops (loin lb... 35c Pork Chops (shoulder '', per Hi 30o Sausage. 2 lbs ... 35c Salt Pork, per lb 30o Heef Dripping, 3, lbs.,. 25c Mussallem Grocery Or Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575 Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard 25p Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Uox - - 99 Phone Green 389 Donegal : Tweed Coats $20.00 "Demers" Wo aim to please Phone 27.' P.O. Box 327 II MEAT DEPT. INCREASE IN IMMORALITY Wlnnrpcg Has Twloe as Many Juvenile Cases as a Year Ago and Homes Blamed Vl,NMPi:0, May n.-Juvciiilo criino in Winnipeg; and Mair loba including cx immorali'y, equal and cuninioii. drunki'iines of boy and girl, and I lie spread of the gambling vogue to children on the verge of infancy is Icrribly on the increase. On the ilockel of the local juvenile ourl there have been in thu firjit three iiiotjlisof the ;pra-Kcnt year nearly twice as many lieariiiigs as last. This, all locni social agencies agree, is not because today's boys and girls an any worse, bul because they lacK pears to be no coherent public opinion lo give unified support to the forces working for law. order and moral leadership. l'he present parental laxity and the division and weakeniii" of public opinion as lo right and wrong are trurod back, partly to the relaxation and license fol LAND ACT. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and S74 SAUCE-LA DLE-TEAPOT-SPOON-DIPPEft Per Set $2.70 HANDY KITCHEN RACK FREE. Thompson Hardware Company, Limited 255-3rd Ave. Phono 101 DEAF All thoao suffering Jrom deaftifss are ieiiuested to send for a copy of my nw Catalogue showing the latest Aids lo Hearing. Sent Free on Request to O. H. JAMESON, Pentlcton, B.C. " As your guests linger apprccia-3 "'?JOy tivcly over their coffee, how glad jcpr rSST are t'iat ou wcre w'se enoue'1 ot st ou an more p "M j lowing Nit wirV rlie, wliieii hied babils (hat prevail still, and partly (o the lack of solidarity of opinion regarding liquor. Expert Opinions Inlerview.s with Chief of example and because there, ap-l'oyce Newlon, Judge llaniillon, Nolle of Intention to Apply to Le Land In Vrlncc Hiirwrt Lamf tirn-jnllnr - Di tnrt of t:oat llaurr I. and lluU :i South Ilartud Mxtut. TAKE .NOTICE thai Airrcd Sanm. O Prlnrc tux-rl, ori-iinallun Mariner, In tends to apply for a loa-c of the follow In? d"M-ribrd lands: OiriKiiPiiciuir at 3 pul plintrd at tin north end of South ftirnael lUimI; thenp anmnd the HUnd at tnjtli wiler mm and iMiitainnif 50 m-rr- more or If". AI.KP.LD SWANPNN. Appllran Paled prll 87. 108ft GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Batr Licence NOTICE IS IIEllEDV OIVEN that on 11m-.'.th any or May next the under nrned Intends to apply to the l.lqu ir Control liuarii for a llreurp in repvrl to premise-knonn as GAV.V.A. Hotel. ltuale in Ihr 'oiilie of Port cleiiii nls, B.C.. upon tic laiid-s de"rllied a wjuth half t lot and V, Mark 41. District lot 7(0, Queen Charlotte Islands IMslrirt. arrordinr to i rerlHered map or plan deiolied at Of Land nerlntrr orrirp in the cite o' ! Crime ftupert. B.C.. and numbered t07 lor me sair or Deer uy me Riass or ay the open botile Tor consumption on th premises. Hated at Prlnre Hupert, B.C.. this 5th day of Ann!. 1926. FHAMi PEArtCE, Applicant Butter Extraordinary Special Saturday Only! FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER In Bulk only 2 lbs., 85c Delivered When Accompanying Other Goods of the Juvenile court, Crown Prtxcculor . n, (iraham, and Secretary W. It. Wood, of lint .Mauiloba Prohibition alliance, have eliciled the following fads, which are set down in plain language as Riven: Thitl home condijions are the greatest cause of juvenile delinquency. -The parent trc liviuic apart, or lbe neglect their parental duties' in pleasilre.s'ceKinu. or there is actual immorality in the home, which sets tfie child ren on the wrong path even from :i fancy Thai Hie age of criminals oniing before the courts is ounger am younger. Thai .stealing automobiles am! lold-up of rilizens, ami lb" nurders which accompany manv ucli rases, are the work oung men. Chief Culprit That the chief promoter' ol mnioralily anions? young girls s the type of older man in Win nipeg known in the -juvenile ourl as t "contributor," alway .veil supplied witli .cash, wh IN PROBATE. In lh Suprtm Csurt of British Columbia. In the Matter of tlx: Administration Ait: and In th Matter or the estate or Allien Uowles. fierrasi'd. Intestate. TAkE NOTICE that bv nrdi-r of III. Honor, K. MrB. Youur, the 19th day of irn, ..u. ikio. i a apiHuuteo Administrator (if the estate of Allien Role. rlestfrri. a M J" all parlies ha Una; rUlin. rainst (tie .aid eMate are hereby reouir d lo furulkh same, procerly verified, to iir on or unire ine ium aty or nay, Mi. Ir., and all inrlles indehted to tin- .iaie are required to pay Hie amount of ttielr IndeliiedneM lo me rnrlnniiii. SOIIMAX A. WATT. orilrlal AdininiFtralor, I'rlhre nuperl, B.( Oaied tiw Tnwi dav of April. VP. mid Q0VERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. M)TICE IS IIKHEIIY filVt. that on III ir.lli day of May nelt the underslrned In tend lo apply tit the Liquor UHitrol Board for a Llrenre In resret of Ou pren:lse lielnr part of tlx- liuildinr known as "Vueeifn Hotel." situate n Main Street, Marit, v.i... and upon tlm lands de-sirilied as Lot i, nlnrk II. Map tHK. Prlnre Itupert Und Iteri. (ration liistrlrt. In the rrovlnre of British CoJumhla. for Hie sale of peer by the a-lass or by the otn bottle for ron.iuniptioii on llio HATF.D at the City of Prlnre tluiert. Provlnre or BrtlUh Columbia, tills I Jill day of April. Htd. MILbriEO ULIAM DUn.t. Applicant. Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tickets on sale Dally from May 22nd also lo JASPER-EDMONTON- CALQARY Same route both directions or one way via Vancouver. Tickets on salo May 15lb. Return limit October. 31, 1926 l ull Information City Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 1 Quart Tickets S1.00 tl' I'int TltkelB . . , . $1.00 Table Cream, Vt pint . . 18o NVhipping Cream-, pint ",. 25o Daily Train Service commences May 1. Phone your order to 657. Valentin Diry drives along- Ihe street in a luxurious closed car, picks tip young girls and takes them to private clubs .or road hoiifcs. That there,,,, are restaurants which have conic lo be known Ijy the juvenile touil's probation officers as places of rendezvous where young delinquent girl wail, lo be assisted further and further into drunkenness and sex immorality by the "conlri bulors" w ho see them I here. That, not only from Winnipeg and Mraudou, bul from (own and villages all over Manitoba, sociaj workers report I'irifnken and immotval parlies of young with men in liquor-driukiixg. No Punishment That, imprisonment has ceaseit to be a deterrent of crime; the LADY MEMBERS OF PARTY FETED Wives of Shrlners Receive Local Hospitality and Return Honors Wives or .Ihe Slimier wer" suitably entertained yesterday by the local ladies' cnuimiltcl consist 'tig of Mrs. (Hof Hanson, convener, Mrs. J. C. McLennan. Mrs. T. Mcl'lyiiionl, Mrs. Hr. Creech, Mrs. A. H. Ilazell-Joneij and Mrs. It. V. (. I.o Pino At I o clock there was n lun cheon at Ihe llostoit Hall which : ladies attended.- Mrs. Olof Hanson presided uiid Ihe visitor- weiis welcomed ly Mrs. J. C. McLennan. Mrs. James W. Hud son, wife of tho potentate of (ilzeli Temple, was presented wilh a set of six handsome son veil I r spoons ami replied grace. fully. There were vocal solo' by Miss Adele Advunt and Mis l. J. McMillan with Mrs. 11. C l'raser accompanying. Miss (Inr- don of Vancouver deli(tbed Ihe gathering with piano solos. ATler (he luncheon, Hie ladie spent it couple of hours motor ing around, Ihe city and at I people, where girls share equally ; o'clock tliere wan a lea at lite boinn of Mrs. J. C. McLennan, The Odars. U 15 Horden Stn'el. The visiting Indie were liot at 7 o'clock lo -the focal ladiee at flintier "iiinier ai aboard Ihe steamer iiiilt l,,.in. ..,,1. ...I.....U .if .i"1 and co.nrortabh he lies Tor the ,,r,,,; H,,M,r,;i al",',, J 'C jaly (evening was the singing of tho That Ihe gambling spirit ha spread down verge of babyhu( years, who must 'match" to r- who pays for tin' or "flit." for Ihe ALDER ENTERS REALESTATE Former Resident of Prince Ru pert and Owner of the Alder Block Opens Offlca W. J. Alder, formerly of lit city, owner of the Abler block where Urine's Mrus Store ls sit uated and of other jiroovrtie here ami one nf the fir.l men lo build in I'rince import, ha in conjunction with his two oona (ijienc.l-a real elale ami in -air - aiice office fit "Victoria. Xolic..'" of the move aiiuear.t in the Sun day edition ot rtbe LkilotiUt n follow!: . V. J. Alder, vvlio has been a resident of Oak Hay fur the lanl fifteen jeaisi, wili hi two itnf, ha oiened a real otate, fire and automobile' Insurance offlc" at CIS HrounhlfAi. .Street, undei the name of Alder A Son., Ltd .Mr. Abler i. larue uroner'v holder in llri!ih Columbia, ami war for evcnleen years manar of a iiioiIl'.um ami loan com pany, lie uNn cjient a few year prior lo the war iu Ihe really btiiinen in this province. Jlotli bin mum vho are wilh Ifi in in the hutiiiCM are products of Victoria m-JiooI. and have lately relurui-d from California, wliere, they obtained valuable business training. Mr. Abler, the eeiiiOr member of the firm, was it eoitspicuou-i buyer at the Oak Hay ami ei! auction sales of real enlale last year, and nu constantly asserted that Victoria properly was corning hack lo normal val ues within a short period, and that would mean a price largely iii advance ol the present mar ket. AMERICAN AUTHOR REFUSES PRIZE OF A THOUSAND DOLLARS Sinclair Lewis Turns Down $1,000 Check Because he Fears Committee of Critics Hiieti Temple male (iiarletle. J T,M "venl of ll.e to hoys on Hi , ii lute liar, i-ream. Moston Hall. There were 20 tables and (he prize winners were: first, Mrs Kinery Jones. Vancouver; wonl, Miss I.uney. Victoria: (bird, Mrs. I.. (Iroan. Victoria. After Hie idariuu nl cards, del brht fill refreshment were ervetl with Mrs. J. C. Mr -l.eniian ar.d Mrs. It. V. tl. 1 Pine pouring. THE HE-MAN JOWL. "A. rigid jaw. a display of the lower leftli- -those ore Hip enctif is of a beautiful otcp," -hvs a sinsiii etnert. Hut tin- absii-lule making or u darv-dev il film hero. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vcnt unrfrvJ. vrtje4 Crown lri'U may rr-fmptw by OrttUh ulrcl over II yr of tnJ by rOifnt on drctnrlne lntntloa i tu becmn UrltUh ubjvcl. confll tlonal uton rldonr, occwpitlon. jid Impruvtment for riculturl Pull Information concerning rru tlont regarding pr-mptlon U tlvn In Bulletin No. 1. Land Brt. "How to rra-vtnfit Land," coplri of ulilch can b obtained fre of chars )jr addrrwdnK lepartmnt of Landa. Victors, It.C. or to any Gov eminent AstnL Kacorda will b (ranted coverlnf only land aulUbU for agricultural punoae. and which la not timber-land. I.e. carrying over I.OOO bord I feet tier acre went of th Coaal liana and (.00(1 feet per acre taat of tpat llans. Application! for pre-emption ar to be addreaiil lo th Land Com-mtealoner of th Land flecordlni Dt-vlaton, In which the land appUed for 1 altuated, and are mad en printed forma, conle of which can be obtained from th I -and Commlaatoner. I're-emptlnn mini be occupied for five year and Improvement mad to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at teait five acre, before a Crown Oram can be received. For more detailed Information th Bulletin "How to I're-erapt Land." PURCHASE Application ar received for pur- i chat of vacant and unreierved I Crown land, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price for flrit-claa (arable) land I , tl per acre, and eecond-claa (grai- Ing) land It.lO per acre. Further In- formation regarding purchaa or lea ! of Crown landa la given In Bulletin i No. 10. Land Kerlea. "Purchaa and Leaa of Crown Land. Mill, factory, or Induiirlal ulte oo timber land, not exceeding 40 acre, may be purchased or leaaed, the condition Including payment of (tumpag. HOMESITE LEASES Unurvyd area, not aiceedlng If acre, may be leaeed a homeiltta, conditional UDon a dwalllne h.ln NKW YftltK, May i 1. Sinclair! rcted In the flrt year, title blnt Lewis the lilt) TlUXCIMl, ruiviiilal 1iu lias leflis ,.r. 'd i ootainaDi pr0Vemnt after condition reeiaene ar and fulfilled lm-i-twis i in- I'tiuizer prize or ?I,(I00 for ana land ha been aurvyd. writing the bet, novel of the leases year, maintaining thai the com- r'' d tnduttrtai pur- 111 iniiut ln uas u ii ii,, y MirUI rilil In to sel II. Ihqm- I "" area nuv tuill acre. may b, ,iMed by on pron or M'lvi'S up as a sllpf-cmo jllilfi. of! company, what constitutes literary merit.! , t ?RA,Z,N Ho f-ar. lo see , the committee of, incu'd.VldeSVtXa.lg'a..1. critics set up as llio arbiters o' n'1 l rang admlnltrd under a mi. the oi destinv siinj oi of American Vmnrlenii nnllirw aiilliois., r"'n CommUlonr. Annual KTmnK p,rmit ar. uud baaed on J hC Hovel chosen is . "Arrow- number ranged, priority being given ' smith," a book thai has been to ownwa. stock.own.r v 1 ' " ! ,. , . , may form aclallona for rang much discussed mid very severe- management. Fre. or parur fr ly criticized Ibis season. permit ar available for ttlra. " 1 MYinari an1 f rm fii lir a t Subscribe lo Ihe Dally Newa. I China China m . I I " n anil C n i a . O.I. range of now designs at prlcos you will find It hard T ul anywhere In Canada. g 6et Visit our Basomont Store fop Glassware, Br. and Novelties. It will pay you. a"ft Optical Department Eyes examined, Vision tested, Glasses fitted t, registered optometrist. All lenses are ground by n 1 perlenced operator, exactly to prescription and carefu'l!1 spected. This expert optical servico may be had at reasonable prlcos. T Max Heilbroner 027-520 Third Avenuo Tho Diamond Houio of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE MAN WHO FOUND HIMSELF" A plml'i pl i '-(( i,ill written fur tb' star I y Hoiitli 'I'urktiiRlo!!. Aniern ii (urem niitilar ficlioii. Tommy hi a living, puls.ii (lie silent vvirli lielninl prtMUi vvnll ami lo "ctmii1 hack." Ileliuid br' tt tmi.i.n for aiHillier man's i rune. Tlmn iiT'.-J'in . hitler slniKgle ( win hark hi lioiior ami A tale of n man wilh a nuii record ami I h that won't fiirgcl. Tht iwt gripping tm-. a lion ever filmed. SjnuiK sopporting ral. Thomas f.slghan, Virginia Valll, John Harrlngtss Hugh Cameron, Victor Moore, Mildred Ryan ulhers. "OUR GANG" COMEDY "DOG DAYS." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and & Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND J SHIPYARD Operktlnrj O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock i Englneert, Machlnliti, Boilermaker, BUcr mllh, Puvi; makert, Founders, Woodworker!, Etc ' CLECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant i eiiiiicii lo handle all kind ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and IB Everything for the Builder LUMBER -We hne Ihe iwel complete -t - . ilimensnn, sluplap, fir finih. flour ? vcut erN, elr., in Northern 11.(1 We can tupply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece or flnl.h. Ilcfort' buying mspei t our stock. It wtli , ' prn ei are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 WELCO ME NOBLES! We Welcome you to Prlnco Rupert not as you Appef 14 b' "THE PLAYGROUNDS OF MASONRY ' But as you really are HTLl r ncurranvAno rr- uhmkMITV" iii. ubiifarnu i viiq vr nuini"1' YoilP Hnanllnla fnn f!rlr.r,lH r.hllrlrnn. IrreSpCCti" their color, race or religion, Is only one proof of yourj work. Jabour Bros., Ltd.