PAGE TWC II Better Value SALADA II IJI jjilElii i Economy in its ricH drawing freshness. The Daily News PftlNqEV RUPERT - BRITISH .(COLUMBIA i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... fi.OO By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ....4 ........ . . . .. $fl.Oi To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.5' Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Sureau of Circulations. DULY KDITIOII Monday, August 2, 1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. 'T8 a Bitter Fight, But Let It Be Clean. The forthcoming federal election, it is forecasted, will je one of the bitterer on record. In the East, it is already taking on the aspect and the battle is already 011 wilh personalities very much in prominence. It is the personalities, not the straight political arguments, that embitter the Tight ami thoe who engage in these personalities very .rapidly lose ground. Such methods are regarded in the political ring- as hilling below the belt in the pugilistic ring and the offenders in both cases are looked upon with eqilal disfavor. With tv,q candidate of the hjgh standing that the riding of Skeena has in Jhe running,, the electors are looking for a clean battle here, fought on Ibe issues or the day and not witji mud slinging, and personal abuse. Truth and t. Falsification. There is un inclination on the part of those who are opposed to the Liberal candidate in this. riding to belittle his efforts and to deliberately falsify in saying that he and the government which he supported had not carried out promises that might have been made; Those who argue thus are most certainly "out of court." If tljert? is jj feeling that the Mackenzie King government was not $ijti?iacury nationally, let -sji'eji feelings be expressed, but let if .fiot be said that that government has done nothing for Prince RuperL It is .stated thai the Liberal government has not endeavored to. carry out the Laurier policy with respect to the development of this port..' If that government did nothing else, in face of the tremendous. .uiposiliou that was Voiced against the project in the Kal ami elsewhere and in face of the financial stringency that is being felt even today by this jcity's municipal government, than Junto the Prince Rupert 'elevator and get it in operation this year, i would seem that it , has gone a long way hiward the carrying out of the Laurier policy for this port. A thing that is hard to understand is iow anyone can sincerely support a candidate in opposition to Fred Stork in the bejief that -that candidate will do any more for this city or district than Mr. Stork has done or the government which he supported. "Tt is nothing but nonsense uttered by thoughtless persons who permit their political. Joaniugs to overshadow the. true stale .of affairs.. The average- voters will see the right or things and, in the becoming election as in previous ones, wjll relider their preferences in favor of (he candidate and government that may be expected to do the most for J'rince Rupert. This Monster Will Not Be Downed. i The- Oknnugan "sea-serpent refuses to Je downed, and those who have been skeptical of its existence are confronted with another eye-witness who graphically describes a friendly rare .with the monster while motoring north to Peachlaud. r Human nature accepts the unusual reliiclantlv, and those whji are confident they have f-eenthe mystery creature uf Okan-n gun hake will doubtless continue for some limp henceforth to have difficulty in :tt)nymcUigi thejr brethren that they are not suffering from hallucinations. ' ' ' Sot until Ibe "monster" it? stretched-out on the sands in plain view will the majority accept jts existence and give credence to the statements of others in this and kindred mntters, however readily they may accept Pronouncements by the same people regarding the ordinary affairs of life. ' One may believe in the "sea-serpcit" or something resembling it, but it is a good thing, perhaps, that credulity in such matters is not too widespread, otherwise in what an intellectual medley would we livef-r-I'eutictoii Herald. Oeorge Bernard Shaw 8eventy years Old. Ocnrge Bernard Shaw celebrated his seventieth birlhdav last week. He has been working steadily right up to the present time, most y devoting his attention to the writing of plavs. He is the world's great iconoclast in that 1(W dircaking of idols is done rnther .gently and subtly, but quite surejy withal. He is looked upon as Britain's greatest literary genius and even though a socio 1st he command the admiration and respect of people of all shades of public opinion. ' MAUV wSutOOC.IIKA. Vlcp'rl . A NATIONAL INSTITUTION The most comprtbemivdy cquipptd School of Muie In the UB,ran. i-aouty oi tnttrnuional Preniie. REHOPENS SEPTEMBER 1st, 126 Wtu-appomttd Rtiidtnce for .Young Women Student. . i PUPILS MAV: ENTER AT ANY TIME The ConiervMorv Yer Book, Annud Syllabm nd Women'. Retidence -lendjr it to any iddreu on requeit. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1927 .. ... tll be held throughout the Dominion. ccordin to locality' in My, June, md July next. ADggMg-H;!!!!, Cor. ColUit tt. . U.lTtrtlty Ar , Tre to, 1 TOM MIX AND TONY TONIGHT? and Shows Superb The dynamio Tom Mix and his horse, Tony, are presented in a different setting in "The Kver-tasting Whisper,". a stirring drama of the? Northwest, which opens at i.the Ve.stholme Theatre to-niight. Jackson Oregory's colorful naix rative -serves admirably as a screen story for the popular star. I There is enough action to salisty the most ardent admirers. With Tony, Tom registers several new thrills guaranteed to bring shivers of delight to the most "thrill-proof movie fan. The superb horsemanship of the film slur again adds greatly to the enjoy-nu'Utof the story. Tom is cast in the role of Mark King, a wealthy young man who loves the carefree life of the giant pine forest. A girl from the city-is hurled into his heretofore peaceful life and events follow tiuickiy upon one annincr. in a short lime Mark discovers hiin seif madly in love with the rirt, (loria. ' i Oration, the villain, attempts! to trick (iloria into a hasty inar-j viutse hut is I talked when (iloria discovers his plot. Maddened lo think Oratton would so deceive! her, nioria weds King to spilcl him. Tom is suddenly acquainted with the fact that (Jloria mar- ried him to avoid a scandal. Disillusioned, determined to hold Gloria to her bargain and they start for his mountain home, (irattou, with the aid of a gang of ruffians, endeavors to pry the! In '"The Fighting Heart,' the screen version tf J.arry tvans thrilling story, "nce to Kver)- JIan," which, open?- Wednesday at Stalwart tieoiipre drives one ot the best performances or his career. His portrayal or Dennyj lioltou is filleil with just as much" human appeal as wa his d)avy itt the Celebrated piixluction "The' Iron Hors,e." The Fighting Heart" is built around Denny Holton's atleiimt to overcome an hereditary failing, craving for drink. At the crucial moment his sweetheart iction than imany picture ho has appeared since "The .fie a hawk'! THB pAIL? 'NEWS .iMiluy, An urn z, WEEK AT THEATRE ' Monday and Tuesday Tom Mix and "Tons in t ! "The KveilaslinP Wilis- Tells How Hero Wins Love of Girl per.'' Tituiuuiy, , . Jjvlerualioiial News. Wednesday and Thursday (ieorge D'Jtrjen in "The . lighting IJeart." Comedy. Aesop's .Film l-'ahles. Friday and Milton Sills in tire. Saturday The Knock- out." r.oniely: "Solid Ivory Patlie Heview. 8trenuous Struggle In these modern days cant always blame' the old commuting suicide. t dy, aud thrills all are combined in this story of iruwtred American manhood. It reveals a modern "Gentleman Jim" type of pugilist who goes into the big limber country to recuperate from an injury. He experiences adventure that make his ring career seem tame by comparison. Realism Dramatic realism is the key note on which the lueture was .!hH. l,i (itl.ii. ft, fit -tli, linnlr . " Of lor Sill 1 : 1 t . ... 11,. . Krtiiinii iniKoi Jie I run to mo ?er on then ibe woods, the Canadian (iovern-fc mcnt Motion Picture IJureau nf-f .Most dream hooks iuv niglu- r.M...i ..11 it . i ... 11 .. L jcr"U Mil rfMHiicrjt 1,11 i""1 '"unar'. ilurinp tlio makinor of this picture. . ... i I lie ouitioor scenes, wliicli coiii-t -.n ymj .nee two ladies dun- prise more than fifty per ceut ofL,jfc. ,, nether at a parly it's a the picture, were taken in the loir- finale. iiiiiig districts of the Ottawa lliver.l both on the Ottawa and Quebec .spies. Thrilling fight scenes be tween SiU and a six-fot-seenf her compact adversary are among the head light of the drama. This fiirlit. ileei-ilipil liv Silts im,t r n.n i.wt ,!,, r,-,.n, nt.itHie most strenuous of his whole.l"'-w!ir Honeycutt. a hermit. Mark learns, cycer ,,,ok mre ",a u vv,,,k uhZ, territtr '.T of the olot to steal the old man's '"" '""'ng in ! interior of holdings ami, after a series of desperate fights, overcomes the thugs, shows Oratton up in his true light and wins the love of fSloria "THE FIGHTING HEART" COMING WEDNESDAY George O'Brien Stars in Thrilling Picture and Battles With Villain. a cottage ,it continued until al most every slick or furniture jit-tjie place was smashed. Front' tbre the fi'ltt , was waged out-' dottrs. Locked 'in each otlier's arms, the battlers rail rrom a six- THE MAN IN THE MOON aye: .PIMA fl llnllu.i I. ri.a ... . .1 .. t rm I. 1.'.' f..ll- 1... II . r""" " IMJIICC OIKT IIIIHIIIMIIl wn '"" e cmura iib nrizejM...... it... fnn,n.. ,, , yi ...... t,w niu in ui!i liiircurij ( t .,il .,o- r"'- v u ijl,kl IIT.Ill IJIl'IIA , , , , . . he broods-over his lost love, andJa(,t (jnie- a ciiniiipionsnip name, 'men - the young man commences his Thirty-two jteojde recently died right to the top again. Inascur-;in Toronto as the resup, o fie with the villain, who is aUo drinking illicit Manor.- In other the world's champion, Denny wonls the spirit rayietl too hard, iiiiunin.-h 11 mi 111 a corking Mireet fight. MILTON SILLS IN GREATEST BATTLE ROLE EVER FILMED "The Knockout" 8hows Star as Prizefighter In Dramatlo ; Romance. "The h'nockout" which will ho shown al the week-end, is the screen version of-M. I), fi. firaw-ford's stirring novel of a prize fighter's romance In the Canadian .woods. Milton Hills, as the When wire buys hubby a new smoking pipe he can bet his life there's a millinery sale on lite horizon. If you want to gut vnmped, young man, take a stroll along ttie waterfront. . When you hear a man talking to nimseif it's douglniuU to co! itu- kiuik null no can 1 get a vord in etlgeways at home, A man's idea it dressing rnr dinner Is unbuckling Ills belt n few notches, , " , When get star, finds considerable more op- ,, ', ' ,, a ", '' ! inan ! ' Is X' anxious m " In ,'0,, ! virile' f portunlty for a display of a . When the elevator l running Ilomance, heart interest, conie-'full blast and the harbor la full BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced Minerals as follows: Jlacer Hold, ?i,fi:i,Otft; Lode fjold, 8128 8 4.MI; Silver, $74,1 1 1,31)7; Lead, i?8.2I8.M)7: Copper. IU7.M8.dt7: zinc, :U2: .Miscellaneous Minerals, $,:87; Coal ami Coke, 27:i,018,t).':l; lluililing s w Uvirk, Cement, elc, 4,tM)r,KH0; making ils Mineral J'roduction to C 1 1 v vmi o show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining Laws of this I'rovince are more liberal and Ibe fees (owe:- ;t-., those ot any other Province in Hie Domini n. or any colony in lln1 Hnli-h 1 i' Mineral locations are granted to dis overers for uoniinn1 fee.. Absolute Titles are obtained ty ileve oping such properties, the securilv t wli . is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together wilh Mi iing Jleporl- and Maps, mnv be obi gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MNISTEFt OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.H, Practically all Hrilish Columbia Mineral Properties upon wln.-h di in on t work has been done nre described in some one or the AnmuiJ H'-pni' ;;. Miilisler of Mines. Those considering milling investiiieiils should refer lo - , n ports. They are available without charge pji application lo Ibe Department 01 M ie Vflorta. H.C.. deports covering eacli of the mx Mineral Hurxey Ditrir Un- -separately, ami are available on application. lleporl of the (leologu-al Surve i adn. Winch Kiiibliug, Vancouver, ore recoinjiieiided as valuable sources of ml turn. shipping what will the knock- ptxtr thing T P!ic beauty of woman used to he ,ier hair now it seems lo I The tourist bn the I'rinccM Louise ypsterday morning suie got a kick out of the dog's tuy- wnn. by Hobhie Arthur 1 think the little Ttie eity oouiwtl is retreneh-iilg. VVoiplcr tf they got Ibe iten from the ltlcn oi--TIie "i IT.. Inn 1 .' tV-flli.l tiPi.lirn int.. Il. rivr l.,,1.. T ,r""' skipper said wjieji he thre-v m. i i. t. . i icy rwht on. ... I the herl.t or vr.rj,onri, ,.abjn , l0 ac. the fray a huge lam is tdowil up.,,,. n Jup. rildder. lion iiioii.ianus or logs are reieas-j ed. amr. carried hy the rirtotl title?,. MWeeit sweep lowaril toward lln- tlie fiahti-i- nghlers. mm' I cenepnll. now-m, a Utile imprisoned in he iTsing waters. 'r,.tnri) with tirr.nt the go on a Itolldiy loose change and money tjorrowe.l steward. ! I hesp light .nimmer sttiits ar flhe hunk. The creditors can mii one wo easip. me v psiiiniiiw iueaire, ueorge Summer inav conin and winter " no jokcs ami runs away cuirien, Jiandsojne William Fox may tin. hut the oolilicians talkT,lv''' : J"'" nnoUier day. star, oenionsiraies neyonu au'fyr ,.Ver doubt that he can act with the f lie who Jangli? last is usually best or the cinema stars and out-1 The man who does the lilnwif '", ',,w "thinker in the crr.wd. punch all or them. fiennge exhibits a skill with boxing Ioves that has never be- rore been witnessed anions iho male stars or motion nictureri. Hie F'ighling llnart" is not only a hoxiiiK story: it J a nuts inir iiiman drama. This Hatiinlay evening Post, slory Tairly lepnis with exciting moments. In the ring seiuences when Smiling fieorge hits Ids opponent it i a genuine punch. iiiir i is ii.tiiillv- diirrp!,ir k'IM, ,S ' Hat 4, Ala; malt or her youthful son for huni-A iug the tahleclolhs aud drest: spreads with lighted cutis. Sister might posibly known sornetliiii about. It. Wliat has herome id the gal lunt man who used to break I. if neck it gve- up' his? seal in stre'dar?. i A !yoinan reccritly:j7uniietl in j to llie'jwalef at VaucoaVer iri .n houirjlri Jo the"a lllllfq uiualic pleasui-t) but she was non tiroughi tint liy a nioloc cycle cop who thought she waf I'lirkUh wninc't arc still with out political nartle. Too liarum flscariitn, I suppose. There1 a rortmie for Hie man who r-.n invent a tahlo knife cigareUi$rnm which pea will not roll. The modern - burglar can'tl1 ,j;.ine i.iea or grnwijy Die pen '.trial lias railed miserably. . The tlollar mark now being )isei in ,the wet end or London Fancy going into a "pub" nnd iusking for a tlnllar's worth or '"pr" l WM Tto Kin ar never h? on races' ur.d rnnsefitiejillr 'never Wins anytning. That little boy, who sick a few days back jifbny "franc") is 'slowly to lire again. Tliere Vho was so (FrenC) coming was a young rpjlow nnmed nink, once look a hath in the sink; Hut tlie setpiel was sad, He went to the bad, The plug slliipetl rlahl out IhrniiKh a chink. Pnherihe to fh flsllv Vew m CANCELATION OF RItlRVC I Mr I, I riureJltU. Ufpuiy wininifr or Unl4, 11 11 i,r.L.w IjihU nrpirtmrnl, ' ' ' tciuna, u. u, twill limp, LAND ACT. Notlo of Inttntlon to Apljr to Ltt Lan4 r iiuiti i.aini nirnrainr inv riet of j'rlnre Hijirl, mil iliuale tt T.Ui: NOTICE that KuvrilK II. Slinn. on of Mfii, oriupailuii rannir, 111 111(1 lo iiiply for a (cop of Ihn folltiw iiinriiiiirliir at runt nlanu,i ., n. noribeaai rurnr of utork 10, Mtit inwii.wc; llimcp ratlrrlr ISO tmrl, IhPiue amilhcrly 1.0 00 tn; llwnrn ttn, ifrly HO riM IKM (o 10 Mininir lrl tMitnl 3 im-nrn miriiirrly 1. 000 riHimifnrpiiifnl. anil ron arrra, mart or leu. KvuKHK II. SIMPSON. Apl"'fn, Dated Jud. I, i.. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE Everything for the Builder LUMBER V have Hie most complete slock of timber, dimensions, shiplnp, fir finish, flooring, V j(i:nt veneers, etc., in Northern H.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foun-dation to the last piece of finish. Hefore buying Inspect our slock. It wjll pay you, (hir prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 But and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 p.o. Box 108 Simmon's flleel llcds, Springs, and OslerJioor Mai-tresses in every room, ftii Hooms, Hot and Cold Water, Ha I lis and Sliowen fileam Heated, Klectric Light. Corner of Third Ave and 8lxth 8t, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Residence Phone, Black 017 p. O. Box 247 223 81xth Street ANGER, The Tailor I'ine Imported Herge and Scotch, Tweed Suits made lo order in our alum in J'nncc Hupert us Juw asi I. ANGER, Cutter $50.00 Prince Rupert, B 0', WICHMANN OIL ENGINES W Supply WICHMANN In Sliaa from 7 to 20 H.r. To oaauro aarly oritt your WICHMANN now, Dlilril.iilciri for D. C-ENQINEERINQ CORPORATION LTD. Marine l)fprliiidil: Mil, 0. TKl.t.KKSKiN. ORANVILLK ISLAND VANCOUVCS, B. C.