M -I! I.iy, Aur- PAGE PODN THw DAILY KSV3 FLOWER SHOW BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus AT HAZELTON TPjTr BY GOLLY MY FEET I M FAROON tiR -THERE ) ' VE.LL -WHO I AK NIBUCK. tVAMM lot ARE. VOU? CE OF PUTTER AMD R' SAYS GOLF TO ME. I'LL I J co. we - Judgo Young Will Open Affair on August 20. Arrangements Complete. Hazojlon,. A up. .2-Al a rcnora meeting of the llazellbn' Horticultural' Society iheld recently, August '20 was sclecled as tho day of the flower exhibition. Kach year the interest in tho growing of flowers has Increased dajhis lit tie town 'needed at tliefool of tlin. mountain!. Visitors are amazed at the Quality as well as the variety qf. i'he . flowers, .and, tourists who pass through carry with Miem a surprise as one of the wonders cit 'life ' north. During the pat. two years this society has been supplying? eut'flpwers to the dining cars of fhe trains and many are ' the comments on -tlie floral production. Julge Young of Prince Rupert lius' becn asked to open I he show this year. The judges selected are those of S. "H. Hoskins, of Smithers, and S. Godwin, of Hurns Lake. Hblh' of these gentlemen are well qualified to select the ipriZjtv.jwimier.s tfrom amomg U10 exhibits. ... In the forenoon of Mie show daihVriVm" lt staged children's races, to bo followed by an Indiancsu''me parade which is expeded wiil'be entered into with keen interest by the natives. Under the personal supervision of Dr. 'Harlan I. Smith, of Ottawa, T. II, temiphell.of Winnipeg, andj Ed. Hyde, Indian agent, there will J be an Indian curio booth which should prove a drawing card, as these f?entlemen are well versed in Indiap ait. Especially is this true of Dr. 'Smith, who has made, a life .Study of Indian- art, and is well qualified to give prominence to this section of the show. The flower show will be open to the public 10m 2.30 to 5 o'clock, t I HIM TO THE TcCl iV1 "' &i'iM HOSPITAL! A ('bENDl week at Hie home of the former's brut her, I. D. Munro of Ter race. Tbcy were making the triangle trip through H.C. Miss Esther Taff spent several days at Pacific at the beginning of the week, reluming home or. Wednesday. D. (1. Munro of Prince Rupert returned home on Thursday afte;' spendinig Several days with hls family who are summering' in Terrace. Mrs. Ilobt. I'arreI and daugh ter of Allwbod, Onl., who havt been visiting at the home of Mr. which will be followed by a ball J Mrs. Geo. Dover' entertained game 'for ('hose who care, for it.Jthe H.D. Itridge Club on Tuesday "and for others, there is being pro- cvenin vided a gooVI picture show. The day's 'proceeding will-close with Miss Muriel Vance who hn a big dance in the evening. The been visiting at the home, of Mr executive is very anxious to make and Mrs. Oeorge Lillle returned the show this year bigger and bet-Mo ber home in Prince Rupert ter than ever. MISS CARMICHAEL DIED LAST WEEK QUEEN CHARLOTTE jon Thursday. Mrs. R. Ct. Large of Hazellon accompanied Dr. Large on hi 4 weekly visit to Terrace on Thursday. expect lo go ooulli as far as California unit from there to Vermont where their parents Terrace Fall Fair will be held 011 seplember 22 Aid 23, a letter of approval of those dales by the Provincial Fairs Hoard having been received by Secretary J H. Agar this last week. At a recent meeliue: of the Terrace Fair Hoard it was ite-iM'ded lo offer a prize for the best advertising materia.1 for I lit Terrace Fnll Fair to be dinplayei? 0 any vehicle in the district for one week before the fair. The and Mrs. Oeorge Dover, in thejjuiigi: will be done Ihe mornirv course of a holiday trip through iof the fair. Ihe west, left on Wednesday for' Prince iiupert and thence ..to UA7C1TAM southern H.C. 1 nALELlUn Cecil Hacker of Prince Rupert is spending a holiday in town. Tom H. Marsh left at the be ginning of the week for Cedar-J vale where he has taken a posi. wa. lion w.th the Hanson Timbei . v . Co. Miss Jean Hums is receiving the congratulations of hel-friends in being successful at her examinations. he i spending a few days at Smithers and Telk- Mrs. Hugh A. Harris children are camping at Kathlyn. . y,e9M'FH J'-arl 9f hor musical J MAndy" Anderson who hashers of flxnininafinn ' with" first clasa.been liolidaviiiflr hi town rnlurnoil minitiiir Ronald and Norman Allen, sons of Mr, ;atjH Mrs. Frank W. Allen, Prince Rupert, are holidaying at Hill' Farm, Terrace. ana Lake Robert Tomlinson has itur- W anted For Sale For Rent by, Ketchikan; Miss Ida II. (Sur- chasfd a new lord tliroiili-lialhanyOtIl.; lialhany0tll.; .Noniran uary agency in town Funeral Was Very Large One town on Thursday when their At a recent meeting 'of thnlird and F. 11. Farquharson, Sea'. Ana many Flowers seni Dy private car was left on the sid- llazelton 'Horticultural Snclelv Me; J. T. dollinsiead ro-t Wil rlenas ana hamuy in. Their two sons who have Mr. A. E. Falrtmer . "iemtero.1 Ham: Mr. and ilrs. L. Yanre. Wrealhs and oilier floral of- been noiidaririC at Mill Farm Imr rp4ii!rn.itinn na doprni.-in-.lllsoii: r. It. itooknnn. Inver Mhi,U, ,og. - the relurnei to Prince Ruoerl wilh Irensurer Her sneee..r u .1 nes: J. (loon. Port Ivlwani death occurred suddenly last hi,Pm on Friday. H. Y'oung. A. R. Mummery, Chatham, Ont WeeK 01 .MISS I'.lla armlChael.l ... An&u Mcl.eml Slewarf A (. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (.eorce Oscar Oendron and John Con- The TJew Mvrbs slore is neal- Hree',. Canton, O ; II. V. Spnugg aiijcliael; oFUueen Uiarlofle ,ure of (np Kalum Lake mining ing completion and when finish: nd Mr. and Mrs. Pelersen, Ket- uuy, pioneer 01 me isian.is. msp .lislrict arrived in town on will be one. of the hst inF'lUkan. was only sixteen years or are. Thursday. They renort that the inn Central He funeral was attended, by hnnnellinir 'work on Ihe Hnnnr? L . R. Dvkes ami family. Winn'- atiout 100 peopro, ail ot wnomjiavj claims, bn Ihe Little Hea- Miss Stewart" of Ylfloria has rg; I. Minuk, C.N.R.; Ed. Cher yeni in iaunej.es n,e rami y VPr, for which T. H. Scolt of ,,een engaged by the school board Shames; Capl. and Mrs. A. Was taken In Capl am Newberry s Terrace has the contract, is rr for the Ihe cnmlmr vear as !succe- Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. Col- 1 . 1 cM.i.n.n. n ,n. ..ri a.. 1 .... .. 1 -'- -- . uuoi HiUl!nii, uir, . (....Ik . , p, ii- nroarressins progressing verv very sallsractnrily. salisf.ielnrilr.Lr.- or i.-. lo ... Miss lii . rnn Tervo ,. ..I,. who resigned oJi.Tr...,illiiis. Dins. . A. A. A. A. Murilit, Vancouver . . . 'j - - - ,1 .'v. 1 1 -. - .1 ill. . I ,v I . 1 1 1 III -1- listen . ror laKing rnen.ls tteing ciuhlv Teet huvinir been m It. W. MacLeod, eltv. I " - - - - n 1 F M V ' .7inint livyitlWH U I " - - - . the Maritime Fisheries launch pliM.ed in the last twenty-eight WeJegraph Creek Helianfe, Capl. ;toberts Ourcn (iay. They left for Vaitarsdo! f' Charlotte Girl, Caplain Valley'slnn Friday. timarK, uapiam nasue s tiamn- W. W. Anderson, niatiager of Ihe Hudson Hay store, and fam- ler.'anu uapiain wuieu s tauncn. n. L. Cl.ivlnn wi of Kmitlrs 7iniii,ri hiv i..n ti.u ,nL n A . iir- i , r. , I u""lt" ii.i-Miy, jrii mis wimtk ijh a moionilg I" SPORT CHAT Mu,v. iT Ulm. u.r lur rented Ihe property of A. Meek- trin wblch Will lake them as far Mis .firt-irnil l-:deile.' the mrai and preached a very im- -intr on th unh: t?.. ei I h-a.. pres,slve sermon at the graveside . rr.1. 1 1 1 nf i" , . . . jr i uh .7i.... .iiin -. ijn j iiuiTiuuii 9 iniiiiifr. 7iuni r t iniijf ,:, a ' nty itf Mt" Mr. Williams of Hums Lake L . i Hanft, Kas)re Mowat, J.I I arrived in town at - the .... ... beginning n c. iairn- .urn r j I'll ilMin lo be away about three weeks. cycle ride as part of her train i:4? at Cane .jris-Nez fo; ner l wa 1nl'al. la .Aflniftnir nn.l!..ni..in.l I'lu.ininl ...Itrt fia T.'r... I .!,.-. . .ni tj i.iii nui 1 ll I p ii V.II1IIIIII. I o.i.i.'.. Ml MM! nr IhA ll'IIA IT ..,,, n Anw li.n.l .. I Ii J .. t 131... I - . ... . . t . r L'.i.n- .1 . . I"' ' " mi mau u: i iiiiainiiiiH ' in ujwii. one m nr. ii.iiei le mane several nueinni u iiuurn Willie- Ul lUIierai was nUetller .ffp,.U nml .lne.t nn,l ....... l ..n.n,n.. .....!...!. .i. ... i i... i nnnnnnba II... ...ill .I...I I . . . i " II l"'-- II' Ml rtlllll HUT .ll ,11 llli: I iaV Jim III' l.i .in. linn miui nunii. unii I,.!- ,, i. j j rnaiilPiif,. Iirrri CnulolAin I ....... ...I l-.i..i... Mai... fn ,.n.l V.......1 XI I . ........ ..v.. ........ i i'u.-.niiiuiii lit was liunm tftf! Ul vil nut uvi' - KM,r . ro 7, , ''ap', " '" Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, of Nan- .,. V,..,.-,, yuiuu,,, uh. Mn 00),p G( flre SJ,en(lin(t a ll0 ' k i " "'"Mday In town iniiiiij, ii, i.imjiii lie, .i r. nun .111 A. J. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C unsuccessful. a popular old country cotm-Han There are many fine flower also ind-nd lo try to conquer gardens around tho community line Channel waters this year, Ibis season, some of whose o special mention are Mrs. R. S. Recently Phil SeoU heavy G. '. F. Moncklon of Royal Oak, Bargent's, E. Hyde's, John New- weight champion of Emglani. ...v,.., ..... ,.,, .,.-.. ,.u,nl, ..11. ill f I. In ..... l.ll.l.. 1.'. :..t.. ri u u I ... o . . ...... ., . - v. . v.. n n. 1 m 1.0 1 cmin. m ...il",w,i s "'" "i iii'imnj 11 ij. itiv i, u. 11. nnw iirp, nun . r.n,.'ai i orn neeney, uib -.i"w t-v. t..i'l .'!..-. . u . .jiuiiii, .ill. Ul!IJI.lri.l 1. ....!!.. III ...1. i.ii ... . . . , ....... . ' Mrs J H Front Mr Ii I v. . " "" ""'is aL'iuuiiimntu'i narris . 1 ne coinpeuiion win ie Manner, on mni!s in uieir iweniy ' r- nn I hn Hl.lntitl ll... IL. 1 . .. - 1 .. I II..I . - . . a c I m Ken7ie tia Miriirnl IlmllU ' r' r uie jiei nniiiu ai un-1 niuiHl conies', ai S'JUllllimptun ' i-" - - . 1 1 n .1. a I A .1 . . .., . Maiigaret and Edna Stevens, Missl ,... , ,., ... the Silka Spruce mills. ' TERRACE NOTES ?Miss- Janet Young passed honors, taking U2 per cent. Janet fapupil'of Miss French. Mis Vilrnn l-'n i rli-,4 rti Miaa.- ... ; cnrnirn iiiiiuiW inmi-r flower .imiw nuiKni iieeiiey was lllKlllif ill" piilire 111 - -- - - " ., ... .i.tv it 1 -1' ii ..... 1. .11 r ...ii .....11 ... . n n 1 . -. Mvriti. n.t nlti't nv.i,h.i.. n ' .M nPw ni Miwang.j .ugusi i'o. Tr.T"" v f . p. s III! Mllll II. ..lf . I Vallev. Mr. nh.t Mr, . I r. Sin. ""'. " visnor in town yns.M.-s. P. Turner, .Misses - Mir ".riiAni, Willi nnu iiiiisui I in III. trailing tiroir to the bout P''" during n the week. ""' nDIMft? PRINT.E PPADrr HFORCR liu.n wa consenueniy unable lo learn out hi contract lo mee Scolt. Ihursday. James, has arrived In Prince 'Hie' G.y.n baseball toim Is ccr George to assume Ihe duties of Mainly nulling things over In lb Miss M. Dobb. returned to parish priest, during the absence f Senior Leaaint these days. On Prince Rupert on Thursday nf-ln Europe of Rev. Father Leray. I'rf.iay night they decisively dn ter spending some days In town. fealed the Grand Trrnlnals by the. ' 1 1 x -'' The civic emtdoyeo and mem- score of IS runs lo 5 but Jl was their fnmillcs, to Mm la pity 'ue viinc:.itfheil were un- nt ..I.,.,. I nnn U I ..!.! . " ' I- .. .. .. n In.m ..if. .i.e.. ,11 in lunn I mill ll'lll lllllllll'l III lliririili I, I II II u I II 1 1 I'll, I U II I III lll'lll II H.IIIIIKll It Ulll, lo Prince Rupe.rt nn Thursday. Iheld their annual picnic at Hed- otherwise the victory would have Mrs. Cha. Carpenter ........ a... 1. mirtu last Wednesday afternoon, nrcn greairr and The arrangements were in Ihe slnndpoint. daughter Verna of Doreen were hands of Mayor Taylor and the from a moral visitors In town during tho members of Ihe city council and "Rrick" Skinner Is to be rnm- week, a very enjoyable nflernoon wa mended for his Snorting and spent. public piri in erwllnc the new Louis and Joe Walker, two Unring board n .' the Salt Ldke.. Mr.VnndIrs. D. .G. Mutiro and Swiss. lumbermen; who hnve been Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Herry of on Thursday nflernoon. "Uriel:'' son of Los Anigeles, Cal., were. working in the woods here, left Vancouver snenl a few days In went lo a inl nf trouble In' ns guests at the. beginning of the on Friday for the coast. TheyUhe clly this week on a villi ombllng lool'and obtaining the DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c with ,E. H. Fultner, a brother of Mrs. Herry. When they reach-ed Prince (ieorge Mr. and Mr. Herry had covered 3,000 miles of the provincial highways. CHINESE COOK DIES Lee Quosk, an elderly Chinaman, died suddenly at his rcM-desic. H2 I To 1 i d Avenue, Ial night. He nad bei n employed u a ciiok at Ihe uile l.uneli and was working up to 7 o'olock last niight. Wnile reading in bed If suddenly fell ovr and expired Funeral arraignments are in lh hantls of the 1 1 -i : . 1'tnlertakers. HOTEL ARRIVALS - Prince Rupert H. E. Huill, S.uille; Mrs. MiU ler and Miss Irene McAfee, tleprgelown Mills: D. H. Frith, c. H. Oulram, Vancouver; D. U Scoll. Winnipeg; Mrs. (. Ilih- lev Chic;Kgoi Miss Mummery, : Mrs.- Wilson. Carslairs, ,lta.; L. H. Nyhus, Ml. Vernon. Wasb.; U. Ifc Hrindle, lack Sparkes, of Terrace U Hullir, S.D .; Ellice T. YamelL again spending a. few days vis.lt- Redondo Reach. Cal; 'Mr. and incf his brother-in-law, T. ll.lMrs. Simpson Anyox; E. H. Pol YValsli. iarl. vici.iri.Y; Mr. and Mrs. .1 C. McConanghy, Miss Francos M. S. .1. Winsby, manager ofll-ong. Miss Hazel Duff, Mis the Royal Hank, and family b'h Elizabeth Herg, Gapl. A. I'liomas Ibis week en route lo Ihe south Wilkinsburg. Pa.; 'H. rcw.. t- wuere 4 wen earned vacation pioney, n.u.; .v. 1,. arsons, 10- Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Toboy 0' will le spent. ronto; R. Kslon Pbyfe, liartforri. Prince Runert tvere visitors ml . . IConn Mr. anil Mrs. J. T. 1 1 :i z WANTED. STOCK ISSU E Wanied in Company needing additional financing or pmtnollon with real merit end possibilities, (live complete details first comniu-nicaimn. Arthur Inngley Rose & Co., 5fi Wall Street, New York City. 178 WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper ami stenographer by young man still in business' college. Hox 312 Dally .New Office. WANTED at one. Maid Tor general work. Apply Miss Da vies. Phone (Sreen It I. 158 MAID Wanted. Mrs. F. Me 1 1. Young. Fourlh Avenue East. FOR SALE. I'OR 'SALE. New modern busi ness block. Rooms and apartments are well furnished. All goes at It stands. Also mnl ern three-roomed houe partly furnished on same lot. Here ir a home and business readj to step In. A real pick-up for cash. Property can be seen during afternoon hours. Term can be arranged. Owner, Set ond Avenue West 7e". 170 FOR SALE. Pleasure launch "fiwen," in good condition: powered with four horsepowei Easlhnpe enginr.. Apply. Iu;- len. Daily Nf.ws. tt LOST. r -' Phone OR SALT. iil acre, uarli cleared. wiMi house lmx21, hi Kisptox Valley, 2(1 miles from Hazellon. Close to school and post office. Apply Ro 3 IS. Daily News Office. FOR SALE. Hotel Masselt. . good bargain. Ill health cause for selHiw. Apply Wllllan Hudson, Massctt. H.C. FOR SALE. Twenty-two foot launch, tt h.p. engine, speed l knots. Sacrifice 275.0( Phone Red 720. ii FL'RNirt'RE FOR SALE. Ches terfield oui lie, dining room suite, rug, bedroom furniture Phone 675. 17( ri:.N"l' FOR SALE. New this year and used only, one week Price $20. Pulleii, Dally New; FOR SALE. Hargain. Two bed and beddimg. range, healer Phone Hlack 500. I BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 8.1 Second Avenue. Phone 137. ROOM. Hoard Third Avenue. optional. t2 Phone Red 330 LOST. llowhoat in Prince Ru perl Harbor; painted gray with black bottom. Finder please inform "Jack Cook at lannfl Moy Hlrd." Reward. material, and will doubtless re :eive the Hiatus of the users of this uivorile swimming spot Public (hanks are alo due lo '.apt. Swsnsnn, presldenl of Ihe Swiiuirliiig Club, for his efforts in transporting the' necessary nialer;al across the harbor. PRINOE RUPERT TIDES Monday, August 2. High 8,10 n.m. 15.0 f 20.52 p.m. 18.5 ft Low 2.27 a.m. 0.0 ft J Lit) p.m. 8.8 ft Tuesday, August 3. High 10.08 a.m. 15.7 ft 2I.5t p.m. 18.0 fl. Low 3.U a.m. O.t fl 15.37 p.m. 9.5 ft TO RENT Articles Lot and Found, &C FOR RENT. Larsen building at 171 Third Avenue East; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street , ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. OR RENT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranges. water paid: one . furnished Wcstcnbaver Hros.' HOUSES for Rent. Some are furnished. 120 and up. App, 215 Fourth Avenue Kant. FOR RENT. Plant's, phono graphs and "win manhine Walker's Musir Slore. FOR RENT. Four room suite. hot water healed. Apply ftmlu & Matlet. MODERN HOl'SH for rentFive rooms ami bath. Munro ltro. SUMMER RESORTS. iah'ELSE LODGE, near Terrace. Visit Lakelso , Hthla Hoij springa. t.illiia Is one of th finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Good tlf fishing for rainbow trout in Lakelse take and river. Motor meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Tele phone connected lo Terraro J. Ilruce Johnslone. manatver CHEVROLET Why be wil limit a oar? $350 nuke the first payment on a New Improved CHEVROLET, the. balance in twelve sueresMve easy instalments. Let u demonstrate! KAIEN OARAQE Dealers in all General Motor Products. Hrak lining by nn- rhinrry. Cylinder regrindina and reboring. Ford overhauling ami anlr , flat rale prn-es Wreckina Serv day and nigh1. Fhe rollowiny prices nro now 1'ireelive, F.ft.H. I'rince Ruper'.. itovernmenl taxes Included: Ritnabout , $581.00 port Roadster 080.00 Touring C02.00 Coupe 751.00 I'udor Sedan 7C0.00 Eonlor Sedap 8.H.00 Light Delivery 552.0fi 1,1. Delivery Van 01!) .00 Commercial Chassis I8.0n frock Chassis Sir r8.00 Self starter included on all -models. Term payments arranged tf if desired. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 219 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Heautlfully situated near Terry Landing Altitude 2115 feet. Camping and Fishing Trfpi arranged FIRST CLASS TAHLE with produce 1TIESII FROM THE FARM. Take a Trip to the Lake Country ,, Ibis year. , .,. For reser'vnl Ion's, writ Mrs. Henkel. Francois Lake. It.C TAXI Phono 07 Taxi . (Call nenrge, Paul or (lust) Six and Seven Passenger Slude bakers nl your disposal any lime HUSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meokor Block. Acrosa from Empress Hotel. ' U. llia.a .Ui miiW nar. ..... jr nJJ'' (mi-alum Imim iUrr . " W, iir..utrr. B llrdliMi lo take ml .1 rlir. r c al,, .-, of M(Ii(iim- i:rrk, v : j ami driiiu in 1.1 ixj., H 111II0 imrili ut Iwim' ukc US' mali-r Kill 1,, u, lrr$iu il im ai, ,1 Ihf Suulli link rr"i .1. m U.Mt I'll lUlUIIII l. ., I'Utrr Irwt .if V. i,ut:. ThU ifrrtlra 1- a nn titti ar r tn A iii nf Uu Bon . rMMiii iM-rrli. an.) If II." will I rum , Wlr Hrrnrr t 1. .. r "I'irriH'U u IIM at- '.'hi im ipu mi i s llw rmnfiir. iii-' I'arluiiinii nniMiiir V thin, dirt sftrr itv r tlU inlir M TU dil bT llwi In. 1 . l JmIv It. Ii... TMlMlll jii.mh tit tl 1 (Mtal , fur IMrtMlh' oltti WATER ROTICE WTt NOTICI (Hurilon (M Ua. TAtr. xmir-t: 11.41 iHirUi, VI, VannMiarr. 11 Urriur 111 ukr i.i rtm r ,4 4i. riwk i-f v-nMM 1 H) and drain mi uur mim nurm .1 , TW ii win i llnu ai . fwiiii kirH urih Itrk (1 la IMMHil ne iM.. t tar 111 dir i c ..c . rupr at inl nut k t prai INnli' iimI 1 it u.- m t dm Walor ltfvnnf tl T b)rrliiiiw lu t)n : fllrd HUD lb ikl Wtl tb otittnaiir i.r wait ll'lll ImiMttifa, Virl.i iwg oar arir in IM Haiti' in a! Tb dtlr nf Ihr nml Mllri It July It. If sronuit) Mivrs ' tHO ACT. NatU lantlMi ta la In Priora Haiwn lint ri Utrt it rrltW HHrrt, 4 1 llnil ot lUMtr SMI. z .'o charting lu.irtrt. Ttr iiitii r ih.i i.r.f- rtrtinr iBnanjr. any lu fur b-ar of LUbiUi BT... ihtumiIwi rannrr.. mnrr.. n iiimi : i.mairint al pmt tt: Mqrtnrl rmtr "f 11 S M Ian r mark. Own Mlet)T ItlrrfttMl IH Wllrt t f titty li rluliM lhn.- t mil l rMit ..f i.m: ftttlaitUf SI rrr. BMir IJIIOtRa. nsniv , V.r t II. r niM ivot 1. mi. Bit canrn o t vnir'n ai in tb tiiin viniuf i. lar PiMrlrt. Wlwrr i-.v fmt (Vulrait .nnn rtiiht nf Pit ' an trn.l.ifi Mineral claim l. il TAki: MiTlf.K that I. t rrr lrir Ccrllfiral n fad. Ulr dara tnnii th t" aprl' to th Minini i: ertifii air of Imfitiit- tn' n:t, mk or nbtainmr '.rua.i i 1 'mi tb 19 - t 0, .1 k t a .1 k 4' t c I at art 'rrt .1'.' MINtttSL SOT. cttrririCATc or improvi."' atmc rmm. Ami rurltr tak. ttotl- tr-.-t 2J nitr nvtkin ?. ?d Ijaf'ir th lii of u - 'tl MINIRAL ACT, r irlrl Wlr loci inl lilt till t i L tl -, .f r ' JiatiHl mia ltl rtajr nf Jbm . ,,. aj,- l..t . at I v.nniiv.11 J r i.rnw.-" , Bit lanrnn Uliwal r.Uim - iih- .linn .inina; iiiiipikii trlrt. whr k.-ai.i mm: ,, ami titf'iininc and ti'irth"! rantm liiu'iiaidn Mineral law ' ' ...'III... HHI ' lr Mlnn't Ortirirata V trnd. Hi IT dart fnun th lo aerlr in th Minint 11 rrrtltlrai of Imiirovrmrnl' ltf nt iililalnint aluiv rlairn. Ami fiinhrr take tint r umlcr artum 17. mini l" lirnr th Inn of aurh -l 1 .-rtiii"" improirrtiH'nil. . iM mini till lit iiir fir jnn H. MrM. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE Df rteROltT Bl..i lM.uk III.....I 11. Im ..'' n Miiifi.i . IhA 4IIIM Ul.ln. I.l..a.nl .-J .t ar 1.' tributary of fuiirih nf ' ftlfilnlnv lh' Aarrv tlirn Ml " no 1 aa nn na iuilirly aid. . -m. Tsar; mitii;k tnat i, . . a rr Minr't Cfriirirat V- " tnd. dara fnim th 3 , . i to apply to th Mlnlnr Hi Crrtiriratr of liiipmvriiMMitt , ,f pi w or oiiiaiiiiin a crown alMire claim. 1pik Ami furlhr tak notirn "Jii iimlr artlim 17. in at liefnr III liana lit Mirh '' ' liiiprnvriiirnU. , n (fl lialnl IliU lit rttyr Jiin rutSFj M .. a.. LAND ACT. ! Netlct of Mtntlon ''to Applf tsnd. .,, n In I'mrf Ruprl l.anrt ! "'pV.rnf of crlnr liniMTt ami ll' ',, h i Hay. Mat Inlrt. ilraham I' v- u,,ltl tAkfi VUTICE Ihat frail" v,nnrr t'rlnre nLpt'rl. B. C nrrwal M i man. liilimU In apnly for ' J .., puri'liaa Ih follnwlna il" iio W. rrnr nf Ut t7l, "m lalanit PltlMrl, lh.'tit annlh " r,, Ihrnra writ fit rhln: I" ', ,i, V' lliali Walrr Mark; llirnr ry" "m tilth Walrr Mark to point ':"""; mrnt, and rnnuiniril 0 trie f'" " ' . . . nn , Dtttd Jun Hth, l.