eHee or1 TAXI . 1 M lfc and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L MATT VIDECK, Prop. vol XVI No. I7'J. AM'KMj. Aug. 5,DU- an dm li" considered l it- KPtlllll MP I'liersilll Mil . . . ,:i..ji. :ir tm M4 nr hi lurinrr , iv ; iiy In office KM1 He said he believed e 1 ought here by ol :n Carmcl "lo Min-essfully prosccuic a perjury charge." He un Hir drain! Jury lo ami explain Ihe ftitualion Lumber alter which he u wMid'w i lii case. AN W IllhS IN ENGLAND irpout Jwlfth Author and Pub T licist Pasted Away From Pneumonia if M N'miX, Aug. -'- Irael Zang-: noted playwrlKht ami irilcr. diwl yrslrnlay. if' itreo Uiiilrjoing I real -i two man Mi liul the l'-a if ijoutli I iihen n nnnia. kwiII win. horn in I HO I mul pj 'I'hapa I Im roalt cn- aui-onn iMinuiii'lilatnr oil Uf, hflitiR an anloi't anil founder uf tl't li: uul Jew i Mi oifianitallon. .inawill inailc n hit wiKi I'ri'inicr nnI Ihr I'alntn" I KHH ninl la rinru iiiil 1'ililril H r t: weekly ralloil Arji-I. ho 1 -gan nnM'l writ 1119. H'' '! t written ilu.v!, of which ' Mrltlnn I'ol is u iiroinin-r "3;iiiiiii . MOTOR STOCK ON THE JUMP utneral Motors Lead Advance Passing Two Hundred Mark This Morning Sl'W YOIIK, Aug. 2.- Leading ni' "her vteorous upturn In Ih'' market loday. tienoral Mo- ,,: crossed the two hundred ",- ar shure mark and eslab-(i iicil a record for high prices A ''imtmmkIous . buying movement no Klock hud been under way fo' mom than n week. Fresh ', irn Improved I tie price In ex- rp of ten imlnlrt uhuve last ''eks closing figures. """J oilier molor Issues wore 'n'uvily biiimht. Subscribe to the Dally News. "It Smith he robbed wnen pIi-vuu year old a grocery store neai .Salmon Arm, 11.0. When .'0 veHTf of Kto he aii he left (he home of hi lather "near On tarto. ' Hi first munler, he loin the iolire, wa commuted shortly Iwfore the .San Kmneieco earthQuaLe wtrtii he killed a young companion In Dial rl during an atlemptH robbery. II coverfd ui the crime by burn- tiiK the Mctlm in a illUli nar i windmill which the -murdrre-l mail had been erecting. At Haielton The mat murder mm roiiimH- ud in Itfll when ho declares he hoi and killed two railroad workers In llatellon. H.C., during a robbery. l'ne men had dt cliueJ lo remove their hoes in which they had secrvled ?.00i). He ee.iiil with tbc money afU i killiiiK them. Sinilli told of everal murdem. albvedly committed in vanour pari of United States from lale in lti; to IVIV und said he Urke Willi urcniilico. lie lold of holding ii harveot hand- in Aew lit unwck while workiiv ullh a KatiK vf bandits. A number of fhols were irt mi one oeraoion aQil lie exrejied the belief that he had killed at lea: one man. 1'ioiii ItM'J unlit Ihit Mimmei, Smith said, he wandered tlirxnijtl. I he middle went robbing harve handi mid coiiiniitllilK holdui in ntinierotis rllie.. Ponder Thinks Untrue Con ! I able It. V. fonder of llie jiroincial polire, silnteji llial It.' was on irovinriaI xillce duly if llazelloii in 1UH and o fur a- he knowit no urh inunler win committed there at that lime. lluweer, Ihere were u lot of railway men working there und ii in hi haxe been toiblu to net away with two men without Hie crime belli if dicocred ai thoiiKli H wat not likely they would have ilifiiHeiired without it belli? reported that Ihey wcie mi!iuir. Word reeeiM'd by the provincial txdire laler today slate that it may have been IV13 the llaicllon iiiunler were committed at whioli (line tloiitlable Ponder was not in tbe district. WEATHER REPORT (iovernmeut Telegraphs, a a.m l'rlnee llunerl: Mlsly, rain leiup. 5U. 5H. Tcrnico: Cloudy, culm, temp Anyox: Cloudy, culm, lemp. 5'J Slewurl! l'alt cloudy, culm. teiiin. CI. fin. Iliuellon: Clear, calm, temp Telegruph Creek: Clear, culm temn. 68, , ill. SniilhoN: Cloudy, calm, ' letup limns l.aket l'url cloudy, culm temn. 52. 5H. Whllohorso: Clear, culm, temp 1 ifitvuiiii luteal', aim. temp. 03 BROOLKYN IS BALL MENACE Chlcaoo Cubs Ditched into Second Rank Taking Fourth Place In League. XKW Y)HK, Aug. 2. Opposition lo (he western monopoly in the first division of the National I.eiiKue broke out anew today when the Ohicao Cubs were dit-, died into the M-ewnd rank and Mrooklyn aain eame forward lo inenare the lenders. The U ooklyn Itohins look a I two to one decision in a pitching duel with the Cults and are now in' fourlli plure, with three eonsecu-' live virtoi les behind them and only six game Trom Uie leading pirates. LOSSES HEAVY BY HURRICANE Whole of Sponge Fleet That Was at Banks Thought to Have Clone Down NASSAt, Auk. 2.-The known deatfi lpll frwnlhf harrinne ti.i the riaTiamH la-rweefi'i ta'cl unofftoialty at l-'fi. missing (on, hoHtx un toil, property damns- l,00,000. All at Ihe eighty vessels oT U sponge fbjel Vhieh had one I., the lutnks when the hurricane struck them are lielieved lo have bcwi lost with IViO members of their crews. ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE Premier of Spain Esoapos Poniard Thrown at Him When Driving BARCELONA, Aug. 2. An attempt to assassinate Premier Primo de Rivera of Spain here yesterday was frustrated. It Is officially announced that the Premier Is safe and sound. A poniard was thrown at him when he was driving to the railway station but It missed and the man who threw It was arrested by the police and will be tried on a charge of at-temptcd murder. JAP STEAMER BEING TOWED Tall Shaft Broken and Vessel Helpless Until Picked up VICTOItlA. Auir '. llelnhss .1 with A1 broken (uilshufl Hie Jap Unesu steamer Voham .Maru is lo. lay being tow-en toward Port land, Ore., by the steamer Yogcu Maru, according tj word receiveit lust night at the Conales Hilt wireless station. The ling Sulvugo King Is uso proceeding lo Hi vessels lo give assistance. Last PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMllXCE III PEltT, U, a, MONDAY. AUOUST 2, iJ20. Siiurdijrs Circuit tion, tetft Tropical Jellyfish Invade Waters of Queen Charlotte Islands in Countless Millions SKU)K(ATK. Aug. li. This summer lias seen a new species of jyl) lih here known a the l'orhjgnee Mail of Vnr. Thcj'are all along the coast in countless millions so Dial llie . water look like a large field of glass. The jeHyfi-h average about lvo inches in diameter and are a,, dqrk purple in t olor wilh a green lop. Tlicy differ from nil oilier local jell) fish in having a fin on lop which Iheyhold up like a sail anil by means of which 1 1 icy mow from place to place. This fin is about the lliii kness oT wriluig paper and i Iransparent. It is aid that usually these jellyfish are seen only tit tropical watei. It is Hie firs I lime they have been .een this tar north. Some think they have been forced north by the iroiitruhed southerly wind and others state they liolirt- llw. m.ii!'i' fifr fT I f 1 1 1 r u-'irmpr - I FISHERMEN OBJECT TO FISH TRAPS BUT : PROTEST IS VAIN -. ; A speeial desp i v sent by r.iiarles ISishnp ( Ottawa to j the Vancouver Province sh: Slrtct Ut ItO Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW 300A FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CUNTS. am rnMcrvcrc m MiioncD ac A dcadie fill Will L1JJL11J IV IUUIUSL11I VI It 1 IAJI Lb UEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS VISITED BY UNUSUAL MILLIONS OF JELLYFISH i r mn i r ontesses murder or Fourteen Men; Two of Them Near Hazelton SKATTLK, Aug. 2. Tom Smith, T year or age, who claims .i hriic lancl m rnminal career lift wulkeu uno me e headquarter here Haturday night und des.nbed Inmell . ... -.1.. ..e i i-... i r....-i,. .... II.. . II MIC IHJIIl.i; U U IIIIIIIIVIVI Ut U fc I IVIil m II iiv.-win, . .... i.l Ijk j'liti fiinii lit kiv L ill n rrf ta tul nwirt llifin uiita li n Hi I rft iilflJL is. . The police ul firl doubled Ihe man's slory of crime, bill Ial .1 I .. II.... I. ...I II, ....... (..Ill, in- II. .i Irnlli IIE"r lit. milil ii!vi ifinvtiu nit IIMI1J IVllllfft HIV .I... nnnnniirrinii KlMLLUlluTI OF McPHERSON IS WITHDRAWN flilUt Too Vaaue and Caa "Blows Up" I lo the police, Binilli said iih rrul name was Thomas Johnso.i and (hut Ills fatherr was a According lo Hie story told li night, the Salvage King was re purled to be (wo hundred mile from F.slcvan. I'orlland reMuls-sHhlUi Jnp anesC vessels were eighteen bun died miles northwest of Astoria CP. It. steamer Princes Alice fnpl.'T. Cliff, docked at U.30 o'clock Hits morning from Van rouvcr en mutfl lo Skagwuy Aluskti, for which point she sail ed hL.noon. The bout carried conipli'ment of IftO routul-lrin toarsl i)usseneis. "AnDareiulylUe goteyn- iifrnt orders tierrisiinr !!' Canadian Fistmsg l.ompany ! to fish with irups in tire Portland Canal is producing consblerable unfavorable re-ai'tion. A gciM many lele-crams f protest from I lie fishermen are being received here, but they are not likely lo avail. The new government lias decided to permit trap' filing this year and this action is mil likely In be rescinded." ASKING FOR DEATH PENALTY IN MURDER : . FISHARR1VALS Five American and Fight 1'ana- dian boats sold a total of l-K.ouo pounds of halibut on the Fish Kx- clrange this morning, or tliis total Ihe Americans landed 151,500 pounds and Canadian 30,5ul iHiunds. American fish aeragil around (So and Ko and Cunadian around I lo and Itc. The arrivals were: , American Sitka, il.oiio potiiids, lo Pacific Fisheries. - Kunata. :iK.ooti pounds, lo Itoy- al Fish Company. ( llainier, 38.000 pounds, to Atlin Fisheries. I.ituya, 2H.00O pounds, lo Hoolh Fisheries. Wnve. :i. 500 pounds, lo Atlin Fisheries. Canadian Johanna. I.OOO'. pounds, und Point May. :'..0ti pounds, to Atlin Fisheries. Helen. 5,000 pounds, to Hoolh Fisheries. Toodie, '.',500 iotind, to Ciinn dian Fish Cdd ijloriwje. Unome, 3.000 iounds, to Royal Fish Company. Marpuerile I'.POO pounds; Ring leader, :',500 pounds, und H.t. 1.. 5,000 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CASE AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Aug. 2. As the opposing attorneys marshalled Iheir forces here today nl the opening of Hie trial of Wallace (lalnes, accused of murdering hl daughter Sylvia,., II was nn nouneed by tln.vsliile thai Hits death penally would be asked. MEIGHEN IS COMING HERE Premier Plans Speaking In City on Evening of August 2d. OTTAWA, Aug. 2. Premier Melghen Is expected to speak In Prince Rupert on the evening of August 20, proceeding east then to Edmonton. The Western Itinerary of the Premier as It stands at present calls for him to enter British Columbia on August 14, when he will address a meeting at Fernle. The next meetings will be at Vancouver August 16, at Victoria August 17, New Westminster August 18. That night he will leave for Prince Rupert where he will speak on the Friday evening. SIX FIRES IN EVERETT LAST NIGHT ARE SET F.VKIIF.TT. Aw. 2. Search is beinjr conducted here today- for men declared by Ihe -police to be responsible for six fires which caused damage estimated at more than $300,000 here last night The plants destroyed eilher wholly or partially were Ihe l.uns- down Lumber plant. -the l-.verell Mill works, coal ami wood office, laundry and two other structures OIL COMPANY BEING FORMED NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The establishment of a new independent oil company on the Pacific Coast with a capitalization stock of SCO. 000,000 became known today when it was learned thai the Cor poration Trusl Company was preparing lo file a certificate of in-eorpalion in Delaware for the Richfield Oil Co. of California. The new company is formed by interests connected with the United Oil Company. Herbert Hampton sails on the Prime Charles this afternoon for Port Clements tf lake over Ihe management of-Ihe Port Cle-niMils llolel. In which he is Interested along with Jimmy Clconc Hnd Theodore Mosconi of Ibis city. Mrs. Hampton, who is f piccnt holidaying in Ontario, will proceid lo Port' Clemenls It jolu her husband laler. Vicious Attack Made on Elevator at Prince Rupert by Conservative A vicious attack was made against the Prince Hupcrt elevator and Ihe Prince Huperl Grain route u few days ago at Kdmonlou by A. L:. (i. Bury, Conservative representative for East, Edmonton in the Just Parliament and again a candidate for the same iHisition in that city. According to a report of his speech in Ihe Edmonton Journal he urges that the whole uf the western movement should be directed lo the port or Vancouver and speaks of the expenditure as a "grossly flagrant instance of the expenditure of public monies for pin-fly iKtlitiial purposes." Bury al.o says he considers the, -- elevator useless and not worth' YTnri 1 fnflf A MIT the small amount the wheat pool; I H ilKrl tIlrN is called upon to pay Tor it in rental. The report of Hie speech follows : The Report Speaking on the "subject of the western grain route as a likely Issue in the present, federal cani-pan, A. F. OiBury, Conservative ! representative for hast liJmon- lon in the house of Commons, and candidate for re-election in fiat constituency, makes grave charges against the Liberal administration for the building o' the grain elevator at Prince Ru - (M'r.t 41V t?aJ u f , h I, yU$SySLmz '"Hie wesierifgYafn route,'' says Mr. Hury. "of course isn't an issue in this election, except perhaps insofar as the building by the Liberal administration of the elevator at Prince Rupert, instead of at Vancouver, and Ihe building of i' for nothing but political pur-poes. can be considered an issue. And indeed 1 don't know why it should. At any rale it is a grave count in the charges which western men may properly lay against that administration. Abigsumtias been scandalously wasted there, which, spent in real practical de velopment of the western rain route, would have been of exceeding value. Apart from thai, however, the western grain route is not an issue in the election. een in Fast Kdmonton, isasmuch as every westerner who has con sidered it must .1 think, be out and out for it. I cannot imagine him otherwise. All of One Idea II is not the peculiar idea or aim of any particular party, Lib eral. Conservative '.Progressive, or Labor in the wesl. Kxeryone wants the west properous. We think that this is the only true way und sure way to solve the population problem, the railway problem, the freight problem, and that we can only make these west ern provinces prosperous by mak Ing the farmer prosperous. . "One of the chief means to lhat end is to encourage and assist whatcer will enable a fanner to 111111 Ul 11 114k IN CAMPAIGN Alaskan Candidate to be Quite Up to Date in Effort to Dislodge Dan Sutherland. J UN FA F, Aug. 2. For the first ime in the history of Alaska airplanes will be used as a means of travel in a political campaign hen former Mayor Thomas A. Maniuum of Fairbanks, who has aOmpieted a- tofir- iKouthfnslenr Alaska, announced before leaving: for his campaign in other divisions that he would ue planes in covering the fourth and second divisions. He will travel by that mean to i.Nome, the Kuskokwim, Koyukuk and other points. He expects to devole all his time to the campaign until November 2, closing in the first division. Marquam is running as an independent against Dan Sutherland and is supported, by the Democratic machine ami by mtsl of lie big interests of Alaska. TWOSWIMMiNG ACR0SSSTRA1T Clara Barrett and Dr. Brewster Both Making Good Time Today DOVER, Aug. 2. Lale Ibis af- termion the attempts to swim Uie English Channel by Clara "Bar ren. New York, and Dr. Ceorgo Brewster. London, developed into something of a race. At 2 p.m. the latter was five miles off Dover, three hours -after leaving the coast. Five hours after the start Miss Barrett was twelve miles out, she thus having covered half the distance iu record time and is still goin strong, ll ......, In. I II. ul Ilia , ll nd! aiti'i'ilK.iiu ilia, ... save himseir from unnecessary Uun practice -of the naval units expense ami lp get the busiest net m n,t. channel might prove return possible from his farming. troublesome to the swimmers. The createst burden upon him isl the freight rate burden Involved! in gelling" his produre to its mar-j kct bis grain ami cat He to Ihe, world market; and the shorter and cheaper his route therellie better for him. Ihe better for his province, and the better for all of us who live in it. This was Ihe powerful eoitsideration moving many in the house of commons to sympathize with the Canlpbell grain billr-the desire to see the farmer gel the full benefit of his Industry und operations. For tho same reason I have always been a believer in. and un udvoeale of lliiv western route, from the moment I heard Of it, and understood What U 'meant. Not of Recent Birth 'Nor is the idea one of -recent birljh. So. far back as June, 1012, 0 crystallized in Ihe.fonnalion In v v-o : 1 1 1 1 uifU on page six' CAUGHT TAKING FISH FROM TRAP Grand Jury Indicts Men on Charge or Fish Piracy at Juneau. J I' N EAU. Aug.' 2. 01a f Ole son , John Jorgrtisou. llarkon Thorn- sen and Andrew Halvorsen, seiner -on the Mildred uod Phlli'p. winter trap watchmen for Hie Sunny Point Packing Co., were bound over lo the gtyind jury today and changed witlr fish piracy. They were cuught taking 1,500 salmon, from (he company's trap by rttlliert Skinner, president of the concern. Hu safd they paid Winter 20 fdr the fish. S s y?;?'-?x".-- . Mft$!'' ' r