t 1 1 i 1 c I t it i 5 ' i oir. , Appreciation of Hip work of Archdeacon Rix a administrator of "the diocese of Caledonia am an expression or commence in liim was passed hy slamlincr vote of the synod yesterday before adjournment was taken.: " ,l'he ArChdenCon. -Vfltop'riwfc ..-ITT ''J j. i L iiVJ '.' ."vri'u ."in, uruii. a represeoiaine '-past .in wither fund. for the cn- dowmeijt in order that a bishop may 1p' appointed. Hpv. E. Hod- son of -Ocean Fall will bp releas . 'cd fbr7aMen'j?thy period front 'hi charge at OcP Fall in order to undertake the work. II i un derstood that Rev Mr. Robinson will come from England to take hi place while he is away. The Synod pxprpsspri" (hank to the prpss, to Itev. Mr. Jlndsort for hi sermon ami to Hev, Mr. Ash ley for his work as clerical sre-. vv, rplary. Thanks wpre alo ex &&q$ispAetl io Prince Ilnpert people 'A "'"r hospitality during llie Synod. Miss Davis and Miss West were also officially thanked for their work in connection with the Ridley Home. A resolution of regret was passed at (lift loss sustained, iii the diocese ity the death oL- lhc lale Archbishop Du Yernel. Sympathy-was also extended to Mrs. McCnskrfe on the death of her husband. The question of the appoint-' menl of a HisJiop will be taken up ailhp 1'nivincial Synod on thenTthrrt of Archbishop. De J'eneier from England, "and the xmaflpr-will be fully decided al the meeting of the general board of the Missionary Society of the Uiureh in Canada. Al (lie conclusion of the gathering members of llie synod were , entertained at a buffet lunch by Archdeacon ami Mrs. llix . HALIBUT ARRIVALS TOTAL 116.100 LBS. Eleven Vessels, Two' American and Nine Canadian, Sold Their Catches This Morning at change - Halibut arrivals this morning .totalled llfi.loo lb., two Ameiv ican vessels landing. 01,000 lbs. an'd'iTIne :anadian, CS.IOO lbs. ThftiriCe for American fisJi was I532ca'nd tc, while .Canadian ran . from j tic and 7.5c to 1 1.3c and ,Jt.r J - . v - llie nays arrival were as follows: , American V Allen, 25,000 lb., to the Han- ndiap Fili .t Cold Storage Co itKanalak, 2J,i00 lbs., to the I'acilic Fisheries. Canadian Hoe Spit. U.000 lbs.; Lysekil, eo.OOO lb., to the Canadian Fish A .Cold, Storagp C5. ' llingo, '3,000 lb.; Kobp, 2.100 Jlis.; Miiirneag. 13,500 His.; and Thelma, t,200 lbs., td the Allin Flstieries. ' -.4M, M. Christopher, 12,000 lb., ' to the Hoolh Fisheries Canailian Co. . Hrant, 7,000 lbs. and Verna, 3,000 bs., to (he Royal FUli Co LAST. SCOTTISH DANCE OF SEASON IS HELD -'njoyable Affair In I.O.O.E. Hall Last Nlghi Under Auspices of St. Andrew's Society " 'l'he. last of a series of highly f njoyable Rcoltish iIhiicph which have, been held during the past reason under the auspices of the SJ Andrew's Society took place last night in the Imperial Order. DaughlpM of Hie Empire Hall. The affair was in progress fromU,sh 9-?to 2 'o'clock and refreshments , vere .served, under the direction of the' Ladles Auxiliary of the, Society. - ta,Approiilae .music was fur nlshed liyan orchestra consist-) . ing of John Hremnertl.I. WVilt, J. j - It: MacKnjf, nnd -Mrs. ' i. Hlack.) eor' Alrtioll was master of t ' 'renionipg and the commlllee in i cliaiwe - consisted of Howard ' Sleeii (chalrnian , J. Haddon,: ' Hen-lialgarno, J. Hlack, Louis' Arrol ,.an(l.Md. John McKechnie, AQAINST PILSUDSKI 1IERL1N, May 28, A counter revolt has broken onl agalnl Pilsudki's govcnirncnt In East flallcja, nccordiiisi'io ruiiior reach ne hhil. WW St I i ;..'it iff PAGE FOUI, 'fit ."lit. A" iTniJ. DAILY '.ffEWp WORK OF SYNOD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMar u 1 r r r. v'r'in-t ir - I ! : . I I i " r - IS COMPLETED TOM El TV-UiaobV LOOKUP WHERE ltTf,-U.TAkES KM FP5i.Ci?0rT S ( J mKuAT HCAVEN'o- I ANQ ER A. iOND THAT t5 " LOOK NV IT LOtT rOO KECP over with- rr -J eR:UMOER J HUHi: eoehcs otiM r Expression of Confidence Passed DOLL In Administration of Diocese by Archdeacon Rxl V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c .VtKTUB U)" ! Man wanl" W I . l; 35e an hour. I'hon?, IllacV 2fi9. Hi Oiri for general I Mr. M. M. Me-I Lachlan Phone Red 5J9. wAntKIi. Yciing girl for light housewoi k. Apjdy Mrs. A. W. Lipsiu, Clio ne lllue -"JO. If INFORMATION WANTED. MciaUolir.AN. William a n .1 AtPxiindt-r. Hilly last heard oi at Minor. Alberta in I9M. Sartdj at Winnipeg in 191. Their faiiier has passed nwa nt Cutarm. Herald. Sask. I! the' will communicale wflli UiPir broMier Jame Mrl.augli-lan, Oerald, Sask., will heai somplliin to tlieir advantagp. TO RENT FOR RFAT. FurnUheil eotta-at Lake Kathlyn. Apply T. A Raymond, ltox 133, Smither-. I II.C. I3t uR RH.NT. Modern four room eirTlaCwilh Monarch Mnge, in tllafift ytol. WeslenhaVP'rtHro FOR RENT. Two modern house, onp furnishpd. Apply 215 Fourth Avpoup lnst. If DRNISHHH Housekeeping Room lo rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping suite, Mussalleii. Apartments. Phone 18. FOR RKNT. Four room suite. hot water heated.' Apply Srnlti &. Mallet. MODERN FLAT for Rent Applt Max Heilbmner. U BOARD AND ROOM. :ARI). The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. ARD. Rooms and Furnished Mite Palmer Hoifse. tl LOST. LQ,ST-rfiuppy. Rpd pollar. Ans- wor to. Carl. Klraye.1 froftf Provinll.il oWerrifnpnt Vvharf. Phone 30'. , jrlii'l Sjons of -Canada. Slicknej! and Halfour ijiil c(ipiPi5p. Iiillial-tery for?ftWe .'OWind VernilnaN with Skinner and McKeown for the Oyro. The lirand Terminal team will be chosen from among Hip fol lowing jilayers; Halfour, Slick ney, Slorfc, Wilson, Joe Smith, lielconrt, JLUnli milh, R. Wall W. Wallace, Hick (ireenwell, W Mack. Mike Hudinieh, fVlnpp and d. Howe. I'Iip Orvo team will he similar to that which appeared in the open.ing.game ii Monday In thp fourth gamp of Hip sea son in the Munfor Foolhall Leu gue, llooth School, al present leading in llie slanding, will meel llie Hiph School at the Acropol Hill ground tomorrow after noon. The players for the tw teams wll be selected from inong tffe fojlowing: mini u rcnpoi l.awrencr Mcri e, I; Cameron, .7. Ciirrie, II itiniiier, T. Kelsey (captain), II. Npls .n. li.'Crale, F. liingwell, II. Hickens, .1, Nelson, .1. MacKay, O. Sac.aiana.v'r Hiinnieh, O. Wingham and W. Cro.s. High School (leorge .McLean. It. stalker. IlilUMurray. W. Col-lison. Hohble'lrviiip, Willis lliil, Allan fCross; Joe Scoli, John "omadinarJHrynnt, Sam Murray and (iordo'n Velreck (can- Jock Campbell will rofcree. FOR SALE FOR SAI.M. 28 foot fifth boat. 7H h.p. Vulcan engine, onv year old ....a50.0wV 20 foot eabin erulser. new lj. n.p. engine priced at ijo.iio 28 font cabin cruiser, 15 h.p. oil pnglne ?,20.pn Small speeder wilh Ford en gine, priced at $850.00; ro ti n. imiTain eniriae auu oil " , u h.p. htu.icraiiPr ngln. -f 200.00 ... c h.p. Kellenberg cnK1nHever tSOO.OO - eyiiniier io h.p. nolo englneli . iinnnnl T.v...,.r -i CyllmlPr IitMjge engine wil l starter l0rtiHi 1 cylinder Chevrolet pfrgh,- with slarlPr S5j)0 1000 feel At inch baek haul cable, price Cc er foot. Wee Mcfiregflr Saws, 'fallln and bucking saw, Ollfhrl.l Jaeks. etc. Northern Hxehange, 213 Seeoml Avenue. IMmne 53- FOR SALHjir ReoL- Tourl. Hotel at Terrace, H.C Twelve roAm furnished, furnace heal. ' ele'clrio light, electric punlp bath, restaurant, kitchen, bar room, three room fiirnislieif cottage, two lots. Rent $75.00 per month or will sell on reasonable term. Apply Mrs. J A. MeOougall, Tourist Hotel. Terface. H.C. LEASE FOR SALE. At Lome Creek, H.C., srven arri undi-r cultivation, apples, cherries and slrawberrlp;' six roomed tog house and aiilliufldlngs: pol office oh premises. Im mediate possession. Nmniilal rint. Also Jor sale, two eovts. forty chickens, furniture and implement. Apply Daily Xe office. . rt FOR SALE. Very complete out fit of Drum and Traps and set of 24 octave Orchestra Hell. (Jan be seen nt Mae-I.aren's Mulc Store, where fud particulars may bp obtained " 1 i riQR.S.U.I-U-noiil'le corner Sixth . ''T.i ji.i ... .rnue anil iiunsniiiir- nrec'i opposite Rink. Whal offers ' Apply Hoi 300 Halfy New iit-fice. ". ' FOlt SALF. jco nprp good wheal land, Central Alberta; 80 acres been cultivated Cheap for cash. Apply llox 307, Dally News office. 127 FOR SALE. Flvp roomed mod prn bungalow and two lot;., close In. ?2C00.00 -on term. Apply T. McClymont. II yon SALE. secondhand furniture and reslatiranl fixture from Royal Hotel. Apply 11 Third Avenue. ' FOR SALE. Dining room suite, range and oflTer furniture. PhnnP. Hlack H. M8 Second AvphuP. J1f(R SALE. Orhnnl JllofiiUmati Piano, on pasy monlhly pay. ments. Walker's Music Store. MOUSE and Three Lots for Sale Apply 1)25 Eighth Avenue East. PATENT ATTORNEYS FETHEIlSTONHAlJOll & CO., the old established firm. Patent and lrademarks in all countries. FrPp booklet. Vancouver office 08 Rogers, Huilil-Ing. Phone Seymour .rnto. -Manager, Ernest ). Carver roiierpi altorney. Other of- nces. imnwa, Washington and principal cities. Subscribe, to the Pally News. ' ' i. ' Articles Lott and Found, &c FOUND FOI'M). Three k,.v on ring. Apply laily New nffjce. AUTOMOBILES Now, You Can Buy CHEVROLET at a Lower Price than ever before. Almost MiinullantMiiis with thMtb ... .. ui'mniin i-iiu-iii hj mioiniirj .xiutiri nm .mi. , (npany f i;aia l.iniite.1 of J,'. Improved Chevrolet a '"J"" ,UHMIMl ll r. 111 ll.l'. I I II B It .kMln M.fiMf w ar nMr to an- J, ', B,,lI(MI(, t iiij .vkkT I'ltlilKS n,MH.ui kui..- ... . inee nen irr. riimiiinfii ttm m , ... with the many new iniorow- ' men l, establish more firmh wWr ii.'. Ilinn ever before CherolerjjtLwJll'' leadership in vIim among ltv. I ''f' i i-priced ear. ;iMbiKi. .. f Ttie ImprovM Uivrot offan " everything you conltl 4eirr, smart aiiiiearanpe, eAfnToH. smoothness, tower SB! the ht-iimisi depeivlaltiltly. The piwseni prir-s and low time M)tiieilsl un. .. l.u. r.t 1 1.. ... fi.. .1.. : 9' 1 '" rmhIH within easy reach of your pocket ImmA. KAIEN QARAGC P.. . . VVrp.-kinK s. ,. Xirh, XrBf,V;: Prices of Ndb New ami iliiar-anlewt I'sed FoRD CARS ar? now at a nefc low let)l 'Hie Naliottal Time la.vinpnt! Plan enableit anyone with a ramarde Income to affortl the comfort and Convenience a oar afford. Ask S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers 219 Seeond Avenue. TAXI Phone G7 TkI (Call fieorge, Paul or(Hlsl) Sl and Seven laetiKer Slude bakers al vour di-posul any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Aero. from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE. iXpW and Secondhand Filrnl-Iftre Store. We Htiy, Sell and 1 change New and Secondhand Hood. QEO. PAPADOPULOS 83S Third Ave. Phone W 000 D EATS CAFE, Third Avenua Opposite Menson's Studio. 0001) MEALS. GOOD CAKES Coffee or Tea Served. REAL HOME COOKED MEALS Mrs. Under. Proprietress. Phone cr3. WOOD. Dry mixed Wood 10.00 n load. Dry Fir Wood 0.5ft n 1 o n d. Cut lo nny Icntilh. Klndllnn, 7.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood 17.00 n load. A, I8AACSON Phono lllack 0I Seal Cove. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, May 29 Hitth . 2:01 a.m. 1 0.1 " 2.1 7: " High 21.7 ft 18.7 " Low 5..1 w tfi:08 p.m. 8:51 a.m. 20:51 p.m. Sunday, May 30 2:10 a.m. 13:53 p.m. H:n0:ii.m, 21:31 p.m.. Hit FOURTH FOOTBALL ' r- GAME OF SERIES GOES TERMINALS Stuart Shield Annexed by New Club Resuit of match With Moose The fourth game oflhJ e Miiart. Shield football sero fielwven the flrand Terminat'Club and 'Hie Moose was witnessed by a poor crowd .u,u ... of spectators, due ,,c to th- "" isnr size m in ijhat inai rtttr(cl niincL. I ! n- kvnAll.Aw . M.v l... (I!..! I'll All. a j. di rUrr ';v"""7 f"cfljak Iip rijl Jk? the piiPsl of Hip Terminals lind the ;ood fori line to go on thffpld with (hp' seH? practically cinched, as both the Odd Storage and" their present opponents had already tasled defeat al their hands and only one point was needed to annex the Shield for the prpsent season. Sam Currip won Ihe toss for Hip Moose anil plpplpii to kick down hill. It was obvious from llie .start mat die .moosc were a much Improved (earn, and thpir opponent were penned in their own naif for a considerable period. Howe, invthn Terminals goal dealt successfully with numerous shot, fie was a trifle lucky in getting to a brilliant header from Max, and this player shortly affiprv headed through from another cornpr. Almost immediately after the kick-off the Terminal eUalize through V. Mitchell. After a period of midfield play. Waltprs savp Tprmlhals thp lead from a hrpakaway. The score stood at 2-1 in. their favor at thp interval. when the Moose were dpcidcdly unlucky to -he in arrears. On the resumption the Ter- minals immediately attacked, and Wiper srored aflpr somp pretty work by lie John. Aflpr a spell of ppn play Wiper put the Terminals further ahead with a riice cros shot. This ended Hip scoring, Terminal running out winner by four goal to one. 'flip Moose wptp by no mean beaten on the run of the play, bul the opportunities of the Termin als proved to be the decidmc fac tor. Rain fell almost through out the match. TROUT FISHING MAN ON WAY TO RUPERT Rod and Qun Editor of Newspaper -Coming to Examine Possl-. bllltles of Sport AVIX.NII'lvO, May :'8. - Z H. (1 ray, Roil ami (inn editor of the Clevplaml l'laiudealer. i in Win uipeg today on his way to the Pacific coast on a fishina trip in uie inieresis or ins newspaper. Mr. iray. who i accompanied by hi wife, is considered to be one of the foremOftt authorities on fishing and hunting in (he United States. In addition to his news paper work he is a regular con Tihiilnr lo Hie more imnortanl outdoor magazine in ifie State and he is also one. of thfjye direc t ill's of Hip league, of Ohto sports men, an organization devoting its eriengie to Hie conservation of and ganie very largely through the introduc' ion of hills through the legislature for their Sealed in the vacuum tin NABOR Mg VACUUM PACKED V M u Jpmtpclion, etc. .This organization has a mem-bprsliip in excess of thr huti- lh larpesi of it kind in Hip world. Survty of Park On his present trfp Mr. Tiray will make a fishing suop' of a number of Hip slrpams and lakes jln Janper National 1'ark In-fore proceeding' .nVewlimr t.. to si.mn Stuart Imt. Iake. north nnrih , of Vanderlioof. H.C.. where be' Willjfish ft.r llaitibow and Iike WAN'TMI). -trout wtiicti assume a ry targ'.' !iriiin.,rL .t Miiart propriPtf tf Douclas Iidsp. H. lft1.,'ltanis. Fom thpw lie will ?o to Prince Rupert, with probably- a sftie trip into the Lakelsp count ry and thence down the inside pasap to Vaneouvpr, where he will pnjiafrp in a variety of fishing a-!. I if time t"rmil also visit Vam-onver Island. SPORT GHAT At a meeting, on Wctlnpsday nigh i of -pevresentHlrves of tb.-I'linM RilpeM Tennis Club, Can-adtafr NaHrtniil Railway Km ploypps' Tennis Club and tin-First North H.C. Rpgituent Tenuis Club il was decided to Hold in the near future a city cham-Ti on ship tpnni t-n.rnamtll which will be ojien lo all tin member of the Mliree clubs. Thop attending the ineetitii' were W. Cruikshank and K. W. Marentetfe, representing Prince Rupert Tennis Club; W. II. Tobey and A. It. Nichols, the Canadian National Railways, and J. S. Wilson and F. Ruellf the regimental, club. K. W. Marenletle was chosen chairman of th meelitip and W. Cruikshank, spc- rptary, and in their hand wa left thp mattpr of cQpiplPting nr-raiwrpment fhr the tournament, same to be reported upon - al another meplin?" to bo lipid next Friday whpn the dates for the various divisions of the tourn- npnt will lie set. There will he five separalf vpnts men's anl women's insles, mei's and wnnien':: loubles and mixed doublps. Two f these events will be played on Hie ponrls of thp Prince Rilper! Tennis Club, two on the Cana- lian National o.oirts and ..Hie fiflh on the rpglment.il coifrt. The trophy for toe men's single Will be the Jiandsome cupare- eently presented by Max 1W- bronpr and. foK the ladies' singlh W. II. Tobey has offered to nrc sent a Cup. ThP Committee win" raise fund to provide suitable awards for the Hupp double Vents. At the hippting Wednes day night hearty voles of thank were fpndered to Mr. Ilellbroner for the cup so generously pre- senled and lo Mr. Tobey for hi olTer which will be accepled. The Orand Terminals will make their first appearance of the season in the baseball league tonight playing Sgainst Hip Oyro Club. A good ganiP il is pxpeel ed will pnsup, fully up to thf record set by Hip close and kppnly contested game of Monda i. Hvi en Hie Oyros and Naliv i always retains its exquisite flavor TIMOCR $LtXn rlr.l I IMh .I, Mar ..; vll li.i. i ttt t i'l HHMkH K . .. HUttl : IK, I , rank, r , . VI.. ... . rMiii a I ii -7 -I S 1 i.l . IbM I. Hi NSVKJAStf WITIRI FSCml i ic ism, csirmtt i '-I ... - M rl fWHeI nh 1 1 .i iMnti m I IfVI MrftSi win i 1H il MH fHtlhf i mil ill IMW f I NT a lh U m oitHi ii. Ikimi n r U 4 Mi I .:1 f. CI I aOTICt TO CWT9I In Ml limiuii .tliTIi I i. ' MM iMlini "I Mtl. h IW1I. in HMMa. n Ml In Wll IMIT f.M4..'. tsvfiie ii.ufi 14. Ittt. i fl. H i" Vml p i i -llrrll ' r hlr rlalfii- 4 ftiaiili. in. i ernrlll rrtrinl In ih1 tki " nr Jmi. i"'-lo m' rtiiritii"' " wtwnt the w i -rrnM 'inii t Miriilor 'in Ktlrit Un- i " !, r rrhwe f u I rUlr of J"'" NftIK f pplltIW Minrrtl III 1 "' ',, trt V' rt lllll v. . ClitH, lli' " 1 "1 .hxi n u I'"'' ltll I i-imI of lrn v l iHIUl tk.lil . Mintr' :enir j K. iir. rr. I - ,-i of IM 4 ' m , .n ! mii i"i it "" . fi fiMU f imr- 11 ', ',., w i 'iimin ' i rlalm. ,, . Ami iiriw i it- iler SefOon ', , .,. in IH ihl- I'"1 ,u ... i.. ..lleilloa n..,.. w "ri -,ni 0Tir.f: is nr . IN, 1 lh llh iliv f 1 ""' .. ' ihr it:. inn-mil io rr'' 1 T fi1 nl.. .IIII1IA "'I -" 7. M tit.M-k ii. rt l.iul llrtl.lilll iA.l.tr.ll"ii IMV. .itiii-' . i lnre of nrlMli rrw w fur riminiH'!i"n ".l.rt. nmMi m rnn i- Nvtle f Int-fltlon W PJ rrtnrr lliili-' . '"fit 9 lends l PPJJ, . ,J oiith t:fmmifiiriii i-ncl rif Mori" ... " nii-M" 'mil -iiK f. riiiiii'l Hi" M t,,i'' Dlttd April IT, lK