riday, May 28, 1020. Rhljr tollh(t with curved bch mil -t - . , la at a roodtrt. to price, permanent roscant Wrenches, iipall sizes, friend: "J see you've been buying some new ' Table Linen' lostess: "No, my dear, I've been ! C I. J. C using OUllllglU kJUUp OUNLIGHT, the all-pure laurv dry soap, is backed by a $5,000 guarantee. Sunlight will do your ? washing quickly, more thoroughly . and will keep your clothes looking like' new. lunlight Soap 'he Largest Selling Laundry Soap in the world Made by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Sold Everywhere ishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Price ipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McOride SU But and Taxi Mocts all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. hona 34 P.O. Box 190 Simmon'' Hleel Hcd. airing, and Oslermour Mai- ln".i's in every room. ft 2 Hooios Hut and Cold Wuler, Halltt.nud Showers. jlcam Ileul'-d. Klei-lrii' Light!" Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE OIOBQC an.l PniNCl RUPIRT wll PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE ami IU. Nii. illale I-uiiiL. THURS DAYS 111.I SUNDAYS al 11 p.m. Al-.. S.S. PRINCE CHAfll.ES, WEDNESDAY, IAV 26, ami JUNE il 4 p.m. v luf ANVOX WEDNESDAYS, 10 p.m. I r STEWART- SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES flirtllllUlO Mr VANCOUVER Wa QUEEN CHAN- lOTTE ISLANDS. PA8SENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT l.ill annua) III l SJn, for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point inlf 11 I mini Mitr. Aaantr til Octin SWamahlp Llnaa. tte Canadian Mtlciul F.pr" for Moiu y unWr. I ') "En i:in'tiM. rl ., h fir itmr nrti h!iiiiciit. City Tlcktt Offlea, B2S Third At., PNnca Rupari. men. v, I H...il..l M 1 . iaw i or tjoro us up-Ktid Ii'imciichl fur hoy but n hlgh-Kra for fcktw your workinop. trmlsht tmrlr i TOOLS Junior Mechanic Handsaw $2.75 It nits rleun. lat nnil easy, anil wil'l encourage Hie boy to make tilings ot value, from. .$1.00 to $6.00 each hompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Local and Personal Phone lb. I'.R. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Crystal l'lrcllKhlers, 48 fo 1 OO.'iJIyde Transfer. Phone 580. . tf H. J. llraJhiiry aallcd last n tell t on Hie Prince Geobre for Hums Lake, is a a visitor in Siandiriavian Danre in Metro ole Ilftll7Salurday niiclil at 8.30. IKWiltJjlyoidian unu piano iioJi(2rj"-ifn k on. trenllcrncn 75c, Ju.lie 25. H'v.- II. Hudson of Orean J ail-. returned outh on the Prinne (Jeyijre lattl nfi'lit after having' ntleinled (lie meeting of the dio cean i-ynoil in the elly. The Waller Hale conreri parly, which appeared (h reeltaN here at the f irl of the week nailed for Vancouver on tlo Prince (Jejirne lat nigh. Iiev. and Mr. J. II. Kurr oi Iliirin'I.ake, nfter liaviiijr attend ed the Anglican diocesan ,ynod in Ihe eUy, (.Hiled lal tiiulil on Hie Prince (ieorjre fur Vancou ver. (Juecn Chartotle I elands Service. The Canadian National teatiidilp "Prince C.liartea" will xafl for Van- eouver via all Oueen Charlotte Uiand HrtM nn Monday, May :l nt I p.m. 135 V. JetTewon, foreman for the P.ifific Stevedoring Co., anJ parly of longshoremen coni!t in of T. iloU5.iy, (ieorye Waupli II. Arney, and II. Perkins. sailel lal nipht for Ocean KalU to laki' 1'haiKe of a sleveilorin? jot' there. Chief Cotitahlp A. McNeill of the proviucial police and offiee'f who Iihv at Port ll.sinKtoi fur I he pat few lay makiiix if vcli(ialiin in eonneclion wP! (In i:hihoin crime, returned li Hip fM last nlslit u itl.l In fpwlor William Spiller who visit ed port IN'lnfftoii yesterday. Mali !uey, Chineoe. arretted al Port Ksldncrton by Chief Con-sinlde ,. McNeill of the provin-larrAlfpV. apjeare'd before Sll pen. I nit Mag-itraYe II. F. Mc-l.eod 1n the jutivinrial polie-court tin- morning and, pleading guilty to a charge of smoking ojiiuin. wa fined if 50 and costs. A. M. Ituddy, well known pro-prielor of the Omineea Hotel at Il urns Lake, is a visitor m town for a day or so, having ar. rived from .the Interior on last night's train. Mr. Ituddy report (hat the crops are looking well n h! district although recently everything except hay has Imvi held hack to some extent hy a pell of ususually cool weathi". Mr. and Mrs. P. (J. Paterson, who have heeu spending their honeymoon at Termee, relumed lo the city on last night's train and suited aboard the Prinze Kcnnre . for their home in New Wes'tniiiister. 'The bride was formerly Miss Ali.ce Mr'Dougall, daughter of the late Archie Mc-lougall, well known railway contractor here in the early days. L. O. I.arsen, who has moUI his painllng business hero to Hisselt Hard and his building on Third Avenue to Stanley Smith, sailed lal night on the prince Cieorvo for Seattle where he will join Mrs. I.nrsen. They will proceed from there to California on a vacation trip of several weeks aftei' winch it is thetr inletillo:) lo return fo Vancouver where Mr. I.arseii expects to enter husi. ness. nun simxf 0 TUB DAILY NEW8 PAGE THRB FOR ALL CANADIAN TEACHERS I.ONUON. .your bokin, use NO LAND AT POLE. i uia .unrrrr uieniiy eorrrM witn tun f j;o, for 111) TARIFF ON SALTS. body clrarol H In 4J itay- nw aklo grown !KpSOin Salts. i" pHin. no in ning, no irriiaimB. ThU story trema Incmliblo dn hunrfrrdi of othrr cawa relirvrd by the powerful Uiiuid. (ot tbt UMtuwnt of akin dUtawa. n firit tlJOO l.ttl, rilitttt yaa r ft tft fry D, D. D. tttp, l, 21 BAKING POWDER Mode in Conoda - fto Alum ! TO PAY EUROPE VISIT WINNII'Kii, May 28 Cana- titan teachers will uiaki- a lour to (J real llritain and France this summer, under the jtauspiccs of the OviM'sieas Kducabo" League, flartin' July 7 andbmling Autf ust 21, if i amiDTpfocfd here by Major 1". J. Ney, sjlc!ary of the organization. Originally it wat planned to hold a jpriiite of Ihe: jjeuiierrauesn. uu$ junimer, in :he coure of whien places of historical and mhTfqal inlere.t would be'visiled. ffliK. however. has been cancelled J"i the lime beinsr, in onler uM'riiiil of arrangements bcin.?niade to allow of New Zealand and Australian leachers joining UnTour. Major Ney, who: u just ro'-lurned from a visildo Ijtypt. the inland or CypQii, and other plares, Hiinouneejj (hat the Jiyiitmn di'iiartmeivl of educa tion has arranged the placiiiK of o Cauaiiiuii i-achers in schools nr that count rv for a year's servlee. GRAYIIEiTdS ANDNOT YOUTH IN NItjHT CLUBS l Young Man AboutjJ Town" no uonger cxisis irucngiana t' Mav ay Orav heads, or )ieab. that would be ray if nalnre -tad ool heeu as sisted, an so. numerous in Lou don n I tilt clubs that newspapers generally agree with the statement ot the late .Sir.Squiro Han-croft that the "young-man-ahout-lown1' no longer exists in I'nittand. The Kit -Cat and oilier well-known London nijflit Clubs are Hie haunts of Ihe ufiddle-aged and acd. Praclieally node of the danosrs is really young. This is true of. the women as well as Ihe men. Youth tias its fling in Ihe popular dance hall wheia. the cost is less and it is not necessary to be so formally dressed. TONNAGE LESS BUT . EARNINGS GREATER SIR HENRY STATES OTTAWA, May 28. Sir Henry Thornton has (old the special commit lee on national railwayo that the gross earnings of the Canadian National Hallway were S'J.OOO.OOO above the,,, previous year notwithstanding that the tonnage was less than in IU25. JUDGMENT SUSPENDED OTTAWA. May 28. The gov-eminent it is understood lias suspended judgment on Ihe Alberta Natural Resources Hill pendiug further pourparlers wilii the Alberia government. (JUF.HF.C. May 28 Capt. !er-uier, Ihe famous explorer, do-clares that there is no land at the Norlli Pole. In imv nun I I . ..II . 1.. . L.tiutuii uwiis an I'-ri.iiii as. as latitude 00 he asserts. fnr OTT-VW.Ar Atay -'S.The turiiV advisory board will hear duet application of the Hasijue Chemiral increased tariff on BIRTH A son was horn al the. Prince , Huperl General Ilflspllal W. J. McCutcheon Drug Store jMay 28.10 Mr. and Mys Fletiiherl and Ormes Limited llemmons Tallow Stret I TERRACE DIES Sister of Mrs. Georee" Little Passed Away In Local Hospital Last Evening Afp-r a lonif period of illness, death came at the 'Prince Huperl Oeneral Hospital at. 'J .30 lai niffht to Mrs. Mayme Olcn, wifi; of Knute Olseti of Terrace and isler of Mrs. Jeon'e Lilllc. During recent ycare, the late Mrs. Olsen had heeii a freijuent visitor lo the city for medical treatment having last been brought here on Wednesday by her sister, Mrs. Little. Horn in Spokane,, Washington, forty-one years ago, the late J Mrs. Olsen came to Terrace over (ten years airo as Miss Maytue. Itesf and, prior to her' marriage Ito Mr. Olsen, was postmistress I for some time at Terrace. Heiides Hie widower, deceael is survived by two children. boy and a girl. There are also three sisters (beside Mrs. Little1 and one brother, who reside in (he rtate of Washington: The remains, which are now in the hands of the H.i'. Under takers, wil! be taken hy Mrs. I.il lie lo Terrace where funeral will lake plaee tomorrow afternoon. SENATE STILL AFTER PROHIBITION ORDER Have Appointed Committee of Five to Investigate Legality of President's Recent Edict WASHINGTON. May 28. The senate judiciary committee ha appointed five leading Senate jurists to investigate the legal ity of President Cooiidge's reeeni order appointing state officials as federal prohihihon agents. HENRY HOWARD OF VICTORIA IS DEAD YICTOniA, May 28. Henry Howard, a well known member of the staif of the Provincial Au ditor and a former resident of the Yukon, died suddenly at bis home today. He was burn in Nova Seotia in 1880. CANADA GIVEN LAND PAULS, May 28. The French government has granted a piece of ground in the Department of Oonlogne at Combe Capelle lo a Canadian school vf pre-hisloric studies for archaeological pur-, poses. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert A. M. Ituddy, Hums Lake J. Service, Smithers; Mr. NY and Mrs. H. W. Morry, Mrs. J. Saiid- hals, 1). P. Mackay, O. A. Moor- and A. 1. Hardie, Port Kssiug ton; Mr. and Mrs. P. (i. Pater son. New Westminster: Dau Mp Pherson, Claxton; W. T. Sinloit. I . C. Scolt anil F. V. Deleouft. Vancouver: Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. ,. tirigg, Anyox; A. llolui gren. Hen Cornelinsen ami S. t' Cornelsin. City; II. P. Nighliu wale. Mrs. Lrii S. Iavis and baby and Mrs. James 1. Plater. Clax Ion. Central L. Souek, Alert Hay; S. Gould, It. J. Walkland and It. J. Pierce, C.X.Il. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Take nolice laat anyone found r.di'ng bicycles; on sidewalks or riudcrpaths will be prosecuted. 125 City F.ngineer. LAND ACT. NotlC. of litt.ntlon lo Apply to Ltaio Land In l.niil llreortluiir DMrlrt vX frlurv liux'rl, anil tllnaiF at lirad ut Skaal In-h i. Murt'!by ana, oucrn Charlutla urmie. TAKE MiTICK that The Canadian Flail ing Coniiuiny. Llmlleil. or V inrouvrr. riialion Saliuin cannrr.s, liilriuts tu apply rir a ivase r ine rouowini iirscriupu lanl Cnmiiirnriiiv al a tstsl Dlantrrt at Ina,t or ?Kaai iniri, 11 rnain mnn or nn-named crrrk; thrn- t t chains; thrnc ysiutti Jn rlialns; llK'nce rast to rhains. n ion- t IrSs. t hort I. ne: lhcncr nnrttiprly rolluwinr ah.ur llnr in I'.o.u.. and it.mainlHir lo a'TfS. thnrs' or 1f$. THE CANADIAN' FI1IIM COMpMV, LIMITED. Appllrant. rr William Alrred Bower. Onlfrt tOh.'irll, .t0? ' LAND ACT. I III Prince lluwit land llrciirdlnit ln trlct of CoAt nanuT i, and slluate va Si'iuh Raiharl lland. TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Swanwn, of Prince luixrt. orrnpatltm Mariner, Intend in apply fur a leae of the follow. In IT itexTilird lands; Ciiiiimenrlnr al a hI planted at the n.irlh end of S..11II1 narriael llnnd: thnc OI) around the lland al hlrh water mark. aim wmniiiiuK u urn-', mure ir.iei- uaicu Avm iviro. AI.FHF.0 SWANSII?!, Appllrant. (, ' I Victor ti f m Records Always i "f WiS Walta Cm. OUen and Ilia Matlc. IW7 Foi Trot I nttrnattana! Novolty Orch. 1S3 Vocal Iltnrjr Biirr (Tenor) ISS7) Instrumental Victor Salon Orchettr 2MM Organ Solo Jeaao Crawford After I Say, I!m Sorry IW47 Fox Trot Jean Coldketta and Ilia Orch. Victor Talking . Machine Co. WW Organ Solo Jmm Crawford Valencia Fox Trot Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra NoTelty Fox Trot Horses Ceorje Olacn and Hit Muttc Li A .tsIV. UJ rr-r-.-T-Tj of Canada, Limited 20007 1W77 Let's Talk About My Sweetie Fox Trot Russo and Florlto's Oriole Orchestra Victor records play on any type of Victrola At "His Master's Voice" Dealers 19919 An Exceptional Offer YVe have u few EASTMAN KODAKS ilia! tire shop worn and also -ome models that have been withdrawn and repleed by a new series. These are all offered ul a discount of 25 r, off catalogue price. A SHIPMENT OF MELBA TOILETERIES HAS JUST ARRIVED Melba goods are now made in Canada and the price ha been reduced. Face Powders 50c and $1.00 Talcoum Powders 25c Dusting Powders SI .50 Creams 50c Compacts $1.50 and 60c Rouge 50c Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Uruggists. The Itexnll Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only cumpleio stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parls in the Norlh. Y'e handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peuvies,.Savs, and general Camp KquipmcnL It will pay you lo see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited (CANADIAN 710 Second Avenue Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far inCHlU.H. WUNCEU, JUNEAU. SIACWAT far VAJKOUTW. YiaOUA ui SUTTU . ... is. rxLiccss imva i.jlO.21,31 B.jH. 2S.Jaaa4 Par ButMala, twanaon Bj, Cast aUlla Salla, Ocaan Falla. Namu. Alart Sat. Aaana for all ttaamahlp Llnaa. W. O. oitCHAno aanaral Aiant. l. Full Intormatlvaj fraa Oarnar ( 4Ui traat and Srd Aranua, Prlaea RusarU B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Saillna fruro rnnc Rurru Of VANOOUVtft, VICTORIA. Iwanaon Sai, and Alan Bar. Tvoadav, at, ef VANCOUVCP1. VICTORIA, Alwt Baa. and Swanao Bat, lilirlt,, A. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rliar Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. r.0.' t?"T ANVOX. ALIOC ARM. STKWART, unda. p.m. US tnd Ataatva. t. Baraalai, Ataat. Prlaa RvaMrt. ae.