sER SCALP t i.Ainv nn Arnn LLUYU bfcUKlit .11 iiiniriiiiii u inn' i.iiiii ill. I Mir IMMIM IIIIII'lll lllirilUtT .1 (IT( )i..i'rniiiont iluniiv Dm liad reere of piiwer Ui- aml if il had tieen iiecen Hm lioled Staler (ioxeni- would liae ltn aide ! w (Hi ncry- roiirelalde con- 1 1 nun m lr IS REVISED ncemenl maae tnai douuio lallnn will h aiMlrlorf Under Amendment i ,v., .May .n. v nen in- ... i 11 . . i. r il... next week il will have in- 'I a claue lo proleel uniall i'iai rorporaiioiiK irom I1 I it x ii I inn. .Mr. Itoivlii nn- i fd lai uifihl, when the i ri'-olutldii aiiuMiiliiir' Hie ic war tux nri 1.4 iinner eon- aUon The clause, he Kiiid. 1 u vii 111 iiiiihii riiriiiiriii inn - - - - ii. ...... 1 .. r .....t.i.... 11...1.. oplnnv liy payiul: llii'ir liir a Joint nloek eouipanlen or .li....I..rt - I MM... 'milllllJfl IIUI'llllrHlllllN. I MM . - - . , lei- eltnaled Hint 'io lo 10 1-in hi woo pain 111 'axe lnl year would not under Hie new iirovMou ll'fllllltll lir - I V I lia.11.1 ...i.l ...i.l r the redtielion would ii' 10 :. inn nun 1 KH'AN I'UAMUIfllU INS AT GOLF OVER i" Ni.i im 1 1 1 1 hum nnu May 28. Hobby American golf ehaniiiloii. iiaUsI Iloberl llarrl. i:nir- il e IiiiIiIim- rp.ii.. 11... i..n 11 iii inn ii 1 1 " ' ..Ml . ? . . Johnou. j (iainiim entrance to die cagei Mm tiandll scooped up two Ihoux 1 1 m nnnunn t . r-i i r i r m m .in iiiiiiai i.iviiu in miin h mi - I ...... I.. 1.1. -.Il 1 an Ishmael nuriiijr lnl nrler nine Hi-- 1 ' ta wn nwailinjr-hit'-relurii 1ml' ....... .. ... ... ..... a I..... II... ....! . ....... I ...... ... 1 Inl.Y. ,la' .8. lr INIIKlll lllllljir"! JIUM III a ii"iii""iu. ii 111 i t i urn - - - i ftho ua elvd roiiiinlionrr "e.pue uireai. irom uie naiiiiii k Uie ftftin-Hl flnke. -Iiarp-i1"'- "ir.iiitf. juni.ed fr Hie! fr,.i III II I 11 IIIMI'l. HIM . . . . . ... I a I M ri llll tjL I ,111 Ills. niil lull Li.'iiimi vv v ma . .... .... W d .ain -aid l.lod ,ieor8e prr u,,a,,,P " ,n,ec ,IM? ru"'r" i i a i .1......... ii. ! esndll i& Tikan WIXMPIK!. May 28. The frandit who liejil Hip Hie Itoyal llaiik hrnni'li llii iiiorniiiK was raplured in a Ixwinliiw house near Hie feene of tho rohhery aT-ler a fuui fivhl during' which lo delecUvet, were wounded. llarrieailiug- hiuielf in the lioue. I he liandit opened fire on the pidiee a lliey allempled to rush the door.. Chief of leee-tiPi. lieorae fJniilh and Dtdee-live llerl Sural were wounded. Hie taller erinuty, il i believed. The haudil, whoe name had uol leen aeerlained, wan fhol Iwiei in the rliet and xhoulder and i in a erioiM eondiliou. SEIZED BEER FROM A GERMAN CRUISER LOS AMSKI.I-y. May :H. It i- dialed liere that Federal olficer -eiied a 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 - or tieer ahoarl the eruiMT llaiuhur?, the fir.l (terinau warship lo vinit I he I'ae- ifie eoat duriiiK' Ihe war. Tin" rrui-er was in San Pedro liarho and Hie riurc followed alleiisl alel of heer. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL National League St. Loom 3-1, (.ineiiinali Ilrooklyu l-ti. IMiiladelpliia 3-1. .New York-lloslon, rain. ChieaKo 5, Piltnhurt.' 2. American League Philadelphia 3. Washington Cleveland 5, St. I.oui 8. Helrnil I, C.hieairo VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal Coli.oolldaled hunwell Howe Sound .. Indian Independence I.. .V; I Purler Idaho Surf Inlet Vielnrla lllil. Asked .. i.:ovi ' 1 .305.00 ... l.rtH 1.70 ... 33.00 33.00 ... .05 .05 .08?; .10 ... MM .l .((8 .00 IL' .11 .06 Vi .08 H5 Campaign' Already off to Real Start In Provincial Contest on Prairies OLD PARTIES ACTIVE. Opening up of Peace River Play Active Part In Present Campaign eral eleclion for the provinee ol AlbiTla will he held on June 28 Willi nomination on June 18 H oTCllly," announced. WrilHi have been issued and the cam paign i now off to a real xlarl.j pieinier iirovvniee open.s the eainpalKli at Canlou Wednofdayj next and U eheduled lo epeak at about a hundred meeting!, I. 1 the next few weeks. The. PWeiil government, re- preciiUn the fanners of Al-s berla, came iulo power in July to KH.MONTON, May 28. A gen llial time Hon. 11. ii-eeiifiebl wa! cliofi'ii Premier and lie held offiee until last fall when llOJb J. F.. Iirovvniee, al- lorney general and provincial oerretai "vvas ohoion to lead Hie (iovernnienl follovviw seriout di!!'enrijn' whieli lesulled in Mr. ilrej'jfield'. retirement. iinij)iaei have already bee 1 ehofeiivirnr most of the constituencies; of .the province, il hav ing ilipen uuderslood that an election, would be called soon. One feature of Hie pr.'enl "il. nation Ci 1 lie rejuvenation of Hid old .parlies tlirougliout the pro vlnee. jirdli Liberals and Con-semi0vediave been particularly aeliye and no one can predict with any v degree of certainly what vvlir'iie the outcome of tho present contest. One tof Jlie big issues in the eleelloip'wni be the opening up of llic"' Pence Hiver couulr.v and Hie dfSpniilhin of Hie (iuveni- ineul railways. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. STOCKHOLM, May 28. Seven piM'!ti'i.'SS,.ls of them girls, were and and ten ten il sllglnly fujureil tn an cjiiioslon al a nynninue rae- lory arTTrangfesberg yesterday. TAXI Boston Grill 5 and: we Ambulance '.1 jtf5 Large Upstair Dining Hall,-with Service n1y laid HnelnST,; Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. and 6th St PRINCE RUPERT " The NEW latest SODA and best FOUNTAIN, for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. r- least. Phona 467. "'a- ' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper , ., ,ti.. , .Tr I II, .till! HW, 1-1. IMIINCK JllPF.IJT, U.CL, FBI DAY, .MAY 23. I'J20. Yesterdiyi cimiliilon, 149S Slret SitM. Til PRICE FIVE CENTS. OYAL BANK CLERK IS SHOT BY BANDIT i n iniim IN WIMMIDEV DD A urn aih Mimnrnrn Piivrnnm irrrn vwut u ivillllf hi tt liiiui lu iiiArtiii.n H mi ill ! i.rtrii nr.ii ar ritini Mm I Mm innwes bank box is Killed by Bandit Who Robbed the Royal Bank I .'iL iL I I II r M M 1 M M M M M MBBBB V MM 6i7s after taximan refused to drive him i YUWIPl.u. May 28. Maurice (iarvie. u nineteen year old ..I I.v... ,... ...I ..I 4J 1. .. ....... .1. I ... a ...... ! !.. I I. . . . . bullet aimed ol M. P. Jnhtiuu. teller, who refused lo put I- nanus in uie t-ummaou oi i no nation. m vuig to inr ouiik in a inxicaii i nt nautili waikcu uilo llic and uumedialely drew a revolver shouting "Put 'em up. c wa mi Ihr hark of Hie small lrurtiire and when Tellfr ""(Johnston in Hie euge refused to nnn fl1 II f .comply, uie gunman rired, Uar- vic falling dead. I'lial K what you II all get if you don't shove em up. ' lie luhl KST ( fir SIS ooo mUllY HAItTZ. rtOMOX , CALIF . SpKKHSTEH, re.-nvo g Uie eoujrra iKalion r Pelcr Mcllonouph n fler ln Mnaxlimg vn lory n Hie ;500-mile aour griiiu -ni uanu. uty. MrDoiioujfH waihinl. Peter lie I'aolo. e ood. Ail lliree ... I 1 . I I. ., . I I m ovuemi uii- loriner worms iraeK recorn. l.ia Hv iiiiimih i ,' li,rl .miinv ELECTION FOR ALBERTA JUNE "iv.vou oi uie .iu,nv prize money. Joseph Sankey Arrested Charged with Murder of Miss Loretta Chisholm . Joseph Sankey, aged 22, Port Simpson Indian, who was arrested by the provincial police last Monday on suspicion in i-oiineclioii with Hie killing or Miss Lorella Ulii holm at Port F.-ssingtou on May 2;t, appeared before Sli-pendiary Magistrate IL F. .Mr Lend this morning and was formally charged with the murder. No evidence was taken and the rae was adjourned until June 2. Sankey was arrested Monday within an hoilf tlud, ti lialf of the time Hie provincial police wcre-noUried'of jlfe miiinler. Since llial lie has been detained 011 suspicion and was present in custody during (lie itupiesl last night al Hie Court House although lie was not required lo give, evidence. , The prisoner is a comparatively small man wilh a. ralher sliifly uppearance, darker than the average Indian" but not in any way outstanding. While the police are uol making any slalemenl in regard lo Hie eae il is undersbKtd lliey have considerable evidence against Hie man, mosllv of a circiiiuslanlial nature and they are still working oif if. Woman Declares She Drank 408 Bottles of Beer and 12 of Hard Liquor.Less Than Three Weeks CHKSTOX. May 28. Holding by her sworn testimony wlial is believed In be an unchallenged record or consumption of liquor in the Koolenay district. Mrs. Nellie Langlois was found guilty by Magistrale .Mallaudane in the police court al Kitchener, ten miles west or here, on a: charge or keeping liquor for sale. - The records of Hie (lovernmrnt Liquor vendor showed that during Hie Hrst twenty days of Ibis iinnilli Mrs. Langlois pur- chacd tOS hollies of beer and 22 hollies of whiskey am) when SOCIALIST BARRED. PLYMOUTH, Kngland, May 28. Charjes K. Itussell, American Socialisl, was refused permissioji ity immigration authorities, tc 'and here from the steamer Pro sitJenl Itoosevell. FRONTIER TROUBLE. ATHKN'S. Mny 28, U is reported from I'utburau on tli-i (Ireco-Hulgarian frontier thai three llulpurinn killed a I'Sreefc soldier and that Iwtf' Hulgariann were later shot. V , her residence was raided onlv ltd bottles of beer and ted' bot-tles or hard liquor wa- found. Arraiened in court Mrs. Lang-lois swore thai in less than (firee weeks she personally coifsunied 2(18. .bottles of beer ami twelve bottles of hard- liquor. Iterusing. to credit Hie wonuuiV seir-admilted capacity for tquor consumption, the niagjjvjrral' Imposed a fine of too and eoslw. ' VOLGA FLOODS. 1: -towlyitis; 1.ovvyltiff i. ...... i .1..1...1 . 1 1. .. s -sTv-. - . been inumlali'd and thousands ot llersons have been drvenufrom i heir homes by floods.s fJt Coroner's Jury Hears Evidence and Declares Foul Play is Apparent Story of search for the body of Miss Loretta Chisholm tcld last night and prisoner present to hear witnesses Arier hearing the evidence Mibniilled to it yesterday afler-nooii and la evening, the wjroner's jury inquiring Into1 the death or Loretta Chiho!m, Hie Port Kssington sefiuol' teacher, whue dead body was discovered Monday, declared that in its opinion the deceased came to her death as a result of foul plav on the part of some person or persons unknown. II. B. Hoch osier was spoke-man for Ihe jury. The inquest opened early yesterday afternoon when the evidence of Dr. L. V. Kergiu was heard hi reirard to the con dition of Hie liody when be niada --- - u post morlein examination. ThW: npirkfirri a tj t1 rl-ariy. snowed sins of violence! H I lih I Alf V llH but that death came finally las atutiV1L,J VI result of elnikiug from mossl (tuned into the mouth and throat. After hearing the evidence Hie court adjourned. Hecejving word later that wit nesses wen 'Nut their wav - from Port Lssmglon, Jteputv Coroner TaVTnJck a?a1nnraoTJirry for eight o'clock last evening and (noil after ten Hie verdict bad Wen reached. The Jurymen were II. U. Hovhesler ' foreman , H. Moore, U. II. Arnetl, L. M. Fuller. It. McNauzhton and S. h Parker. ' Provincial police inspecto Spiller stati'd that it .wa pro j posed to submit only sufficient j evidence to allow the jury to ile-j lermiuc the cause and place of death. First Witness lionald McKay, Hie first wit ness, at present residing at Port Fssiugton, staled that fie liaJ assisted' in the search for the nilssing school teacher. He told of the efforts they had made on the Sunday afternoon and evening but without success. Aery early on Mwiulay morning the fearch was continued and event- ually they had found the body-lying on the muskeg race downward and with the lower part of Hie body only partially clothed. part or the clothes below the waist had evidently been torn oft". One gum boot was olT but both gloves were on. It was abouv six o'clock in the wonting when they found the body. They had found bloodstains oh the trud and this had given them Hie clue as to where to look for the body. Also they could see when the body had apparently been dragged through Hie Hush. Police Sergeant Alex. McNeill, who is in charge of this police; district, described in some detail! Hie place where the body wa. found and where it was cvidert a struggle lnul taken place,. U was about a mile an da half from RED CROSS IS . .. SENT TO JAIL WI.VXIPW. lny'i8rtTerey aiwhurst. a former accOuiituut of the Ited Cross Society', who pleaded guilty to two charges of forgery and theft fni'ohtjv'?20.-. t)0o, was sentenced t:.Tour years' Imprisonment yesterday; It was lestified that le forged Ihe minute's of the sceiely' 3'J liinc!, giving himself powA- if Write Cheeks. SHOWED FILMS NORGE SEATTLE Company Winning Race Came Out by Dawson and Skagway and Alert Say ' SK.UTLK, May 28. Photo graphs of the Norgejwere displayed here last nighl?' for th first time in the United Slate?. They armed here with moving pictures of the .News. Heel Company which beat the rival company into Seattle by less than 24 hours. Tho victorious firm proceeded from Teller lo DawsoiL and Skag way. .the competitor took the films from Fairbank lo Seward tc connect with the1 Seattle. boaL. An airplane which left here in the morning picked Uii, the films on the winning boat al Alert Hay and sited to Seattle. The loser of the race arrives today. Porl Lssington. He also pro-;L,m,t Put uurt-u a piece oi limner lour or five feet Ion? on which ,fblood stains vvere seen. It was a heavy limber and. seemed too large lo have been used us n lilinls-nnn. Also the police sergeant pro- r ,ne eal strike I becoming so duce.1 a, hair pin vvhiclt hevlouniriou ,ha' u,e ercHtcs pres- l il... ground 'burred i.. i . .xi'.i?' i SUre 'Ure ' is 'ht'illL' bt'i"s: hrl)U?bl lirhnilil tu IA nVar K"i.iii. . iii. in tin inclie BALDWIN URGED TO DRASTIC ACTION IN BRITISH COAL STRIKE on Amount House holders May Purchase' Each Week .Beginning T6day LO.MHH; May 28. The effect ie alVoftl'-rfv-S lip's in' the muskeg al th-n"" Premier Italdw in 'Mo take place where Hit blood tuliut were found. Apparently the tiodv hail 'been dragged i feet into llio: .brush, lie found the missing V'Oiu- boot in a thicket of brush close by. MOSCOW, May 28. 'Charles A. Moore, n resident of lowns along Hie Volga dlivqr-hiCveh'i'rf Kssington told of finding' I il. . i i.. , . . Hie body after a long serreh.. H felt thfebody t( sceirillteWHS. if ... 1 1i " . -r u-ouiinueu on page nve) drasjie aeti5fifo7nfdree jieaW.' i lie uepartmeni or nunes announced that sftnjrlirip to,Jay householders can vcure. coal only.iiy official permit limiting the purchases to (uo pounds each two weeks. , . J, Slade Slevijils, federal ln- iiisiii ur toean t an business. is. unto al