' ' V 1 'oatiu Fiiin,v. MHy'in, 11120. THB DAILY HEWS v The Jewellery Store Umbrella Yon will generally find thai II is mi nlogetherlii-jiorjor article. , it iuk. limes rols u litf U mor,, lull then Think what ytiuiiwe wetting! .".V;( Why! orii-n lb liamlMn one or ours i wnFtli inori limn tin whole umbrella of Mime kind. Prices for nice ipialllieji in silk ami jk mixtures, 5.nn to r.'.oo, John Bulger ltd. Opticians and Jeweller PRICE is No Substitute for Quality Ili'u I tin unsolicited le-uiiiini.il of a iirtiiiiiiielit I' nice Rupert laily: I wmli ut Thank the laundry for having made iPh a utirrM In-re ator-iijr my rrnv dre. wit limit any damage In the beautiful -lor ..f i tip embroidery." signed MU Ma lui'O. Send your garment to a house with an enviable re- i putatlon for QUALITY SERVICE mm LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS P.O. Box 392. Phone 8 BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF llniiylnirifi-- -' lbs. for . . 26c Hulling Href, per Hi. . . 10c Shod Ribs, per lb. . . 12'jC Prime Rib r Iteef, per lb 25o Yenl tew. per lb. .. 12'aC Yenl Shoulder Hoasi. per lb. ,25c Ycnl Steak, per lb 35c Heef Dripping. it lb. 12'jC Spmi. per saek, .... $3.00 Sealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone .455. We Deliver. Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping of kind-llw Safe, Himplp ami economical. Manufactured by , HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 880 Night or Day WE .BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes ' An Exquisite Stock of Fur TrlmmlriKa at low prices B. C.FUR Co. Nsxt Q.W.V.A. Third A ve FUNERAL SERVICE FOR MISS CHISHOLM Body or Murdered EssVigton bcnool Teacher Sent South Last Evening An tmpresimp xervicc was hi'IA in inr ju-ju I'esnyieriitn Church I I U ....!,. I. I . . .... n I..-IIH-K iaxi evening over the remains of the Inle MiM l.orclla Chisholm, victim of horrible IragiMy ut Port Kssiugl: Joji la t Sunday, before tu'y worn forwarded (u Vancouver where, internum will lake place. Rev. Dr. (,harc J. Cameron ami Canon W. Hmhbrook officiated speaking fpeling word before a lunge congregation. Hymn were sung. .Iiihn H. Davey presiding ul lh- organ. Practically all the school teachers of llie rily tvero present. After Ihi' s'rvlr. hotly was lionir to Ihi- steamer I'rinr-liforjrr to br transpnrti'd soull. Milt s.iii.i.l lii-.i'clor H. (l I rii-i-i- ari-oiiiianyliiK Ihfiu. Tli? nalllii-aivrs were I'rlnripal .1. ('., Hf-ady, I'rinriiHil I. II. Ilarln.s, II ft. Hell. W. W. OXfill. II. 'i X..j and CUrronl Ham. The casket wfl ailornml Willi a magnificent rose wreath' sent lit ' be school teachers of ' I'rinre Itupeit. There were alo flm-a! 'nbules from Mrs. J. II. Hjhliteh. Mis May llarlin, St. Jnhna t'.liunii. Port Hssinylon, II. Mor-t. K. Hunt and (. A. Taylor. Xcslrymen of the Clnircli, lt.v. Nation lliishbrtiok, Mr. and Mr tiibson, Mr. am! Mrs. Hardy, Mr .mil Mrs. Hugh l-raser. knlnt Tnni. KlilrpuMt to Im h-iKnurtMil. imI mmI.m-mi! I Utr 'Hk. tmriHm ami .iipik.iii ..r o fmlf I. -ii Muliir Ijiinili. Kill ! rwrltrd up l lt mo. iutie It. iv.. I'laif. wllirili4i. iiid tunn r lin-iW liny l- otiKliwl ul lit "ffirr uf Uic inirtn uirr. .mri hmi, I'niwr u of Tu lialUr Mrll will tM rr-foiHysl ir Mum and . 'iwritMUtsi rr lyiarurti m rumi mMritinri ilhln llrlrljr tUy rmm jar if. ls. tlw h'rl ur y iriHlrr nut orm Mrllv trrrfttHt. . K. SillEV l9UJ M Mtr Of I Jan). LAND ACT. Nolle ol InUntlen U Spplf to L In oiwii i:hrfcMir itiimt IjiwI lie ranjiHir lulrli ut I'rinr lluirl. iihI llkulnl tu ttillM am ul tlnroM lnv itlkiihtiir lulri. uwl mnlmr n hi, yutrn i.iMri.ii iniriri. itt. .MiTii.K nui iik- u.i . rithinf CMiiiir i.wuuny. l.lrt.. of Van.-nurrr, H.i .. .Mt-upaonii Stimuli ijinr. lnMlt in iiv.it rar a !' f llw IMhtWMIC Ur rrtttnl I'lM-rntxir : U.iMiiriiriiiir a hw nlanlnl at th Mlllirl nrttrr of Im til: tlmtre rxtr ll..rl ami rativrlr following tit- lm r unit urr inarK. II rtwin, iiMirr nr I. i" hi rK.riii! rurrwr ..r ixti ill llMTwe . i rhin: ttM-nrc MMitlMlr utt ..ffi) fwliowina a lin ivrallH la uh uiw nr mtri oiirr mark, ii rinln. Hum r lltrrui mi t rhln jt f " h s -'inTwnniw'iii. in.) onuainini i afre. imirr ir !. iiiurisii i iii.i xhh timn axii Per II. lirriBl, ArenL nairu loin April. tf. NAViaBLC WATIRS PROTECTION ACr, R.a.O. CHAPT1H 115. inS.K Mil I Kllli UMITU). rertntrred uttK.- t jfl llnup Slrt-ri. in tm- i lly or ani-niirer, Crnvuir. of liritKh iruluinbla. llt.lil.liY Oivrs MTH K 1111 It hit umtrr Miiu.n 5 uf llie Mid Art ili-iHii4t Willi iw niiimier in riiDiir worn ai iiiuwa. iim hi llw ornre or lh4 liimrirt llriiw .r llie Law Ufit.irr liltlrlct ur itiimc liupori, at I'rtiii.- Uirt, iu', a drrri Hun ul tin- ml ami punt ut a wImiI ami Ire He for rarrvlii aler tup line pr.Hi.d in Im. bum n Sluniion illy. ViMti i:n.irhitie llanK in ih rruvinry it ui'ilih C.iliiinliia, nn rorrtlHire l.-aw ur lot iia, vuen Cliarloiie lUml. in the I'rovlme of nrltlih i:luinbla, ami houn by .lan. itmiainlnr in all an area ol emlil i at-rr uu.re nr !. A Mi TAWK notice mat arier the tx HrtliHi ul vne l iimiilh rri.ui IIhi rtair ..r iim lirt piiMlram.ii nr I hi miller, iiiwM Millrril Llmlteit will under keruou T r llie aatit Art applj to the Mlnltler ol I'uMk Wi.iki al Inn orrire In the Ctljr .if mutta fur approval of the aaul iilr ml plan ami fur Mve M ruiiHriirt U.r -lit vharf ami trrMla. iMInl al I'liure- Hupi'tl, B.C.. thll 30IU city or April, A lt. ln. onssK .vii t.Fnn iimitkh. Ily iu Sulicllr. William. Mtiiom il'iniilx NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION AOT, R.C. CHAPTER 11B l iii.ui oil i niipiny of i.aiuita, l.lmlleil, Lrrrby plve mioi-e lliat It h im.l.T wr imn ; "I Hie -ll A. itrKri1 wllh tin-MltMler nr Piihlli- U'lHkt a i it law a tnu in the uiriie or the liutrlcl lirautrar m i lie I ami llemnrv lumrlt-l i.r ITInri lliieri In llie I'mvlnre ut llrutjh Cotnm-in, a ile- rlplli.n if I he tile ami plain. ul a pil ami Imihrr wharf pmimxeil in be built In Hut lurbor of I'riure luiierl in the IU Pnivlnee. on waler hit rmir, blink "tl": the tahl wlurr nmiprttlnir a turiMW appma.'li varyliiir In width from I-.'' In to . and eili'iiilhi 'nurlherly fnMii tin- lilahwaler murk a dMlaiiro of ap-liriivliuali'lj XW. wh.'iiie II wUh-nt to ai. I. erllim ..!' x so' In area, the titty feel niHtniii'in.-iii h.lnr approtlmately parallel tn the nh.ire lint. Ami Uke mitlre thai after the etplra-llnn of one iniiiith rrom Hit dale of the flrt puhllralhm of tlilt dullre tbo t'nlfin oil i uiiiianv of l anaih, l.lniltrd, will under eeiiun 1 "f the Mid Art apply Pi Ihe MlnKler nr ruhlle Wmkt al hit or-fire In the City "f Ollawa, for approval or Ihe ald "lie anil Ihe aahl plan, anil for leave lo inimlrilrl Ihe said whlrf and apprmieli to the same. liaml al Vsniiiiiver. Urllith Coliimlila, ,m IMUdayofMay... PMrh-t Sal.'S Manarer. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Appl to La Land In Land Iteenrdlnr innlrlet of Prlurr Huis-rl, and mtuale on Moresby Itlanil, oiieen arl..lle ('.roup, on iimiaiuml Inlet, Ihree miles south of He l.a Herho n-let TtKE flOTirE that The Canadian Flh-ln Coinpanv. I.lnilted. or Vanrnuver, or. rtipnlmn Hnhiinit ranner. Intend to apot.v ror le or Ihe rollowlnx desrrllxKl '""oMimienrlnr l a post planted at heart nr Inlet about H mile north .or unnamed Creek Ihenre wetl it rlmln: thenre siiinh to i-haln: ihem-e entt 0 rtmliis, more nr lets, lo shore line; Ihenre n.rlh-erlv fnllnnlnir shore line In P.O.C., and rinilalnlnv in arres, innre or lest. Tl IK cmilUN KIS.III.N0 r.llMP.USY. LIMITED, Appllent. Per William Alfred Dower. Dated Itn April, ll!l. The Real Cause Off Constipation Is A Bad Liver Mr. Jran Uofhclf, Nelson, D.C- wrtte!'For many year 1 bave btfen troubled with ray liver. And auf-bred terribly yvith coati'utK)a. I HEA8D ,AB0UT Milburn's flBBVBBBBiBll "man bAaBMnal anj have been greatly, Improveil ine I atartcd to take them. I cannot recommend thtn too highly to any one who U troubled with their liver." I Milbarp'a Laxn.-I.Uer pill are not a new and untried remedy. They have been on the market for the put 32 yennj put up only by The T. ililburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. RESPECTED LADY IS LAID TO KEST Obsequies For Late Mrs. Mary Gardner Took Place Simply This Afternoon Simple funeral riles for the late Mrs. Mary Uarvlner. uniinl- iiui.tl.ier f Mr. Theo. tkillart ol Mil Hy, were rarried out at the parlor of the H.O. I'mlerlakers al If u'cbicfc this aftnrnoun prior to InlPrimtnl in l-'airvlew 4'.eineery. Venerable Arfbdeawm (I. A; Hit officiated and spoke with feeling syinpalhy fur the niounijue ie-biliw. There was an iisem-blape of friends present to pay their last respect to the jneni wry; uf ne who hud iieeu well liked and highly resitecleil by many. The pallbwirers were AM. It. K. Perry. Steve Kinp. H. AJlis- limi!, J. W. Mo.pe.y, U. Juhn- loiie ami A. Allree. Out of rexpeel to the wish of Llereae. no floral tribute were presented and the oTisetpiies were earned out in as sinirile a manner ,i- pnsible. DR. BANTING TO VISIT THIS CITY Famous Discoverer of Insulin Treatment Coming Here on June 6 Enroute to Alaska and South A notable isitor to prince Ituperl in the near fulure will be Dr. V. (i. Il.intin? of Toranln, world fanmiL as Uif iliseoverer of .(he iilsuliii treatment fur Ha- bele. Areompatiied by .Mrs. It.mtinjr, Or. lytnling will nrrhe here by (inadtnn National Irain from the J!nI on Sunday, June fi. .iml the next day will sail aboard the Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise to make the round trip to Alaska and south lo Vancouver and Victoria. Subscribe) to the. Daily N'ew. c your Do of With many Colman's Free Recipe Book " gives recipes for 16 kinds of Mayonnaise Dressings for delicioai Salads and Sandwiches for French, Russian and Italian Drti-sines for Mustard ity Pickles, Chow-chows, and " otrrer attractive relishes. 'Write for a copy. COLMAN-KEEN (Canada Limited. Dept. 1000 Amhtrjt Street, Montreal (olmanlsMusiaid aids HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES TERRACE INTERESTING Baseball Club Had Charge of . Arrangements for the Day With Excellent Results TKHHACK, May ?8. The Terrace Ilasebalf Club are to be commended on the fine line of sports carried on: on Kmpire liayliere. ltolli tiall frames were well uUcnded, and the vr.lr?s ntu other spur, went tiyuuy com-lieteil fur (iiid erPaled fftiiide'r able interest in the sen br 'base-ball .arame ihe Im al team won by a pood marjfin over Hie Vanars-did boys while Hie Trail Itanjrers senl tin sghool (earn down lo de feat. A collect ion was taken on Hie 'm-numls to help defray expense's. The danee at nijfht in fi.W.V.A. ball drew i 'Very larire crowd. The music wast 'furnished by Mrs. At-wnnd'A four 'piece orchestra, and the refresliment were in chartre of It. W, Clayton, local liaker. F. C. Hishnp ran Iwo picture 'linwA lirthe eveninir, one al seven and one at nine, both Irawiiifr larye crowds. As a result of the "day's ac-'hilie the lla-ehall :iub have Hieir fund considerably aiifr-inented. SOCIETIES APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES TO. TERRACE HOSPITAL TF.nilACi:. May 28. Tie ix members to be i-hosen from the six local fraternal jtoieties to .lie Terrace Hospital Hoard have ;een elected as follows: Canadian Legion W. Chapman. , Wi. lo Hie Cinailian Legion Mrs. N. Slierwiioii. I.O.fl.I- .. O. Fowler. HebecapssMrs.- I tassels. sl. AililTew Society M Irs, Keilh. , Xalive Son F. M. Hall A meeting f bnin held to make further plan for Hie fjir- uisiiin 01 a small emergency hospital liere. TERRACE fiOTES W. II. 'McDonald is again a patient n the Prince Itiumrl lonpilal, having gone down otf aluiilay. Mrs. 11. I.. Pearson lefl 0:1 Monday Tor a sliorl vlsil to llazellon. Misses Norrifa and lteth Mc- Rnbbin of Pacific were gue.( of Misses Kdna .aiid Jean Hover qn Kmpire .Day. Their brother Jack also spent Hie holiday in town. C' W. Hnrrislnn, inspector of hatcheries, left for the interior on Monday. Miss Dohb returned on Monday tr when you make own Dressings you serve just one kind Dressing with all your Salads? Colman's Mustard as the necessary ingredient to give a finishing touch, you can make different varieties of Mayonnaise, besides many French, Russian and Italian Dressings. Whether you are serving chicken, lobster, fish, vegetable or fruit salad, give the dressing a touch of individual- by making it yourself. The flavour will be different and better, and the Dressing will cost far less than any you can buy. 82 X M. digestioiv 1C 'BBBBBBBBBw TaBBV. MALKINn I BEST I arrrai from Prince Ilupert where shi spent the holiday with her par - eiils. Mr. and .Mrs. McKinnon ! Vatiar-dol were in town between trains on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creelman and Iwo sons of .Lucerne, Ii.C. are spending a few days in town renewing aciiuajnlance wilh Uieirj many friends of former days. Miss Kdna Dohie of Copper City pent Monday in town yn-l Mrs. Knule Olson left It. night. Miss F.. KoloolT of Copper Glly spent Monday as the guest of Hev. and Mrs. W. Allen. 1 - i .Mrs. tdias Haven of Lakelso it lalohery visited with friends here on Monday. K. T. Hrooks relurned on Mon-lay from Prince ' Ilupert where he spenl Ihe week end wih .Mr.". Hrooks, Whose ropdilioti is mucii improved. It. .llogan of Pacific spent lni holiday in town witln friends. S. M. Siigfred returned lo Ter- race at the .beginning oi IhP wcekjequrt in charge of a polioe con-; after having spent Ihe.-winler ir.Jslable. He took considerable in" Alabama. leresl In the nroceedinirs. He Is W. II. Hrown and S. L..Rooney arrived in .Terrace on Mondav from Vaneomer. - H. Kllingsoit ami CIleid of I'sk were holiday visitors here on Monday. , W. Otirdner of Pacific- 'spjjn Monday .In town." Mrs. Kuite (Ijson loft ifo:- prince lliiiiert on Wednesday ifor ijneilioalr allepUon, -SheT4wAs ns- companied by her sister Mrs (ieorge iLiltle. ' W. K. Y'an Meier was down from his mining claims at Van- (irsdol on Tuesday. . . i Mrs. Carter of Amsburv was. if I own on Monday. V Mrs. A. Y. Wilson of nemo visiiett with friendp ". here on Monday. .Maurice and F.dna Drt Fontaine spent week end vvilh thoi" parents at Homo and returned tn their school duties on Monday. CORONER'S JURY HEARS EVIDENCE AND DECLARES FOUL PLAY IS APPARENT Co n 1 1 n u ed ' tr o in k J ag a j J . extinct and it was cold. Boarded with Them Mr; and Mrs. Mnrry with whom Mis Cliisholin boarded e.ch tol l of Ihe young liuly going off for a walk on Sunday morning aboiif, nine o'clock. Tbi .w. (lie las1, lime they bad seen lier' alive. She was unged (o have breakfast hefoio leaving but said she would lake n -abort walk firsl and Ih iompn.l nf Xor Oburdlij ;vW.ipn slie did mil come back they felt there was somothlng wrong and on returning from church and '. -nil finding her absent, search commenced. They staled thai Miss holm usually rfiok a walk afler school, often alone. She iiid this for exercise. This was the first lime she had gone oft on Sunday morning although she. usually went out Sunday afternoons. Siie had never been molested before, they believed. Suspected Foul Play Arlhur Douglas Hardy told oT being with the others when th body was found. He was Ihe only one who at once suspected foul play and was the first to find plood on the trail. Afte Hie body had been found, prac tically .lie whole town went out lo jiee Ihe place and (ramped the ground. He said he had al ways been scared of tire girl go ing on her lonely walks. All kinds of characters, gathered at the villase in the fishing season and he did not earn for his bwr daughters tn go out alone that way. There was no regular I ravel on Ihe trail. The jury retired and soon re turned with the verdict. Prisoner In .Court During the .proceedings, Joseph' Sankey, who was this niornin?, charged with the murder .sat in' a rather small Indian, darker than the average with ralher a; running expression but with; nothing lo indicate that he would Fe passionate. He would b? about .Ihe same weight as (he j girl who was slain, possibly 1 10 pounds and not very tall. ! ' EDUCATIONAL AND ! HISTORICAL TOUR The Canadian National Railways will, .operate a foriy-lhree day Personally Conducted Hduca- lional Tour lo Europe this Summer. ' sailing via the S.$. "Alhenia" from Montreal, July 0; direct lo Olasgow. Proceeding from there, the parly will visit different points of interest in" Scotland. F.ngland Holland, Helgium, Switzerland and France, alio an opportunity to visit the Hattbifields. Returning to England, will ail from Liverpool on S.S. "Aurania" August 13, fo: Monlreal. Considering Ihe num-i bor of points visited, the accommodation provided, and entertainment offered, this is one of Ui,e lowest .priced Toiirs ever operated to Europe. Full pftrticular., rescrvalloiM, etc., from any Agent, G.N, llall-wavc or n. F. McNaitghton, DLs-(rfct Passenger Agent, Prlnee Uiipprt. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Qren 238, Black .73, Night. Phone 67,. S39, Green 23, laok ,786. RUPERT MARINE GEO. Q. BU3HBY, Man. Dir. i. 1 ' A REALLY deltcioua coffee. Roasted and ground with scrupulous care, as an exceptional .coffee .deserves to be? Packed tin trie vacuum can, which preserves for you the .rich flavor and aroma. Your -grocer sells and recommends Malktn's Best Coffee. Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tickets, on sale Dally from May 22nd also to Same route both directions or one way via Van-eouver. Tickets kon sale May ,15 th. .Return limit -October 31, 1928 Full Information City Ticket Office, Prince Rupert, Phone .260. BULKLEY Market .311 Third Avenue, Has been taken over from Oeorge Kerr by J. Preece late wilh Sealy and Doodson Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours to 8. X-Ray Servloe Phone 688. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage PhQfve M. 'triage, Warehousing, and 'Mistribullng. Team or Motor Service. Iloal, Sand and Gravel V Speclallx In Plane anal Funliurtv Kevin. PAIN fran Madder kritabji .Soon :1 .hi SANTAL MIDY . Btwar xJ Imitation Lk far th war MIOV Sold hy til .irufiiit Retleveat k