TAGS TtJTTZ, FISH! " H M Fresh Kelp Cod. Fresh Hock Cod. -Fresh ' nrd Cod. iYrxli Flounder. Salt Mackerel. Sail Kuslorn Herring. Sail Hod Cod. fall lMack Cod. Dry Salt Hod. Smoked Dlark Hod. Smoked Salmon. Kippers, llloalers, etc. Seafy 8 Doodson The Horn of Dulkley Valley Produce. Branch from Smithers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. NOTICE Vc have just heen appointed soiling agents for Lstco HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Easy lo apply. Watch It Dry Dries ready for use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors, Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaicn Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. GENTLEMEN! Will you accept a Suit Length - Free and make nr. work for you? If you brought tin- cloth to me to make up, it would cost you $351.00, Now here's an offer if you want a good suit cheap! I wilt give a suit length free to the first five customers ordering and charge only t lie cost of making up, which is $35.00. Do you want to be one of the five? Here's your chance! Ling, the' Tailor 821 Second Avenue. Phone 649 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load . $3.00 Large sacks GOo DRY BIRCH Per load SG.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jalcquettes An Kxipiisile stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. O-ftage, Ware lion iu;, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bervtee. 'loal, Band and Gravel tAa Specialize In Plsno and Furniture Kovlnrj. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiu OO CERTAINLY f I WA.NT lOO TO RENt) ) f T WHAT DO "OU THINK ON -SCCOOST Or Hrb ACC- UKf TO f-IHD HC OO-iHT TO CCT H OUCHT TO CoT Orr tOU in ; I JN WROTE.-HE l r vTH A &0PE.NOCO SMITHERS H. L. Robinson came down from I he Dulhie mine Wednesday to spend the New Year holidays in town, z Philip II. lloskins, teller at the local branch of the. Hoyal Hank, let! for Vancouver Thursday, he-i ing transferred lo one of I he branches in that city. Miss Helen Orant arrived In l own on Thursday from Prince llupert and is spending the bal ance of the, holiday season as I hoi guesi of her sister, Mrs. X. Kil Patrick. have again disappeared and on Thursday the snow and ice weriy treated lo some bright sunshine! nid warm winds, making the. Mrs. Ifeesley of Prior llupert TIKBER SALE X 7370. scaled Trnilers will 1? r"felved by the Minister of Linil at Victoria not later than ii'Kiti on Hie 2Ut day of January, l'Jiii, for Ihe imrcrta of Llrence X737U. tu rut f.iii.000 liiK Jl fret ol Cedar role ami I'IIiiik on an irea tltuated about lln .' mile" wpsi or rort r.lemrnt, ora-liam Uland, (jueen Clurlatte Jilarut Three (3) years will be allowed for removal or iimiier. Kurllwr parllrul.irs of the Chief For ever, viriona, ii.i;., or District Kormer, I'rlnee llniert, Il.C. LAND ACT. Notlc of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltaa Land ! In Queen Charlotte Olitrlrt Unci He ' sordlnj Iil'trlrt of I'rtnce llupert, and : situate at Shannon Itay. TAk'K NOTICK that flcberl C. Oonne cf ' Vanroiiver, Il.C, ocruiiallon canneryman. I imrnu; in appiy ror t lease or the roi-; lowing (lesrrlhed lands: cofnnwncinir at a it planted on an ; UHimuea island lyu.; . am, w. (14 I chains, more or less) from southwest cor ner of Lot 1548. O.C.I.. Hanre 5: thence followlnir meandering or shore line of aald Island to point or commencement, an containing JV4 teres, more or lea. Applicant. Per Wm. a. MOefc.fi, Area riait tetr4tee sth 4 0 LAND ACT. Nolle ot Intention to Apply to Lsaaa Land In ITlnci ltiiiert Und llerordlnir District , or Cjal Hanire I, and tltuate ou Soiitu Itarhael Island. I TAKE AOTICK that Airred Swanson, ol I I'rlnee llupert, occupation Mariner., In I lend? lo apply for a lease of, Itm follow- inK nescrtocn lands : Cfiirinienclna; at a post planted on tha miii III point or South liachael island: then aroiiixl tilth water mark to the point or roniiiienceinent, and conulnlni CO acreg, more or less. ALFIIED 3WANSON, Applicant , . . , , . E. Wright, Aicut, bated October tth. igta, Vrioc RuperL u.u is spending Ihe holidays nt the homo of her son, J. .T. Ileesley, in lown. Olof Hanson spent Tuesday in Smithers, reluming lo bis Prince llupert home on Wednesday ntehl. Mr. Hanson will make another trip to his Smilhers office next week and shortly after lluhe will leave with Mrs. Hanson on a trip lo South America. L. S. Mefiill is on a trip to Vic toria where he will appear in th" Court of Appeals ease involving a dispute between O. T. I.indland and Harry- f!azanolT as an outcome of a partnership in the conduct of the Smithers .Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. James F.. Kirby, pllpn's' of Ihe Smithers high arrived in Smithers , Thursday morning and, al their home that evening, were tho hosts for t$i while to a large and merry ohivarec crowd who. under the leadership ol Oeorge Wall, had paraded up Main Street lo the Kirby home distributing 'loises',, in every variety ami oescnpiion. Indications of frosty weather school slaged a surprise par Jy on Christmas night in honor of Craig Millar. The young folks gathered up in town .and des cended on the Miller home lo Mm number of a score and a pleasant jevening was spent at games and "'Mrs. O. T. Sundal entertained at two. tables of bridge on Monday evening last. Mrs. .I. K. prospects of a skating rink lookF,.nM ,,avfnjr ,,,,, B( f(Jr ,,, :i as far far away nwnv ns as nl al Ihe the tieginnin liptriiinititrl t of December. .urs K,rKpair,CK ami . . ,., .,,, ,,, lene, former resulen of H4fcfti1(ll Ipir huM J ei-8, are spending a few iay in town the guetn of Mrs. Holterts. Coming down the hill lo spend Christmas I lie men on the work ing force at the Hahine Silver King properly report steady pro gress in driving the drill .mine! on the rich showing of ore cpen- ed un on that property a fortnight ago. They have extended Ihe drift in the vein In thirty feel and report an. improvement in ore values by the increase in native silver showings in the. latest ore to be taken out. The greatest trade in the history of Smithers business is reported by the proprietors of sev-eral store having stocks lo meet the demand for Christmas gifts. Some of the merchants reported evening. On Tuesday evening Jhe rnem- a clean sweep of their gift goods pressing 'siug o.emsen early in Ihe evening preeeiling,,,ad a lovel' ,,ar,y Christmas. TERRACE NOTES W. "Ellis, wIk, has been doing development work on 'J. fiabricF mineral claims on Copper lliver w.9 brought into Terrace quite ill on Tuesday and oil Wednesday night was takcTh to Hazcltnn Hos pital by Dr. Large. Mr. Sanson, who has been acting as clerk at the Terrace Hotel for the past two years, and Peter McDonald, ferryman - at Itemo, left on Friday morning on a holiday trip lo Vancouver WEs- .r-J Jm lertained al three tables of hridgc on Wednesday evening in compli ment to Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Mar ker who are soon leaving on a holiday I rip to Honolulu 11. S. Creelman of North Van couver, who has been in Terrace for some days settling up Ills garage business here, left for Hiel ......1. 1 1 . I ..1 1 i .miiiiii on riiiifiiay iimnting. Henry Walhcrg left for Van corner on Wednesday morning l. spend Ihe winter months. ALICE ARM There was born lo Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Stephen of Alice Arm, at the Any os Hospital on Decemhe: 2G, a daughter. In addition to Ihe lease let on the Kspemuza a short time ago, another hus been let on mi ore showing on another part of tho property. This lease hus lienn let lo Messrs. Norman, Frosor, Charlie I.ee and Tony Galfer, nnd they will work a little above and 300 feet soulb of the main workings. This lease expires nl the mil of May. The work of taking out ore, from tfle' surface on the Wolf properly has Iwen rotinhuleil and lack Fivft hac commenced ihr driving iff a tunnel, which will encounter' Hie ore underground. A new blacksmith shop anil ore Ipjmb'er dt friends al a ileliffli!-!'1"4''' naB ,"en "n"lrul,d near ful parly held at the home of 'Mr.!,,IP n'Hi of the tunnel, nnd and Mrs. J. Morse Halt, whose tenth wedding anniversary it va. The prizes of the evening went lo .Mrs. A. H. Harker and (ieorgc Dover. After the serving of re freshments by Ihe club ladies, an enjoyable hour was, spent in music and dancing. everything is in radine for the winter's work Th mild bright weather that has prevuiled of late is a surprise lo even the oldest residents of Alice Ann. Flower can stiH be guthered in some of Hie Alien Arm gardens. On Christmas Day Mrs. Cha. Oiirscv was hostess, J,rH- J- " bealley picked some w it n:it: . m at II ilelifflilfnl nliit.lrnn'a n;rlv nnl'''"' Vt IlliaillS. Willie Jirs. .1. Wednesday afternoon when she!,Ia""a P"',,rP'' " mimlior of fin entertained Ihe girls of her Sun-1,ansy lllo"s""- day school class at her homo' !. ni, or. Tl,n ...... n I X was very pleasantly spent in games and music afler which de-Upious refreshmeiits wore served On starting for home each child was presented with a useful 11! He SPORT CHAT Never were there so many warriors with unusual names pluy- ift and all came away ex-Jing foolball across Ihe border us themselves as haviuv during the past reason. D'Ain- hntsia was the name of an Illinois player, and then there como that famous Michigan pair. Piieylewatz and Osterhaan. And lhaii eainr Ciidll of flblo- State MltlonwaIiher,and -flreiilhotiso iif llliit6fr.droh'r-'wrVrtrtViV 1 Nydahl if .Minnesota, Ilodawig, Italfensperger ami Krasuski, of Iowa, Threlfall and Merkohrad of Purdue, Palmeroll of Michigan. Apilz or Chicago, DykiuMi. Hal-mi, Prucha andiiser, of Indiana, and Ilovik-and Klupper, of English boxing experts think J. L. Hethiiren, Usk merchant, that they have found in one, was a business visitor to Terrace Teddy Unblock, a youthful pro- on Wednesday, Idigy who may orove a second Major G. W. Hearnc. of Lnkelse halchery was in lown on Thursday . Mr. nnd Mrs. L. O. Bkinner nf Copper City were in lown for tho New Year's ball. 1 4 Jimmy Wilde and retrieve some of England's lost pugilistic fame. Since leaving xchnol, three years ago, Hahlock, who is a stripling of 17, lias been in I2i fights and has never met with defeat. He is regarded as a hero in the Hast Knd where., he has often fought twice daily. The lad comes of Dan Mason of Copper Glly w.if boxing slock, his grandfather, in town on Wednesday. Miss Elanda Marsh, who has been spending her vacation at Mm home ofther parents here returned lo Prince llupert on Friday morning. J. D. Wells of Usk, was a business visitor on Wednesday. W. Thompson of Kalum Lake was In lown on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, E. T. Kenney en- having foughl in Ihe bareknuckle days in Ihe squared circle, and his father also being a fighter. His latest victory occurred in London when he defeated An-loine Merlo, a Frenchman, in a brilliant exhibition. SPEND ON MOVIES PAIUR. .fan. 2. Patrons of the Seventh Art" as the French call Ihe cinema -conlri-biile.il orie-Hiird of the entlro nmounl spent in 1921 by the Wanted For Sale For Rent VOU tef HC v tj DVEr4TrH FOIl &,LK. After the firm of the year, complete dance outfit of drums and accqusorM and set of 24 octave Dagn orchestra hells. For iletnHs anil further information, se n. I.. Horio. SOU FOIl SAI.i:. Ilmnswiek phono graph, uprigtit ntyle. in funinl oak, almost new. aost (186. Prlee I00. Piillen, DaHy News Offiee. tf FOR BALK. Forty horse powe stationary steam engine, nenrlv new. Apply P.ti. Itox 310. Prince llupert Il.C. TO RENT FOR ItKNT. Modern four roomed flat with Monaruh range, Clapp Mode. Woslenhaver Itro. if FOIl HKST. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOUIt llnom Suile for llcnt. Hot waler heat. Apply Smllli t Mallctt. Ltd. tf MODKHN FLAT for llent. A)py Max Hellhrnner. f BOARD 1IOAIID. Very larire room lo suit two men willing to share. 125 Thitil Avenue, Phone, Ile, Mfl. HOAHD & 1100.M in comfortublo home Aijdv u. Dailv News office. 3D I i' - iii HOAIID The Inlatidar, S.lfi Second Avenue. Phone 1.17 CARS FOR SALE. 1022 Ohlsmobile , 5 jiassen-ger touring $0(10.0(1 1020 Nash 5 passenger louring $850.00 1031 Overland Sedan.. $700.00 19 19 lleo k seven passenger louring $700.00 1923 Ford Coupe, balloon tires car like new $(150.00 1922 Ford Tud.ir sedan, $425.00 1922 Ford Coupe $350.00 1021 Foril one Ion truck, panel body $375.00 Ford light delivery, chassis, rebuilt All cars guaranteed mechanical condition lerms can be arranged. $175.00 In good Kasv KAIEN OARAGE Ford and Chcvrole.1 Service Station. Agents for "McLaughlin. Oakland, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet cars, lleo, O.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WflFCKLVO SF.IIVICK DAY AND NIGHT. theatre-going public of Paris lo Ihe movies. The box offices in Ihe 100 and more cinema houses in Hie capital and suburbs last year look in 100,500,000 franca. To Whom it may Conoern: LOST .OST. ;td wefat wnt& Hin7l AUCTIONEERS. It give me great pleamire 'n iwonimend . F. Urine. ne-tionrer of the City of Princ IlUMrl. for the able maniMr in whieh lie condMeted Ihe sale of my furniture etc. nnd fnr tb prompt seltlemenl direelly after the wile was vw. n oAiiifirrr, Prine llupert. UAi. Detwrnlxn' 30, ivti. 14ST.--l.aily' purte mMUamlng sum of money, in or pear tli IHist office. Finder plM notify Daily New offiea. plaase return In Daily News office. Reward. Umi'. Fob nugget. Frnder frWse return to Jully Naws office. 1 FURNITURE AND RANGES FUIINITI'IIK ami ltttnge hoiiirlil. sold ami exchaiig4Mi. New furniture ami ranges exchangml for your old one. Dedrooo,, living room and dining room furniture alwuys in stock. Al-way watch my window, I Fa changed daily. A. MMkensie. Furniture. TAXI Phone G7 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul or flust) Bix- and seven . passenger Sliidev bakers at y-Mir dispoH.il any tin?-' for SOc Service ROSS BROS, POOL nO DM fVleekcf Block Ae-. irom Finpri-os Unlet CAMERON TRANSFER Pbonn 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If yop want anything jenl fur, or delivered, phone us. r i ib, qq FURNITURE. New and Secondhand FurnU tore Store. We Iluy, Sell and Hx change New and Secondhand (ioods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS H:i0 Third Ave. Phone 0C PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE. 303 Third Avenue Sole agents for. Columbia Ilecords Wo repair Phoiiogmphs. Hicycles, Huggtes, llacquelfl nnd Musical In drumeuU of all kinds PRINCE RUPERT Tinrft 4- - . Saturday, January 2 High 3:Vt a.m. 18.8 fl. 15:17 p.m. 10.7 " l.w 9:.lo a.m. H.fS " 2t:5K p.m.- n.l) ' Sunday, January 3 High 1:18 a.m. .18.9 ft. Ifi:5t n.m. to. 2 ' Low lo:oo nln. o.i " 22 :.I3 p.m. i'j) " Monday. January 4 "igh 1:50 a.m. lfi.7 Tl lrt:.')r, p.m. 18.5 41 Low 10:50 a.m. li.l " 23:10 p.m. fl. I " .'ft & jvltN rtiiiir iTi-iiTP nx t nni nfrr inn Oltll irr Inn. FrTuc Settwicc. Inc 'CMPM"' UAILI WE.W ILAdainiilJ M)b. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for ,Jei than 50c KTM . ROTHWELL'S ROTHWELL'S MKS WANTF.D lo learn Auto-tractor, ilatlery ignition, Oxy-acetylene welding mil vulcanising. We also leanli brieklav. ing, plastering and tile-settitig Write or call, Hemphill Auto Engineering School, 10 Hastings Street Kant, Vancouver. Il.C. If UDIHS WANTHD 1o lonrn Heaitly Culture Write or onti for free oatnlogue. .Moler Ileauty Shop, Id Hastings SI. Kant, Vancouver, H.C. tf WANTHD. Plain Kcving. Phone 5K0. tf FOR SALE DRY WOOD. Split to any length in 4 tilocks. per loiwl SC. CO. . AI.T IIKHIUNii.. - - A. ISAACSON, fcnl tktve. Plume I Hack tftl VP Article! Lost and round, & TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving ItaggURl' .I'M,' i ;. Stniut:l.iitle Ni o. - k 3B2. fe. l ,, TRAPPERS! I NF.ED lo.noo MIVK I., prlcen pant m. sell your fin - I: buy them. W. GOLDDLOOM, Hei'Hinl 1m The Homi -' I i -i MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-ooma, fvr Ui tuu. 'I "rf, Metlllexlaf an.: -vi- , , '. ! Vantoutae MiNHtaj im triii Tucjwiaya ... ,v , Wsaaaiiau lu irain rrttMys aMrslay . . aViMnttat-a cvta iraio ' V.U . Mm II, iv T Anri, Alls Arm, tUwtr: a erttr. ssadj T Amjoi, oft ttmaMfi n4 Nua A rieu ' Thad'iJ. I .... . T Alaska esMila - a. II f. i T Qn CharUut Islaml ro!itU- Jn :f. int-comaa, frm tit caat MoMtara. wilaiiv awi ..i at i from Vnute Vaslar-t- 1 1 i i TtMrwIar Jan. . ft. Front Anioa, All Arm, ttawart A ere Tlse -y i rrtaaira Prom Anyos, Cerl Ulmptun and aiftr roim aaMHvitf a ream Alaska Point ln a- I From Qun csaclatt Island Points-- J4MI. . f" aax coLLtcTtont Rlftatiri IIM e -o )st A- a Us St. o aH4 Af- a inn. si. . v i" eih we rhmape ' i II A "Berlin.. Ae II A'v i .mrd St. . 1 f. ln Ar. A Hay Kmr ' I" AMI a llaif rifle r ask Ac a i Miimi t v i" lh A M. lirmV l m i Pen. novi p.:., . . ,ii I'm. fk.ni Wharf . . ' n.T.r Wharf I ii T.r. auiion tnd Ave. A tart si. i tea Ave. A rnll'i'i SI in i '. ilrtt Ac. lth t i" ' r V STEAfilSHlP MOVEMENTS For Vanceuvtr Tuesday ihlni rrhlay- n Prlncr riiip' rt Satiinl.1) . i aui i " M I'riDrrso Unlii" Jan II a. Itiim , m . iall ."I . I'rlh.r.. ,. From Vancouvae SHMta . Mnl. rw WeliieiUy.4M I'rlnee nnpen I ThiiretHv . MUU salunlay . Pnnn - n- at Jan. tl --. I'rlnr. Jan. 5 s. friiic.. M;ir . For Port llmpaon and Maaa RUtr Thiir-d.i.v ". iaul.1 i From Port Simpson and Naaa Wltar-BiIiimJ.iv -a. Can in For Alaska Jan .II . I'nnie.-an. fR m, I'rinri--. fro-r Alaska Jin I -. I'rlnr. .' Jn - I'riu.-e- For Itawart, 'Anjoa and Allc Arnv Funilav -a. Carilrm WWIneailaya as. I'rlnrr Itiuicn From lawart, Antos ond Alls Arm TiiWKtay - as. canlcna Krlilaya -aa. prince Ililpcrt For Anyos a. " 'a From Anyoi Vitr Maiv Rat ii nln vs -. rami For Quaan Charlolt Islanda . Jan. s -ss. prlni'n John Jan. tl--aa I'rlnee Jnhn From Quaan Charlotto Islands-Jan fl Prince John Jio. 24-11. Prlnea John