PAGE Tyc Tills DAILY NEWS The standard of Purity for over 160 years Hills & Una London Dry Gin $3.25 the bottle Tins advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of The Daily News PWNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I'tiblisned Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince" Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing. Editor. - -ft ... More Esthonians For . - , Stewart Lake Settlement. An Esthouian settlement wa started last Lake north of Yaiiderhoof when a few Tarn die the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery-, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail lo all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year ,. .. $ 6.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. ,JU0 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page 82,80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. . ... ..25c per Hue Classified Advertising, per insertion... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion... . loc per agate line Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAJLT IDITIOK Tuesday. February IC. I Oil?. Elevator Will Be Finished This Week. This week the work on the Dominion Government elevator will he completed and toward the end of the month, after it has heeu fnTiaiy inspected by the architect, it will he formally turned over to the government. That will complete the government, end of the work. "The next step will be to get it in operation, What will be done in that regard has not yet been decided. Ne gotiations-of various kinds with a view to its operation have been in progress but up to the time Of -writing this, no news a to u settlement has been received,. Possibly hy the lime this i published there may be iiewjs. year at Stewart headed hv hir John Pitka went in and prepared, the way for more. The announcement "yeMerday that bir-Jolin had arranged for the purchase ol more land in the neighborhood indicates that the preliminary work ha been a success, and thai Sir John and hi party ave satisfied with conditions at the Lake. If thee Esthonians can make a success of settlement in that country, it seem a if British people might be able to do the same. They baje plenty of initiative and pluck and all thai seem neceary to siicces- i a leader of the Sir John Pitka type. P.Q.E. Country Described In London. The Canadian Gazelle has a.good description with picture of the railway and country and, this i reprinted today for the benefit of Prince Rupert people, many of whom-have but a vague idea of what i there. They do not realize that up to naie train nave been running on Ihe line a shown in the pic tores and that the people of the district are vetting a good Mrt vice.""hich they con(d not have got any oilier way. Willi a vig'oron settlement policy and tufder capable mnnngemenl the line will yet prove a success. Definite Habits Of Systematic Work. In hi report to the school board, al Victoria 'Principal Smith complains that the .people, Of that city do not encoiirntre their children in regular lminfc Indies. "While there has been a repulsion acrainst too inuclr hnjne. work, the swing, or the pen-diilum has gone to the olher. exlreme 'ainl ttto Utile Is done. In a letter lo Ihe board Ihe principal says loo manv fail to realize the advantage Of gelling students lo form a definite liabit of doing some sylematic work each evening. Because there are isolated instances of slivlenls spending an unrea-nn-nble amount of lime upon home study, they condemn the whole plan ud would abolish il completely. He avs he thinks hovs anil gul- iodu si fter more from loo tew definite dutie in the evening Minn from too many. UMiWTTr. wis "Tr a mr to.hight" GRANT'S Best Procurable IkBiwiwal (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BMtbJ MiJ ftnmUti by tiDiM Bl . Qlal OiMWt. OWI- Jttk 'I'his nilverlisemont is not published or displayed by the Lhpjor Control Hoard or' by the Government of British Columbia 'grand master Local Masons Were Out in Force Last Night on Occasion or Mr, Manson's Presence Out' of lln' largest gathcring of Maon hi the history, of ihej city atleiuli'il al the Temple on-Sixlh Avenue last nisrhl for I j ocoasion r the ofllotal mm) of Hon A. M. Mnifon, Oraml Matter 'for ltiitish I'.olumhla. After the lodge meeting which wa under I lie join I .inspire of Tsinipsi'iin ami Tyee Lodges, there was a banquet at which Aid. V. M. Hrqwn. master .of Tinipean lAidg'. presided -ami al which a slirriu'-r address wa delivered hy Mr. Man son. Tomorrow niirht Mr. Mansnn Will proceed lo Aav-ox to pay Ins! official v i i I Im 1'noch Lndfere.j Some twenty or .o local Mmsohs, will accompany him. CHANGE OF PROGRAM WESTHOLME THEATRE Two Wonderful Comedies Pre sented for Remainder of Week There has been a ehaae made in the prugrani for the remain der of this week at the West- liolme Theatre, (in Wednfljiday and Thursday, will be presented a diverting mysleTj' drama "llohbod Hair," the reen ver sion of the popular novel written by twenty noted aHtkors. Mlow-el by a comedy "Stupid, httl Brave." and Aesop' Film FaW. The story is an . entrancing oae of a flapper who did not know which or two men she loved, so she ran away with a third. There, is lots of excitement ami many his scenes, winding up with a goreou cottMe ball. Then on Friday and Saturday there be presented that out-ra-jeou.-ly funny emedy, "lib. Ioc.tor." a comedy of oills. thrills, a pretty nurse and a iek', man who had nothing the matter with him. T picture i made rrom the funniest story Harry Leon Wilson ever wrote. You'll have a temperatare when you finish seeinfr the sick man oured. Then tliere is Hie comedy "Mmi-kf,- Bnsine' and Patlie Review. VALENTINE SOCIAf EASKHURCH GYM. interesting Program and Sale of Boxes Last Evening At the Valentine social at Rupert East I'hurcb iymnasiuin a Ureal program was enjoyed la I evening. The hall was tate-j fully decorated with flags and huge hearts. Mise. Olive Cordon and Aleila MfKinley played a pianofore duet, Andy Murray santi a couple of solos, and X. Moorhouse fjave a selection on his saxaphone. J. Wiatt put pep into ihe proceedings with his violin. The Indies made excellent baskets, the men proving? themselves very enthusiastic buyer. Donations of chocolate for the'. auction were grivon by (Sor-doh's 7th Ave. Grocery Siore, the Prinze liuperi Tftide Supply. OHhe's DniR Store, and Ihe Prince It u pert Pharmacy. About twenly dollar above expense were made. The ladies had plenty of extra refreshment on hand for everybody, ami the game were entered into in urea! spirit. Decorations were in charge of Mr-. Andy Murray, refreshments of Mrs. lb-ale, and pi'OKiam. Mis. Squire. OFFICERS ELECTED 'VALENTINE PARTY IN I PRESBYTERIAN HALL VISITS LODGES On Friday evmihiK Mm jarirl of the Silver I. I. roup enter. talne at a valentine in the basement or tin- 1'ie.liv terian Church. Aniong 1 lie uiel were (be Mitw irghoa Kiel, , Gertrude MeKenwe, iMeila MeKinlcy, nliell;t Mneknv. Ilnrolhv Pal- iore. Evelyn Winker. Francef Qxts. Ailti MiniKtii Viofe4 Whitlow. aiKlU3itlth Lewi. Mlfiif enjoyable, game were . played, and contest hehi, the prirti-whuier bcia the Mie Lilian Tru. Virginia Riel. Edit li'Lewfs, anil Itiwcmary Wins-low. Ai ten .ilrk refreshment were erved in Ute siip(er Coom. which was prettily decorated wflh red treaiiprs and hearts, The favor. were heart plarernrd vvilh appropriate ver. and vali-nimc basket filleil with caudv. At twelve .irlxck tin parly broke mi, having spent i very enjoyable pvpihiiu under the rhaperoiou'e of Mr- K I. Hire. SOCIAL EVENING BY KNIGIITSOF COLUMBUS Enjoyable Affair Took Place Last Evening in Catholic Recrea-. tlori Hall An eujoyabte social evening wa held last night in the natho- lic recreatkm ball b the KnijrUI of :olubt. T'liere were some 125 persons preioiii mid priie at card wric wmt a follow: BriaVxe Idie' rirst, Mr. K. A. WnkefieW: ifttsn's first. -U Iirseii. Wbisl Indies, first.. Mrs. P. J. MHrn'Cli; men's fifd, James J. Hawwj. Itefrefthntentft were ervoi and daiieine fohkW(I, iodide beiwu ftirnished by Gie Westhe4ine Orchestra. 9: THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: THE In tie i-uy .r Trail i being reiiiu'Pil li tuiir mail a wek eastboumt am) they are iti.Yktap a i-fCong proteW. Here we "' had nior' than tan? mails i week yet we lake it lyins down. ANY public Imrtitntton i nor- lilal when the enmiultlee iu charge spealWV'P'irs inudetfuale equipment. THK olh-T dav'a correspondent sent what he called some Mini verse. The editor tiiCHed il ever to 4e with tin- emphatic remark that it wa blankety blank verse It was. ABOUT the best place I hsv? ever thou?ftl of living wa within my inceifte, hot I never arot lher 1 HAVE known olnee wtieiw the people ebnsldererj bridge a wicked tfnme even on Suturdav niffhis. If they had dropped in on a quiet same m a ChriUan home iu l'rinee ItHnerl on -lin. day evening they vvoild ha.viJiaij ien nai'nuc : , 1 1' y KVr.HMf)I knownHjiat niiio worn, earner than vWBKitltbeflaiis? they have no linif td .3t"nd all clion 1e. ' .. nillXS Lake j, to have a nin o'clock curfew Ml. Apparently ne iiiiin i.nke people nre n Toini nr a joke are Prince ltd jiert Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 16, 1916. FAR AnAIRfARW i 1 bewail or toW CHAPTER I.0.D.E 1 kn, Adair f'arss Chapter. Imperial Order' Daughters or the Kmpire.l at it annua) .meeting last iukIH.! ilecled ofricei as follows: ' Honorary Ittigfint Mrs. Alfred1, ('arss. . i II , r . . r . . . . . vcvfunr .Mrs. u. urcnaru mp-i Lend. j to VMi Vlcctrejtentr .Mrs. Uer- R berl Hampton. Second Vice reftent Mrs. 8. J. llvans. " j Secretary Mrs J. A. Tens. ! Treasurer-AMrs. W. A. Kehoes Fecrntarv- -.Mrs. C V j Kemp. J Kducalionul Secretary Mr. id, W Kerr i Standard nearer Mrs. S V Cox, Salonika Tin feile a . iveruineni ha IF1 X&) You can t H W ' but what ffi 1 will mate you m y y' feel better. 1 M awirr".liialal I I V Tliday. Feb, Authorized Sale Victor Records Starts To-morrow! A special list of standard selections by famous Victor entertainers. Famous numbers. All double-sided records, 10-inclr size, formerly 75 cents renewed the ordcr-in-roiim-il fiviuu American halibut boat Ihe privilege of usinp the porl of Prince Huperl for shipment Of catches. Harry Howe, rhaffcur for the i'rince Huperl Auto Co., broke lux arm while rraiiklna a car lln morning and has been iidiniMed lo Hie hospital.. Provoking Why did you strike Ihe telegraph operator?" the J iiIr asked Hie negro. Well, yo honor," said the culprit, "J hands him a telegram for my girl an' lie starts readin' it Ho I just nacliurally up an' hand him one." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Central Tlioiiiu llyan, clly. Three for One Dollar Your Only Chance to Buy These Records There will be no more at these prices when present stocks are exhausted. Select your favorites out of these bargains now, before the titles you want are sold. out. Also some 12-inch size double-sided," formerly $1.50 each, now 2 for $1.50, or 79 cents each. At all Authorized "His Maker's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Company of Caimda.l imiled , CANADIAN !iPACinc l4llfi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert F lETCHIUII. watCEU, JUKUO. JIAtWAT .FtW-fy yA . ii VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. i JUITU rcW.i llik. 2iV. ,; Si. nnciM KATMCE for Bulttfl. wnion Bir, ! Blla Ha, Ottin rail. Nmu, lrl Ctmptiall Rlf, end Vntour ir, tlurtfiy 11 cm, lnf fp all tmhla Lln.t. Full lnformiO f,,m W. 0. OnOHAno ttnrl tnl. 0rnp ot 4lh llrttl and Srd Any. PriM Muaart. - UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C LTD gillinti frurn ennce tiurrrt. f VANOOUvan, VICTORIA, Iwiniin U,y, and Al.r't Bar. TWdr. ttr VANOOUVIR. wioTnma iii a.. .. . ... , Balufatn. ' tor arox. eoaT aiMPBOa and Hut Rlf.r Cannwla. Thiiradar " uV T.!"! ,t,l"'0N. NrOX, AtlOC ARM, STIWART, tundaf. P-B. 2nd Aiwii.. i. Baritalar, AtMi. frlna ""MM.