lav rnnuuij w( iu. VICTOR Records - THE DAILY NEWS each 3 for $1.00 Beginning at Eight O'clock Today! COME EARLY AND HAVE THE BEST CHOICE! I'-i'd- i.i tide- l I. mi. his Vn liir iiili-l- in Llii- special ridiculous prices given above. Ul-llirll diillblc-Mlll'll. THEY WON'T LAST LONG AT THE PRICE! AKu r.'-iiuli Record 70c or 2 for $1.50 cornier Price- Wfiv 7.V and .."t earli. r sr m mm mm I n jcI nwc 7v I I. . 1" 1 . All lid I I iiicbK. up your ririi iu mi ociore leaving, , tin I.'!. ii fu lln -mail lit- .in. i -i-i ,il -In, in a . ',vi i-.. i.i Im. ul .m1 - S von h iv liii' 1 1 .1 1 . w i ri k good- hi your kit, if not, -I'll' .Hill tfel "UI'pllC.1. Iodine Lytol Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Platter Cotton Wool Lint Vateline Epsom Salts Caitor Oil Liniment Tweezers Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. 'i 'Vi i Tide- ; i i 1 (iiii.Ii1 fur von if you require it. Ormes Limited Tin' Ilrxnll St. hi- Pioneer Druggists ara u vrniiR arm uin atreet. frnnnf. x nnn 1 1 1 1 8 am I ( ()lli Sundays ami H t U.I :i I.' lo .'. and ? In 9 ii.iii. o Pay Day! V" i" -li'r- li.inl. uiiplcaaut work - Iml every t - In- pay . ! una work Hint's jusl m- hard ami unpleasant In Mo- wash." Hiil ( I hi mil of a week of V llll MI" - MiH.' I I i'K'i in - -a In i. ul l ull lor mil' Tlirif -T-Ser- m lung will be rarelutty v.i-lo'il. thoroughly i lln' I Id I work tinlly ironed ami I l 1 I . Ami working fur Mr. Wahttih one employer who - In- help. THRIF-T-SERVICE 5c Per Pound and 1c Per Piece Minimum Charge $1.00 (ANA 1 AN S IK AnI LA N IKY Phono 8 ui m w it? w w rm ill r 3 mm mm it v ii a w m of our Big Sale WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESSES. CODIe Anil t mil. nxlrac W mint haVO rflOIII foe I1QW StOCk Phono 27. EVERYTHING ON SALE ,11111 I" lllMt' "DEMERS" oggers! ' 'I . ruiws. mill if i. mi' rill ( . : 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 . P.O. Box 327 Loggers! We Iiuvu the only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks i will jmy ynu lo aoe us wliuu Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenuo -r - a Local and Personal Phone 10. I'.U. Coal Co. tr ArlliursiTaxL Phono 078, tf U.C. Undertakers. "Phone 41. Cameron's 1'lionc 177. Dance Orchestra, tf Two cars at-- your service Shcddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf Mimeographing circular, elo. Mis Johnstone. Phone 387. If Arelideaoon (J. A. llix id vijUe inw Stewart on parochial duties, having gone north Sunday night. Jaiiih Killan relumed on the r.Miiiotun tins jflfrnooii from a trip to Premier where lie operates a branch utore. T. J. fliiHn in'iipeetor of mini's, returned on tlic'Oaniosuii this afternoon from a trip lo Stiwarl on official duties. A number of millineii were sen! out lo Unk on the train last I'vi'iilut; in work in the Skeena l umlier Co. mill at thai point. W. IfiMiteman of the ionkeisli mine i h passi-nser going ouUi from Asjyox to Vancouver aboard tin- steVtner Camosun vvhicli i in port this afternoon. vv . - J. . l,arkworlhy. who has bei'ii isiliii(t for miiik time at Ins nit! bono in Toronto in ex pected in Hip rity this wek front Vancouver on his way to Xew IIhk'IIoii. Philip U. Hay. loenl aKcnt fbr I lo- M. I.. Juhnson-U alion ;., Ltd.. lias written ii (he H.I.. Chamber of Mine uiurilitig I hi1 foriituMi of a branrti in Prince A. 'Si: Clair- Hrindle. well known a a. mining engineer i-i In- ilislnil. Mtdrese! Mip n.i; r.lixiiiiier r Mine- in Vancouver IhI ritdav nuzut on the minera: urea IwMweca Ouiiueia and the tiktm border. HT- Mckinley , found gullly of wtrfwpir .in mitionotiile to lH CiiitiiiiMii iliiiiger. was fined tii by Mutsra!e li'i:iymonl in t: 'Hy Miliee rourt Itusi Hiwriiiiivr in a 4oMiid baas of driiiK vMthoulA 4hVhC Uc nasnsesitcil win. ' ' r . I nimi slemiirr Chuiomuii, CiI A. K. iMckson. siinihlMiiiiid fron ii) ox and Stewart li Vam-ouver, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Amooii the ve nei .asenrcrs from here to Vanefiiivrr will be M. Clark and Mis J. M. I,ee. H..V K'.lnni- Pliinuey. I.orkeHrt lo (jer. charved with unlawfully woiindiuit 'Albert Sandsirom. up. I'l'ari'd before .lipeiidiary Man-itiu!' II. I. Mel. e. ul in the pro-vnii'ial police court this after-iiiioi: and was auam remaiided r emhl days. Saiidstroiu i ell in the local hosnital where 'i'- fundi: urn i.- said to be Ini. rutins'. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hitii School Dance. Klks' Home, t'enniarv 2i. Weslli.iiiiii' Th.Mtr.'. March a iiiul 'J. Pniii'.' Hiiprr: Player Club presents a new joyous comedy ' Wcddlni; Delis.' BABY'S COLDS Children ' dolicate digestions are easily disturbed by too much "dosine." Still, U little ones' cold troubles cannot he neglected. At the wry first sicn of cronn. snn throat, r any other cold trouble, apnly VanoRufj anoRub owr owr the the thmnt throat ami and! ! u usually I'.etinllvf riilintiul rdicved ia 15 1 C minutes. ... VICKS VAPORUB Qwt 21 Mwon skits Usco Ycakl y I" red Noel of the Granby store staff nai mi arrival m the city from Anyox on the Caiiiosuu tliU afternoon. TOXmilTl Oddfellows and HfhekuliH .wlil-l drive and dance. Ronton Hall nt h,;io Arthur oie.he.tra. J. V.. Miller, and T. Mason, cu-loin officers, are viHiliny Slew-art on official buidnejg, having Koiif north . on Hie (Jamosun Monday nislil. Suction l'ivi lots for sale, tl3f) Six Idoekn from poKl office, on Taylor Sjfrccl, naved. I'Jne view gcll Ihrcn for 150.00 caiili lt'iiliavfr nro. A. C. Utile, (he ucil known news vendor, wlw ha nol neiui enjoying- tho beft of iiealth lato iy, lias. beiMi admiHed an a palinr to the Prince' llflnert Ocnerai llojiltal. ; , , The steamer Camosun, which is relieving the Oardcna in the local service while the Cardcna is underuoing annual overhaul, will be on the run for a couple of weeks longer it is expected. The CamoMtui has , hoard Capt. A. K. Diekson and Chief Officer W. V. .Mounce front the Cardena It. Huirhes is purser and J. It Mcvvilliani. forinei ly of ituck- ley Hay. i wireless operator. WATCH MOVEMENTSOF JAPANESE TEACHERS Four Arrived Recently, One For Ocean Falls to Instruct Children in Language VICTOIUA. Kelt. Id. Move nients of four Japanese echool teachers who reached Itrilish Columbia this week from Japan with their huslmnds will be closely watolied by the Department of education 'here, Hon. J. D. Marheiin, .Minister of duration, announced. Any private schools eslab-lished by the Japanese teuclnr. must conform Atk Canadian standards, the nttnilir 'declared. He mbleil that be bad no in formal ion on the teachers' plant and knew notion? of their arrival except what he had seen in the news pa iters. The dainty Japan ee holies say they arc potiijr to Ocean Falls and Mission to teach Japanese ehitdren there (be Imiifuajte of Japan, which they are rapidly forycttmg in their Canadian environment. Observe Standards "We oo n not prevent the Jap-nuee from establishing schools of their owu," said Dr. Mucl.cau. "If such schools are established. however, they have to live Up lo certain xtnmlards of education which will make cood Canadian ritiiens oul ef their pupil. Such eliiudanls, of course, would be enforced In any schools estab lished by the Japanese. Anv teachers who wish lo leach in Hie ptiblie schools musi have ccrtifi- t-ale and we would not srrant thee cerlificalns lo Japanese women. We cannot Mop Ibcin le.ichlnjr In private schools, howev cr. As far as the use of public school buildings by Japanese cnncermvl. that is :- mailer for the school boards in oharve." Officials hen are,ptuiled at I be admission of the Japanese leaeher to this country. It Is not known under what Clause of lianaila's immigration aurreo- nienls with Japan they were al lowed to fonin io the Dominion. KEEP TAX RATE DOWN BELOW FORTY MILLS VICTOIUA. reu 10. It ii hoped to keep Hie lax rate of the i lly below forty nulls this year. Last year it was ;is.3(i nml Hie preliminary estimates brouuhl down would, if adopted. Uring it up to -about I. 'I mills. A pruning policy will probably bring it down to last year's level. Ask The Bull lie was beiing medically examined prcffUrnlory to taking oul an insurance policy, i" "cver had a serious 11 1 no. ? asked the deputy. k' ".No," was (he reply. "liver had an accident?" v.. VickS ' . . . . chwt. There iinothins to swallow-you ' 'M u r ! "a" " ' fCWi'iil just rub it on. Colds eo over nicht-crouD 'f life?" i L . . . . i . . cvcr, except las' spring wncn n bull tossed me over' a fence." 'Well, don't you call that an lU'cbleiit?" J "No. sir! He did II on pur-j p"s,'." Put back the real PAGE THREE meat flavoitf into soups and gravies, meat dishes, left-overs, croquettes and sauces by adding a few 9 flllll WTOfrv In tins of - 30c Amrm. 4Mf uk OUTUNES POSITION OF LORD'S DAY PEOPLE Rev. C. H. Heustls Writes Police Commission In Victoria Regarding Their . City VICTOIUA. Feb. I would be sorrv to "Person -to see a r. jiii in. mi oi me u.isi'o mat occurred some years aso in your city under a former Mayor.' (lev. C. II. Iluestis, Hrilisii Columbia seeretary of the Lord's Day Alliance ot Canada. vriles in a let ter to Mayor Carl i'ejnlray. chair-j man oi nip icluna I'olice Com-i mission, in ceferiiiiK to the cf- forts io en force the Lords Day Act here several years ago. I assure you that we were no: responsible for Hut dcmoiislra- ion at that lime. I ur-ed tin' Mayor of the rity then as strong.. Iy a I could not lo try to tin any- thin;: drastic, but lo move almiL-the lines of least resistance." ays Mr. lleuslis. Itev. Mr. lleuslis informs Mayor Pendray that be regret lis the Victoriu Poiice (tmmissioi had decided to do nothing in I lie mailer on enforcement of the lord's Day Act, nssejlinw: that Ibis has been the policy of the. lasi. few years. He says thai be did not think that a case bud been laken under the Lord's Day Ac! in victoria for soioe lime. Van couver is. iin(e active in the mat ter, tic deelares. One Free Day Urged The writer states that from a study of the matter he bud m.i.l.' in Victoria some lime ago, he had come to the conclusion Ilia', some forms of Sunday business would be glad to be relieved-particularly tobacco and new- Maud. "These fellows live a somewhat drab life, or at any rait? a monotonous one. 1 would like to see them with a Sunday iioinijy like me rest or us. 1 1 icy do not ileal in perishable material and hence their business doe not cioine wit hin the ralivory o.' necessary." In concliidiiiK Hev. Mr. Ilent:j says that his idea of Sunday is a free day for everybody.. He bes. lieves thai the public in iicuem! hould make some sacrifice is order that everyone ink' hi have the day off. Thai is what he ha been working for for many years, he declares, adding that "How people use tthe day is auotlie; question- -n matter of conscienrt -which everyone will have to decide for himself." Mayor's Comment Mayor Pendray onlv comment on the I'ommunicalion was: " bile we have every respect i ne i.uro s nay .uiianc or-gariuation the Police Commission T Victoria feels thai il is quite capable of .seeinu that the law is reasonably ami fairly earned oul. i e TOO LATF. TO CLASSIFY SAI.i: OF IiOAT, Kto. Has boat "Fdida," length ;t; reet. beam P feet 0, depth :i feel, with 8 h,i linpciial civgme. and (rolling equipment us now situalc a Lewis Island, will be offered for sate February 17. l'J2o al l a.m. at my office. Also about I iv' acre of laud with bouse a! l ewis Uland. Term r sale. rash. John Dybhavu r..r rONll Iff W ALB r STOUT Builds Up Yonrlkalth DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ph ono raphs or oaie 2 ONLY, DUKE AND DUCHESS MODELS, PHONOLA PHONOGRAPH Made in Canada . Selling al Half Price. $75.00 and $50.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings (One 3rd Avenue. door east oi Daily News Office', Phones 116 and 117. Phone 123 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timber-. Dimension. Shiplnp, Fu Finish, Flooring. V Jotut, Hii-dic and Ikvel Siding, Cedar and Fir Hon! Lumber. Fir and Cottoiiwoixl Veneer.louldiiigs. Shingles, Kolored Shingle. Lath, Oak. Uartlwoods, Sash and Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As hestos Cement, Ilardwall Plaster, Plaslep of Paris, Plaster Hoard. Lime, llydraled Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Hrick. Fire Hrick, Press-cd Hritk. Agricultural Tile. Vitrified. Pipe. Flue Lining'. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, liuihliug Paper. Tar Paper, llitliheroid Hooliugs. Johns. Malivtlle's Asbestos Roofings. A.-plmlt. Asphall Roofing Papers. Sand and U ravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for vour Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT Will leave PRINCE RUPERT Mr VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami nitriii.'Uulr (mini cadi FRIDAY at 6 ajn. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART ami ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10,p.m S.S. PRINCE JOHN JoNUiltlU for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS. " PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY at 8 .in. ti.r PRINCE SE0R0E, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG; all (hiIM Eaaieru, I nlietl ilalra. AQENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Oflka, SZS Third At. Print Rupart. Phona 280