25 vol xvi no, m TAXI Boston Grill and!: Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L MATT VIDECK, Prop. M' lit 11 II M:. 11M1nliM. l'e!i 'I w . . .' v -imjjIiI ieroii Kir- 1 1 I fin- nt Mi-- pint' .1 and maiiv oilier are It loVi llhiii I here ' '' H I I lit ''Ii V I'll ll lllf! . "iintled !' name- oi 11 ;v 1. mi Hue. W "in-11 : 1 the Wi:t nf t--eii'. ir i.rnke iii ttiii ii ill a 1 mi- nf inn iiiviwii int't i umi tl h a utirtlierly unle. (t wnlfrii'ntt dcMi'ial ton Hi' - larmi'f-. rKtNln blKL WINS TENNIS Suianno Lonqlen Boats Helen Wills In Two Sets at Cannes Tournament ' AVXI-.S. I'eli. HI. Stminn" ' , ' iinieiiifii llflcii W ills 8 0 in lotluy's HtiHl - -Iligiert ul CinrlUiit luwii lournamenl. The I'londi v ii mi -bowed in her llrsl meet w n the I niteil Klales eltam nut -lie is unnpproached in ii mine by any other player of i'X Hot Ii played extremely 'ii )y. Stuanne however, inak-Avci eirois than the 'it I i . II -:i'l. BODY WAS FOUND AT VANCOUVER IN WATER VANtlOlVF.il. Feb. 10. TUe "ly or Clliu'les Olsen. U years 'f aye was found floating ill Ibi; aid ,i 1 jHt mjjhi. Th' mini Hail been missing since New I , Wheal i;. P. II. Il.r.. Silver .... umlm. The llou Hun well I.. A I Miirniol Premier purler Malm Silverere-l Surr I"1"' Vh'i.M M '"in tl'v'r. In Basement and F re Leap- (their ri--.ti 1 Iti 1 1 by a major 1 ed to 34th Floor ily -n Miirfuwii' uf tlifir roiifi deuce uinl goodwill. The wen! V VUk I Ki I in -, ii shown II approval of lb -,;.! a lilai- Hi the Hin '; j policies iIi-wih.I irnuti' a .1 ..ilur KilUltuiili- I.lff! uiiili'iM jiiloIh iiik ni'Miiilt Hi UrfV tor tbrev )urt.CCMATP MAY PAQQ tin fin uinl' .!- iii'ukr "iii in I be 1 ml lciil up iftf 'MU , lfumiiiM and Hn- .yi- i iiuimii'd 11I inaniU "ii lii' nkiv nrnicti BUSH FIRES mporature of 100 When Aus tralian Blaze Started and Was Carried by Gale 1 LIQUOR IMPORTATION can Ih- ce i'l upon t" ffive nich a ;mcBure IU approval for Ihe fimrlh I linn. Wlial the Senate will do i another matter. Willi-out any real ntaoii iU majority ha lliriVn it otil on Ihiee oera-l..ii. filitia:. for the luck of any tH'ller aryutneid. M denrc lo prriwrve Hie lilterly of Ihe mih-Ject a its case aicainat the jndir- meiit 01 enTletl reiN'eniBine of the )ieoile. In iw What 1 .57 ir.s.nn . 1.70 . s.or. .17 .11 .11 .08' nil 1 Tine prccinu ha" recently happened on this .oal. howxer. as a resnl! of wholeMRle boolletlirinv nperalinii nol to mention Ihe dilaleful disclosures made al the reeeill riiin-runtiinu coifpirney Irial In Seattle the Seiuile will probably nasi the hill. CENSUS THIS YEAR IN PRAIRIE PROVINCES iiTTANVA. l"b 10 A new fn-n of 1 be ioiulation and iijji icnltiiie of .ManiH'ba, .anKai- iuiii uinl Alberta has been iiiillioiied by Or1ler-ln-1.nune.11 The work of the enumerator will hcin on June I next. 1 The lasl ccnus of Hie three prairie province" was iukpii in lUl'l, when Hie reusus 01 me whole of Canatlii Avas prepareil. While these sUilisth'-of Iho I'o-minioii arc jta'lhercd eery len eurs, I tic census of Manitoba, Su.kiilclnnvan and Aflterla is taken every five years, under the Federal nels eonslilutlnir Ihose pro inees. VANCOUVER EXCHVNCE llld. Asked. 1.75 2.S5 .21 .10 2. no .1 1 .ia .10 ; WHEAT POOL Alelv the ternis of (he pool nffor have been decided definitely a mrial inetms of the "Gw-op" dcleiile wHI be called. " The following staienwnl wa! indued today jointly by the Vas-kalrhewan 1.0-uperative AVhoal ALASKA MINER DROPPED mam MAKING OFFER ;WIII be First Submitted to I !liilil M m I n n rt W fr I " ' , Deleaates - ,r:vi 0 r -. -- IIMitNA. Hak.. fVb. HlrfAn; DILL 1 II! J OLOJlUll uirr, liy thr Sut;llf limvan Vil.ut -. J'imiI foe tin- iiurrhu' of Mirj Viclo a I nix'- f;Hka!li,WHii IJ-ojKralive KI-( Ii i- jrrulifiHK noli- iliai valor eoiiiiiaiiy'K i'livulor .)' oniillii-r iiilii'iii inn will Ih- iiih'I'-ln will l "iiliiiiiili-d lo a fper lu Hi I'arlmiir' ni of ImiiuiIh l ml iiiiIiiik nf Hit- wheal pool im ltttftlntiiii wlui'li will Kix dfliualf in Urania tomorrow foi lhi urtiMii.i Hie (! I'Mihl U !rniiciaiiiin ami ratlfirjilion, it ftiinoii litiiiiir iiiln llrilili Uil-iwa announi'i'il lnrv. Imincdi- nt l.iiniiiMin I'roduei'rn. limited, and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Llevuto; eoiHIiMtiy. iimiieii mr me inior- luatiun of Hie Khnrvholdurs o( both onxauualioii: "Following a serien of eonfor- eneei Im-Iwccii Ihe d l redo is of the Sa-kaiehewan Co-operullvc KIpvMor eoinpauy. liiniled, and the Saskatchewan Wheat l'oo! I'ovfriiijr Hie lasl few weeks, tt whleli details of a protosal I puiuh(ie flic elevator eitiiipanj'a elevnhKr sylem were discussed by Ihe two bodies, Ihe pool boavn have completed an olTer lo be submitted to the elevator com pany. "Before the offer is filially nubniiiMid f "'(' tdevalnr eom-pany il is the intention of Ihe iool hoaitl In submit same to a -pecial meet in); of pool dule- nlcr for I heir consideration ami ratification. This meetinj: ha been called lo be held 111 llcKiiri tomorrow. February 1 7. al 10 a.m. DEAD ON THE STEAMER iM:v w i.sr.Mi.s i'i:H. Feb. 10 .1 olii) C.hisholin. &'.' years of uue, a well known , Alaiska miner dropped dead on Ichruary l on Ihe steamer Alaska while bounil ror nncouvcr Island, it was learned today when the body was hrnupht here from Seattle. The remains of the lain James Coombs, who died last week in the Sliaughnessy Military llos pllal, Vancouver, will arrive from Ihe south on the Prince Huperl tomorrow morning ami Inter menl will take plane Thursday afternoon, in I'nirvicw Ceinelery lifter a service in KI Andrew v 11 n limn Church. Premie w t In TWO HOCKEY GAMES In 'ge mii!.ill PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1'iuvct: iu'pkiit, h.c, tl i:su.v rami'.uiY io. 1020. W Wesbyterian Church Decides to Join Continuing Church Yi-lerrtaj i:lrculallin, 140S y1 lasslssssssV 'jMc LssssssBsr?. )V bIK 1H- Si-Mi !( and Seven Managers Rtsigi, l The ronj.'icjralion ol Ihe Kirsl I'reliytciiiin Uiiin h ul an oilier special meeling lal night derided ly a vide of Tit to :tN lo join Willi Hie niiiliiioiiiK Presli leriau Cliiin li of CuiiiiiLi am Hie slminlcr I'resliylery. Tlie decision wa nmde afler ; Iwo hour meeting. 1 lie deci-ion was followed li even of Ihe nine tnemtiors of Ihe hoard ol niuiuiKer resigning in order to give. Ihe pongre jtaluni ihe opiortiiiuty 01 pniceening with a policy conlran lo Unit wliirli Initl licen recoiniiiended Ia Ihe lmard numoly. for HIJACKERS IN RUM ROW Whiskey Pirates Took 1,100 Cases and Held Crow of Schooner Captive LUNENBURG, Feb. 16. Captain Arthur Whynot, master of the schooner Arthur J. Balfour here reports hl-Jack- ers off "Rum Row" relieved his tthlp of 1,100 whiskey and held tho oraw captive on the ship 19 days. While they were aboard, the hl-Jaokers used the vessel disguised as an American coastguard cutter. the local church to carry un in dependeiilly. I lie mammer reKiiniK: werp Sum Alasey, (ieorxe llorle, l (1. Jlawsuu. Joe (ireer. It. F. Mc- Nauglitou. .1. II. Mrlnd and'Jt'bti I'urrie. The two remaining jnau- liters who ditl nol rc.ijfu wen rdilie Sun ; Ii and II. Cameron. It i oiidfi'stuoil I hat H. C. Mollae 1 he ciiii3ii-i;ational secretary, will aln reijsn. Hon A. M. Malison was nre- glmrl Salfi. IU7 XEEP DOWN LIVING HOSTS WHILE RAISING .. TO TO STEWART STEWART JLAKE JLAKE . NEAR NEAR VANDERHOOF VANDERHOOF - VIC I'liIU V. H.C.. I t li. 10. The l"..lhinian are making -uch sueeejis in fanning in the Slevvarl Lake district norLli of A'anderl'oitf thai their leader. Sir John Pilka. ex- peels more 5id tiers to come, uccoriling to a com- muuicat ioih reeeivi'd here by Hon. T. H. Paliull". NEW CATHEDRAL FOR Columbia Diocese as Outlined by Bishop 4 VICTORIA THIS YEAR That Is Plan of Anglicans of YIUTOltlA. Feb. 10.- "Afler iou waiting, praying ami plan um;;, tins. oleae lout, is lo b" Uidhedral Year' for the Hiocese.' Willi lhee wunls the ltisrhl llev. C. H. Schofield inlrodured Ih.' sulijerl of the new Ciitliedral in hi charge lo the Iwenly-sfxtl. meeting of ihe Synod of the Dio cese of Gtduudiia. "For the prese-iil," the Hishoi said, "we an aiming at erect in;; ., ..1 11 .....ii.n. .....1 mint., inline nave or toe new uat neurit! 1 -w I. ..... ... ,........ rov... ..1 ,,...1.,... 11.,. U-.wl..fIiil..r won me wcMrni iut-111. iiiliuu- re.hvterv. H"? f"' Hvin lowers as far a The meelii.u. which was; lire- Hie preat arrli and. al Ihe other . . ..;.i... i ....... 1... ti M..IM... I eiiil 11I least, the western arch of oases or 11 himhi.? ..h uh. - IN WESTERN LEAGUE Saskatoon Beat Calgary and Van. couver Beat, Edmonton Last Night niul l..r u ni'li J 1. Cliiislle unl.l.ne uui- " criurai. ....... lower. 1111 wuum .1 m -crelarv. .look noeliiiii niake a unit inorv or less com with riwpect to filling nir fcancy in Hie pastorate ni.iliiibly cum" ;ii nl il uri.vUJ tn$-vii-l",,lp in itself; il would give this . Tfewill generation a little idea of what ' inlerl ' li' . proportion and beauly ol ineelina when new hoard niaiuc-ei- wHI he named. WASHINGTON TO SPEND ELEVEN MILLIONS IN of ROADS IN TWO YEARS YtiToltlA. Feb. 10. fa- The he finished cathedral will he; and. it rtoiiUl uive tiie cathedral t'ontrejial i'ii a place of worship u. I trust, be! ore the ntd build it? I.i'comt's too dilapidated NANAIMO PEOPLE LIKE CHARLESTON state of W almiivtton is luyHugl a A.v Al.MO. Feo. 10 J he Char VAN GOt Y1H. Feb. 10. Two'oul a program of wockrffor ithnl I lesion dame has slronjf atlvo . . . .... . .. . . . . .. .... ,r 1 .... . . . hockey names were .played lasl stale involvinif Hie eApomiriurv rates here. nislil in the Western League el,es, one here and Ihe other ul Kukaloon. Here Ihe local team look llilmniiliiit Into camp, Ihe score being :t lo 2 while al Sas-kaloou Hie home team also proved winner over Calvary 8 yuals i icw nay ago ine of the sum of 1 1 .ooo.onii; no- city council. Women's Couin't',. eonlm? to I'.iiKineer Hill wlio is Parent Teachers' Asoeialio:i visiting here. He speaks highly and others reeeiv ed a pissitiK in of the Rood road policy -nrilnn. vitalion to a! lend an exhibition V. IL Sutherland. mlnis(e of h.f iho new art and some of Ihero public works. aceepled. Today H i understood 1 . . . . i(..sleis !"r Ill Sidi-- rihe If Ihe Daily News. I 'n a .m ithletir c Large t psla.r Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire, NEW SOOA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICE FtVK GF.NT8. wrrpiwr vipthdv cap m a rvTN7rc vmc. AMITY OF SOMETHING LIKE SIX THOUSAND AGAINST THE INDEPENDENT nt i . is ur fimi)v winnnnrk ti si ft in re uinn Elected Yesterday hy Huge Majority in Prince Albert I'HIVCK A Ml HI IT, IVIi. Hi. Premiei . Muckemtie King w. : , l lrl lt ,111 overwhelming mnjuritv Iti rcpi-f.cnl Ihe n-itry til I'rnire Allicrliin Hie Federal House. Tin' inde- hiiIi-IuU'. Captain 1 1, L. Hurge, vu. litciull miowciI ti: ..it .i .ihin. lii' ill Milt-.. Itrl tirttx frl tlii morning iu-! Mi at the majorilv for Premier Killer will lie itiiirc limn iiTT V I''li. Id. "(ii Ihe iirt'ifioii hi inh divi-nni in II - mi t.onniimi Parliament ha pikcu and now tin- ihu- mw BLAZt pie have Hikaii." titled Premier L . ... . i i.i . . I run mm iiiMiii win-1 1 ufct?n iu 4. 1 'illinwlll 'in Ihi' rc.nll of lllr by-; , election in I'll iit-f Albert. "Thai. fiN RROADWAY pressing my fMl gratitude lo FLU VIRULENT IN DALLAS, TEXAS AND MANY PEOPLE DIE vi .... , ,,.,.,,., r Pn.ioc Albert r.il 4. 4. 4. a - " In- great honor luey have eon- mi labin un nulla inn uauoni. iimtwi oihiii rue in cici'iuiir lllr a DALLAS. Texas, Feb. 10. -Twenty deal h hate oc-eurmJ here from inMii-fiizn sinee SulnnJay and 260 in-iiplc an1 cnoudy ill Willie lhoUailil of i-f-hlfiiu mi! sulfcriut; Willi imiil ul larks. v 4- 1 RIGHT HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING LONE TRAPPER ..... mnn tit ittre WAGES OF WORKERS! IJlfcJ IN T UlVUJN That Is Object of Frank Brown, Labor Member for Burnaby, Who Is In Victoria YUnuilIA. I rlj. 10. Labor men of Iirilih Columbia ure unxioui to ireenl (he inijiosi- 1011 uf a eiu'i-ai minimum wago "in cauxiiii; u HUililen incrfac it (lie cot jI living, Frank rowne. Lahoi momliif for "Hit ..cgilature Tmi llurnahy, slatnl on his arrhal here to confer with the Ktlit (lour Hay Law Hoard of Adjustment, which administers the new minimum iuiv law. "'We tire more anxious lo k"I he principle oi proper wages es-.iihliished llian anything elue." ir. I trow i;e Hfliil. " don't waiu 'o ce Hie advanlaes iff lln- min- nmin wase law overcome hy an i:i-reae in the eosl tif livinp as .1 remill of .wnse increase. Af- li'r all. what interest the Labor men of the province is the real .vcirlli of'lheir labor" and what hey nc' unity set in return for if." 4 4 S. 'ft. MORE ESTHONIAWS'fc! Body of James Cox Found Just Outside Door of Cabin on Pelly River HAWfiON, Feb. 10. De.ilh overlook Jamei Cux. 05 years of ape, for many years a trapper and prospeelor of Pelly Hands rtltr.cl mil. ide the door of his lonely cabin Meveral miles nouIIi- .;!! o! Dawson. The hotly was iot rounil until Constable (Mover jf the Uoss Itiver iol of the lloyal i.anadian Mounted Pnlire called lo see him mouth later, it wa learned. (Hover buried the body near the cabin whicji is Sill miles mi Hie Pelly Itiver from 1 tie point where il enters the Yukon Hiver. CLEAR AND COOL Cltar'' v. BUT NOT COLD Frosty at all Points In Northern B.C. and Yukon But Not. Extreme poiuts 111 northern Hrilisli Columbia and Yukon this morning, it was not extreme and during .rdinary- winters it would be considered warm. tine place 11: Ihe Yukon registered below tern but Haw-sun was only fi'.e below at eijrhl -o'clock this morning, according to the (!o eminent Telegraphs report which follows: Prince llupert . Clear, calm;.. rempcralure. 0. . lerrare t!har, caliu; Icmper-j; at ure., 23. j! Anyox Cloudy, culm; leuiper-i at ure. 23. , Slevvarl Clear, calm; temper-n atme. 23. . lUuellon JUlouily, calm; lem-f pernlure. 22. 'J Telegraph Creek Cloudy.o ealm: lemperalure, 11, " Miiithers Clomlyj lempera- lure. 21. Hums Lake Clear, calm; leiiw jicrature. 1 1. 'X hilehorse Cluudy, culm; temperature, 0 beoyfc , Hie Salmon T'ejnperaluri!, 21 lielow. Havvson Teinperalure, 5 VANCE HEADS FAIR BOARD Benson Elected Vice-president and Howard Frlxzell, Honorary Secretary, at Meeting Yesterday W. U. Vance was elected presi dent of the l'uir Hoard lor I "2(5 at Ihe firl meeiiiiK of the direc tors of Ihe Northern H.G. Auri-eullural .V Industrial Association which was held in the Glly Hall elerday afternoon. H. F.. llen-son wus eleeled vice-president and Howard Prixzell,' honorary swrelftry. The appoiidmenl of a matiusinjr seeretary tor the' year was deferred. Hon. T. D. rattullo vviis uauieil honorary president and Fred Stork, M.l honoran4vlce-presl-dent. : . F. D. Mathers, tnanrttgfr of the "otncrA ille C:n"erv 'v,ii? oM"ti Hie cH.v. will I,..,-.-. 1tet'- ..rjr.. Hin-r after eowiiio ,tff day in "eturn fVaneoit- ver on thn Catimsuu tonlsrhl. He Will be rt uri'inc wllli Mrs. Mathe-s lowanl the ond of the nun'1! to i-emme residence here.