pie Look i ri Your Eyes Im'V tii'H yon. Vlnni Jewellers ENGLISH I ho old war Hie modern ul rav-fnlintr style? specialize in filling ;(''' Mvlc riml the fiimng to your np- olw Bulger Ltd. abardine amcoats pedal Reduced Price $190 CME Importers Third Avenue nr advance ill Ml NYX idies Shoes ha make, fit Prtee right. mini nnn Mnrn J - - Maid LK STOCKINGS e lluperi lad'Cn will o their mid! Viiy pure thread : "tery. made for real l and Miar. .n'l.. lit n, I'nldn niadura. front, link -kin. ,irednlc. ' tr. por pair. EST of ENGLAND STORE E. S. Tait DENTIST tin. n . . . "u" icn, rrinoo Rupert, B.O. "fflce Hours 0 to 6. -nav Sirvloe Phone 086. . inony nnu i inirsiiny ""lllllKH "I'lrdnVH 0 to t! noon Pacific Great Eastern Railway i Passes Through Land of Promise Says Writer in English Journal Ho much. I,.-, been m.u! m jioliliral vvuv of (lie P.O.K., (lie railway lliiil Hnln.li Columbia doe not want, dial many people liave iliMiirlcd vnw or II,,, t railway ami ,e country wind, it ok into your eyes. ,i ,t ' V'1 7, 1 ' 1 ' ,T wn 11 '"''"'liiiiff lo lend in "The " ,';"' .Vaz,'l, I'hI'HmmI i" Knglan.l. a ilccriplive article H.e Klnc fc " yo '''' mi lhat Po-tnics ra.lvvay arc .(.own will, il f ce(le almi 'line. I lie article follows: y.m wear i Oli-piCIIOII rew railways have created irimin iiiruhri Hum itm i.,,.. miiii, in. fra I Iron I ....... M The iMTiMi- nial iui'll(in in n h to , rnuiplelioii (if the roail to il lH(riniiliiK and itiilln? mi no-where In particular, fur neither SipiainUh or Juei.iie are wurUiy jof Peine Ho- termirii nf nueh a lironiiinc railrtiail, il ha nplh heen lermeil Ihr "hiitbii au-l taillr" railroad of llritih Mixed Farming That if l rod of prnmine l.illooet Ihe nlliiMal henche of III lie l'ra-er Hiver have lonp lieen i iiIiimiI""!. Polaloe are a pec aMy here, the yield in inme iinlaneo heln? n hiab r 2i) ion to Hie acre, and nil klifds of fniil are frown. Tl ilNlrlcl tuid Ihe old town of Clinton , well known for it range lands SSvlnrh. uooil for cattle, hould 2k i raiMCC auriRT amifwiNT dutrict ntfii: i lierelo sOfii. in srinriUiire ,lh Ihr Klaliiles. Ilul ll seiHl lajea h vi.nl imilei Ihr "TatalliNi An ,snt II I'lihll.' i-ll Arl" am Imw lne ami 1 ixvslilr Ii iIh- year l. All tr ..ilh-rlsM rr llu rrlm-e Klilirrt iiiimiI lilMrlrl sn- flue imI ,Hi.liU. al hi nrflie. lliisle la 0' 'o-vliirul rnllerliii ' ofrtee. In II" t.lly of rrnirc Hiirl. , . Till. iMilli-i-. U lelin f l. I enimsliiil I" a Vri.iil ilniiaiiil liy lue ,.r ,l,rsrv. i...w H nM ' Collei'tor for Ihe rrliire Iniiwrl iwMiMiit IM'Irlrl. LAND ACT. Notlct a( InttntloK to Apply to Lsasa Land. In Ihe Prince nirt Unit nrrnrilin l.l.lrlrl ami Mliisle en an umwinwl llel in lhi Kaoern fntranre to llmliwm llsy "oilore near lunula llil. Bl rrint " takV . NOTICE llisl 0eor" "onion lonh-by of rrlnre url. .:.. Manufacturer, inleniM Hi s..ly fr a lea r tlin Ml- I... I ii ar .l.rl I hl'if I tltli : naiimeneliir al a pint "' "",. isriu iihiiMrn'il rerf nf n railiatini Z mm tnrri-'scilrally a rlreKhevinf a railius nr siriih """.;" v"" lUleit Ooeemlier (llutBIl LHSSEwVai mi avi tI.TU Vwl I. K'trn CATARRH (il thd (BLADDER v.rk CiiiuiiUi luinvl I. art nsnie tSy itrirar afrounlfirfrtU bo j'iuilA pood for sheep farni-lllg, an increasing Industry boll: In lln Prairie Province ami in Hrllih ' HnTumbin. 1 Further north ill f... ...... I ..!.,,.! i.... :.. .i .. . .. "1 . . ""'"T ""' -"'"Ii" 'lilrirl i also con 1 i f. T' rr iH rallle. ranching. T n" T T!'" ""7 "f wil" ':' ''"' ' n r -r. u I 'l,hl ig n,er wih, hay. " -"il. ainl pea-vine to connect the city of Vancouver, j i -,,. jm me M'euiui narrow iirnlgu ami the line already existing' In hylecHTe, wlli SiiiainUli. the present terminus of the mad f Mil- Id-ail of Howe Sound. -Colonliatlon Road The railway wan Imill an ,t ndonialion road lo open up i.enlral llrilish Columbia for cf-i ''nieiit. The scheme i a sound one, fur Hie country opened up i ru li in iiiineralM, other reoureeii Mini iiyririillural promii, while Hie I'arifii 'ireat Haern rail-r-iMil jiaB" llirooh Mime of lh ' riiie-l HporliiiK i-oiinlry in Uril-i-h Coliunhia, with frenery aloii); the linti iinriallei, even in i: I'rovinea fanioii. fur Hie xnutleor ( ii mountain", Inki ner. Tlie iMi.i:. i heumiun.' ' ii.ake a name for il'lf ;i i tceiiic mule for lonri-l-, and with (trenter puhlicily on ii ii niir aMiailMiiu 4hoiii in Hie next few yi-ar- iIcm'Ioji a eai! 1 nu'rcasfllK KiiuiniiT 1 mi r i i buiM- i e. There are ami.tt milen uf I'HilMay in operation, im-luiiiiifcj 1 1 In- I5.H mile from North Yan-lioiiM'r In Whyterliffe. Fromj sniHiHh i yneni4, in Iho1 'CiiiiIioo ilKtrirl. there are .'ItH.I jioile- in 'iieration. Tliere Hie line nt preint eiitt. So Willi in the mnisler Mln'ng District In the vieiiiily of tjiirsnel tie railway enter into a mining iin-Irh'l, llMUH-'ti In Hip pal. rniuio the town of It.irk.'iville, liter ate "one or Iwo oldelfihliheill farin." The I'.ti.K. "tap the old) Cai-ih.H. plaeer field, nhlrh in llu: pa -I ha ymlded round HO,(ioo.-j i'oo worm oi gout, and th ilarer-ril. itroduetinu of for the Cariboo dixlrift. mainly fmm Harkerville. tdar teel. I'inip ami Keithley Kreek, wan 2fiil.00(l. Itueket dredjtinft i In ojieralion on Antler llreek hy tin haiue l.oinpaiiy, of London, and niioihiT enmpany ii ereelinx a lllnll?M ll H'lllinMi. fvnV in ll.i. a""l..n.. ,li(4l . 1 1 .1 J! ll .. -.mi- fitiiii, i tun c IOIIIIIIJC if in operation round OuftM'ei, and (ome copper linwln have liei-ii iliiK'ovrred kiuue 10 milii i the al of Alexandria. Hut more important for the P.fi.lL are "The Hat Creek" coal de posit known to he of conider-J atiip extent hut a yet not fully tirpectcd. hut which when developed hIiouIiI add inalerially t.i the avnilahle freight lonnae ol the line. The ouri-e of waler- Mwer are mniie of the mol eniiUlerahIe iu the Province, for the rail road either run a Ion;: or eroe u"h river a "llm SijuRiui-h and il liraiirlie, tin Slwnin. Maioiuaui nud llrmik aimi the lireen, IjIIoimM. Hir- kiHihead, Fnioer and Ooenel The l.ft.K. louche point ahoul three mil fruu the llriilu Itiver Valley, -liortlv In he the oile of I he irealet develounenl "f water iMtwir on Ihi ronlineul. for Ike neltler i uliown hy llfje.xwpl may lie Xiayara. hy the fad lhat fur year eoHhlerahle mixed farmiriK ban loen earrol oi from Sipiauiialt a far a Mile 117 llirkenheiid Suinmit I'cilllierloli Meadow, in Ihe valley of the t.illnoet Hlver for fn-lanee1 otrer "a rieh Hlluvial oil famed for it fertility." Sefllc-nienl Ixvaii here in lh nrly 'ixtie. and already tS.onn aerr of the 311.000 acre in the volley, "free from rock and Mib-lrri-aate.l." are privately owtntl, but 'there are at the present timn many opioiiooiiie for purelKi-,n a tiniinproveil laml ftl a rea- ounble price." At the town ol llriti'h I'adiiinloa I3eetrie HafU way (jiiiijwiiiv. .N'ur i Ihi all, fori round Soda Creek, a (he name implip. are chemical ilepoit of enrhoiinle of oda, ma(;neia and linie, and ulphale of macnem and lime. Tin V.H.K. i ulo not hadly off for linther resource- atony II route, for il i aid l lrnvere a region of "a potential liuiher ael of no mean value." Delay In Development II ha been advanced a a plea for the abandonment of the rail wny that il doe not pay il way I he reply of Ihe general miiiia ser of the line may he ipioled "Il liMutd he remembered Dial n colonization railway cannot b expected lo pay until some of the. reource of Ihe country It .er ve are developed. Thai llieke, reoiirre,t exi.l ha h.Hn. stiowii, and if I therefore evident, Ihm etie delay III Hie ileelojinooito Iraffie on the 1MJ.K. cannot bn attrihuled lo lack of natural resource iu Ihe country tracrcd hy the railroad, but lo Ihe delay in Hie development of those into the Peace Hiver district is entirely a mailer for fulme decision, hut douhlles when Ihe road is linked up hot li norlli and miiiIIi and there is through connect ion between prince Oeor', on Ihe n.N.Il. wilh the port of Vancouver, and as the intermediate country i fully developed, the extension will If accomplish ed. Ihe grain from-the Pence Hiver dislript lo lide-waler at llurrard Intel. Cost of Line Figures given by Ihe genera manager for the end of Ihe fiscal year 1921 show: "There bad been expended for conslniclion, In eluding, rlfc'hl-of-way, townsllcs and ciuipmeiil, the sum of ?2H, I25.0IO.3U. The total loss In operating lo the same dale was l.i)K.883.U5. The losses In operating for the fiscal venr. 1022-2.1 and IU23-21 were !I210,-JHiUl and 2t2,207.U respectively. The. operiilling expenses for lioso Kvo years were practically 1 tin same ilhe differenco was under 200 hut I bo loss In freight earnings was $35,001.00. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE 9 Doctors recommend it a taU food for bbi when mother's milk it not cvaiUble. Eagle Brand iijuit pure milk and pur lugar put up in sealed cans which keep it absolutely pure. The leader since 1 857. Write lor Iree Baby Welfare Books. The Bordrn Co. Limited tl-S VANCOUVER. laS ii!?Wit oj coMmurr. 0"ft. j I TIM CAM. JJ I TIin wa almost entirely due to Hie dtajsnani condition of the Uig and lumber inaikel during Ui3 year Hi'.'l-2i, hut' the loss was reduced lo $11. 500 hy the in-oreosed earnings received from paeiiirer, expres and uleepln-oar ieeuue. In eoniderin tin annual deficit it is well to re-lo'eioher that (ioverjimenl rcen-, ue have heen considerably in-rri'aed from reoiiireH wliie. have heen developed y the rail way' The abuvc description of lb railway wa written before lh slalemenl, pithliiied below, wa made by Premier Oliver. Government's Policy Ihe set tiny aside of huge block of land, not to exceed 20.- 000 acre per mile, and a nb-kly for Ihe I'acifiti Ureal liast- ern Jlailway. and apiTicalion fur (isisauee of th homtrrion fiov-enimeiit in cash afiil .lands l. wnnplele the railway tMW east ern liuinlir of the Province are feature of the I'.U.rL policy in Iroduced in Ihe lirtti-b Columhi-i l.ctfislathMi by Premier- Oliver. The (iovernioeiit tit- the Hill pniKie at tin time lo H aside lU.Oi.YiHin arre in four block for Ihe railway. I is also intended to nipiet Ihe reluri: from the liooiioioii Coverumenl of the unalienated lands in lh" Peace Itiver block. Assistance also will be soii(f!i! froln the Province of Alberta in I be way of land grants lo asrisl in connect in;; up lite railway with Ihe line in that Province. Tim Premier stnled thai the placing of lange blocks of land as asset for the railway would be divided into two section for the purpose of the Act, the first beintt from Vancouver to Prince George, fftnl Hie seivmd from Prince Oeorpe to Ihe eastern boundary of Ihe Province. 'I'll" public lands lo be set aside aii lo Iw kjiown a the Peace Hiver Mock, the llast tijiri- boo block, the West Cariboo block and the Lillooel block. II is inlemlcd thai Ihe -public land". In Ihe area, conveyed (o the railvvilv chair be Tre fnifn taxa fl'on VoH ii ; irrs, oljV Ibati school taxes.' Timber royalties shall si ill go tj Ihe Crown, ex cept on limber used solely for the purpose of the railway. For the purpose "f the land grant, Ihe road from Princ.' I xleuslon of the P.O.K Ir.corgo to Alberta shall he .livid- ed into .sections of not less I ban 20 miles each. Financial Assistance The Provincial lonerument in Eczema Was So Bad Could Hardly Sleep Mr. O. Jones, Kitscoty, Alta, writes: "I had estema on my left hand, and m-v first ftnpsr was sa nml. II I Ihe logical route, fori leu, acre and itchy I could hardly tieep at nigliu 1 got a prescription from my doctor, bat it did me no good, so I Anally began to take After I had taken three bottles I was completely relieved of my eciema, aad would advise any one suffering; froaa any disvase of the blood to use B.D.U.. as it's worth Ha price many timet orer.' This valualila preparation has beea en the market for the past 47 yeaJS put up only by The T. atHbara Cu Uuuud, Toronto, Oat. An Infallible Guard according to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by ssUinany bat good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. Advertising is your guard tends that, a soon n the Hilt n passed, application shall be mail-to the liomiiiioii finvTrumeut for financial assistance iu extending the line from Prince Oeorpe to the easlern boundary- .The rcpiest will also be asked thai Dominion lauds iu Hie Pro-! vince uf Alberta be set aside lo connect up proposed inter-Pro-1 vincial line in lhat Province wit i I P.O.K. It i hoped Dial Hie I'cd-eral and Alberla Oovernment 'wfll co-operaln jii" a broad, eompre-hensivo schcine of this charaeto-aml develop the unscttleil. por tion, of the- West, declared Ihe: Il is also proposed lo open negotiations with Ihe Imperial Government "with a view to haviny imniigr.ini direcled towards the lands set-asiilc for the railway In a later statement the Hon. T. 1. Patlullo, ininisler of lands, explained details of the Pacific lircat Kaslern Hailway land gran! scheme. Mr. Paltullo declared that Ihe Legislature had not scl aside rtOOO,O00 acres for I lie purpose of Hie railway, a some people thought. 11 had only set aside this amount of land so thai Hie ('internment might select from il area which it infedil see lit lo hand over to a railway cor pornlinn. RAILWAY RATES AND EARNINGS OF COMPANIES lldmontou lliilletiu Despite Ihe terrible loss the r.PJt. wa supposed lo suffer if the Crow' Net rale were again enforced it is reported Mint , Die net earning-nf thai system for Ihe In! year have been three 'million dollars more Ihnn for th previous year. Sotnelliinj seems lo surest the claim that Ihe railways would jto broke hnullng wheal al Ihe Crow's Xest rale wa a bad Ruess, Advertise in tb) Dally News. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Or. 238 Black 735 t Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to KritzeU Butcher Shop, aero from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamas Zaralll Proprietor