nday, May n, ivw. ijou realltj live with r jiour Lace earn to Curtains, they should be Laundered in LUX gVERY hour of the day you sec them. If they have been poorly laundered they are a constant annoyance. Lux laundering will keep them true in both colour and sliape will permit them to drape in soft graceful folds. m ake Prettv rystalline amn M. lades 41 II 11 raj rV. m Be (artful to rget the gmuine Lux. It is sold- only in pachas txvtr in bulk. Lever BruJbtr. htruu J Toronto l,54 cini1 wjiMlcrfiil heyopil cumiiurr. Sre our window Jin ' if mi-iiiv. .ii try a iiwiiF.ri b lie imujjuii iif v Instructions free; also in making Paper Flowers, - r t fifmm.ca lmely Suggestions AMPULE'S GRAPE SALTS OUC refreshing ami hrallhlnl drink. NO'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM ... 50c TrHie hand uml lair ..ml lor use a Hit shuviiig ALTlnE Anltirr rmur runti wuc ami i.ou Hudls llruiii. Nerve mid Hodx. Ovtuvonios liif.ngniL' . ensures sound ! mid -upplies a reserve of strength. Kneh brush in a rnrlnii. Twenty per cent off all French Ivory Goods iiniiiigs lenvvood GlllH'(l!l)lOS B Hi. Ilux 2,)0 OflHES LID Rexal Druggists Phones 82 and 200 l'iiiands Lilas de Frunen $1.00 Piuniiils Kan de (.niiiiine Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert LHIIAN WBlMmi 1'iwrilt ciirufftV Miv IV. XI, J I --W. w.w, vmnu, tmnnni m.... . ne 1 J IS. PRINCESS KATMCE i wwvMBBn mast as ai I a bibiihi wivin , w, m ddi 1 1 a u. ........ a..bh ii a.m. ' J w Bill WWW fr Wlr wa; . vMiniH kinil. rwif W. 0. ORCHARO 0nrl Agtnt. 0rnr of 4th llriti nd Sr Avtnut, f rinc Ruptrt, B.0. Local and Personal i'lione 15. P.Il. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. ' tf B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. i :, r y' St. A ml re w Society regular iiieclliiif tonijfhl at'l) n.ni. ?" t. vr. . i , ii Crystal TireliKlilers. 48 fo. li00. Uyde Transfer. Phon? &H0. if lb-tail ' .Merchant Ansocialion iJJtJneo. yt. Uef Cafey p.m. Blastife $5.00. St. i:iio Hotel alb teek. ' Hrjdjre, wlilut and datrce 1,0. U. K. Hall tonight at 8.30. Ad-niicsion 50c. l-'nolball tunisht. (irand Ter minal v. Cold Storage. Aero polls Hill at 0.15. Olier H"!iier relurned on the Piiiice Cliarlc.H Saturdar afler- iiikmi from a brief buslnoss trin south. ' Mrn", (ri A. nix "At Home. Wi-dnenday, II ay 19, from 4 lu rt.:io. Mrs. Alex. Itix will receive Mih ir. Frank gfrinithain, after havinM w.-nt the pa!t week in Terran . proceeded to Anyox on the Car dena las I titrhl. A.'E. W'riKht, H.C.L.S., after a two weeks' hueineftx trip to Vancouver and VieloHa, returned lo (he eity on the Cardana la night. Al 5 o'clock Saturday after noon, I lie fire department re. pondfd lo a call from the Hay- view Hotel, Kiwi Avenue, where lln-re wa a smoke scare. V. Sclieldemp, H.i;.I..S. if Hums Lake, who has bt n a I rip rb Vanronver and Vletoria .irrived in the eily by the Car deua lal nighl and proceeded I iif UKirnitiK to the Interior. Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. l'4janiifiii ami datitflttvr, diaries UVm.v iJ'i . snnth 'ff Anyox. wftj ailewl ed tli.-ylinne irinoiiim" tit I in "ify st' vvtefc. n-lurn'd to lh. "tiifliiT town on dm (Uidriu at niliL J. 1. Itnttlie arrivinl on I lie Prlnee Charles ijutunlay after noon from Pontile and prux-eeded by train to Sniilhers tp faspeei liis niuiiiiiT prupt-rty whieli has ben prtNluein? ore sleaddy lhroithiul the past year. Mr. and Mr?. Alex Mix returuod (o the city on the Cardena last nipht from their honeymoon trip following their nveut mar rinse in Vancouver and are tak inn up residence in the Sunberg Aparliuenls, Fifth Avenue Vesl. NV. lirule and Carl Aherst.nl failed lo appear in the eily pidiei' eourl this morning loans. wer lo rhanjfes of intoxiuatlon and bail of 25 in each ease was etr'aled. William (iray was fined t:5 with the option o! thirty days. Mrs. Charles Ruekhaver. after having spent several days in tin eily. relurned Ip her homo in Any.x on (he Cardena last nljjht nceonipunled by her sister. Mrs. Charles Kirk of Vancouver, who eanie north with the Shi in party and who will now spend a week viil inif in Anyox. Miss Marjorie Campbell, H.N., lady superintendent or the Prince tleiin Jlospital, arrived on the Prlnee Charles Salurday after noon iroiu Vancouver ami Is npendiiiK a few days here as the pin-si of Mrs. V. II. Wilson- Murray, llowser Street, before itiaiiftilin(r in I liak inlotin Miji I'ruiee miner: general linspuai. j b llwlr ttrth ara of a tmigtw M V. nrtvhich itiAkasthrmhulJ M HA their krrn tutting cdg tin- .dH dcr avtry tui. (IMONOt CANADA SAW CO. LTD. VMa MONTIttAk. , aV B VANCOuvta, t. Mtat.N.a tJBfr THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI Have your eyes examined to day. J. 11. lligginbolham, O.I)., HI. Kluio Hotel. j AihiIImt priinvalih' danrn under Hcandinaviail auVplci wait held In the aicfroiolTUall Saturday night. J. 11. JtiKginholhaiii, O.D., upcc-lulUl'-lu exainliiiiitf the eyes foi Klagxed.j At St.' Klmo Hotel alt All those having- account a?ainil the Shrjne Commitleo will pleae' render iamc forth with to A. K. Jlazell-Jonea. Howard Birjiic has arrived l.ictjA to, lake p,yer the manasru- miflJiuO sHiyiJiwdKon s store s'uect't,iliirg"'J"flhnPn,eeo who has now gone Into business for hni self. Molnrdhlp HcJUliKliam, Cait Anderson, arrived al midniuhl from Kclcliikan willi a carload of fresh liallliiiL for shinmeni Kasl. T jie vessel returned noni Uiis mornin?. ? " J. K. Milne, 'district engineer for the provincfa deiartmenl of public works, sailed on lli-i Prince John Saturday niglil fot Queen Charlollu. tMty on depart nienlal ;buslne6 J' . . 7 I Anol Iter- small parly of mn who will be engaged in I lie u temblinsr of the Okanaan I.nU boat at Kelowna sailed for tha south on the Prince Charles last night. AnioiMur them was W. J. .Sloan. ANTHORAGTMlNiNG" MAN MARRIED HERE TO SCHOOL TEACHER In the drawing iitn of the Manse last ee:iir,s al D o'clock immediately afler the evening service. Miss Margaret F.lcanor Jones of Phoenix, Arizona, was united in marriage to Thomas Simpon MclHuigal. an Anchor age miner "by Rev. Or. Charles J Canleron. The eoUulc had arrived in Ije city from til north earlier In the day on the-Princess Louise, t lie. bride having been teaching schWl in Alaska. Jfhe witnesses at tlie ceremony wre Mrs. Cam eron. Mrs. W. H. Wilson Mur rayind John II. Davey. Mr. and Mr. MeJHnigal left on this morn-imt s train to spend an exlended iioiieymoon in Kusteru Canada and the I uilet States. SALVATION ARMY TAG DAY NETTED $256.60 FOOTBALL TEAMS : The sum of 250.C0 was real ized as a result or the Self lJenial laj? day held on Saturday by the balvallun Army. Capt. Ilea was in charge of the tagging And the hiahest Uiggers aniung the young people wore Misses Annie Smith, Kvelyn Pierce and Rose Smith. IMhers who nssisled were Knsign M. Uorin of Ketchikan, Lieut. Kenny, Mrs. Ilea, Mrs. T. Car lisle. Miss F.. Griffiths, Miss Amelia F.xley. Miss Kathleen Ferguson. Miss Dolly Smith, Miss .Miss Winnie F.xley. Miss Edith Leek and Miss FIsie McOualt. HARD RIVER FAMM IS VISITING IN CITY On their wav'baclv to the I.iard River eounlry wlnelr district they lefl about four years ago having been located in the meantime in the district be! ween Prince Oeorge and Mellride, Mr. and Mrs. i.. Lewis and family of six Children are in Prince Rupert. 'I hey nrrived from Hie interior on jeslerdny afternoon's train and will go north lo Wrangelit on the Princess Mary on Friday. .Mr. Lewis, who is a trapper and prospector, is an old timer of the north, lie went into the Klondike lu 18'.? ami in 11) II en- 4ered the I.iard district. The .whole family was born in the laller country and have never of" II.eUo" 80l,tl U""Crt Cam.ibell .s n graduate "L'!!'"!!. FIVE GRADUATES FROM j HOSPITAL THIS YEAR I (iradoates this year from the J'llnee Rupert (ieberal Hospital 'training- school for nursos are " Saves Me Many Dollars" sMii'ui a It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy Two iizet-rtaH and tmall. The label it red and uhitt. IN GAMES TONIGHT! The following teams will play inllie football came tonight: I'old Storage: Hrskine, Murray, Harris, Ilaig, McDonald, Wood,' Douglas, Johnson, Lamb, Harker, Norringlon. j (irand Terminal: Farquhar,; loug. Mitchell, Wiper, Dwen,' Wallers, llickens, tVDouuell, I Mi nzies. II. Menzies, II. Howe and 1. Howe. Pearson. Slickncy. PAPER MAGNATE WAS WORTH THREE QUARTERS OF MILLION DOLLARS. ... j VANCOIVFJI, May 17. Thei estnle- of oi'iimn Russell Lang.l former managing director of the! Powell River Paper Company totals three quarters of u million dollars net, which under his will is divided between his wife, daughter and son. ubseribe to the Daily NVw. FORM F. Nolle of Application for Ctrtiflcat Ot lmpromntt -Sight" Mlntnl Claim gtluate lu llir I'rlnre llupert Mfnlnn fiitlMon r the Skrrna Distrlrt. VIcr luraird: .Near the head nf kluumkaluni Lake. I.awrul linldrr. Swan Dalln. Cim. t-r. or hoMer' I rre ' MlnerVCtrtirtcate, TAkF. .NOTICE that t. Swan Dalln, Fre Miner a trliri:ate ao. ?su7t, intena at I ho rnd ot sixty days from the date hcrtjuf. to apply to lh Minlnirv HMorder lor a Crrtirirair of linpruvrmenis for the-ponxor or oliulnntn Crtiwn Rrant of lli abovr ilitn. Aud funnrr take notice thai an lull, under sertlan 81 or the "Mineral Art," must be commenced be-' Tore Ihe issuanre of such certiorate of lmiruvemems. Dated this 13rd day of February. 1 9J 8. SWAM PALIN. Ownen Mv K T Waanv. rent OOVERNMCNT LIQUOR ACT. Nolle of Application for Bear Llctnc. l(Miss Janet Lee, R.X., Miss Mu- ., x,'T'rt" atntnx rvi:x thai on riel Mc.uilcy. Miss Dorothy . liueims m apply id the Liquor i.ontrol Thomson Ml Hiintiiili l-Vanii ,,iarl '"r l'eni-e In reper of p-re-llioinson, .miss llllliuan l.sseil miiaie on Main strt-rl, Msell, and Miss Helen McRae. Oradun- " t- 'i u'n tlx. imi iie.riiMd ai lt j a , .., . ,. , 8, it i.m-ic II, May IA. Prlnre ituiiert dlnn exercises will take place on Mud iievutminii nisirin m the vm- "r KrIIMi Coluinlila. for Ihe sale or Krid-iv evening oi nf Ibis inis went In ,rnti,i (Miuibg in vvjek w ,,v tUf r) r uy ne oin iM.uie ilho First Presbyterian hureh.o,r r,,,'u,,,t,,t''n on the preniies. followed by a reccplfon' in the day'MaV 'T m M' m ,,U 'Nurses' Home. I a B; Ml(ls, 0 "'"YUR family likes rich cream-v and -butter flavor in milk dishes. ciDoesn't yours? 'But .with 1( ordinary milk.my budget cannot stand the amount of expensive butter I have to buy. Now I use Carnation Milk." In soups, baked dishes, creamed vegetables, sauces, cakes, Carnation gives real cream-and-butter . flavor. No need for expensive cream for desserts or coffee because Carnation has full, rich cream consistency and flavor. Carnation is just pure, fresh milk, evaporated to double rich-nesSi kept safe by sterilization. Economical because it keeps. Order several cans or a case of 48 cans from your grocer.' THREE MINUTE CAKE. 2 eggs, 1 13 cups brown sugar, 3 tsp. baking powder, y2 tsp. nutmeg, 13 cup water, 13 cup shortening, 1 23 cups flour, 54 lb. dates (stoned and cut fine), y2 tsp. cinnamon, 13 cup Carnation Milk. Place ingredients in large bowl and stir, beating hard for three minutes. Bake in loaf pari in moderate oven. , ttnd for lrt copy of Harj Btikt'i Cook Book. AddrtM CrntOn Milk Product Company, Limittd, 134 Abbotl St, Vancouttr. Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cows' DEMAND I" Produced in Canada "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE CEORCC and PRINCE CHARLES Will leave PRINCE RUPERJ fur VANCOUVER,' VICTORIA, SEATTLE and lllldlin-dlatt) pulut. THURSDAYS aud SUNDAYS at 11 p.m. lor STEWART and ANYOX WEDNES0AV8, p.m. For STEWART ONLY, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN furiilrhtly Tor VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally excel'! Sunday al II.SU ijn. tor PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eailcru Canada. 1 nittsl Slates Agency all Ocn Steamship Lints. I'se Canadian .atlonaI Express for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc, also rir your neil shipment. t ; ' City Ticket Oflle. S2S,Thlrd As., Prlnc Ruptrt. Phon 260. r "1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from I'rlnr Hupart. oe VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanto Ba. Alan Ba,, Tuaaday. PJB. Por VANOOUVER. VICTORIA. Alert ,, nd Swantoo Ba. (atwrdaf, 10 A.a Foe PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUr Canntrlt. Thursday p.m. foe PORT SIMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday. p.m. KB Snd AtttH'e. 4. Baratlty, Ant. Prlac ftutarl. B.a