' v.- ... , You Should Try "SALADA" r.nrrM TrA T74 wneti'rbu SV'aht a chdnge. It's delicious. The DaiLy News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Riiptyt Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F, PU1.LEN, Managing Editor. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... U.OfV By' riiail to all parts of the British Empire and the United . States, in advance, per year iVall other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 $6.0(1 $7.50 Xll advertising shoiild be in The Daily New? Office before p.m, on day .preceding publication. All advertising received subject .; , to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Do We Realize What Seasons Mean? MkOTtt Wednesday,. May 20, 1920. It seems to us Hint very .many people have no realization of what is meant by Hie various, holidays we keep. Take the last sis an instance. It was May 2i, but what did it rheair? The holiday w first established because it was the birthday of (Jueeii '''Vftt'oriaV On her death it vw still called Victoria Day and the last day of school preceding it was known' as Empire Day. The ; whole Tdea is for ns lo consider our position as a member of the British Empire. ? The "word "Empire," as we, have mentioned before, is ralhei' an unfortunate one because we associate with it all that goes with Imperialism. If brings tornind the "imperialism of Rome, of France under Napoleon, and''of' Oennauv under the Kaiser. When it U considered, however, that the Hrjlish Empire is not : imperialistic but is a commonwealth of free and independent : dominions, the word loses its .sting and we can celebrate Em- v- n llllWUi luring ill Villi -Vlll CTJJCGI 7 " Next Holiday Is ' ' v - . , Dominion Day. - Tlie next important public holiday is Dominion Day, which comes on July 1. It celebrates the birthday of the Canadian confederation although at that time, the Dominion was not bv - any means complete. If wvas Ihe beginning' of the confedera tion idea under which the Canadian nation came into being. It ; is celebrated here-' with more show of patriotism than am other . . . .. . ... 1. : .1 i .1 i I,.. it ii - iiiiiiuhj aim rignuy so. ji is me largest govern menial entity lo which we belong. There is no government of the British Empire.- The British commonwealth is just beginning' Id develop and no one can say what its final form will be. Hossiljly there wiU be no-finality about it but just a steady evolution' jViit ' as the British nation evolved. - - ' Having, A. Scrap Ove'r Flag For South Afrlcai' t In SJuith Africrf- they are having a big scrap over Hie ques-liifii of a new flag. It is proposed to have a Soulh African flag without any Union Jack on it but thjs seems lo meet with the opposition or every Britisher. Meetings are being held and resolutions passed protesting against it on the ground that it i totally opposed to the sentimentKifva greater part of the white raVe there and is an affront to, the British section of the country. So strong has been the opposition to the move that it is thought the Hertzog government will not proceed with it at this season of the House of Asscml)jy, ... Startled By Crime f At Portj Essl rig tori. . : ' j ,. The. wlrt le west country. -'vai; -s'tarOefl'' yeHerday by hews of lhe (Timeat Port Essingtou when a girl .was liofriblv murdered by some.briile in hiimaii form, It b- to b hoped that the per, Mlr'J ' lhe ,,'tlt will be .jmckiy Jiruught to justice. It i sarisTactory lo know that an efficient' police force is working oh thp Viise and results are e.pCcfe'L J .'k'S iJ'ficult for the normal person to understand the' atti-tnd. n.fi.lniud or a man who would cpmmTt such a crime. It sdrikes' the average person wHh horror' riiid possibly so reacted on the. criminal as soon as the deed wa'done. Co"mplaln. Because ' No Music Here". " .. ' II is rather a commoiijlung 16 hear complaints that, in Prince Rupert there are lid 'opportunities fo hear good music 1 ,u e,J i'wjoou wieaires, ,u we nave is movies. This week 'Tjir''i- ?",,1,.a" .('PPortiihily and the music given haV beif sfricll FiIgh class. Vet the people nave tiot' taker! advantage of the opportunity lo hear it. Tonight is the Mst qu which' the Lyric quartette will appear and Um.se who have not "Set heard them, should do so. They are well worth It. Afcial wholewheat cfacfeer TRISCUIT maw ine same as prodded Wheat Biscuit Pressed into a wafee Crisp, Delicious ON, aj ' la. MUSICAL EVENT Walter Bates and His Lyric Quartette Prove Great en tertainers at Westholme The Waller Hales Lyric qgar-tetle made an excellent imprc-sirtn last evening at Ihe West-holme ' Theatre when it ai- iieared for Ihe second time. Kiv- mg an enirriainnieni ui.ii any- one with music.a) taste should appreciate. Mr. Bales, Ihe tenor of Ihe parly and Irainei of the other members' was the fe'aturo of the evening buf Miss Kdilli Pickells, the English soprano, ulso proved ey popular with the audience. They gave a mix ed' program including a nundter of selections front the onera The Bohemian nirl" all wltK good, effoct. Charles BalagP't was accompanist for some of Hie vjngers and in a few of Ihe num bers ill Balagno played a vio tin obllgalo. .. ,. Tenor Selections W hile no two member of Ihr audience would agree exactly or' what they liked best In las' night's program, 'The Largo" by Waller Bales was undoubted y Ihe best pit of work of (lie evenins. I lie Itoail lo Manila -lay" by .ihe .4ame singer was also well rendered as was also "Then You'll Remember Me," from lb Bohemian Girl. His other num bers were "My Lovely Celia" from the old English "I Look into Vour Harden," Were You t Call." "When Love- is Kind," from the. -old Irish, nd lhe Scot tish ballad "A'fton Water." Miss Piekells, a girl who grad uated from Ihe College of Musis in London, Knziand. san? wed thp. soprano folos - "My La.lilic,' "If I knew You," ami from the Bohemian irl "I 'Dreamt That I Dwell in Marble Halls." Miss Jane Sugden was very ef-. fechve in My Dear Soul" and espi!ially in "Calling Me Homtt lo You," while Basil lloberM sang well "Asleep in Hie Deep,' "Little (Srey Home in Hie West." and "The Heart Bowed Down." Part Singing Of the part shfging the quartettes "Annie Laurie" and Hie selections' from Hie Bohemian jfJirl and from Tannhauser were much appreciated, while one or Ihe gem of the evening was th-i duel "Whispering Hupp" by Mis I'jckells and Miss Sugden, the voices blending excellently, and being most. effective. Mr. Bales proved a good story teller and kept Hie audience amused between selections Willi bright anecdotes. Taken all in all ft was n good concert and one that Prince hu- pert ppople cannot afford 10 miss. I be program will hS changed again tonight and will be particularly attractive. ThiS will be the last opportunity of hearing this excellent quartette and should not be passed up. Ten Yeard' Ago , In Prince Rupert May 26, 1916 Politicians of both Liberal ariii Conservative ;coors ahi becom 14 i' ,11 ing involved in by-elcction scan dais at Vancouver, flobert (ios-deri, formerly of this city, is one r Ihe principal figures. The Prince Itupcrl Trades anfi Labor Council has endorsed Hw candidature of (Seorge Oay at Labor candidate for provincial election honors in Atlln riditvsr but has declined lo endorse W. H. -Montgomery in Prince Rupert. Douglas Stork ii in receipt of in interestfng leftcr from A'in Tompkins who is atJU servrng nt the front with the artillery aHer. several narrow escapes. HofEft ARRIVALS. Prince' Rilpert 0. n. BaricroH, The Pas Ilev. and Mrs. J, S. BrayHeld, Anyox: riey. t. 3 ober..rre.5pvJc) Mr', and Mrs. T. Shackleton, L'sk; (). Swanson, City; Mr. and Mrs. C W. Palmer, Protland, Ore. ' Central W. Iloss, Anyox; If. Hansen, SuhnysftJe. Ort-rcommendatlon.bf the finance coiiim'flfeV, the city council decided last night to accept the offer or 8300 or Matthew Murray for tax sale lot 18, block 15, section 5. TO MAKE QUERY RE NEW FLOATS 'C;ty Council" to Ask Federal Gov- r m'-"- -.i ...... p.v i ernxeni wnai rian ro Regarding Cow Bay Vl'lie mailer being brought j;p again by 'Aid. I.arsen, who slate'l I b ut he bad been approaeltedihy aiiiuuber of fishermen anil boat ownt'i;, the ciiiinril decided last iuiW Jo. communicate with lhe feilWiilvauilloi ilies io ascertain ils w vuh n 'planned willi a view to , giving improveil accoin- lUodaHnh in the way of floats at Cov Ba for (U' niosqullo flSet. Aid. Laren jminted out thai there was great increase in Ihe number of fishing boats, parllc- ul.irly salmon I rollers, Ibis year luld there wits d.mgV lli.it then might be congestion when fish ing operations eensed in the fal: Aid. Casey ami oilier members ct lhe council agreed that an enquiry might e timely and a motion along Dial line wa ear ried on resolution of Aid. Karsen, seconded by Id. Caey. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: IHE man in the moon Swings high in Hie air f)r leans him hack In -his office chair And views from afar Willi critical eye Things wfiicb the av'rage Man Tails to espy. LOoKLVfi for gossip fs the, latest, recreation of somo of Hi'e emploj'ees or tb wbiflesale h'ou'ses. In one of thenl tbVre i a telescope or pair oL field glas' se with which in their odl moments, which are said to bt many, the sugar dispensers watch those who come and go oh Hie water, especially on holidays'. They lioubl borrow Hainlsoint Jim Morrison's se.i'reJiHgJit to use after tlie sun goes dowiL Then they njight ee somelliinth WHILV hubby said' he was go' ingj torbwng home AOine nuts foV dipiier, hi wife dafeir, hini ti fiaYe friemW of his there that day. COLLL'liK honors are said Come by degrees. - JAKK - says you can high old lino here climbing Mount Morse. or JoeakiiiK lliem. have to wilhbul Ml hit r. ."j on' advantage of a girl taking ar rfde in u lau'ncif nuuer man in :r car. Hie rfta cali't It'll her to get oiU an walk if she wlJnU stand lift ilbn' r sense. ' BU'rro.NLKS'S underclothes take all the Joy dut of lauildm it. i in our.'' iioi sccni any Vil her way or annOyiug1 paironK except by lading Ihe billions ofl. SOME people seem Jo be al ways fluviymjr; geometry; Tb.; say Ihey lakHifeeijMjtirV meal ITiwas ii) I'-a' lyifire.ij nupeiV bou se Tilivc iW'hfif W 4 Wiw goirtt on. Hubamf atid wife werj quarelling over whether lhe room was a clo.ei or a breakfast rooni. PHINTJ': Ituperl people alwayih seeiit lo be looking for a gambl : niio yet they never seem lo bel on Ihe wi'aflier. I wonder why? GRADING PROJECT DROPPED BY CITY The eily council Is having' coh shlenfTile dirrictllly Iff the maUer of arranging uhdci lire local fnl provemenl iiJafi Tor rtn' easfArtl oiiilei lo Seventh AveniiR wVst, winch IK trWrtll- .16' bif graded. First. II was p'roposed lo have h t.. .... .... r loan uii niiiismiiir ireeL irom Isevenlli In .Sixth -Wenue but proi perly owni!1' butHn? objected and this was dropped. Next i( was idaniieif 10 place the roal on I horiipxou isfreel. a block fui Ihjcr west, biH' .f delngiUIo'n of property owners' concerned, coh- sisling of Mrs. Mossy A, BroOks- bank and W. K. Viineroff appeared berore HiW council fast night lo protest against th:i work on Thornp'son' Sfreel on Hfri ground of excessive cost, so this project wus also dropped. If such ait outlet as eems lo be deslr-' R. e'enact . ; A, Ml fvny 1V1 The music of prat orchestras, of famous artists, cf that almost endless and ever growing hast of yictor entertainers krcj its true beauty when heard upon the Orthophonic Victrola. A demonstration is a remarkable experience. So truthful is Hits performance that at fust you will disbelieve your ears until you' have become accustomed to the miracle. The new Orthoph llble Is" fo b'efglteri, It now- ap-Le;irs that wirrk rtir one of the lateral si reel . will Khve to b. taid for out of; gene'ral fund or le the origmal proJ(icl of H'umng uirougir lite nigh mil on tV i . 11: ft . 1 . .. . . ! lOCMMini .wuiiiip ooiwppn iiiina. fiiiu'ir and Afcfiride Slreci will pave lu-Jeiroceejlcd,wiHu : ijdbrUie'jo thaf Dai'lrTS'ewg. i LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlo to Apply lo Lum Fortihor 111 rllltf It l'h,L.llii 1 .1. n.l. I A .. . inrillnr lnlrln itt Itihit Hunprt. mil fllmlfil '4 tnllf umi r Allibird luy. 1 iSkiUcrl liiiel, and rrontliig- mi Ul 111.' win r.ruiiiwift, luntriri. , TAkf. ,MiTli:K lhal lite B.C Ii.kli. '..i..f.um. I ..I ... M-ir"pij, I.W., hi B.L., utriiiuitiim Salm.m cniiir, mrn. ("i apply rr ti-a- UT IIh- fullowInK ill BeriLeil J uri'lirr: Cuiiiiiienriiir at a mi punted' at th aiiiilhwrtl rnrnrr nf Lot Ml; ilinui tvtt flwrly and efrlv rollimlnv the fine i,r Inrh wao-r nark', ii rhnln-, rnur nr li' Ui !( iuirihet luriii-r or 111 in' tfirnre nl rln)ii,; them e lumihuU ami s-ratprly. rolhitainr a line parallel u ihr lin- i.f fiiih wiirr mark, it rhalm. mArr nr W; llirnre rl i rh.Hi). u, liim or rniniiidiii'iiHiil. and nmlalDliit "".I'LP":1 M,,,v "sinxo axo I'.l-.ni.iii iill-..TT lni, Oatcd 30IU .April. IMS. "lAVioAiLi viiuni pnoTtcTioN ACT," R.t.C. CHAS'TIR 116. aa-u .... . .' . 'jiis!K.iiii.i.i-.iut limitfo. rrrltirpa Mrire at 31 ll.me strprt. in ll" t tty S? iiErtnm .iivr.s .otk:e tu i" uu Su i wlli;n 7 or llio aald Art 0riH, , mr nini.irr nt rnniie wnrka at miau. '". "; nrrir nr Hi l.l.irlrt Urititrti if th- land llrrMry, Iillrlr r i"u,ii tUin or lUe le ami plana W whlrf . . ' 'llrl A riff fl-alji a-a. nl... l.nr pr...Vd m h l.nlit t 10,,n Pff llllrrn lir ,illn l.l,..l ... .." nr In r,aa. Vi.rrn Charlnitr Inland in if L,f HrlMh "'"'"I'la, and -,-r,l5'""'". ' ' a niniwn I." .tiy plan, rnnuinlii m ,n . or rlirlil .(Hi arr nmrx or lr" f AXtt tAkt: nonet-: iliat aftr'r h , plralion or mm (I) iimnih rrmn t ," tii M IIip riral pnl.llrail.m of tt n..llrr fl..r.Mlllvrd Umltrrt will undrr 2& Ion 7 nr llir ald Ai't.aiiidy to Ihr Mlnlair Hi VuhUe Worka at fif. nffi, ui onawa nr approval nr ttir Mhl and plana and ror Iravp to rontrurt "'""truri iil-sald tlw wharr and Irrol. Daird at princif loiprrt, ' B.C ' thin snit. 30,h day nr April, A O. igja. imiss Mii.i.Fnn i.iMm: n, , Hy U Solirlton, ' CKEPKXXA . MODEL l-aiCK IHMfc usic The new Orthophonic Victrola has been doing it since December 2nd You hear the giant angrr of the storming kettledrums, the amorous cooing of the clarinets, the soft and sunny Liughtrr of the piccolo. You dov your eves and wonder where will oert orJM?. Your first query will tr, "How soon can I have one r Any "His Master' Vt" dealer will do his best to give you delivery as carlv as the irescnt supply permits him. onic Victrola t'lfthlnr k Vsnciiuvrr, laiiriMivrr, DEMAND "Rupert Brand Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's fish Lines, Hoods; ropes, twines, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING OBOCER'1 Cdmpare' 6iir PrlWi Lipselt, Cunningham & Co. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St.