v.- -4 ' PAOB TVVC TH3 DAILY Nv3 :zt You Cannot Buy "SALADA" TEA T63 in bulk. Sold only in sealed packages. :r x t i : . - - - The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year 16.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year 17.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page .,..12,80 per inrh Local .Readers, per insertion ..... ............. .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ..2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - M All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject . 'to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOM Thursday. Aug. 5, 1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Wheat Crop Not Very Small Either. The official estimate of the wheat crop for the present year laed on present condition seems to indicate that even though the hot weaifier did considerable damage, there will still be a large amount of grain to ship out. of the country. Alberta comes .next to Manitoba in the percentage of yield likely, according to the prophets and especially that part of Alberta tributary to the! Canadian X.uiional Railways. The result should be that Prince Rupert. will be a busy port. I Cannery Re-opens and ' Another Industry Added. i 'Another industry was addecl td those here when the" tannery at Seal Covo reopened this morning. It matters not to (is why it opened. ' It j sufficient that it is doing business at the old stand and thai the city will benefit. ' i .. It -was with regret we hejar1 in the -spring that' work at j SealCovwas not to proceed litis year and the change proves a inot welcome one. ' Sookeye Season Is Good One. The sockeye sea-on this year seems lo have exceeded expectations insofar as the Skeena 'and Naas Rivers are concerned. Rivers Inlet, which is poorer than' usual, does not affect Prime Rupert much. ' . il It is always good news when we hear that fishing is gpod. If the .fishermen do well, the caiin'crymen ao do well and Priuce Rupert merchants get part of the. beneft. This fall should be n pretty good one, judging from present conditions and prospects. Keep Hands Off , ' the Railways. ? The warning of Mackenzie King that the neonle of Canada wish the Government to keep its hands off the railways and not turn it into a political institution, is timely. There" is a new Government in power, although some think onlv lemnorarilv. They were the ones who brought the National Railways into being, anil it was under the Mackenzie King, Government it got on its feet Now there must be no going back. We all want therajHYays lo, succeed and it is by giving Sir Henry Thornton ri iree nana mat tins can be brought about. Immense .Business of Wheat! Pools. '' ' The wheat pools nre doing an immense business .and Iberii danger that after n time the mahneemont mav l.eeoml. rn'r1J' and the liiMre struciure come lottering to the ground. At present, huw ever, they seem to be carrying ou In a businesslike way and the farmers nre benefiting. res As Priuce llupert is tied tip to one branch of the pool, the ideits here are particularly interested in the success of the gatiizalioji. II is to be hoped filial wise and honest adminis- orga trntiou will always prevail Australians Lead Old Country in Cricket. wicKei is ine nailonal s country Australia got her start in the game. the youth fit! dominion has wrested the cricket honors from il.- motherland and is well In the lead. Her eleven seems almost invincible. It seems lo be one of (he methods of nature to make the. children belter than their parents. out heavy foods-Eat SHREDDED WHEAT ithbffriw-Srj rftirahing and satisfying MUCH LAND IS CULTIVATED BY Says Dr. W. J. Black. AFTER BRITISH SETTLERS YVU.V.MI'KG. Autf. 5. The very. larpe arests of new prairie land broken by settlers ttrmiylil tion for trie system wno is spenu-;cn.a!ie,if rcslrkiion on import' tivar a lew uays in Winnipeg on, would be reduced, a,id when the his way to .Montreal. Iprice reaciiet 115 .to that f huring his journey throujsh the ii,e imported, articles the ftn- Wesl. meetinp officials of his de-,jleiiient would br Uefd on x partmcnt and laying plans for'free trade basis.. If the prie next year's work, Dr. Itlack staled were raised alove this level, sir today that he found. esecially in 'to I30, without any change iit the northern portion of Alberta.jlhe tariff, the market would fcir large stretches of land that had l e foreipn compeiiior. Il been cleared and brought underi thu. that, a noiHipoli.t whJ In The Letter Box TARIFF QUE6TI0NAIRE setUers.fConlrols A, vities of th company generally, be had found the condition of the new settlers eminently ilettardin? plans for next year, the director stated that the Canadian National is planning to develop its facilities for settling families on the land and that the prospects are .that the movement In this connection will be heavier than ever Iwfore. After Britishers Dr. Hlack had a conference with Iird Clarendon before the latter left liere for the west in, regard to land settlement and will meet him again in Montreal to dicus the development of plan for increased Rrjtish intinwralion to Canada. Editor, Daily News: ' What i a lariff? A tariff is a tax levied against articles produced beyond the national Jiouti darie which is collected wheji they are imported. Wliat is its effect? It in- creas- the col of imported at- Jlcles, and the prices, when aue!i articles are imported for re-sate. As an instance, a tariff on leaf shoes, cars, etc, adds to the prlce-s, when Imported hence a lax on import . increases. .tM Price? of import. Raises Prices Does a tariff restrict importa lions and thus protect the mar kcts? No, the ruling prices In a eouniry with or without a tariff, determine whether good can be imported and o!d at a profit or not, uuil are thus the real fac lor in market protection. As .examples, the present price ilpvnl rif IliA tiiutQl. .-I, fwirt nr I. t,n.ln..l it : t n., .... ' f "u his iriMii uiaiiiivesiocK. ine forest oroi ik'.Ik u seems mat etc., prevent importation of such llilnga except at losses, conse. ..ii.. i . iuvmij, vwicn inese prices are below those of such imported article, tey are the real bar ncr against Imports, The only function a tariff performs is lo raise tho prices or imports, which does not of itself protect the markets, for,lo do (his it 1 necessary t) regulate the prico of (he hnmi'prdnc(y anfl II lias :cen often domoristralejjithat lo acquire and coiilrYrn)ifrkeK the prices must be kept below Ihosn of competitors whether local or. foreign. TliL? Is a fundamental urlhclple of economics (hat a lndergnrten cIrss could under stand, yet the protectionist poll. Mclan Is blind lo thin point. ,ThU Mici can bo .nearly shown by mean or an illustration, thus: Illustration Sctne tradesmen aro making find selling n particular lype of wagon for 100. A foreign ma;i uraclurer enters the field with i an article ofi equal value (tltf nrica of whieh. like all import. (Contains both profits and taxes)) 'and sell ,Jt,for J100. The local manufacturers apply for a tariff .pf i0..ner cen, which is place 1 1TIM17 nfTTI PnP on sucft-wnsops. thus raising mi' . NEW SETTLERS isfei ... .competitive urice. If the pric Territory Being Deeloped along ot 'he locaslv made implements Line of Canadian National, were Kepi aukfiuo oy imposing an excise (axKo be applied u -j caj , I'.ie prsces were inareased.j the .orefgn tfijil,- article with a market price f 1125 could no.! be imported, on a coiiimrivmlj ha'1 ,This mean ?'pro- leciion from fjirope during the past two J,.lt. ' il. ui an ariiele of eommern In fact, he said, Uiere had beenluJHJn wiiich Jiiere is a Uriff, ho one vear since before the war1"1a rU lniriauons or lav when there had been as nmch-arHc,e fop r-ale. plae It on a laml broken adjacent to our lines trade basis, or surremler the as this year. 100 Per Cent Increase peaking of colonization acti niarxei to a iorein eJinpeuio by simply regulating the price of How did the duly affect Hie manufacturers? They were vlr- Ur I lark ihoughl that business 1wI , had this year been highly satis-. ,h(. ,arJff ((o ;J on factory, showing an increase of ip w) wmc WJ over one hundred per cent in the r,m . nIlpHiaP number of people handled, the gratifying feature of the move-, ment being the number of immigrants who are actually settling on the land adjacent to the Canadian National lines. He slated that he had covered considerable territory in the western provinces, a good deal of it by imtor, and Benefit of Competition What pmtecin the consumers against extortionate price Competition is the only protec . tion in the absence of puidie. control, and when price-control is exercised within the naliona; boundaries, foreign competitii Is the only,,proleclion asalns. excessive exploitation. In the case of the implement, how did the tariff affect consumer When they emild buy it for 0tj they were ceiling the benefit of compel ition without subsidizing the makers when the lafiff ol 25 per cent was levied, Increan- ins" the price of the imported ar tide lo U5, the purchaser paiil 25 in excess or the value whi. h had been previously paid a .1 taxvby the importer. When they bought the home-produced implement, they also paid SS above ils value as a ubidv to (he manufacture, for the in crease in (he price which w. due solely to the imposition a' lh Jariff did not increase It. usefulness. So, when ihe price or home product may be In creased by rea&on of a tariff, 11 I simply a method of subsidiz ing producers through a syslenj of price-raising and one that furnishes no protection to the markets. practice mighj have opened thil eye or the buyer, whereas under present method they vvoulj nave remained closed. noes a tariff function along other line? n may have 3 psfhnlpgicai effe-ct in frightening importers and exporter when it i increased, but when the lo cal prices are Increased ac cordh.gly, as is Ihe rulfc under price-c.onlr-'l, (here can be no Ins sustained am) Iherefore nn increase in restriction. A example, ihe importer of liquors and tohcco. wilh duties raisnd lo the highest point on record, I A WonoWf ul A I Pick-Me -Up I I Puts Btef Into You I hy controilhiv eal price. ,bmI without such : a a prtueouvsi years was tue ouisiamimg icaiiire ,te ;f hp ,0M, .pro,,ueJ? pi nis room iour oi . iscuon jm.reiis Ul,Aever. atld thn.uuh Western O.ii-da U lr. ,!lPr j, nu;il!n ,0 prevent ILJ W.J. Jllack, director of coionizo- acroinnly ike price was ih- extent f each ar- T i I U price and unless the wa ra da led he could not pa above, when he had lo sell a' the world prite. It would he ue- WATER NOTICE Olitriln n4 U TAkE MiTO h tut sntMllU iniwr i:ftllHf l.llllllril wlMMr M.l.lr-.. 1. l,. 'lAtfMl Wbrf V'.iuui.. . ill ..... 1- 1 it m innw iu kF ami u tu riiuxi r lurli fU. iMiritwrlT irul drain loin lr-IfUVHl Ho. Mi.l filial. ,MM, j rtim l frwu . K. rurn-r ImI u:i, O. c IilMrlrl. Tlw tttr tll I- dOrrlrd trwu l.w .iriu l nl iImmi olMiiu frwn tiM.nili r urtcii iiwi will tc uw-d r.w initn.irnl and dofiwdlr iHrpn ur.i ttw UlHI dmwrltiHd lll4Mk A. Lot 1171. Ourrn I tMrliitle I'lMrlrl. 1.M, in.tlrr it m Hie nuiKl on Um lllb diir of July A ! or thu m.ore irxl tn .ii rtn.iii iHirxuiiii ilrriu imI In ttw "Wilrr rf will riled In llw ufrir f t Water llrrunlrr at f'Mtir tiuprrl, a. i-objwtbitw lu th arpllraoun mar l rilnt llh OMf tald Walr HnoriWr or itli tlw fiipirniir ..r Wair hihi, Parlia-Iim-HI llulldinin. Vlrlorla. II. r nhin thirty das atlrr IIm rirt apraraiir of hi notte In biral nrwrpajwr. Th dai i'f . "1-,ril Jul'll Hon or thla iHiilm t Jul to, ltl. SOMrriVllli: CA.ffnr IllWI'tW I Tl, My r. Applicant. P. V ATIII'R jf Aarnl LAND ACT. hMk of laUnllan U Apply t Laaa Una in Prinre hurt Land nenirdinr in trlei f 4ija.i Kane , and aiiuatt oa Soulh lU'luH lland. TAkK nOTICE thai Alfrfd Sanon. of Prinm nurl, nrcupailon Marlnrr. In. Ind to apply for a lrtr or II follow-ln dearrllml landi: Conuurncint ai a pot ptantrd at toa north end of uth narhal Inland) tlwmrj rnund. lh 'lutirwt ai htth watrr mark and cuntalninr to arrr.. rnnro nr ' ALrnf.n swa?isoi. Applicant. r.u .nnl a, "00VIRNMCNT LIQUOR ACT" Notlt af Application for Contant ta Tranafar Baar Lkanaa. OTt K IS llklll IIV (IIVL-V 11.. Kill da nr Anrum nrn ih tmi... InlNul lo aMilr lo lb l.idunr r..J.i.!! -.., ,..r .Mi.rm h iraruiirr or Itrrr LI- IIPliliF-nT iiiut.Tnv TIIIODOHK Mi sr.oi, i. CICCONE, Appuciati and Trimrertai. s a, wuJut'af' Every package of Winchester Ggarettes contains n poker hand insert card Save these inserts they nre valuable in exchange for packs of high grade playing cards, etc. were not frwhlene.1, nor were their importations aireeted it Ihe greatly ineiei.ed tariff rates, rtie tariff on shos, for instance oouhl m increased tn 50 per cent which would increase lh' subsidy to the manufactur er., ul would not restrict im portations unless the importer her a toe frightened, for lonal prices of slow nvuid rise and the eonsuiuer would absorb the increased tax. Revenue Production Is a tariff n revenue produein.1 tux? Duly to the extent of that collected on import. To illus trate, while not more than 13 per cent of shoe worn are imported, the consumers pay tin larifr rales on all Shoe bought by them, wild the result that only about 15 per eenl is jmiv- emioenl revenue. How doe the tariff function when (he prhiev of home pro- duct cannot he controlled? The Consumers escape, and lhweron as a subsidy it cannot be collected, but f a sop mid or m iMMiefil to producer, for unless price can ! tncreand when a tariff ha Ix-en Imposed, it Is a farce. . examples: A Uriff of one dollar a bushel on wheal would not benefit nrnilueer tin. JJes an artificial export pric Why do consumers suhsidlz&j were established, for Ihe export Ihe makers of implement. fitcTjprice is virtually Ihe ifcause ihe art nciai nr eel placed on them which inrlud" Ihe Invisible lax (iarifr blind-j Ihem, Invisible Tax What is an invisible tax? ji private tax which is included hi the nli it- pure !lcil'c:jfid passed on for thri rciafer fi. ay'Wi, ' Hovv- cart tiji ccrtiroinic ,bltn.t- lies nforclnfc s Jt. tm. overcome overcome? 7 Hy liy enio collection llection of of the the lax tax ''Separate! si-tiai frtirii lije flciilal: prtc.eof th he !lcleVvA an lntahei,'when ar the price of the implement was In' creased beeau.e or the tariff from tinu to f 25, the Iler, I'een Compellc! In collect thuJ subsidy r tax of ?25 a a cor. flition. irece.lent to a sale, (hl. ies a a protective measure, for the ruling price of an article m u country ' tlie deleraiining fdC- or in regulating importation. ami the present price of whea would protect Ihe wheat marks) wilh a very low tariff or none. Willi any .chanete in the pric through manipulation, etc.. th degree of protection would a: once berome affected. It is llm wilh a tariff .l llveoek tt anylhing me jirice of which l teond Ihe ronlrol of the pro-lucer, It I a non-follertald. subshly, which neither benefit.' fh'j prtHlucr. penaltae tfi coniinier, nor protect market. II. J Sfl.MVAN Ariyox. the CANCCLLATIOO Of MSMVf notice is iitHtav civei ibi itM r trnt tuoni utrr Lul Ittl, Uulir l!-Irtrl, II riuarllrtl. Iwpuiy Mifiiiur t.f Uo-lt. , . , O. It MMJ1, Uixlt lTfunl. Vlrlirfu. B. C, tna it. Ut. WATCH NOTICK Dlri wtd Un TAir. .Mlinx iiul Sujwrtlll CaKri 0iimii llnillMl. wtexe Ultrtt la Uor ! Wharf, Vaitnwtrr, II. il, lll ai Ur l a lirt-itae in ui u i hia r niioiiir or aairr mii of no naiitrdj .'iu, iuru mm imrinrnr and drama III 111 I ,f t tl a U..u, l.l.i . k . .. . i WOfld rhain. t t.f ,' v, nnr (.m U7I. exrorte- "ST. ' ooinn. Ttie air siil rnaliia m a aoMIn rilrrl! rtnii M. w. mrwr ur i..i uti rtinwiMm aiNl ill ! ol rr IndiiMrla'l aixl lho Mile iwrrw ut ilw latxl drHrlU-d aa H)k A, U.i liji, vm CharMie Ihm. JLT. "!. " ? ,,lr '' A ' on. nnllr and an applirallun iMjrunl llrl. aihi 1.1 Ihe Walw Arf lll t i.iJn UT Mtliut th "Waior MaiinW '"r"7 Hu ri. h. C. oi.Wo.rfi. tn in JWHirall.- mar l nlt llti Im Mid ;i Tf. ."rlT or m,,h 'mirin.lH'r ii-.."'?. !,'nU- rrmiiH-i uii.iir. ttru aimranro ,f ihia n.iln in a loral J1T!!',?,."L.- 1U dale r .It- nr.l buLUra , tlun ur thla ivitlm l Jnir It, It9 1 somhiviiIi! co.ir.nr i uumi, ' I.TIL, a? r. n. mvtii vw'ilrant, II.. Aant. LANOAOT, "'I'i'M' '"" U Apl U laaaa Ls' r7Kf.'0T,.rJ1'Mu" KUrHt snon. ' nrA;rd''l);dt,,. ,n ,0,,ow Crmionrlnt al a niat planlsd at lh oulh i-nd t Worth lta-Hl I.Und, t ui rnund the l.iand at Mrti aV?r rWrT nfl mnuimnr lo arr. tm.ra or lean. ALriir.o jwa'vsoiv. tAPJD ACT. 1 Nallea af IMantton U Apply la Laaaa Land I JJS r,r"irr.-"u''J Un "Vftrdini nia- iia.ii Wr. muais at .Juf '"Ttf-B lhat Ktirsne li: Simp. ia.DL MrPtn ra.irr. & .T:ni"'il A .Mnd tl ih Timntlts; Ihrnrn liil! tllli.ii u.,tlh..l- ... eaolrrly . '! .,,p 110 "'l lainlnt lrr'l "K-nr nnrinrrir frrt to- pnt nr "rr.mmmmni IA'il. 1 Kin, rear" nr Wa. innnre north ft) rninmrnrMiirnt. miiKnE II, SIMPSHM, Hated Jtiv I, Iff. LAND ACT. I ! I mA ftlj.i - Applicant, ""'""'i in hi i rtr i. nn ruam kn.mii y Port c.lrmrnl. Ilnirl. i! A S tn.M 1 " ""heM of m &A iTi'n rprrrt. sen."is ,rSl 3r5, mfr lirtiUh Ia,ivU, trim frank ' Hlrf, T to rhiwH hi ? a.. LT, 'J,r. "'n1nllll,,l o Mir. IlKflwrl HaimihinThefHlore viuamn and rim iTnriii M ".r"'?'1 '""t-V fjrrotio f Hi- T.mn f anmhiau the Port CM, rni, tn ifJ"1. ru.'" lh Ortimr ;t Prlnr. iiuprrt, in inV pmi" YSli im..J 7. "W' "y. In Atlln Inre of iirliKh col.mil.la. ih traMfrrra Si?. . '.ii 11 uL - tl?""A ,1wnrf ' .vvi,v,;r.,.n;'nr'rt.i..cr,,n,,;vr,, ih'rnSTn.: .if-vj sl rhalna, to kiu tUWlM JULES Dlled May 10, lilt. a- . of EOOrttT, AppllclDt. M. McArtk Monster Creditors' fomnu kinn a SALE of Men'e Shots, Ladles' Shoes, ur.naren s snoi. NOWI NOWJ NOWI MR Correct and Giasse Gomiort To fit gtase piire expeie t most pntnstakm.' part or (lie dp" You cannot e . nmre expert ru . vice I ban we f j gel the hcnfi' " Iiniellcal exjie you come lie if i 31 Plld.Ml'T Sl tkh tipTir.M. u nw A. E. IL Optometrist 310 3rd Ave., 0O Phone Red 442 WVi. MILK From BulKley VaII'j FRESH WILK AND WHIf PINO CRC . We specially recommn at I5 ,or our Table Cream Half IMnt Quality and Service Special lea DelMry 3ir"" Valentin Dairy Phono 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Uxqulslte Stock of JJ Trimmings at low Pr,cc B..C.FURC0. Ntxt O.W.V.A. ThW '