PAOK FOBS ert Jewellery t Repiti J - aaOaAa.a ismrymj, rlT-W rf s" Is' Perhaps you have a valuable keepsake which has been daJ- maged. We can mate it a new in most cases, -y It is our fiohoy to nave me machines and equipment to roll nut colli and otherwise work with precious ?metaTi") and we can manufacture almost any little special gift " you may need. TRY US! ciEWELLEKp .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Overstocked SALE Now In Full Swing 8AVEI SAVE 11 mi:$'s SUITS BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Has been taken over -from George Kerr by J. Preece late, with Sealy and Doodson Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST ii I r r II MeveKing I Third Avenue II Great TUGBOATS Day' Phones .423, -539, - Qren 238, Black 735. Night. Phbhet 687,. E39, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehouitnf, and Distributing, Team or ' Motor Service', '-otl, Hand and Oravel We Specialize In Plane antf Furniture Cevlng. Thursday, v.. BRINGING UP FATHER m'i 1 By George McManiu The Montreal .Importers, un der the management of A. Rich-1 mond nd J. B. Miller, wTll open new premise tomorrow near SL Hejjis Cafe with a full Mock of Men's Furnishings, To inlroduce themselves to the! public of Prince Rupert, they aret ' offering your pick of their 120.- i' Methuen. (10 stock al cost nrice. They have t inndon Hook Jake wants to know who had n Window, a wonderful line in men's euits.'MHne. the very -newest in fabric. suchi "Oxford Hook of Kngli.oh a Fair Isle serges, direct from 'Prose," by Quiller-Couch. Hrirish looms, made up in the! "American and Hrilish Litcra- latest and up-to-lale nifMleN'ture Sinie 18&0," by Van Doren. both in young men's F.nclioh dnuble-tireaMed and the more conservative flyle.. There are c real values in fiab- ardine coats, raincoats, caps and a general full line of men's furnishings. Jn fael, anything thai a man might need. This opening introductory sale will slart tomorrow morhinz. Friday, and the display in their windows Is only a sample -of the values offered. Advt. THE MAN IN THE MOON ' says: '' "' ' ' g g "fntui-y of the Knglish Novel," by ygandt. APPRECIATION YOICED OFLATEF.H. WORLQCK Victoria Colonist Ieejv empathy will be" expressed to the widow and children of the. late F. II. Worloek, who has jint passed away. Mirh of the latter half of his lifetime had been spent in Victoria and hehad won here magy Tnepds andzndmiralion for rhararterislip that were both wulilantial and endearing. Mr. Warlock had an ihnalo faculty rf Three years seems about long curtesy, lie would never will- enough Sor a school teacher oipngly hurt Jhe feelings of anone. lrnogradier in, one. town, If shejiind, in the art nf good ffllowship can-'t jet ri husband in that tiiiiWHie wa to the wanner horrid His if ,is well to try some other loca-jidentificalion with the business tion. I life nf the province was a pro t . V f I a :. -1 longed one. Up to the time of There once was a Jolly old man his fatal illness he was a well- A hasebalj and other sports fan,; kwrwn figure in the community. Jlut he het all his cash lone whom all who knew rejected And you bet he was rash, and he ud earned the distinction For he ended his course with u 0f beinir numbered on the leelin- Call. linnr rflt nf imnra us an riui lor carpeniers m nninu DCDADTC UAVIUP knock. Other people can't afford DIYrtU I KLlUlvlo IlfWlMu o do it. grudge against dhe school prin- J- C. Hrady. 'Conservative can ipal that he induced him 1c btiltldidate in the forthcoming federal his nead against the stone walllelections. returned to the city on in Akeena constituency. the Princess Louise yesterday af the lint? I A little local girl upon hearing! her mother say how seasick shel hal been coming up the ennsi said: Miou' weren't 'seasick mother 'cos y"ou wasn't nearly dead." :'. II would seem that the lack tf I knowledge of some politicians ;l due o mental weakness. Th would seem to apply particularly in the district of hdmnnton Con-srVatlvR circles. i aioes anyone ever remembf-t seeing a man named A. U. Q. Hury in this district? It Is said that one swallow does not make a srtmmer but I!. often makes a good drink. A ,mol(iris was recently stune by a wap arid fot conlrol of his rar. He, was evidently slun in Hie differential. i Willi Hie election campaign on why can't some genius Invent auxiliary lungs for the speakers? I have never heard nf n one- armeu driver naKimg mve in a hammock colliding with a circus wapon. , Advertise in the DalleWs. ternoon after- an eleclioneertnp ttrady is all right, hut think of campaiKn in the Atlin district the company he would have Ipj.Mr. Hrady addressed meetings t keep if anything should slip and he be sent to Ollawa. The prorifreader.,Is.,'aboul only man who reads every in the paper. BEEN WELL RECEIVED r. 1 r Perfection in ourWhisly is Due to 94Years Experience jCANADfAN pKRYC WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I This advertisement is -not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hrilish Columbia. Atlin. the Kngineer Mine and Spruce Creek, lie staled he had enjoyed a splendid reception and spoke to crowded enthusiastic meetings in the Conservative cause. LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME LAST NIGHT Y-Mace Defeated Naval Volunteers Four Goals to Two Last Evening. In an intermediate leasue football game laM night the Y-Mac defeated the Itnyal Canadian Naval Volunteer lle.erve by n score of t goals to J before a fair crowd of soccer fans, fienerally speaking, it was a good game all the way through and exciting in spots. The naval boys were handicapped iuofar-awUiy were compelletl to play three reserves in the team, three; 4i f th regular players being unable to attend for various reasons, , - ft t J. rtnifd md It.'?lrachan scorefl two goals each for the Y-Macs and-henoski and !tnF5for the navy, the latter scoring from a corner kicki C. P. 0. lnlrurtorJawe hand led the whittle effieienlly. Jhe teams took the Held as follows: 1 Y-MaN?!Hie.ker. stoat: Corner- on and Held, full -backs; A. lrn ban, Phillips and lieilhroner, half backs: Hunt, llund. J. Hlra han, Itickens and II. Cawthorn, forwards. It. C. N. V. R. nichmond, oat; II .Moore and C. ihenton, lull Ibacks; ilamm, peacock and Fitz gerald, halfbacks; fS. Ier, Hyrne, iHienoski, Wyrnan and Sims, for- ards. GUN CLUB SHOOT Follow ing are Hie result a of the shoot by the Prince Rupert nun Club on the Park Aveniw range Ias night. J. cot 1 9 .Jeo. Itryant IH Dr. Tail ..i-Jl K. C. Ojbboris ! I" Shute ..a Irt SPORT' GHAT A recent rrport of the ec retnry of the H.C. Fish and Harm Protective Association stales thci he clubs al Cumberland, Nel son, Clinton and Hevetstoke hav. affiliated with the provincial or ganization, and that several others have intimated their In- fenlion nf doing so. This mnki" fourteen in all. Relative to the fiame Cnnser vnlion Hoard's recent action H favor of a wide open season o black hear' nil affiliated cltlb have pro ested ngalnsl anv shortening of Hie close season and many hftvn "H!1irt for shorle seasows. They also Avish pro lection of females when wit cubs, and of the cubs themselves According to a statement mid by Mce-Comrnndore Herald Fon preparalior s are already under way for another Inlernallonn race for (he Fishermen's Cup which brings Ingelher the crack schooners of Ihn Oloncrsier r Mass.. nnd Halifax fleets. The fishermen have not raced since October, ll2l, when the content was held off Halifax nnd wound up so snlisroclorily. Lord Derby Introduced a new-corner among Iwo-yeor-olds on the turf in. England recently whet. WANTED. - WAXTKI) TO RENT Small fur-nislie apartnwnl or huncalow. Apply Itox 315 IVafly New MAID Wanted. Younr. Fourth VAII-HKfl Wcnte.1. ton tife. Mrs. F. Melt. Avenue Knl. FOR SALE. Apply ito. OH 8ALLI52 acres, partle' cleared, wilh house 2fU2l, lit-Kispiox Valley, 20 miles 'from Haielton. Cioe to nniM posi nmce. .ppiy nor 3i.i, Daily News Offlee. Oil SALK. Pleasure launch "Owen," in goo eondition; powered with four 'horsepower' Kisthope engine. Apply, Pu' len. laily; News.- U OR (SALK-llotel 'MassetL A good bargain.. Ill health ratio for sellirw. . Apply ,William Hudson. Massett.' DC, 1 FOll AI.K Three east- chairs. baby, iwib, oak dnser and e'Ufh, nil prarliealtr new. HtO Sununlt4venue. CANDY .-HUPINRR For Sale a 722 hullon hlreet. Apply at store. ROOM. Hoard iHjn ri:.VT FOR SALK, New this year and usel only one weefc. Price fin. Pullen. Daily News. FOR SALK McClary "Iro' range. 1 5.00. Phone Dlark (38. tftl BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander, 8311 Second Avenue. Phone 137 lie sen' Avalanche to the post ir nf; Third Avenue. optional. 42H Phone Red 33(1 Fulboiirne Stakes ni New arle;. "Tliis filly wa,, Iiy,- mi means one of the favorites. Hrki Irajner, the Hon. Oeorge Lamh- ton, was greatly surprised when he got home in front of D Landale, Wilson's Flashing Star by a neck. Avalanche is finely bred, her sire being Phalnris ar.d ler dam that highly successful! tnare. Olacier, the mother cf Silurian. Crevasse, (llaeialc and ilher noted performers. Thus II an be said nf Avalanche that she is bred in the purple, andJ (I is curious tnal she had no; shown a glimpse of her merit before Ihe runing nf the Ful bourne flakes. Mrs. Onrdon D. Hobb of Hums Lake will sail on the Prince Charles this afternoon on a f io dav trip to Nancnuver. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, August S High 42,02 a.m. 10.0 23,38 p.m. 10.3 Low .. 3.17 t. 7 I7.flfl p.m. fl.2 Friday, August 4. Hljflt 121 p.m. 1.7.4 lw ".33 a.m. 4:2 . 18.24 p.m. 8,8 WANTED CASCARA BARK Highest Cash Prices pn( W. R. BEATY A CO.. LTD. 32S Howe SL Vancouvsr. B. 0, TO RENT WANTF.!.- -One r.!wble man m FOll nKNT.f.arf en building fti every town, merchant preferred, to take order for t custom-made -tollies in Can- "ad a. Highest rohifhiioiii-. Hex Tailortuc i'. I. id., To- e 1 1 . ronto 2) 171 Third Avenue Fast; sir room modern flat with bathroom 40il workabop premDcs on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139'Jseond Avontte, FOR ,RF.NT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid; one furnished. Westenhaver llros. IIOUSHS for IlenL Porne are furnisheil. $10 ami up. App.) 215 Fourth Ayeruie BasL FOR RKNT. Piano, phono graph and sowing machine Walker's Musle Htore. FOR RUNT-Four hot water heated. A. Mallet. room suite. Apply Smlt SUMMER RESORTS. CHEVROLET - 3 jJlLcS .1 H P.V A TuL'Rigmt J OBH II - dinnfb- i 1 1 1 BM CABBAGE - Two CANS OP ' ..satM i HeT.le3' )A II ( ) II0'9" srr ' 1 1 1 ft b j NFW aflRF ARTS AND LITERATURE ULilf Midi sj JlUlVLl. iTrtirnitnniimninu OPEN TlWlORROW are recently awed Your Pick of BO,BtM .Stock Of- fered at -Cost Prtoe' to Introduce Montreal The fd lowing hooks on the fine' jart and literature have recently. jtieen added to the puhlie library: I "Flue Art in Canada,' hy Mc- I T.. -.-.. "Piano Muic," by Ilamillon. "Great Hours In Sport" by Hu-rhan. "AiK?lion,JridgeMComplele, by Work. 'Canadian SInRers and Their Koto., by Caswell. Anthology of Modern Verse' I I "-- -Z? Vemted For5de For Hent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c Articles Lost and Found, &c t balance in twelve successive easy instalments. Let us demonstrate! KAIEN GARAGE Dealers in all Oeneral Motors Products. Drake lining by ma chinery. Cylinder rgrindln and rehorlng. F'rd overhauling al flat rale prices. Wrecking Service day and night. The following prices are now eiroctive. I .O il, Prince Ruper'.. tiovernmenl tax- s included: Rtinaboui $.rtl.0O Sporl noadsler CKO.OU TonrlnR 4-w , Coupe 751.00 I'udor Sedan 700.00 Fordor Sedan 831.00 I.iuht Delivery 502.00 LI. Delivery Van 0IU.00 Commercial Chassis 188.0u Truck Chassis Sir, 581.00 Self slarter Included on all models. Term payments arranged If If desired. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 219 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Heantlfully situated near Lartdlnir Ferry Aliunde. 2145 feel. Camping and Fishing Tripe arranged FinRT CLASS T.MII.K with produce FRKSH KRO.M TIIK FARM. Take a trip In tfie'I.nkc Cntihlrf Oils year. For reservnllons, wrlle Mrs. Henkel. Frnnrnis Lake. H.C TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Pnul or Oust) Six nnd Seven Passenirep bakers at your dlspnsnl nny llmo. nuoo onus, pool ROOM Meeker Block. Acron from Empren Uotil. sotici TSkK0l,'W4. M, JItnHIr ii rlw fr dii ..r , Ml Uriu mi., i- i' Inillr bMtli J4, Hk- Mai, tlnram at inwi! nj, ll SflMib rort rr i KM4 KM" UUMIRI i vm : K fh . "II the fttk do -A ti4 .j( in . t rarMasi ihrm , 111." iH l "SUSS.'.. J wltk lit. -. ilth- a. cu. - law uoltnr m Tlw dill ol li . wuee 4 Wi i - STAMl Villi ui I Tfa nonet " TAtE S01... t-OriltuO, ktMr . won. Taaim- I Oil (Kiln hnrdi mm tt i rtKrd orta rk -t tut s adnNr pUtrt IMS wMtr ytt, m lb I lib li c4) if lb" .Miinr.n. urn r, ior rem mvkwsiii mrri. I.AKKI.SK I.ODHI1 near Terrace. Visit Ukelse llthls u Uov Springs. LUhia Is one of tb. finest mtnernl waters known Inm . -l.-m-l-m nA II, "flshmg for rainbow trout In Lairelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Tele phone connected to Terrace J. Druee Johnstone, manager Why be without a car? $350 makes the first payment on a New Improved CIIKVIlOLKT. the iiMrrlwut d. s. (IM mUh la ubi V, ow nnaVf ' SMlrtinrt v, thirty nits fir 1 IM PHttt ( i, IW af K fi iw'H'iatf r t aUt af laUallaa U l a rrwf niii-Iflfl of PTittrr l . (trtfUUt af run (t-rt7 tit riot r tv: ymvx j CirkHit uiimi B cMVali-i (ar (rf at ta Ctunwii ii rUMWM CWtHI la ta wtir M.rur arret" -n rttirrlr rlMl Uo MIM lg t . ti rfSlUimHf H tr a l0S I Par C tt 4. II" MINIMAL ACT. 1 MI It I 'I .1 K II ' ml IMlAHO HUH - A S n IAH0 CT ll ti t nvJ cisTif icatz or ieout"l bis rinrMi :v ytei-rc llm IM IK- tills H : Uir' v i: S nlr Ctaas iVr .l and MMffwflt ikf Hi m: 1 M ifwt. uur dt K la nnlf t fh- Ul if " ' OnitKil if impr.n'ta.;" waa nr oblAininf kh.,. .I.Ih. IM farlaar U " 'i IWtira lha 14111 f 1 lllritmIU, ,.,J PtIM IDIS III HtJ ' l4J MINIMAL ACT, ciNTincATX or irsoviJ Sir I'ihimi tnrl !f s TJ lha Allin MHiiar in mrL VVIwra kfAlf" sml (illninlnt il ' rsnrnn tllfn'mtl M lTiir the n " lmprnVMiii,ni, prnvMiifni , ., rttn ' art "ti a tk'ir. winrr tiwi . ,M.1 IW i'lT I" U"- .i-'p f a 1 ,ariinrir ni imi'r - . , p(a i.r nliUlnmz I sbnta rUim. Ilfldor lartlnn 1? hafora Iha lua if in .rrti IninrtivrmentA. . 11 IXIH Uit III 01 ' fM' MINCRAL ACT. istesoni''1 ctRTiricATK or Bum Smiih Miwii iha sum vinint th Irltinlirr of l'iiirl! silliiliiinr Iha nari'r an lit milharly tl1t TVKr. OTl I. mil -I lis s J' 1 ' 1 .....1 1. - ,ur 11 rrra .Miner- frimnn , M r lend, ortly l,v to 1 Ceril lltfMle of imrrotrnirnii , 1 nhuininl 1 ill rxia of of Alwvf . rUiin. ,lrf um ifi 11"' - - S "T. anil furthur UkS i iintler aarllon 17. "' . 7, rtiilrt' I ill " luicit mf , J',T ,, .ii',; l' ft'iV T iT M,i",.'MJ f LAND ACTt u .1..11.. ta APPlf II t In prlnrr lliinart I .sm '"" " ,1 rl nf I'rinra HiilMTi I HAV, Vlial Inl-t, rthI"inVi, t rrlnrf miperl. II. c..,rf5 prrfl-l man. Inn 11, a to SIT'" !":Jnd Vl pnrrh.a Ilia f(illaln n'"', ill rmnmrnrln l r'! .r'n. Miami- uniriri. .wMf'Zrt llii-nrs ri m rn"- al-i1 III" ttairr Mm ' .rrfi. " mrnl, ami rmililninr bated ;yn ltl. !