,day August g. 020- ibbbb . I I A "First Aid To Thrift THRIFT meanj handling your affain in such a manner that the value of what you own Is steadily increased. An interest-earning savings account at the Bank of Montreal is a first aid to thousands of thrifty persons from one end of die Dominion to the other. ' D. C PATERSON. Manager. I'rince Rupert Branch: BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7. Total Asset in excess of i750.000.000 SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK :--uId- g 'hi'fc dialiiiH -itm. it.r F.tiiuly Vrk. vir: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH ill Hicil 1 tfOfiall' iriT. DRY CLEANING, PRESSINQ AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 11 8--and e will do the reL Steamship and Train Service ra. ir trem piiincc rupsrt iw Vancouver, victoria, CArrtc, M( MONDAV and THURSDAY 4 00 Pffl, SATUROAr, i.00 fun. I ANVOX and (TCWART MOKOAr, FRIDAY, 4.00 P-m. ' ALASKA WIDNISDATr 00 P"4- MASSITT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. r IKIDtOATt INLCT and SOUTH QUICN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS.' fortnlfhtlr. PASIINOtR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPIRT dllljf clcrft ftuli'lay II its ' r PRINCE OEOnOE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, III pOiotl Extern ' 1 lulled SUIfl. ' Agancr ll Oe.an laamahlp Lint, anadlatl Mitltnul Ftjui" tut Munry "irdrra, t'omrn liun. tt, 11 r roil abtpmrni Cltj Tlclat Orric, M Third. Aa., Print Hup.rW Phon ZOO. CANADIAN yVPAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services .Snilinorc frnm Prince Rimert vi....jj- - " 1 Ta K.lchlkaiT, Wrang.ll, dvnaail and Sktfwar Atiouit 2, 0, 8, 18, 20. 27, SO. Te Vancouiar, Victoria and 'aallld Auut 4, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25. PRINCESS BCATT.tCS. Camoa.ll Ml,,,, and Vancout.' ' Saldat M am. far Butidal. Eatt B.lla Btlla, Octan Falla, Namu, Atari Bay. " 'aci for all taamihto Lin... ' Information fram fern or 4th iUMl r'Anu, PMc Rupert, .C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED.5 Salllnn Horn Prima Huprrl. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swan.on 0, and Al.rt Ba, Tu.ida,, P . VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Ai.M , and . lalwrdaf, 10 A.B) rr 0RT SIMPSON and Naaa Rliar Cann.rlaa, Ttiuridaf p.m. fORT ItatPSON, ANVOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sund.r. p.m. S tad Atani'a. i. Baraalaf, Aawl Prma ftvaari. a) O Residence Phone, Dlack 61 7 P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Sorgo tuid Stutrli Tweed Knits inittlo to urilcr in our 'Hip in lnn c Rupert n low as 223 Sixth Slri I. ANGER, Cutter $50.00 Prince Rupert, B. C. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. llasrhull iraino louiKlit at 0.30. S.O.C.. vs. (iyru. , ' .Ucjp S'hlt Drive and Dance rrl'laiujfu.t C. 103 4 Simmon1 Heil?, spring and atlrcssea uif sale at Tile's ma Store. said Draperief and Curtain on at Jwenty per cent discount & utp s store. 182 J..oliii!'lliit,iofj Loelwcport, wu an arrival In the city on tun lianif r Prince 'John yesterday aflcrnotm. 'j Mri. Kur.ltv of Queen Char lotle City arrived in the city palenlay ahoard the steamor rnnee Jolin , Mrt and Mrs, JaVk Itarnslei are reavujtr "T n kouui at tin' enu oi iu ween anu win rcsiuc Ihere permanently. (5. Maxwell of Port ("lenient id hooked-to ail tin the uleaniei Prince Charles lliix afternoon U Vancouver on a iii)tine.tji trip. Tlie Wales Mian. I seiner Su-ireine ha hecn taken up on the dry iloek pontoon;) to have a new taitdhaft and iropeller In slalleil. Mrs. L. II. Kenney and child were arrival in the eily hy rain yetrday afternoon fruni Terrace and are rerilered at Prince Hupert Hotel. C.P.H. steamer Princess I.ou e. Cap. A. flatr. was in port from 3 o'clock until 5 p.m. yea- tenlay aflernoon en route to Vancouver from Skapway, Alaska I.Ulle Mim Mary Mwlor ar rtn from - Ketchikan on !!. Prlnre Iu1e yenlenUy aftfr ncKin to npenj part (if the uni nu-r, vaea'inn with ilrs. Jos lnnce. A Conservative Rally will bi held In their Committee Rooms near the Empye Office at 8 o'- Slock tonlphU J. C. Drady will give a short address. Ladles aro cordially Invited. J. K. Tucker, timber cruiser for the .1. I). I.acey Company who has been crulsinr Umber in the vicinity of I.agonn Iluy (Juern Charlotte Islands, pasted Ihroupli the city ahoani lh Prince John ywstenlay en route to Vancouver. Mrs. H. II. stiles and Miss Vera Armstrong sailed on the Princess I.oule yesterday after non for Vancouver en roilU to v innlpeg. Mrs. Stiles will vLil in the Winnipeg dislrict and.Mlsik vnnstroixr will remain in the east, and it is understood wil Inj married soon. CX. It. steamer Princo John. l.apl. K. Mahbi, docked at 3.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Oneen Charlotte Island points and sailed for Vancouver at 7 I'.m. Passengers debarking here included w. II. Cobb. O. John ston, Mrs. harkle. Miss I., llucke H. horsak, V. Ileads, A. Hack- lund, Mrs. Wyall, Mrs. Stewart Mis Wyatt, and Mrs. Splnn. The waterfront docks from the Ocean doek to the Provincial dork were fully occupied jester lay afternoon. The molorshin HeJIinffhain unloaded fresh fish nl Hie Ocean dock, Ihe Prince loiui and Prince Hupert occupied the C.N.n. dock, and the Prioress .Louise docked at the Provinein! wharf. It was an Ideal moment for a pltottwraph of the wnter- ironl from the harbor. Ml THE DAILY NEWS S SMSflMhW aSB bV1 !i WWW bouble the nVh. 1 182 Crystal FirellKhters. 48 for $I.OO.dr'Ilcie Transfer. Phone 580v " .. tf! Hear (!oiiuiiinloner and Mm. itieh, Friday at 8 n.m., at Sal- vatlpii. Ariiiy.- I bbbbbt ord!n iiiiiK, me use Of St. Charles Milk will give a new flavor to old recipes of which your familv ma oe getting tired ' Iry it. Wb1bbSBb Condentary at 8outh Sumas, B.C. Tcy: A tie ust Furniture riale. Dig discounlx in every deparlmeut.al Tile's Store. 182 Try Foothills ' Stove Coal, pott, Kvill & Co:Ltd. tf The case of Hafrherl Hansen, charged with theft, wa temandeil .n the eily police eourt lln. morning until tomorrow. Mrs. . Ij. I)a was an ar rival in the city yesterday from Vaneouver and Is, roistered at the Prince Hupert 'lloiel. J. .Manlove, insurance adju:l-or, passed throuVli Hie oily on Iho Prince John yesterday alter-nou en route to Vancouver. Ceorg'o McAfee arrived in pon yesterday by parttwat from the fleoruetown Mills , and is resis-tered at the PfJCey Hupert Hotel Mrs. J. Klrkahly Arrived in the ity from Terraet? on yeMcrday afternoon's train if ml is regis ?ered at the Princt Hupert Hole! r Mrs. Splan acried in Ihe city un the Prince Jnlin yestcrdat uflernoon from Lockeporf. Mr, Splan is maiiager of the Locke port cannery. ' 'Hios. A. Kelley. totfging con factor, was a passenger altoa.d the Princess Irfiuise yesterday afternoon for Vancouver on business irip. Molorship Itfllinjfliam, Capl. Anderson, arrixeil m port yes nlay and unloaded .a carload of rish and a carload of.canned sal mon at the Ocean dock. J. A. Muckle, of tfie Sitka Spruce Mills, Oueeiy , Uharlolle City, was a passenger' aboard llu Prince John yesterday .afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. Miss Leah ltleeijltr arrived from Queen Charlotte, ,CHy on the Prince John yesterday after noon and left for Terrace on this morning's train to visit with friends. ' Mrs. Abe Lipsin and daughte: Shirley, sailed on the$ . Princess Louise yesterday afternoon n route lo Montreal. Mrs, Lipsin is on a prolonged vlsif lo nor parents. A Conservative flatly will be held In their Comm'ttoe Rooms near the Empire Office at 8 o' clock tonight. J. C. Brady will jive a short address. Ladles are ordlally Invited. Kighteeu mechanics havo ar-ied in the city from the Van couver dry dock to work on Iho C.O.M.M. Canadian Prospector, which is at Ihe local dry dock for cleaning and painting and hull repairs. H. Kslon Ph.vfe of Hartford. Connecticul, who. has been visit ing in the eily for the oast week in connection wilir property liofdiims here, sails j for Ihu squill I'll, .i'uutt' -Uutnul,ou.41i0 Provincial constable jloe llclla, who has been reliejrigi at Queen Charloll City for thp"ji4st. three weeks, returned lo Ihe city, on the prince John yesterday afternoon. Constable Sinclair, of Hod Puss, has been transferred lo Queen Charlotte Gily oh.pennau-. cnt duty. ' J 1 WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dfyby Island Misty, calm; barometer 30.3H; temperature 50; sea smooth; G p.;n. spoke steamer Cordova crossing Moira Sound for Hydaburg 5 miles from Hydabung- Hull Harbor Cloudy, fresh northwest wind; haromteer 30.-Z2$ lenVef Ul'lSJ'b '37 ; a choppy; 8 Ktri, spoke steamer Chaljamba bound Ketchikan for ilellinghaiti 21J ni'tes from Hellingham; II p.m. spoke nleamer I.akina bound Ketchikan fjr Seattle 4 io miles from Seattle! 8 a.m. spoke tug Cape Scolt in Oiler Ijass northbound; 8 a.m. spoke tu-' Lome 12 miles from. Price Inland northbound. Dead Tree Point Barometer 30.10; temperature 50. Noon Diftby Island Overcast, calm. Iiaror.eter 30.12; temperature 61; sea smooth; steamer Prince Charles arriving Prince Hupert i p.m. -Kouthbound.. Hull Hariior Cloudy, fresh northwest wind; barometer 30 22: temperature 57; sea choppy; 0.20 a.m. spoke steamer Calala at Itella liella northbound. - Dead Tr5o Point liarometet 30.11; temperature 60. 8TEAMER SANK . . HIO UK JAXEIHO, Aug. 5. - Twenty-six people were drowned when ti North Brazilian Ports nauk after colliding with a pon- ttxm near the Hay of Araras. The collision occurred during the darkness last night. Keports received from Para, where several of the survivors, including uapiain Jiato nave arnveiJ, .i five of the drowned belonged to the crew and the remainder were pasfCitgers. CHINAMAN BURIED The funeral of Lee Onoret Oliinaiii.iii. who died smMpnlv .it. .-?unuay nigui, look piace ai i.jii o'clock this afternoon from lli.f H.C. L'nde.?taker'.s Chapel. Inter ment was made in tairview 'emelery. Those sendiner floral 'rtbute-. included Tom Lee Company. Kno Ming Youg, Liim I la -hang. Jjfid Hong and t raveller Cafe. T. A. Kelly and son sailed for Vancouver on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. NOTICE. Street Surfacing. The Tarvia Distribution Equip mem is expected to armc on liursUay. August 5. and ueallie. tennilling, surfacing work wH start immediately, commcnciuc in the odd numbered avenufc jud streets. This will lie emu dieted as rapidly as possible and .lien the alternate avenues and streets will be done. Two coat will be applied at intervals of : hours and the delar lo traffic should not be more than three days. Citizens of Prince Hupert are. hereforo requested lo kindlv rocure supplies beforehand and is lite surface will be sticky, to efram from walking or drivin. eyond the barricades or signs. 183 CITY KXOIXKF.K LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon te Apply to Laata Land, In Stlklllr PlllliMl. I'Kilir. Land U Oran.1 Hapld. on th stiklnr Hlvrr and lo iw i Mirtrvwi .ti. 470. TAkE MITII.K tint I. Walter Sol! Sunn. hi. of Trlrcraiitl trrrk. It. C. ocrupallcm. "'i"". uiiriMis tu appiy nir a iraa oi .iir Hiiiuwinr owrumi lands - - Osiilllfllrlna at a rwvtl nlntf ,.rthw rl oirnrr ut 1 1, 4Ju, tlirnre South 10 rhiins; tiwt t 10 rtniii. ih-nT .'win hi nam. inwrr :at IS roams, mil ninutninr l"rtT arns. nxirr nr !. w.ti.itu Scott smrsoM. At'Ptlrant, LAND AOT Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Trine Runrl I and nrnr,hnr nu "I or Itanm i. Coat l.tnd DUirlct, and t"atf un l'aare liland. TAkE NOTICE thai J. R. rr.nrl. nr Ciinoka. Alhnrta. nrrniMtlnn Miniip ii. 'foil to annlr fnr a rt th fAiinn-in. i.ironwnpnr at a rst plantrd at the Morth l rnd nf Piii tin,i ni- CoaM Trtanrnlatlnn Sia 1119- ihuni n.uiui inr nnnii ai man watrr mark and vuiaiiiiiir imuu arrp. nmrr nr p. JOSrPII RRITI tn rinvna vim. ma. Applicant. When The Babies Are Cutting Teeth THE MOTHER SHOULD USE Pr1KvjbT'1bPw Durmi baby's teethin- tlms, the howls liecomo looae And diarrhea, dysentfrj-, colw, cnunps, etc., manL'rit tbemselm;.the rums beeoms strttlen. andciuikcri form in the mouth. Tlus is the timit whwj the rmthae ahould uae "Dr. Fowler's," and. hs, save the Uby 's life. PAGE THRB1 WHEREVER THERE ARE FLIES USE FLYTO.t Use Fly -Tox-Kill mosquitoes Meet MorningAWth A Smile SEND that cleanly, fragrant spray of Fly-Tox high up inside tents and bungalows. Kill the f.ies and mosquitoes. Enjoy wonderful nights of undisturbed, restful, sleep. Awake refreshed. Peppy, 100 per cent. With every day a real delight Fly-Tox is a scientific insecticide. It was developed at Mellon Institute of Industrial Research by Rex Fellowship. It is stainless, safe, sure. In thousands of camps Fly-Tox is standard equipment. JEsijn n Canadian Fish & 0'd Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. 13 a FLYTOX KILLS FLIES MOSaUlTOES MOTHS. ROACHES, ANTS. FLEAS DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by FLIT" FOR FLIES DESTROYS FLIES, MOSQUITOES, MOTHS, ANTS, BED BUflS and ROACHES. Flit, 8 oz. bottles 50o Flit, !( oz. tins 75c Flil, 3'ioz. tins $1.25 Flit, gallon tins $4.00 Flit Outfit 10 oz. tin and Sprayer ., $1.25 Fly-Tox, hollies ..' '.I...:. 50c, 75c, $1.25 FLY l'APF.R, FLY COILS, INSECT POWDER Swatters 15c Ormes Ltd. The REXALL STORE The LMONEER DRUGGISTS 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete stock of limbers, dimensions, sliiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 SPRijUjKLEia Galvanized Sprinklers, 0 il. $1.35, 10 tif $1.50 Green Painted Sprinklers, (I ql. $1, III ql. $1.25, I V qL $1.50 Screen Doors, in four sixes, complete with fillings $3.75 ; Kasement Screen Doors, Mack or galvtiuiziHl, $4.25 and $5 MaiL Orders receive otir careful addition. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd Ave.