nni fi i m k i fifm tff oALMUIi uU UP THE FRASERi wa... I t.f l aa... . nt Many Reaching Spawn ing Grounds This Year WrSTMLVSTKH, Aug. 5. uugn a few sock eye al-ave already i cached to ,n gt-oumJ. affording to i - 1 ,-nm Hridjio Hiver llell .'n, fear are expressed ye i.-n may experience uuy m gout;? up '" ,cw of the Hiitnlil ri falling to a lower i. e result of the uiiumI-a 1.011. as ien a decided Im-ir tlie run this year of recent season MritfU of the fither- inoiii dere. s ni.' also re- eai bail a gd run hah trnnmn LAD DROWNED lite, Meets Death In Small Lake. 1 V ) VKIl. Auir. 5. New of ' a' " ir drownins In a nmll a of llrilannia 1 leach of ' ' a prominent alhlele of 1 II w ound oettlenienl, wan d at ui2hl when the liody i tu rn for burial, 1 wan drowned on Tuesday, if auoc In whlrh he was n uvrriurnfil, his eoinian-nit Ins way nhore. III II LI II I All I IN ONTARIO Ttillo.YK), Auk- 5. A speNa- ' i discovery in the vicinity of vvLuke, 35 miles iortheat " Ut'il l.ako in tl,,.. l'Hli lci;i diy- 1 "- reported hy Jack Llmlsay, : lias just come from that dls-1 liowiii4f vumples of free 'i"' 'u.U, ir as reported, are ni! st important discovery in 1 ' year. They have resulted a uh froii lluiUou lied Lake K Lin" past fivv days. HELD UP WOMAN MANAGER OF BANK M' IN UU I I, ilit. 0 llatuUI BRITISH HOUSE ADJOURNED UNTIL NEXT NOVEMBER ALECK THE SWEDE IS LOMiON. A ok. 5. Pai lia- infill adjourned today until Nnvcmber, unless roniinua- tion of the eoal dispute rota- pels an earlier meeting. Efforts of nieiiileri of I lie Labor party to have the House re-ascmhle August 17 on arrouni of the eoal situation wan voted down. KILLED Iff VANCOUVER YAXCOLVKIt. Aiw. 5. All eflorlt have in far failed to a certain Ihe itlnnl ily of "Aleck the Swede" who died in the hospital today a the vult of injuries received latl night when a ear, alleged to be itpenllnir acros UeorpU viaduct, junldciily over-lurned. Two companions, Frank Sullivan and Fred Clarke are I; Ihe hospital and have not yet recovered sufficiently to Icll dc tails of the accident. FISH ARRIVALS" Halibut Arrivals Were Light This Morning When Two Boats Sold a Total of 23,000 Pounds llulibiit arrival were light this inoiniiig when one American and one Canadian boat sold a tola! .if 23.000 nounds of halibut i! I tut Fish Kxehaiiae. lluth Aineri i-Hii and Canadian caught fijli avrraui'd around 15c and 10c. The arrivals were: American Wnbash, 10,000 pounds, (o l'a clfic rishericK. Canadian Scrub, U.OOO pounds, to Atlin Fisheries. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE H.C. Silver .... Consolidated Hunwell Independence Indian '''ll nl M ii Ik I ... .....i.rtn t . ff - ....... , .iiui-llil I lliMm.. i, iv ,, " h" I'l'uvinciiLi ii.ii. L .if r.iituiila Ml Mounl 'Itull4ii,, Ouehec, about 1 nil,,s fnnn here 41ml secured I. IHIO, reeclvrd urconllnir I.. ii-.l Marmot ..i... I'lemler porter Idaho . ll.C. Telephone C.1UI Hid. 'Asked . I. til) .2'.5.00 . 1.70 . .07 . .05 .07 U O'JH . 2.15 .05 IJ7.B0 ..I0J.00 LM5 .07 .00 .11 2.20 .00 NFAV YOHK, Aug. 5. Scalps! wcro taken in the Indians' desperate .eland ugainil the most tiowerful of their American leagiie foe, Ihe Xew York Yan-kees. licurgc Utile, the i; left -handed chief of Ihe Clevoland Irilte. vvieldeil the bloodiest toip- ers. While thin vfucial game w- ifoiiig on, Winliinslon and Detroit locked In one of the mot healed baseball discusion of tlie ar, Ihe Tipern capturing Ihe firt bhiiic in ten Inning and the Senalori 'lie iteeoiid in eleven. Joe Harrii of WaAhiti?- ton had two homer, the second ettliuy the iue by i-inrin three run ii the tial iunins of Ihe ee- m irame. Snbwribe In the Isil New National League .. IjhH K, lirooklyn . I'ltlMiuritb 0-5, tolon 1 1-2. r.l.trnaro T4l,htladrldi1ii5:' J 'American 'League Waohinitt11') i. I"lrit 5. HoKton I'li'i a-o 7. ew York -la-i t. Philadelphia I. ! Loom 3. WAS WELL CONTESTED Western Team Fought Way Very Close to Supremacy But Lost In Last Struggle WINMI'Kd, Aug 5. Afl c li;i'illg '!;! ofOi.'-nls to a tie lliree jimes pcettiiu'ly dnrin? 1!." ulrak 111 yesieruay eomiuesi oi past week, the, Unit-d ttli .ew vorKTs. 1 lie reun is of Of u Winnipeg; innioe?. ym y(rMprda won lit Amateur soccer championship of scon Itwnar one ?a i iiuthinv against tbp Cannd .n I'.dlierie team of Cumberlat.d, YaTicouver stand, who held tin- wester: clninphihship. Seldom ha their been 1 clianijionstiip a"ebiei contest ed as that which closed line yeslehlay. Tlie Unil'-d Westons efeated all theT''rti aspirant 4 In the s'etni-flnals; an. I tfce F.o! lier: ttoys after winning the championhip of K.C. downc-i the color of the Aihertu and Saskatchewan chainpiuns. Then tin? big 'uIe higa' here. Three onsceutrve same;- 'wtth ox-ertiine in the third enil.' in tfe. Kaeh team wa coufi dctl and roughl fduckily for t!r bu honor. All over the count r Ihe results were being wafchcii and yest-rday's same wa a fi liriL- rlmiax In -1 snle-nlid eri Swiss Guide Carried Companion Over Two Miles Down Mountain Following Accident to Ankle TOXOITN VAI.I.KY. J ASI'KIt Hy Courier . A new name has been added to the roll of honor uf the Alpine Lluh of the world, u roll ulready bright with many deeds of heroism and nianv examides uf couniKe ami lortitmie. 10 mis iim is oihcco Ihe iinnie of Lawrence (Srnssi. of Uantnore, Alberta, who this evening earned on his back over two miles or treacherous rock and glacier companion who had been injured 'during descent from the lop of Ifastioii I'cuk or Hie ttampari nange. The accident, or which Dr. It. ti. Williams or (Jalgary was the victim. w a simple one, a compound rracture or an ankle. caused Jiy a slip from a loose rock near the peak or tne mouinain.i at,le lo locate any easy route 01 but it .occurred under conditions i ascent. An attempt .will be made which "tin lit lit have been serious 0 'purret later in tlie week by M had thtre not tieen present someu. Oeddes. Andrew lirinnan and One of such resources .strength t.awrence (Jrassi. Further otisrr ami afrtlity as Mr. ttrassl. ThO yation of this peak lias led to the TAXI Boston Grill 25 ind TO Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anvwhera at Anytime , S floor for hire. Hotel, 3rd NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Stand Royal and 6th St. A" .v.. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. WATT VIDECK. rr '"i "ci . ."r..v.. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Oil,, IV- vi it XVI.. No, IKS. PltlXCK Hl'PKIlT. II. G., Tljt'ILSPAY. AUGUST 5, 1020. Telerdy,i Ctrrnlttloo, Utt StrMl Stle HO PRICK FIVE CKNT8. 11 rtlirAIT1 I 1T1 HKtt ItiUlMW LIVES LOST IN BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP WERE UNTRUE Indians Conquer In Big Fight Winnipeg Soccer Team Defeat With New York Yankees , Canadian Collieries In Fourth Yesterday Game of Series thai Unlay hi warrior arc only nine games away from the lead-jcanada in a e!o-e jiam.- l"re, t It IN I CHINA ACKENZIE KING ATTACKS RAILWAY POLICY OF MEIGHEN GOVERNMENT hee Thousand Lives SCALPS TAKEN WESTONS WON ' WILD ORGIES Lost in China Result of Floods in Yangtse HANKOW. UIiiiih, Aug. 5. The bursting (,f dyke on the f' c Ilivcr in llupcli province cause the loss of J. 000 lives OOO miles of territory is flooded. There lias liceu un exodus of three quarters of u million ;: . from the district to higher and safer land. The il ol Hunkuvv, which wns already inundated, wus saved what Ihreiiteiied to he one of Hie niot disnslrous floods in - by Hie breaking of Ihe dyke. He eat rami hud swollen the river a;id reversing the current ewe uusfd the water to overflow the cily. The burst ing dykr released I In hacktiu up water anI Hi river front is being bunked Willi sandbags. All available equipment i requisitioned for the strengthening of the banks anil pumping out the streets. Refugees are pouring into the larger centre. The loss of crop, following npiin the famine of last year, It U feared, forecasts disaster In i he vi ay of a food .shortage during the eonuiii: autumn. point where lr. Williams was in-; conclusion that it . will present lured was one where rock slides .difficulties as severe as are to be are emmlnenl at all hours And,) round in any of the ranges of and where 4o leave anyone unable lo help himself was to court disaster. llealixiiiK this, Mr. Mrassl carried his. unorlunale compan ion 011 his hack down t lie sleep slope ,aeross the drawbridge glacier mid beyond it lo the fool of the rocks into timber line where he wrns inet by the rescue parly senl out from Ihe main camp. Ascended Qelkle .Mr. Mrnssi also, figured in an other event of importance over the week end wheiiMn association with Atulrew liriuiiaii. of fjalgaty, and Hans Fuhrer. Jasper J'arK Lodge Swiss guide, ho made nn ascent of Mount (ieikle (t(i,8.t feel in the record time of 15 hours. II was his second ascent of (his peak, the first haviiug b 1 .made in tU2l with V. O. (. Wales, lMmonlon, M. l. (ieddes, Cnlgury, and Yal Flynn, St. Louis, In US' hours. Itedoubl Turret peaks Mill con tinue to baffle the climbers. J. W. A; Hickson, of Montreal, presl dent or, the Alpine Club of Canada, A. Howard Palmer, New London, Coiin.Jprtjsident of Ihe American AlpliieJ' Club, .associated., them selves -wllh a reeonhaissunce of I Hudbiibt yesterday but were un- Switzerland. There is no easy route up it. The climb calls for a arenl deal of severe rock work. I'pwards for hundred feet is a sheer precipice. Iif addition has been found that the top of the peak is of mushroom shape and Uiis adds to further difficulty nml hazard. QUEBEC, Aug. S Allegations of wild orgies and ministerial joy rides In the customs cruiser- Margaret were branded as baseless, according to sworn testimony at the customs probe started by H. H. Stetens and tne committee which opened before Sir Francois Lemleux today. Former Minister of Jurtice Lapolnte, former mln-Istsr of customs bureau, Al- rcd Lacouve, master of the Margaret, all ridiculed the allegations. The sitting adjourned until Saturday morning for the production of th Margaret's log. R. L. Ca!der, government cccntal, announced that off I" cial doouments of the cutter end examination of the members of the crew satisfied him that the statements attributed to A. D. Doucet, former Conservative member for Kent, N.B., and others were not based on fact but to meet the orders of the aovernmettt and to satisfy public opinion he had called for the ministers and Lacouse, all of whom.de-n'ed that Lapolnte had once v'slted the boat, while Senator bureau made three Inspection trips. Sir Francois refusod to alow examination of Doucet, and announced that no Interim report of the Incident opened by the latter's speeches would be made at Ottawa. CHARLOTTE IS IN COLLISION VANCOUVER, Aug. 5. While lorking here from Nanailno yes terday the Princess Patricia collided with the Princess Char lotte, denting one of the hitler's stern plates above Ihe water line and causing slight delay in her scheduled departure for Prince Rupert and Skagway. Neither vessel suffered serious damage, the Charlotte sailing north at three o'clock this morn in? after an examination had been made by divers. The Pat ricia, however, proceeded to K.quima1l fo- further inspection LAVA INUNDATES ISLAND OF BALI H ATA VIA. Aug. 5. The eruption of tlie volcano on the. Island of Kali resulted in the inundation it of the village of Hatoer by a lava. The population of the village escaped, Snberile in the Mailv Newspapermen Leave for West Coast Vancouver Island Search for Gold in Valley of Sombrio VHJTOHIA, Aug. 5. Planning to develop Hie gold deposit 111 the valley 01 me &omirio on tlie West Coast of Vancouver Island, John Hickey mid .leromo Kberts, British Columbia news papermen, uplil recently employed in an editorial capacity on the Victoria Colonist, have left here for Port Henfrew. The expectation! uf Ihe, two young scribes finding placer gold is cotinrtneii'Miy itev. . Mlison, Melhodist jjnssionary 011 llifc West ConsLjif Vancouver Island for 25 years, who today rif'a friend who had beeirin the habil of going into the diMrict each year unit returning, with n sack of Rold. "(iold Is there, said Itev. .Mr. Ellison. "I've scen'Tl both up tlie river and down. UpMhe riverVil bV coarse fcold, while'down at tho inoulh of the river' it W flqur Kold.'.' Tlie newspapermen plan com iitenclng operations with Hie hy- flqurjdraulw motliod on a small scale Mackenzie King Attacks Meighen on His Railway Policy of Interference It KM IN A, Aug. o. Highl Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King last night made a sharp attack on Premier .Meighen's attitude toward the Canadian National Hailways. It had been said, declared Mr. King, that the appointment of W. A. Hlack, of Halifax, .0 the portfolio of railways was only temporary. "Mr. Meighen bad already begun to use the national railways as a pawn lo secure political support from one section of the ountry. "He is already making it wholly apparent that he intends io dictate part of the policy of the railway." the speaker declared. "Already it is clear." said Mr. King, "that Ihe policy which the Liberal party laid downj 1 r of no interference with ttie presi-j ynt and board or lirectors ofj the radways is one that he does, not intend to carry out." I'nderl Liberal administralion the na-ioiial railway was becomirt one of the jriea1 national assets. QUEBEC VILLAGE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE High Wind Carres Flames, and Eighty Houses out of 92 ' . . , ,Tken : " , UlKHLC, A'g, 5. The villag- of SI. Couiede Kennebec, 7; miles from here, was practically destroyed by fire. Eighty houses ml of a total of 92 were de droyed but there was no loss ol ife. Property damage it is es- .i mated amounts to about ha,! a million dollars. Tlie flames were fanned by a ;gh wind and for two hours th-illaae was ablaze, the flame sweeping Ihrouph it like a trail of powder. FLOODS IN JAPAN INUNDATE HOUSES AND AWH0LEC1TV TOKIO, Aug. 5.- Reports here of floods m Akita and Yamanai.i prefectures in northwestern Japan in wuicli thousands of houses are inundated have been received here. The entire tow of Honjo is uniter water and many casualties are feared, t'hi' Asahi River has risen 18 feet, doing heavy damage to farms and railways. Communications in thai part of tlio .ountry are in terrupted. HEAVY HAIL STORM IN REGINA DISTRICT RECLNA, Auj. 5. Thousands of dollars', worth of damage whs caused in the Regina district early today as the result of on" of the heaviest hail storms in years. Large hail stone crash ed through a thousand windows in the city, and sewers, streets and basements were flooded. Tlio extent of damase done to the crops is not yet known. 58. 5U. WEATHEOEPORT Terrace: Clear, calm, temp. 0L. Anyox: Cloudy, calm, temp. 65. Stewarti; ClV4'Mti'!'Wt"1A HaieUon: Partly cloudy, calm, Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, culm temp. 55! Stnithers: temp. 63. Pari chjud calm Hums l.ako; Cloarjiyalm, tenip 50. a.'V Whitehurse: Clear, caWftjsinilli wind. temp. CP. Dawson: Clear, calm, south wind," temp. 50. liPEACE RIVER RAILWAY NOW OWNED BY ALTA t Taken Over Officially on Payment of Amount Due to Royal Bank. KHMO.NTON, Aug. 5. - Full wnership of the Edmonton Pun- .'gtiii and Itifairwayle' entral Canada line now" rests ith the Alberta Government, hich will proceed lit deal with ther interests for their future peration -or possibly,, as an al- ernative, operate them as a-pro- incial public enterprise.1 ; Ownership rights were secured n consideration of t,275,000 laid to the Royal Dank in final ettlemeut of its claim of 2,40O,- 101) and accrued intere t. FOREST FIRES , NEAR NELSON ?assenger Train Held and Tour-"- Ists Turned Back. Ymlr Is Threatened NELSON, Aug. 5. Tourists caving Nelson for points south f Nelson on the Spokane high way wure turned back yesterday it Porto Rico by raghig bush rircs which spread aT6ny the road from lite apex J Ju. withiu tlir?e miles of Salmon a distanco of fifteen miles. So hot was the fire that the i-icoming tii-eat Northern pas-senuer train was forced to wall three hours at Salmb to allow Ihe embers to cool down and give time to clear the tracks of fallen timber. A Perce fire is burning this side of Vmir, the famous mining camp. hut backfirmgr and trenches have so far proved bar riers and as a result tho settlement is so far safe. B. C. LEADING IN CRICKET Registers Third Victory By De feating Alberta Yesterday In Close Game. HDMON TON, Aug; 5. Hritish Columtila's cricket team continues victorious In Ihe tournament here. Yesterday the western - eleven marked up its third Mrni&ht victory by defeating Alberta 1)1 runs lo I37i Ibis being the closest fame of Hie series so, far. Pre- vtohsiy ihe H. C". men had bealen Manitoba anda Saskatchewan on Mou'day aiid Tuesday.. Manitoba beat Saskatchewan, yesterday by tUt io,