-' .1 ,ay August K. 1(2. BargainsNo Reserve! BARGAINS Third Avenue TOT MAN IP AIYTIM ICTIPi Much of lite country wu cov- I IK I (l I II Vre, in jnolor car and the, com-IU VI I IIU1U11VI !,,. wa, .lighted at ttri Irondllioft nf the crop and the J. Wakefield Much Pleated lproc-u for future development ...... - - . . I. .. A H.....A win ProtMcti of hie Town .wimii Where There laAcllwlty T ai he Strwnrt district ,H 1 . is and the prospect ore iill greater improye- ' s "he word brought from I if ,:i e liv W. J. Wakefield. mr Prince Hupert man, who mg in Hie city for a few u r,i ire and very onn will he l'a iiiiu: Ihirty tons a day over I'm- ilnrk ThUCm nil in nil Mr 'keriel.t I'"" hi fallh on Slewart a m li"a, wllh n future " HON. FRANK OLIVER GREATLY ENTHUSED OVER CENTRAL B. C. Ci-ops Are Exoellent Saya F. O. "weon who Aocompanled the Commlttlonar Through Interior , I Speaking of the visit to the i I Lilly New. Mr Dawson said he never the country look bet ter and he was particularly pleased at the Increased nereaxi oolircahle to wheat litis year Hie grain I headed out well And Icuttlng. lie belbnrd, would com- I menre 'within two weeks, l.vrry- wherc il looked well and the far- Mi Wakefield snv. Ih.il he- he found were keen on the o..i- oiA...i '.!! Men of shipping strain throua;h I lie Pine or the ..1ori.i.rimn.i """ III n rn ff-nm n Ili,iiainil tni u 'v hiiiulreil men eionlnved f'lil dp development that is igo- I1 stiells linnrovenienl. The s g jverninent upending a ' money on the Salmon Him Mi'i' rns.l nml Mm 1lrillli P.ol. n government is aUo doir.g Tint trilnAa n.it itm-tlnilnr l' Hunwell especially looking t a winner. The tramway ma. Ill I'v l nn llio anniiiil nnd I'ty 100 men are einnlovnl P it: -e Mr Wakefield uav there I ''np al eomtiiiilnt nir.iln! the P( of accoinmodation nl the InA A r1 ft 1 1 TERRACE NOTES MlM 1-Xher .Moore left -al the licBlnnliitf of the week for Prince Hufifrl where she has taken a position. Mr, .loo .Mari'.hihlnn and tui oiih, Joe and (Icorne, left on Monday for Prince llupert where they expect to reside for a time. n. A. Clothier, district minlnif enineer, and Mrs. Clothier are iwtiidinir u few days in the dls trie! Imvinjf.arrheti irom rrine.o Hupert on Monday evening A. K. (tnodrnouRh of Fmilher! was a limine visitor at the pe glnpintf of the week, AV. II. Cavanash .was a visitor from Prince llupert on M011- L 1 train. ... 1 1. iny'a'lule Hill v At (wood of Lakelne Val ley who has spent I he past two wcekn with his mini -Mrs. jus Nnrrliwlnn In Prince llupert re-turned hame on Monday. ,t. Morse Ilntt relumed home on Monday after havliiR spont devenil weeks on a huslness trip l. 'nnnmn nn nn .1 Viflnrla. Ills " . 41" , ! ri ....... .i t . '... nnivinn wiin nrenmnaniod """" rruirneo jr- y , " V' .. " u.1 t ; ""y irom u tour l irounh llii mm remaineu 111 I Unit. . . 1 1 1 1 . III! Unv 1 ... . ....11..... . ' 11101 ieciiacn viiuey" I S',fr' he ncfompanled Hon. "uvrr or the railway who wanted 16 tee the longer nniioay. T. W. Brewer of the. forestry denartmcnt, Smllhers, was a Monday s train. Cecil Hacker, son of flew (T. 0. Hacker of Prince llupert, who has heen a guest at the linuv of Ilov. and Mrs. Wm. Allen le" for his home on Wednesday. Arrangements are hcinir made here to take the members of the senior Sunday school and the lunlor C.tl.l.T. camping nt l.akelse Lake. The boy ft will ro Into camp for tho week com uienclrig Anusl 9 and the glrU me week roiiosvlng. the camp will be.-In charge of He v. and Mrs. Wm, Allen. 0er fifleenj hoys nnd thirty girls have so far signified their intention of participating in the outing. A meetinig of commillees of I he Terrace Fall Fair Hoard was held on Tuesday evening In the parlor of the. Terrace- Hotel when reports of committees were received and general business i;i connection with the fair discus sed. Carl Ou.lason of Prince flu ivcrt U pMi(llng a holiday with Mr. ntNl Mrs. s.t. n. Agar. Misses Alberta Doblc and An THE DAILY NEWS TEN DAY SPUN SILKS In all shades. Closing Out Hale Price, per yard 85c bUsuiees vntilor at Uic hejsinnina me WuUrr of inipir City wer of the wee. iin town on Tuesday. V. il. Shannon of Yanarsdol was in town 011 Monday, .Mr. nnd .Mrs. impon an-i daiiKhter orrtveil from Auyox o.: Monday to spend a Holiday here. their daughter Dorothy U a suest at Hill Farm. " Mrs. Christie nnd two children Dorothy and Hilly, and Mrfe. Kin- nie of Prince Hupert arc holiday virilOi-K at Hill Farm, having arrived on Monday.' - (3. II. Outrani is in town on a fcrml-annual inspection trip of the insurance company's agen cies, represented in Terrace by 11. Qilherl. Dave Wilson was in Kiiluin l.ak on Nlotiday,. from W. A. Stevens was a busines visitor fi-om Prince llupert o; WINSOME MAID SILK STOCKINGS Fiip-t on the market. Closing Out Sole Price, per pair $1.25 and $1.65 54-INCH SERGE In navy and Mack. Hegular -f 1.50. Closing Out i Hale Price, per yard $1.00 300 YARDS PRINTS ' Hegular value 25c per yard. Closing Out Sale Price, per yard 10c BLACK LUSTRE HO inches wide, self figured. Hegular $1.50. CIos-iruf Out Hale Price, per yard $1.00 SILK AND WOOL CORD The latent for Kail Dresses. Hegular $1.50. Closing Out Hale Price, per yard $1.00 We have always given you values. Now for Bargains Hosts of others too numerous to mention West of England Store '.omliiion of the railway and aU.i Id k"I an idea of (lie country ihrottth wliicli it imaged. llev. W. V. Harfool went t'sk on Tuesday. 10 BURNS LAKE Corporal Thomas G. Price ana onslalde T. K. K. Oreenfield of the lt.C.M.1'., are ' visiting tho hakes dislricl and, while here, rendered valuable- assistance at the tnieson fire. Mrs. V. Sehjeldenip and family Uave arrived here 'from Vernon. W. I.an? Muir, 'assistant supervisor of scalers of the Il.t!. forest hrapch, wa an official lsitor here last week. Dr. and Mrs ,HtJS,. llamfbrd uul sons, Afred and Dpi)las, of Cast Francois, wereiitb 'Visitor 0 Hums Lake last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ocki-i haw of Smithers passed throiuh lere on Toesdny en routo tn houijlas I.od?e. '- 1 Miss Helena Foster of Knda- o is the Biiest of Mr. and Mrs. flodwin this week. . It.C .Ashe and family and Mrs. Hush of Los Angeles, Ga!.. were recent uorU at llu Oinin- va" Hotel. Mrs. A. Wayncy of Orassy Plains was a reni'nl visitor bete The following officers were recently elected by the F.ndako District Conservative Associa tion: Honorary president, RL lion; Arthur Mejghen; hon. vicp-pres.. If. H. Pooley; ' president. Dr. neorge Cuiner; vlce-presi dent, Mrs. A. F. Hamford; sec.-Ireasurer, C. Honer; executive. committee, Dr. It. C. Ilmnford and llev. . Sweetman. VANDERHOOF Mrs. flrahain of Dewey had ,th mlsfnrtnre to get s.,iv?rey hurl while lravelllp Jn,.a enr near .Cltur.oIn .Creek. The ncc,Ulent occurred when going over a roush piece of ground Mrs. (irahani !ol badly lotted and in conse uence her buck was injured. Ssln .eluried'to Prince (!eor?e for ai X-iay examination. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tayior returned from their summer vacation spent at Stuart Lake aiui the north last Tuesday. llev. Father C. Wolfe, who has been stationed al Stuart Lake Indian mission, left for Prinea Ueorge on Wednesday afternoon to resUme his pastoral work there. Miss Aleita Mitchell returned on Tuesday night from hr visit hi (Jiscome, where she was the. guest of Mrs. lirain and Mrs. Me-Kenney. A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mr. Francis Micks at Mrs. Kva's nursine? home ori Jo.ty 29. Durim? the month of July 14,- 53 1 pounds of bulter was manufactured at the Nechaco cream-pry; a Ion more than last month. Dr. and Mr. Oodfrey of Seat tle have arrived here for a couple of weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Abbot and Mrs. Lnvson. WilKam I.. Foley, has been en- enged as principal of Vander- Jtoof Superior Scliool. He has had ten years' experience school leaching. Last week the homo of A. Trones, north of Webber Lake, was completely destroyed by fire Assistance is being given them bppop!e in the. district and the town of anderhoof. ; : . U 1 Just, Like Orass City Urchin (In the country for the first time): "Thai is Ju.it like fcras. ain't il? Llllln Friend: "Why. It U igrass. Chintmle. Drchln: "No, cos yer don't have to keep off It." Hoston Transcript. It is believed that Spain and Hratlt have aoine Idea of farm ing a League of- neslpnatiops.-jt Punch". BargainsNo Resssryfl The decision to close out our business is absolute, final, irrevocable. Notice Everything must be sold by Saturday, August 14 ALL PRINTED RAYON CREPE8 Value up to 1 .75. Closing Out Hale Price, per rtl $1.00 ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER GOODS VnltH'i tip to rtl.no, CIfihig Out Hale Price, per nril 65c FRENCH SCARVE8 Ml of t lie newett and mol fashionable. Closing out nl 1-3 Off regular prices. 32-INCH FLANNELS Ml color. Ileguhr values to .2S. Closing Out Sale Price. er ynrtl 75c GINGHAMS AND COTTON CREPES Fwry piece offered nt Clong Out Sale Price, H vrcl for $1.00 PONGEE 311 inclie wide for children' mid ladies' garments. Closing Out Hale Price, per yard 50c SATINETTES In all colore. Hegular value 05c. Cloing Out Sale Price, per yard 45c CREPE ANNURF. M indie wide, in black and brown. Hegular ?i.f0. Closing Out Hale Price, per yard $1.00 SILK STRIPED SERGE I'inef-t quality for Inisine.vs and street dresses. Hegular iJ'J.r.O. Cloning Out Sale Price, per yard $2.00 CHARMEEN For suits, dresses and coats, 51 inches wide. Regular value $2.50 Closing Out Sale Price, per" yard ., $2.00 CREPE DE CHINE AND GEORGETTES A hig range of over 50 shades at wholesale prices. Hegular value up to $2.00. Closing Out Sale Price, per yard $1.35 Best Quality Vests . . Hloomers Slips IN READINESS SILK UNDIES FOR FISHING SKIDK(5ATF; Aug. 5. The management of the H.C. Packers new cannery near here has adopted the policy of employing as many local girls as possible. Also local fishermen and hejp generally are taken on. This Is very acceptable to the residents of the Islands who are pleased al the action of M. English, The seiners Nikko, fleveslon and President spent a week 6n the west coast rerently prospect- iug- for alpiQn .but. rvtvirhed to. report that they had seen nothing of them. A new seiner has been launched al Qneen Charlotte City yards and been fitted out with a 20 horsepower Vivian ensjino. (Jap-lain Nelse Pearson of Loekepori Will be in charge and will fish for the Lockeport cannery, flreat Improvements have leen made to tho Lockeport cannery this year and a number of jiew buildings have been erected there. A pack of 55,000 cases can be put up this season if the fish come. Fisheries officers patrolling ihese waters this season will be 0. Valley of the Omar K., i. I.earey of the Isabel, and C. Mr Ivor of the K.K. Lockeport has been a busy place this season. W. Morgaa who keens a general store and . i . . . 1 V ' .1 i is posimasier, iias oao nis piace fitted with electric light and says business has been 'good. Peter McLeod. proprietor 6f I he Locke port restaurant ami rooms, also says" business Is excellent. Miss Peggy fSlltell of S1idsplt nnd Miss D. Thomson have been the guests of Mrs, K. C. Stevens' at Skidegate at the week end. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prtae Ruparl vsThostLiVii Ke Hew, John: S. Tnlt ...... $1.25 ...... $2.50 $2.50 METALLIC LACES at Bargain Prices BARGAINS Phone 753 W. !.. Dass, C. Percy James, A. Farrow, Vancouver; Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Ileich, Winnipeg; Oeo. Me- Ifua I !iw-iflrnlnii-n Mfa ft 1 1 1 . !Prue, Stokane, Wash.; Ed. F (Jurstu, Newport, Wash.; CoL and i.Mrs. P. H. Taylor, Ottawa; OUs ProparaUons Made at QueenUlcll, San Francisco; C Dagwlll, CharlotU Ulanda But Sal- ; )c;;IMl,l .fj' , , , Mrs. L. Kennedy, Miss M. right, mon Were Wamer Lale iMcmtreali Miss Marie A," llohrer, Chicago? Miss Leah Uleecke.r, Queen Charlotte City; Mrs. H. M. Stewart and son, Chatham, On',; V. 11. Kelley, Seattle; II. P. filler. c"ity; H. R. Hrierly, Seattle: L. O. McKee, Hellinghain; Y P. Pollard. Vicforia; Mr. J. Kirk- aldy, Mrs. L. JU Kfinney .-anM child. Terrace; H. C. Hay, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Tay lor, ieiroii; 11. naicner, yv.s-. sinotioia; R. W. palme:r;lMOg-las. Arizona; W',4;Maniiirig, Hrighloh, Fjiftland; Missf llazet' I Reid, Toronto; MisV t, Albert a" I.w1Mriivfaira' Mitchell, In-gersoll; V. C. Clauson, Juneau; T. Dallon, Kdiuonton. ; MoUl Central R. Ootarta", K C JonfV JflC flavin, V. S. Lawer; John Ctark, W. Hrennhn, Vancouver dry dock; C. Johnson, LoekeportJ f M. Turner. Thrace; N. McGlash- an, F.ngla.nd. FRENCH ATTITUOE , TOWARD AMERICANS NOTVERY PLEASING VICTORIA, Aug. 5.Compured with 4he? French standard of wages, ilfe pst of rig today in Frapce Is ,very high and the i-'reneh' masses are IhPll'nei to blame the'tonrlsts" fronrihtr,ide oiJhe .Atlantic foc.thU.cond.tlon, reports Mrs. iiobert Haim, who returned to Victoria after a six months'" absence in Pris. This feeliiiig on the part of the trench toward Americans Js enhanced by what they consider to be an' 11 n-falrlitUitode, lit. the JJnlted States' e'xpevfatmns In the mailer of the payment of the war loan, and the consenuence Is that frequently the vjsMor from this continent Is not invariably treated with the Courtesy .which; he mlgh, be prejjared to expect.