RAYON CREPES in a host of beautiful shade, patterns .and designs. Thlr-lyrsix inches wide. Per yarrl $1.35 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTA L Per cake . . ., . . .35c 3 cuke for $1.00 Itox of G cake ....... .$1.75 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Strawberries 3 boxes 50c per crate $3.50 Tomatoes per lb. 30c All Croon Stuffs and Fresh Fruits arrlvjng every boat and train. Mussallem Grucery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5trf Avenue East Bargains in Summer Coats "Demers" Wc aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST HolQerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. ' X-Ray Sarvlos Phone GfiG. ,Opcn Tuosday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. (Urtage, Warebounlni, and Ointributlng, Team or Motor Service. i'-oal. V8and and Oravel. WVa Specialize In Plan and Furniture Evlng. HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Results In Grades 9 and 10 and Commercial Classes Are Announced. Promotions at the Prince ilu-jwrt High School for Grades 9, 10, and Commercial Classes are announced as" follows: i Students in tirades 9 and 10 who obtained an average of 80 per cent at the Easter cxamiua tiohs are placed in the honor list), From Grade 9 to 10 Honors Dorothy Hardie, Per nice Koss. First Class Jumes Stewart, Annie Walker, llulh Gillies, Frances Tremayne, William Collison, James Hryant, Lulu .Morgan. Second Class Margaret Gilchrist, Stanley Dalby, Joe Scott, Gwen Palmer, Mao Donaldson, Kelyn llivett, Alfred Skalebol. Victoria Krikevsky, Ilalph Jorgeu-sen, John Comadina, Jlruco Sle', vens, Violet Whitlow, Robert Irvine, Rita McLean, Klianne Hob-erge, Louise Lindselh, Kleanore Palmore. Third Class lluby Duggan, Willis Hill, Joan Cross, Jack. Ness. Gordon- Vicrick, Alan Cross, Hob-erf Stalker, Fred UrooKsbank, William Murray. From Grade 10 to Grade 11 Honors Dorothy Palmore. ilosenlary W'tnslow. First Class Mae Clarke, Cecil llarker, Jack Deane. Second Class Julia Wallers. Alelta Mcinley, Doulas Stewart. Minoru Sakamoto, William I'a.' more, Olie Gordon, Lntira Stephens. Winifred Thomson, Hilda Olafson. Fdwanl Anderson, Kve- WATER NOTICE. Dlvrlon and Uta. TAKE NOTICt llut Oo.e I'uklnr C . Liinlli-d, wliie ncldrc.'s H 3i& How siiW. Vann.uvir. U.:.. will apply tor a lirenc Ki Uke and ust- 50, out) gallons lr di; iif water mil di a tlrraiu. name unkixivku which flows niirttiwr! and ilraina In-siMiuiuii tfaj about leu tHl wctrrl liMrltieast rurtwr Lot 438, date. Arrii 4, tr., 11. c. (in vi. irar. The wale. Mill be dlvrrtrd from the tr?ani al J Point itxiut so fi-el frinu iiiiulti of rrcik and lo? fwl or n'irihcajl cunie l.ol 458. and will w UM-d tor canner puriKiM-s iim.ii the Cannery kite, decrilvl l.ol 447. shannon Bay, O.C. l-liml Ttilj not He was pontfd on I hi- k round oi Urn Kill day or May. ItiG. A ropy ol till nutln and an appllratiun purtu-n tlii-irtu ami tn Hie "Water Art, 1811," li: Ik- riled ui the i.rrii-r t the Water He-nirdi-r at 1'rlnre Rupert, B.C. Objcrtluu- 10 the application may tic riled with Hi.-iald Water Herurder or with the rxunp troller or Water Itl-tils I'arllanienl Uull.l n. Vu-toria, II.)'.., within Ihirly day alter the firnl aptxaranre ot tola nolln 11 a local newspaper. The dale or tlx first publlralloli or thin nutlre la J ml. I. Ii6 G05SE PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant By J. r. Slrang, Ayenl LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply 17 acren. more or ie. to Laai Foreahora In ijueen Charlotte Island Land Re rordlnir I'lstrlrt or Prinre llupert. ano situated t1, nines nest or .Minora nay. skideaate Inlet, and rrontlng on Lot 144 (jm-nt Charlolte Kl.-Iro t. TAkt .viiii.i uui me ii.'- rirninr a Parking- Company. Lid., or Vaorouver B.C.. occupation Salmon Canner. Intend' to apply rir a lejse or the tallowing de scribed Foreshore: Coniinenrltiif at a Isist planted at I tit snuthwett rorner or Lot 144: thene nor therly and easterly followlni? the line or man water mark. 21 main, more or k-m. io me nortnwesi ei.rner or i-ot in thence went i -hatni: thence Xiutheit and westerly, following a line parallel ti t tie line or ntftn water mark. 34 cnain-more " or le; thence eal J rhaln to point or commencement, and containing BRITISH CIII.I MBI FISHING AM' I"ACkl0 COMPANY LTD. per II. Sherwood, Aren' nnted snth April. I tun Specials 3 Hollies Heinz Catsup 95o 4 Hollies Libby's Catsup. .. .95c ,7 Tins Liliby'w Pork lieans 95c 6 Tins Del Monte Itijc Olives 95c 12 Tins Del Monte Pork &. Peans 95c 3 Tins Libby's Asparagus Tips 95a 7 Tins Singapore Sliced Pineapple .95c 6 Tins Peas, Corn or Tomatoes .95c 12 Packages Jelly Powders. . .95c, 12 Pars Palm Olive Soap.. . ,95c 19 Har Great West Soap...95o 19 Ilolls Toilet Paper 95c 2 Doz. Larpc Orange 95c 4 Doz. Small Oranges 95o 3 Large Poxes Matches 95c 6 Lbs. Seedless IlaWns 95c 4 Lbs. Freh Ginger Snaps. .95c !12 Tins Canadian Sardines. . .95c 6 Tins. King Oscar Sardines 95c 2 Lbs. Fresh Ground Coffee 95c We are hcadiiuarterg for all kind of Fresh Fruit. Can guarantee quality and satisfaction. Puy here. B.C. Butchers atnd Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 WATER NOTICE. DUcraion and Uaa. TAkE MMItK that iiinte 1'arkliif Co. Limited, wlioe addle l Jti lluw street. Vancouiirr, B.C.. will apply tur a licence to take and ue Joo.Ouo rallont per da) or water out or a alieam, name unknown, whlrli How northent and drain Into Shannon Bay about l.OU reel aoulhwe!-rly rrom norlliea.t co-ner Uit 4 IS. leate dated April 4, If6. The water wl.l tie diterteil rrom Uie stream at a iint about S00 reel rrom mouth and about 9vu reel west by souih rroiu oulheat cor ner Lot iit, and will be used for cannery , iisien June . isjn. LAND ACT. Notice of Inttnllon to Apply to Leas Land In Laud Recordlnr liistrtct or Prince nupert. and situate at head or Skaat In let, Moresby Island, Ouee.n Charlotte i roup. TAKE NOTICE thai The Canadian Fish Ins; Company. Limited, or Vancouver, or eupati'on Salmon Canncra. intends in anoly for a lease or the follow Inr described land.- Commenclnr at a post planted at head hi rai iniei. it mains . norm or tin n.in.cd Creek; thence west 10 chain thence south 20 chain: thene east 30 chains, more .r less, to shore line: thence northerly roiiowinr snore line lo p.o.C. srxl i-ontalninir 40 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISIIIXO COM PANT LIMITED. Arm leant. Per William Alfred Bower mien inn sneii. T MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF TtHPROVEMtNTS Rlaciirjinnh Mineral .Claim, soslaie In me Ainu' siininr. uiriion:o caslar .District, wlwr ioeated: llo Crster ritk a tributary of Fourltl ot Jul v Creek artJoiiilTiir the Oarrv Owen Mineral Claim on us souineriy side. TAKE MiTICE that I. Peter fi-brlo, rreo Miners Leruriraie no. 70SIO. in tend. slU.v d.ns rrom Ihe dale hereof 10 ai-piy to tne Mininr Recorder ror 1 Cerltricste or Improvements, ror the mir potm or obtalnlnr a Crown Onnl or the suove cisnii. And further take not re Dial action, nnder section !I7. must be commenced before ihe issue of surh Certificate or improvements. Paled this 1st day of June, AH. tttt H. MM. FHASER. , Ajnt, THE DAILY NEWS ,,,,, .. an went Recipes for 16 different Mayonnaise Dressings as well as recipes for Russian, French and Italian Dressings are in Colman's Recipe Book, which we will send you FREE for the asking. And Other Recipes which it contains are for new and attractive ways of preparing Meat and Fish Dishes, Pickles, Chow-Chows and Catsups. They are all worth knowing. Send your name and address and we will mail you a copy. FREE. COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited. Dept. 82 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal (olmarfs Mustard aids X JL digestion. lyn Jtlce, Uke Jackson, Helen Sims, Sidney Klkins, James Don-aldsoiu Commercial Department First Year, Honors George .McLean. First ClassMar Kerr, Willie Murray, Nellie Wilson. Second Class Catherine Ir vine. Lois Meltae. H i Hi Sclierk. Pass per v llmid. Isabella jMatkay. hvelyn Morrison, Sam Murray, Douglas Stalker. Second Ycaf, Honors Petty A nicy. . First Clais-Jeaii Mautl Wyalt. Second Class. Muriel llrewn'-ton, Kathleen Ptilger, Winnifred Hill, Vera Smith. Special Class. First Class -Irene Morrison. .Wire Pillshury, Vingiuia Itiel, Maty Dowlher, Margaret Watson. Special Typing Awards Certificates nrt speed 30-tu words per minute for ib minutes Muriel Jlrvwvrtun. Wituurrnd Hill, Irene Morrison. Alice Pill- ...... V.lli.. It'll-.... M " " ' ' . -. , . . . .M,fcK.?cA i,, im ..aiioeey .lie uerriuel I i. Lot 4 27 shannon Bay, O.C. Island. Ihls iHitlre was iled on the around tm .he fith day or May. ittn. A copy of this notice and an application pursuanl tiereto and to the "Water Act,- will be riled in the orrire or the Water Recorder at 1'rlnce Rupert. B.C. Objections 1 In the application may be riled Willi Hie "aid Walrr Recorder or with the Comptroller or Water Kiytils parliament BullJ-inas. Vlcturu. B.C.. within thirty days after the rtrsl appearance ot this notice in a local newspaier. The date or the rirst publication or tbl notice I Juno I. !. uussc rAi.ki.u i .i. ltd.. Applicant By i. F. Ktrana. Aenl LAND ACT. Nolle, or Intention to Apply to Ltasa Land In Prince Rupert Und Recordlnr Dis trict or Prune Rupert, and situate in the ticltilty or Roue Spit. Uraham Island. Olieen Charlotte District. TVkF. MiTICF. that Unaara Fnhtna k arkinr Comiiauy. Ltnuled. or Victoria. li.c.. ix ctipaUon canner. Intends to apply r ir a less or the rolluwlnr described UlldST-- Comiiwnclni' at a post Planted at the uortheasl corner or Lot X. '411; thence to low water mark: thence tn a north easterly direction two miles: thence south easterly two chains: thence southwesterly two mile to point or commencement, and oniaininr as acres, more or less. LA.NGAIlA FISIIOG c PACkl.lO co. i.n. i Per E. II. Simpson, Agent. Applicant. Fisted June 4. t. LAND ACT. Notlca or Intantlon to Apply to Laat Land In Prince Ruiiert Land Recordlnr Ins irirt or Prime Rupert, and situate at Maosett, n.r.. TAkK MITIi:E that I.usetie II. Slinp-!! or Maell, oci-upatlon canner, In tends to apply for a. lease or the follow In described land:- - 'omiiieniiuir at a planted at the Hiitheast corner or Block 10, Massrlt Townsllei thence easterly ISO reel thence southerly 1.000 rett: thence wes terly ISO reel: tlienee northerly 1,000 reet to rxnnt or commencement, and ron talnlHS 3 acres, ti'trr or less. L11CEE II. SIMPSOV. Applicant. Watson, Maud Wyalt. Yera Smith Hronrc Medals nrt speed words a minute for 1 5 Mary " Dowt her, AVilma Wilson. Silver Medal . net speetl 50-C0 words a niinnt" for IS minutes Petty Arney. Virginia Hicl. " LOSING EXERCISES AT SEAL COVE SCHOOL Excellent Program by Children Is Enjoyed by Parents Closing 'X n-i-c al the Seal Cove school look place this af ternoon when a number of par ents and friends of the pupils were-in attendance lo enjoy the excellent program pi-midcd by the children. The program was as follows: Chorus by the school. Action soiijr MJllish-n-Hye" by Ldith Matter. Jennie Strand, June Gomer and Audrey Viert'fk. He-citation- hy George YierivA. Darrow iouii-r. W, .Murdoch. llriau Parson-., Geb.inl Salher, lloberl Peaeheyy Jimmy Cotussi, Mary Geary, Jnfter Murvold,, Kleanor bieveft, Klhel Moor- Itouse, Hdna llajrshaw, Karu Nishio, lJna strnml, Cilllh Per KUson, .Mary Martin, Alice Gomer and John flatter, Action son? ""Jack and Jill,' Howard Pcale, Norman Sander sou. Holier! Keley utid John Skog. Song-, "Little lllue Uinj" by lean Dalzull. Sfiriia Joflnseii. liatsuo'Bhlkalame, Alice .Gomoz. Jeannie Strand, Kdlth Slevcrt and Linda Field. Choruees- "Peauiy and Music" Grade I. "Daises and Dew- drop," Gtad- IV. All Through the- Nighl." 'innics III. and IV. DR. EDWARDS AGAIN ; HEADSJJRANGE LODGE Re-Elected Grand Master for Bri tish North America at Convention In Ottawa. OTTAWA. jtulTh. lion. Dr J. W. Kilwards'-wa re-elecleif Grand Master of the Orange Lodge of llrilish North America for the third lerrn at the UGlh an nual oeitsioti hero". -. -- . I; . .- TWO HOME RUNS IN SUCCESSION Were Batted Yesterday by Pitcher Knight, of Philadelphia, Against . -. Giants. . Ni:V YOHK, Juno 25. HlK league baseball was featured yes-teniav by two homers in success sion liv Pitcher Knight of Phila delphia in Ihe first ame against the New York Giants. 1 no nrsi Kcnreil two runs and the second Ihrer American League Washington .-, l'hiladelplr.a H-l, New York, 5, Poslon 0. Chicago 9, Cleveland 0. National League Philadelphia. 7-2. 1 New York, 12-;. Piltsburg 3. St. Louis a. called STARTLED BY WHISTLE' LOGGER IS DROWNED Nols Anderson Loses Life at Brittle Point Logging Camp In Toba Inlet AI.EllT HAY. June 25. - Start led when Ihe quilting wlilslle lilt'w ul the Itrillle I'mul logging eanip on WedneI.Ty eenin'i. Ni ls Amlersi'iii, a logger, fell inl- the waler of Toba Inlet and wae 1 1 ro w 1 1 eiT INFANT JAPANESE BURNED TO DEATH Child Loses Life When Home Burns As Other (Member of Family Are Picking Berries. POUT IUMJI ITLAM. June 25. While 11. Ynsbilieia, Japanese rancher, anil all giber members of his hmisehiilif wore in the fields pir'titig tiert'ies. Ills infant son was .iii:tii'.i to death when fire deslrovi'd I Is h"tn( neat here " n 'he) 1a It Xlr, WEEK-END SPECIALS COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 Only Mixing Bowl FREE Willi earli tube of OglUle's Rolled Oats 40o See this special iu oar Sutli SI windows. This is the lug-test altie in a premium deal we have yet offered. Swift's Classic Soap, bars..50o Swift's Classic Cleanser, 3 for 25e Swifl'-i Pride Wasliitv!t Powder, larae parkniie, sperJal 25c Dr. Price's or Hoyal HakliiK fi or. tin , 25c IS or. tin 45o 2 lb. tin $1.65 5 lb. tin $2.85 The nliovo pricex are special for this week end only and we. have reduced Dm price on all sires in order lo clear out our overstock. The stock is fresh, lnu we iae overboimlil. PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Norwcxiaii Hardines, per tin.. 14c Del .Monte Pork and lb-am, per llu Sol by ClilTord Phillips, David (Joary.I IMue Monnels Halad Dressinj or Mayouaisc, small Jars ....20c Laro Jars 40c I'hopnix Cheese, -h pkg. ..25c MacLarcn's Cream or 1'iuienlo Cheese, pet- ,lg i0c Peek Frean's Ilisnilts, in scaled tins Assorled Creams, per tin . .85o Hhorleake, per li n 76o dinned Corn peef. per tin . . .25c Dry Mirimp. per tfii 25o llonelcss Chicken, per liu . . ,50c Kresh Tomatoes, per lb 30o I'resh Tomatoes, pr basket S1.25 (.ueumbers 20o and 25c Head Letluco 10o lladiHhes and "(Jreen Onions, 3 rot- 10o New Green J'eas. 2 lbs. for . .26c funklsl GraiiiueN, 13 for 25o llananas, per doz . . .50c and OOo Terrare Strawberries, 'J for . .35o Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 Friday. Jun6 55 I ft A . 1 V ,R (hinaDepartmeni In Our Basement Store CUPS AND 8AUCERS FANCY DISHES AND Tr. and a few DINNER SETS A 8ET AT ATTRACTIVE PRJCE8 A largo assortment to choose from. W i- to eomo In and look around. It Is our Dleaa.,.. . " . you EYE GLASSES Our Optical Department Is tn wui wayean as v pui i"'ii iv charrjo vildiyu g of m an u optician who has fitted glasses for 27 yean. Na"1 work. Our prices arc reasonable and work dependaKf"" We guarnntoe satisfaction why take chance, you havo the best obtainable In your own city? n Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE DARK ANGEL' i A jwigt fiiil of -pleiiilwir anil ag.im J war and gallantry ImK. ,Miverrnl di ,ti 1 wonderful lecture ift wljirh will he . . fug ni igiiifi. cut s.e tin le. tlirilling . h . hoi-e race Ihrill. There - mi ne wilho, I- it iiit'iiiider-laiidiiig. ji uloiiy or 1 1 1 - r . ner ajMirl T Iiver; Yttiir love will tii- f the "dark angel" hu lileel il. tvum s Meet lieaiililul Vllnva B.snky nin e .lgat'i ' ? Ronald Colman, Vllma Banky, Wyndham Standing, ChtHti Lane, Frank Elliott, Helen Jerome Eddy, Florence Turner, and other. Comedy: "BETWEEN MEALS" AESOP'S FILM FABLES 50c tad S: DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers MTHE DAINTIEST BREAKFA8T FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pslr & Cold Storage Co-, W Prince Rupert, B.C. Father and Son Week Lnftl week we hail n children' week ,f, rpjMiis which w hao hail from lh" "" ',',.-. us In offer oii some inoru liargoin. I"' ' irrnl lo the Dad and the Lad i . Men's While Miimiiiia Shoos, rojr. ii.o. Men's While Canvas Hoots with lonlhf' ' reff, $LB0, salt' Moh'm Liberty Sliuos, is, in in Mack Mack mid mm mow hi"" ' l; 1 from 8.r.uao o 10,00, 10.00.. OMV OHV llr' lr. ""v ""' " ' v ...... I . any sun lor , Men' Oxford, In fllllflH I VIU'H Hi Men's Men's Coltou Coltou Hat hinVkhrowii olid lighi ' llalhiiig hYng Hnil. riViK rcK- K V2.. S- ibO TP. . tafila 00-Hoy's Sweaters, ri'K. $!L7r-sole-Hoy' lldlhliig Soils, up lo sfie ., nl ir. iirsfoiiul on till Children' Underwear lf. ilisrouti't on nil Hoy' Sulla. Cor $13 2.71 J4.JI 0 1.95 Havo you had your shaVo of the bargain? If not, come while our sale l on. Jabour Bros., - j nfl 71 Phone C45 liiiiiHBViHHHaiiiiiiiBiH wmbw ' ...