ypassing lov H bodd i i ' 4 4 . bn OB DD ald 4 | Ml t ++ + ter uM ie { ( 6 6 Kh ir +44 I rp a ee 4 ‘ dark + 4 + rsw re He take Dodd's the kidney s, Norn My Tal action of tds and be Then E Wiuh Sandy + DAILY NEWS COLUMNIST wy ip R d retired jast ‘ fron ive waper Work after 52 years on staff of ( adiar ‘ The 75 i rnali bx $ cr I Rupert 09 to work or f » I I k ; Of Which he ite i par wre Mr. R ond came to Ly New 47 when thi paper bought i opposition Pobureny-Williams Exchange Vows at Presbyterian Church M ‘rriavge VOWS wer, exchanged in a double-ring en ' nt 1 the Presbyterian Church last Tuesday etween Rose-Marie Pobureny and Vernon David Williams of Vancouver. ® rie iusic of a three { W. Poburer 18 Mr. Ale Mit i proposed tt t SS} wa toast to the bride to which the ive her f » » ‘ The be A Ni wast to the whit Br t 4 covered with " * et in and centred : ‘ ee-tier wedding cake oupie ieft on the CNS ' will enay © Gee for their wedding t UG’ Van ver, the bride's be 4 t wa i wine ait, a HoK f in coat and matching tan ac : Ai ‘ Sh wore 4& Wine or- wore t e. On t return x, W ! wi ide in Prince i ie ‘ m CG UW Best man was Mr. Wilf Brule atholi Vomen ‘ Mr. > nd B hents ) ; RP . . . Fleet in Neqgina f f with 7 9 . For onvention REGINA Womer rom all RECEPTION + Canes Will meet here ‘ ; 6 ihe J2nd annual vn as Mar ention of ' Catholic Wom i f Canada and the ' ‘ © 1936 inomeé f h i¢ gm will be H | N ~ The C.W.L. and the Apostolate oO ¥ ame Rural Life in Canada Most h | R John C. Cody, Bishop of na national director of Men to Help | tendin ana nationai aire the league, will preside at a pre- With B rot-town apeabecy wil | aZaar Out-of-town speakers will in- ome he { Re Richard Cush- t ' A bishop of Boston, and ' M Rev. E. Q. Jennings, Bishop : ‘ i \W I Willa ‘ TT oO Licipate pro i di , clude Most Rev ; { } Won k » F. Pocoek, Archbishop of } ‘ the H ‘ pe Most Rev. Francis ‘ i Bishop of Saskatoon H j bing m™ i‘ e Presicie Ish i ; | a H Ottawa and Sec heir | A ri Ottawa ‘ oO kit part: Mr E. G I I Mrs. E. F. Kelly Pp Cy pm , Ky tpe Madeleine Clay, Vic : : . . Grace Caughl Wood . mr NB ‘ ir 1 he pr f i nore int OTTAWA CP) The Bedgian how Soout troop { idate here announced that fre Ctorwes H B offerin i prite ol . ; ial for the ‘ » ar wee without dis oclety ale and dist: : ianalsty, ; of Hav r n BC will be dis ie for Mec ping sic ‘ ’ ted upon a e next meeting, "1 . Father Rayner closed the rove health and livine conditio: eeting with a prayer the Bedgian Congo, BUY A BOX OF FROM THE GYRO CLUB OO el OO Gt SUPPORT THE CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND Jashion Footwear 4 "4 ABOUT TOWN James Matson, wat in aVacouver vakiig treatmen al Shaughnessy Hospital. . . . Ray Love, pioneer of this city and now in Victoria was a vis- itor here reecntly, following a trip to Stewart in connection With the estate of his brother, the late Ernest Love Mr. and Mr WhO have Alex MacKenzie been in Scotiand since eariy summer are expected to ‘eturn to the city within tae CXL tLWO weeks John Mulhern and Norman Campbell will leave this week ior Shaughnessy Hospital in vancouver. Bot are veterans of the First Worla War David Bain, recentiy appointed venaor of the Government Liquor tore here served for fro and 4 Mali yeurs as vendor in Ter ra Mrs, Bain and family will move here when living accom- modation is avaiiable, Mrs. Robert Eby has returned from a six month visit to Eng~ land Mrs. Bertha Scherk ieft Su Gay bight for a vacation trip of two months to Vancouver and J met at Dy her daughter, 1a Lyall and will then taluma, Calif., where She will be icisce resige wilh ir two gmailj daughts Daughters Initiate New Members members wére in- regluiar meeting ters Friday night Misses Sharon ihe Eyolfson and Rita istin Hor Queen Hea- her Brewer presidegq, Members agreed a red : + the Oo assist ne HCh Of the Canadian Blind Satur- wel- for the Heir annuai I tag day lay Two members were 4 DAaCK to the meeting Langridge Joanne and Aima Kunu r gradusé rom Royal Juviiee Ho al on, RN. wh ated I Following thi meeting 4 SO- id Was Heid where a raffle by Mrs King was wor Moorehouse Mr. Alex Mitchell jon pictures he had ts n the banquet hall of a ham donated R, Webber and Mrs. E by Mrs. Norman shriner June 9 Tables Play In Moose Whist The Moose haw nieht day ght whist dris Satu saw nine ables i the action With following wi Wiiliams McCa men’s first; Ted fra. Lillia Rose E. Nielsen vik, second. The poo] pri Mrs. T. H. Pritchar Serving : efreshments were Mr Lacie was won by veteran, is ne / a li a KOREAN STUDENT—Lee Jung Ok, 23-year-old Korean who ery lorces in Korea as an interpreter, arrives in Vv lend the University of British Columbia. He wi ‘ ning course, at the expense of a group of f the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infai ved with him in the Koreain war. With him is Capt. A Fo of Vancouver, a veteran of the PPCLI. (CP PHOTO) readers © Sonja meeting tonight Mrs. Lund’: (it) @ Richard Sephton, District ent Mutual Life of Canada is Mrs. Larsen, Mostad Take Whist Opener } nt “rit ot iday © one of his periodic visits. ieht by tt ns of Norway Primee Rupert Hotel. Pnone 437. ee ana (233) i r won the iadies | @ St. Andrew's Cathedral Con- f Ai Larsen gregationa!l Dinner Thanksgiv- wa e¢ Men's first prize ing Day, Monday, October 13, i John Mostad 1952. Admission by ticket only. wit e Eriksen, second (239) Ker : . ‘ , a y @ NIGHT SCHOOL — English oo : ha ee ea new Canadians begins Tues- : : asic, | 28¥: Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m., Booth Ellen W i Dolly Bent Memorial High School vem ap- en, Mrs. O. Giske. Mr. and Mrs, | Plications for bookkeeping and Fred] K. Dehli, Roy John- seven for typing have been re- ) I 4 rsor eived for Night School: a min- imum of fifteen for each Course RECORD TOTAL is necessary. Those interested f { tor venicle regis- bring some more — Tuesday a ecord of night, Booth Memorial High 872.34 an imcrease School at 7:30 pm. Any other : | 1950 groups welcome (235) l,. Holder and Mrs. F. Good The Whist tournament checuled to start Oct 18 ae . ite 4 ei DUO-THERM Gordon YOU TOO CAN HAVE MONEY TO BURN IF YOU INVESTIGATE THIS !! OllL HEATER VALUE @ Exclusive dual chamber burn- er gives mere heat from every drop of oil, @ Money-saving Waste Stopper Automatic Draft Minder. @ Fully co-ordinated controls, Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms OIL HEATERS From $88.00 & Anderson Ltd. PHONE 46 ‘ : ; i ; CHURC Arctic Grand first visit Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Monday, October 6, 1952 life appeais Minn., that in 1939 Miss Oldenburg says she fell in love first visit with the north on her On that trip she col- lected botany specimens and pre- Mit tip she has been a one-woman ~ botanical] One of Sclence W with the SE TER sented them to the University of inesota On each succeeding expedition. her contributions to as a plant she foucd jong-winded name of chrysospleniumiowanian, This ASONS MIXED SOROUGH, Ont. —<™ all summer, an Easte: y Mrs. Leo McGarrit; produced the end had its fding earlie ur lovely : flowers a’ of Septem Lasiern season HISTORIC FORT Rupert’s House, oldest trading post on Hudson Bay in 1668 was origindlly built and known Fort Charles ITS PART-OF THE FU TO SERVE THE ROTARY MIXED CHORUS will start fall rehearsals . Friday Evening, October 10 at 8 p.m., in the CIVIC CENTRE... If you enjoy group singing you are cordially invited to join us. The so she | Woman Botanist Loves the North JHILL, Man. @ way of much to Margaret Oldenburg of Maris, has come back 10 times since her plant is found in Iowa and has a yellow blossom. That of the Arctic is green. Much of Miss Oldenburg’s col- lecting has been. in uncharted (areas, reached only by plane, Once she was presented with a collection of mounted plants, This she says is typical of the northern way of life—kindness, gel.-rosity and helpfui interest. ° We have built a reputation for iar dealing on CEKTIFIED A test drive of one of the j u.ed cars will ’ most discriminat- i951 FORD FORDOR— two- tone onby 91 ow miles 1950 FORD FORDOR— A well kept car 1947 FORD FORDOR— Very neat . $2100 . $1800 $1200 SPECIAL OFFER One only 1950 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE — Every pos- ible extra, Truly a dieam car. | Freed wight: 99550 Bob Parker Lid. Phone 93 oa con mere Your taste will tell you ARE MILDER Smoke Player's and your taste will tell you what mildness really means ! Player's are made from the costliest Virginia tobaccos, specially selected because they are milder. And Player's freshness brings out all the flavour of these milder tobaccos . . . makes Player's the mildest and best tasting cigarette you can smoke! THE NAME “dohn Player s Sons” ON THE PACKAGE IS YOUR GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CIGARETTE IS FRESH ‘> BUY A PACKAGE IS Smite w a