I'.t, S-iJSBEEr PARADE CONDITION IN . , . " Hriilt. intrnda tu apply to w. &HK Or BOYS BANDi IRELAND VERY " , ". r- l wriioii II, Tp, 4, " ii, i markrd T.i.R.' tiorilicatt , lh, . . , kuuiu n mi-iMr ivo wpcu Mr concert to he1 mill m km m bc i' -.!ir,r!U; Given Saturn- f" 7-. I mULll DDI I Lit ri '' It ' , IE' M J I a- ,ir tin. Ittft. ' H MMKt I'KATTY. HaltLTON LAND DISTRICT. OLtflel of Coaat Range t. tI , i mat. mr otjs ancr IB m...ii, lnljiiil& In tr.t.lti ii. I . f l.andt for t lirmrr Vi" i iT ' aim 1 'i rniii ,f liml. at 't l ami r land, at ' ftlal.. - ""iir ........ .--!" ..-.. ttnw-f Follaima: ;j( pianim mi l-IT t II' ' T . 1 II..- Iil.1l I I, mzilton land district. n.ilrlct ef Coalt ftanae B. Titr voaai nanaa o. !ar . rii r ..... ... . . . , . . 4. a. lirr "l rn ihhi s (, 111. maram T.J.H. nnruiwrtt ulh P rhaint. im-nre thrive iMjflli po rlialnt. 'Iialh. IMi (if i-fj- T',"' an tlh, I9. ,ir y i: mat, aiuy daya ificr T H all) . Iiitrn.it In apply l X :' f Lamia for S firmer !i oal ml tKirnleiiiit m of laiMt. a rnllowa: -... n i -or planted ( the if Srrilon . , 1p. fA. !tr-i markrd TJ.M. a Mmlhreit . iiirit) o riuiri". thrm-r a.'.- inrnrr amiin a rhaint. , ji. .'Mill. In "Mlil of rmn m, j a' -m- lh. tt. f in . MM; ItEtTTY. MIUTON LAND DISTRICT. Dnirld of Coal I Ranee S. ,tr; -i- :"l -at tbat. titty dJ) after Hll. Intrnda n in t j(. if liml fi (Vm.-fi f if i kI im (M-imb-Hili f laiHf. i fnlhi. ri J "I I lUlllnl !)- iiri r Wllnn a, T. fV : mirkrit TJ.M.' mkiIIivmi li' ttU o rlMin, tlterm' lhT IMtHlll rn rlmri.. ' tiiin. In (mini (if mm ii .H JAV,I Ht:TTT. H1IILT0N LAND DISTRICT. D'tVWt f Catt R( S. iU ' : Hut. it ilr aflr Hi an t. intraiM w afHr I f Uiula fr t iKrfira r- ' ..r i-oal and twintimm f und. a tatUrm f .3 i' a fui pI'nlMt al iHr , .. ,f n-inici 7. Tp. t, t i- i nurWrd TJ.R.'t nnrllMvtt "III rhalf. tlimr i itwniv rw-ili rltaitx ... i. . . lum.. i, ptNnl uf rimt i r tlh. I; ii. MM MVM HfUtY. H1JILT0N LAND DISTRICT. Savkt af Coaat Raa S. i imi, aiair oav arit Milt. lnlriui n inAy In ' l.arxl fin .a Urrmt filln a t-" plinlr.1 ai Hi f rii . Tn. I. marknl T.J.Ii.'a WHillwal B -rili rhattu. Him lhmr XMiih riMina, tiaiiia. a. plillit nt nan- i tub. Iff H4IILT0H LAND DISTRICT. Otlrki f0nal tant.- r iiui. !!! ilr afir I Jl" mi.l in al5 mat ami wirntrtitn f uim. a f !- . , , ' i- ."il. .1111 illjw 1 lrl u, Bliiis. Inlrmla to apply ! .. "f Lamia for a llrrnrn lor roal and prlMlrlim i nf land, at followat al a pni i-lantnl ai Ihr rnrr nf Srrlliin it. Tp. I, markrd TJ.H."a oiHhral i ii'iiih pi. i linilli, lllllr - aln4 I lumu . n . . I. mi rh.ln. " ' nnary tin. Jf, JMoMia BrtTTY. MLTON LAND DISTRICT. 'krD'Vr'iLef C" "" XoTirF. mat. aitir data aflrr in ,.. nr"y, Inlrmlt tn apply m iH'0' ."' Pnil for I llrrnrr . f"r n'1 Prlmlrimi tn '"""i 'i. roiinwp:-- nhi .i '" M l"' Mantrd al Ihr ,v, lh'M inarkii. TJ.B.'a nnrihwrali .a r iiiMii in main iiioiirt ''llama ti.nn& . . .i.. "'"I RO rlisiiflti Ifi iMlnr rt Mttii. ,n ni-nt, 4lrJ January gin. fOi. 'JI' JVMEH Pr. VTTT. HiltLTON LAND DISTRICT. TUfDIV,r'c Coaat Ranga B. 1(rK "'" iff I t pltty -nyp Vlnuii.' ''Urmia tn apcly lo i ' .' fnr roal and nrlrolrmn ii'iinn. . . .: -. 7 . . .. iliu .i ' lM,,t pnnun at inn - ,i rift,,. ,lf ini'aa lim,. . uark-Ail vim. . ' - "'l an T.'!1 nor,h "0 rhalna, ihrnrr '. r-al.il ' ' "nin in riHitinriirriliriii, "1 Janiiary am. torn. Jli'MtS- JAMr RFTTT, "AJtLTON LAND DISTRICT. TUp"?,'':! '.oaat .R.ng. B. -rn t j. -. inai. niT nav artrr ..." ' llratlv. Inl.n.U In tnnlv In - ..... ..... ... mil.. . j a..." ' - - uoioro notary concert Al Hip wi-pkly lunrliroii or tlio Itolnry Cluli yi'lcnhiy aricrnonn Wallarv Orclmi-if rvporlfii Unit a Htncrri wan to he put mi for Ilic Jx-nefll of the tHti.ilnl on April 1 1 nini thai wn pluiinci! io nrr i. in ajfM nf land. a nwRtma: t wMMreruia ai a ikmi ptaaii-il at the nnriiirtwi Wrf nt aariiiPii jf. Tn. Rwtr I. aod natrknt T J fi.'a imrttiwrai rvttm. tkrmr uuk MuHmt, Utrtie? i tl riaaiai. liVnrr nurih S rMM4, lhrr t rtMin.. o ( ini rtf rmn UiraiMl jtnum 1 1 in. lift. tJ.2V Mt1 MfMITx- HAZtLTON LAND DISTRICT. Olatrlct ef Ccaat Raitga B. TAat MTli:t thai. Mil) day afft 44 f I. I. J. Hcalli. IhihmI to ai'Hi W Nv UtiM'irr of lan1 f'r a htrnr lo priMfiw-i for nial aw) MiraaXHil ft lu irfM if land. foltowa: mmm '' at a pnl ptanant al Ik MMiHVa! rnrr r ArtfM I. Tp. t. Hanrr '-. and niarkrd TJ.B.'a alal mnwr. ilw, ltrid l i tiiln. Urfiw kmi a rhalaA. lhHin tMiMi K rham. a tint ttUMM at lln 1 tiwrr Ml pu rnaiw. in (whi in nm ilnn . TP I. i. arknl T .ft.' lh'l ntirlh u rltain. Iltrnm 1 llH-nro mhiiIi n main haina In pntnt nf rin 'irt inn. Iff a "M lVf BFATTT "UTOl LARD DISTRICT. 0fkt af Coaat Rana S. ' lhal, Uiv dajra afire , I- auj. inli.l in applt I ' l-atHl for a Hmwr 'r I"!! ami prtrofaum i.f lafwl. aa f..ll -sr ! a fi pUninl at inn ' nf rdlin :. Tp. I. martrit TJ.B.'a imrlhral .Hill rtiaina. IhrfK llirnrr north an rhalna. (Ulna. In pi4nt of rcrnt r Iflh. !. mm., mvm nrTTY. HlItLTON LAND DISTRICT, Diatrlri At . -. . it. It. I WL8 PEATTY. MAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. DiaUlct af Oeaat Raa S. TUK otir: thai mil data aflrt datr i, T. J pram. mirtnl tn apply m tkr Mimatrr of IjiwI tor a firrnra m pnt! I f'r nal and t-rtrulmin otrr l arrr f land. a fnlhiwa: r,wnmnf al a -i plintrd io inllra nktb af Ihr nnrHri mrnrr or I At ft. BaHtr I and inaikrd TJ.n.'a north-ral rortarr. thrm-r aouih n rhain. thrnn rl rkain.. ihi-nri. n.rih rhain. Iltrarr rari aa rpain. ! lMnt or naii-n tir i anal lortl.il Janaar lh. lt. Till i V MMK lll-:TTY r that, iiiit dar afirrj inrnriB ai a imi Miri iij Biaiir, Inirikla M apiir lo nnrlhr.i "irnrr of lot a 'f (an-U for a firrnrr and inarkrd T J.Ii.a a.wl f'ir roal ami nrtmlruin ' - 'if laml. aa follow. a. n i at a ixl plant.' I ai lln ! "Vrr uf M-il.rtl . TP. 4..I 1 niarknl TJ.fl.- norinrl aoiiiii an rnaina. turner ' 11 llit'nrr inrlh n rhaino. liain. in point of rmn " rv llih. lf. TIIOMta JMrt BKTTV. MAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. HAICLTON LAND DISTRICT. Diaulct af Coaat Ranga 6. TU AntltK thai, altiy dajra .aflrr datr I. T. i Brall. Milm4 to applr I Ihr Muuilrr or UMt ror a llrrnrr In pnwprrl for roal and prlrolrnm ,.i.r cm irrrl of land, an follow: iianirn ai iv ann, iianar 4, lliraal rornrr. llirnrr nnrili an rhalna. thrnrr wrat 9 rhaHM. llirnrr nonlh 10 rnainv inriirr ial rhain. to tJnl of rominmrrnirnl. Inraird iannar lh. !. TlinM. JMt. PKTTJ. HAltLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct af Coaat Ranga 8, TtkK MlTirr that, amy iir f"r dair I. T. J, BrallT. Inlwuia t" apjily in llw Mlnltlrr r iJiidt tor a nirnin Ki proaprri for roal ami tirlrulrmn nrrr'sin arrr of land, at rnlli- -Oimmrnrina al a nntl planint two mllrt onih of Ihr norlhwrnl rornrr of l.ol m Hanar . ami inarkrd TJ.fl.'a aouih. tvrt'l niriirr. llirm-r north Hi) rhaint. Ihrorr rati a rhalnt, thrnrr ainilh an rhaint. llHtirr rat rhalna. to kIbI nf nminiriiiriiiriil. I.oralril Jannarj' aih. ISIS. Tlin J.F11!A1T.L HAZILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga B. TUK oTirt: lhal. nitty daya after dair I. T. 1. Rratiy. Inlrnd In apply I" llir MlnMtrr of Limit for llrrnrr V, prulprrl f"r roal in.l prlrnlrmn mrr aio irrra of land, at roll'w; rtihimrnrlnr al J"''.?.'? t"J nnrlhwrti rornrr nf ffllon I J. TP. t A. . IianVr . ind niarknl TJ.n. m.rlhWrtl rornrr. thrnrr umlh i rlialnt tlirnr rati ( rlialn. llirnrr norm HO ihln, Ihrnrr wri t '-haint. lo potnl of roin-inrnrriiirul. An....i i.nii..v lain. man. ' TH'jM H flFATTY. HAZILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ef Coaat Range 8. TAkK . .Vitick . thai. ltty day aflrr . . ... ini.n.l. mnnlv to SK" Vtlnl.lVr "nf" 'Lamt. " fnr a-flrrnri! lo protprrt for roal nd vrlrolrum nvrrHO irrra of land. . f"H""; Coininrnrinr al a Pi planlrd at II iinriliratt rornrr nf srriinn It. Tp. , nanrr , and markrd T.J.H." nnrihntt I. iiu.nn ...mh aft rhaint. llirnrr dair I. T. J. Ilraliy. Inlrmlt tn ipP'T ro the Mnlttrr of l.in.1 ror llrrnre I. piV'tprrl ror mat ind prlrnlriim nJrr'W irrra or linn. .'''IV'Tn' Oanliirnrniir ai a l"" ""' " rhain aonlh nr that milhwrt rnrnrr nr . !.:.. .. to n nanrr a. and maiki'd nv ?VItt for. roal and t.rlrnlr.im! TJ.Ii.'a .nnriumtl , .. "rnrr pol. I ,,.., nrnrr "lhiii.,.r"r ni lann. at rnl low: am in rn riinm". i ... ... ni.... . . . - l I nn.r nl.ir.t,..i i, ih Ihrnrr mirth ill rhaint inrnrr r.i , Vn',,t l 11 " ''in, -..-......I . .. .... 'h.arkrdnrnT'r, ..'T "' Mi llanVn H.lrhaln. tn P"ll tfXXFlwui nnJ. .V 'V " "nrlhrait rornrr,' l nralnl our '"i',1. "p aVJlTr j.rlw nmi. M 7th ana Sin of Janii- nmU "'iln. ihrnrr wrt in hlahi, hnwrrn llir .1 "n shtin. ...'.'.. rutin, mrm-fii try i ..... nun nrtTTV J.ry'aV ".nwmrni. -y- Berr; bride inu;A5 JAME3 DEATTT. NlUcr, LIKI kiiu'jn. Settlement of Boundary Dispute tlshers (n Period of Friendliness on Both Sfdes . UNION IS POSSIBLE Cordial Relations Between Dub- w iiwihuiviii wcmvgu w u b hn n ban. , pan Im pi-vioi,,? I n ,nd Belfa8l wlth.London: Sa lunlay ..vi.R wll, a group f j Pollce Force Reuced ii iM-i ni'uiTK on me oirool In I mkf n niurli money n podllil( for I lie worthy purpose. Th haml will ui a fonicrl on Uif lri'ol a I (Tial linio. Kolnni'l Mi-Mor.llf ia offirisl cvcral prlxM In (lie Imy olin(r moot tirkrU for I ho wricprf. II U tippefii In fill lho lliciilrp In overflow iii(r parlly on nrrnunt of I ho oxrolloiu'o of I ho porfonn LONDON. Mar. 19.- Tho no.v Iriuli llniiiiilary Ajtn-onionl lia tiln'i-pi in a now ora. rliararlor-io fiy I lie fi'i-iwlliniiaH anil rn opi'Kition oliown-liy Ihc Iwn frinn vovfriinu-iiU In rolalioim wllli npli nllii'r aixj llio Imperial (I-ili-In.'i al LriHilou. Thift waii tii rnriMniiM nf a ranvH hy Tlie Aoeialeil I-tatfa ...M. i, i, ,,roM.iMi ioflle flf ll.n l.nl. r.f lh l...l.ir I ami partly horniiMO of ll.o poo.l . ,tj.,r.,, ,.,,.,. ., ,,,,, raiwo f... whirh II i- p..i on. -)i(iP4 flf ,, .i..ie- .,.,. nf CHINESE INDUSTRY RUINED BY BOBBED HAIR LARGE NUMBERS whom utoii HjmJio liopefully of the iiroMMelh of evnnliial union nf nil IrelatuL' Tin ajfrronwnl ha loen in npenillon nearly three mouth. Cosgrave I'rfAiilenl William T. OnRrnv I'l'KfX. Mareh Id. A n re-jnf Ihe Free Slate Cahinel ail: .ii of l he popularity nf holihei; am well ntlUfied wilh Hie re- Imir wild wenterti wotnon. IrtJnO ml nf K, ton f'liinene women formerly enrnirril In inuklnc nf hair nil if Ihe , limloii Airreemenl ami wilh Hie friendly relulioiif. belween Hie povernmrnl which neU In r.h e fo.1 are ilepenlenl nn'il IRi. farllilateil. The reiilt he rharily. The fitrureo ere matle knnwn hy John le. rnmplrnller of a lelejrraph rnmpany in China. HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Diatrki of CK Raflfa S. TALK MTlrl; Thai, uiir ttM aftrr dalr I. T. I. Krall). inHmt lu aw4 In in tJiMaivr uf l.i rr hmw in pnMtrr rf mat ami twiraamm It'en heneflerttl nil nrniiiliL' In Helfuil.' Sir Jamen Craajr. I'reinier nf I lie UNler govern-menl, while eureflilly avoiding ireferenre In the niinit)Ifly nf union. lre"iei Hie rooperaiivr apeel uf Ilielr new relalintu. He r.iarorlerieil Iheni n "Iwd iipitrtrlmr who ore frlemlly, who wii In ofiltite enrli oilier ami MiUft effeel eennnnife." Neighbors "North ami Suulli Irelnml inn' Ihe losrlliiT a netehliorn," xahl Hie I l-ler leailer. ''Hnlli ailmiti-iKlrntinna rnul turn llirir miml fruin lhne mailer whirh have ilivfiletl Hit'in in Hie pal ami entirenlrale on affair thai really efTerl Ihe welfare nf (he people, in Dial Hie whole uf Irclaml, ami mil one pari alone, may he pro peroif." trilinal Palrirk O'Donnell. ,rehliihnp uf Armagh, saw n pro a pei-1 f union. "II teem li me reji.iumlile In Infer thai the Miree whirh Hit' Northern Ouv-ernnieul ha hull over Hie liouii'J- ry niieliifn nmt Ihe K.tlisfiirlinn reiillinn Iherefrnm, will leure a ilil,iliiin in which Ihe Northern rnioiil! may mure reailily etm- iiler the u.lvantaje nf Irirli iinlly later on." lie ileelureil. Hopes of Union Ami .ln-fph Devlin, leaitor nf the l Ulei- Nalinnali'.U. that parly HAXILTOPJ LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ef Coaat Ranaa B. TaAL Millirc ttut. alily iUy iflrr .lair I. T. J. Bratly. Inlrnd apply in llir Mini.irr or umi inr a iirrr.rc In pnitTl lor roal and prlrnlruin vrr llw arrra of laml. at follow:- i.mmnrnrlnir it a ml planlrd at thr MKilliMrnl i-ornrr, Srrllon I. Tp. V, llanpr I. and markril T.J.II.'t KHilhwrM rornrr, I tuner north P rhain. Ihrnre at pO rlialnt, llirnrr aonth 0 rlialn-, llH-nrr arrtl Itf rliamt. to point of nmi-nuiirrinrnl. I.oritrd Jamiary th. lot. THUM jy HMKH BfCATTY. HAltLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga 8, TALK MiTirK. thai, rltlv daya.if ilair I. T. J. Hrally, Inirtidt to apply thr Mlniairr nf fanda for a llw In prwprri for roal and prlrolrutn o-rr Kin arrrp or lamt, a follow: Cnmmrnrlnr at a imtt planlrd two mllrt unlit or Ihr nnrthwrti rornrr or l.oi Pf.fi. lunar S. and markrd T.J R.'t ton Hi-ratt rornrr. llirnrr norm (l rhalna ihrnrr wrt fo i-liatn. Ihrnrr rotilh PO i ha In. Ihrnrr rati 0 rhaint. to point of niiiimrnrrnirnl. Ixraird January Pth. Itrd. TtinMv JAMK BFVTTY. HAZtLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ef Coaat Range B. TAKK MiTtn: that, altlr days aflrr dair I. T. J. Iiralty, Intrmlt in apply In Ihr Mlnltlrr nr Land for a llrrnr tn pmtprrl fnr. roal and prlmlrtint mrr ntn arrra nf land, at follow:--Commrnrlnir at i twt plintrd it the norlhnrtl rornrr nf Lot Sflil, Itanar S, and inarkrd T.J.R.'a oiiihwrtt rnrnrr. iMrurr nnrlh HO' rhalna. ihrtirr rant ail rhain. Ihrnrr aniilh ill rhaint. Ihrnrr nrt SO rhaint. in point cf ronmirnrr llirnt. I.nralrd January ith. tn. TltoHH JtMFS "RATTY, TAkt: MITICK that, fitly daya aflrr dair I. T. J. lira I IV. Inlrnd tn apply In Ihr Mlnlttrr of Limit fnr i llrrjtre lo protprri ror roal ind prtrolrnm nvrr AIO arrra of land, at follow: ,h.n.. north an rhaint.' nmnlnrnrlnc r.oininrnrini at at a a pnai N,t pimirii at inr thrnrr iat po' rhaint, In point or mm- aniitliwrai rnrnrr of Srrilon 17. Tp. I. ..nrami.nt ' font , and markrd T.J.B.' pnulhwrtl Uirairil i .irliril Jam January itry I i tlh. It. rornrr. Ihrnrr norm n rhaint. thrnrr j alMEi IIFUTY, rati an rhithii, Ihrhrn onlh n rhain. -' inrnrr wru an rnaint, to point nr rnm uaZELTON LAND DISTRICT. ini'tirrinrnt. , Lnralnl January 1 1 III. mil. Dlalrlct.ef Coaat Range B. . TUQMis ItVK nMTTY, Tivr mitick mat. pitty nay HAZtLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ef Coaat Range B. HAZtLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlet af Ceaal Ranee B. TUI' MTiri- tlil altlv ilavt fl.f dair , T. J, Pretty. Inlrmlt in apply tn thr Mlniairr nf l.andt for a llrrnre lo prmprrt for roal and prlrnlriim nyrr Am arrra of land. a, follow! coinnirnrina; at a roi i an rd two in M pntnli of Ihr nirilrwrt rornrr nf l.nt Iftl, lunar , and markrd T.J.R.'a norlhwrtl rornrr, llirnrr aouih 10 rhain. Ihrnre ral ml rhai'n, thrnrr north ill rhaint, inrnrr orj. an rnain. in pnini ni rnm Inrnrrmrnt. Loraied Jinnary llli. 'Ilia. THOMAS JAMES BEATTY. CenjzkLA4 ryyu tUjXyv -AjUU in Ihe Nnrlh which lmpe for the union of till Irelnml, InM In fol-loweM:""!'!!!' prnpej- way tohriiu ahoiil uniily in mil hy fililin? f6r it. IMxier raiiont ie enerciil into iiiijly wilh Ihe re?! of Ire- aulliiirif.il ivi' niiTiiimr oil hoth ide of I He Imriler hnwed a pre- valenf helief I lint wfial haii hap-pemn ill Ireland i-an fM'-l lie il-tuljnfpir hy twit f'eliruane. a onfra! uf Hie rpfcifnig peace .villi Ihe lerrihle day of vvheu tin inanV life seemed safe nn either xide nf tlie dipnted Imnlor. In Fehniary, lit?.', Ihe CMcr. htirder wait lllerally ringed wilh itleel; lhoiiand of I i- ster special police were mohil- ized; raoler from. Hie xoiith had penetrated L'ller and nelzei: h(ilHge; Ireland xiuith nf the (order was a r.ealed' Imnk to lhne who lived in Ulster. Political Prisoners Krhrtiary. 102ft, found norma! and cordial' relalintl tirlween Duhlin ami l!rlfal, ami with Uuidon. Sir JatitttR llrarjr's nd- vice, that Nnrlh ami South should lurn Ifiefr inimk fruin those mailer wlift'li have iliiided tiiem. is heiilg fnlloweil. The Nnrlh ha- redied if citlly police force. rhere ha lieeit a peedy r-- Iene nf poHlMMl prisntters.. Th. London Aprepmeiit. hf ahnhVlf-Ing the. ahoriive Jinuimit nf Ire- lamt. whirh was imxt irksrime tn I'lsler. ha aiilislii tiled friendly run pe rat Kin. PAY ALIMONY That Will be the New Order or Things In Chicago Under Revised System CIIICAOO. III.. March 10. Pay nr git lo jail will he (he rule nr nu alimony luironu planned hen? I j aid divorcees collee,! fo.ODO.-nil). due them annually. The Ini-reau in rlticago, the. first large city In enter Ihe iuine4s,Avill be nffilinleil wilh tfm social service, bureau and will prnviiWn complete service lo force payment dodging hushamls In comply wilh entirl orders awarding 'alimony" nr tu explain why they should not so In Jail. Superior Judge Joseph Sahalh has announced, The Jiulae. who proposed the plan, stated tlie county hnarvj would bo asked' for an appropriation to nieel hi- exptjnses of ' Ihe new hirenh:, o ,' - 'llnllerili KJUritwe. t ktalf.4 nlfnr-ney, .said he wnuld support Ihe movement by providing a prnse-rutnr lo lake charge of all cases itrisn from rallure tn pay Orders Disobeyed "F.very day, I am confronted by n number ir wnmen who enm-pluln Hint their former husbands have failed In rnmply wilh Ihe alimony orders of the cniirl." said Judge Sahalh. "They have Her Liver Was Bad And She Felt, Tired and Depressed Mr. St. f!efrrt,0roMW-rnlrr, Sitak-writes: l waa crratly dMurtied with palm In my liver, and frit tired auj ttrprraaed moat of the time. Out day I read about Milburn's ReaPiaP and the next time I went to town I bought four vials of tbent. 1 have uaed them rrfularlr. and after two niontha' ue I feul like aa entirely different woman. f Now, I ilwnyi rpcotmnrnd them to any of my frleuJi who art troubled ai I wai." I There's only otis "tiAjaMrer nil", and that's the one put nn, for the paat 32 yr ara; by The T. UUbura Oa, limited, TenwW, OaU j)een forced lo hire lawyers to se that they are given the nuppon money they are entitled tn for Ihe Keep of theii)eles ami Iheir imlldre n. Often, tlieyre employed mid are in danger of losing laml lay foin. ''uf only rearrlli'ir poitinn hecaue of union ean he hrnughf nlmul hn freiiency of court hearing allowing Hie ofil iilfiln.'t In ili and hy depending len upon ,hih-liolelh ami mnfe" on cliarily and goiid will." A Mirvoy of official mid oilier the "Tim new liureau will do away with all that. ThnluishamU will be ordered In pay their alimony to the officers appointed hy the coiiiily. The bureau will tsep.il the nmn'ey to Hie wives, paying them perhaps through hanks In Iheir neiphliorhood. "IT Hie hushamls f.ail tn pay, they will be haled into court hy Ihe special assistant slate' at-Inrney and asked why I hey have fallen behind. Lack nf satisfactory excuse will semi Ihem tu jail." PRISON GATE" GROUP FORMED Winnipeg Forms Organization Composed Partly of Ex-convicts to Help Those Discharged WINNII'KO. .March 19. Aim ing al the reclamation of former prison inmates, an organization n he known as the .'Prison Oate Assneialiuir," was receiilly form- ed here, al Uie instance of T. 0. "ool. organlrer nf the Western I'rlznn league. An advisory council was appointeil, consist ins nf a number of churchmen and social worker.. A small group of former convicts enrol led a members. In urging Hie public" lo support the movement,' Mr. Wood do laird lhal punishment -started when a person left prison. "It I CiQ TO POTCAIM' noT ,,y ''''"l" individual Ull 11 F A!uUilU'o', hark jail." he said. "II is as much a crime as robbery, lo Torre these uiiforlunates bark IkjIiiiiiI prison bars. I here arp as good men in jail as out of It, 'ml those who have once, run foul uf the law and been branded with the stigma nf prison sen lencc. have nnl much of chance to reestablish themselves. "Give the ex-ennvirt n chance," fie ilrged. .Mr. Wnod added thai Hie general public va inclined tn sidetrack. ils.responsibililies and werp loalhe lo kgnore Ihe ideas or thoe who sought In go rich!. F.ffnrls will lie made In. organ ize similar lindies in other cities of the Canadian Wesl. GODDESS APPEARS IN HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Her Arrival Usually Presages a New Flow of Lava or an Eruption or the Volcano KUauea HONOLl Ll. March 18. Pele, goddes or fire, who in Hawaiian mythology control Kilatieit volcano Mi this island, has been 'seen Uvice of lale, say believers in Ihc .superstition. Many are the Hawaiian who think Ihe "nppenrance" of llu I goddess presages a lava flow or eruption and i mean! as a warn ing. Kilauea has been inactive i since lale spring of 1021. i lkrhro the voleatiic nutlreaks iuf 1007. 1010, mid 1010 u a uni dentified old woman, presumably Pele, wa., supposed lo have, been irhrnad ami the eruptions due In her influence. Is Old Woman An aura Jiehlml the reappeari ancc uf the fateful goddess has been eonslmefeil In Ihe 'tale.1 "now being told by, the millves. A Jap anese was driving? In Hie Kona district when he noticed an old woman silting by Ihe side of Ihe rnnd. As he passed her llu engine uf his machine slopped and he was unable tn start it. A second, third and fourth autn-mnblle came ,up and likewise slopped. The driver of the. fourth car, liowpver, was more pollto nml olTermt Hie. pltb'flj' Ph'attirr H tUt She accepted, climbing Into the sck seal. Tfien vrllhnnt diffi tilly the driver wat able lo slarf his engine and he passed Ihr nlher cars which soon thereafler werff aldi tn move again. A Jil-IJc later Ihe fmlile driver iHrnnl in his seat lo speak lo his pas senger but the car was empty. I'h ii a do Ihe mi lives fjml por- rnliallnn for the repnrled first appearance of Pole. DESTROYING DOCTRINE WORK IS UNDIGNIFIED Turkish Women as Well as Men Taking to Labor Because of Dislike of Idleness GONSTANTINOPLK, Mrtrch 111. -Turkish society wonM'ii by Hieir own example- are; helping In destroy Ihe doctrine of the old Turkey that toil is undignified. I'nder Hie Km pi re work was con sidered degrading fnr men of nod family and unthinkable fur wnmen. Wilh Hie abolition of govern men! sinecures under Hie- repnb lie, and the los of fortunes-after the recenl chain of wars, many Turks of pond family have been forced In set to work. Morenver, snch is the changed spirit of the time, lhal many more .particularly anions: the wnmen have taken jobs not because of finan cial nerd, but through a grow ing distaste for idleness. SOVIET ILLITERACY RAPIDLY DECREASING Efforts Being Mads to Educate the People of Russia Since Present Group In Power ilfSUOW. Mar. 10. The rate t illiteracy in Hie Soviet Union has decreased from JHiTper 1,000 tu 375 within the last .six year, acenrdirvr lo figures just pub lished by Ihe Oimmissariat of Kdiirnliou. The; Commissariat announces that 8,000,000 illiterates have received Ihe rudiments of education in that period. Ilieoviet gnvernmcnt now mainlaiiis 10,000 centres fnr the eradication of illiteracy, while Ihe Society for Hie Suppressiop. of lllilenlcy lias enrolled 1,700,-000 members. During the lasl year ll.OOfi.onn primers in the native languages nf 03 different races were published, while nmre than 5,000 persons were quali fied as special teachers fnr the unu-lliissian peoples in the So viet Union. ALL NEW DANCES WERE SUBJECT OF PROTEST POLKAHQCKED QUEEN Kdmnhtoii Journal One of the stago directors al the Metropolitan opera house, New York, has been seeking an explanation of why certain ilanres attain such wide popular ity, lie fiml that every time a new one has been taken up al all widely, it has met with fierce dc itiinciatfon and hits flourished all Hie more on this account. The Charlestnn, he says, is bavin exactly the same experience as the polka, Hie tango, the fox-trot and (he shimmy. H.I hard for the, present gen era Hon to believe, that strong objections wore once rnisnf to the polka, but the records of few decades ago show that much the samo language was used in risgard to il as is applied o those 'which have now n many devo tee,. How much Queen Victoria wiis shocked by it was recalled In a song, in it recenl musical coins edy. Whal Is likely lo do more than denunciation lo iliscourruge some of Ihe present day dance is such a picture ft lhal which wo saw in Kilinnnfnn llils wi-elc. One-could nut witness Ihe (erpslctinrean effort' of the African tribesmen who welenmed tlie Vrince of Wale ami not recngrilzo How III He- Iher illffereff from thosf which we constantly see here -.mm CANCELLATION Of RESCRVB.- XOTICK IS HKBEBY filVE.I that thr r.rnrrr- eilttlna; orrr rjplrrd Tlmhrf l.irrnre o. I(i8, pllualrd on put Uland, Kanpr I, Osj.t Iilstrirt, It ranrrlled. U. II. MAtiE.V, nrpnir vlnisirr .l l.andt. WATER NOTICE. Dltaralon and Uee TAliE XOTICK thai Sortb l'arifl ForftU and Mlnra Ltd, whose addrr.ta la Silt rrmbrrton Hullillna, Vlrturt. B.C.. will apply ror a lirrnrr in lake and utr 3U ruhlr frrl irr aerond of wairr oul of Kaaan r.rrrk- whirh riowa poiithcrly and drain Into Slatr r.hurk Crrrk about one and unr half mllrt from Ita mouth. Thr w'airr will !r dlyrrtrd frnm llw tirranr at a nnl ibnut line half mllr northwrttrrly frnm thr anuihratt rornrr of iSrr. J3, Tp. t. ind will be usnt ror Domrrtlr, vinlna, Power, Strain. Industrial purposr upon Ihr land drurrlbed at pari of Township t and 4, Crahaiii Island. Ik-Id at Coal l.lrrnrrs or lrar by appllrant. Thla nollrr wat pnttrd on Ihe irmnnd cm Ihr J7lh day ol Frhruary, A ropy of Ihlt mdire and an appllrailon puniiani tltrrrto and to the 'Watrr rr will be fllrd In the f.rrirr or Ihr Watrr nrrorder al Prlnre Ruprrt, B.C. obj.rlKin lo the appllrailon may be rilrd with thr taiii Walrr Rrrnrdrr or with the nomptmllrr or Watrr HUrhi, Parliament Bulldlrtir.' Vlrtorla. BX.. wilhln thirty day arirr thr rirst appraranrr of tills millrr in a loral urwsiia(irr. The dair or Uir flf it put.llration of Ihlt nollrr I Sarrli 4th. tut. VOIITII PAOnC FORESTS A.Mi MIXES; LTO.. Appllrant. B,y Harold E. Whrtr. Arent. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Notice to Contractor Terrace Lock-up SEAI.EII TE.MiEHS. rndorsrd "Trmlrt for Addition lo Trrrare Un-k-iip," will lie rrrrlvrd by Ihr Honourable thr Mlnlstrr .r I'Ubllr Work up to It o'rlmk Durni if Tursilay. the thirlirib day or .Mani. IJ1, for thr addition and allrratlon lo ihr Lork-up at Trrrarr In Ihr KU-rtorat filslrlrt or I'rlnrr linirt. B.C. I'laiia, Sprrlflrptlon, Omlrarl. and .' Forms of Irndrr may be n-rn on iml after Ihr Klh day of Marrh, 9j, ami furthrr Inforniallun obtainrd- at the Lr-parlmrnt or Publir WTirks Parllamrnt Kiilktinr and al thr followina; i.rrires: 'larrnimrnt Arrntt al Prlnre Rupert anil . -nilihrrs ami the Protinrial Poller fifriiT at Trrrarr. Coplr or plana, r-prrlftra-lion, etr., ran be obtained fninr the Or- ' inrtimnt on aymenl of a deioit of Ten lN.llar (ato.oui wliirtt will be reriindnl m rrliim of thr plan, nr.. In imod.rnn-ditlon. ..i The lowest or any trndrr not nrrra-sarlly arrrpted. P. PIIIUP, Deputy MinMrr and . Public Work Enmuir. Iirnariiiient or Puhllr Works, i'arllanimt Rnlldinr, Vlriorra. B.C. WATER NOTICE. Dltaralon and Uae TABE SUTICE that orth parifie Forratt and Mine ltd, whose add res U sal rnibrrton Huihnnr. VlrlorU. B.C. will- apply ror a lir-nre to take and use Sn ruble reel per nerond or wairr out . nr Slatr Cburk Crrrk. whirh riowa MiiuhraM- rrljr, and drain Into Karan Bay. alxnit I mllr wral ef Line Island, Skldrgatr Inlet. The walrr wilt br dlTrrtrd from the atrrani at a point about thrrr-qnartrr of a nine minnwraieny rn.ni inr poutnrasi rornrr or Ser. IS, Tp. S, and will br- used ror iKuneMlr. Minlnr, Powrr, si. am. Industrial purose upon thr land drsrribed at na 01 Townsntp t and I, uransro isianti. netd at Mail Lirrnrea or i.ases- oy applicant, Thla nollrr was poatrd on the rn.iino on inr 7in aay nt trnniary. tvje. .a copy in mis non re mm an appllrailon pursuant Ihr rein ami to thr "Walrr ri" wlll lir fllrd In the orricr nf the.' Watrr Rrrordrr at Prim-e Runrrl.- BClT Objection lo the anptiralion may be riled. wita inr siio wairr itrrornrr or wnn inr ''nmptmller or Water niRht. Parliament nulldtna. Vlrtorla. B.C.. wilhln thirty dayp- rier the rirst appearanre or thl nollrr In a loral nrwspairr. Thr datetor me nrsi piiDiiraiion or ini.t nniirr it Marrh 4ih. I16. SORTH PACIFIC FOP.ESTS WD MIIES LTD.. Appllrant. By Harold E. Whyte. ArntT WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAGE . TALE NOTICE that Lot Anrrtra Lum ber Product Company, whose addrrs Is rv. aiessr. unner A i.aniilon, lloaers Bldt Vanrouyrr. B.C also Boy "C Sao re.tro. California, t'.S.A., will apply for a llrrnre- lo lake and ue iOO ruble feet per second, and la More 71 thousand '-arrr frrt or watrr nut nf Aln Illrrr. whirh flows southerly and .train tnt.r Mastrt Inlet, about oor half mllr raslrrlt rroin Burklry Bay. The Mnraar-daiii will be loraied al Ihr nutlet nr Aln Lakr or al a point brlnw Ihe paid ouilrt to br determined artrr surrry are made. The raparlty or the; rrrrolr lo be rrratrd 'lt about "i thontand acre reel and It will rhuid about 3.nn arret nf land. Thr-water will be diverted from the stream al a point about the location . or the storaar-dam, namely thr nutlet of Aln I akc. iml wilt br sl ror. pnwrr ami lit-dnstrlal purposr npnn the Und detrribeil a lxl I IX, Qurrn Charlotte Island ni-Irlrl. This millrr nil posted on Ihr . around on Ihe nth day of February. I. ropy or this nollrr and in appllrailon pursuant thereto and to thr "W'airr Art. 1914." will be Med In the offlre nf thr VTater nrrnrdrr al I'rlnrr Runrrl. B.C. The dair .r Ihr rirti puhUra'Rm of thlt not I re It Frhmary 3. tti. I.US Ar.EI.ES LUMBER PBnOUCTS COMPANY, Appllrant. , By K. Heanhy. Aayntj FORM F. Notke ef Application for Certificate Of Imarotementa "Sight" Mineral Claim Situate in ihr prince Rupert Mlnlmr nivi.sion of the Skeena Dislrlrt. Where loraied: Sear Ihe head or KIHumkalum Lake. Lawrul bolder: Swan Dalln. milter of holder's Free Mlner'a Certlflrate. SP007C. TAKE notice that I, Swan pallru Free Miner's Certificate No, 88907C, Inlrnd at Ihr end of alttv davt from Ihr date hereof, m apply- tit the Minlna Rrcnnler ror ai irrlinralr of Imnmvrnirntt for Ihe mirpoe nf ohtalnint a Crown Orant of ine.nwve rtaim. Aim rnrinrr taie noure lhat artUm. under srrilon Si . of Ihe "Mineral AN." mutt be eommenrett before the rpnanee of ph- Crrllflrale of IniDrnTementt. Paled this ttrrt da nr February. m. SWAN nM.IX..Ownrr. By R. T. Kenh. ArenC NOTICE. I.'V THE V (TTF.n nf In annllratinn fnr Ihr bsur nf a provltlonal Crrtlflralr of Title ror I.o thirly-rtve &, Blmk Iwenty-two (i. Section alt (ft), Cliy or Prlnr Rnprrt. In Ihr I'rnvinrr of British Columbia. fMJp 3I. Halltrariory pmc.r of the lokt of the Certlflrate or Title royrrlnt Ihe above land havlnir been prmluceil to, me. It It my Intenimn tn i'iie, itlrr ifie eiplri-Hon or one month rrom the rirat puhll-rallfili hrrrnf. a Prmltriinal Crrtiricate of. Tine- in Ihe atxivd ian.1 in Ihe name or PETER FnFITOSi the nrltmsl rern'fM rate or Title l d4led Ihe 7lh ir Jlovrm-lirr, 117. and It mimbrrrd 174(1. x Liml Rraltify orrice, prlnre Rinwrl, . H.C., Marrh Sth, 1. . ii. r: Mirt.rnn, Reiltirar of Title. HAZtLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ef Coaat Ranaa . r. TAIE NOTICE thai, alily daya aflrr dair f. T. J. Realty. Inlrnd tn apply In the Mlniairr of Land fnr a llrrnre an prosper! for roal and pelrole.uin over niii arrea wi or land, iinu, a a . . roiifiwPT follewtr lumiiiifiirinr ai a oitthwesi comer r -a loi pl.tnte al Ihe nf smlon l. Tir. I A, r.J.B.'a Mnunwrsi lunar s, and marke yiarkrd rornrr. Ilwnre north S rhain. thrnrr east to chain. Ihrnrr anuih HO chain". Ihrnre wri SO flialnt, to point of rom-menermrnt. Located January 1 tlh, ml. THOMAS JAVU BEATTT.