PAGE FOUR -THE DAILY NEWS CONCERTWAS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM f iVt GOT TO HIT r v, ,1 f WT-W TVie MITT3 OQ TtlT Iff am A O'AMOMD fjjl, ' VJ,1 I f THAT'S REAL TREAT OVBH I DlW"r tlai. . . . rr rm u &w. g c zi i v 1 11 fur- g 1 1 lit fmm ' i 1 hoys nM axi otiiek artists IIEAKH TO AHVANTAI1E IN SAL VATIOX ARMV CITADEL r The first of a series of concerts that win be given during the coming winter by the Boys' Band took place tn the Salvation Army citadel last night ami was a big success in every way. T boys excelled themselves and then orchestra composed of five violins, twt mandolins and plana which assisted the Band made a pleasing variation. The mandolin duets by the Bussanlch . brothers were well received. Mrs. J. J Muldoon was in fine voice in her sole "Out of the Dusk." and gave an encore "Danny Boy." J. S. Wilson made a hi. In his solo" Phil the Fulter's Ball" and responded to an encore with "lliki Wheeian's Automobile." The panlsts were Miss Blanche Curtiu and Mrs. C. E. Cullin. ' The hall was filled to capacity and the audience showed enthusiastic appreciation of the entertainment which was a real musical treat. J. J. Dort and W. D. Vance were at the door and the program, which -was in charge 01 Bandmaster Wilson, was as follows: , March The Zouaves" (Al. Hayes) Band. Waltr-Flower Queen" (HeldtLBand Selection Slnfonla" fA. N. Other? Orchestra. Mandolin Duet Selected, Bussanlch Bros. March "Car (Noel), Band. Song "Out of the Dusk." Mrs. J. J. Muldoon. Walto -Pond UUles" (Will Hull) Orchestra. March "American Soldier" (Hayes). Band. Mandolin Duet Selected, Bussanlch Bros. Selection "Gibralter" (Hayes). Band. 8ong Phll the Fluter's Ball," J. S Wilson. Selection "Alamo" (Hull), Orchestra March "The Matinee." (A. N, Other l Band. Novelty "Dance of the Teddy .Bears,' (Heldt), Band. March "Stanley. (Noel), Band. "God Save the King" MANSON CHECKS UP ON LOAN SOCIETIES ATTORNEY GENERAL SAYS NEED Ol' MTERVIslON WHICH HE WILL ASK POWER TO CS1VE VICTORIA, Nov. 4. Legislation designed to give his department greater supervision- over the operations of investment and loan societies carrying on business in British Columbia is now being considered by Hon. A. M. Man- son. Attorney-General, and in all likelihood a bill will be brought down at the forthcoming session of the Provincial Legislature. Within the last year a number of Investment and loan societies have been Incorporated under the Investment and Loan Societies' Act cr registered under the Companies Act, and now have salesmen scattered throughout the Province , seiling stock in such companies. Some of these new concerns, it . has), been brought to the attention of the Attorney-General, are using "high-powered" .aales, methods, tainted with t misrepresentation and already numerous Inquiries and some complaints have reached the Attorney-General's Department concerning the methods of these agents. LEC.ISLATION LACKINO At present there is lacking any legis lation by which the Attorney-Oeneral'a Departnfent can adequately .supervise these concern, it is explained. Discussing the matter reecntly. Mr. Manson stated -that while there was no doubt that some of these concerns -are legitimate, the principals of which are responsible, men and well-known in the . business world of the Province, there is equally no doubt that others now operating are not substantial. Some concerns, through their sales agents, have announced that they have but up I substantial deposit with the Govern ment as a guarantee of their bona fides when, as a matter of lact. no such deposit has been put up or is required i by the law to be put up and the methods adopted in the sale of stock border on the dishonest. MAY CAl'frE LOSSES i(Mr. Manson stated that he has for some time past been carefully checking up these concerns, and while he has no desire whatever to interfere with any legitimate business, at the same time he feels that a situation has been created which, unless steps are taken to ; deal with' it now. many result In serious loss to the Investing public in the- Province. TThere ls undoubtedly a serious alt uatlon growing up which requires to be checked at the earliest moment. Other wise there may be a crash which may produce a similar state of public opltv Ion to that when the Dominion Truit fiasco occurred some years ago," said Mr. Manson. "It is to meet this situs itlon that I have been contemplating bringing down legislation at the next ' session Qf the Legislature." ACT LITTLE ISEII He explained in regard to the state of the legislation that the present Act hitd been comparatively rarely made use ,of since Its enactment In the early days of the Province and: that such organizations as were formed were designed on the old plcu of the English building society. The modern lnstltu 1 ' - , O 192 U- f c ! Khm in. i ii I I 3 Uon is a development which has be-) come popular In the United States and ; has been very successful there. Jt is a i similar development which Is now oc curring in this Province. Just, however, as the law had to be varied In the United States to meet the situation, so it needs amendment here. CHURCH ORGAN HAS ARRIVED NEW INsTRl'MENT IOR CIIIRCII Is IX CITY AMI WILL BE ERECTED IMMEDIATELY The new pipe orgs! for the Anglican Cathedral has arrived and the expert. V Chapman, who is to erect it, has also irrlved and the work of installation will commence Immediately. The organ was built by Casavant Freres of St. Hyadnthe, Quebec, and cost very close to five tnousana dollars. With the crating cases it weighs seven tons and it is understood It will take jeveral weeks Xo erect. The new organ will be much appre ciated by members of the congregation bo have long looked forward to the day when they could secure such an Instrument. HOTEL ARRIYA1 Prince Rupert W. P. Rowell, J. E. Kelly. B, Plckford and Mrs. Jack Nlelson. Edmonton: 3. UcHugh. B. A. Twlss. Walter E. Roll. W. May. C. P. Baker. A. Thomas, A. Chap- i man. V. Manzer, J. -King. C. M. Brown. H. Johnson and A. Kemp. Vancou ver: W. A. Clemens. Nanalmo; iMr. and Mrs. O. W. Larken. San Diego: Mr. and MtcOusUt Slvertz. Victoria; J. Mc Neil. Telkwa; C. D. Howe. Port Arthur. Jensen. Hazelton; John O. Lapham, De Witt Sugart and Hardy-Hauehn Macon. Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 3uCner. Atlin; IL E. Fisher, Juneau: Albert Bush, city; O. N. Corkle. White Horse: Cy. T. Laurey. Terrace. Savoy Ed Qnv Fraser Lake: Ben Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh, liazelton; II. Collins, jsp inlet Central C. Jetter. Vancouver: a. E. Larson. Allan. Saskatchewan: R. Nllson. Selma mce ful of hslpiul hints' ma nun ailments arc cuurd hv authorities Imsiuabi to mothers, entire. . Write lh KMcr, owners ol Etil Brand CandenMl Milk sine 157 tit. leading Inlsnt luod. Condensary at South buinai, U.C SPLENDID PROGRAM itrniuiistrjlrd at Meeting Yetrrday AflerniMtn The Ladles' Music Club met yesterday frnoon at the home of Mrs. O. A. I Woodland. Waldron Apartments. The i subject of study was "Modern Canadian Composers' and Mrs. Woodland and Mrs. Rolf Walker were In charge of the program which was as follows: I Piano sole "Aboriginal Indian Songs." ANOLICANiur,. p. Kenny. Vocal solo French Canadian Folk Songs: "Vocal Hymn" t Sister Mary), -The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise (& 3elti. Miss Chsrlebols. Piano solo "La Paplllon" Nocturne (UrUleel, Mrs. F. P. Kenny. Piano solo "Canadian Heroes' March" (Sister Madeline). Miss M. McCaifery. Piano solo ''Merry Maiden Polka" (Sister Madeline). Miss Virginia RleL Vocal soloThe Open Road" (Oene IBranscombe). Mrs. William Miliar. Vocal solo "June is in My Heart" JVaughan). Mrs. F. W. Allen. Pis no solo "Mazurka. Opus 13" (Brown). Miss M. A. Way. 1 Violin solo "A Soldier's Good-bye" iW. Moreyi. Mss Marjorte Lancaster. Vocal solo "O Day Most Fair" W Morey). Mrs. Donald Ross. Vocal "solo "Lullaby of the Iroquois" l George Taggart). Mrs. H. C. Praser. Vocal solos (a) "The Morning Wind" (Gene Branscombe); (b) "One Little Hour" iW. Dichmont). Mrs. Anderson. RUPERT EAST ENTERTAINS All. UK AT 4IYM LtST NUIIIT WAS VERY MCCESSllL AND EX. JOYAII1.K A concert given at the Rupert East Oymnaalum last evening last night pron-d to be a great success, the pro gram being much enjoyed by all who attended. The Cameron orchestral group and Mr. Silversides kept the If Instruments constantly on the.-, go. enlivening the proceedings. A silhouette In dental . and surgical operation put on by Cobb. Ratchford. Beale and Ollker went over in great style. Frank Moore drew great applause wltn his comic songs and In a two-act play the Merry Widow played by Jim-mle Sanderson, gave her lover Ben 1 Beale an awful Urns of It. II waa a I regular bear for hugging and ahe waa 'a cat for stspping. Duncan and Beale i finally put the widow in a box and : eawrd the box In two parta only to I see the widow come out alive dressed a 'a man and calmly smoking his pipe, I The dark group with Cobb and I Ratchford as end men and aided by ; Ponder. Beale. Duncan, Orlmball, How. Skinner. Sanderson. Ollker. Krook and Langton gave an excellent darky pro gram, the proceedings closing In the usual manner with the National An- them. DELEGATES IMPRESSED WITH PRINCE RUPERT .RETURN TO EDIWONTON Bays- the Edmonton' Journal of Monday: Favorably Impressed with the (aclinic of that port for the handling of western grain, Aid. C. O. Robson, who represented the city of Edmonton on a delegation which visited Prince Rupert at the Invitation of the board of trad and city council of the Utter town, returned to Edmonton this morning. While the elevator at Prince Rupert i Is not as Urge a the one built here, i the port nevertheless Kerns well equipped to handl grain from tb prslrlet. Mr. Robaon stated. The people uf i Prince Rupert, he added, fare the ds-! I AMES' MlIQIf PI1IR from p"b rcp- Hon. R. O. Reld. reBreawattlig trw Work of Modern Canadian Compoer j pr0Tmce of Alberta . aad T . W . DotMity .' representing the Edmontoa board of, I trade on the Prince Rupert visit, atea t have returned to the city. WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS "For years I had gas on the stom ach. The first dose of Adlerika helped. I now sleep well and all gas Is gone. It also helped my husband " lalajaad) Mrs. B. Brink ley ONE spoonful Aaiarttu fa-tnovfs OAS and often bringa aHaalsa. lag relief,, to tae stomach. Stop tfeat full, bloated retting. Brings out otd. waste matter you never thought was. in your system. Adlerika Is wonderful for chronic constipation. Onus Limited. Druggists. WEATHERREPORT (Oovemmcnt Telegraph l (8. am) Prince Rupert - - Part cloudy. temperature. 47. Terrace.-rCloudy. calm. temp. 48. Stews rWBain. calm. temp. At. Hazel too, Cloudy, calm.' temp. SPORT CHAT 34. Snowing at cabins narth. Telegrsph Creek. Ciaudy. calm, terep 33. Emlthers Psrt cloudy, calm, trap 29. Burns Lake. Clear, calm. temp. 37. Whltehorse. Cloudy, calm. temp. 18. Dawsoo Cloudy, calm. temp. 24.' 3 ?K The following teams will meat In the men's section of she Fraternal WhUt league tonight: Native Bona of Canada vs. St. Omge's Society: Bt Andrew's ys. Oddfellows; Knights of Pythias vs. Elks. There wtrfbe no dearth of sporting activities tiv. Anyox this winter. Them wlll .be badminton, boxing.' basketbal), wrestling and other '6tm of apart of ferlng attractions tor, those fif any turn of mind in the stbletlo line. William T. , Tllden, former VS. na tional iennl champion, expecting a recent injury to his knee to be healed by that time, will Invade England and France next year and then wilt return to America and make an attempt to re-', gain the UJ5. crown. i Lester Patrick, slated to manage .the New York Rangers hockey team, ha been Identified with professional hod-key on the Paclflo coast since it in troduction lrt 1911, by the. Patrick brothers. Lester and Frank. As manager of the Victoria Cougars, first in tb Pacific Coast Hockey League, and. later In the Western Csnadlan League. Loiter Patrick led his team through many hard fought battles to victories, Including at least cne world championship. He had the reputation of being the best defence man in hockey on the coast, a clever stick handler and a headr. hard nlaver. i hi iiiiioiniiiiiiiiiiiiii Sir SUPEnion M llllim! Illlilllulillliillil W anted For Sale For Rent wv vi 1 7 e Tfiiifn it a nmtif ni wv i n i iiiiniiiiii a r mii.i m WANTED YOUNO MAN WITH SOMK ! expeftNK tn general store; wttUag to work: good refereneet required. Apply Dally News office. I WANTED. OIRL IOR LlaitT HOUSE- work, with some knowledge ol cooking. Apply Box 334. Dally News f-flee. 264 WOMAN WANTED FOR KITCHEN help. Apply Oood EaU Cafe. EXPERIENCED. tROKER WANTED. Apply Canadian Laundry. tl FOR SALE . t FOR 8A1X-SIX ROOM HOUSE. FULLY modem; marln view; centrally located; fust class condition. MAW 00. lirXttLO cash, balance monthly. Sixteen room bouss near Dry Dock, villi furnac. Will sell cheap and en easy payments. Thee. Oallart limited. WesUtolme Theatre Block.. U rOB BALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN 13-tat, we are authorUed to sell several lota, some earners, harbor view, and on sewer. Price low and terms from 110 00 monthly Enquire T. Medymont. . u FOR SALE-. THREE HOUSES: two seven rooms and on six rooms; do in. An Eighth Avenue West. Phone Oreea 7ft. 341 i rTENT FOR BALE. NEW THIS YEAH and. used on! on week. Price I JO Pollen, Dally News. U FOR SALE. FIVE ROOMED IIOU&E near Dry Dock. Apply Box 3)1. Dally News Office. 23 FOR SALE. CHEAP HALF A TON OF od newspaper. Apply Dally Nea. r FOR SALE LINOLEUM RUO. x 10. new Phone Blue 719. 341 FOR BALK ONE ROWBOAT. eaal Administrator. FOR RENT .orn. 2sa FOR RENT OR SALE. THE LATEST, improved coin operated electric piano For terms, addres Electric Piano, care Dally Newa Omc. FOR RENT. NINE ROOM HOUSE FUR nished; centrally located; on sewer, 140.00 a month. Tbea Collsrt Limited. 309 FOR RENT: DECEMBER I. MODERN house, five rooms, bath. eta. Scconl Avenue. Westvlew. Phone- Blue 60i after five o'clock. uj FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue: four room and bath. Water paid. Phon M7. FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Art. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tt FOR RENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms; fir place: clou in. Max Hellbroner. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by dsy. week or month. Phon Red C" tf FOR RENT.- .FOUR ROOMED FU finished flat. Phon Oreen 735. 301 BOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST 833 ! BLACK PARASOL TAKEN FROM THEA. , tre by mistake. Will owner of the one j left please return the on taken by mistake to pally New Office. rv4 w w a..., PRINCE RUI'KRT TIDES I II I DAY, NovmitMt a i High 'Low U:ll pm. 314 ft J3:il pm. 79 m. 19:43 pm. TIRIAY. OM:.MIi lt High 1:4J am. :41 pm. Iw 7:41 am. 30:17 pm. 3U 7 .0 -4 5 - 20 0 ft 31.8 ' 73 ' 4.0 " .MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY AT HOME -MEN AND women can ra tl to 13 an hour in pare time writing abowranU. No canvassing or soliciting We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The MrahennU Coin- pany Limited. I Dominion Building. Toronto. runs FVRS MADE TO ORDER AND HE-modelled. Uw skins tanned aad dressed. Mail orders promptly attended to. Mrs. F. Txrr. 334 Broadway Cast. Vancouver. CHIICOPKACTIC DR. R. E. EYOIJ0 ciiiitorit tnoit ejj Third Atrau. Office visits - - II 0 Hou rail - 'noo For appointment Fbon Oar Bhi IS Resident Black 233 HKSTAUHAXTS OOOD EAT CUE Mrs Unger. Proprietm Third Avenue. Next O. W V A. Ilmxl m Cooked Meal. Phona Black TOO ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION CHEVROLET COMWERCIAU CAR PRiCES. Ton Utility IMirt HoniUlar Coach and Coup Sdan .. Landau .... Ki- IN Pt Guam f 825.00 '4 Ton Light Ileilvrry ChaMla . t 630.00 louring am! Iloa)tef I MIS.OO I 8H0.OQ 1 1 010.00 ,11135.00 11185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Port! Llht Delivery, Or"n txxly 750 I Fortl Light lichvrry, panl hody ti 50.00 t I'onl Light Dflllvrry, lnrtr niiilpmn( .... ffSO.OO I I'onl Tudor Sedan. itflrtr-r cquIpmTil .... 1300 P0 I Oldmotil ft.nasn. gor looriug. JM . f(J00i)0 Krm ran 1 armnrrit on lioth "w a nil used jflr in stilt thf puiriiacr. KAIEN QARAQE Dnl.T In name, McLauqhlln, Oakland, uioimobllo, Ponllo and Chevrolet Cars Phone 82 MIW IS TUB TIME to buy that car you hav been considering. Why wttk during the unnlnunt winter weather? W hav several new models on hand. price are at low level and ease terms are available. m:ii c.R Two Ford Self Starter Light Deliveries guaranteed. On Ford Truck Snsp. On Chevrolet Light eDIlvery-Oood running order, Mak usian offer. N. E, PA It Kl; It I.TIt. Hum di:ai i:it TAXI Phone 67 Tal fCaM Oeorife. I'nul or (luU Six and Seven Piiafenger Sludc bnk?r nl your disposal any Minn. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Aoroj from Emprcie Hotel. mw WJ m w Am J 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED iquxd WANTED YOUNO LADY WITH 8EU.- FOUND-FIVE BASEBALL BATS, lag aMIIty for a good position. Mutt ' ply Daily Neva Offlrt. be willing and a hard worker. B - Mr. Hamilton. Room 3, Smith Block, between 9 and 10 am. I Ap- MAIL SCHEDUll (M'T'-OaiV) I 'of Ike laO- Mondays Wjc t Ta YaixwtMrf. Sunday Tuesdays Thursday Ulurday O P J O . e Thursday 19 AU.k Palais Ortobrr si J Ta turen IhifMln. October t ai. ' :"3 t l T Ai)u, Aike Arm Mnnii Miff Sunday T ft. Mrapw s4 aw i T fn aad AlUr tr- Wednesday T lrn fmaL-v Saturdays IV-4iMIMj Irara the Mt Mondsys We :cn . at ... Iroai iiwiatrv Sunday WUMday Fridays itaturdy OFJL. Oct-.. IIms ABjav Fvniiler Tuesday Baiurday I; i. I 1 I s Ufrtr u Allr? Ina firm I rwa AU.ts ratal October 13 a) rrvm Ijaeen thsrMf.iw Oelabrr 7 ar.-j - Inrai An) and V.' t Ana- Tnuraday frvnt Mrs art aa4 rmahe- BtHtday IIOX COIJJC1I0VI Orsbsia Itlm k 1st Ave A lib I! Mil At. A full i lib At A Tn r It A lrl"ke A II Ate. A ' lib Are. A n m a Hi) 1 tb Ave a -i: lib At, k Mrtr r-ro. Oavt BMC rra. fVt WMt' O.T.r. Whsrf Q.T T. Sllll-o fad At, a Ird Ate. A 3rd Ate. A tM Tun Kltl II II l 41 II tl II II tl il (J If 11 tl II it tl If If sroiiri PTTiirnin mihpUM JILtrtlllOllll iuv- I or Vanrouter Tuesday- -a Cardrr l Thuaruay as P- Cttr f aaturday -a Cat . Oct 13 a, Priiiv M-Oct. 33 a Pf 1 Itrnn Vanenntef- Sunday -a Card" Wrdmwl'it s: I Crr' Friday as. Cata:i Saturday- P r " luliinlii as P: . ' ... I'J rvinir it 4u Pi : '! a1-' rvtnhr lt.-sa Pxiiv n r l"ort Mmon anil N" ill"' rrway-a. su,i i rom iori piniwn pm- . . t m ; naturoay- ,rr lir Mrwart, 'nym Pttnoay-ar wui.. p Front Sleaar , Anjot Tuesday- Carde I'or llert H Saturday -sa. Prln BUP"' From blewart . I Sunday-. Prlnc RUP"1 For IJiieen Chrlotlf- Oct. P-a. Prlnc CM"1 j Oct. 2J-s Prince CW Flom neen -irlolte Oct. 7 s Prince CUf'" . , Oct. 31- Prlnci Clxf" lor Ahyos nMrrt" Wedneadsy- mnc 1 From Anyov J Thurly-s. prince oer For Mrnarl n,A- nuf" Bturdy-. Prln- , From wiewart . I Sunday as. Mite BUI"" l'ir A.ika Oct 8-. Prlncen M" rt , Oct. 1-m. PrlnreM Mr From Alk Oct. 13--. Prince M , Oct. 33-, Prlncert " Advertise In th pai:y