November 4, 192C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI 1 f1 .V Tf Local and Personal '- i v; hi Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. DS1 UMmmmmasi: B O. Undertakers. Phone tl. Mother! Don't neglect your children's breakfast. It is the important meal of the day. Coming after the longest fast of the twenty-four hours, it must supply energy quickly. Health authorities recommend hot oats and milk because it i3 a balanced food, easily digested, that provides energy tliat "stands by" all morning. Give your children hot Quaker Oats and milk. Then see how much better they look, how much better they feel. These appetising oats furnish the essential food elements for energy and growth. Your children go to school warm and satisfied, ready for the morning's work. Quaker Oats, the regular flake. Quick Quaker, the fine flake for quick-cooking. Buy wliich you prefer. Quaker Oats a 4jyaJKBmiF.r. n I' 1'Hs.i ri i' 'i i f t. uiiii ishhumi Y' w 1 imi W .you have known since childhood .Quick Quaker cooks in 3 to 5 minutes B30 - " E- Special Bargains" f).n) ami wi.uv Tor Friday at 9 a.m. (KOIMiKTTK r j:50 yrd. Sl.tKi ynl WOOL CKBI'ES Keg. $1.25; 4U inches .. "C LADIES' TWEED SUITS CIIII.1)HK.VS VESTS Kejr $) oo ml $1.25. From H-V WOOL SHETLAND FLOSS IOC C'hitrt. E. Unnd, the "Mark-down Man" in charge Mrs. FRIZZELL Ladles' and Children lteady-tn-Wcar ome in and bee! Sumc excellent value in KYNOCII'S ITLEHKATKl) SCOTCH Overcoats Also ENGLISH HEAVEK CLOTHS, ETC. $:!3.00 and up Volsev i:rm1ru1ir..riu-L.L rlr Cnrs MacMnnwH and Pant. ii.j Steve King --vtivv) -t mill MCIIUO ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge ami Scotch weed Sulls made to order in out shop in l'rtnco Huport a9 low a i Aninrn. Cutter I'hone (Jrccn 8.1 p. O. Dox 247 $50 00 3. Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. Try Jroothllls Stove Coal. 113.00 net ton. .No soot. Phllpott, Evttt & Co tWUt i'i tl St. Andrew 8oc'e tr : will hold an Old Country Dance at LODZ. Hall on Friday, November 5. 259 WhUt drive and dance by Loyal Orange Lodge. November 11 In Metro pole Hall. Mrt. Ponder'e orchestra. Ad-mlsnlon 76c and fioc. C.Pil. steamer Prince Mary, Capt, Arthur Hater. was In port from 8 to 10 o'clock last night southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt Nell McLean, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, Is reported due at 7:30 this evening. Catholic lUzaar and horlal. Illj dinner Kill be srrted tonight from 3.30 to 7JS'J. .Mrs. Pondrr's orrhrolra. Entertainment. Edward Wagner, on a charge of (alee pretences from Stewart, Is coming up before Judge Young in the Count; Court this afternoon for speedy trial. Dan Sutherland, re-elected delegaU from Alaska to Washington, was passenger' on the Princess Uary last night bound from Alaska to the United Slates. I Musical festival in Presbyterlsr Church on Sunday, November 7. morn Ing and evening. Fifty five voices ac companied' by orchestra. Everybod; welcome. 26 The appeal of Arthur Beale agalnv a conviction and fine of (300 lmpoeet by Magistrate McClymont for selllni: liquor Is adjourned until tomorrow af temoon In Judge Young's . court. John llagerty and Dugald Parks wen each fined 125. with the option o ttnlrty days' Imprisonment, by Magts trate MeGJymont In the city poller M j court, this morning for drunkenness. I " Oeorge Corkle. formerly well knowi I In local athletic circles, arrived In the jdty on last night's steamer from I Juneau and proceeded from here bj , tbli morning's train to HirrUburg, Pa J. M. RuSner. prominent mining mac !f the AUln district, and Mrs. RuCne I arrived In the city from the north or jibe Princess Mary last night and proceeded on this morning's train to New York. Just arrived. A small shipment f beautiful dr'eeiies to be sold Prldsy and (Saturday before returning. Open after noons only to give the public an op portunity for bargains, Mrs. Ooldbloom Third Avenue. 354 R. F McNiucnton, CNJt. district passenger agent, returned to the city on yesterdsy afternoon's train after having cpent week jrisltlng various points in his district between here and McBrlrtt on official business. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Morrow, wht have been visiting In the city since th end of last week on their way home tt, Vancouver after a visit In Prince Ed ward Island. wUl sail tonight on tht Prince Oeorge (or the south. An extensive repair job at the local dry dock completed. COMM. freighter Canadian Importer. Capt McCullougb with Capt. Duncan Mackenzie as pilot sailed at 3 o'clock yesterdsy afternoon for New Westminster via Union Dai where she wUl bunker. Rev E. ft. McLean. ISA., BD super intendent of religious rducstlon for Uu United Church, who has been visiting various points in the district, will be in the city tonight from Anyox continuing on to Vancouver aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge. BRITISH STEAMSHIP SUPPOSED TO BE LOST LONDON. Nov. 4, -The British steam ship Loysl Citizen Is potted as missing at Lloyds. She left Baltimore on Sep tember A for Rio Qrandeosul. Brazil with a cargo of coal and Is supposed to have foundered. She carried a crew of 35. Established 1923 DELAYS are COSTLY Id Is It attended to regular l.v on can save your tretli for further jears of mtv Ice. mm R.r Y KENNY DENTIST Exchange Blook Phono 109 'A TANKER ASHORE ON v CALIFORNIA COAST SAN ', PEDrtO, Nov, 4-The Associated Oil Company's tanker Solans, la aground on the rocks on Honda, north of here In the fog and Is settling aa far as the pert side porthole forward. There is no Immediate danger. Lieut. H, K. Fisher, of the Engineer Corps of, the United States Army connected with the U.S. Road Commission. arrived In the city last night from Jvneau and proceeded from here toy 0 ncredible Victor TalkinA Machine Company Made only by Victor YOUTHS ARRESTED FOR CAUSING DEATH VANCOUVER WOMAN VANCOUVER, Nov. 4-rollowlag the death in the hospital yesterdsy of Mrs, William Hood as a result of Injuries received on Halloween when she vraa knocked down by a "hit and run." automobile, the police arrested three youths alleged to have hired a car that evening and they are being held at the Juvenile Detention Home. r What people are saying about the new Orthophonic Victrola does sound incredible. until you have heard it play. That is on'y wi natural. For years you have been listening. to old methods of playing music ;n the home. But today. you ha-e a surprise a)minR. That surprise is due to a new in muric "matched impedance" the exclusively con- TV this morning's train to HarrUburg , Pa. ' Oeorge Corkle, formerly well known in local athletic circles, arrived In the! j city on last night's steamer from White j i Horse where he has been employed with j the White Pass Hallway and NavlgaUon Co. Oeorge is thinking of spending Ithts winter here or at Anyox. 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Lladles' Aid Bsxa&r. No. vcinber 10. St. Peters, Seal Cove, Sale of Wor November 11. Moose Bazaar November 18 and 17. Kupert East United Church Bazaar. November 18, Anglican Church bssaar. November Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar. Novem ber 15. Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work, December .1. United ChurcJj Bazaar, December 3. erformance -due to "matched impedance" or "smooth f flow of sound" :'-a new thing in home music-Nothing else as like it trolled principle applied in the design of" the new Orthophonic tone chamber. It is this which pnxluces the beautiful music that will astound you. It i. which has heightened immeasurably the degree of enjoyment you can get from home music. To hear, is to believe at any "His plaster's roice" establishment. Obtainable on easy tctms. Prices from SI 15 to S385. And please remember for vour own protection that "His Master's Voice" trademark identifies the new Orthophonic Vku Orthophonic "True iniy Sound ,T Trade . Mark U-M Rrg'd Victrola of Canada, Limited Look for this trademark '- ' Steamship and Train Service Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, earll THURSDAY snd SUNOAV, 11.00 p.m. rvr ANYOX WEDNESDAY .10-00 For STEWART SATURDAY 10.00 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN fur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fortnightly. , PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally exiept Sunday II 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Kaslern Canada, Hulled Slslrs. ' " " Af tner all Ocasn Stttmshlp Lines. Use Csnadlsa Nillonsl Express tor Money Orders, Foreitu Cheques, elr,, also for your next jhlpmenl. Cltf Ticket Ofllcs, Thlre Avs Prlnss Ruesru Pksne tM. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kalllng from lrlnre Kuert. Fur VAM'Ol'VEIl, MCTOKIA, Swansou lUy and Alert IUy, etcTuesday,' 3 i.m. i lor V.VNCOL'VEK, VICTUKlA.,llert Utf and Mwansoit Ikty, etc. IKturday, 9 a.m. lor I'OKT SIMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE A KM, 8TEWAKT and Naas Klver rannrrlesi, Hundsy, 8 pan. 13 ind Avenue. It. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert. UC.