hOl"d.v rsovemuer t, ivt.u. T . A 4 dn THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE CATHOLICS' BIG j 'BALDWIN SEES mi 1K1 ii jii AMMITAI DA7A AT) 1 ' ee mis illlllUili DRLtinlX- DANGER AHEAD, b.UU J D' idiiiuuu mug i nr Vic- man who want a cnjcajtement rinjf at a t iterate price, this in about Trr stone is perfect and jfood size for the money, truni'antce the quality or . m back. Set in the i t pattern netting, white vellow gold. (it hers at $2." to $125.03. JOHNS rlRVELLERS CO v. 'ULtul store wntt nic CLOCH BENTS tadics Hcady-to-Wear ,-u: recc'veil a splendid line of Tames and misses Winter Coats he latest materials and :ic and a fine election V'.crnoon Dresses also Dresses fur sport n sizes :I0 to 44. Price from J. BENT Third Avenue. Phone 651. ; cv man wuh roet sjomt ) vSj W f i VTI ' V "III II. " , C! tAJW MAKES 1' u ' A V n don t need a telescoi c.?c hat Winter is com The man who look :r 4 will fill up his bin v irood coal now and ke ild at a safe distance. VYr have n battery of men, K and tractor and lots oal ammunition awaiting ur call to defend the home ns cold. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 1J7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage tPhont) U. :rtg6, WarehoustDi, and Distributing Team or Mntor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. Ws Speolallza In Plan ana" Fumllur) Bwvlns. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. NlQht Phone 687,. 539, Green 238, Black .735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. (a. DU8HBY, Man. Dir. LUMBER We nre manufacturing "'JiibIi fuuhlressed lum-'x'1 KiIkp grain boat fpdnr. Halibut nixl salmon boxes. Ask Fop Prices n . aeal love Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 582 All-.UK IV PAKIl IIAt.l, IS UOIMI MHONO AM (tl KH I'llOMISK ' I'M'HMTIiKNTl:!! MfTKs Judging from the large crowds in at-tendance, the complete program of noveltle and other entertaiv.jwnt offered and the enthusiasm displayed by U tUp having anything o do with the affair, the annual Catholic bazaar which iu opened in the Parish Hat) yesterday afternoon by Rev. Father P J McOrath, give promise oi being the mest suerctsful affair of lt kind yet and that, when pad successes are remembered, will aeem indeed' to be a real achievement. Every membei and adherent of the church is devoting efforu toward putting the affair over and their energies will n aeema be crowned with super ) In , general charge or the bazaar features It Mr. D. W. MorrlMey with convener! and assistants at the various booth as foUpws: Paney work Mr. A Levnur r Mrs II. Smith, aaalsted by Mrs M -Brterlty. Mr. H. P. Qlaney. Un Wilfrid Oratton and MIm Helen Nuclei) Handkerchief Mr Jame McNulty assisted by Mr Alex Macdonald Country Stare- Mr C. P Balagno assisted by Mr Lawler. Mln Pulmlr-i A tori MIm Mary Aatorl. Mm a W K.ikerson. Mr. J. H. Meagher. Kenneth I Meagher and lUrry Aatorl. j ' Candv- -Mr. P. W. Isrnrr aulitnl Dlitriion and Ut. TAkK N'lTIi K thai Hnbrrl ileorrv John-Km. ! aitdr--, it luvemiM lauavrjr, ill airli iHWttr In Uk- and uM lo iHin tillooa or di r water uul at wei nr wiurr at China Hal. ) ' i.h. . ... . khUh fk.. tntflfe. ' This advertisement .s not published or displayed by the Liquor Conlroi Board or by the Government of ItriMsh Onlnmhia - ' );n by Mr P. P. Kenny and Mr. P. nvrne. . mm ' Pufi Pond Mr P M. Crosby. a-i ' Mri DolroB M" 0rtmUl nd Mr lied by Mr. Arthur Beale iCurtla poured yetterday and Mr. KJn- Tilt fi t BOOM k'de ,nd Un D' E " Pur- The tea room decorated In pink and tod Tho" 1Ml,Un,! ,n KrTlng of Mr. Oiler !,B wbitc 1. in general charge 'Urdy were Mi Lah Bleecker. Better ted bT Mr. Oarrall and Beatrice Montman. Olady Leduc, Mar- WATER NOTICE. igrrt and Mary McCaffery, Ollce Van jiiotien ana Agne jimnrr. u mem ber of St. Joseph' entrance clau. The, osshler wa Mr. M. p. McCtffery as- fated by Mr. Comadlna and Ur. Kin- rai and dralot inf Trail Bav abuui 4oSBrien looked after the SerTinft of loo frri -.rtiih afcutig Hie brarh rruui Ibe .ulh rrrsm Vn Ktmrr l.i ." kiuNi i.k. TM . sit wilt be (tivrrf,-ii fntm ui iieatn at1 During the afternoon there were imini abuui o rwi rni iu wmt n,H elecUon-by Mr. P. P. Kenny. .iii-l will be ux d fr tnneilir and rauncry JT ...,. , . ,,' ipsrtM.. upon ibe land aVKTteml a lot ' MHs Virginia RleU-Mlas Agne Oratton. -V. kltsami I H. TBI swtlee w nwed , uis BUnche Curtln and Mis Orace taw I ata ut mi u-wtxT. !?. "ipy or ia snwa ami . an aimliraiNin iwrMwnl larrrio and IS'wHh vocal solbs.WTre Mrs. J. J. Mul- II" Walrr .l" will be nK-d m i UT- .,. -...,ki. d m. he. .,r ine Wsler Hreedt l Pet-ce , - hiuieri. otuetttiai, lo lb apVUrlUafl mar 'Nrlll sreamDanled br Mrs. KennT. lil'l wim Ihr aid WiKr Heninler of, ' s.r Vvst nirw ch nt n baraar a Hot nip-i i .nr. itx i nMMroltrr -r Wsier Wthia. l ariMineiii Hiiiidms-. virions. PL, wlltun ptr la being served with cabaret danc- dale -4 ibe rtfi piiblu-tin ul thu notKn by Mr. Ponder' Orchestra. Last night ... ,T'or. k,,IMTJS. I""" W" Itrtrt n,S mn,Cn j .ppWs. tracted considerable attention. MOTICr. OF INTtNTIOSJ TO SerLY FOR LEASE liKAMI.IIKAWIXl I .'One of the most Interesting features ' in I if Mod Meo.rtliiif Dwtrlrt f AlltS) Ust night's , proceedings was the l"T;;,,:;T;VK,iirriUlSViSiee Wring of twelve odd number, in the ! lirarv i id . Im.. s rvai.iered laltunr "- grand prlre , contes(E Tonight twelve mmi fr .n nin inr , -n.w.mr j. m. - mmibcr. 1Hbe drawn and from i tiai ifUfm'ia. iM-rwpaiii'U. a itwwna . .n- , mifiHi. ii. Miy rir rrir-re lee the rtwenty-four. flva ticket wlll be .... ... ... ...... .. i ..... . aboal'oS drawn to decide the winner planled i .mrmu. at a ixm fifl di-laiit in an of the Eaaierur Uairriy direeikun oirwun trm irwn fTttix prizes. The odd number drawn IW -rin l cwrrtrr hi "".";- .... ,,, it,.l hnlrt.r ut fol- imk Minrral ). Miuaira ai me imium " , I VVatiti lnvir. on rku Vrm nr Tst1h lowi: i. I'-ax in a Suribrrty direct k-n S i No. K. a. Bosworth. n.nrth orean Ocean M iurM-e tanerly too reel. Ibfiveii 3307.. ismittiertr feet umre ir leaa W hlh Wjii. .. . ; . ' . . . ttwiMir I mi f..f - . ,.rr ,,r lea tn rx4n e.mmiKWrni . Nd. 112U l Murray Puller, city, iid mnuinln o i cn- umre r No.-3071. Ivy Melnnas. 729 Thirtieth isimedi if. Xi N. IIUSKfl. Atewie East. Vancouver B. :. 1 A. A rent. i30i Slstera of St. Joseph. MINERAL ACT. Certifies! of Imprstamanl j sweepattke Mo. I. weetuk Ks. VM.-ihitial and anvtlke a ( Frae- i i in api'M in llir iiiiii K. nnwnm inn i !! iriirirap "f Impnivenienu, for llm ' , pnri.i- "i miuimns :rown urann i ill. ahnxF claim ami rrnTHKii take oticr mat ae- tlnn under terllun t mut be enmmrnred I lx f..ro ihi liie nf Mich certlficsies of iniimemenl i lTin Ihi lt dy of September. A.D. l . '1 MILK Cusli price of tickets is advanced to 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 Ciiiiiincncing November 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 676 DENTIST GEORGE RORIE fllAKTKKBI) ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone .IH? ,13 second Avenue West, Prime Hupert tthorold. Ont. j No. I84S, Jahn Salmon, P.O. Box t. Anyox. No. 8787. A. N- Cavlglla, P.O. Box iinmal MMieeal Clauus. sliuale la Um Allin!306. Anyox. 1 W?hM2$? Arm. j N.. 45. Pardlne Worsten. P.O. Box I near bep Creek. .. . i20J. City. rva'F. MiTlft IMI netimm symes., v B Bu d Blrrle 1 PO -u- .barrlolrr awl ollcllor. nf SIS Vel Pen-1 Box 308. d.-r 91.. VswiiilVi-r, BhlWh Cnliimtiia, art- ettv. Imr for SweepaUke Nlnlnr Cf i ... a aa-i-ni n Hamera-Stewart' larraiiisi Frvr Miner1 Ceilintale No.' ho. 3379, w. it.. narneraaiewan. nun. mirnd. suiv dj fnnii it date i o. 381. Hev. Father Allard. Legac, No. 1723, Thorn Le Hane, city. ' No. 4433. Mlaa 81gne U Erlcksen, 030 Ninth Avenue We, city. MINERAL ACT CrMfkaU el Improvement. ! Warni Frai-Uimal So. t. Anyot tnd Jut una Mineral .lUaima, siiuiie In the Ainu ' Mimnir Uivi'ltiii Ijr.iilie '.aislar IHHrlrt, aiKiiit une tulle tip dream, rrom tlie hnuth nr wann nivef. ' . TAKE NiiTICB that Tri Knrlneer -Oold I Mine- Ltd.. JSC, t'rtee Miner Certirinti1 8;j(M.. mlvnd. .fitly day rmn llie . itate nrrwir ,to apHj to the Mlnlnr He- rnnlcr tor a Certificate ir linprovMiient. i fur tlii' purpne. of nblalmng I Cimwii Oram tif the above claim. 1 and lnrilier likn mil We I ba I rllon.-vn .tier serihin S..nml t commenced before the Iimis or such, i-riuricaio or in pruvo-uu-nta. . . . I nTEn UM ll diy of September. V.D, l'' It lrM VRAKV.R Amn MINERAL ACT .rtlf Ictt .of lmproamnti. No. Lot ?. Mineral Claim. Brownie ..... 4, .1. . .in I n. I MINERAL ACT iCarUflcate- of Imoroiramanta. Rrownie run. A Mineral claim, situate In Die Atlin .Mlnlnr Division nf Um Caanlar Dimrlrl, on Waun Hlver, dnlning and to hi unlilh t.f llrmvnle No. 4 MX. TAaK MtlflCE that I. Jamea B. Kershaw, Free Miner' Certificate No. SUMS, Intend, shty dnjrs from the dale hereuf, to apply lo the Mimnr tterorder for a Certificate of linnmvoi nnis. for the purpose .of b lalnlnir a Crown (Irani nf the aliovo claim. Ami rnrllior lake notice that action, nn-' dcr tertlon ;5t must be coimiionced brfor the Issue of surli Ccrllflcate ot Improve-nicnts. DATED this IH day of Seplcmtier. A.D. tata. H. Men. FRA31R, AgeuL fir.NCKAL KTKIKK AS NATIONAL.' ItANCiKK AMI CKITICI7.KH OP-PI1SITIOV IN PAUMAMKNT J LONDON, Nor. 4-At the , Cormerya tlve conference at Scarborough, Premierj uaiawin aucuAeea u uumorr yi nsuwut question Including the Oenerat Strice Mr Baldwin had apoken for nearly three-quarters of an hour before . he reached the ubject of the general strike, which, he said, they could now'j review without passion No uch threat! had been madeto'the Brltlah commv nlty alnce the war The logical result j . wa plain. Had ltj been successful It - would have brought to an end our Par- lnatltutlon. to which the IlUmehtuy people of the country were profoundly attached. HI Majettyt Opposition had , ahomn a lack of statesmanship and ..of courage. It was silent at a moment when courage might have saved vthe' altuatloa It leader raised not a sln-j gle word of protest in public. They could have ahown that they stood for law and order, but they faUed to do so. Those who called the strike had learned their theory abroad. It had left many results behind. Including the postponement of any prospect of ameliorative legislation that required money that would be used to keep discontent alive. 1 1 had aW brought to the forefront the I necessity for an examination of trade union law - declaration which provoked he greatest enthusiasm of the evening. Society, he added, still needed trade? unions, and collective bargaining was stin a necessity: There wa further, cheering for the promise that the'-givtrnmeat would give prompt and carefuf consideration to the resolution passed by the Conference that day. PHKIMKE II I I.I. "Let me add this." the Prime Minister concluded. 3Ve are conscious of the wishes of our loyal supporters In the country. We ars fully all re to the im portance of the question. As soon as we have completed dut examination of the lubiect we shall nrcDare a BUI and Jim McNoulty nd Michael O'-w.th lrt fvliMmtnt Whea we are In a position to present that BUI. we shall rely with confidence on you for the loyal support which you have so freely given us in the past.' This declaration provoked from a dele gate the Interjection. "And we ahall not betray you." h:de r.iouiw Before Mr. Baldwin delivered bis speech the Conference had discussed the following resolution: "That in view of the experience afforded by the genera) strike of May, 1928. thla conference la of the opinion that the present state of the law re- latlng to tradet unions constitutes a menace to nalfonal "security, while depriving the individual of political and Industrial freedom, and that this conference therefore urges the government u introduce legMatlen to amend the law: "lit To make Illegal any strike called without a secret ballot of the members of the trade unloa affected; 2 to Increase the security of the Individual worker against victimization and intimidation on .account of hi political beliefs; (3) to make mass picketing and the picketing of a man's private residence Illegal; (41 to require the national accounts of trade unions to be audited by certified accountants." The resolution which wa .amended so as to require train- union accounts to be audited by "ctnlfled chartered accountant," wa carried unanimously amid loud cheers. ITNAL KF.OLl'TION The following resolution waa alsa carried by a large majority: This conference Is of opinion that, as the liberty of plesstng themselves whether they, Joined a trade union or not. which the worker of thl country once enjoyed, has been taken from them by the coercive measures adopted by em ployer and trade union official, the government be requested to provide In the BUI dealing with trade union which it 1 under tood U thortly to be brought before Parliament, that while It ahall be perfectly legitimate a call attention to the advantages of a trade "union, It hall be unlawful for anyone to make membership of a trade union a condition of employment " STEWART At the econd meeting last week for the purpose of discussing Incorporation of Stewart1 under the Village Act, It Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Mr. Wm. Talmer, Tomahawk, " Alts., .. . . . . in tlm Xl.i.liiv tilvl.l.in nr Um - ail anilnir I ha.1 ft Inner i:asiar UIMrhi, "'"J1" WeM Arm -wf T-l 0( knew anj becsms so weak kun Arm. bntil mree duarter of a mile ' .,, ... . n . im .irni rnim Hie ukiUIIi of Wann lllver. naruiv hardly ko- a mm nm I TAKK NOTICK that I, Charles K.-illlnmre, rree .Miner s i;enmraie ,, umi, inu-iiu, lalxiv dny from 'the dale hereof, lo apply "to llio Minlnir newrrtor fT a Certificate nf linpmvrnient, rir tne nurpiise er no-talninx a crown Jrsnl of llie aim claim. And further taken notice that union, under eevtkm SS. inuM Ik rimininm-ed before Um Issue of-such Certificate nf Im-priiveinenla, DATED' lh( ll iday of September. A.D t!f. . . ti Xir!. PIIASFR, rent. leei at nipht as th least, lit tie noise would wake me up. I tried blood tonics and other nerve pills,- hut they did me no tfood, and 1 was (retting worse. I wrote my mother about my condition, and she pent mo three boxes of TV nf ii 1 1? J aflm Jfiwm After ths flint hox I Teas foelltig mtjch better, ho I kept on Until I had used the three boxes, and now I feel as well as ever I did when I was a young- gir. " lTio 0c, a box at all dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. MUburu Co., LluUtcd, Toronto, Out An Open Letter to the Public from the Ai Shipments from - the B.C. Sliver fo-the season to date total 7IQ tons. The last' shipment of 330 tons was made eu the freighter Mogul and will be de-i Ilvered to a smelter In the United States. Word has been received by local friends of the recent marriage In Vancouver of Miss-Mamie Fraser. formerlv of SU art. and Edward. McQuade or Victoria. The happy couple are spend ing a honeymoon In the south Itfters which' ther will Uke up residence la Victoria. Tom McLean. Tim Williams and Alex Mclnnis. who left Stewart on September 26 to reconnoitre the route of a trail from Telegraph Creek to this place, returned here last week. They report that there would be no very serlou dlftlcultle in the way of build-ln.S uch a trail which would make thH the winter outlet for Telegraph Creek and Dease Lake districts Instead of ths present circuitous route via Atlin. JoseDh W. Christian, who waa an employee of the Premier Mine for five vears. waa found Tlead In his bed last week. He waslxty years of age and Is survived by a daughter. Mr. Middieton of Houston. Miss E. Magar. . assistant to Mining Recorder Scarlett, has left for her home In Port Simpson. Mrs. L. Jesscn arrived here last week from Vancouver to Join her husband. who Is manager of the BoyleiBroa. dia mond drilling concern. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National RaUway have made arrangements to operate tourist attd stan-lard leeplng car through Ipjin the Pacific Coat to we nipx ldc t Montreal and Ha if as in connection with Old Country sailings during .November and December. For full .Information regarding rate, reservations,, passports, etc. call t ri.i Ttpkot Office; Canadian National itiUlwsj;. im Third Avtuu thons 380. Montreal Importers The impression is being spread around the community that the Roods being Hold by the Montreal Importer! are cheap goods cheap In quality as well as in price.. W believe that thi is being done deliberately- we may lie wrong we would, like to hope bo, but we doubt it. Ve wish to take this opportunity to assure the buying public that we rtand behind every article we Kelt, both as regards quality and price. Our goods come to us from Montreal from manufacturers than whom in Canada there are none better. They back up their own products and we back up our mn merchandise. We have dealt with these game manufacturers in another city for years and years. We know them and they, know us. People may wonder how it is that we can offer merchandise for sale here in 1'rince Itupert at Montreal prices. The chief reason is that we have buying connections in Montreal that we can depend upon. We don't wait until the manufacturer .sends his representative to sell to us. We go to the manufacturer direct to buy from him. And this makes a big difference in price which the ordinary retail customer possibly doesn't realise. We repeat that we buy first class goods from the best manufacturers in this Dominion and we absolutely guarantee every article we sell. And we hell at Montreal prices. That the people of I'rince Rupert want these Montreal prices is proven by the heavy volume of mail order business done with this city. Anyone-can see this by watching the post office or express office on train days and eeing the enormous- number of parcels arriving from Ke-feina, Winnipeg and other places. Our facilities enable us to compete with'these mail order houses both in price and quality and at the same time saving the Prince Hupert people the trouble of buying money orders, and enabling them, too, to inspect the goods before purchasing. We would ask- the buying public to disregard what they hear from anybody and to inspect the goods we offer. Our goods will speak for thenf selves and our prices will prove what we say., Hut all we ask you is to see and fudgel For we can only continue in business if we can hold your goodwill. We want to, for. we want to remain in business" for a few years yet. And we can only continue to give you Montreal prices by assuring you of Montreal -quality. Therefore we again invite you to come into our store and see for . yourself what e have to offer. wa unanimously decided to- send aj petition to the provincial, governmen; with a View to affecting the proposal.! . B. MILLER, Proprietor GREETING : CARDS Our Christmas (ireeting Cards are nmv on display. We have a wide .-election of artistic cards in a variety of styles and greeting's that will enable you to express exactly your wishes ami gladden the hearts of your friends to whom they are sent. They are priced from 5c lo $1.00 each and we would recommend that you make your choice now as a number of our customers, last year, left mnking their selection until it was too late. BE WISE AND BUY EARLY 1 We nlso have Personal Greeting Cards ami a hook of-sample jcards may be examined in the store or we will, in request) send a book, for you lo examine the samples at home. Ormes Ltd. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Easy Electric Vacuum WASHER Here ia a machine which embodies the most approved principles of cleaning, at a price which should place it in every home having electric power. Galvanized Wash Tubs, Galvanized Pails Clothes Line Wire, Clothes Line Pulleys Ironing Hoards WashIloards .Solid Copper Wash Hollers Thompson Hardware Go., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue. Phone 101 Good Glasses if you need them. Good Advice If you don't. GUSTAV SIVERTZ OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Consultation Free. At McCutcheon's Drug Store. 1