Just Dfinli "SALADA" if & .v. Its superb flavour satisfies. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA r Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince V Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month li.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year 10,00 To all other countries, in advance, per year .... i $7.60 Mmbar of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION :. MONDAY. OCTOBER . 1926. EXPERT OPINION Or KlXtl I'AIUXET. We admit that we kuow little oboht the new men who have Joined the Mackenzie Klue cabinet. However, others do, and here I the opinion of the Free Press of Winnipeg In regard to them: , The r3ull"'t lle, announced on Saturday uy .Mr. King, appears to hate more balance and vitality than any government presented to the country since I'nlon government. It nan elements of strength ttiat were mining from Mr. Kings detections In 18il and It is greatly superior to the King government that was brought to defeat at the beginning or July. The new cabinet has a national rojnplevlou larking In the cabinet with which Mr, Melghen went to the country. It looks like a better cabinet for the mass of the people than that which Mr, Melghen offered. It looks like a cabinet that will have a fair admixture of common sense, which Is something that should recommend It to the people of Canada. It should have more decision and driving force than any cabinet with which Mr. King previously surrounded himself. These elements vert needed. Of the new men, the outstanding are Hon. James Malcolm of North Bruce aud lion. W, I. filler of North Waterloo. The ability of these ts men lias been recognized by those In touch with affairs at Ottawa , Mr. Euler Is a man ufacturer., arut newspaper owner at Kitchener, Ont, and has extensive bu-smess Interests. He Is regarded as a thoroughly competent business man and his honor and Integrity are above reproach. It fc safe to assume that whatever has been wrung wltli the Customs department, to which Mr. Euler lias been appointed, will be straightened out as far a Is humanly possible. Efficient an1 honest d-ministration can be expected from Mr; Euler. Mr. Malcolm, whose name Is at Kincardine, Ont. Is a similar stamp of Juan. He Is a large mannrarturnr, principally of furniture, and is said to be wealthy. He-has been most successful In his own line of manlfacturlng and should tring to thedepartmeot of trade and com-meree a wide knowledge of markets and how to obtain and to hold them. It Is true little low tariff sentiment Is brought to the cabinet by Mr. Euler and Mr. Malcolm. Mr. Euler Is frankly a protectionist and It Is not likely that Mr. Malcolm Is much of a free trader. Both, however, are men of national outlook, recognizor that there are differing economic Interests In the various parts ot Can ada and that these have to be dealt with as fairly as ps.it.Je to all through toiu-pruinlse and giie-and-take. That they are men of that type of mind Is shown by the fact that both Mr. Euler and Mr. Malcolm were sympathetic at Ottawa to the West's right to retain the Crows Nest rates. They helped fight the West's battle to maintain its statutory rat position and In this connection, deserve a Western tribute, Mr. Euler Is one of the forenvM advocates of pufctic ownership of railways and can be depended upon at all times to see that the Canadian National Is given fair treatment. UEPItESLNTATION ritOM. THE WEST. The West's cabinet representation has been Increased since the lat pax-plameut by the addition of Mr. lorke of liraiiuun. Mr. lorke has Integrity, parliamentary experience, and horse sense. His knowledge of the West Is practical and thorough. As bead of the Immigration department he should be particularly riieiuve in promoting successful colonization. Mr. Dunning revealed his grasp of the railway situation In the late Parliament aud can be expected ts rank as .uim of the strong men of the cabinet. The country Is fortunate in having Mr. Dunning In charge of the railway portfolio Instead of Mr. Black of Halifax, the aged head of a private shipping firm and the open enemy of the Crows Nest rates, liking back at It from this distance. It seems remarkable how Mr. Meighea ever came to-select Mr. Utack as his minister of railways. Peter ilcen an of Kenora, a former locomotive engineer and a rigorous advent r both, at Toronto and Ottawa, of the development of the north country, has been given, the portfolio of Labor. This Is pretty much of a surprise. Mr. lleenan has had parliamentary experience both at Toronto and Ottawa and was tbe Joint candidate In Uie last election of t lie Liberal. Labor and Progressive parties In his rldlngj It in probable that the bulk of Canadian labor will ,be satisfied, with fcts appointment; Hon. P. Venlot, thq new post master-general, I a former premier of New Brunswick and an administrator pf capacity. Mr. Klnfret of Montreal, secretary of state, is regarded as a comer among the t rench-Canadian members. He Is the editor of a Montreal dally newspaper and an orator of gifts. The portfolio of defence lias not been filled. According lo reorts Mr. King Is trying to make .a place for Col. J. L. KaUtou. a Halifax lawyer who was defeated on September 14. .Colonel lUMnn had experience overseas and Is regarded by his. fellow Nova Mutton as man of unusual capacity. He would add strength to' the cabinet if his elect Ion could be secured. The new cabinet may'be said to be too large. It Is probable that a cabinet of twelve men could handle the country's business Just as well as a cabinet of eighteen, but no prime minister has been able to bring about a material reduction In cabinet numbers, Geographical conditions and political exigencies appear to dominate when the selections are being made. However, the number of men In the cabinet: Is not as Important, as the way they perform. A fine opportunity for brond-vlsloned, forceful and energetic administration Is snremt ...if H.f... Mr. King and his new advisors. Tbe country Is giving them a fair show and the country: will Judge them by their works. Yes-Quality It is because of the high quality of the ingredients that millions of tins of "Nugget" Shoe Polish are sold annually throughout the world. "NUGGET ShoeMish Black-Tan-Toncy Rtd-Dark Brown and White Ntutral) for light eolort. ! LADIES' MUSIC CLUB OPENING PKETENTIOt'K PIKMiUAM LAIII OCT ' Iim SEASON'S ACTIVITIES THIS YEAK The members of the Ladles' Musle Club are preparing for the opening of the season next week after which regular fortnightly meetings will be held. The program was arranged at the close of last season but there will have to be Mrs. Harlow ... and ... Mrs. Barmy. However It Is planned to deal with the sam-: subjects ea" originally planned. These include "The Evolution of Music" for the opening and following it a aeries on modern composers commencing with Canadian and carrying on consecutive!) with English, American, Russian, French and Polish. In addition there will b; Christmas Music for the gatheritvt prio u t,nnsimas way, a guest any and a day each for Junior and senior stu dents, a day tor miscellaneous music and one for Mendelssohn and Sehu roann comparisons and another on Peer Oynf with the annual closing meeting In May for business. Including the election of officers. The program Is a pretentious one and tbe preparation win entail a good deal of study. The plan usually is far ont member lo read a paper on th subject In hand and have It Illustrated by musical selections given by different members. The meetings are In the af ternoona and are visual! held at the homes of members. Just once during the season there Is a guest day when members may Invite their friends. The officer this year are: President. Mrs. R. L. Mclntyre. Vice-president. Mrs. 3. Darton. Sec.-Treaa, Mrs. R. P. Ponder. Executive r Mrs. S. Johnston. Mrs. D. Ross. Mr. George Woodland. Mrs. Ken. ny, Mrs. A. T. Parkin and Mrs. rraser. Mrs. Herbert Hampton, who returned to the city on Saturday, enjoyed an extended holiday trip of nearly four months visiting In Eastern and. Western Canada and also In the Cnltea States. Che was In Brentford. Ont.. and also spent two weeks at tbe Can adlan National Exposition In Toronto. In that city she met Miss Minnie Wark, who waa formerly In the Jewelry business In Prince Rupert. Mrs. Hampton also visited In Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago and was with a sister In Wlnru in Vancouver for some time she met many old timers of Rupert. Mrs. Hampton will dispose of her home here and will proceed to Port Clements ta Join Mr. Hampton who U In the hotel buslaess there. WESTVIEW DWELLING SCORCHED BY FIRE M reheated stove Too Near to Wall Caused Outbreak In Little Home of O. Boss The tittle home of O. Ross on the eastern extension of Oraham Avenue. Bectlon Two, was damaged by tlr Saturday evening. The alarm was turned In at seven o'clock by an excited neighbor who saw smoke rolling from the house. Though flames had taken a pretty good hold In the kitchen, they were soon extinguished by the brigade by use of fire extinguishers and buckets of water. The damage as a result of the lire, which apparently originated from an overheated stove too close to the kitchen wait was mainly from smoke although the wall was scorched and wait paper and curtains were burned, The fire broke out when' Mrs, Ross and little daughter were down town shopping. G0LDBL00M IS BACK WITH NEW FUR COATS BIG ORDERS TO FILL VMted Eastern Manufacturers and Obtained Large Orders for Every Kind of fur Available at Highest Prices Win. Ooldbloom has returned from his fall tour of the eastern fur markets and haa come back with large orders to flU, Including every kind of fur available. By going direct to the fur manufacturers, Ooldbloom gets the ultimate price for furs in the raw amounting to some IS per cent over the ordinary prices. This benefit he Is able to pass on to the trappers, who. as in previous seasons, will do well this year to "see Ooldbloom first" before disposing of their catch. "Bquaredeal" Ooldblopm under the above mentioned circumstances Is enabled to pay more tor the furs he buys than anyone else. Bo "see Ooldbloom first" means something If you have furs to sell. Mr. Ooldbloom also brought back with him some of the newest fashions In fur coats and other garments and by wise purchasing. Is able to offor these for sale at thirty per cent under the ordinary prices. And Ooldbloom gives a guarantee with every article he sells. Ladies are specially Invited to Inspect this new season's display, Advt. ?1 THE MAN IN THE MOON soya: i About all that's, wrong with the mu- j ikeg la the mow and moisture. I The most Important thfegtn the world to a lot of people tlfls-week is the world series. ' i The mcst Important thing in MAKES PLEA FOR MORE CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE ON THE RACE QUESTION In his sermon to the congregation. ' "Jev. J. B. Oltson last night at the Anglican cathedral spoke of the unchrU , to those of other races and color Christ had broken the race prejudice , of the Jews on his visit to Samaria j when, contrary to custom, ha conversed with the woman at tbe well. Mauy : people In this country held strong ract) -prejudices. Tet people of all nations end all colors were of the same blood. He made a plea for a more Christian attitude toward those ot different ract. who lived In this country. COURT POSTPONED; JUDGEYOUNG SICK Mill Mothered Willi Ssnie Complaint Wblrh At lifted lllin Iteeeull) at ftnilthee On account of the illness of His Honor. Judge F. McD. Young, the regular :esslon of the County Court scheduled for today Is adjourned. Tbe Judge Is still suffering from the same Ulneis with which he was attacked last week at Smlthert but be; is now up and around though not able to! leave the house. Cases to come before film, art mainly ones set beer from1 last month's court. CHINAMAN DIED Heath Occurred Vcstcrdar Mornlne Chun Hoy. Vl Years Old, Cannery Cook A b Csssrr.sr-n Rich IVlMlTfB Custard mm ' 4" , MO.VUAr. OCTOBKH , 19:s. th VZ , " " " "I The editor says he would eliminate. m inv me cuy. among mem Deing ..,. ... s 1V.WS1 e sss inK. lxjitj MRS. HAMPTON HAD LENGTHY HOLIDAY V Wiled Many Cities In Canada and states Iludlng Her Four Months Vacation. where Prlncs world to me this week Is how IVi going to get my creditors to give me abother month to forget their accounts. If Canada could stage a Tunney-Dempsty tlghv a world series,, or the proper kind or disasters and could develop an Atmee McPherson scandal of her own, Thank heaven there will be no mor Ice bills, for another six months. What thatT " Coal Electricity Parget It until the accounts are due. ; Now that this Jazz question Is settled, how would It be to think about how we are going to celebrate thanksgiving this year? Suppose we have a ;&z3 dance! Where are all the bashful peopl of The death occurred In the Prints Rupert General Hospital yesterdav morning of Chun Hoy. Chinese. He waa 45 years of age and was a cannery took. His funeral wUl take place tomorrow afternoon from the B.C. Undertakers Chapel to Falrvlew Cemetery Miss Wlnnlfred Walker. In a letter yesterday, asks for Pacific Milk's custard recipe. The following Is one we have tried and liked: Halt pint Pacific MUk and an equal amount of water: two eggs; four tablespoons sugar; pinch ot salt Stir until dissolved. Pour milk Into the beaten eggs, put Into cups and buke until a knife blade comes out clean- -20 to 30 minutes. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vanoouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.O. I that used to be around I have not noticed any of late years. Teh Years Ago in Prince Rupert .V OCTOIIKK 4, 191st Leading American newspapers asset t that Germany Is beaten in tbe Oreat War. The only question is how laag :t will take the AlUed Powers to malui the decision absolute. France Is getting revenge for 187a Arthur Little, the news dealer, left. this morning to visit his old home Irv. the Eastern States. Mr. little expects to do some cattle dealing on tbe way. The Mamie group of claims on Hud-. son Bay. Mountain near Smlihera is attracting considerable attention. Last, week a visit was paid to It by John Aldrleh. Tbe main lead has been uncovered for s distance of about three hundred, feet- showing tbe ore body t vary little.; averaging five feet In width. peg for a time. Coming west she was Ulan attitude of many people In regard Tki labtt it rtd and ckitt. IF you are a constant uier of Carnation Milk, you already KNOW. But if you are not, then we tay, ln-cerely and confidently, that a treat U in store for you. For you will get wonderful results In cooking with Carnation Milk. For baking, for sauces and gravies, for puddings and frozen desserts, Carnation is unsurpassed. It is fine In coffee, too; and with fruits and cereals. Then, especially, will you appreciate Carnation's creamy-delicate taste and color and its economy-cuts cream bills in three. Treat yourself to the goodness which has made Carnation the world's leading brand of evaporated milk. Your grocer sells Carnation. Be sure to ask for it ENJOYABLE DANCE ON SATURDAY NIGHT i There was a very enjoyable Cinderella Jance given by Mrs. H. O. Crewe In her tudio Saturday night. It was the be ginning of a series ot social events which It Is hoped by those present will be continued. Music wis provided by: Mrs. Ponder's -orchestra and refreshments were served shortly before mld-iglrt. Another dance Is being given by Mrs. Ciewe tomorrow night from SJO-to mid-Mght which Is open to everyone. Advertise In Tbe DeUy News AUCTION SALE Instructed by the .t.VlIV ,VsTHVW. IUII.WVYS. will sell, f.r fretsl.i awl rsr nil ui iue, uy rubiir .Miction, m liaivta Yard. Prliiee rieorjre. at .m. frldav. NMier atb. !:- I .Mesni Trsrtor Cuirtlie.. t r:ileniii Wheels, I , Holts, I Twelve-Ixiltmn I'loush (K.ri. . w. Kkt Ml.OOO lbs., consigned to John Nelirlnr. Terms slrtritv reh. or maiked rheane se-eiri. Subject to reserve bid. H. 1. IIAItl'FII. snrlloneer ::. W, lUiiuiimtun, Aunt. r.outiel. Western Heslun, Vsiieouver, MX. September rt. 0e. LAND ACT. Nitlct nlsntlon to Apdr lo Lssss Land. ' Ik v . Iiecordmir nistrict nr Prince iiiipe. ,in1 sllutle u uoitli slwre of an lni.'.d Uay on Poutb-VVetl Com ot I'M Island, about .ne mile essi from Dlurr I tint TAkr 1QTICE that K llousseiu. of Lnwr ln.t, f vloee of British Columbia, oe.ru-pst.oi,. -Jainfe.-y Maimer, intend lo ai.pt for . .a& of '.lie folloum described Minis Cni5il'i( at a post planted on the slinre o . J umistned bay on the south, west . VHt rr fill Island, shunt one mil in 1.1-ju ron.i; ineiire nnrm twenty chains) ience east twenty cbsinii Uwnre si mill twenty chains, im.ee or leas. fa. mh Witer Msrk: thenre fnllowtnr hlrti water mars wesierijr lo point fir Coiiimeiireinent, and containing; elrlity acres, more or less, UATHi July SOlh, 1816. E; HOl'SSMtT, Vopltesnt N0TICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASK In the I.enrl rieeordltir Wstrlel r Atllo MlDlnr division or Casslar IHMrlil. TAKE 'VfiTirx ttint the fnrtneer Oold Mlna I tt It... . . , t '", , - ir,i,i,ini I.llll.l.lf ri.iu iny operatltiir within Hie I'ruvlnee of llrt llsli Colnniliia. ixruiatln, a mlnlnr rum. DSD.V. In US lis tu Sl.lilv r.ir a rnrraluira I...... of the fullowlnr desrrlbed lands':. - uiniiniiirinr at a post rUanled sIhiiiI sno rret rii.unt in sn l:steriv dirrrtion frorti the Knrth Wesl e.iefie nr l.,t is&a lark Mineral CIauii, situated at the mnu'th of ann niver, on Tskn Ami of Tarth i.ne. li.eiire in Northerly 1lrertU.ii ttt feet, tlienre Isileilv ton fH, 11.,,.. Bwilherlr 180 feet nrvre or less tn hlrh witer mark. Ili.-ncs w'usisrlv tan r i more or less to point nr roininenreinenl and rnntsininr O.t seres more or less. Micaiea mis tun nsv nr MiruM. Hffi, . (Slrnrdi iL Mc!, khasfm, U, C. L. S. Aleut. it A Treat is in Store for You BREAD PUDDING 2 cups Carnation Milk diluted with 2 cups hot wter, Va cup sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla or k tsp. grated nutmeg, 4 cup melted butter, 2 cups stale bread crumbs, 2 c66. Vk tsp. salt Prepare crumbs by grating on a coarse grater. Soak the bread crumbs in the hot diluted milk. Beat eggs slightly, add the sugar, salt, and vanilla to the soaked crumbs; stir until well blended. Pour into an oiled pudding dish, set in fi pan of water and bake in an oven of 300 F. About one hour is required for baking. This serves eight. seni! for fw rMvpy of Mary lilfil,' t'.oi.l. Ilm.k Vi4rrU ".anialion MHk lM'stlnri-I Hi. Il A lita 1 1 Si. Van. 'tivr. I.i: Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cows Produced in Canada 17 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We hnve the most complete ltck of timber dimensions, shiplnp, fir finih, flooring. V joint reneers, etc., in Northern 1J.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our atocjt. II will pay you. Our prices are right Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones lie and 117 Steamship and Train Service Sllllues fp.ni PBINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, esih THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.00 p.m. for ANV0X WEDNESDAY 10 00 p.m. I'or STEWART SATURDAY 10 00 a.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rt.r VANCOUVER via QUEEN , CHARLOTTE ISLANOS fsrtnlghtl;. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally ft rem Sundiy tl ll.io un. for prince oeoroe. Edmonton, Winnipeg, all pottiit kstiero fjMiadi, United States, Aatncv all Ocssn SlMmshln Llass. Us Canadian Mtlonal Eipreis for Money orders, loreim Cneques ele. lo for your lien siii.ment, Cltr Tkkst Office. BZS Third Ate., Prince RepsrU Phone t0. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stllinti from Prince Rupert, ee VANCOUVER,. VICTORIA. Swansea Bar, ana Al.et .,. Tuesslas s ee VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA. Al.et Mt ,.,,see Be.. Saleee, to for PORT SIMPSON and Nsai River Cannsrlsa. Thu.s.. . ' foe PORT SrsjPSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWACJT, ussf, S a.ss I9 2nd Avenee. R. M. ssitm, aasst Prints Kupeet, M. 0. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West p. o. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch AN v AA Tweed Suits made to order in our KI I III shop irj Prince llupert as low as UtlUa I. ANQER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street pHr,c, Rupept, B. C.