CLASSIF PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER ED ADS == (Courtesy & D. Johnstem co, Ltd.) Vv eee American Standard BLACKWOOD on THE KID’ DEFENDS TInt HAVANA, Cuba ©@ Welterweight of Cuba defended his boxing title Graham of New York in a 15-round bout 14h, ( hampion Kid tonigint by OULpoir i Each fighter ? Ras ness ey Prof, SSton Jahn F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR ON VACATION POR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED 08! DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ee 5.65 iii ponies secant sh sah a a neon B 03" ‘ se i om ei Cariboo Quartz 1.30 e Classified Rates HELP WANTED--MALE eM aMeMeMeMMMM CONETESS 08% Svt ae Clo-ure time 4:30 p.m. day pre-| STOCK {A wal Ap} 1240 Kiloeyeles Cronin Babine 27 — G vous to publication. Wo ( Ltd (236) aes, tin Giant = 60 Cla sified, 3 cents per word per’ >> : ADIO Incian Mines 10 iy sertion; minimum charge 50) WANTED Reenten Coen sas Pioneer 1.90 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD c nts ree 3 wie — eon room. Liv (Subject to Change) Premier Border 16 Wists Mintines $0 canta: Cerdsl ae mINoe OLE: ANNETTE Privateer 05% Finesse Is Easy—Easy To Muff, That Is . 4 , fi SAM : i Vaee pply aye! i} ‘ + * o Thanks, Death Notices,) Box Da (238) |, MONDAY Reeves MacDanaid 9.85 Mu? contends there is one play in bridge} > Notic ri t us Reno ’ F ineral Notices, Marria and Rc Weatt ame : ‘ k 03 | i seis oe noah ses bles , en : ~~ bi aC Hew Vent wr Report Sheep Cree 13 ; 5 - a at re . ae E agement Annout AGENTS WANTED 4:55—Stoek Quote Silbak Premier 39 «be knows all about—and that's the finesse. If that) Spe vial Display double price NYLONS guaranteed up to 6 . ; a — + eg 07% were true he would be the world’s greatest player be =| Os months. Men’s Hose guaran- ‘ sere Vananda 02h. . « ri “ANNOUNCEMENTS teed up to 18 months. Men Salmon Gold gaa, Cause this ap yparently simple play is often one of ' saa i I writ oO fi or Spud Valley 05) } ] > ll. i Cith Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8 i VA : peer : : ~. ee 5% the most difficult and intricate of a | We d lect } Silver Standarc i anc % perience unneces i0--Paeitic Western Ur: : 1.70 There is more to it than® aoe “ie i . peri unne aceon . estern Uranium 4.30 , aie Cinadian I! . 9 Siten is * Oils— ely leadin up toward an)! North dealer oO ) te a 3: 30-— Mi mains Me A P Con 39 1ce-queen and playing the | Neither side —" | ae Bo ¢ i cers and eicaiiniaamnde ‘ > : n when secon 1and pl Seem OES i ees ot a aa60 rn Suu er Caimont Ti" ‘ wher t na hand piay (Miss Brash) | OV 0 Banquet 7 ile a Sak oat Here's Central Leduc 3.40 “ oO TS 4 Ce e€, Octobe . ; sata 8 ‘oy Cac Mereury 90 There are such questions a HA @ 10 Lidies of the Or f t E O1 H M Okalta 3.10 hese to decide os” Ri I ) B: oO Mu it Pacific Pete 97 With finessings positions in West Kast ; AUCOUN'PANTS sitainien hy Royal Canadian 20 everal suits, which do you fin (Mr Abelig (Mes, Keen) Catne ( area —-—_—— TORONTO fi How deep should} %— J 6 x 8 melt con es O PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN(, income ESDAY Athona " your finesse be Should you . 7 ; s 7 42 Hospital Aux H w ea “br rer ah ay = AM, | Aumaque 15 bandon an available finesse en-| Ca K Q 4 CA 8 6 } Te f Mr Cc. M ee : a Broa Beattie DuQuesne 40 y and try for some other South | ms TYTER ‘E CB Weat Bevcour 1.23 uy in end-play or a squeeze ee Dale) ; tease BATTERY SERVICE M Buffalo Canadian 911 hould you take a fin ec Ek ( de } RUPERT B: cB Cons Smelters 32.20 sse early in a hand and when ; 7é¢32 Oct ive. I Conwes 3.1¢ i it be deferred until the : Cnt U8 Canna Lew Ba 4 Dect Donalda 47 ast possible moment ee ' West Nove be : mm Wy J ‘ E a 14 Nobody can answer all those b P ‘ | , Ni I é os East Sullivan 7.00 tions right the time. But ‘ All Pa ' Cathe I I G r ratte I r G1 Yellowknife 83 CAN learn what the odd r " ve! it LOSt elting cesso -~t God's Lake 70 n variou ituations and tract. Mr. Abel the first LODE. } B . : : 2th } Hardrock '., 1] h ay with those odds in) two tricks with his ibs and ber 20 : Ave. # Mu Harricana 07 fave led a third club, Du iffed ber 2Q Green 99 ; K Heva 07 ‘ hand } ! i a4 . \ . ! s hand is a sin one and led a spade | Sonj WE y f urnt out ei ’ os ew ou Ar. Muzzy ght have muff Mr. Dale put in the 19 and “h sbyte in B 10 ke. Wil x . Se Quebec 36 Look at the spade and lost to the jack. Dummy won . yt 8 t tl ong Lac 57 . ' i ber 27 : ; = C Ss Cov t ae I e Lat 4 t The odds are 3 t& he diamond return and the ~ 3 P piu f eae r { Abe i not ! i finesse of th queen if ; 4 ag : : . Madsen Red Lake 1.74 oi ‘ k ‘ a a : - ead : The : v ott rx es > — % R McKenzie Red Lake 39 : eae ad , oe fot . + NOV. @ BOARD AND ROOM M . ‘ per play is to finesse spade Imps picked up the King an 3 -" f McLeod Cockshutt 2.86 7 ‘| Orai : : B ROARI : iy mK Moneta 3% wice the fin of hye queen ; 4 : : : B ai 240 : rs a i a On the first lead which card) hearts assured 10 k Bi. Peter's Pali 1 1 Noranda 76.50 = ome Ou Ba ee re er 4 CAKs FUR SAL oe } Louvicourt 181 he queen ihe i0, because you | : . Pickle Crow ) pian to finesse twice anyway j United Churc} I ae hs P Bi ’ 1.60 1d if BOTH king and jach R ny, 4 FO?! I ( I ; Petrol Oil & Gas 98 and 1 Ay KING amd jac are I Senator Rouyn 12 Mm your rgnt you nay get Seeaiittiein ae I ‘ . Sherrit Gordon 00 iway with no pade iosei FUNERAL NOTICE an ha are ~ SANDVAR In Vancouver, FOR BC News: Weather Report Silver Miller 145 |. Fae ODOR are alga. 3.t0 | 0 Saturd: Oct. 4, 1952. Leo R . Q Sweet Grass Oils 1.07 Mr. Keen does not heki beth 65 years, beloved h ck Golden Manitou 215 king and jack of hearts. But i of Mr Magdalen Sand n the piay here to finerse the ee a Avi re t. Re H } e pt '¢ iti ' H queen, not the 10, because there Ison will conduct service E 6 tt in orses ar only two heart inthe gh we sr ee UR Mek act 1d South hand and thers no Int sae to follow n Fa view POR 4 +6 v sense taking any more risk than Cemetery. B.C. Undertaker Goor sed ¢ een. I n eres anc ers ae yf arrangement 1 ‘ i h Blu Playing a “gested, Mr. Dale 4 5 = » te PS y P " Gr . OR \ Washing { 1 Octobe nl mm the horsé takes ove 1943 } mi 1945. | @et Couned Cand os te the Gow is r j d n c », 1962 in- The sepeial display at Alberta ‘ I a to Ceme i British S/@MPedes was put on by Bill and B lame Yuk i ee Bet y on of Tucson, Arizona Cc rt Adi r 192 A t i BC They ait that in Edmont ton they ou journs GEORGE DAWES - - FOR One Easy rintendent, Yukon were told their cutting horses Juvenile Case AUCTIONEER PERSONAL N hine, f 1 , "| were “just like poco and Phone Black #46 and Red 127 NEARLY ev én 40 me 10 ft Enginee a con- Simons were pleased with the Hearing of charges of breaking f tL Y everybody uses 99, {e) k 00 Gre 9 13 t epyine , rs comparison with sheep dogs. * and entering eigh establish- ouamnuum PLUMBING, automatic Oj] heat- por Nine vol Box atl Ort Ranchers, cowboys and spec- ments here between March 1 ing, sheet metal work. Phone oF 6. Red 471 “(935) Ontaric Ne aN tators who have seen the event, and Sept. 21 against four juven- , 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau aaeiaone Le Gener instructions to Tenderers, Say the work of the cutting horse Hes Was adjourned for a week WRA THALL S (tf) Ee SALE-—Child ‘rib, ex- Drawing nd Specifications are ob- Would be practical at branding Saturday when the boys appear : See | Lema condition $8.40. Gell att ibeye _ office time, pickrigjaowt claves to be Gc before Magistrate W. D ton telad S r , 4 . e “ ‘gigs Fr vega wrlpping TVItH Past S35py"* ¥ fe eee f re trl. branded’ | Ft Vance } ¢ Bi ; Photo Finishing f we f eact Ci ocumety m1 a a « resentative at Me een we FOR SALI @ wiek Cole ofa tae 1 phbaus The Sinioris reported a high de- THe adjournment was grantéd © Wednesday afternoon fro: Heater. Like new. R iver Gen- gree of interest shown by spec- &t Ule request of defence cour 2-4. Apply 10 Ind Ave , . 3 oe be tators at ranch-area stampedes ve] DEVELOPING, PRINTING —_ oe ~ Blue 874 35 ne “ad ton. 2nd Bill Simon was optimistic ENI sING NILI ne rson wh tank n r x t a GER centages - INLARGING ‘fishing mods from @ shed 2 En about the chances of developing GOSAT FESOTAN EXPOSURE METERS 08 West T TOR ? e, I good cutting horses on the Can The heart's functions and cir- ~ oe ere 408 7th Wess bring thea WANTED TO RENT u ing horses on the Can peinivees, ‘eiinviadie ilaia back or owner wi gee ; . adian prairies culation of blood was first cor AMATEUR SUPPLIES lice. One short 1 witl WANTED TO RENT—Cabin fot ’ suis the Can a Canadian horses show a great;tectly described by Harvey in | Phone Green 136 Box 478 one three pieces 5p) | (ONRIE. WH BOX 1007 Sie enders close deal of cow sense and that is 1628 HYDE Tr: a ‘ ion B 39} i ceive consideration, tenders the first requisite,” he comment-! Bet —— + _ ra nsfe I “ plack Coal. ‘2 a at : ed tender NOMAN will share he ed. o MAN will share her ap Rate ae Free E Book on Arthritis iilipcasibloniouisa 4 n witn another w n ¢ t i cheque 1 Lakes ne yea! , THE PURPOSE _of newspaper| girl. References re Box Bank in Canada, pay- train a champion cutting horse And Rheumatism See tee eee ae ee | ae 35} h amount equal 16 ten per| noe he task Of choosing which) BOW ZO AVOID CRIPPLING mand for commodities or — pans ee ae ee rseS ¢ p tre ad ji > >a . vices and to inform Bas FOR RENT gf a oh ing Pigm s thgze oan dfticult > t ae te r ." ee en ices al to inform readers e or Beare c 3 yw | Most dificult part of the job. Remember you can phone in con anes meta Beare sae ported hone af ine"e aaieasd on t An amazing newly enlarged 44- your classified ads u 1 for riggs oa . any constituent com-|a good eutting horse mn ? b page book entitled “Rheumatism - ra el laring : oe t rse can “ ' 748 } Nada Had 199 f pecified in the form of |anherited, Mr Diao sid one will be sent free to anyone who » Bas ted 2. ier said ne : ee WOMEN Need Cosmet €' FOR RENT Forniahed t Department reserves the right| (WO fundamental requirements 4 es i ek ti . a remnendou de r Sn a al a : ‘: it ree € eject an r all tenders, and the| are a horse of intelligence and ae om aut wants ealhes DINING Avon fe have ve ee saute om , tender will not necessarily be | patient training. ines y ary relie opening for capable womaz (235p) | acc ee na | ne a S sii and fail to remove the causes of rite a? a atk ve ), M. MacKAyY, i + exniai senialie. Write Box 502 Daily New . |FOR RENT — Room to share Acting Deputy Minste’ | REAL ESTATE the trouble; explains a specializ PLEASURE (239) Separate beds. Red 471. (235) | Department of Citizenship ea ed non-surgical, non - medical eit ——— ‘ei : & T a Singer portable electric =e Immigra sees, aes FOR SALE-—Modern two bed- treatment which has proven suc- IN LOST AND FOUND achine. Phone 864. OT geen (295¢)| room home with revenue| cessful for the past 33 years. SPARKLING NEW - . fn aerate suite. Central. Terms. Write; You imeur no obligation in LOST — yieinity »r- ROOM for rent—722 " ps AN 181 . . ; Valu stati stam . oe 4 Street eh Rouges ~——— R outa eof Title No. 10087 r| Mrs. A. Towers, General De- | sending for this instructive book. SURROUNDINGS ¢ ange purse ad- ‘ 285 ‘ = 9 te o le } 9237- > S te ee oe Fon ‘Renwi—Ses to Lot Thirty-Nine (99), Re-| _UVerY: (235) It may be the meee of enring -NT—Single Room. Red ubdivision of Lot Thirty-Eight - | you years of untold misery. Write omm (236) ; R n of Lot | ght} FOR SALE—On 8th Ave. Bast.|» hat ee 788. (235) (38), Bloc Seri is),, aman home, 4 rooms and bath up,| day to The Ball Clinic, Dept | —_ c ea er “ ee sarin . , | book with receipts wee Pocket | WORK WANTED WHE! satisfactory proof of | One _ — down. Con- 5217, Excelsior Springs, MissoUr|, a ulso black leather purs macy” es of the above Certificate of Title} Crete foundation. Vacant lot . 7 asl asadacae = oe Tee yer gyi payroll ~ ele rk is ws ae . — 7 | on each side, kitchen range, BLONDIE —Soettogend Tricksters n rs Psires art ime we ii as bee ile t s office, please return to Pilfold, P.O. home Any office ao as, notice is hereby given that I shall, | = rs — in base- 7 itl a a a Box 765, Prince Rupert. 140 ceptable, Apply Bi * 6 3 it the expiration of one month from{ .. » Gown, balance Py ied! Me BUMSTEAD? THIS 1S HE ) ra 9th Ave, West (236p) | ian. oe Daily the date of the first publication); \” rent. Phone Blue 884 at 247 bee . 3 LW] }YOU CAN SPELL ) . HELP WANTED—FEMALE._ | WORK WANTED — Carpenters|cate, uniess in the mes | warie | INSURANCE LETS PULL + FHE eg ne work, odd jobs, foundation | objec stn tn seals di tae ae nee ne : eerie [ THA oo See THAT wa ge Pte wy Secretarial Stenogr apher work. By the hour. Have that| DATED at the Land Registry Of- $10 DOWN On vouR J Ave yOURT I you TEN Grade I repair job done for less. Box|fice. Prince Rupert. B.C. this avin | Fire, Automobile, Personal Prop- FATHER eo MILLION J B.C. Civil Pl Service| 1380 Station B. (239p) | {8¥ Of September, 1952, A.D \epty Floater, Liability and all’ \ rH _ DOLLARS ? Prince Rupert nreineateeen _ ———— Andrew Thompson | types of General Insurance are : Salary: $180-$218 monthly, plus Waren: ze I ris r of (asec) (available at reas sonable monthly $15 Special Living Allowance. = Pectin ee ee 1 nel iniininns _—_’ {payments with only $10, down. : E a WANTED — Child’s playpen Typing speed 50, shorthand 110.) “phone Red 786 oe Bo : Insure now with strong reput- A minimum of 3 years’ steno- | _ Pee (236) ANCIENT CHURCH | able companies graphic experience. Application CASH for scrap brass, copper, The 1@th century crypt is stili Armstrong Agencies Ltd. forms obtainable trict Forester, B. C. Forest Ser- yicé, Prince Rupert from the Dis- (it)! batteries 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, | City. and radiators (tf) Phone | London. seen at St.Mary-Le- i the Bow Church, “Bow Bells,” Real Estate & Insurance Agents church of in| D -i 307 3rd West, Phone 342 . (249) We Pour Cement For Leas Phone Blue 939 HANDYM HOME’ $ SERV GENERAL CONTR, Buliding and Repay kinds ROOFS CHI OIL BURNER PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215-——Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all itg branches 204—-4th Street Phone 655 etn, FRED E. 0g OPTY IMETRIS Room 10 Stone Oper H. G. HELGER LIMITED | REAL ESTATE & ty Phone 94, By QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heew and Wuen Soles Bax 774 Second Ave MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Shipping and Geveral Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- client Service Canadian Liquid Air Co for Oxygen welding supplies. Lid Cor. and and Park Avenues Est, 1910 Phones 0 and @ Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE bAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WPRDNESDAY Comfert and Service Write or Call OFFICE BC. CANA LL Also agents for Acetylene and all LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED aeepieneranmasetneeniete ann eta MIDNIGHT For Reservations CITY OR DEPOT PRINCE RUPERT rv NAL | j JOHN H. BULGER Opt omelrist e John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue LING THE T Tailoring - and Clothes Made-to- 220 Sixth st PORTRA! TAKEN AT} Chandler's Pha 216 4th 8 SCOTT Mel CHARTERED Act James Block 08~y rine Phone M47 Nt att VANCOUVE and VICT SUNDAY a8 Compu FRDAY SS Cl un § ALICK AkM, STE PORT soe Coquitial le roR NoKTt CHARLOTTE LS Oct 8 Pri 38 Cl POR “SuUTE | L ee 3 Oct 1 29.5 PRANK 2 Prince Rupert Third Avenue Chi unese o* Chop Suey -C Open 6 ps e HOLLYWO0E For Outside Orders BES) OF FOOD ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY N O-N-OMA TOP OE LA IT WAS GOOD OF YOU GENTLEMEN TO CALL,AND, IF YOU'D BE SO KIND 'D LIKE YOu TO TURN OVER THE TEN MILLION TO MY FAVORITE CHARITY -- THE HOME FOR LEFT: HANDED er uw For the MEAL that REFRE é. vp 200 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE ® BROADWAY CAFE a ‘| a ae n a a : FI ( cod EWS BRINOS By CHIC ipod, King, Petes