t 97 108 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Imperial Ilalnbow, Orchestra Is 1 playing a return engagement by Local and Personal request at the Moose Hall, Saturday, ORMxS August 28. Advertise In the Daily News. Mrs. It. II. I.efghton, sailsi tomorrow evening, on the Prince Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. If Hupert for Vancouver on a holi SPECIAL SELECTED day visi'.. malkin's B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Mrs. F. V. Allan, who has been south for the. past five . 1 F Li voiww Crystal Firelfkhlers. ' 48 fo weeks, returned to the city on 11.00. .Hyde ''Transfer. Phone the Prince Hupert this morning. L hti wi"""' S iviid S L 580. i ' tf BEST W. J. Elmendorf, well known J- 1 1 FVlf m I I j Try Foothills Stove Coal, mininK man, Is a passenger on 1 3.00 per ton. ,o sooU-Phil- Hie Prince Hupert today gqlnv potl, Evilt & Co. Ltd. tf through to Stewart. Very Old Very Smooth dation to the last piece of finish. Kcry Flavorful Very Popular CANADIAN RYE WHISKY uit'rii ,c :i. ,11 1-, n..i pi.M , - in-.; ,i , piaj etl by the Luiuoi' Control Hun) ur b the ti'iverotnent of DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST DHEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by . nadian Fish & Coli Sfeg? 'Co., LliC Prince Rupert, D.C anadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK t 1 AND SHIPYARD Operating C. T. F. 20,003 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boller.makers, Blacksmiths, Pattern, makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Eta. CLECTRIC AND ACETYLENE VVELDINQ. Our plant i i;nii'i t; hmdle l kihd of MARINE AND COKWEHCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and JSP Everything for the Builder LUMBER We hove In? most complete stock uf limbers, dimensions, shiplap. 1 1 r finish, flooring. V joint, venters, dr., in Northern tl.ll We can supply everything in n building from the foun llcfore buying inspect our slink. Jl will pay you. Our I1' are right. J- -J. ; ; f .-i? Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. , ' Phonss 110 and 117 Bus and Taxi Meets all -Trains and Boats ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. .' Phone 34 P.O. Box 100 Simmon's Slcel lied. Spring-, 'and Ostormuur Mal-Irc-sc jn every room. 68 llooniM, llol and Odd Water, Ilalhs ami Showers. Seam Healed. Electric Light Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Allan Carton was fined $25 in tlio city police court this mom ing for drunkenness. Mrs. It. T. Higby, who arrived n the city yesterday from Any ox, sailed Hi is morning on the Princess Charlotte for Ketchikan. Everyone should see "Ypres," the glorious record of the Canadian Army In the Great War. Westholme tonight and tomor row. J. H. Hennelt, principal of the largest of the North Vancouver public, echo!, was in the city to day making the round trip on the Calala. 'V $ Willnf 1 1. a . iSt-nll Lnnti'ii (ueen, Charlotte I -da fid logging operator, was a passenger on lb" Prince Charles yesterday bound from the Islands to Vancouver. Mrs. II Calderwooil and cliiM fit Digliy Island, after an abcne of itnnie five months, returned from Vancouver on tho Prince iiuperi I in morning. It. A. Johnson, well known na ie tnrrrhant of Port Simpon, and Mrri Johnson were paseu j:rrs on Mie Prince Charles yes terday afternon leaving for Van couver on a business trip. Mls Huth Hix. who has been spending the summer holiday? here, sails on the Prince Hupert tomorrow night tor ew v el oiinsler a here she will resume tier school duties. Allan M. Davies sails tomorrow n'wht on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver on a holida 4 trip. Urs. Davies jind fainily.T?Me Feci), iu the south for sointrtTnV md wijl return with Mr. Davie Miss; M. Mcleod, who has been on the Commodore Cafe staff here for some time, called yes terday afternoon on the Prince Charles for Vancouver where she will remain. Slslehiphr'syne and Mar Una. who hae been on the staff of St. Joseiih's convent here, left on yesterday's train for Toronto, llcfore Ihe next term 0ens. two sisters are expected here to take their places. Constable ieorg Wyinan re turned fi'om Vancouver lilt morning and, accompaniiMl by Mrs. Wman, is tiroreeiling to llaielton where he has been IransHrred in Ihs provincial po lice service. The Hoys' Hand, through J. J I Hire, secretary or the committee nt charge. Acknowledges tho re- celnJ,brMl.30 from the 'Prince tUiperl J'iolball Assoclat'on, this eing the proceeds of a benefit football game. Mr. anil Mrs. Walter Hunn ami family will sail on the Prinoe ftuperl tomorrow night for Van ccuxer to attend the -wedding of .Mrs. Humes sister. Miss Mary Carter, tr Jack lluwess on Au gust 31. I'nlon steamer Calala. Cant. A. jounstone, arrived In port nl 9 o clock lltia morning from Vancouver and wayporls and sailel at to for the Skecna and Xaas Hivers. Tho vessel is due back lu-re tomorrow morning south- hound. iMr. and Mrs. T. K. Hrooks ar rived in Ihe city from Terrace on yesterday aflernoon's train Mrs. Hrooks entered tho hospitul hero Tor treatment while, Mr. Hrooks returnod to 'Terrace this morning. Jlon. W. J. HoWsr inyr premier of Hrl er. K.C.. for- Hrilish Ciiluin. hia, arrived on Ihe Prince Jln-perl this morning from Van. couver lo be principal speaker nt the meeting which will be held tonight in the Interests of J. U nrmly. Conservative uandl date in bkeena riding for federal house. Mr. Howscr ail dlVs.U'd a ineelinir hrinflv Ocean Falls while. Ihe boat va at that port last evening. the d- at 'I W. V. C. O'Neill of the local school, leaching staff returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Hupert HHs morning, J. P. Scarlett of Stewart is a passenger on the Prince Rupert louay, returning tiorin after trip to Vancouver. " " J mm Hugh McOulre. well known Stewart mini tag man, is a pas senger on .hc Prince Hupert today bound north from Vancouver. , J. V. J.. Hoover was an arri val in :hp ejfy yesterday after non Jrpmi'.Clevelariil, Ohio. U left forJtincau pii lhe Princess Charlotte (his ..tiiorning School lnspeclor li. C Fraser, who has been spending the sum mer holidays' in Victoria, return ed to the city on thePi'ince Ilu iril iins uioriuiif;. ' Constable T. OScrogg, It. C M. P., sailpd on the Prncef Charlotte this morning for Skaa- way. accompanying a liquor shipment being made ' north on that vessel. j, (Mr. and Mr. George Wilson and family returned Ho the city on Hie Prince Hupert I li is mora ing after having spent a holiday in Vancouver. Mrs W. Oration ajd daughter Mis A. Cratlon. returned lo the city on yesterday iafternoon's train after a two mdnths' holi day ly spent spent in in Mnmier Smithers. A. C. H. Gerhardjf I? oi of the me HoBif noBfsiake managing tnrecior Uon olidalei t' Mining CiT, in a pa? in the Uik Prnw Priiicb Hupert Hupert to scnger,in day bound for Alive Arm where his company has the Toric mine under active development F. I). Mulhollaud of Victoria, formerly of the Forest Branch here and now supervisor of for est reserves in-the province, arrived in the city on last night's train after a visit to the Habine reserve and will proceed south on the Prince Hupert tomorrow night. Miss (Molly Cross returned to the city on the Prince Huper' this morning after having spent a few weeks holidaying in Vancouver. She was accompanied by Miss Elizabeth (troves, daughter of GapL and Mrs. Groves, formerly of this city, who will be her truest for a week or so. Lee Gordon, who has been attending summer school at Victoria, returned to the city on lio-Prince Hupert this morning t spend a few days visiling -wfl., his parents beroro proceeding In Stewart lo resume, his school leaching duties. C.P.It. steamer Princess Char-'otte. napi. C. C. Saintey, arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morn-:rcg from the south and-ailed at 10 for Alaska ports. Thev vessel will call here southbound on Wednesday afternoon next. Mrs. Frank Dibit relurned t the city oa the Prince 'nuper! this morning1' after having spent six weeks on a holiday Visit in Vancouver and Scathe. Miss Winnie DHb is remaining in the south for a couple uf weeks longer. Established 1923 IU Office Hours: U a.m. tp 0 p.m. Saturday ' 0 a.m. tli t p.m. DENTIST Exchange Block Phono 109 is ihefiworite blendof thousands YPRES IS HERE 1 AT WESTHOLME Famous Epic Picture to be fhown Tonight and Tomorrow ; Fpic scenes from the .great world tragedy, in which the flo wer of llritisb and'Canadian man hood fought, conquered, lived and died, were enacted over again iu the superb film drama, "Ypres.'" which opened an indefinite engagement at the Hef:ent Theatre last night, wrote the dramatic critic of the Toronto Mail and Empire on the morning following its first "showing in that city. Although the war is happily receding into the shadowy past, it still li a Ihe power to call up poignant memories of sorrow and pride as the tales -"Of heroism or great deeds of 'sacrifice are reviewed. A product of Hrilish film craft.' "Ypres" depicts the high lights in ttie three-year death struggle on the Ypres salient, when the Hrilish fought in a never-ending welter of mud and blood to block, the way to Calais. "Ypres"' i? s not a tale of fiction, with a tinge of color obtained from some mi-' mic battle front; it is an histor-j icat drama, presenting actual incidents,' the majority of them! scenes taken during the course! of the, fighting in Flanders, and! pieced in with scenes taken sub-' sequent to the war, and so clever-j ly interwoven that it is practically! impossible lo tell whether the) real scene begins or ends. Accurate Detail The historic struggle for the supremacy of the Ypres salfent,. in which the Germans attempted! all devices known to man and' science lo break (he morale and to conquer the lines of the Hrilish forces was presented inaccurate detail, ami many of7 the soul-stirring incidents in which: Ihe Hrilish soldier trod the pathway to glory and death lighted' lip the pi no my tragedy. The story! is traced through a succession of' pictures from the first arrival of' Ihe dauntless army of "Contemp- ibles," their brilliant stand at' the first gas battle of Ypres; the j tio'iosatist of the gas attack, the! gallant stand of the Canadians,; and the mining of the Messinesi Hidge, which marked the turning and enabled the Hrilish to jnako their first real advance. . Then: the tanks appear on the scene,! and prove more than a match forj Ihe German's troublesome pill! boxes. The story is presented in simple, but graphic form, entirety devoid of heroics, and the whole is lightened up with human in-lerest touches, as the bath, the boat train, the leave and tho family reunions id Itllghty, NEW GREEK PREMIER FORMSJOT CABINET ATHENS, Aug. 27. - General CondylK who overthrew the Pan- nlos dictatorship last Sunday, formed his own cabinet iu which he lakes the'porvfolios of minister or war and minister of marine. v . . ler ML...'. . i I I MSI Y f" SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, ti SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WA8H at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Loggers! Loggers! We have the only tompleit slock of , Gilchrist Jacks and parts iu the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes. Heavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. It will pay you lo see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP 1 ma . 4 B.C. FOREST SERVICE : '? ., ' t,