August 27, 102fl. WATGH bm us ' i ii 7- one main advtuilage y n over netting it away m home. I hi watrh doe.tVI pome o your eM''ation. whv ii way know where, li nn a d hate il made rigltl f f hanged. it: guarantee I liliilii(jr. ,;: ,i ii what i) ay. WSitcJi , icp arc as low here hi where for pqtml value. iATHt STORE Wlftt THE CLOOS New Felt Hats anc Dresses Full Line Thread ILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" We aim to please ttione 27. P.O. Box 327 iULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, 19 corn taken over from ucorge Kerr by J. Preece In w 'h Seaty and Doodeon resh Meats Irrlvlng Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 678 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage I Phone U. ItrtaRe, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bervlce. r'0h, Sand and Gravel W Ipeolallte In Piano an Furniture Cevlnfl, MILK From Bulkley Valley pRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINQ CREAM We specially rocommond our Table Cream at 16o for Half Pint. i 0'iallly and Service special loe Delivery Service Valentin Dairy rnone BS7. ... ANTI-RELIGIOUS hen You Buy, MEXICAN LAWS For the benefit of those who liuve nut studied the,m Ihe anl-religlou decree recently Issued in Mciico which have paused the closing of many churches rp I summarized: n- iirw in riiiirciiee. I 1. .'n foreigner may exercise, hip religious profession in lie. Ico. j 2. )!nraliori nnit beeiven in official i'Jio(ilft anillip jamjar, .V religious corporation or : miri- Ister of any creed tiwy establish or direct school nf primary Instruction. 3, llelifrious orders, convent, aiul monasteries will he dissolved. i. Any minister" who Incites the public to reruse to acknowledge public institution or to obey the law will b" severely punished. 5. No publication .either religion or merely showing marked tendencies in favor of religion, may ronunpnt on national political affair. . Xo organization may lie formed whoe title has any word or any indication that it i con nected with religious I(ph. SPEAKER'S CHAIR FOR AUSTRALIA IS LONDON, A 20. The Duke j r V..-L ri , i vi-i 1 liolilinnl ...All... .... ' mr. ic other "HUT afternoon, JliirilUMiil. - e rooms of the United 1 L' ( l r , t rrt l...l. A .. y I . All rplioim,. .!. m.,.( Iw. '' " ' empire property or capital. , : "We have been at It for 4t,ree ?"7 ,?eea " lrl 10. Hie ehurcbes are the pro perty nf the nation. Other ec- c!eist(ral properties such as bihop' palaces, houses, semin-nrie. asylums, colleges, convents uml nil tiuildimrs constructed forj lei enni lied by Hie iroverntitent. II. Heavy penaltie may tie I, in if OrtniT ind It tmmtvml if- IM. ii. r. vtcLEon. ItnlMrtr or Till. .Mtxt Brfilry Offlr. I'rinrv Hnfrt, H. C rm wrnl, lH. WATKH NOTlCi OIrtln i4 Ut. nri .iitrtn.f ,.r iht imIi. in lwi. '-, U 'o iciinwsioue .anonal n. iT. mr atie or inr nri puuuci ,l..n .if th nnllrji it Jnlv ta IftOlt. SOMIHVlllK CO.EIIT COMrAXV. LTD., Applicant. Br r. D, V(THKIIS. Afrnl. MIRiaaL ACT Otftlfk.l. f ImlrmmMU. Krnwnlf n. I. I.m f.. Miiwral Claim, tliualr in llio Ailin Mminr Diiin r the ' aur innrlrt, on tlw M Arni n Ta-kun Arm, ilmul lhm inirtr nf I mile up ilr.tni rnmi Ih iiniulh of Wann lllrrr. TK AOTIl'K that I, Cntrtf K. Ollmor. Frr M Inert irliriml. o. Mtl. Inlrml. I Klv iltvt rnmi in ntip nrmu. i H'l'iT I in ilif Mmln .nirtlr for a Crllfl-al' i nf Iniprnvfinrnlt, fur Hie rilrrMMM' of ob. ! uininir a i:nn rtrm nt 1w tfxn rlnm. Anil furllMT Ukrn nnllm llnl arilon, 1 imilrr tn-ilon , mnt I rommonwl l-fiirp II"- IMU ft tnrh Cpruriratr nf I in I pnivniiMtlt. IHTKIl IM ll ly Of Srplnbr, A.0. j''" ii. mx. rnvm. ri. LAND ACT. Natlca af IMantlan to Apply to Laaa Land. In Land nmiMtwr nitlrtrl of rrlnr Hui-rl. aiul timaie on noriti nhor ol an i nmmfu ntv on nyiii-ri t.iNiii . m Comiiinnrllil at a Dntt Manml Tin lh tlHirr of an unnamed bay nn tlw tnoih-pI matt of fill Iland, about oi nil ...t i.r Muff Point i thrnr north iwrnty Highway to Newton, la., and from there to Winnipeg. Mr. Crawford had a good word Tor the Canadian police forces. In the c'Lfts of the Dominion he bad visited, be had been trealel with the utmost courtesy. "You gel a civil answer up here, not a grunt and n motion lo move on." he said. SCHOOL BOYS BETTER TODAY, THAN EVER IS OFFICIAL'S OPINION i Ketchikan Chronicle ; Hysterical alarmists who are convinced that the younger t?en- rrilHlin l llAndn.l .Ii-oUIiI fn. P,,,,,Un(1..f,0onn,,.9r.,,frl..rf.u, ,10W.W0W- may fina gma . "kLIifE..JLf7.?Ti.!,,:.?fib?.r romfort m the observation of rn"lie i in Mian v.i. ' '-tti nation. Cannery Manar, Intrmls to apply j Dr. J1.. (. Ilroome, .SlllierinlemleiH for a la OI lol' louowiun uirriwj-u w.ii schools. Clmins; Ui-iit rati mmty ehalna lhnirrtipr . k . l..i... Monk n I tn lllvh ' hun.. fnllnu'inv til.h m'tl.r mark Wflrrr to point nf rnrrmirnrwnr-nl, ami rnnlalnlnit e-lriiljp, arr.t, more or !. Appliranl. LAUD ACT. CanMir land Di(rlr(. Land nrordln Plxrlrt of I'Mnrn liiiH-rl and alinalKil on Arm. i)huI t inllM loulliwrH of Linolilh of AUlntn Blvrr, ' TAkE NOTICE that Franrla nirhar-d Duniop or .iiin, u.i... i; tnanaaVr. Inlrnd to apply for prrtiilatlon in purchMO (lie fJlwlni diH)d ,,mnnlirirlfi it post pUntel ' ton ll more of Tii Ami about i itiilM .oullirM from (ho nionlli of Al into n..r in.i rnnnlnr trwnrr to rhalna ili (hinre 0 rlialn aonllil thfiire nln "atn and llfrnm to rl..n norlfi to IHilnl of rormiwnri'iiiHiL containing 40 ,rr.., iiirrVLJ.rJ-..,r..inn niiNine. Du. Atlii. Miy 10. of the IMiiladelohla nublic The schoolboy of , today is bcl- bebaved than was hi father, is' happier In bis work, makes belter use of his r4nu, and is getting u boiler brand of education- than used to 'bo dl.?-lienseit In the lilJIe red sclinnU hous. '.Ml this .according lo Dr. ilroome. Certain it is Hint educaliou today Is making rather strenuous effort to please the American sludent body with its diver sity of subjects and scientific nra daily triwa AQI FTVt, Most . . MEETS MOOSE nousewv.5 . FACE TO FACE i mm ISSW ewciuirreoiTol I It assures I IBetter Baking Lady Trapper Had Unique Experience In Peace River " Country. EDMONTON, Aug. 27. - Meet ing a full-rown bull moose fare, to fare in the mountain, when carrying a pack of 55 pounds ftfrapped on her hark, and with no protection other-than an ernp-, ly shotgun; hunting duck on the Peace Hiver during thp middle of. winter; camping out in the snow for three days in December wilh-j out food, nor blanket: doing a1 man's work a a daily routine al- ong her northern trap-!iiie-thee are among the many novel ndven-l lure which Mis Mary II. lfallelt.l the only woman trapjter In the! Peace Hiver country and one of j the few known to history, can. describe from actual experience.! Mi Ilallell claim Knrt Vermilion a her home town and (ueft that northern outpoi a a 'base of operations for her tran- BEING PRESENTED w,l,ch noryi nd ast : of that point about ix days' jour- tracks. Thinjrs looked interest iiiK for a while. Then the mooe, evidently more surprised than we Park, then to Hillings, Mont., andjwere, beat a hasty retreat and nloiijr the Custer Ilattlefield, left is In peace peace. "Last winter we sawa rather. ititere-JIna thing one, 'day when we wcre'trAvr-Hirig ahmgtho Ice not far,froni;Yermiiion jln several places there were? 'air holes in the Ice nnd in one of-these we came upon a flock of ducks, several of which we managed to bag. They made a meal which was very welcome .from the usual camp diet." Miss llallett declared that her catch last season had included a irood variety of beaver, mink, marten, lynx and fox. VICTORIA EXPECTS TO RETURN DR. TOLMIE VIOTOIUA, Aug. JO. The campaign, which bns not been of an enthusiastic character in the rity up to 'he present. is likely to take on additional Interest In the closing weeks of the contest. With a good majority iti sight for the Conservative can dldale, Hon. S. V, Tolmle, who has been honored with the Important iank of minister of agriculture in BRITISH COLUMBI A The Mineral Province of Westerh ' Canada " TO THE END OF DECEMIER, 192S., lias produced Minerals as follows? Placer Oold, i77,fl3,0i&'; " Lode .(trilO, -,$122,808.-' W.); Silver, $71,111,397; Lead, $80,218,'J0r; Copper, $197,fl42,0ii7; airic,, $30,025,047 .Miscellaneous Minerals, ?l,59i,387r Coal and Coke, 273,018,053; Building Stone. Hrick, Cement, etc, .$Vi,005,886; making its Mineral Production to the end of 1923 show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining LaW.4 Of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower Mian those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Umpire. Mineral locations arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. ANolule Titles are obtained by developing" such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Map, may he obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Keporls of the Minister of Mines. Thoe considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mine, Victoria. B.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Reports of the fieological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of ney. .She make a trip to the I - i -ot.tsHe - radio-ear. In AMCC ADC AltT Tft Aecomoanled Father WrtllUJ ttlUi UU1 IU Mi.; llallclt related on one her ii... n... .in.. iit to ltii ilitrict that hp nl- CONQUER NEW LANDS I it'll I. Il.n ..nll. l. ... ' aunim -niillj .lvnmLill III MT 5 irrnl accompanied her father No "'Wlo'M order of any mt.Juleil . hen he went out tracing in WINNn,Wl ?m ,7,nt;,, vii-lralian " Um. " v . , ce,, may po'or adminUter n?.I' . i nlVl the winter time. foM ''5 ? w " . .... ii.- i nicidi j ani.i-, - -- inui meir oe.cenuaniji, me merit lloue alf.anherra. He wan w now and are t. II Ko ntr ,)anM of t0(Iaj.f havc a Jiiel. amonir other, hx Lord peel, Know that It h ',alherj,lifrPrPnt way ,f- tomg t,jng.. Lord llairour. Sir llnWt Borne, ","",al fnr a woman to spend n)PJ. pon. out ,0 ,,,,, nPW lan,H nd Mr. MacDonald. It wan ex-lhPr ,im' this way, but I am veryjwilh a ,iiff.rPX1t pirit. Po say plained to him that the chair i.10"" OI "ic ami nave uone c MikkeUon. of Hjorrimr, Den-a faithful """" uup eopy ill of the ill" fJH-nhfT' Speaker'' WP" at ?a''' mark, iiiain, who nun i on hi in." way aj bi across i"- i.ltiriitii. Inln llm'" i.iirini.oa m.u I "Dad and I always iro over tlie r.nnrin iii.lvin7 r nnihiliiii4 roe. on of the nation the ue ler and take luck wiljcU lrniount pot 4,f settling l,U countrymen on mi wuii'ii iiipv art" in iir mil in np . . t . . -. . the canopy are carved in old oak ." w,,atever come alon?. Some, the prairie. And yet, he added, teller iMken from the Toof of nv ' rainer a nam umcinpv no come io conquer in a AVelnilnter Ijall. while the m 11 wm n we e3""1 oui in;ene. They are detennlned to T.r.:,Mrn.r "" n'-n,rliinKM flan, are of oak from II. " '' at' night away fromjeomjuer the land tl.ey take nuiiiiiriiiPK who mil in eninrre - the ahove provision. iMS "'"",y NOTICt I.X THE TTljToF-ill iprllftllon for lh Wur lit I frUIl trllllnlr of Till fur tM eiriil (,, bkNk (liirtr fnt ii . Ktn titr (ii. Clljr of I'nm- Bo- n. v.p in. TRANSCONTINENTAL HOBO IN WINNIPEG; PLEASED WITH CANADA travelling over the .ontinent rr the past twenty ynr." $aid 0. I. r . i ...i. - i villi in finlfAh-. i. TAkC .10TICE llul Sunnrnile Cnnrj l..pnH p -rlnle ..m,pii) Uivllrd. Ihm ..IJrrt Ii Core!'"'." l'a'C Arin. Wlttrr, V.neiiutrr. H. iU. m 111 ip-j Hie Wy rr t WTBf l (It 1IHI DM- f . ill-loUt it mlDuie of -.iff out of un-nuwd tlrrtni. Hhifli turn lurfllirrly nd draln ml i-hiint id vfrl7. uim-uooWork did nol Interest him, bow S. W turner ,t l 1171. Q. C Oil..i ,,, , . ,. uii b urd for ludu.irui ind i.rtu.ier, until he was nearly "broke e.iic wtipM irn ine mm wtrricxn liln nl,l li nr,r HUwk A. Ui ltt. Qmkii Cinrioii Mil. , . , ' Thi rvllrr putlrd on Ine rmutMl on' Ml last Jailnt ferred travellinc b'jran in New than once, but we alway man ape to pull through. j Out All Season Thi lat winter," he said, "I wa only out a little, more than two month, but the year before I wa out all eaon and succeed. ! ma present. "Sometime we do have rather .; v;:.r"',- V"- 7 ' u ' nrlilnp time, Dad and I .u. .-;... ... ii.ii One I ; 1 , ; y travelling ccnlly, on one of hi penodie'., ,, , , . illllllUU llltr tlluUllldlllllUK CIIUll- ford car Carrie a Loniianal 1 ""' "u V1" I our nop neavuy parKeu, wuen , . .. i ...I, . t , .outherner.:WP raa a iu'i-ktow" " peril perlpalctio who I a bricklayer by lpaK;ni,MW- lw on,y K,Hl we ar" pl-im- in ,.-..ri.i .... i..,M.i. ried with u was an old double. :C.if:'.u.r(V- ZvyhAUm nnmmtin in barrelled shotgun which we had oiw-rn i ijurMi lUmf liuirki. IM ir' t ,j, 0n He deeliireJ lliali lkn alonjr to kill rabbits for Point ru If. ,f.Jl-y nd fljr: J.L6;A JL'SLl.Z 'Orlean. From there he weni mithe moose cominir un the other (hit imire an tep'r ml ti tho "Wdrr riid .n uirir or (tw l erlnrr llunrrl. H. C. our food It was unloaded at the time. "We had just crossed a deep navine when we, almost ran into '"viief neVordVri ''u'',oc " 'nPn a,,k to Jack j stde. vve had no lime to load the I otijir(irmto iirtisynville, Ha., alons: the oMiiiun, but stopped short in our up camp ami without food or llan-jto build home for themc!ve kel. Tlri hai hancwne.1 more 'and their familie. Today the little country df Denmark i. supporting 50,000 unemployed and Mr. MikkeUon i fnlerin? a scheme to brins over the surplus population to Canada. ' o far in hi trip, Mr. Mikke! XMNNII'KO. Aug .'7. - "I call .i , ,t i,, ann .'"on declared he had been creai rA!7.V?S,';W ,tV&,:i!n; f "" .,r-,iV" my Hlure'of the proceed a well imV?i with the vatneS of i. tmi in iw ninir i MM.,. tntvw. liw uimu, nii-ir jiii uir, nij im;r nj wilnlilni, o liiilirnl il.-a frr Mil'" I 'i i ill I nil il anil us ihj!iiiii- rimnil irtiinnir ,f Till It ditJ thi and the ear. ami I liav beeir.s. , . . ' ' tie. He had been utrurk witi. jtbe .similarity of farming condi Itions liere. He gave, it as hi opinion itial no country was more suitable for Danish settlement than Canada. The climatr and the type of agriculture here were eminent! suitable, he said Ienmark is at present in a: extraordinary position according 1o the visitor; a position which makes steady emigration necessary. Due to the situation .u the currency an'l ihe inability of the Danish farmer to gel a many erowpj' out of the pound or the dollars be used to, farm-in? has become increasingly difficult and In industry the coun- try found it a great task to keep up with competition. The iv suit. Mr. Mikkelson said, was ii creased unemployment and further drain on the country. because, of the government" irenerosily in relief, sick henefit.. nnd old age 'pensions. Itis fam ilie, he added, were a charade" islic nf Danish life, which made emigration even more necessary. Subscribe to the Dullv Nw "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Nolle, ef Application for Cona.nt to Trantltr Br Llctnt. .NOTICE IS IIF.IIEBY CilVEM that on th tft day of Annul nut the undcrMrnfit Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Hoard for roiwnt lo transfer of Beer U eenre numlerel 470 and Issued In repert of premises, belnir part of a bulhtlnff knnwn as Port Clements llolel. I'nrt l.le nsenls, B. C. iin)n ll lands described as Lot 7. Hlnrk 17. in Subdivision or Lot 7IC. Ouron Charlotte Islands, Prlnre Rupert Land llenstry District, in the province of British Columbia, from Frank lllrks to Herbert ILimnlon. Theodore Musronl ami J Cleron of (he Tr.-n of Port Clements, tn Ihe County of Prim- Hubert. In lh rrov Inr of British Columbia, tlm lranferees. iTII at Prlnre Itupert, B, C (his Slst oay oi juiy. mr. nrnm-riT iiamtton. iiiKononR Miscosi, J. CIC.COH Spnllr.nts and Transferees WATER NOTICE Dlveralon and Us TAVK .NOTICE that Somervllle Cannery Company Limited, whose address Is Oore Avenue wnarr. Vancouver, n. i... win appiy for a licence in take and use to taltona per mlnuie of water mil of tin-named siream, which flow nottlierlv and drains Into Ferguson Hay, Nel Inlet, abHj .10 .chains west from E. corner Lol (S7I, Q. C. Msirlrt. The w, a(r will J diverted from Mrvim at a tlx nit ( rhaln from llm uie ptnernnuiu arnvorimionl oi of lit m. linn uon. Ar- Ar-Mhe palnl ouln nf Mrf.,n, lmJ wm be n.,j rr thur Meighen, there has been n' industrial ! Utmimuie pun, i'n the Hand dotrrlbfd as Blor A. Lot IJ7I, Quwn i i . ..,. n. ,. I, f the of the Con-!riiiri,itif tendency on part tninrt. i.u. notir was wti " ItruutHl on Hie 1 4th day nf July, aorvnllvoa sennuves oi nf llin inn cit ritv In io snow tlimv n a . ,..,.. of ,nU ,, inrt in irlli. lillle lelhargy in getlinig into thO;"ihu pnrauaiit thereto and lo the "Watrr Will llll'll III 111(7 IMIItO .! Easy Vacuum Electric Washer It vahes by air pressure nd auction, and entirely eliminate. rubbing. It cleans the heaviest garments and the daintiest laces rapidly and thoroughly. We carry two sizes: 'The EASIETTE at . . $140.00 The- EASY at . . $180.00 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd Ave. Residence Phone, Black 617 P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch (tf AA Tweed Suits made to order in 0I""SI UU shop in Prince Rupert as low astjJtVfe I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES are sellinr fast Be out hi time ir you want Jouni this winter. Beniember, Wirhnunn dors ntit vibrate, will Idle all day. m Mow down for trolllnr. Flrt cisi eniallrr. ix upkeep, ni unnle trouble ENGINEERING CORPORATION, LIMITED Marin. D.partm.nt: Mr. O. T.llaft.n. ORANVILLE ISLAND VANCOUVER. B. C MINERAL ACT C.rtlfkata of Improv.m.nta. Winn rrtriiiiml Xo. 9. Anvoi and Jua- nlta Mineral Claims, tiiuate In the Allln vtining nivision oi ine ur uisnn. Doiil one mile up airrani iroiu im mpi if Wann River. . , , TALE MJTir.E thai The Engineer Oold Mine Ltd.. ine.. Free Miner's Crrtmrale t. Ao9?nr intend. lTtr dava from' the date heretif ,to apply to the Mining- Me order lir t:ertiriraie oi iiiiprvirim-in. or the purpose of obtaining a Crown Irani or the above claim. nri mniier lake iMilre that action, nn- Jrr .Section i. must be commenced before he Iswie or aura irttncae or improvr- ment. . . HATED this 1SI day or yepiemurr, a.i. l. ; H Mri. rnsr n. riu. LAND ACT. Cisslar Land MMrleL 'Land Rsordlnt Olslrlct.ot frinre Rupert, and simate on ltln Lake anout 3 miiea wuiinsi Atlln Townslte. " - , . . . TAKE' ?i;TICE mat Kowm Joies tirarri. f AUin. In Ilie- Province of British Colum bia, occupation operating lounsi launcn. intends ta apply ror permiMion io pur- has the following; nescriDea unas: CnmnM-nrliig at a post pbnled at toe sontheast corner of Glacier Bay.ln Atlin Lake, altuated as above; mence roimwing 'he. ashore line wen i mains? .in outh to' rhalns: (hence eas( JO chains: thenc north iO chains, io poini oi nflilncneemem. EDWtJf . JLT.ES EOCEBTj applicant nated May in. (. LAND ACT Notice of Int.ntlen ta Apply ta Laaat Land In Prince Rupert Land necordlnt Dts-trict of llange 4, Coat Und District, and .ituate on Passage Island. TALE .NOTICE that J. B. Francl. Of fonoka. Alberta, os-cupatlon Mlnlsier, Intends lo apply for a lease of (he following described lands: . . Cranmenring at I pin piauieu Vnr,h wmn auui or Pit, lie Island, near t;oast Trwngulatlon Sta. It4; ttience around the islaml at high mater mart M retaining ttxwi acres, more or JOSEPH BBITLASD FRANCIS, ii tun. in applicant. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IN THE ESTATE OF ANSIE lUCHMOSn, Atilhorlied Assignor. .MiTH E la hereby gtTen tha( Armle Richmond. t Prince lluerl. B. C dKI on the 17lh day of August. I. make an uthor-Uel assignniiiit of all her proneriy Tor Ihe benefit of her rreMors, ami (hat II. v M.ri.i nrririni necelver. has aiv piiln'leU me lo be cusiodlan of the estate of the debtor until the rredltors at tlielr first met-lluM anail eieci a irnir su minister Ilie estate of the diblor. J MiTlf.F. I further given that the first meeting uf creditors in the above , estate wllL be held at the office of the "Official ItecJlver al the Court House, prince Rupert. B. C. on the Sllh day of August, ft, at (I oVInrk In die forentMin, Ti enlitl you to vote thereat proof Of ytiur claim must In- lodged with ine Iierore the meeting -l held. protlcs to be u.-d al (he meeting niusl be Unlirrd wlih me prior thereto. i... I rurthar inks notice that If you have anv claim against the debtor for work and ensuring thft-return of, water Recorder at l-rlnce nuperL B. C.!whl.-h yiui are entitled lo rank, proof of lliolr retirescntnllve willi .lnl.Oblei llons to the api'llcatlon may be Med! such claim nmsl be filed wild n within n meir represeiiuuio wuii a oeci- ,th w wii nmni, , withtniinv ,iav rrom the date of this notice IlielhodS of instriiellnii. II tms.sive majorlly. . the Complniller of Water ttiiliu, Parlia-ifor from and arte r (he Plr;tlon of the - - .. i . . . niem nil niings. v icioria. o. t.. wnnin lime in nv fih-tc "i overcome Hs stnlUS as a tlreaded. .Wlin mo coming weeK IIIO vn- ' thirty daya after t first apiiearanie of or the aald Act I "ball dlstriDiite tne pro . . . . I ,i . I . . . ' (hla n.ll In l.l nAWcnanp Thai ,U I i l..1 tt III itl-htor'S. eSt.1l. among ortteai ami lias heroine, a wel-'rious wants win get mm active or fii ribiiVtioii J come; part of adolescent f. work, which will be carried along''r o, i.. Surely perdition and P(lucn.llonngnres-slely until the close of do not lie along the samo path. 'the campaign. i SOMEBVIM.E CAJtrttnf i;oMANY LTI.. AppllranL By r, D. 5IATUEB.3, AC0U the m ih. rlaitn of nhlrh I have lorn nolle. OATrn at Prtm-e Rtrpert. B. C this i7,h r Cuitodiia. All Nerves! All nerves! What a common expression! In this busy era with the problems of home management, club activities, and even political affairs crowding her day, how often the housewife complains of nervousness, headache, backache' and general fatigue. These symptoms of Ill-feeling are often due to strained eye muscles and nerves which can be relieved" by properly fitted glasses. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 years. 15 years eonsta'nt practice in Toronto. Phone Red 442 319 3rd Ave., Opp. G.W.V.A. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce ' Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.80 Per sack 60 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue Phone KM Night oe Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Goats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stook of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Nest Q.W.V.A.. Third