Ashore Point Roberts En Route to Vancouver VANCOUVER, September 29 The Blue Btar liner Trojan Star, en route here to load 3000 boxes of apple for Monday night at Point Roberta on the high tide and after unsuccessful attempt to refloat her yesterday. 600 ton of fuel oil was being lightered thia morning and another effort will be made to float her The vessel U reatlng easy on tha MEIGHEN MAY COME TO LIVE IN VANCOUVER lis xroKiA or as roiiu.t: leader OK CONSERVATIVES IN PRO-YlXt'lAL HOISE TORONTO, Sept 29. An OtUwa de- I patch to the Olobe says: Hon. Arthur 'uelghen may become a resident of Vancouver, according to reliable Infor mation, and resume there the prsctle of hi protection. He received Im portant oflere to Join corporations in Montreal and Toronto put it la unaer- stiwvl li IB fnr rtkKrvMt til m IA 111 coast but has not yet reached a fmal decision. Sir O eorge ). rerlejr la now the mot likely person for the temporary leader thlp of the Conservatives during tha coming Parliamentary session. VANCOUVER. Sept Z, -Should Mr. ' iMVr-thln nt lh CVintarrvtiLlvni. trcortl- here today REV. BA1SLER IS PROMOTED will oo to si:atti.i: ah iiki.i. MISSIONARY I OK LITIIERVX (IIIKCII IX WASHINGTON STATE Word ha been received In the city of th promotion of Ilcv. P. E BafwlT who apent a couple of years here, fa be field missionary of the English Lutheran Church In the stale of Washington. Mr. Dajslcr will be leaving this territory. In which he ha labored for many year, and will take up hi future headqusrters In Besttle. At the eiul of this week he will arrive from Alaska and will apend a few days in the city before continuing south. It l expected he will preach In the local Lutheran Church on Sunday. OIL DECISION APPEAL COURT SWEEPING Jl HGMKNT IX KMIlKIl TO, government leases I GIVEN ST LOUIS, Bept. 19. The United States circuit court of appeal yetterday reversed a remanded decision In the district court at Cheyenne upholding an oil lease obtained by Harry Sinclair and associates from the government, while Albert Fall wa secretary of the Interior. The declalon 1 eweeplng In It effect. It lntruct the lower court to cancel the Mammoth Oil Company' oil lease and enjoin It from further trespassing on government lands. The opinion was received here from William Ketivon of Port Dodge, Iowa. presiding Judge' of the appellate court. SHINGLORY KILN BURNED AT FANNY BAY VANCOUVER, Sept. 39. Fire destroyed the dry kiln at the shingle mill at Fanny Bay on the eat coast of Vancouver Island Monday night according to word received by Mackle, Barn and llortou, th owner. the United Kingdom, went ashore late on the high tide (his afternoon. sand and It believed to be undamaged. LIQUOR CASES BEFORE COURT M.MI.IJIl Of CHARGES Utllt AMI IILIEMtAXTS ASK I OK A1MOIHX-AILNT A a result of activities In the city recently of Liquor Board detective of the BC. police, seven persons were Laird into p-Jlce court before Magts-Uats McClymont this morning to answer to charge of selling liquor and one w-s charged with stllmg brer. The arrest having been made last night, charge w-ere formally read thl morning and adjournment taken, the first case to be proceeded with at 230 this afternoon. la ifvenl . adjournment . for eight dsys was asfed by Ihe accused so thst counsel mght be brought from the sruth but such remands were vigorously ppused by E. r. Jones, city solicitor, and no adjournments further than Friday of this week were granted. Ball In the sum of I5O0 wa. granted In each case. The first case called this morning was that of Louis Rose of the rorl Clements dub. He pleaded not guilty ai,0 waa rather Insistent about getting a remand tut eight day so he might send away tor counsel. Mr. Jones warn ed accused that It would be well for him to adopt a slightly different atti tude in the courtroom and objected to the eight day remand. I'.e drew atten tion to the fact that expensive witnesses would have to be held and expressed the opinion that there were lawyers perfectly competent In the city to defend Rom without having to send out of Prince Rupert for one. The magistrate stated that he did not want these case to be dragged out for one period of tight daya after another and ordered Rosa to report In court agalu Friday morning and it would then be decided what wa to be done. On behalf of Ph.lllp Lnpcrte, Grand Terminal Club; Mis Jean Johnson, 819 Second Avenue, and Arthur Beale of th Canadian Legion Club, the laat men tioned of whom Is chsrged with selling beer, 8. W. Taylor asked for adjournment until Friday which was granted. Roy McXInley and Angelo Pcgnotto of the Loggers' Club asked for elijht diy adjournment to send out of town for counsel but were given only until Fri day as wa also Sam De Stcfano, Port Clements Club. Dcmlnlc Dallas, 800 block Third Avenue, stoutly denied the charge against him and said that he worked for the city every day with his hand. He waa willing to proceed at once and It wa decided to (tart his case at 2.30 this afternoon. IIALIBUTARRIVALS Halibut arrivals at the Fish Exchange this morning totalled 78,200 pounds, two American vessels sAlllng 65.000 pound and two Canadians, 11,200 pound. Trice were, 15.9c and Be and 18.6c and 8c for American fish and 16.5c and 10c and 15.3c and 8c for Canadian. The arrivals were: AMERICAN , .Rose Spit, 58,000, to the Booth Fish cries. National, 7.000, to the Atlln Fisheries. CANADIAN Rose Spit. 10,000, to the Atlln Fish' erle. Iris. 1.200. to the Canadian Fish At Cold Storage Co, Inspector William Splller, provincial police, returned to the city on th Prince George this morning after having spent a fortnight on vacation in t'hV south." ' :"' CARRTIXO A TWO-TON LOAD, and given a head start of cne hour and 31 minutes ever the speedy racing cars' on an eight-mile course at Brook-lands, England, a truck tued on station platforms beat the the racers by 32 2-5 i econds, belrg the result of a bet made by J, O. Parry Thomas, famous driver, and R. U. Hanlon, a member of BioskUud. The ra:lng cars In the picture are being driven by P. Dutolt left and O. Duller. Mr. Hani on, one pf the principal In the bet. 1 driving the truck. SIKW.YING HYDROELECTRIC SHE IX THE HISTKICT C. R. Breck and R. R. Daf, engineers, representing th J. O. Wblta Engineering Corporation of New York are here to make' a ainvey of wster power possibilities In the( iMlghborhopd of the .city. This, morning they left for' the Skeena River to Inspect the power possibilities at Falls River snd KhaUda. It Is possible they may also visit Thulme River In Wark CanaL PRISONER GOT OFFLIGHTLY IIKUOItM IX JAIL IHXrtl) TO MITI GATE ITMSH.MENT OX IIRIO CHAKOE VANCOUVER, Sept. 29. Six month" Imprisonment and a fine of 8200 and costs waa the sentence Imposed In the police court here yesterday by Magis trate Shaw on Clifford Ellis, convicted on a charge of having narcotic- drugs In his possession after city prosecutor Orr elated a tory of Ellis' heroism on Mon day. The convicted msn, according W the prosecutor, not only came to the as sistance of Jailor Tisdsle. when he ws attacked by a maniac with a razor, pro bably saving his life, but he -also asalrt- ed In overpowering the crazed man. The magistrate Imposed the minimum sentence without comment CABINET WILL MEET GOVERNOR OTTAWA, Sept. 29.-n Saturday next practically the entire cabinet will go to Quebeo to welcome Lord Wllllngdon, who will be sworn In there as Oovemor General. On Monday a reception will be trnderod the new Governor at Parlia ment Hill, LORD AND LADY BYNG SAIL ON EMPRESS OF FRANCE FOR ENGLAND QUEBEC, Sept. 29.- Lord and Lady Byng tailed homeward on the Empress of France thl afternoon, receiving a Royal sendoff and a salute of 19 guns from the citadel, BRITISH PARLIAMENT ! AGAIN ADJOURNED LONDON, Sept. 29. Parliament voted last night to continue the coal strike emergency powers regulations for another month and then adjourned until November 9 when It became evident that' uo avenue which might lead to a Mttlement vvtrt iu light. ,'1- - Judgment Against Major McRae of . William .rr wu Defendant says he heard tributed to funds of both political parties in 1917 NANAIMO. September 29. A special Jury m the Assize Court last night iwsrded Hon. William Sloan, minister of mines, plaintiff In a libel -action against Major Oeneral A. D. McRae, SiO.OOO damages. The Jury deliberated an hour before rendering Its verdict. . , Mr. Sloan sought 150,000 from the former leader of the Provincial Party n the grounds thst he had been libelled In ao, article which appeared In The 3earchllght,n an election pamphlet, published during the provincial election cam paign In January, 1924, under the heading "A petition for a Royal CommLi- slon. In which It was stated the sum of for protection and favorable treatment from the Liberal party. HEARS OF COXTR11UT10NS Testifying In his own defence at the hearing of the case yesterday morning. Oeneral McRae aald Oeneral J. W. Stewart had told him In the fait of 1917 he contributed 8350.000 to the Conserva tive party funds and $300,000 to the Liberals. His firm was much worried j bout the treatment received. At that time there had been a Parliamentary Inquiry. Stewart said the firm was ob ligated to finish the POX. and would have done ao but It would have been ruinous to all concerned. (IIAKOE TO JIKY In hla charge to the-Jury Mr. Jusllc-3 Murphy spoke for forty minutes, first defining fslr comment. Justification ani privileges. The question of Justification had been abandoned by the defence but there remained the question of privilege. This said the Judge he had taken upon himself to rule out. It therefore remained only for the Jury to concern themselves with the third count, that of "fair comment." .After explaining the difference between nominal and punitive damages. His Lordship instructed the Jury that they could define these point and fix the damages If any. Accordingly the Jury' retired' Hurricane Swept Vera Cruz and Flooded the City with Much Property Destruction VERA CRUZ. September 29. Thl devastating since 1888. Several ships partially wrecked. With the gale came heavy seaa flooding the pier and driving out thos living nearby." The street are littered with fallen trees but no casualties are reported. The wind had a velocity of 125 miles. GALVESTON, September 29. Some loss of life and property damage es timated at two and a half million dollars according to advices received here. The In depth from one to five feet. At Jalapa, capital of the state of Vera Cruz, rain fell tor 24 hours and th Santiago ,River overflowed and two $40,000 for Sloan. . Minister . of Mines huge sums were con-X 4 850.000 had been paid by the company and brought In a verdict "defendant guilty of libel." VANCOUVER, Sept. 29. On the ground that the Jury considered lr-revelsnt matters and did not base their conclusions upon evidence and that the amount awarded was grossly excessive and perverse. L. O. McPhllllps, counsel tor General McRae, this morn ing atated that an appeal would be en tered forthwith. BISHOP MAKES SUGGESTION i a YVtHT.ll SETTLE IDLE HU1TIMI MIMKS IX CAXAOA WHERE OPPORTUNITIES PRICELESS WINKIPEO, Sept. 29. The settlement of Britain's population of 150.000 Idle miners In the mineral areas of British Columbia and Northern Ontario was a suggestion advanced by the. Bishop of London In addressing the men Canadian Club here. Opportunities In Can ada, the bishop considered, were "price- leu." city w wept by a hurricane, the most have been sunk in the bay and a steamer ,,,' was caused in Vera Cruz by a hurricane, city was Inundated, the Water varying a , ' persons were drowned. A considerable section of the city is flooded and much damage has Tjeen don to property. General Libelling IIKST CAR OF OKA IN IS HERE The first carload of grain from the prairies for the Prince Ru- :pert elevator arrived here by an extra freight this morning and Is being spotted at the (levator so the grain msy be taken Into the plant. It Is expected that the next few days will see the grain arriving In qutntlty at the plant. WIFE OF POLICE CHIEF IS DEAD MR, i. P. M. HANNAH PASSEO TO REST AT PRINCE Kl'PEKT 1EX-tK VI. HOSPITAL THIS MORNING Dsath came at 6.15 thl morning In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital to Mrs. Agnes Hannah, wife of Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief of the city detach- ncent of the provincial police. Deceased jwas admitted to the hospital only a week ago last Monday and on Thursday serious operation wss performed from which she failed to recover. Deceased wa a native of Scotland, the daughter of the late Peter and Mary Bruce. She was married to Sergeant Hannah seme seventeen year ago In tha Old Country and came with him to Windsor. Ontario, In 1914, six weeka be- for the beginning of the Great War, in which Sergeant Hannah served. Later the came with Sergeant Hannah to Brit ish Columbia and. before arriving at Prince Rupert four months ago, resided In Vancouver. Beside the widower, there Is left tittle daughter. Irene Miry, to mourn her mother's loss. To Sergeant Hannah and this little girl will go out the deep est sympathy of the community gener ally. Tomorrow evening, following a service which will be held at 9 o'clock at the chapel of the B.C. Undertaker, the re mains will be forwarded to Vancouver where Interment will take place. Scr Igeant Hannah and little daughter will accompany the body south. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.43), I C. P. R 165 JO B.C. Sliver 1.83 1.83 Glsdstone J2 M Independence :. ... .08 ft j Porter Idaho .081, .08(1 i tUchmoud .', .... .13 V ' . ., . .... . X. M.f Boston Grill I 25 TAXI and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with uewly laid dancing Jtnywhtr at Anytime,. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Avt. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and Gtrf 8t PRINCE RUPERT The latest and Jiet for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. leant. Phone 487, . '"H,... Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper SB VOL. XVI., No. 228. , '-"'vi. - ' ,". PKtNCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNF.8DAY, SEPTEMBER 29, IBM. Circulation 1814 Sales S03 prtcc nvs csrrra Lfc,. ', . lj. AGAINST M'RAE FOR $40, ? i APPEAL WILL BE ENTERED IN LIBEL CASE WHICH CONCLUDED AT Blue Star Liner Trojan NANAIMO MOTOR TRAFFIC TAKING PLACE RAILWAY LINES IX TEX YEARS MOT MORE THAN TEX ELECTRIC RAILWAYS WILL PAY PROFIT MAY 'OFFICIAL EDMONTON. Sept. "SaV "Within ten years there wilt not be more than tea lines of electric railway In Canada which will be able to operate and show a prom," Mr. Squire, deputy minister of highways of Ontario told the Oood Roads convention yesterday. The speaker declared that automobile and motor trucks were fast supplanting railway and radial fines In meeting the transportation needs of the country. Mere than $700,000,000 wo Invested In automobiles In Canada today, he said, while practically the same amount was spent In the construction of motor highway. EVIDENCE OF COTTAGE OWNER FAILS TO OETIXITELY IOEXTIIY AIMEE Mcl'IIEKSOS AS WOMAN WHO LIVK1) AT CIRMEL LOS ANGELES, Sept. 29. H. C. Benedict, owner of the cottage at Carmel. California, In whlcJi.the, state contends Almee McPberion lived for tear days "with : Kenneth Onnlston during the time she' claimed she had been In the hands of kidnappers, testified yesterday that he saw a green bathing suit, similar to the one the evangelist wore when she disappeared on May 18, hanging on the cottage clothes line on May 20. The Carmel house, the .witness said, was occupied on May 19 by a man representing himself to be George Mclntyre and a woman companion. Oralis tan later admitted that he was the man but declared his companion was not tha evangelist. Benedict testified further that tha woman was similar In appearance to Mrs. McPherson but he was not sure It was she because the goggle she wore and her hat hid part of her features. DIES RESULT GUN ACCIDENT Ltll WAS SHOT TWICE IN ONE DAY BY RIFLE UNCHARGING ACCIDENTALLY MERRITT, Sept. 29. Thomas Crefsy, 18 years of age. died from low of blood as the result of an accident In th woods Sunday when he lay unattended for two hours while his companion on hunting trip went to summon aid after he had been wound rd In both the wrist and ankle by an accidentally discharged rifle twice during the day. OLEY TO BOX WITH MIREAULT TONIGHT HNALJUMINATION MONTREAL, Sept. 29, VIC Foley of Vancouver and Silvio Mlreault of Montreal will battle here tonight hi the final bout of the elimination tournament tor the right to challenge Leo (Kid) Roy for the featherweight championshrp of Can ada. Indications are that the bout will be hard fought aa both boxers have shown good work. Accounts totalling $787.93, Including the paymep of a grant of $500 to the Fair Board, wCr passed for payment at last night's council meeting. ANNUAL TAX SALE Public Auction of Cy Lois will be held in Uilv Hall, Thursday,. Sept. 30, ul 10 a.m. List of lots cun be had at the Collectors' Office. 1