3NESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1920, WeulTerfedi i I in iadies' Jralchei i e MedWalch All pans of die IWen movement are completely itandardoed to accurate u to be absolutely inter-changeable. The para axe accurate to the. l25.0OOth pan of an inch the Bur en completely revolutionizes all conceptions of what popular priced watch can offer in accuracy sod durability. In cue of excraisite beauty. See the Duren and bcutisfiecL latin XTkba in Grtrn, rtiu cu Kiuj ,m ftutimM thtfil 1 tli.CO p. AT YOUR JEWELLER'S 6 9 fi-.vriv JOHUgULGER; U t ciEWELLEKS a. Tttt STORE WITH THE ClOCr; J. Bens Re-opganizaUon Sals Slashing Prices on FALL AMI MlVTI.lt ('OATH and MILI.IMKV lleatillful Altermmu Vmr in the latest styles and materials. J. BENT , Tlilrd Airnue. 1 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Codar, Birch and Spruce Per load S6.S0 Per half load 3.50 Per aank BO Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone SSO Nloht or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK From Bulkloy Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special loe Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Wntributliifc. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Band and Gravel Me Specialize In Plana and Furniture Bavins. -Ji I PRIZE WINNERS TERRACE FAIR MT OK TIIOHK WHO CAItKIF.il OFF AtVAKIlH AT AN'M'AI, EVENT The tallowing la the llat of prize wln-nw at the Terrace flair: cattij: Best spring calf, grade 1, Alex. Kerr; 2, Harry King. Beat yearling, grade I, Knute Olaon; 2, J B. Agar. Beat milch cow. grade 1, H. A. Swain; 2, Hamlin Ac Thomson. MVINK Beat spring pig 1. H. A. Swain; 2, IL A Bwaln. I'OILTKY White Leghorns, 2 hena 1, Mrs. Me-Connell; 2. Hamlin Ac Thomaon. Barred Plymouth Rocka, 2 hen 1. R. W. Riley. White Leghorns, 2 pullets 1, Mrs. McDonnell; 2, Hamlin Ac Thomson. Barred Plymouth Rocka, 2 pullets 1, 1 R. W. Riley. Beat hens, any breed 1, Mrs. McCon-bell. (Special by R. W. Riley). Beat pullrta, any breed 1, Mra. JJc-Connell. (Special by R. W. Riley). (iKAINK AMI (lltAHSF.N Collection of grains, 1926 growth 1, Jss. Lever Sheaf of wheat J, Jaa. Lever; 2, Capt. Colthurst. Sheaf of oaU 1, Capt. Colthurst; 2, Hamlin Ac Thomaon. . Sheaf of Alslke clover 1, Mlchaud Bros. Sheaf of red clover 1, Mlchaud Bro.; 2. Hamlin Ac Thomaon. Pint of Timothy seed 1. Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2. BlUy Bohler. Three heads sunflower 1, Jas. Lever; 2 Mra Bohler. Sheaf of Timothy 1. J. Btgfrled; 2. Mlchaud Broa. Collection of graaaea and clover 1, Jas. Lever. w ;i;t.uu.i:h 2 heads early Cabbage 1, C. H. 1 homas; 2. Capt. Colthurst. 2 heads late cabbage 1, H. A. Swain: I. W Farr 2 heada red cabbage 1, Lnnfear Ac French! 2. Mra. E. M. Smith.. 3 heads savoy cabbage 1. Hamlin A Thomaon. 2 heada lettuce 1. Hamlin Ac Thorn- n 3 white spine cucumbers 1, Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2. Jaa. 8wan. Best collection of vegetables 1, Hamlin Ac Thomson: 2. Lanfear Ac French; 1, Mrs. Bohler. Half bushel potatoes (special Hatt Bros. 1. Jaa. Cauthers; 2. Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2. Joe Cook. Hatt long carrot 1. Lanfear Ac French; 2. Mra. E. M. Smith. 6 table -beets 1. Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2. It A. Bwain. ' " 3 blanched celery 1. Hamlin A; Thomaon: 2. Jaa. Swan. 13 string beans 1. Hamltn A: Thorn-son. 6 corn on cob 1. Lanfear Ac French; J. Mlas Pearson. 3 vegetable marrow I. Jack Frost; S. ' Hamlin Ac Thomson. i 2 squash 1, Lanfear Ac French; 2, ' Mlchaud Broa. 13 stajks dhubarb-1. Jas. Swan; 3. W. T. Atwood. I i 8 table talk potatoes 1. Hamlin Ac Thomson. e netted Jem potatoes 1. Joe Cook; 3, Hamlin Ac Thomson. I any other variety named potatoes-! 1 1 jM Bwan liwia riour i. Mra. w. iving; a, jars, uto, I fl onions- 1. Hamlin Ac Thomaon: a.'00"- I Loai white bread from Five Roses m CANCELLATION OF RCSCRVK KOTICE IS lltKEBV OIVEM thai tlx f. I serve eiimnr oer Lot 4(07, Latsiar ltis inci, is caui-eueu. Deputy MlulMex of Lands. a. h. nnvui. Lands Department, tih June, im. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LIASC In tlw Land Hetortliiir Dlstrlrt of Attih Miiiintr liivimnn r sisr nirtrlrt. ' TAkfc oTli:i: thai the t.nrineer Oold i Mine- Lid.. Inc . a n'iliered mluinr com-l4iiy I'tx-rminr within I lie rmvlnre of lirl- ilili i wiunihia, mi iipsuon, s iiiuiinr rnn- IMiiy. iiiIpikI In sipl fur a rureshore lee i dI the lullowlnr di'Si'rilied land:-- (.niiiiiient'inir st s msi plained sbout &f0 i ft illtffiiiit In an L',il.Nt illiMflin fri.tn I !lhe orin Went rnriirr uf l.m Hit, sky-iM, .isra Mineral claim, siinaiea at um inntiin ; f. , n.,.,... . i.f Wann Hirer. n Tsktt Arm of Taalshl APPre P1 l- Mrs. Oeo. Dover: 2, Mrs. jl.sk.'. I1. run m s Northerly clirertlnn fit E M. Smith. leel. Ilieiire l.ssterly IU0 Teet, llwur 1 . I p. lr, vwl , ncjr loaf, kind 1, Mrs. Harrj isimherl l0 feel more or les lo hlirti any wsier mark, tliciire Wemerly too feet , King: 3, Mrs. E. M. Bmlth. more or lets to or minmenreinent point iwn m. i u.r i.. v L Mr- ,UrrT Mr-, and eouuinlnr u. scrs li.r or less. I P Plt Kln?: Lorsted lliif tsih day or Ausust. 102(1. 1 Powers. I (8lr,ed " em To entrant making most point. -1. : MINERAL ACT Csrtlflosts of Impeevsmsnts. Ilrowme N". 4, l.m tbt. Mineral Claim, itiiata In Hie Allin Mu.liiar Illusion or the cssnlsr Itlslrirt, on l In vvn Arm or Tali mi Ann, sliout three ausrlers or a mile inn stream from the iiK.uth or Wann niter. TAsr; mi i n. i. nisi I, entries t:. ouinore, ' 1 Free Miner's Orttrirsle o. F4, Intend, i sltiv day from the dale hereof, lo apply I tn the Mtninr llerorder for a Cerliricate , nf linproveinenU, for Ihe purpoe of ob- Ulnlnir a Crown Grant or the above claim.' And further taken notlre tliat action, ; iiiiner section so. must De eoniniencea lie- fore the Issue of such Cerllfliaie of lui prnvemenis. PATi:n this tit day of September. A.b, tA. IT. McW. FRAHER, Ayent. NOTICE I I.N THE MATTKR of an spphratlon for Ihe liMue Jr a I'rovHlonal c.ertirieain of Title for Lots rive (Si snd ah (6), Hlork thlriy-lwo (Sfft . Seellnn one (I), City of , Crlnee IllllxTl, Msp 8S. I SstNrsrlory pitiof of the loss nf th ' Certlfieate Vif Title eoverlnir the above In ml Imvlnir been produced lt me, it Is my In-ii'iilloi) in laMie sfler the expiration of f.n ill month from the first publication hereof, a provisional Ornrieale rr Title to the above land In the minie nf II. L. F.MRI.IE. The nrlrlnal Certirirale nf Title .Is dated the tlst March, 181. and Is num. imi i u.l. II. F. MACLEOD. Registrar of Titles. Land Registry orrire ' vtb 8erleuibr, int. Lanfear Ac French . 6 ripe tomatoes 1, Hamlin Ac Thorn-on; 3, Harry King. 0 Crern tomato 1, Mra. r. Braun; 2, Mrs. . M. Smith. 2 citron 1, Hamlin Ac Thomson. 2 Swiss chard 1. Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2' Mlchud Br- 2 pumpkins 1, Hamltn Ac Thomson. 6 gold coin potatoes 1, Jas. Swan. 3, Rutabagas 1. II. A. Bwaln; 2, Jas. Lever. Best bushel potatoes, any variety named- -1 Jce Cook. Best collection vegetables grown by child of school age 1. Billy Bohler. ni:i.D kootm Best collection 1, Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2,' II. A. Swain; 3, Jas. Lever. 3 mangles 1. Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2, W. Little (WcKalcock). 3 sugar beets I, H. A. Bwaln; 2, Jas. Lever. 3 turnips-. Jas. Swan; 2, W. Little (Woodcock). 3 carrots 1, Jac. Lever; 2, Hamlin Ac Thomson. 0 parsnips 1, Hamlin Ac Thomson; 2, C. H. Thomas. rxouEit 0 asters 1. Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2, E. T. Kenney. 12 sweet peaa 1, C H. Thomas; 2, Mrs. Nash. 12 pansies 1. Mrs. 'E. M. Smith. 0 carnations 1, E. T. Kenney. 6 roses 1. C. H. Thomas. 0 any other variety cut flowers 1, C. H, Thomas ;2. Mrs. Gilbert. Bouquet cut flowers 1, C. H. Thomas: 2. Harry King. Beat specimen flowering plant 1,. Mrs. Bkhop; 2, Mrs. Bishop! Foliage plant 1. Mrs. T. J. Klrkpat-rick; 3. Mrs. Oeo. Dover. Foliage plant 1. Mrs. T. J. Klrkpat-dlck. IKIITH t Best box apples 1, C. H. Thomas; 2, Mrs. R. Braun; 3. Mrs. Mills. Yellow transparent 2, Mrs. E. M. Smith. Red aatrachan 1, Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2, Mrs. R. Eraun. Duchess of Oldenberg 1, Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2. H. Defontalne. Oravensteln 1. Alex Kern 2, Hamlin Ac Thomson. Snow 1, Alex Kerr; 2, Lanfear Ac French. ' Wagner 1, Walter Chapman; 2. Hamlin Ac Thomson. Wealthy 1. Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2r Z. B. Cole. Mcintosh Red I, Lanfear Ac French; 2. Alex Kerr. Delicious 1, Capt. Colthurst; 2, Mrs. Mills. Winter banana 1. E. S. Cole; 2 Mrs. R. Braun. Any othe rvariety. named 1, Mrs. MUls :2, Lanfear Ac French. 12 Hyslop crabs 1, Mrs. MUls; 2, Mrs. Moore, v 12 'Transcerjdent crabs 1, Mrs. R. Braun. Best collection 1. C. F. A. Oreen. 0 reengage plum 1, Mrs. Moore; 2, Ei T. Kenney. Any other variety plum 1. Mrs. R. Btaun: 3." Mra. Moore. 12 'Italian prunes 1. E. T. Kenney; a. Mrs. Moore. Any other variety prune Lanfear A: French. 5 Bartiett pears 1. H. Defontalne; 3. Mrs. O. OUbert. 8 n otbe W pears-1 E. T. jteuney; 4. Mrs. a&uis. Beat eollectlon 1, Lanfear Ac French. Beat collection small fruits 1, Mlchaud Bros. IIOMi: COOKINO UM wWt brd ,rom RoJral Hou- flour t. Mrs. Harry King; 3, Mrs. W. King. Loaf yeaat brown bread 1, Mrs. W. King; 3, Mrs. Oeo. Dover. v Doughnuts, not .made with yeaat 1, Mrs. Moore: 3. Mrs. T. Turner. Macaroons 1, Mrs .Oeo. Dover; 2, Mrs. jw - K,n- Plain fruit cake 1, Mrs. Harry King; 2. Mrs. Oeo. Dover. Light colored cake 1, Mrs. Oeo. Dover: 2. Mrs. K. M. Smith. Dark cake I, Mrs. Oeo. Dover; 3, Mra. E. M. Smith. Sponge cake 2, Mrs. E. IS. Smith. Beat foal, white, brown, rye of Vienna bread 1. Mrs. E. M. Smith. Lover cake 1, Mrs. W. King; 2, Mrs. Oeo. Dover. Pan. buns 1, Mrs, W. King; 2, Mrs. E. Smith. Mrs. ueo. Dover. I dozen white eggs l.W. King; 3, W. Farr. 1 doren brown eggs 1, Mrs. Harry King. s . Jar strawberry Jam 1, Mrs. T. Tur- ner; , sars. m. uraun. Jar ir T,nhrr """Pry Jam im 1 1. Mrs. m t,Ki. Bohler; 2. Mrs. Bishop. ... Jar B1c hlark curran mmnt J"J in i I, Mrs. E. r M. vt Smith: 2, Mrs. Bohler, Jar red currant Jelly 1, Mra. Moore; 3, Mrs. O. Hsmlln.' Jar crab apple Jelleyi, Mra. Moore; 2. Mra. W. King. Jar canned cauliflower 1, Mra. E. M. Smith; 2, Mra. Oeo. Dover. Jar canned peaa 1, Mrs. Harry King; 2. Mra. W, R. Thomson. Jar canned beana I, Mrs. O. Hamltn; 3, Mra. E. M. Smith. Jar canned cherries 1, Mra. P. Bishop; 2. Mrs. W. King. Jar canned plums 1, Mra. Toombs; 3, Mra, R, Braun, Jar canned peaches 1 Mra. Oeo. Dover; 3. Mrs. K. M. Smith. Jar canned mixed pickles 1, Mrs. E. M. Smith; 2, Mra. Oeo. Dover. Jar cucumbers 1, Mrs. X. M. Smith; TSJi DAILY inWB " PAGE FIVE 2, Mrs. Bohler. Jar rellah 1, Mra. E. M. Smith; 2, Mra. Bohler. ' v Best lemon pie 1, Mrs. W. King; 2, Mrs. E. M. King. mim:kai.h Best bona fide prospector's individual collection of ore specimens 1, Mlchaud Bros. ' riioTonitAi'iir Landscape view I;" Felix Dekergom-meaux; 2, W. C. Bparkes. Livestock view 1, ,W. C. Sparkes; 2, Hamlin Ac Thomson. y FASCV WORK 1 yard crochet lace, 8" wide or under 1. Mrs. H. L. Smith. Afternoon teacloth-and 3 tup kins. J 1. Mra. H. L. Smith. j Vanity set 1. Mrs. O. Hamlin 2, Annie Cousins. Pillow cases, embroidery trim 1, Mra. W. R. Thomson. Nightdress, embroidered white 1, Mrs. W. R. Thomson. Besh paper flowers--l, Vera Roberts; X. Mrs. W. R. Thomson. Best centre piece 1, Mrs. O. Hamlin; 2, Mra. C. Toomba. ' Bed spread I. Mrs. Nash. Knitted sweater 1,. Annie Cousins; 2 Mrs. C. Toombs. Bead work 1, Vera Roberta. Towel, crochet trim 1, Mrs. II. L. Bmlth. hCIIOOL rOMI'KTITION Grade 1. paper cutting 1. Alice Pinter: 2. John Desjardlne. Coloring with crayons 1, Edna Defontalne: 2, Norman Chapman. Orade 2, writing 1, Jackie Allan; 2, Leslie Downing. Pencil drawing 1. Jackie Allan; 2, Mabel Clayton. Orade 3, writing 1, Roy Reed; 2, Ctsay Richmond. Drawing from almple object 1, J. Richmond; 2. AdeUa Haugland. Orade 4, writing 1, Rita Tart ;2, Oeo. Heed. Oeomerrlc design 1, Charlie Richmond; 2, Tony Hipp. Orade 6. writing 1, Freddie Mist; 2. Sophia McLaren. Freehand design I, Mary Smith; 2, Adeline Thomas. , Orade 0, writing 1. Dorlnda Colthurst: 2, Annie Llpp. ' Lettered poster 1, Slmone Defontalne; 2, Dorlnda Colthurst. Orade 7, writing 1. Ethel Moore; 2, Margaret McLaren. Four lines poetry lettered In panel 1, Janet Young: 2, Marjorle Atwood. Orade 8. writing 1, EXllottt Head; 2. Mona Orelgs. Mapof British Columbia 1. Mildred Klrkpatrtck: 2, Mona Orelgs. High School Map of British Columbia 1. Bessie Moore; 2, Evelyn Thomas. HOUSES 2 general purpose horses 1, Elmer McConnell; 2, W. King. HONEY 2 best quart Jar strained honey 1, Mrs. McConnell. 1 HITTER 1 lib. home made butter 1. 1L Defontalne; 2. Mra. Harry King. KAIIUITK Best pair rabbits 1. Mra. Fowler:2. Mrs. Fowler. Best ChlncUla buck 1. Mra. Fowler; 2. W. C. Sparkes. best Chlncllla doe 1, Mrs. Fowler: 2. W. C. 6parkea. Maater Snooks, Tiow la It that your essay on The Dog" la almost word frr word the same aa that of Jonea, Snooks We must have been writing about the same dog, air. . j Market Prices HITTER Brookrield. Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lbs. 85c E.CX), 2 lbs. 85c Capital, Snd grade, lb. . . .i 4Cc Fraser VaUey. lb 45c LAKD Pure 38c Compound ........ i ... ..P i, . 35c V .-CHEESE Ontario solids . . . .i . . & i , 300 StUton, lb. ri v ; i ., . ii&M 35c Kraft ....... :i.i...hiiil,& 45c Norwegian Ooat .... ......... 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLarens Cream, Jan 45c and 85c Oruyere , , 60c Golden Leaf, lb. 45c 1X1(18 B.C. fresh, pullets 60c B.C. fresh, firsts . 65c B.C. fresh, extras 60c Local new laid 65c and 70c Alberta fresh, second .............. 40c VEUETAULKS New beets, bunch 6c Beets. 6 lbs .. 25c 100 lbs U.73 New carrots, bunch ... 5c B.C. Carrots, b. , ... 3e 100 lbs 2.25 Rutebagaa, 6 lbs i , .. 25c 100 lbs , (2.75 Radishes, bunch ... 8c New potatoes, 10 lbs .. 25c Potatoes. 100 lbs 12.00 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb. .. 10c Tomatoes, per basket 400 Watercress, bunch 10c Oreen peppers. 3 lbs. .,.. .25c Cucumbers, each ... ,10c and 16c Parsley, bunch 8c Mint, bunch ).. 6c Leeks, 2 bunches 18c Cauliflower, B.C.. head 25C-35C PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Kassd by 8ANTAL MIDY Bs sur to ot the Osnulns Look for tko word "MIDY" Sold by all druggist The Well-Managed " THE" manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent xpurchrsing. And the right way to jjet the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is nea) and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every mem ber of the household who shares the responsibility for the family s welfare should male a habit of reading the ads. Read Corn on the cob, dozen 40c Oreen onions, dozen 25c Terrace cabbage, lb. ............... 6c B.C. head lettuce .: 10c Garlic. Imported, per lb 40c B.C. Cooking1 onions, 6 lbs, 25c Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs. '25c Wax and green beans, 3 lbs. 25c Vegetable marrow, lb. ............. 6c Celery, 2 bunches 25c Hubbard squash, lb. .............. 7c Citron, lb. 7c Pumpkin, lb 7c Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Egg plant, 2 lbs. 35c Pickling cucumbers, lb. 15c Pickling onions, 3 lbs. 25c rRUT . Oranges, Valencia, dozen . . 35c to 75c Lemons, Sunkist, doz. .... 25c and 35c California grape fruit, 2 for ........ 35c Bananas. 3 lbs. for 35e Candled honey . 25c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Apples, Mcintosh Reds ........... 12.25 Apples; Wealthle .' t2i Apples, Oravenstelna 12.50 Cookllng apples 11.95 Canteloupes, each ; 18c Peaches, case 11.45 Italian prunes, crate 95c Cocoanuta. each . . 20c and 25c Honey Dew melons, each c... 45c Caaaba melons, lb. . . . Oc Pears, Bartiett, case 13.25 UKIED IKL1TS Dates, bulk, 3 lbs 85c Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk, lb. ........ .'. 20c Raisins, puckage, lb. .....i. 25c Cluster ralalna, lb. 35c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel ; v............ 60c Black cooking figs 20c and 25c White figs, lb. s 15c Table figs, lb. f.... 25c Currants 2214c Prunes 15c-25c Apples 26c Peaches, peeled ., ft J. 36c Apricot, lb. ......,..v.... 40c NVT8 Almond, shelled Valenclss 76c Brazllajand XUberta 36c Walnuts, broken shelled 50e Walnuts, shelled halves 66c Almonds j, 36e Peanuts , , 20o Manchurlan walnuta 26c California walnuta, ; 46c No. 1 mixed nuta .,...... 36e Sl'QAR White, per 100 , 7.10 YeUow, per 100 .60 the advertisement . to buy wisely 1399 rLOl'K Flour. 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat 82.75 Pastry flour, 10's 65c Pastry flour, 49's 82.90 FISH Halibut, lb -. 25c, Salmon, red spring, lb 25c Salmon, white spring 12c 6moked. kippers, lb. . 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod. lb 22 &C, Finnan baddies, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring, 2 tor 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb. 30c Bonele&a salt cod bricks, lb. ...... 25c MEATS Fowl. No. 1 lb 35c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb . 45c to 60c Ham. sliced, tint grade 60c Ham, whole, first grade 60c Ham, picnic, lb 35c Cottage rolls, lb 40c Bacon, back, sliced 65c Bacon, side 50c to 65c Pork, dry salt ... 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg 42c Beef, pot roast llfte to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 12c Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops .. ... 80c Lamb, shoulder ... 35c Mutton, leg ... .... 4oe Lamb, leg ... 480 Mutton, chops ... 40c Mutton shoulder .... 30c FEED 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 8 .. 83.10 OaU '.. 82.60 Bran . . 83.00 Shorts .. 82.10 Middlings ... ft" .. 62.80 Barley .. 82.35 Poultry mash ... ... 63.00 Special eggmaah ... 63.40 Oyster, shell ... .. 82.30 Scratch food ... 63.60 Beef scrap ... 68.23 Ground oil cake .. 64.78 Baby chick feed 64.23 Fine oat chops' . 2-70 Crushed oats . 33.70 Fine barley chop ................ 63.43 Whole corn 33.00 Cracked corn ........,. 63.10 Fine cornmeal 63J0 Home ..X iaorder LUMBER We are manufacturing rough and dressed lumber. Edge grain boat cedar. Halibut and salmon boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumb?r Co. Ltd, PHONE 562 George rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor, Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &o. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue Wast PIIINCE nUPKRT TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 639, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phonei 687,. 639, Qreen 238j Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. CEO. is. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at tow prices B. C. FUR Co. Nan O.W.V.A. Third Ava i 'tj ! M t