I? removing the cap you k don't have to take feday, June 24, 1026. lulls a fMl IN 10 seconds, you can fill a Waterman's ;.to its maximum ink capacity. Other than your pen apart in order Itofilllt. Only two motions are necessaryboth made without removing any part of the pen a tiny lever raited pressed back r that's all. . RUck.Cats'laalan' Mottle I M-Uri tr slit al IUO, I; MJO an 171. BATHING : CAPS Canadian merchants Waterman's Filling Device allows the reinforced rubber ink sac to run the full length of the barrel, assuring an ink capacity of 10,000 words. The Waterman's Spoon Feed-on exclusive patented feature insures an instant flow of ink, smooth and even, down to the last drop. Waterman's, made of rubber, is preferred by Court and .Commercial Stenographers on account of its lightness, durability and perfect balance. krermarfs Selection and service at 5500 rgo assortment of New "Style ui both I'lmn and Faiicy, 25c to $2.00 SHARI The Newel Creation and Laical Sensation jn Toilet Articles Face 1'oWder $2.50 f Talcum $1.00 l Heuuly Creali $1.50 Cleansing Creum $1.00 Compacts $1.50 and $2.50 Itotige $1.00 Lip Stick $1.00 Old Style PEPPERMINT PATTIES Fresh Shipment. Special Price. icr lb. . . 40o Ormes Ltd. io Pinecr Druggists. tjj nivi emu uii vi i n The Itexall Store. Phones 82 and 200 ishermens duoDlies fish i nitre Hnnvs. nnPEN. t wirai-:. FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices inctott Pnnninatam &fn I.tri lllill.ll. M HIM A m A wa M. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL "' J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. j ' ono at r-.vj. du iuo Simmon's Steel Muds', Springs, and Oslerinoor Mul- stfscs in every room. 62 Hoonis, Hot and Cold Wnler, llalhs nnil Shnweis, Rani Healed, Klcclric Light.' ' H Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. r ill! 8 Local and Personal u Phone 15. P.Il. Coal Go. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf .rt&9:J,dffr,rt. Pnone WW Wr Jyait'balllojjiKtiO'il C30. OyroJ vfcjfaojis oh't'anada. Crystal Firelighters. 4 tot $1.00. IfyiJe Transfer. Plion- 580. tf Seven roomed house for rent. also four roomed flat furnlsheit. Phone Jreen 735. 117 . A. J.'MAllor;;of Port Clement iuriM'u in me city in is morning on -tht'J'riiifc Charles. - , Come ainl' havp a- arrmil Ifnip and help the Hoys' lfand. Mooc nance, Friday.-June 25. at 9 o' clock. "Q ' , ". i ih Mrs. 'Cecft Haker. of Lansara. is sailing an the Prince Charles this afternoon, on a holiday visit to Vancouver .. Mr. and Mr. J. Field Strati refufrifd from Shannon Hay on the Prince Charles this moriilnu en route lo Sunnygide. John Thompson was, fined $J5 in tin nlv noliee court Him morning by Maginlrale McCly- nionl on a charge of intoxication J. K. MerryfieM, t:onervaliv? organizer for Hrilinh Columbia arrival in lit city from Jslewim on I he Prince Charle-t Hit morn ing. J. Harper, school teacher al Prl Clemenl;. arrived on the I'nnre Cliarles thit mnrning en mute to Vanccuver on a holiday Visit. II. McKwen, C.N.H. divlHloi freight ugenl. returned to thinly oik Ihe Prince Charle. thir mnniing from a departmental buini trip lo Slew-art ar.d the Queen Charlotte Island. v I. T. Lutes, manager of the W allace l'i!iric cannery at 'o.ii IHver, was an arrival on liH "Prihi-e Cluiile lln. morning Jli. Lule ii calling on the steamer for Vancouver oh a bu-fn's trip. C.X.Il. -tleainer Prince Charles Co pi. Nell McLean, arrived from Stewart and Auyox via Queen Charlollc Nland :iolnl) at 8 o' clock thi morning: and will .ail for the wU at t o'clock thii afternoon. Mrs. Usberg, afler spending Ihe past week visiting in Ihe cily wild her daughter. Mrs. K. A Mann, relurned to Kelchlkan on Ihe Prince Itupert yesterday af- lernoon accompaufed liy her granddaughter, Miss (lerahline Mann. V. L. Hucklev. nresident of Hi.' Canadian Lumber Yards, Port Clements, is a wissemrer on the steamer Prince Charles, enroute lo Vancouver on a business trip. Ihe sawmill nt Port Clemcnta Is How running full blast and between 3Ji and 10 men are em ployed. L. S. Hawkins, superintendent or western division for I lie Win -less Marconi Corporation, who lias been superinleuding the erection of a private wireless station al Port Clenienls, is en roulo lit Vancouver on the steamer Prince Charles sailing Ihis aTlernoon. The Prlneo Ituperl Swimming Club is building a 10 by 10 foo-. refreshment aland at Salt Lakes. lo he ready for occupancy Juno -'u. tenders are asked for the season's rental with exclusive concession, available for present eason and should bo in hands of secretary not later than 5 u.m. June 5. Secretary. Prineiv Itupert Swimming Club, P.O. Hox 150-.. us onsness THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 llascball tonight at 6.30. Gyro Vs. boos of Canada. C. V. Uvitl returned on lat night's train from a lusine trip up the line' Stove length wood t3.Su per ipad delivered,' Phone N. Our-vich. Oreen 548. , 154 - tv ... . : Mr. 1). H.I'il.us arrived in the cily on the; Prince ciiiirles tliltt morning from Stewart. Tu? 'Iiic arrivi'd from Vancouver at H o'clock thin morning with a Veowload of eoal atid a Kcowtoad of Lumber for Albert & Mc:airery. fV.. ' T. A. Kelly, of. Hie Kelly Logging Company, arrived on the Prince Charles , thin morning en mule lo Logan , Intel for which point he will leave by gasboat. K. lleaphy, general manager of the Lost Angeles Lumber Pro ducts Co., in a paKsenjfer on board the Prince Charles, today bound from Hiickley Hay lo Vancouver. MN Claire M. Tervo, who has been teaching chool at llazelton, reached the city by laul nighls train on her way to her home In Vancouver to ypend the summer vacation. V U'.wi.l ninl H.' I-" r.:.mi.t...ll nf Ihe i'altapin Mining Co. arrived in the cily from the Hahine di-I rid on last ntglil's train and are registered a lUe Prince Hu- perl Hotel. ' K. F.rlendson, Ira McAllister and Charles McKtniiell of Ocean Falls arrived In -ihe city on, His Prince Ituperl yesterday and will return Muillt on the Prince Charles this afternoon. Mrs. Olof Hanson and family and -Mrs. John Dybhavn and family will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Lake Kathlyn whe'e they will spend Hie vaca tion at their summer homes. F. Cordon, cannery manage for the llosse-Millcrd Compaq; at Shannon Hay', accompanied by 11. .SlalTord, accountant, arrive on Ihe Prince Chprles this morn ing from the islands en route to Sunnyside. Joe Prince, charged with keeji in? liquor for sale at the Cow- Hay lunch, appeared before Ma istrale McClymont in the cit7 police eourl this morning. Th- cae was adjourned until 2.30 lhi afternoon. W. A. ANNUAL MEETING HERE Visit of Miss Cartwrlght, L.L.D., of Toronto' Is Feature of Anglican Proceedings. Willi deleirales from Hie cilv and district in attendance, the annual meelinir ot the Women- Auxiliary of the Annlicaii diocese of Caledonia is at present in ses sion in wie cily al St. Andrew s Church. The uroceediucs nuened last evening and are Continuing today under the presidency of Mrs. (5. A. Itix. The meeting last night was ad-Iressed by Miss CartwriBht. L.L. D.. nrincinal -of St. Hilda' Col lege, Toronto, and president of Ihe loronlo branch of Ihe Women's Auxiliary. Miss CaMwrisht. who is a splendid speaker, opened by expressing her great appreciation of the scenery she had encountered in travelling over the t.anadian .National through central Hritih Columbia to Prince Itupert. She bad also been tin. pressed by the achievement nf men in overcoming the seemingly insuperable difficulties attending Ihe butldintf of tlifi. railway and Hie estaiilfshinetil df towns and industries. ltemnrking- on the healthy .sort of rivalry on tlm w:rt. of man to take ailvanliige of and overcome lliefireat works or (tod. Miss Carlwriuht sires Hut tin. cessily 0r the Christian ehuruh meeting the difficulties in its way and working towards, against all obstacles, the well being or the race,. , . ..,' Archdeacon ll.A. Itix was, a1a a speaker last night. He mentioned particularly the great debt that the church owed to , lis women workers. 7, This morning at, io o'clock there was a service alrwhich the sacrament or tio -Lord's Supper was administered and at which Archdeacon Hix"gaviv address, taking as his subjeol the com "4 Neighbor- Never realized betbrt.Ytes',vvhata ' mighty attractive house you've got." Owner-" Same old house thats stood there fS yea reiwhat you notice is our new roof.1! A roof of Barrett Shingles ados colorful beauty toany hoose bined characters of Mary and' Martha whom Jesus had both loved. As exemplified by these! lun U'nmpn llmr,. u-ai'ii 1l-.. ilt tributes necessary for efficient Christian service one to sit at the feel of Christ and the other lo go Out into the activities of life. Husiness sessions are now in progress and, followirtg luncheon ' today, there was another address ; by Miss Cartwrlght and the elec tion of officers. Miss Carlwriuht. wlin is arcom panied by her sister, will sail fori Vancouver on the prince Charles this afternoon. While here they have been the guests of Mrs. F 11. Do. Vemet, Fourth Avenue Hast; MINERAL ACT. Notlc of Application for Ctrtlflcau of mproitmontt. Mineral Hill Oruup. coiolilinf of Mlo-enl lull u. I. .Mluenl Hill So. 1. Mln ertl Hill .No. 3. a ltd Summli Mineral ion or So. I DlMMct uo I be aoum-eailero rlul uf I run Muuniiln. kitlmii Villrv Lawful noldrr. V. i. Uoodwln, 'iee Miner cemfitale o. Stvno, clurlea t .Miiore, in-e Mlier Ortincale u. ji:u TAkE .NOTICE IImI I. Charles E. Munre. r'r .Miner, irllflratf Sa JIV7C. aireut fur tbe uunera. intend al the end uf UI ilaj fruni tlie date hereof, lo appij- iu ine .MiniDir iterurder ror a Certificate ur Inijiroienient fur the purtxe of Mauitni a Crvn Grant or ine above .lainu. And further take nolle that action un der Serllnn th nt the Mineral Act IuuM te ronintenred berore the l..uance of turn Certiorate of lmproTemcnu. ni.t ihi t7ih day of prtl. 18iS. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. Chaptar 116. The Unllsh Columbia FOIilnir k rack n r Compaoy Limited, berrby nHeJ no-IK-e lhal II haa under fecllini 7 of I lie Mid Act. deitilrd Willi the Vllnuier nr Piilihr VV'oiki, at Ottawa, and Jn the office of uie nisiriri neiriMrar or the Land Rrgte-try IHflrlrt of Prince Rupert, at I'nnre luilM-rt, B.C., a description of the Ia aiut Ihe plain of a wharf or pier and build-in r Ihemm prunosed to be built on thai certain portion or land altuale about two and inie-hiir nilles el or Allironl Bav, "kldeicate InU-l. fronting ou Lot III. Queen charlolte Dlttrlru and known at Lot 115 Ami take notlre that after the etpjra-lion of one nmtuti fniia Ibe date of ih nrl publicatliHi of tint notice the BrltUli Columbia nhin . parkina; Company Limited will under nectUiii 7 ut tbe said rl, apply to ihe MiniMer of Public Work, al. hit ofrice In the rlty of Ottawa, tor appro al of the said file ami Plan, and for leave to ronmuri the said whirf or nier and bulldinn tlni-mm Dated at Prlm-e liupert. BX,wJbU 111 ffay or May. ujn. BniflSII COLI'MRIA riSHINO k rLMMI CO. LTD, Br Its Solicitors: VVIIIianit. Mnon A Oonia1i. MINERAL ACT. ' CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Bur i jiivoii .o Mineral ( linn situ. ate In the Atlln Mlnln tlrllon of Cas-lar KiMrlrl. Where located: On Volcanic i:reek (Vulcan Creek-, adiolnin nd onHmet of Blr Canyon So. Ei- irn'n.'n funeral Liami ui 1171 M. TAkE .NOTII.E thai I, Ellen Molloy, free .Miner's Ortincale So. I0JS, Intend. Uty days from the dale bereor. b apply to the Mlnlnit necorder ror a i:ertlflrale of linnmveinentn. fur ihn nne. Iw f obtaining- a Crown firanl of tbe wnp ri4llo. 'nd further lake notlre that action. under section 37. mini be i-fininienrert Ler.ire the Issue of sucb Certlftrate of Improvements. Dated, ibis 1st day or June. A.n. tm. H. Mc.N. FHASEn, A tent. LAND ACT. Notlct of InUntlon to Apply to Purchaao una. In Prince Hunert Land Itenmllnr tlmtrlrt uf Prince Hiiert and situate at Eeriisoii iijj. waei iniei, liraiiam lliml. o, c. I: TAKE MITICK thai IrancU MUlertl. of Prince Ituperl. B. C. iH-riiDallon mnnerv- inaii. intrnds lo apply for tH-linllon to purr base Ihe rollowina; described lands: -Comnienclim al pint planted at Ihe X. V. corner of Lot 1511. Oueen t.lMrlotte laiuls HUIrlrl. tlvm-e south in ihiino thence et ilnln: .Ihemv iim-thrtin Hlirh Water Mark: thmien .il.i'l .iLAiir man aier vara n poim or lollillieine-mini, ami fonlalnlnr SU acres, more ol less. ntvxcis MiiLEiin. I.ed Mne ...h. m. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Laaa Land in rrince niioect i.ana llecordlnr on-rlCL Of tUtmt ftanre 5. and situate mi Nonh tlarhael tlainl. take notice thai AUred wanon, of rlnce Rupert, nccunatlnn Virtner. In. lends to apply for a lc of the tnllnw. Ing described lands; I'innifnrinr at a post pUnted at tbe south end of North Barbae! Itlaixl: thence around the Island at htrh uaier mark and containing 10 aeres. more oe less. ' Dated AprU iK l.i. Wm Your neighbors, eyes 8. E. PARKER LTD., Distributor Prince Rupert, B.C., Canada are on your Have you ever thought how your i'.utU house ..looks . to, f nejgHwf s, yisito Visitors? other rpeoplefriendsi' Do they elance'it over, an say to themselves a little shabby" or. "how unattractiye'7'ThatV when a colorful, artistic roof would help tremendously. We've Been selling roofings for years. We know the roofing that will last that will beautify your home. We're talking about Barrett Shingles. They're fire-proof, rot-proof and rustproof. Come in and see them. We endorse PREVENT FOREST FIRES t ; YOU CAN HELP i B.C. FOREST SERVICE 1T -4 Steamship and Train Service Sailings Troll! PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, each MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p m SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. . ror anyox and stewart Monday, Friday, 4.oo p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4.00 p.nw tor MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. for SKIDEQATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnliMly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally earept Sunday tt ll.3(r un. for PRINCE QEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all points Eastern Canada. I nlted States, Agancy all Octan Staamahlp Llnva. t'se Canadian National Express ror Money Orden, Foreign Cheques. ele also for your neil shipment City Tlckat Office, S2S Ttalr Ata., Prince' RuptrU Phono 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Print Huperi. o VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanoon Baf. an AUrt Bay, TvoMay. S PJS. ee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bay, ana (wanton Bai, SaUeoay. IB A. SI For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Riser Cannarlta, Thuraday p.m. For PORT StPSON. ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday. p.m. US tn aitnit. 4. Baeaalav. AL lrlaoe Ruawet. B.a Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the' most complete stock of limbers, ,djtnsioiKs, sJiinlap, fir finish,, flooring V.. Joint; ii;4norheru l3:i - $1 Wb can supply everylrilng In a' bul datlon to the last piece of finish. iiiuiiiy from th fou'n- AW llefore buying inspect our stock. It will pay yotii Our prices are 'right. Albert & McCajFfery, Ltd. 4 ) I - Phonos 116 and .117