25 and Amlml'irt' niuifiuain"..,.. Service "( I i. tand Royal Hotol. 3rd A. a,,'i7 and 6th St. Ui MATT VI DECK. PrOD. van. NYL. NO. 1 17. alious for the expedition, said jil50 ea lions had been des-ed on the Viralu ami I'earl id rookerlosi as compared with flasl year, lie explained that drop was accounted for in a reuse in the number of ea which are being killed be- e lliey destroy I lie flub. jjhxerlhe to the Dally News. -Hi "art. 1. ' The fidlowlnif conlribulioiui to the Hoys Hand uniform fund are aeknowleitard: Previously acktiowledgeil $C23.97 W. J. Haymond S. M. Newton W. II. MeCallum Mpsetl'Cuuniiixham, I'eler I.eighlon . . . . , Tolul lo dale Ltd. Site 1.00 IP.00 5.0() 10.011 2.00 .1051.1)7 WEATHER REPORT Government Telegraphs 8 a.m. Prince Huperl: Overcast, calm; leinperaturc 51. Ilanelton: clear, calm, lemp (iK 02. Siulthers: Clear, calm, lemp. 70. Kiirns Lake: pari Clouily, calm, lemp. .. IVlegraph Creek: Clear, calm, lemp. i0. 08 Whilehorse; Cleaf, calm; lemp Dawson: Cloudy, calm, lemp Terrace: Clear, calm; lemp. (15 Anyox: Clear, calm; lemp. 7P Stewart: Clear, calm: lemp. Oil VANCOUVER EXCHANGE C. V. It 11.11. yilver ... Consolidated Dunwoll Ilaieltou Indeiiemleiice Indian I.. A L. .. ... Mannot Premier Porlt'i" Idaliu Silver Crest Surf Inlet Hid. 1(12.50 2.11 210.00 1 .82 .07 .00 ... 2.00 ..07 H ' '.10 Aske.? 2.15 1.80 .or .08 -,00 s .12 .09 (4 2.11 .07 ,12 07 licatinn. The analysis of the water in the prin? is: Lilhia, magnesia, soda and lime; tem pera I lire, 180 degrees Fahr; circumference three hundred feet, the largest hot spring in America: depth unknown; elevation above Lakele lake ccveu-teen feet; volume of water flowing from spring is one hundred miners Inches. 'Iliese springs aa-e one o! Nature's wonders. The waters, vhici haxe to be pi pod to bath lulls in order lo redtiee the Icm , peralure, have curative virtues, is many persons alllicted with rhetiinallsni and oilier ailment", external and internal, who have bathed ill the water, can testify, There Is no uesliou but thai l.arlsr will become a rva' pleasure and health resort. I .a VctslaleVtf tfalMm 'irtealiti mi .vipioe iiisinci oe.nii:. ..ur rounded by mountains whin, carry on their cresls glaciers an." snow field, which are alway-wildly picturesipie, no matter what moods of weather prevail I'liere is pood Iroul fishm? in Ihe lake and inflowing and out - flowing tdrf-anls, and same such ns deer, caribou, goal and bear' abound in Ihe mountain fastnesses furnishing good sport for levolees of rod and gun. With all Ihe attractions and short mild winter, Lakelse will undoubtedly develop into an a!l-year-round resor when proper accommodation has been provided for visitors. A number of Princu Huperl people have estab lished summer colludes on the lake in the neighborhood of the pring. The number of ?uc:i rottapr ! increasing every year. remise. is now widely known for Ihe excellence of the tree anl vine fruits produced there. There u good road, and aulo service from the (own to the lake and boat to Ihe springs, but the housing accommodation at the present time is very limited iinJ rather primitive. Port Esslngton Springs On the tkeena river, six miles east of Por Kssingtou, there Is a group of springs that arc fre quented every week of the yea by (U(e a number of pcoph seeking ' cures for various ail ments, Indian and Japanese fishermen know the medicinal irtuc of these springs and rc pair tlfere ut week-ends to batln and drink the walers. Analysis of mineral water: Lilhia, lime and soda, in the form of clilor ides and sulphates. The lilhia present givn the water a medi cinal value. It is said that plan? I' PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIINCI-: HITPKIlTi II. C, TlimSDAY, JUNK 21, 1020. Te.fcrtV Circulation. Itll Stmt S.l-i 0J 3 Boston Grill mm '. Large Upstair Dining Uall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and beat for the least. Phone . PRICE FIVB fiKNTF. flGHWAY CONSTRUCTION STARTING AGAIN LYING BOAT HERE FROM SOUTH . ENROUTE TO QUEEN i CHARLOTTE ... ISLANDS - rovincial Government Resumes Kaien Island Road Work Tomorrow LAKELSE SPRINGS ARE UNEQUALLED Largest In America with Depth Unknown One of Nature'a Wonders ThfM'n tri rmlliificr in f?:lfl:til:, it: Work will be resumed tomorrow iiiuriiiiitr by tlie provincial L,.,...! ,h ,., -i,,,r- . larlnienl of public works on (tic Kuien Iland highway it was'i oui,. i.,t ..i,.,,,. ,. ...it-,, iioiinced today. A good ntimljer of men will be employed, the rPiim !-- ,.... ., v n ,,(, kik now Miiriuig to nc on me coiiiinuuiioii oi gruuing. u is expected this year lo Imrtl airfare at least one mile of the mitnenl road, connecting wild Hit' splendid thoroughfare thai julrcady been tomjileted by Ihe city lo the city limits. The of JjsV'5.000 is now available for the work, the undertaking ulucli at tin? lime will be appreciated by men who may happen Unemployed here. iRRIED FOR MEAL TICKET jlutlon of Union of Young Ifoman With Aged Prairie Farmer Recommended by Chief Justice. VANCOtVJ.II. Jne -' dug leg et thai the court had the jncisdirtion to dissolve jnltMi which wa -tunned a tirKet marriage," Chief II.... I-.. ( llm 4il(.,-ilillt P7; IIUIMl III III; l'Ul-IIIV Wilier yesterday dismissed the Within or (irnre May Shcp-licrd3l, for Judicial separation from rrauci Shepherd, 72, ro-;,Dred prairie farmer, whom she friiarried In Vnloria in Novender, fUU22 "Dissolution of (he mnr- lage would be ill the best inter- ids of bold parlies and' Hie pub- E,' ald Mr JusMcc Hunter who. jcrtlclii! rejected the wife's legations if cruelly and descr- IT IN FAVOR CENSURE VOTE nlooa Labor Member Moves ub-Amendment to Conservative Amendment on TAW A. June :'t. - After a hour debate on WYdne dny, ,' ootlsworlh. I.ahor member ; W innipeg. mned a Mib-iidmeiil to the Conservative lidmeiit on Ihe cusloins report Ich asks that n judiciary com- ion ie appointed to invesll-thn 'adnUiilslralion of tlx to ins department, thus ellmin- tvjt Hie vole of censure on Hon. I. llofvin, minister of customs, J he government. 1 .41 HI I.. 1. lie amenumems win HKeiy in- d oji tonlihl LIONS ARE BEING KILLED lenchy Bags 1956 on This Pear's Expodltlon as Com pared With 2827 Last. ll!V WliSTMINSl KIl.Jiiiio 21. ack from u twentythreo day se on Ihe Canadian fishery ul vessel (Jlvcnchy, V. K Iden, In clianao of machine Kim SURPLUS IS SHOWN BY B. C. PULP & PAPER CO., WHALEN SUCCESSOR VANCOIVF.II. June 21. A surplus of 1 50,11)3 on March 31. after payment of all Interest and ih-prrc iatlon charges, was shown by the II. G. I'ulp & Paper Company, Limited, whicli took over Hie former Whalen pla'uL accord Ing to Us balance, sheet on April 30. The net profit' for t)i month of-April, after prodding Interest on botidn, but nut depreciation, wa 5M.I2L Activity of the plant is shown by Ihe current assets of ?y.,0'J5 in manufactured product, (2(1,-Glt in pulp in process, 8111,501 in In?, shiivgle bolts, rordwoo I and ptilpwood, 2l8,352 in mal crisis ami supplier in hand and in Iran-It. and fCPG.76U in cash on hand in transit. MORE CONTRIBUTIONS Total FOR BOYS' BAND FUND to Dale Is $851.97. $100 Yet to be Obtained. ate now being made for the erection of a hotel on the site The springs are reached from ilaysport a few miles east of Prince Huperl. A ferry boat ser vice is-available from that point to port tts.olmUoh PRINCE QEORQE EXHIBIT. That he Prince (leorgo district would send an exhibit to the fortlicmniiug . fair was Ihe infor tnallou received in a letter lasl night by Die local fair board froinlhe Prince, (ieorgc Agricultural and Industrial Association. The'exliiiiil will be, (n charge -of W, fekyer of Prince (leorgo. E BVBBBBBBBBBBBBW 1 BBBBS BBBBBBBBBBT "JPB V 9 IbBK- BBBBS BBbVJb1bBBBBbWv'' msM BBBBBBBBBfi BBBBBBBBBBB v . imrKBBmm- & K- '' Commander llichard H. Byrd, in uniform, on the deck of the Chautier in Loudon. He was the first man to reach the pole in an airplane. WOULD CONTROL SALMON CANNING B. C. Packers on Open Mar- ket Vlth View to Consolidation. MONTUCAL, June 21. A To ronto financial house is endeav oring lo secure control of tho II. C. ftshinz & Packing Co. through purchase of stock on the open market, according jo a local fin ancial service story. If success ful, consolidation with one or two lar;:e competing companies in Hritlsh Columbia will be sought. The namo of the Oosso Packing Co., Ltd., is associated with the H. C. Packers in these rumors. TWO MEN KILLED IN ALERT BAY LOGGING White Man and Jap Lost Their Lives As Result of Accidents Last Week. VANCOUYKll, Juue 21. Fred Miller, 21. and l ichi Walanabe, u Japanese, were both killed in up the coast logging accidents last week, according lo won! received by Ihe provincial police. Alert Hay coroner's juries found that both falallties were accidental. WIRE TROUBLE TODAY There was trouble on both tele graph lines today this side of Terrace with the result that most of the regular despatches for loday's paper were prevented from arriving. .Mrs. C. F. Doyle and two jauginers, or Portland,, Oregon, are the guests of Mrs. Doyle's mother, Mrs. Ivenney, 515 Tallow direct. Mr. Doyle, wlio was for merly connected 5 with The firm of MuCalTery Oibbons', l pow manager of Peninsular Trust Co and is also,)) . director of one of Hie big' banks in Portland. AVIATOR SETS MARK IN CROSS-COUNTRY TEST DAYTON, O., June 21. LleuL in. C. MotTalt. McCook Field les' Toronto Concern Trvlnn lo Bid In 'Pilot, seta speed record for cross-country flying when he flew from McCook Field to Sejf-riilge Field, Michigan, 22,0 mile in 70 minutes, or at an average peed of almost 200 miles ah hour. Tho flight was made in a new type pursuit plane, equipped with a supercharger. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m HULL HAIlHOll. Oyercast: cairn; barometer, jo.io; temper ature 51; sea smooth; no ship ping. DIUHY ISIND. Clear calm, barometer, 30.10! temperature, 50: sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Challamba bound Ket ehikan for Seattle 820 miles from Seattle; 8 p.m. spokn steamer Amur bound Anyox for Seattle 17 miles from Anyox; 8 p.m. steamer Prince Charle leaving Port Clements for Woden Hiver: steamer Prince Huperl leaving Ketchikan 10.30 p.m. northbound; 0 p.m. spoke steam er Alameda 03 miles from KcU cnikan southbound; 8.30 p.m. poke motorsliip Apex left KeU cbikan for Seattle. DF.AD THF.I-: POINT.;-- Ham nieler 30.10: temperature 3?.' noon v HULL HAllllOU. bli.udy; , northwest wind; barometer 30.- 02; temperature 5l: light swell. DK51JY ISLAND. Overcast rftlm Im: barometer, ,30.10; le'mpor-u're 58; sea smooth. atiir ; UV.M. .lUK.F.. Pp.m-uHaro n'lcter 3f. 1 0 ; t einpcrahlr7 K v BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL? National League Hro'oklyn 3-0, Hostoii 1-1. Chicago 5, Cincinnati 3,- ' Others postponed. American League' Cleveland 3, Chicago' 5 Others postpoticd. After Arduous anl M ich Delayed Flight Up Coast, Whale Spott ng Plane Arrives Here from Victoria After an anions and much delayed trip up Ihe coast, LieuL J. A. Ileece arrived heie by airplane at 8 o'clock last night Trom Victoria en route to the Naden Harbor whaling station where he will be stationed this summer in connection with the "spotting" rtf ,,'lintn ttr Ilia lirifilif!nliil Wh:itiiti7 i.t irxu ir:i I ion nfld wilt also carry out certain work iii connection with the salmon patrol in lhal districL While on the flight from the south Toggy weather had been encountered, which had considerably delayed his arrival, and it .vas necessary lo make a landinsr - II .-UJ1III I'lrtUH". (Ill 114111 iaj, where he remained that nisht. ; Previous to that be bad been delayed for several days at Alert Hay. . II had been Lieqt. Ileeces In-tcntipn to hop-or early this morning for the islands,, but a eay to;.' prevented it. Tlie plane was towed by lender to the Digby (stand marine slation this morn-ins. where certain adjustments vvili be made. Lieut. Iteece will eo ilufiie (he flight to Naden Harbor early tomorrow morning, wea ther permit tinr. HALIBUT ARRIVALS TODAY 134,000 LBS. and T 5.3c and 'Jc for Canadian I he day s arrivals were as fol lows: American Alaska, 05,000 pounds, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Tahoma, 12,000 pounds, lo the Hooth Fisheries Co. Canadian Dolphin, 17,500 pounds, and Cavgeon, 8,000 pounds, to, the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co Selma, 12.000 pounds and Kiiig leader, T,S0O pounds, to the Atlin I-isheries. iluth. 2,000 pounds, lo the Hooth Fisheries. Nuba, 10,000 pounds, to the Huyal Fish Co. VETERAN JOURNAUStS HAVE BRITISH HOME LONDON. June 2t. Oakhill, at Ipswich, the beautiful residence and estate or the late Sir Daniel (iuddaid, has been offered lo Ilia Institute of Journalisls-by Thus, Parkingtou, u councillor of Ips. wieb, as a bolne for veteran newspaper writers or their de pcndeuls. The gift Was anmiuyced by Sir Itobert Hruce, editor of Ihe Ulas gOw Herald, pivsidenl of the in stilule at a luncheon in . his honor, and it was staletl that commiuee or uririsn ami over seas journalists, had been an. pointed o prepare : plans fpr ud minlslralion of the lioiiie. " A. Dinswall, formerly employ ed by the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co., sails this afternoon on the Prince Charles for Yah corner. Mrs. Dingwall and fam uy will join Dr. Dimgwall nt tho end of the mouth to lake uf their permanent residence in Ihs soulh. H. F. Pullen or Priiu Uunert was a registered hwA utUaspcT Park Lodge, Jasper Nallonal Park, Alberta, on JiineU REDUCTION IN POSTAL RATES Letters May Be Mailed For Two Instead of Three Cents After July 1. . Heductiun in letter rate of postage from three to two cents, as anilouuced in the Federal budget, goes into effect on July I. On and after that date the rate of postage on letters for Canada the United. tal;s, Mexico and.all. oilier places inllns North Ameri-Va'h (ntinent will.be two cent for 'acii ounce op'fractioa therei- Two American and SU Canadian ' .... . ... . i i ne iwo-ceni leuer raie win vessels Sold Their Catches at y on Mlm poA Jn Exchange ThlsMornlng. addressed to: Canada ror local 'delivery and to all places within llalibul arrivals marketed at!iilP Dominion: the United Slates. this port today totalled m,uou!vewroun(lian,i Moxlco. Hritlsh pounds, two American, vessels Ves Indies Hermuda, St. Kills, disposing of 75,000 pounds andiAntjfU;if Montserral, Dominica six Canadians landing- 5'J.OOO S;t I.npia Tt:irl,nilnrf 3I Vlnpnnl Prices were from 15.1c ;renada. Trinidad. IJahamas. Ja- and lie to 15.7c and 8c for Amer- ,,,-ira. iiriiuti r.nlana. Hrilih ican fish and from 14.1c lo liciiinmiiir .h Din ruin tin. minizon Republic, Dutch West Indies (Artiba, Honaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Martin. French West Indies (.Martinique, Guadeloupe , Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras Itepuhlic, Salvador, St. Pierre and Miquclon. MINIMUM WAGE LUMBER TRADE No Less Than 40c Per Hour May Be Paid After Nov. 1, Administration Board Rules. YANCOl Villi. June; 21. Effect-tive November 1. all men engaged In Ihe lumber Industry iii Hritlsh Columbia will receive a minimum wage of 10c peri; hour, It Is an nounced by the administration board of tlie new male minimum wiutc act. The order includes all operations in connection with logging, shingle mills, box fac lories, pulp and paper mills, ve neer plants and cooperages" in which industries approximately 10.000 persons are employed. JACK BARNSLEY RESIGNS POST Agent of Union Steamship Co. fop Eight Years Moves to Vancouver. Ja-k 'Harnsleyy who lias .acted us local aent for the Union Steamship Co and the Dominion Kxpress Co. for lh past, eight ysars. has resigned his position and will, in nil probability, be suo- ceeded by H. M, Smith, now acting purser On 1he-sleaupr Cardeiia. Mr. and Mfs. Harusley will lo eale lWrinanently, In Dm south. Mrs. Harusley. whri s now in Vancouver, will returu mVrlh prior lo finally moving. A X, m v 11 4-1 if: